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  • Lot# : 999 Italy

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    Catalogue# : 3
    1851: Cover from Milan to Naples franked by Lombardy Venetia 1850/54 15 c. red, Type III, tied by 'Milano' cds (20/12) in black, paid to the border only, struck with 'Too Late' DOPO LA / PARTENZA marking in red. Reverse with italic "Transito / per lo Stato Pontificio" in black (Van der Linden fig. 2822), rated 23 grana due on receipt (signed Ferchenbauer). Also a May 1851 entire from Naples to Verona  prepaid 5 grana to the Papal-Austrian border with same "Transito" marking on the reverse.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1000 Italy

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 4
    1851: Registered entire letter from Milan to Naples franked on reverse by 1850/54 30 c. brown tied by 'MILANO / 30-4' handstamp with RACCOMANDATA on front, prepaid to the Papal border with '3' (Kreuzer = 15 centesemi) in manuscript alongside the adhesive and struck twice with two line FRANCO / FRONTIERA in red (Van Der Linden fig. 1453A) applied in Milan. Reverse with Rome transit cds (May 5) and Naples arrival in red alongside manuscript rate table for a total of 47 grana to pay on arrival. An attractive and very scarce entire. Signed P. Vaccari.
    Starting bid : 700 CHF
    Hammer price : 850 CHF

    Lot# : 1001 Italy

    1828 (Aug 23): Entire letter from Castellamare di Stabia (Naples) to Rovigo via Rome and Ferrara, struck with framed "R / Stato Pontificio" handstamp in black (Van der Linden fig. 2465) on arrival in Rovigo. Prepaid 10 grana to the Papal-Austrian border including the 5 gr. transit fee and charged 2 kreuzer (10 centesemi) on arrival. The "R / Stato Pontificio" is a very rare marking only used in Rovigo.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1002 Italy

    1832 (May 16 & May 31): Entire letter from Naples to Florence, via Rome and Bologna and then re-directed to Milan, and a second entire letter by same route to Milan but re-directed to Geneva, Switzerland; each struck with Naples despatch in red; the earlier cover charged 23 Kreuzer due on receipt, the entire to Geneva being prepaid 10 grana to Austria with 16 Kreuzer due on receipt = 80 centesemi with annotations at upper left in manuscript. Fischer charged 40 sols (red ink manuscript) on arrival in Geneva (June 13). A fine and very attractive page.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1003 Italy

    1819 & 1844: Entire letters (2), both addressed to Palermo, the earlier entire struck on despatch with "Venezia" handstamp in black and rated '8' soldi prepaid to the Papal border, rated 28 grana in Naples and charged 44 grana (4 tarì 8 grana old style) on arrival; the later cover with Milano despatch datestamp and framed AFFRA.TA FRONTIERA handstamp (Van der Linden fig. 19A) both in red, charged 20 grana due on receipt. A fine and most attractive page.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1004 Italy

    1818 & 1845: Entire letters (2), both addressed to Sicily, the earlier entire to Palermo struck on despatch with "Venezia" handstamp in black and rated '4' soldi prepaid to the Papal border, rated 28 grana in Naples and charged 1 tarì 14 grana old style on arrival; the 1845 cover from Padova to Naples and re-addressed to Syracuse with a remarkable array of cancellations with FRANCA in red and two line PADOVA / 22 OTT despatch, Naples and Messina datestamps and framed CORRETTA (Corrected) and two crosses denoting the rate changes with '46' grana to pay on arrival.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1005 Italy

    1836 & 1840: Entire letters (2) with earlier cover from Palermo to Milan carried at double rate with '20' grana credit to Naples in manuscript and charged due on arrival at 32 Kreuzer, the reverse showing two line dated PALERMO despatch (Jan 14) in red and Milan arrival in black. 1840 entire mailed to Palermo with UDINE / 28 AGO despatch alongside FRANCA in red, prepaid 14 kreuzer to the Papal border struck with italic "Regno. Lo. Vo." in Ferrara in green ink (Van der Linden as fig. 2416-2418) and charged 40 grana due on receipt with red MSGA handstamp on front (Marchese San Giacinto Amministratore). A fine pair.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1006 Italy

    1818 & 1837: Entire letters (2) with 1818 cover from Naples to Reggio, Modena addressed to the Governor of the Province and struck on despatch with red two line datestamp (Aug 18) and oval AGDP control marking. Prepaid 10 grana to the Papal border and uncharged thereafter as Official mail; together with 1837 entire from Modena to Naples rated 154 grana on arrival with oval AGDP control marking in red. Re-directed to the small Papal enclave of Benevento and AGDP mark cancelled by "X" and framed CORRETTA handstamp (Corrected) in red but no apparent charge raised for re-direction. An attractive pair.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1007 Italy

    1827/1844: Entire letters (3) with 1827 prepaid entire from Trani to Reggio struck with framed "Trani" despatch in black with framed transit MODENA in red (April 9) rated at 10 grana; December 1833 entire from Reggio to Naples with oval framed REGGIO in red and oval AGDP control marking in red prepaid 32 centesemi to the border (signed Vaccari); and an 1844 entire from Reggio to Naples with similar markings, prepaid 16 centesemi and charged 15 grana on arrival.
    Starting bid : 350 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1008 Italy

    1828 & 1829: Entire letters (2) with 1828 entire from Modena to Catania, Sicily via Bologna and Rome, struck with MODENA straight line despatch in blue, prepaid 154 centesemi to the Papal border and struck with oval framed AGDP in Naples in transit, rated 24 grana to pay on arrival; 1829 prepaid entire from Palermo to Modena with PALERMO two line dated despatch in red (Feb 5), red oval AGDP applied on reverse in Naples and framed 'Modena' arrival in black (Feb 25), charged 25 centesemi due. Another scarce and attractive page.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1009 Italy

    1817/1851: Covers and entire letters (4) between Naples and Parma; with 1817 entire to Naples with straight line PIACENZA handstamp in red and Naples AGDP control handstamp in red (rare usage from the Duchy of Parma at this date), 1830 entire to Naples struck with oval dated PIACENZA handstamp (Feb 9) with red AGDP applied on arrival and charged 15 grana; 1840 cover from Naples to Parma with hexagonal AGDP marking in red charged 80 cents due on receipt and scarce 1851 Official cover from Parma to Naples with PARMA datestamp in black (Nov 5) and red oval AGDP marking, reverse with "Transito / Per Lo Stato Pontificio" in black charged 28 grana due on arrival. Condition varies, a scarce and attractive group.
    Starting bid : 450 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1010 Italy

    Roman-Tuscan Postal Convention 1849 (April 24): Entire letter from Prato to Wohlen, Switzerland prepaid 6 crazie to the Austrian border, struck with fine PRATO despatch cds in black, mailed via Florence and Bologna where struck with superb oval "PROVINCIA DI BOLOGNA / Disinfettata" handstamp (Meyer page 202) in blue-black. Reverse with Zurich cds in red (April 30) and thence to Wohlen where charged 18 kreuzer due in red manuscript.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 150 CHF

