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Lot# : 1 Albania
1913: Cover addressed to a Minister, franked by 1913 'Postat e Qeverries se Perkoheshme / te Shqipenies' cut round (1 piastre) black on cream wove paper, tied by VLONE cds in violet (Oct 14) with Elbasan cds of despatch (Oct 12) in violet at left. An immensely scarce stamp on letter.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 2 Albania
Lot# : 3 Albania
Lot# : 4 Albania
Lot# : 5 Albania
Lot# : 6 Albania
Lot# : 7 Albania
1913: Small group of covers/cards with Eagle surcharged issue, with 20 pa. rose used on postcard from Vlone and 1 pi. blue used on covers (8, used in Berat, Elbasan or Vlone) and a postcard used from Serres and a large piece used in Fier. Some philatelic but a rare group.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 8 Albania
Lot# : 9 Albania
Lot# : 10 Albania
1913 (June 16): Eagle overprint on Turkey 10 pi. brick-red, used example of this exceptionally rare stamp, lightly cancelled in black and tied to small piece, extremely rare with just 241 stamps issued. Rare. Cert. Dr. Peters AIEP (2017) Mi = € 4'800.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 11 Albania
1913 (June 16): Eagle overprint on Turkey 10 pi. brick-red, used example of this exceptionally rare stamp, lightly cancelled in black, minor corner bend mentioned for accuracy, but just 241 stamps issued. Rare. Cert. Dr. Peters AIEP (2017) Mi = € 4'800.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 12 Albania
Lot# : 13 Albania
1913 (August 13): Eagle overprint in black on Turkey 1 pi. black on rose-red, a fine lightly used example, normal slightly nibbed perforations, fresh and fine stamp. Extremely rare, with just 345 stamps issued. Cert. Dr. Peters AIEP (2017) Mi = € 2'600.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 14 Albania
1913 (August 13): Eagle overprint in red on Turkey 10 pa. on 20 pa. rose-red, a fine unused example, normal slightly nibbed perforations, fresh and fine, large part og. Rare, with just 1'440 stamps issued. Cert. Dr. Peters AIEP (2017) Mi = € 1'200.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 15 Albania
Lot# : 16 Albania
Lot# : 17 Albania
1913 (August 13): Eagle overprint in black on Turkey 10 pa. on 20 pa. rose-red optd. in black and blue, a fine unused example, merest trace of hinge thin mentioned for full accuracy, fresh and fine, large part og. Rare, with just 1'440 stamps issued. Signed A. Diena. Cert. Friedl (1951), Dr. Peters AIEP (2017) Mi = € 2'600.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 2,600 CHFLot# : 18 Albania
Lot# : 19 Albania
1913 (Oct/Nov): Collection on leaves with typewriter surcharged values (6) unused, '300' for '30' para variety on pair with 20 pa. value unused, variety of used examples incl. four values to 1 gr. used on November 1913 cover to Munich, 20 pa. and 1 gr. used on Nov 1913 postcard sent registered from Vlone; Nov 1913 issue with '10 Para' inverted, and same variety in an unused block of 22 of the 30 para unused, 30 pa. block of ten with Eagle inverted and thus showing five tête-bêche pairs used etc. A most interesting assembly.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 20 Albania
1913: Eagle overprints, an exceptional group (12 items) with June 1913 2 pa. olive with red Eagle inverted unused, 5 pa. ochre unused examples with red or violet Eagle surcharge, 10 pa. green unused with blue overprint and Inverted example with red surcharge unused, 20 pa. rose pair unused with black Eagle, single with blue surcharge and 20 pa. rose with red Eagle inverted surcharge unused, 2 pi. used with red surcharge inverted and oily paper 20 pa. used on piece; 1913 1 pi. blue with red opt. and black Eagle used on piece and 1 pi. black on red unused. A very rare group, all are signed Dr. Peters AIEP Mi = € 7'000+.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 21 Albania
1913: Eagle overprints, an exceptional group of unused and used examples with 2 pa. olive used (4), 5 pa. ochre unused and used (5), 10 pa. green used (4), 20 pa. rose with unused with opt. in violet, used (12) with surcharges in blue and in red and a tête-bêche vertical pair on piece, 1 pi. blue unused (13, incl. two rare blocks of four), used examples (6), 2 pi. blackish blue unused and used (6), 2½ pi. used (4), 5 pi. violet used (2) and August 1913 10 pa. on 20 pa. rose used (4); a sensational and rare group with many varieties, nearly all signed by Dr. Peters AIEP Mi = € 25'000+.Starting bid : 4,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 22 Albania
