Special Catalogue, incl. The Eduardo Cohen Collection (part 3)
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Lot# : 4298 Romania
1890/1891: Collection with unused and used multiples of the two 'Double Oval' issues, 1½ b. with Printed Matter usages, with 3 b. violet in an unused block of ten and block of eight used, registered cover with eight examples of the 5 b. emerald, registered cover from Balta with 10 b. vermilion (4), range of covers with mixed issue frankings and up-rated stationery usages, a few imperforate Proofs in un-issued colours etc. A fine lot for further specialised continuation with 50 covers/fronts/cards.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 3,800 CHFLot# : 4299 Romania
Austrian Post Offices 1837/1870c.: Collection with early BUKAREST handstamped covers, pair of two line 'Bukarest' covers, thereafter with fine range of usages from Berlad, Bottuschan Field Post Office, Consular P.O. in Botuschan with cover to Leipzig bearing 1864 10 s. blue pair and usages on piece (6), Bucharest with superb range incl. 1863 2 s. yellow (2) through to 15 s., 1864 Arms with covers to Vienna, Milan and Paris (2, one returned to Bucharest), two registered covers from Bucharest to Vienna, fine range of 1867 issue usages in Bucharest including covers (2), Galatz with range of 1864 issues incl. three colour frankings on piece (3), Giurgevo with 1864 issues on piece, Ibraila with fine 1863 15 s. used and piece with pair of 1863 3s., Jassy with fine range, Ploesti with Arms issue in black and 1867 issue cancelled in red (4), DDSG 10 kr. green on cover etc., a fine and most attractive lot (134 incl. 21 covers).Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 3,200 CHFLot# : 4300 Romania
Romanian Ottoman Post Office 1840/52c.: The collection of "Tartar Post" postal relay forms (7), each form struck on despatch and receipt with Type 1 Ottoman handstamp "An janib.." negative seal with wreath at base, each form detailing route times and amount of post carried, with negative handstamps from Kalas (Galatz) to Deraliye, Rustchuck (Bulgaria), Sealanik (Thessaloniki) and Sumnu; to Kalas from Deraliye, Edirne and Sumnu (Bulgaria). A scarce group.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 2,400 CHFLot# : 4301 Romania
1848/65c: Collection of printed forms all with handstamps including OPAHKO Cyrillic 'Franco' on cover, 1848 document with negative seal KARANTINA / GRUIA handstamp in black, 1859 document of receipt with 'Berlad / Moldova' cds and 'Waslui / Moldova' cds in green, another different 1859 form mailed between Fokschani and Jassy with similar datestamps, 1860's Postal receipt forms, a scarce group (14 items).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 4302 Romania
1852/59c.: Collection on leaves with the exceptional group of 12 entires / covers, all with Cyrillic oval framed FRANCO (OPAHKO) handstamps in black, with examples used from Berlad, Dorohoi, Falticeni, Focsani, Galatz, Jassy, Piatra and Tecuci (see Kiriac pages 70-71); generally fine to very fine strikes of these rare markings.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 8,500 CHFLot# : 4303 Romania
Maritime Mail 1872/1936c.: The collection (92 items) with 1872 'Farranga' cover carried on the Danube from Calafat to Braila bearing 1872 10 b. blue, 1876 cover with 5 b. pair tied "Braila-Galatz" TPO, fine study of the "Alexandria-Constanta" line with covers/cards (8), 1901 card with Turkey 10 pa. tied "Romania / Piroscafo Postale Italiano" in violet, "Smyrne-Constanta-Constantinople" line usages, "Tulcea-Galati' illustrated Ship cancellations on piece and cover, 1918 cover from German "Motorbootflotille" etc., generally fine, a superb collection for further specialised continuation.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 8,500 CHFLot# : 4304 Romania
Romanian Post Office in Constantinople 1896/1920: The collection of covers and cards (27) and stamps with some multiples, including 1896 set of three optd. in violet cancelled by Orient Express "Conspoli - Paris" oval datestamp (May 12) on cover to Corabia, further strike of this scarce oval marking on Romania 15 b. stationery card (July 1896) and further usage on 10 b. stationery card (April 1896); further covers with the 1896 issue, rare usages of un-overprinted Romanian adhesives on 1920 covers cancelled "Postes Roumaines / Constantinople" incl. one on Turkish stationery envelope, 1919 circular surcharge issue on covers and cards, a scarce group.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 4,200 CHF
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