    Lot# : 1011 Italy

    1849 (June 16): Entire letter from Battaglia to Florence endorsed 'par Bologne', prepaid 6 Kreuzer to the Papal border, struck on despatch with fine BATTAGLIA / 16 GIU datestamp in green. The letter is addressed to Count Franz Emil Lorenz Wimpffen (1797-1870), Lieutenant in His Majesty the King of Bavaria's Dragoons, fighting with Austrian troops in the 1849 'Risorgimento' War against Sardinia.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 150 CHF

    Lot# : 1012 Italy

    1845 (Nov 11): Entire letter from Florence to the Grand Theatre in Venice discussing the Ballet, prepaid 4 crazie to the Papal border, with FIRENZE despatch cds in black and manuscript rate of 10 Kreuzer to pay on arrival. At left unusual and unrecorded oval "T. P." handstamp in green (possibly 'Transito Pontiificio').
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1013 Italy

    1841 (April 19): Prepaid cover from Rovigo to San Marino via Ferrara and Rimini, with large intaglio seal of the Scientific Academy in Rovugo at lower left, struck on despatch with ROVIGO / 19. APR.E and FRANCA in red. Two line REGNO / LOMBARDO VENETO struck in transit at Ferrara in red (Van der Linden fig. 2414) and charged '9' bajocchi in manuscript. On arrival in the Republic of San Marino (an independent state within Papal territory), the cover was re-directed to Arezzo, Tuscany and finally rated '13' crazie in red manuscript. Reverse with RIMINI straight line handstamp in black and arrival datestamp (May 7). A remarkable and extremely rare cover (believed unique) to San Marino at this date. Ex collection Zanetti. Signed Raybaudi.rn 
    Starting bid : 700 CHF
    Hammer price : 750 CHF

    Lot# : 1014 Italy

    1849 (Nov 12): Cover from Venice via Ferrara to Livorno, prepaid to the Tuscan border with '6' Kreuzer in manuscript, struck on despatch with VENEZIA / 12 NOV. despatch datestamp and straight line FRANCA alongside in red. Italic "Regno Lo Vo." transit applied at Ferrara in blue-green (Van der Linden figs. 2415-2418) at top and charged '8' crazie due on receipt.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1015 Italy

    1825/1849: Entire letters (3) with 1825 entire from Rovigo to Florence via Ferrara with AFFRANCATURA smudged handstamp and FERRARA transit in black; 1845 entire to Florence prepaid 6 Kreuzer with two line dated OSTIGLIA despatch (Sept 19) and FRANCA handstamp in black, with italic FRONTIERE in red alongside and charged 6 crazie due; 1849 prepaid entire to Reggio with PADOVA despatch (Jan 9), FRANCA and FRONTIERE and both in red. A fine trio.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1016 Italy

    1847 (Nov 16): Entire letter from Naples to Urbino, re-addressed to Florence, prepaid 5 grana on despatch and struck with circular 'Regia Posta Di Napoli' in green alongside octagonal framed AGDP in red, thence via Rome, Pesaro and Bologna (straight line 'Richiamata' applied in blue-black alongside Papal 13 bajocchi rating) with reverse showing straight line PESARO in black. In Florence framed "C.P." (Corrispondenza Pontificio) applied with cds (Nov 30) in black and charged '18' crazie due on receipt. 
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1017 Italy

    1845 : Entire letter from Livorno to Naples, prepaid in manuscript with '6' crazie at upper left and struck with Livorno datestamp in black (Dec 17), reverse with Naples arrival (Dec 22). The entire addressed to His Excellency the Prince of Scilla, Minister of Foreign Affairs in Naples and bears a further manuscript annotation at uper left 'p.8' in order that the State Treasury paid for the 8 grana due and not the recipient. A fine and attractive entire.rnrn 
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1018 Italy

    1846 : Cover from Livorno to Naples, prepaid in manuscript with '6' crazie at upper left and struck with Livorno datestamp in black (March 26), reverse with Naples arrival (April 1) in red. The cover is addressed to His Majesty Ferdinand II, King of Naples & the Two Sicilies in Naples and bears a further manuscript annotation at upper left 'p.8' in order that the State Treasury paid for the 8 grana due and not the recipient. A scarce entire.rnrn 
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1019 Italy

    1834/1842: Entire letters (3) between Tuscany and Naples, all three with fine AGDP oval handstamps in red, with 1834 entire from Naples to Fivizzano via Sarzana, rated at '10' grana in manuscript; 1838 entire from Naples to Lucca prepaid at 30 grana and charged '16' crazie due on receipt; 1842 entire from Lucca to Naples prepaid 6 soldi and charged '10' grana on receipt. A fresh and fine group.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1020 Italy

    1816 (Oct 22): Entire letter from Syracuse to Siena, Tuscany via Messina, Naples and Rome; prepaid to the border with manuscript '1.10' at upper left (1 Tarí 10 grana, old style = 15 grana) and straight line MESSINA in red of transit, with reverse showing Naples transit datestamp in red (Nov 5) and scarce heart shaped SIENA / 44 handstamp in red (44th week of the year).
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1021 Italy

    1833 & 1851: Entire letters (2) with 1833 entire from Florence to Catania struck with FIRENZE straight line in black prepaid '2' crazie in manuscript with reverse showing oval AGDP marking in red and Naples transit (May 25) charged 18 grana due on arrival; September 1851 entire from Palermo to Leghorn prepaid 40 grana in manuscript and struck on front with italic "Transito / per lo Stato Pontificio" in black (Van der Linden fig. 2822). Charged 14 crazie due on arrival.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1022 Italy

    1851 (April 5): Entire letter from Castelbuono to Pitigliano endorsed 'Cefalú, Palermo, Napoli, Firenze' at lower left, with framed CEFALÚ handstamp in black, prepaid 12 grana in manuscript. Struck in transit with italic "Transito / per lo Stato Pontificio" in black (Van der Linden fig. 2822). Rated 8 crazie due on receipt with arrival datestamp in blue (April 20) on reverse.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1023 Italy

    1822 & 1841: Entire letters (2) with earlier 1822 entire from Naples to Lucca (Independent State up to October 1847 when included within Tuscany), prepaid 10 grana and struck with oval AGDP on front and Naples despatch datestamp (May 13) in red on reverse; and 1841 entire from Naples to Lucca (re-directed to Florence) with octagonal AGDP and despatch datestamp on reverse in red (Aug 3) charged on arrival in red crayon '£ 1.5' (Lucca lucshese = approximately 8 crazie in Tuscan currency). A fine and unusual pair.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1024 Italy

    1837: Entire letter from Lucca (Independent State up to October 1847 when included within Tuscany) addressed to Palermo, Sicily and struck with two line dated LUCCA despatch in black (Dec 23). Prepaid to the Papal border at 3 crazie (Tuscan currency), and struck on reverse with ALBANO  straight line of transit in black. Charged 10 grana in Naples with datestamp in red, struck on arrival with 'M.S.G.A.' control handstamp (Marchese San Giacionto Amministratore) of the Postal director in Palermo in red. Minor faults but a rare usage.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1025 Italy