1913/55: Collection on leaves from Dec 1913 with Skanderbeg set unused and used, March 1914 optd. set unused and used, April 1914 set unused and used incl. a cover, 1919 provisionals incl. 25 q. on 64 h. deep blue (Type II) unused, Jan 1919 set of six on cover, March 1919 set of six on cover, Republic issues from 1925 incl. 1928 Vlone-Brindisi Flight set of seven unused, 1929 Airmail overprinted set of seven complete to 3 fr. unused and signed (Mi = € 1'800), 1931 Tirana-Rome Flight set of seven unused, 1952/53 Airmail stamps surcharged etc. Some interesting items noted.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 2,100 CHFLot# : 23 Albania
1928: Registered cover to Linz, Austria franked on reverse with complete Independence set of eight values overprinted, all tied by TIRANE datestamps (26 Aug) on second day of issue. Bari, Udine and Linz datestamps below and obverse with registzration label. A very scarce usage Mi = € 170 off cover.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 24 Albania
Catalogue# : MH31988 (May 20): 3.30 L. Flowers Booklet with horizontal strip of three values plus label, 42 examples of this scarce Booklet, all fresh and fine unused Mi = € 2'940.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 25 Albania
Albanian Military Post - Korça 1914: Cover to Salonica, Greece franked by handstamped 25 pa. in red on square 'Commission De Controle Provisoire / Korça' double headed Eagles in violet (two examples) cancelled by KORCE / SHQIPENIE datestamps (March 19) in black. Some aging and flap missing but rare and most unusual. Signed Dr. Peters AIEP.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 26 Albania
Central Albania / Essad Post 1915: Collection on leaves with Jan 1915 set used and the 2 gr. on cover to Austria, Feb 1915 issue with various items used on piece and optd. 40 pa. blue on cover, March 1915 'Shlodra' issue including four covers, also Korça 10 pa. and 25 pa. red & violet, each fine used (signed), and various other 'back of the book' items. A somewhat messy but generally fine and most unusual group.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 27 Belgium
1869: 1 fr. violet and, on reverse, 20 c. blue, used on 1875 Insured cover endorsed 'Valeur Deux Cent Francs' at top to Toulouse, the adhesives being tied by neat CHARLEROI (VILLE HAUTE) datestamps (July 26) in black. Framed CHARGÉ on front and a variety of transits and rate box on reverse of a charming cover, used in first month of UPU. A most attractive and scarce cover.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 190 CHFLot# : 28 Belgium
Lot# : 29 Belgium
1930/41: Fine selection of 'advertising pairs' ex Booklets with over a hundred different unused, including Houyoux, Lion types, Cérès, King Albert I and Leopold III with tête-bêches, gutter pairs, perf. and imperf. at left or 'bord à ligne croisées' (12) as well as 1941 Leopold III 1 Fr. in a vertical booklet pane of five with adverts of 'Roman Dury', 'Catalogue Williame', 'Galerie Reding', 'Louis Guelte' and 'Ange Hansen timbres'.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 30 Belgium
1849/: Collection with 1849 10 c. brown used (11), 20 c. blue used (12), fine range of imperf. Medallions and lovely study of the Plate Flaws, together with twenty one covers incl. 10 c. brown (6) used on 1860 cover to Duchy of Nassau, 1863 Medallions issue perforated with another fine range and 13 covers. A fine and most interesting lot with much useful material for the specialist.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 2,800 CHFLot# : 31 Belgium
1849/1980: Lot some thousand stamps used/unused or in mint condition, incl. some better values from the early years, full sets, airmails, blocs of four, various cancellations, stamps on piece, plenty of duplicats etc., mainly in good condition and housed in four stockbooks.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 32 Belgium
1849/2007: Collection resp. lot several hundred stamps used/unused, incl. few better values, full sets, souvenir sheets, miniature sheets, booklets, railway stamps etc., in addition a bunch of cards, covers and modern FDC's, housed in three albums.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 33 Belgium
1852/1980c.: Collection with 1852 10 c. and 20 c. (2) used, thereafter with good run of Medallions, 1865 1 fr. violet, 1869 5 fr. brown, 1893 tab set used, 1915 5 franked used (2), 1918 10 fr. + 10 fr. blue unused, 1919 Tin Hat 5 fr. and 10 fr. unused, 1952 Culture set in unused (3) incl. a sets in marginal pairs, 1980 Trains unused etc. Condition generally fine, a useful lot.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 34 Belgium
1865/1995: Collection resp. mixed lot with several hundred stamps used/unused, mainly small values, plenty of duplicats and railway stamps, Framas, booklets, valid postage etc., furthermore cards, covers, postal stationery items, souvenir folders etc., good to mixed condition and housed in four albums and stockbooks as well as in some envelopes, the whole arranged in a box.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 35 Belgium