    1836 (April 12): Entire letter from Florence to Trieste prepaid 8 crazie to the Austrian border, with FIRENZE straight line handstamp of despatch in black, further struck with "T.R." in black (Tassa Rettificata / Corrected Rate) and manuscript '54' (Kreuzer) deleted and altered to '36' kreuzer alongside the 'T.R.' marking. Reverse with straight line 'Triest' arrival (April 16). An unusual cover.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1026 Malta

    1847 (Oct 7): Entire letter from Malta (double ring despatch cds on reverse) to Brünn, Austria endorsed 'per Livorno, Wien' in manuscript, with circular LIVORNO / VIA DI MARE / C in black and transit datestamp verso (Oct 20) and italic "Diritto Toscano £ 1" (= 12 crazie credit to Tuscan P.O. from Austria). Thence via Bologna, Venice, Laibach and Vienna to Brünn (Oct 28) where charged 36 Kreuzer due from the recipient. Fine and most unusual entire.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 220 CHF

    Lot# : 1027 Algeria

    1849: Cover from Algiers to Rome, re-directed to Florence, carried on Bazin Line ship 'Sphinx' and struck with ALGER / MARSEILLE cds in black (May 5, month date-slug inverted), thence with VIA DI NIZZA handstamp in black to Genoa where circular CORRSP. EST.A DA GENOVA applied in black and on to Civitavecchia (handstamp of transit on reverse) and Rome (May 19) with cds in black. Framed 'C.P.' (Credito Pontificio) applied in Rome in black and eventually charged 41 crazie due on arrival in Florence. Minor edge wear but scarce.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 340 CHF

    Lot# : 1028 Italy

    Tuscan-Sardinian Postal Convention 1835 & 1837: Entire letter to Nice, Sardinia struck with framed 'Foggia' despatch in red, prepaid '15' grana to the Papal border, charged '21' soldi due on receipt; also an 1837 cover from Naples to Laguieglia near Genova with two oval framed AGDP markings in red and struck on flap (displays well) with Arms above NETTA FUORI / E SPORCA DENTRO disinfection cachet in black applied in Rome; charged '17' crazie due on arrival in manuscript.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1029 Italy

    1851: Entire letter from Lavagna to Palermo, Sicily franked by Sardinia 1851 20 c. blue tied in black with LAVAGNA datestamp alongside (Oct 29), prepaying the internal postage to the Tuscan border. The adhesive also tied by italic "Transito / per lo Stato Pontificio" in black (Van der Linden fig. 2822) in Rome. Charged '8' grana in Naples with '13' at upper left in red manuscript for the amount due in grana on delivery in Palermo. A rare entire - the first issue of Sardinia is rare used outside the State during the first year of use. Signed Vaccari.
    Starting bid : 900 CHF
    Hammer price : 900 CHF

    Lot# : 1030 Italy

    1840: Entire letter from Geneva to Naples struck on despatch with 'GENEVE / 7 Fev 1840' despatch datestamp in black, prepaid to the Sardinian border with VIA DI / S. JULIEN handstamp (Van der Linden fig. 2936) applied in Turin, circular CORRISP. EST.A DA GENOVA in black and thence via closed Mail to Naples (Feb 17) with red datestamp of arrival on reverse and framed AGDP oval handstamp applied in red on front. Charged 28 grana due from the recipient.rnrnNote: According to the Postal Convention between Sardinia & Geneva signed in 1831, mail from Geneva were consigned without debit to Sardinia.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1031 Italy

    1849: Cover from Aigle to Naples struck on despatch with AIGLE cds in black (Nov 3), prepaid 12 kreuzer to the Sardinian border with rare "P" in black applied in Lausanne (Van der Linden fig. 2071). Carried in closed Mail through Parma, Modena and Papal States disinfected against cholera by toasting (probably in Rome) and slitted on front panel. Addressed to the Director of Posts in Naples and thus not charged on arrival with '72' bajocchi credit notation for the Papal States. A scarce cover.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1032 Italy

    Roman-Austrian Postal Convention 1836 (Sept 13): Registered entire letter from Vienna to Naples addressed to Madame the Countess de la Tour at the Royal Palace, struck with oval framed "WIEN / Recomandirt" in black and prepaid 18 kreuzer to the Papal border (postage 14 kr. + 4 kr. registration). Reverse with disinfection cachet applied in Rome with Arms and NETTA FUORI / E SPORCA DENTRO in black. Red arrival datestamp on reverse (Sept 24) and charged 30 grana due to pay. A fine and scarce entire.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1033 Italy

    1841 (June 25): Registered / Acknowledgement of Receipt cover from Gratz addressed to King Ferdinand II, King of Naples & the Two Sicilies and Jerusalem in Naples, prepaid 32 kreuzer and struck with FRANCO and RECOMMANDIRT straight line handstamps alongside "Gratz / 25. Jun" despatch all in red. In Venice struck with italic "Antiche / provincie aust." in blue (Van der Linden fig. 206). Reverse with 'Recomandirt / Triest' datestamp (June 27) and Naples arrival (July 5) in red. Charged '60' grana due on arrival at upper left. A few slight imperfections but a rare and appealing cover.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 300 CHF

    Lot# : 1034 Italy

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 5
    1849 & 1851: Covers (2) to Naples with 1849 entire letter prepaid 12 kreuzer from Brünn with two line despatch handstamp in blue-green and FRANCO in red, italic "Antiche / provincie aust." in black (Van der Linden fig. 206) struck in transit in Venice and oval framed AGDP control handstamp of arrival in red; also a stamped 1851 cover to Naples franked by fine 1850/54 9 kr. blue tied by 'Triest' despatch cds (Feb 17) in black struck with italic "Transito / per lo Stato Pontificio" in transit in Rome. Reverse with Mantova transit cds (Feb 19) in black and charged 29 grana due on arrival. A fine and appealing pair.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 340 CHF

    Lot# : 1035 Italy

    1815/49: Covers/entire letters (12) all between Austria & Naples in either direction, with 1815 entire from Naples to Steyr with framed NAPOLI in red, charged 16 kreuzer on arrival and 1816 cover from Triest to Naples prepaid 16 kreuzer and charged 20 grana due on receipt; 1819 entire from Vienna addressed to the Princess of Liechtenstein in Naples with oval WIEN despatch prepaid to the border at 14 kreuzer; covers (5) with framed "V / Stato Pontificio" handstamps (Van der Linden fig. 2962) applied in Venice in black or blue. A fine and interesting group.
    Starting bid : 600 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1036 Italy

    1840: Cover from Vienna addressed to Madame the Countess de la Tour at the Royal Palace in Naples, prepaid to the border at 18 kreuzer (postage 14 kr. + registration 4 kr.) and struck with italic "Franco" in red and WIEN / RECOMMANDIRT / 22. SEP. handstamp in black. "Antiche / provincie aust." applied in transit in Mantua (Van der Linden fig. 206) in green and reverse with Naples arrival (Oct 3) in red and charged 40 grana to pay. A fine and appealing cover.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1037 Italy

    1 / 3
    Catalogue# : 5
    1847/51: Covers/entire letters (5) used between Austria and Naples, with 1846 entire to Triest with framed CATANZARO despatch in red and framed "V / Stato Pontificio" in blue applied in Venice, 1847 entire from Triest to Rotonda with fair "Antiche / provincie aust." applied in transit in Venice (Van der Linden fig. 207) in blue, 1851 covers (3) with two prepaid to the border and franked by Austria 1850/54 9 kr. blue used from Triest to Naples with "Transito / per lo Stato Pontificio" handstamps (Van der Linden fig. 2822) in black.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 400 CHF

    Lot# : 1038 Italy

    1851: Entire letter prepaid from Triest to Bari endorsed 'Col Vapore del Lloyd via di Molfetta' at top, struck on despatch with 'Triest / Franco' datestamp (Aug 18) and FRANCO alongside in red. Rated 3 kr. local postage + 9 kr. Lloyd ship fee, thence via Mail Coach from Molfetta to Bari where charged 10 grana due to pay.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 150 CHF

    Lot# : 1039 Italy

    Austria Field Post Office in Naples 1824 (Nov 21): Entire letter from Naples to Vienna marked  'Escoffo'  at lower left and sent unpaid from a member of the Austrian 4th Regiment of Infantry, struck with oval 'K. K. / HAUPTFELDPOST / AMT' in black. Carried by Austrian Courier through Rome, Bologna, Venice and Trieste to Vienna where taxed at 28 kreuzer due for a double rate letter and 2 kr. local delivery fee. A scarce entire.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1040 Italy

    Austria Field Post Office in Naples 1822 (Sept 18): Entire letter addressed to a serving Captain of the 2nd Regiment in Naples, struck on despatch with oval framed 'N. MAHALY' handstamp in black on despatch, and endorsed via 'Wien, Verona' at lower left in manuscript. Prepaid to the border at 14 kreuzer (single rate) and carried by Austrian courier post through the Papal States to Naples. File fold but a scarce entire.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 320 CHF

    Lot# : 1041 Italy

    Austria Field Post Office in Naples 1828: Printed postal form with Royal Arms at top, charting outgoing and incoming letters to the Austrian Military Post Office in Naples in July 1828, with a listing of 50 letters charged a total amount of 133 kreuzers. Some minor aging but a rare document.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1042 Italy

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 5
    1850: Entire letter from Vienna to Palermo, Sicily prepaid to the Papal border with 1850/54 9 kr. blue tied by boxed WIEN / 10 SEP datestamp in black. Charged '21' grana in manuscript at Naples and increased to '28' grana to pay on arrival in Palermo, with MSAG control marking applied in Palermo on obverse in red and AGDP control marking applied in Naples (Sept 19) on reverse in red.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 150 CHF

    Lot# : 1043 Italy

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 5
    1850: Cover from Vienna to Messina, Sicily prepaid to the Papal border with fine 1850/54 9 kr. blue tied by boxed WIEN / 22 SEP datestamp in black. Charged '21' grana in manuscript at Naples with no apparent increment for the additional journey to Messina. Struck in transit with "STATI / EREDITARI AUSTRIACI" applied in Ferrara (Van der Linden fig. 2568) in black and italic "Transito / per lo Stato Pontificio" in Rome (Van der Linden fig. 2822) in black.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 160 CHF

    Lot# : 1044 Italy

    1851 (April 16): Second page of entire letter from Catania to Trieste endorsed 'via Venezia coi vapori Lloyd Austr.', prepaid 24 grana to Papal border, struck on despatch with fine oval CATANIA handstamp in black, thence via Messina with transit datestamp (April 18) in red and Rome where italic "Transito / per lo Stato Pontificio" applied (Van der Linden fig. 2822) in black. Reverse with Verona transit and Trieste arrival cds (May 1) and charged 13 kreuzer due to pay.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1045 Italy

    1834/1843: Entire letters/covers (4) with 1834 and 1843 entires from Palermo or Messina to Vienna or Triest each struck in transit with framed "V / Stato Pontificio" in blue applied in Venice (Van der Linden fig. 2962); 1840 entire from Triest to Palermo prepaid 14 kr. to Papal border struck in transit with "Antiche / provincie aust." in green in Venice (fig. 207) and a similar 1843 cover mailed in the other direction with the same transit with rate changes and struck with "Corretta" (corrected) oval handstamp in red applied in Naples. A fine and unusual group.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1046 Italy

    1846 (Nov 12): Cover from Munich to Naples and returned back to Munich, struck on despatch with MUNCHEN / 12 NOV 1846 datestamp in black and 'B.O.C' instructional handstamp (Bayerisch Oesterreichische Convention) in black (Van der Linden fig. 648). Prepaid 6 kr. to the Papal border and struck in Mantua with "Transito / per l'Austria" (fig. 2820) in black and charged on arrival in Naples (Nov 25) at 38 grana to pay. Re-directed back to Munich with red AGDP cancelled by "X" handstamp in black and framed "Corretta" (corrected) handstamp applied over the '38' grana charge. Eventually returned by the same route to Munich where charged 1 gulden 12 kr. due in manuscript at right. An extraordinary cover.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 300 CHF

    Lot# : 1047 Italy

    1839: Entire letters (2), with May 1839 entire from the Württemberg Consul in Naples to Stuttgart (Württemberg) struck with framed octagonal AGDP in red and two line dated Napoli despatch on reverse (May 7) in red, prepaid 15 grana to the Austrian border. Manuscript '20' Austrian kreuzer credit at top, erased and charged on arrival at '24' kreuzer (Rheinish) with '24/0' in red crayon (no charges to pay as the addressee was the Minister of Foreign Affairs); together with 1839 entire, slight acid ink fault, mailed in the other direction cancelled at Munich (Sept 13) in black and struck on receipt (Sept 26) with oval red AGDP and charged '46' grana in manuscript. A scarce pair.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 340 CHF

    Lot# : 1048 Italy

    1850: Entire letter from Neu-Ulm to Messina, Sicily struck on despatch with half-round NEU-ULM datestamp (13/11) in black, endorsed 'Frc. Grze' at lower left (France Grenze) and prepaid 10 kreuzer to the Papal border. Struck with "Transito / per l'Austria" in black at Mantua (Van der Linden fig. 2820) and on arrival (Nov 23) with oval framed AGDP control marking in red and Napoli cds on reverse, charged '38' grana due in manuscript from recipient.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 190 CHF

    Lot# : 1049 Italy

    1850: Cover from Stuttgart to Messina, Sicily struck on despatch with STUTTGART cds (Aug 5) in red, prepaid 10 kreuzer inclusive of Swiss transit to Papal border, struck on arrival (Aug 15) with red Napoli cds and oval AGDP in red, charged '38' grana in manuscript from amount due from recipient.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 190 CHF