1900/50: Lovely selection appr. 800 picture postcards used and unused, incl. early lithographs, topographic views, street scenes, live at the beach, architecture, ships and waterways, street cars, expositions, Royal family, sport events, military topics WW 1 and more, some used cards show a lifted stamp, otherwise average to good condition and every card in it's own plastic sleeve, partly some duplication, in addition a few cards from Luxembourg, the whole nicely arranged in a box.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 36 Belgium Colonies
1918/29: Lot 38 covers and ovpt. Belgium Congo stationery items from the Western parts of German East Africa, becoming later the Belgium mandates of Ruanda and Urundi, incl. six 1918 postcards of Belgium military units involved in the occupation and a 1918 registered postcard Kigali to London, other items from Usumbura and Kigoma. Six certs. Belgian Congo Study Circle.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 37 Bulgaria
1879/1982: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused, incl. some better items, full sets, imperf. stamps, souvenir sheets etc., good condition and neatly mounted by hinges in three folders, in addition a folder with some stamps of Italy.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 38 Bulgaria
1890/1990c.: Collection of covers/cards/unused and used postal stationery (circa 250 items), largely 20th Century covers and up-rated postal stationery usages, some interesting Soviet period covers, thematic interest etc.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 39 Croatia
1941 (April 21): 30 din. lilac-carmine, perforation error 12½ x 10¾ at left, a fresh mint example (position 51), from the sole sheet recorded where the first vertical row at left was perforated 10¾ after it was noticed that the normal 12½ perforation had left the first column imperforate. Fresh and very fine, with just 10 examples possible. The original 'find' was made by the Zagreb dealer, J. V. Colic and were first offered by him in 1944. A great rarity of Croatian philately and much under-catalogued, the centering to right being typical of this variety. An exceptional stamp. Cert. Mario Huzanic (2016) Mi = € 800.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 40 Croatia
Lot# : 41 Croatia
1945: Creation of Croatian Storm Division, the imperf. souvenir sheet, sized 218 x 134 mm, 70 + 70 k. stamp grey blue & black with horizontal phase shift, an extremely rare and sought after item in very fine condition. Signed Rommerskirchen BPP; cert. Huzanic BPP Mi = € 7'000.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 5,500 CHFLot# : 42 Croatia
1941/45: Lot 60 primarily unused stamps incl. 1941 Yugoslavia King Peter definitive, Foundation of the Croatian Army, first set 1 d. green double ovpt. and 1943 Zagreb stamp show souvenir sheet with 'S' engraver sign, in addition fakes marked as such and 30 covers, also four from Austria and Serbia.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 43 Croatia
1943/44: Croatian Legion, imperf. block on grey paper and 1 + 0.50 k. green, a phase proof in a block of four, in addition 1944 Anniversary Croatian State, all three values in blocks of four, perf. 14¼ from ministerial presentation albums. Two certs.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 44 Croatia
1941/45: An interesting collection of primarily unused issues and few covers, complete with regard to the main catalogue numbers with several issues incl. proofs and ministerial presentation examples, incl. 1941 all three overprint issues on Yugoslavia King Peter definitives, Foundation of the Croatian Army compl. set of 15 values with overprints in red and blue unmounted og, signed SH, in addition part set one cover, 1941 Landscape definitives in large variety, 1941 Red Cross in miniature sheets, 1942 Aviation Fund, compl. set of four in imperf. compl. sheets, in addition in blocks of four with roulette separation from a ministerial presentation book, cert. Rommerskirchen, 1943 700th anniversary Zagreb in a miniature sheets vert. imperf. and completely imperf., 1943 Labour Front imperf. (2), 1943 Croation Legion, compl. set with colour proofs, 1943 Zagreb stamp show stamp and souvernir sheet with imperf. colour proofs and from ministerial presentation books, 1943 Red Cross imperf. colour proofs from ministerial presentation books, 1944 Railway with exchanged colours and printing phases from ministerial presentation books, 1944 Three years Croation State, compl. set with private perf. 9½ and colour proofs, 1944 Francetic imperf. colour proofs, 1944 Labour Front partially and fully imperf. miniature sheets, 1944 Red Cross, compl. set of three values imperf., 1945 Storm Division, compl. set of three perf. and imperf. as well as souvernir sheet in unmounted og condition, signed Zierer and Rommerskirchen, in addition official stamps, compulsary tax stamps, local issue Banja Luka, very rare set of two unmounted og, signed Schlenger, and 2 Din. carmine on cover to Teslic, as well as Italian occupation of Croatia 1944, compl. Sebenico set of five values, signed Diena (Sassone S1 = € 400), in two albums. Mi = € 40'000 following the consignor.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 6,000 CHFLot# : 45 Croatia