    Lot# : 1050 Italy

    1825 & 1831: Entire letters (2) from Naples to Dresden or Herrnhut in Saxony, earlier entire to the Major Domo of the Princess of Saxony in Dresden, prepaid 15 grana to Austrian border, struck with AGDP oval control marking in red with "V / Stato Pontificio" handstamp in red applied in Venice (Van der Linden fig. 2962) and charged 6 groschen on arrival in red crayon; 1831 similar entire to Herrnhut with "V / Stato Pontificio" handstamp in black and rastel punched for disinfection against the European Cholera outbreak, charged 7½ groschen to pay on arrival. A fine pair.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1051 Italy

    1829 & 1832: Entire letter and cover (2) to and from Naples and Württemberg, earlier entire to Cannstadt struck with Napoli despatch (July 30) and oval AGDP control marking in red prepaid 15 grana to the Austrian border, with variety of rate annotations mailed through Venice and Schaffhausen, Switzerland and charged 38 kreuzer due on arrival; 1832 cover sent registered with "STUTTGART / Chargé" despatch in black and two line dated handstamp (Jan 21), mailed free to the Austrian border as addressed to the Württemberg Agent in Naples, disinfected in Rome against Cholera with Arms above NETTA FUORI / E SPORCA DENTRO in black and overall toasting. Charged (for 30 gram weight + registration) at 245 grana due from recipient. A fine page.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 500 CHF

    Lot# : 1052 Italy

    1851: Cover from Coethen, Prussia addressed to 'La Majesté La Reine Des Deux Siciles' in Naples, struck with framed COETHEN / STADT despatch (Dec 11) in black, reverse with 'Berlin / Breslau' and 'Breslau / Oderberg' and circular 'Bahnhof / Laibach' (17/12) transits, with italic "Transito / per lo Stato Pontificio" handstamp applied in Rome (Van der Linden fig. 2822) in black. Naples arrival (Oct 26) in red below. No charge raised on receipt due to the royal addressee, Maria Cristina, Pricess of Savoy and Queen of the Two Sicilies.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1053 Italy

    1847: Cover, repaired tear at top, mailed from Kiel to Baron Ressen, Chevalier of the Order of St. John in Naples, struck with KIEL datestamp of despatch (Dec 14) and two line DANEMARCK / PAR HAMBOURG above (Van der Linden fig. 896), reverse with 'Hamburg / T&T' datestamp (15/12) all in black. Mailed via Prussia and Austria and prepaid '8' skilling in red manuscript. On arrival charged '38' grana due in manuscript.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 320 CHF

    Lot# : 1054 Italy

    1841 & 1836: Cover from Naples to Detmold, Principality of Lippe (under Thurn & Taxis for postal arrangements), addressed to Prince Leopold IV of Lippe, struck with octagonal framed AGDP control handstamp in red and prepaid to the Austrian border at 20 grana, with manuscript '12' (kreuzer credit to Austria) and Thurn & Taxis charge of 7¼ silver groschen to pay on receipt; and an 1836 entire letter from Naples to Hamburg prepaid 15 grana with oval AGDP control in red, rated 24 Lübeck schilling to pay on receipt (Dec 6) at Thurn & Taxis P.O. in Hamburg. A fine and scarce page.
    Starting bid : 350 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1055 Italy

    1815 & 1819: Entire letters (2), earlier September 1815 entire from Naples to Meissen, Saxony endorsed 'via Augusta' (Augsburg) at lower left, struck with framed NAPOLI despatch in red with variety of rates in manuscript and charged 10 gute groschen on arrival; together with an 1819 entire letter from Dresden, Saxony to Naples (addressed to Baron Davide de Winspeare) with Dresden despatch datestamp (April 16) in black struck on arrival with AGDP oval control marking and arrival datestamp (May 9) on reverse in red.
    Starting bid : 350 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1056 Italy

    1818 & 1819: Entire letters (2) between Dresden, Saxony and Naples, earlier entire from Naples to Dresden prepaid 20 grana to Austrian border and struck with oval AGDP control mark in red on despatch (Aug 4), struck in transit at Verona with scarce "P.B." (Passe Bavière) in red (Van der Linden fig. 2189) and Bavarian 36 kreuzer credit in manuscript on front alongside '12' groschen charge for the recipient on arrival; with 1819 entire letter from Dresden to Baron Davide de Winspeare in Naples with framed 'Dresden' despatch in black (Aug 2) and rated 36 grana to pay on arrival with faint AGDP in red above.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 300 CHF

    Lot# : 1057 Italy

    1844 (March 31): Entire letter from Messina to Herrnhut, Saxony struck with octagonal framed AGDP control mark on despatch, with Naples transit datestamp (April 20) on reverse. Prepaid 10 grana tro the Austrian border, routed via Rome, Verona, Vienna and Prague. On arrival '63' manuscript notation in red crayon for the 63 pfennige (6 neu groschen + 3 pfennige) due.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1058 Italy

    1846: Entire letter from Hamburg to Palermo, Sicily, a few acid ink faults, struck on despatch with HAMBURG / T&T cds in black (25/11), mailed via Prussia, Bavaria, Austria, Papal States; prepaid at '9' Hamburg Schilling in manuscript on reverse, with Naples transit datestamp alongside (Dec 9) in red. Rated '38' grana due in Naples and this deleted on arrival in Palermo where MSAG applied in red and charged '45' grana due from recipient.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 240 CHF

    Lot# : 1059 Italy

    1851: Cover from Aachen, Prussia to Messina, Sicily struck on despatch with 'Aachen' cds in black (Feb 1), prepaid 4¾ silver groschen in manuscript crayon, mailed via Milan with italic "Transito / per lo Stato Pontificio" in black applied in Rome (Van der Linden fig. 2822) and thereafter with oval red AGDP control handstamp in red applied in Naples with '38' grana charge raised. Internal stiffening on file fold but an attractive cover.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1060 Italy

    1821 (June 30): Entire letter written from Mola di Gaeta, Naples to the Countess de Gorcey in Greiz, Voightland, Duchy of Reuss-Greiz (under Thurn & Taxis), struck with MOLA DI GAETA despatch handstamp in black, endorsed 'per Roma, Padova, Inssbruck, Munich, recomandée' at left; however the entire travelled via Milan, Schaffhausen, Switzerland, Baden and Bavaria. Prepaid originally at 15 grana to the Austrian border, struck with "ROM" (Romagne) handstamp in red in Milan (Van der Linden fig. 2450A) and charged a total due of '12' kreuzer on arrival. A fine entire.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1061 Italy

    1824 (Nov 3): Entire letter written from Naples to the Countess de Gorcey in Greiz, Voightland, Duchy of Reuss-Greiz (under Thurn & Taxis), struck with Napoli despatch in red on reverse and oval AGDP on obverse, endorsed 'per Roma, Padova, Inssbruck, Munich', prepaid 15 grana to the Austrian border, carried as per endorsement with framed "V / Stato Pontificio" in red (Van der Linden fig. 2962) applied in Venice. Charged at 12 kreuzer due on arrival.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1062 Italy