1941/45: An interesting collection of primarily unused issues, complete with regard to the main catalogue numbers, with several larger units, varieties, colour proofs, imperforate varieties, plate flaws, printing errors etc; incl. 1941 all three overprint issues on Yugoslavia King Peter definitives, Foundation of the Croatian Army compl. set of 15 values with overprints in red and blue, single examples as well as in blocks of four unmounted og, signed Fleck, in addition set cancelled by first day "ZAGREB 10. IV. 1941", cert. Fleck and Petric (unpriced in Michel), and one cover, 1941 Zagreb stamp show on Yugoslavia commemorative issue, up to complete sheets, 1941 Landscape definitives in large variety with imperf. stamps, double perforation, shifted and double prints, 1942 Aviation Fund, compl. set of four in imperf. compl. sheets (2), 1944 Labour Front, compl. set of four in imperf. miniature sheets, 1945 Storm Division, Phase prints, compl. set of three unmounted og, hinged in the sheet margin, souvernir sheet in unmounted og (2) and used condition, cert. Rommerskirchen, in addition official stamps with imperf. or partially imperf. units and 1941 2 din. blue in compl. sheet of 100 examples, local issues Sibenik and Banja Luka, very rare set of two unmounted og, cert. Fleck, and in blocks of four on first day cover, cert. Wieneke, as well as Italian occupation of Croatia 1944, compl. Spalato set of 17 values, cert. Asinelli (Sassone S2 = € 3'200), in two albums. Mi = € 35'000++.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 10,500 CHFLot# : 46 Croatia
1944/45: Cards (10) with six Concentration Camp usages ('Upraviteljstvo sabirnog logora') from a correspondence to Zagreb with oval Censor cachets and JASENOVAC datestamps of despatch between Nov 1943 and March 1945: the cards being from slightly different designs and printings; a 1944 stamped example from the Concentration Camp at St. Gradiska at 2 k. rate to Zagreb and two 1945 Military Feldpost cards. An interesting and scarce group.Starting bid : 450 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 47 Czechoslovakia
1918/49: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused, incl. some better sets and values, incl. two stampless envelopes from Kuttenberg and Taus, special selection of Hradcany imperf. varieties, German occupation of Bohemia and Moravia, local surcharges, officials etc., good condition and housed in one album.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 48 Czechoslovakia
1918/90: Lot several hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, incl. single stamps, pairs, blocs of four. part sheets, full sheets etc., furthermore a bunch of cards, covers and FDC's, housed in seven albums and stockbooks, in addition two envelopes with stamps on piece taken from the daily mail, the whole arranged in a box.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 49 Czechoslovakia
1918/2000 ca.: Collection and lot thousands primarily unused stamps starting with the Hradshin definitives, 1919 POSTA CESKOSLOVENSKA ovpts. also on express stamps and postage due, later definitives and commemorative issues also in imperf. condition and as tête-bêche, art miniature sheets in multitude, in addition postage due, Upper Silesia, and later Czech Republic up to 2000. In seven albums, an interesting lot to be studied.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 50 Denmark
1852: Thiele Printing 2 rbs. blue, Type 5, Plate II, No. 71, a fine used example in a rich shade, very good even margins all round, cancelled by upright cancellation '1' numeral of Copenhagen in black. Cert. Möller (2017) Mi = € 1'000 / Facit 1/II = 11'000 skr.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 51 Denmark
1854: Dotted spandrels 2 sk. blue and 16 sk. violet in a horizontal pair together with 1858 wavy line spandrels 4 sk. brown, all tied by Copenhagen '1' numeral handstamps to cover to Arcachon, with P.D. in black and French entry datestamp "TOUR-T. VALENCIENNES 10 SEPT 60" in red alongside reverse with DOPA HAMBURG, HAMBURG TH&T, Paris transit and Arcachon arrival cds's (11 SEPT). The 37 sk. rate to France, here overfranked by 1 sk. is presented as a very early use, of great postal history interest, a fine cover shown and described on page 94 of "The Classic Stamps of Denmark". Cert. Paaskesen (1998) Facit 3+6+7 = SEK 15'600+.rnrnProvenance: Collection Silvain Wyler.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 52 Denmark
1868 (June 15): Large Oval Type 8 sk. grey-brown on entire letter from Copenhagen to Ekesjö Sweden, cancelled upon arrival by Swedish "SÖDRA 15 6 1868" cds as well as 3 sk. lilac from the same sender to Karlskrona, cancelled upon arrival by "MALMÖ 23 10 1869". A nice matching pair Facit 12,14.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 170 CHFLot# : 53 Denmark
1851/1981: Collection several hundred mostly fine used stamps, a few items are unused or in mint condition, incl. a few better early issues, souvenir sheets etc., in addition a small selection of Greenland and Faroe Islands, housed in a BIELLA album.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 54 Denmark
1851/1986: Magnificent and nearly complete collection used and from 1939/40 onwards unused with the good sets and values starting with 4 rbs brown (4) and two fine copies of Thiele printing 2 rbs. blue, both with cert. Gronlund (1969), 1854/57 issue used, 1864/68 Royal emblems to 1939 all in compl. sets used, incl. Post Office 5 K. used, in the back of the album with officials, postage dues and Post Faerge parcel post issues as well as Faroe Islands No. 1 used together with 1940/41 Brit. Occupation and 1920 Schlesvig plebiscites. A fine collection.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 55 Danish West Indies
1855/1917: Collection on album pages with better sets and values used/unused, incl. two examples of 1855 3 c. used with cert. Groenlund (1969) and unused, 1867 3 c. rose and 1 c. on 2. c lilac & orange unused, 1896/1901 used set of five, 1905 mint set of nine as well as mint sets of 1902/05 postage dues.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 56 Denmark
1919 (Sept 11): Copenhagen - Aarhus flight, 5 Kr. multicoloured semi-official airmail stamp in two complete sheets of 4 x 8 stamps unused with original gum and of fresh and fine colours, one sheet with compl. sheet margins allround (little splitted perfs. at lower left, some hinge reinforcement and two stamps with light thinnings), the other sheet with full original gum and only one missing tab at bottom, otherwise fine. Scarce multiples originally issued for Copenhagen - Skagen flight (May 15) which did not take place Sanabria (1966) S1.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 57 Denmark
1912/60 Interesting assembly of 45 airmail covers/cards, including first and special flights starting with 1912 Hareskov - Copenhagen pioneer flight by Ulrich Birch (1912), Copenhagen - Roskilde flight (May 12), envelope of 1925 Naestved - Kastrup (Sept. 3) franked with special airmail vignettes together with unused tête-bêche block of four, cover and card of 1930 'Svendsen' - commemorating flight plus miniature sheets perf./imperf. as well as two registered covers with fine block of four frankings of Copenhagen - Stockholm flight (28.6.33).Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 58 Greenland
1905/87: Fine mint collection on album pages with the better sets and values unused, incl. 'Polar Bears' 1915/30 perf. 11 ¼ in a mint set of nine to 3 Kr., 1937 perf. 10 ¾ mint set of four together with the additional values of 70 ö. and 1 Kr., the stamp issues from 1938 onwards incl. the rare set 'Danmark Befriet 5 Maj 1945" in fine unused mint corner copies of top right of sheet, except 5 Kr. from bottom right corner sheet, further all new issues in compl. sets to 1989 and Thule district set of five.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 59 Greenland
Kein Los.Starting bid : BidHammer price : not soldLot# : 202 Liechtenstein
Schleuderflug 1935 (26./27. Mai): Dampfer 'Bremen' - New York ab "Vaduz 18.V.35", sauberer Beleg mit reiner Dienstmarken-Frankatur, drei Werte zu insgesamt 80 Rp. ab "Vaduz 18.V.35", mit rücks. AStp. "Nassau Bahamas 31. MY 35". Ein seltener Beleg Haberer 189Li; SLH KF 94 = CHF 1'100, LBK 89 = CHF 1'200.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 203 Eastern Roumelia
Eastern Roumelia 1881: Two formular cards, incl. 10 pa. black & green, perf. 11½, cancelled by circular bar grid in blue with Stara Zagora datestamp (Aug 27, 1882) in blue alongside, sent to Plovdiv, and 20 pa. black on rose, perf. 11½, cancelled by circular bar grid in green blue with Plovdiv datestamp (July 4, 1884) in green blue alongdside, Constantinople transit (July 19), and sent to Livorno, Italy. A fine and appealing pair showing the use within Eastern Roumelia and abroad, always sent via Constantinople.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 204 Eastern Roumelia
Lot# : 205 Eastern Roumelia