    1832 & 1851: Entire letters (2) from Naples to Cologne (Cöln), each prepaid 15 grana to the Austrian border, the 1832 entire struck with Napoli datestamp on reverse and AGDP control marking in red on front, mailed via Rome, Ferrara, Verona, Austria and Bavaria, charged 12 silver groschen on arrival; 1851 entire to same addressee and similarly cancelled on despatch (May 18) carried via Rome with "Transito / per lo Stato Pontificio" in black (Van der Linden fig. 2822). Reverse with 'Innsbruck' transit (May 28) and Coeln arrival (May 31) and charged 3 silver groschen due. A fine and scarce pair.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 340 CHF

    Lot# : 1063 Italy

    1843 & 1846: Entire letter and covers (2), both mailed to Gera, Saxony, the 1843 entire struck by octagonal AGDP control marking and Napoli despatch (May 30) on reverse in red, prepaid 15 grana to the Austrian border, routed via Rome, Ferrara, Venice and Austria (note manuscript "Prag" at top) to Gera where charged 7¾ silver groschen to pay; 1846 cover to same addressee with same despatch markings (April 15) in red and additional circular 'Regia Posta Di Napoli' in blue, prepaid 10 grana to Austrian border, with reverse showing Gera arrival (April 29) in black and charged 6¼ silver groschen to pay. A fine and scarce  pair.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 340 CHF

    Lot# : 1064 Italy

    1848: Cover from Naples to the 'Members of the Council of War' in Fribourg, Canton Fribourg, Switzerland struck with oval seal of the 2nd Swiss Division of the Army of King Ferdinand II on front and back in black, prepaid 20 grana to the Austrian border, struck on despatch with Napoli datestamp on reverse (Sept 22) and on front with octagonal AGDP control marking in red, struck in transit in Milan with oval "L.T." (Lettera Transito) in red. Charged due '42' kreuzer in manuscript on arrival. A rare and most unusual cover from the Swiss Division serving under Fredinand II during the 1848 revolution (protesters in Sicily by this time had already won a separate Independent Government).
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1065 Italy

    1834: Entire letter from Nocera, Naples to Estavayer-le-Lac, Canton Fribourg, Switzerland with delightful printed inside showing an engraving of the Queen's School in Naples, prepaid to the Austrian border at 15 grana, struck on despatch with faint oval framed NOCERA handstamp with Napoli datestamp (July 18) on reverse in red. Transit in Milan with oval "L.T." (Lettera Transito) in red and charged due '30' kreuzer in manuscript. An unusual entire.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1066 Italy

    1844: Entire letter from Burgdorf, Canton Bern to Naples struck on despatch with fine BURGDORF cds in black (Jan 6), prepaid '12' in manuscript (kreuzer) on reverse as far as the Austrian border, thence carried via Arona and Milan where oval framed 'LT' applied in red (Lettera Transito). On arrival struck with oval framed AGDP in red and Napoli cds (Jan 17) in red on reverse, charged 29 grana due from recipient.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1067 Italy

    1821 & 1850: Covers (2) to Switzerland, with 1821 cover from Messina to Basle 'via Milano' cancelled by straight line MESSINA despatch in red prepaid 15 grana to the Austrian border with Napoli datestamp verso (Sept 18), MILANO / L.T. in red (Lettera Transito) and rated at '20' kreuzer due on receipt; and 1850 cover from Palermo to Kerns, Canton Obwalden, with faint despatch in red on reverse (Oct 8) prepaid 24 grana to the Austrian border, mailed via Milan and charged 35 rappen due upon receipt. A scarce pair.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1068 Italy

    1851: Entire letter and covers (2) to and from Naples and Switzerland, with cover to Naples struck on despatch with BERN datestamp (Feb 1) and ZU SPÄT (Too Late) alongside, prepaid 8 kreuzer / 20 rappen to the border, thence via Rome where "Transito / per lo Stato Pontificio" applied in black (Van der Linden fig. 2822). and charged 45 grana due on receipt; and 4 November 1851 entire to Wohlen with AGDP control marking in red and 'Regia Posta di Napoli' in blue, same "Transito" handstamp in black, reverse with Luzern cds in red (Nov 13) and charged '14' kreuzer due on receipt.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1069 Italy

    1815 (Jan 2): Cover from Bern to Naples, prepaid 66 kreuzer (¾ ounce) to the Papal border (endorsed 'franco frontière') struck with BERN straight line in black on despatch, 'Milano / L.T' (Lettera Transito) in red, and '48' grana due on arrival (Jan 8). Struck in Naples with scarce DI SERVIZIO in red indicating the fee was charged to the Government as addressed to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. A fine cover.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1070 Italy

    1833 & 1836: Entire letters (2) from Naples to Switzerland, with 1833 entire from Naples to Lucerne, prepaid 15 grana to Austrian border, struck with oval red AGDP control marking and Napoli despatch (June 27) on reverse, thence via Milan with oval 'LT' in red (Lettera Transito) and charged '10' kreuzer due on receipt; 1836 entire letter from Naples to Geneva with same markings but showing '4' kreuzer credit to Wallis for transit and charged 24 sols due on receipt.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 300 CHF

    Lot# : 1071 Italy

    1831 & 1835: Entire letters (2) from Naples to Switzerland both endorsed 'franco frontière', 1831 entire from Naples to Appenzell prepaid 15 grana to Austrian border, with AGDP control mark and despatch datestamp (July 2) in red, mailed via Rome and Milan where oval 'L.T.' struck in red ( 'Lettera Transito'), charged 14 kreuzer due on receipt (11 kr. credit to Zurich); and 1835 entire cancelled by weak 'Nocera' in red with Napoli transit datestamp (Feb 14), mailed to Payerne, Canton Vaud with Milan 'L.T.' in red and charged 40 sols due - the inside of the entire with fine engravings of the Greek Temples at Paestum.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1072 Italy

    1817/1842: Entire letters/covers (6) to and from Naples & Switzerland, all mailed via Milan with either 'Milano / LT' or oval 'L.T.' handstamps in red, with 1817 and 1827 covers to Naples from Rohrschach and Bern the latter cancelled by BERN in black and addressed to Comte Alfred de Neipperg in the King's Cavalry carried by the Fischer post; four covers from Naples to Canton Glarus or Basle each struck on despatch with oval or octagonal AGDP markings in red showing a variety of different charges raised on arrival. A fresh and very fine group.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1073 Italy

    1819 & 1825: Entire letters (2) from Naples to Francomont, now Belgium, with 1819 entire endorsed 'via Milano & Zurigo', prepaid 15 grana to Austrian border, struck with Napoli despatch (March 19) and AGDP control marking in red, transit cancellation 'ROM' ('Romagne') struck in black (rare) in Milan (Van der Linden fig. 2450A). Framed entry marking "Duitsch-Grensk: / te Henri Chapelle" on reverse in black (fig. 998), total charge due of 14 stuyvers. 1825 entire prepaid 20 grana endorsed 'voie France' canelled by framed 'I.T.' and "Due Sicil." in black in Milan (Van der Linden figs. 1775A, 995A) and 'ROM' in red. Thence with AUTRICHE / PAR HUNINGUE in red (fig. 399) and reverse with FRANKRYK / OVER DINANT entry mark (fig. 1526) in black, charged at total of 19 décimes due. A fine and rare pair.
    Starting bid : 350 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1074 Italy