Southern Bulgaria 1885: Lion overprint in blue on 5 pa lilac on pale lilac, perf. 11½, both types I & II each in fine mint blocks of 25, large part with full og, hinges on six stamps for perf. stabilization. Two attractive multiples. Signed Hassel, Basel.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 206 Eastern Roumelia
Southern Bulgaria 1885: Eastern Roumelia definitives with Lion ovpts. 10 pa. green & yellow green, all perf. 11½ on two formular postcards from a well known philatelic correspondence from T. Seymen (Sept 17, 1885), one card with unframed Type I ovpt. in black and framed Type II in black to Plovdiv, the other card with unframed Type I ovpt. in blue and framed Type II in black to Aitos with arrival datestamp (Sept 19) on reverse, both signed Richter.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 207 Eastern Roumelia
1885: Formula card frrom Tirnovo Seymen to Sliven franked by 1885 Lion overprint in black on 10 pa. green perf. 11½, and September 11, 1885 framed Type II Lion overprint in black on 10 pa. green, perf. 11½ with defective corner, tied by T. SEYMEN datestamps in green (Sept 18) with 'Poste Slivno' cds on reverse in blue. Despite fault a scarce usage in second week of issue. Opinion Hitzler (2016).Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 130 CHFLot# : 208 Eastern Roumelia
Lot# : 209 Eastern Roumelia
Southern Bulgaria 1885: Lion overprint in blue on 20 pa rose on dull rose, perf. 11½, type II in a fine mint block of 25 with large part with full og., some perf. separation. An attractive and rare multiple. Signed Hassel, Basel Mi = € 1'250+.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 210 Eastern Roumelia
1885 (Sept 11): 1 pi. blue & black overprinted with framed Type I Lion overprint, variety 'Overprint Inverted', a fine used example with readable 'Plovdiv' cds (September 18, 1885, second week of issue) struck in black. One or two blunted perfs. but a rarity. Opinion Hitzler (2016) Mi = unpriced.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 211 Eastern Roumelia
Southern Bulgaria 1885: Lot twelve unused formular cards with Lion ovpts, partially on answer cards, incl. unframed Type II 20 pa. black & rose (3) signed Starauschek, in addition an unused Eastern Roumelia card. Signatures Thier.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 212 Eastern Roumelia
Catalogue# : 22/IA+22/IIA+24/IIB+26/IB1881/85: Range of genuine Eastern Roumelia overprinted issues with 1885 unframed Lion opt. Type I in blue on 5 pa. lilac unused and in a used horizontal pair, unused example with Type II unframed Lion overprint, 10 pa. green with unframed Lion opt. Type I in blue unused and used, Framed Lion opt. Type I in black on 5 pa. lilac and 20 pa. rose unused, framed Lion opt. Type II on 5 pa. lilac (two examples perf. 13½) and 10 pa. green and a formula card with 20 pa. rose with Type framed opt. in black. Excellent reference. All with Opinion Hitzler (2016) Mi = € 400+.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 190 CHFLot# : 213 Eastern Roumelia
1881/85: Interesting Collection resp. lot hundreds used/unused showing all values in multitude incl. 1881 'R.O." overprint on Turkey, compl. set up to 5 pi., mixed franking of "R.O." ovpts with Turkey definitive on piece, 1881/84 definitives in both perfs up to 5 pi., imperf. examples, Southern Bulgaria unframed overprints in both perforations and with blue as well as with black overprints incl. large units up to 25 examples, 20 pa. black on rose ovpt. type I unused (2) & used signed Thier & Zumstein, 20 pa. rose on pale rose with blue ovpt., and 5 pi. unused, the framed ovpts also in multitude incl. type I 5 pa. lilac on pale lilac in a used strip of four signed Thier & Kosack, 20 pa. black on rose used (3), 1 pia with inverted ovpt., 5 pi. red on light blue, type II 5 pa. lilac on pale lilac in a mint block of 25, 20 pa. black on rose, 5 pia. red & pale blue unused, an appealing example (corner fault), cert. Zumstein, throughout the lot several competent signatures such as Thier, Hertsch, Wallner, Köhler, Fulpius & Kosack, in addition Specimen stamps and a reference group of fakes described as such. An attractive selection of this rarely offered material, to be studied in detail by the specialist.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 3,400 CHFLot# : 214 Finland
1856: Large Pearls 5 kop. dark blue, with margins close to large all round, cancelled by pen cross and Helsingfors cds in black, minute creasing at top, in addition 10 kop. dark carmine, in brilliant deep shade, margins fair to shaved, cancelled by low-boxed Viborg datestamp (16 Aug. 1856) in black. An attractive pair. Two certs. Facit 1/IIa, 2c = SEK 26'000/Mi = € 2'850.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 215 Finland
1860: Postal stationery envelope Coat of Arms 5 kop. blue on invalidated 10 kop. rose, additional franking of ten examples 1866 Coat of Arms with Serpentine Roulette II 8 penni (strip of three, three pairs and a single adhesive, overall good quality, three stamps with perforation irregularities), all adhesives tied by small circle "WILLMANSTRAND 4/7 1868" cds's to cover to Diessbach, Canton Bern, with "AUS RUSSLAND über BÜR XI EDK.BRG / FRANCO 8 7 68" cds's in red alongside reverse with HEIDELBERG - BASEL T.P.O. and BASEL - OLTEN T.P.O. as well as Diessbach arrival cds's (10 JUL). Single rate cover to Switzerland, opened for display on three sides, the 72 p. rate is overpaid by 8 p., the postal stationery envelope was not taken into account for usages sent abroad, an attractive item. Cert. Nykvist (2003) Facit 6v1C2, SEK 26'000+ for a 72 p. rate cover to SwitzerlandrnrnProvenance: Collection Silvain Wyler.Starting bid : 20,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 216 Finland
1866: Coat of Arms with Serpentine Roulette III, two horizontal pairs of 8 penni (one shorter perf.) and Roulette II 20 penni blue, tied by "HELSINGFORS .10.1874" cds's in blue to cover to Paris with framed PD in red, Russian OPLATSHENO in black and French entry datestamp "RUSSIE ERQUELLINES 13 OCT 74" in blue alongside, reverse with St. Petersburg transit and Paris arrival cds's (13 OCT). Single rate cover to France, opened for display on three sides, an fine cover. Signed A. Diena and Bolaffi; cert. Tuori (2003) Facit 6v4C3 + 8V2C2b, SEK 25'000+ for a 52 p. rate cover.rnrnProvenance: Collection Silvain Wyler.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 217 Finland
1866: Coat of Arms with Serpentine Roulette II, 20 penni blue in an unusual mixed franking with 1875 Senate printing 32 penni carmine, tied by "HELSINGFORS 25.9.75" cds in blue to cover to Paris with framed PD in red, St. Peterburg transit cds, and French entry datestamp "RUSSIE ERQUELLINES 10 SEPT 75" in blue alongside, reverse with St. Petersburg Train station transit cds. An attractive cover, in addition an extremely rare combination which was possible only between August 1875 (issue of the Senate printing) and December 1875 (before France joined the GPU in January 1876). Cert. Tuori (2003) Facit 8v2C2b+18, SEK 85'000+ for this combination.rnrnProvenance: Collection Silvain Wyler.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 7,000 CHFLot# : 218 Finland
Lot# : 219 Finland
1856/72: Classic used group with 1856 10 k. rose (2) used at Borga and Brahestad (signed A. Diena), 1860 5 kop. blue (2) and 10 k. rose (4), 1866 5 p. brown-lilac (4), 8 p. black on green (3), 10 p. black on straw (3), 20 p. blue (2), 40 p. rose (8) and 1 mark brown (1), condition varies but a good highly catalogued group with some cancellation interest.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 220 Finland
1856/1992: Collection in two albums, in the main catalogue numbers complete with better sets and values used and 1941 onwards in complete mint sets, incl. 1856 Coat of Arms 5 kop. blue (2, one with large pearls) and 10 kop. rose (2) of which two with Gummesson certificates (1987/89), further diff. Serpentine Roulettes to 1 M. with one copy of 10 P. unused, then 1875 Coat of Arms up to the modern issues with miniature sheets and booklets. A fine collection.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 221 France
1630 (Feb. 22): La Force, Jacques Nompar de Caumont, Duc de (1558-1652) and Marechal de France, a leader of the Hugenots and intimate friend of Henri IV, signed lettersheet "donné au camp Saint-Michel de Maurienne" and asking: "de faire rendre deux chevaux et deux pistolets". He defended Montauban against Louis XIII and bore a prominent part in the Thirty years war. A fine and rare autograph.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 222 France
Lot# : 223 France
1852: Cérès 10 c. brown and 40 c. orange, two fine and fresh examples with good to large margins all round, used on double rate entire letter to Marseille, cancelled by mute star obliterator with "PARIS 27 DEC 52 (60)" cds alongside, reverse with Marseille arrival cds (Dec 29). A scarce and interesting usage to match the double rate, already in the period of the Presidence. Signed Dillemann, Calves and Brun.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 224 France
Lot# : 225 France
Lot# : 226 France
Lot# : 227 France
Lot# : 228 France
1849: First day cover, 20 c. black on yellow, a fresh example, tied by "LYON 1 JANV. 49" cds to small enlope for a visiting card, with handwritten "Affranchie", sent to St. Chamond, reverse with arrival datestamp. Stamp touched a lower right but an interesting and appealing cover, signed Calves Yvert = € 17'500.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 229 France