    1821/1836: Entire letters (4) from Naples to Francomont, now Belgium, all with Napoli datestamps of despatch and AGDP control markings in red and all charged differing sums due on arrival in Francomont, with 1821 entire endorsed 'via Verona' with 'ROM' (Romagne) struck in red (Van der Linden fig. 2450A) and framed entry marking "Duitsch-Grensk: / te Henri Chapelle" on reverse in black (fig. 998), 1827 entire endorsed 'voie de France' but carried by the same route; and two 1836 entires, one struck with framed ALLEMAGNE / PAR HERVE entry mark (fig. 78) in red. A fine group.
    Starting bid : 350 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1075 Italy

    1846 & 1848: Entire letters (2) both from the Consul of the Two Sicilies in Amsterdam with black cachets on reverse, addressed to the Duke of Scilla, Minister of Foreign Affairs in Naples, each prepaid 75 cents and struck with AMSTERDAM cds in blue and italic "Franco / Füssen" in blue (Van der Linden fig. 1462) on despatch, the earlier entire struck with "Transito / per l'Austria" in Mantua (fig. 2820) in black; the 1846 cover (illustrated in Vollmeier, page 1058) charged at 50 grana due on arrival and the 1848 entire charged at 38 grana due. A fine pair.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1076 Italy

    1830 (Dec 10): Entire letter from the Consul of the Two Sicilies in Amsterdam with black cachet on reverse, addressed to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in Naples, struck with AMSTERDAM cds and "Franco / Füssen" on despatch in red (Van der Linden fig. 1462), prepaid 75 cents to Austrian border. Charged 46 grana on arrival (Dec 25) but waived due to addressee with straight line DI RL. SERVIZIO in red at top. A fine and attractive entire.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 150 CHF

    Lot# : 1077 Italy

    1839 & 1845: Entire letters (2) from Amsterdam to Palermo, Sicily each prepaid 75 cents to the Austrian border and struck with AMSTERDAM cds and "Franco / Füssen" on despatch in blue (Van der Linden fig. 1462), the August 1839 cover with M.S.G.A. in red applied on arrival and charged 60 grana, the 1845 entire with both "T.A. / Germ.a via della / Svizz.a. Bav.a" in black applied in Milan (fig. 2749) and "Transito / per l'Austria" in black (fig. 2820) applied in Mantua, charged 46 grana due on receipt. A scarce pair.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 250 CHF

    Lot# : 1078 Italy

    1833 & 1844: Entire letters (2) from Naples to Brussels, with 1833 entire showing oval AGDP control marking and despatch in red (March 25) prepaid 15 grana to Austrian border, struck on reverse with framed ALLEMAGNE / PAR VERVIERS handstamp (Van der Linden fig. 91) in red and Bruxelles arrival cds in red (June 10) and charged 85 cents due; 1844 entire letter with circular 'Regia Posta Di Napoli' in blue and octagonal AGDP control mark in red struck in transit at Coblenz with oval JTALIEN handstamp in black (fig. 1840), reverse with 'Allemagne / Par Chemin de Fer' datestamp in green and arrival cds in blue, charged 18 décimes to pay. A fine and attractive pair.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 1079 Italy

    1842 (May 8): Entire letter from Messina to Francomont, now Belgium, with Messina despatch in red and endorsed 'per Ercolano' with corresponding VAPORE handstamp in red below, prepaid 48 grana. Naples transit on reverse and struck in transit at Coblenz with oval framed JTALIEN in black (Van der Linden fig. 1840). Charged 16 décimes due on arrival (May 23). A fresh and fine entire.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 190 CHF

    Lot# : 1080 Italy

    1833 & 1835: Entire letters (2) from Palermo to Francomont, now Belgium, with December 1833 entire containing cloth sample inside and endorsed as such at left, prepaid 20 grana with PALERMO and Napoli datestamps (Dec 20) on reverse in red, charged on arrival at 70 centimes; 1835 entire to same address prepaid 28 grana with Palermo despatch (Jan 12) in red and Verviers cds on reverse, charged '15' old stuyvers due on arrival. A fine page.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 220 CHF

    Lot# : 1081 Italy

    1839 & 1850: Entire letters (2) to or from Belgium and Sicily, with 1839 entire with striaght line MESSINA despatch and endorsed 'via Bolzano' and mailed via Füssen and Coblenz where oval JTALIEN handstamp applied in black (Van der Linden fig. 1840). Reverse with framed ALLEMAGNE / PAR VERVIERS entry marking (fig. 91) in red and charged 15 décimes due; 1850 entire, minor fault, mailed  from Antwerp to Messina with 'Anvers' despatch cds (Nov 9) in red, via Valnes, originally charged 23 grana due but altered as found to be double rate with "Corretta" in red and marked '50' grana due.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1082 Italy

    1850 (Dec 17): Entire letter from Copenhagen to Naples, with KJOBENHAVN despatch cds in blue, manuscript prepaid '29' rbs. to Hamburg and further annotated '54' at upper left for prepayment to the Papal border. Reverse with Danish P.O. in Hamburg cds in blue and 'Hamburg / T&T' cds in black (Dec 19), thence via Milan with cds on reverse in red (Dec 25) and Naples arrival in red, where charged 87 grana due for a two sheet entire. Rare and most appealing item.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 320 CHF

    Lot# : 1083 Italy

    1844 & 1846: Cover and entire letter, each from Naples to Denmark with 1844 cover from Danish Consulate in Naples (cachet on reverse) to Copenhagen struck with Napoli despatch datestamp (Oct 12) and octagonal framed AGDP control mark in red, thence via Thurn & Taxis P.O. in Hamburg (Oct 25) and charged 79 rbs. due on receipt; 1846 entire letter to Rosskilde with same despatch markings (Feb 19) in red, struck with 'Hamburg / T&T' cds in transit (March 4) and also charged '79' rbs. to pay on receipt.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1084 Italy

    1851 (May 28): Entire letter from Copenhagen to Messina, Sicily with 'Kjobenhavn' cds of depatch in black, endorsed 'p. Malmo' steamer to Hamburg and prepaid '64' rbs. for ship fee and onwards to the Papal border. Reverse with Danish KDOPA HAMBURG cds and 'Hamburg / T&T' cds in black; thence via Vienna with boxed datestamp on reverse (June 1) and Rome with italic "Transito / per lo Stato Pontificio" in black (Van der Linden fig. 2822). Charged 38 grana due in Naples and a further 7 grana due on arrival in Messina. A fine and scarce entire.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1085 Italy

    1836 (Jan 6): Entire letter from Messina to Copenhagen, Denmark with MESSINA despatch in red and prepaid 15 grana to the Austrian border, reverse with Napoli datestamp in red (Jan 13), struck with framed "V / Stato Pontificio" transit in blue in Venice (Van der Linden fig. 2962), thence via Thurn & Taxis P.O. in Hamburg. Charged 98 rbs. due on receipt ('21' Lubeck schilling = 67 rbs. + Ship Fee of 29 rbs. and 2 rbs. for local delivery). A fine and attractive entire.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1086 Italy