1850: Cérès 25 c. blue, a magnificent horizontal tête-bêche pair, marginal from left of sheet (position 131-132) with clear to huge margins all round, used on 1850 entire letter to Verdun, cancelled by two strikes of the grill in black with 'Menehould' datestamp (Dec 18) alongside. Reverse with Verdun arrival cds in black. An extraordinarily fine entire bearing this rare variety. Signed Calves; cert. Von der Weid (1992) Maury = € 45'000.Starting bid : 15,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 230 France
Lot# : 231 France
Lot# : 232 France
1850: Cérès 40 c. orange, a fine horizontal pair with close to large margins all round, of deep bright colour, used on 1850 large part cover front to Chambéry, tied by grill handstamps in black with 'Compegne' cds alongside (June 1) Maury = €1'500.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 233 France
1849/50: Cérès 40 c. orange, used example in a deep shade, just clear to good margins all round, used on 1853 cover to Lugano, Switzerland tied by '3710' petit chiffres and ALGER / ALGERIE datestamp (June 5) in black with framed PD at left in red. Reverse with Lyon (June 9), Basel and Lugano datestamps. The cover with file fold well away from adhesive but a scarce Algerian usage of the first issue.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 234 France
Lot# : 235 France
Lot# : 236 France
St. Pierre et Miquelon 1849: Cérès 1 fr. carmine, a fine example with three large margins and imperceptibly shaved at base, with 1852 Présidence 25 c. blue horizontal pair, clear to large margins all round, used on 1853 entire letter at single rate from St. Malo to Ile aux Chiens, St. Pierre et Miquelon endorsed 'Via Halifax par Liverpool' tied by 3176 petit chiffres with St. Malo despatch cds at left (Aug 2). Framed PD in red at left and thence via London and Liverpool with green datestamp (Aug 6) and carried by Cunard Line Steamer 'America'. Red circular Inspector's marking on front and handstruck '2' (cents) to collect on arrival. Reverse with Halifax arrival (Aug 16) and 'Sydney / C.B.' (Cap Breton) datestamp (Aug 20) in black. A unique and magnificent mixed issue cover to an extraordinary destination. A highlight of French classic Postal History. Cert. Calves (1984).rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Mont-Blanc', Corinphila sale 104 (Sept 1998), lot 7455.rnStarting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 5,500 CHFLot# : 237 France
1849: Cérès 1 fr. vermilion 'terne', a splendid used example with huge margins all round, marginal from left of sheet and with small portion of adjoining stamp at base, of excellent rich colour, cancelled by neat strike of the grill handstamp in black. Exceptional and very rare so fine. Cert. Roumet (1998) Maury = € 20'000.Starting bid : 6,000 CHFHammer price : 9,500 CHFLot# : 238 France
1849/50: Unissued Cérès 20 c. bright blue, 'bleu foncé', a superb unused example with large even margins all round. An exceedingly scarce stamp (most were burnt), with partial original gum. Signed Brun; cert. B. Behr (1987), Von der Weid (1993) Maury = € 4'500.rnrnProvenance: Corinphila sale 87 (Oct 1993), lot 6923.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 239 France
1852: Présidence 25 c. blue horizontal pair, margins touched to good and 1853 1 fr. carmine, good to large margins all round, used on 1854 cover from Paris (Jan 31) to Puebla, Mexico tied by 'gros points' lozenge of dots in black. Carried by British Packet via London (Feb 1) with Vera Cruz arrival (March) in black on front. A scarce entire and an unusual mixed issue combination franking.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 240 France
1861: Napoleon imperf. 10 c. bistre and 20 c. blue, both fine examples with good to large margins, used on entire letter from Paris to Idar, Principality Birkenfeld as part of the Grand duchy Oldenburg, cancelled by mute star obliterator with "PARIS 3 JUIN 61" cds at right, reverse with Prussian entry AUS FRANKREICH cds in red and distribution cds in red (June 4). The cover was underpaid by 10 c. for the first Prussian rayon to which Birkenfeld belonged, a French AFFR. INSUFF. two line handstamp was added, and the item was surcharged with 2 silbergroschen upon arrival. The entire is an invoice for amethyst stones delivered to a gem dealer in Idar, which was already at that time a center for gem production in western Germany. An interesting usage with a lot of postal history content.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 241 France
Lot# : 242 France
1853: Empire 40 c. orange, a magnificent mint example of fresh colour, large margins all round and full sheet margin at base, slight thin in margin only, well below the stamp and not detracting from the splendid appearance; full unmounted original gum. Signed Calves; cert. P. Roumet (1994) Maury = € 3'200+.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHF
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