    1834 (Dec 4): Entire letter from Naples to Stockholm, Sweden prepaid 15 grana to Austrian border, endorsed 'p. Hambourg' at left and struck on despatch with Napoli datestamp and oval AGDP control marking in red. Framed "V / Stato Pontificio" transit in green in Venice (Van der Linden fig. 2962), thence via Berlin with cds (Dec 21) and Hamburg (Dec 23). Charged on arrival at 126 Skilling banco / 2 riksdaler 30 skilling with array of manuscript notations. A fine and rare entire.
    Starting bid : 350 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1087 Italy

    1843 (Dec 3): Cover from Stockholm to addressed to Minister of State's Office in Naples with cachet of the Consul of the Two Sicilies on reverse in red, struck with Stockholm cds of despatch in black and prepaid '24' sk. banco in manuscript with endorsement 'fr. Hborg. via Bajern' below. Reverse with KSNPC / HAMBURG (Dec 10) and struck in transit with "Transito / per l'Austria" in red at Mantua (Van der Linden fig. 2820). Charged due 60 grana on arrival but probably charged to the Government due to the Official addressee. A scarce cover.
    Starting bid : 350 CHF
    Hammer price : 420 CHF

    Lot# : 1088 Italy

    1845 (June 6): Entire letter from Naples to Gothenburg, Sweden with Napoli datestamp and octagonal control marking in red alongside circular 'Regia Posta di Napoli' in blue. Prepaid 7 grana to the Papal border, routed via Austria, Berlin with datestamp (June 18) and oval framed JTALIEN was applied in black (Van der Linden fig. 1838). Stralsund cds on reverse (June 21) and charged 65 skilling banco on arrival. A rare and fine cover.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 340 CHF

    Lot# : 1089 Italy

    1846 (March 16): Invoice from Messina to Norrköpping, Sweden struck with MESSINA datestamp in red on despatch, prepaid 10 grana to the Austrian border, Napoli datestamp of transit on reverse in red (March 18). Thence via Austria and Prussia with Berlin datestamp (March 30) and superb oval JTALIEN struck in black in Berlin (Van der Linden fig. 1838). Reverse with KSNPC / Hamburg datestamp in black and front with multitude of manuscript rates and a total charge due of 13 skilling banco / 1 riksdaler 33 sk. bco. A rare and appealing cover.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 320 CHF

    Lot# : 1090 Italy

    1825 (Sept 26): Cover from St. Petersburg sent registered to Colonel R. Winspeare, ADC to the Grand Duke Michael of Russia in Naples, struck with fair St. Petersburg despatch cds in black and prepaid 28 silver kopeks as far as the Austrian border. Manuscript "Lemberg ##" at top to denote registration in red crayon with "RUS." handstamp applied at Lemberg in black (Van der Linden fig. 2468). Reverse with VENEZIA / 25 OTT transit in red and Napoli arrival in red (Nov 1), where charged 40 grana to pay upon receipt. A scarce cover.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1091 Italy

    1826 (April 17): Entire letter from Naples to Riga endorsed 'per Rome, Vienna & Breslau' at base, struck on despatch with Napoli datestamp and oval AGDP control marking in red, prepaid 20 grana to Austrian border and struck with fair framed "V / Stato Pontificio" handstamp in red in Venice (Van der Linden fig. 2962). Reverse with fine strike of very scarce four line marking of the Russian Exchange Office in Radsiwilow in black and charged a total due of 158 kopeks. Rare.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1092 Italy

    1825 (Feb6): Cover from St. Petersburg sent registered to Colonel R. Winspeare, ADC to the Grand Duke Michael of Russia in Naples, struck with poor St. Petersburg despatch cds in black and prepaid 18 silver kopeks as far as the Austrian border. Manuscript "Lemberg ##" at top to denote registration in red crayon with "Russie." handstamp applied at Krakow in black (Van der Linden fig. 2470, possibly earliest recorded use). Reverse with VENEZIA / 2 MAR transit in red and Napoli arrival in red (March 9), where charged 60 grana to pay upon receipt. A scarce cover.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1093 Italy

    1829 (Oct 24): Entire letter from Naples to Moscow struck on depatch with Napoli datestamp and oval AGDP control marking in red, prepaid 10 grana to Austrian border and struck with framed "V / Stato Pontificio" handstamp in black in Venice (Van der Linden fig. 2962). Reverse with fair strike of very scarce four line marking of the Russian Exchange Office in Radsiwilow in black and charged a total due of 303 kopeks. Rare.
    Starting bid : 350 CHF
    Hammer price : 460 CHF

    Lot# : 1094 Italy

    1838 (Nov 11): Entire letter (written in both French and Russian) mailed from Kiev, Ukraine to Naples prepaid 35 kopeks to the Austrian border, struck with two line dated KIEV despatch handstamp on reverse, otherwise without transits, with Napoli datestamp of receipt in red on reverse and front with oval framed AGDP control marking, charged '46' grana due upon receipt.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1095 Italy

    1846 (Aug 24): Entire letter from St. Petersburg to the Duke of Terranova in Naples, prepaid 53 silver kopeks in manuscript on reverse alongside boxed and dated ST. PETERSBURG despatch handstamp in black. Struck in Mantua with "Transito / per l'Austria" in blue (Van der Linden fig. 2820) and on arrival with red Napoli datestamp and oval AGDP control marking in red and charged '38' grana due from recipient.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1096 Italy

    1847 (June 10): Entire letter written in St. Peterburg and addressed to Bari, Naples carried outsie the Mails to Berlin where mailed prepaid at 5¾ silver groschen to the Austrian border (June 28). Struck in Mantua with "Transito / per l'Austria" in blue (Van der Linden fig. 2820) and on arrival with red Napoli datestamp and oval AGDP control marking in red and charged '42' grana due from recipient. A scarce and unusual usage.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1097 Italy

    1830 (Nov 22): Entire letter from St. Petersburg addressed to General R. Winspeare of the Russian Army in Naples, struck with St. Petersburg despatch cds in black and endorsed 'par Memel' on front and carried via that route with two line dated P. MEMEL / 19 DEC handstamp in black of transit. Prepaid at 273 kopeks, the entire bears no further transits but with Napoli arrival on reverse and AGDP control mark on front in red, charged 46 grana to pay. Central stain from wax seal but a fine and unusual entire.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 360 CHF

    Lot# : 1098 Italy

    1822 (May 28): Entire letter from Naples addressed to the Minister Plenipotentiary of the Two Sicilies in St. Petersburg, struck on reverse with Napoli despatch and oval AGDP control marking in red on front, prepaid at double rate at 30 grana on despatch, with "ROM." (Romagne) tranit in red on front applied in Milan (Van der Linden fig. 2450A). Various manuscript rates explained on album page, totalling 760 kopeks to pay upon receipt. A rare double rate usage.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 440 CHF
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