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Lot# : 443 France
1853/1900c.: Collections in stockbooks largely used with much duplication, with wide range of 1853 imperf. issue (especially the 20 and 40 c. values), thereafter through to circa 1900 with some better unused items noted incl. 1867 2 c. red brown in an unused block of four and a 40 c. orange in a scarce used block of four etc. Many hundreds of classic period stamps, cancellation interest, condition varies but many fine.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,350 CHFLot# : 444 France
1853/2000: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused or mainly in mint condition, the early years rather sparsely filled, the main value showing up in the modern section with valid postage since 1960 incl. full sets, souvenir sheets, miniature sheets and booklets, housed in four albums.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 445 France
1870: Lot 16 Bordeaux stamps incl. 1 c. olive (2), one with journal overprint cancellation, 2 c. brown, 4 c. grey, 40 c. orange (3) and 80 c. carmine, overall fine examples with large to enormous margins and fresh colours, some signed Calves and Scheller Yvert = € 2'800+.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 446 France
1871/75: Cérès 25 c. blue, scarce Type II, stockbook with over 200+ used examples, condition obviously variable but selected for plating with some cancellation interest Maury = € 6'000.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 447 France
1871/75: Cérès 25 c. blue, several hundred used examples, mostly plated with plate varieties, a few on large piece. Condition generally fine, a most interesting selection. Ex collections Chanarayn, Levett and George Barker.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 448 France
1871/75: Cérès 25 c. blue, stockbook with over 1'000 used examples, condition obviously variable but useful for plating with some cancellation interest.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 449 France
1871/75: Cérès 25 c. blue, Types I and III, stockbook with over 1'000 used examples, condition obviously variable but selected for plating with some cancellation interest.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 130 CHFLot# : 450 France
1871/75: Cérès 25 c. blue, Types I and III, stockbook with over 1'000 used examples, condition obviously variable but selected for plating with some cancellation interest.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 451 France
1871/1971c: Cancellations collections with Railway Postmarks on selected Cérès issue, Type Sage issues, study of Machine cancellations with Daguin 'Duplex' types on covers, Daguin slogan postmarks on covers (with thematic interest Arsenic, Beaches, Bicycles, Carpets, Forests, Golf, Wine etc., early Krag machine cancellations with an album of covers/cards/pieces from 1910 onwards, also a thematic collection of the 'Links between France & USA' mounted on leaves and an anticipated palting study of the Berthelot 90 c. red with 1'000 used examples and many multiples.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 452 France
1876/1900c.: Type Sage, the collections with large quantities of used, incl. 1876 first Sage 75 c. carmine (120+), 1 fr. olive green (50+), 15 c. blue (1'000+), cancellation studies (both Parisian and Regional), some better unused noted and one or two multiples, all in quantities rarely encountered nowadays.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 350 CHFLot# : 453 France
1876/1900: Type Sage, collection in stockbook with many hundreds of primarily used examples, with much duplication of shades, unsorted for varieties and cancellation interest.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 454 France
1877/1990c.: Unused collection from Type Sage issues, somewhat haphazardly arranged and with duplication, but with some useful stamps noted with 1931 2fr. Arc unused (6) etc., multiples abound with most unmounted.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 455 France
1903/32: 'Sower' Collection with the unused range including duplication from the first issue, including some useful marginal examples, 1920/26 50 c. blue in 'Milliesimes' pairs, 1925/32 50 c. vermilion in 'coin datés' blocks of four (9), together with a large range of used examples incl. postmark interest.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 456 France
1925/36: Lot incl. 1925 Philatelic Exhibition 5 fr. carmine Miniature Sheet, a superb mint example, suspicion of tiny corner bend, in addition 1936 Airmail Burelage, two examples, all fresh and fine, unmounted og Cérès = € 7'500.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 457 France
1933 (Sep 12): Le Puy-en-Velay 90 c. rose, a fine collection on leaves with coin daté singles and blocks of four unused (2), Artist's Proof in green signed by Abel Mignon in pencil, used examples and on cards.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 458 France
1941 (May 17): 'Paquebot Pasteur', small study of the issue on leaves with Artist's Proof in black (cert. Gautré) signed Albert Decaris, blocks and covers of issued stamp, imperforate marginal example unused and 70 c. unoverprinted lithographic forgery.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 170 CHFLot# : 459 France
1946/1999: Collection with defintive / commemorative / airmail issue study from 1946 to 1950, with unused examples of each stamp and it's usage on cover or card, blocks with 'coin datés', 1948 15 fr. Palais de Luxembourg Epreuve de Luxe in violet-blue, 1949 ITT Congress Baudot 25 fr. Epreuve d'Artist in black with error of date 1848-1903 (cert. Gautré), Nov 1950 Chateaudun 8 fr. imperforate and in a variety of imperforate Colour Trials (8) together with an Epreuve de Luxe, 1965 Ronchamp 40 c. in a coil strip of ten, also three volumes with complete set of 'PTT Documents Philateliques' for 1991/1999.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 460 France
1960/2010: Lot face value, all well sorted in envelopes after denomination, starting with French Francs currency with a total value of 19'500 FFr. up to Euro currency of about 2'000 Euros, in addition two envelopes with unsorted stamps in French Francs, calculation lists included. The lot will be offered for charity on behalf of Ouevre St. Justin in Fribourg, Switzerland.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,900 CHFLot# : 461 France
1790/1810: Small selection with 40 covers bearing black Departement straigt liners with number, to mention '48 St. Lo, 52 Nancy, 66 Huningue, 67 Strasbourg and some others, good to fine.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 462 France
1796/1997: Department of the Charente, collection in two albums and loose with covers/cards (200+) arranged in alphabetical order from Amberac to Xambes, including '15 / ANGOULEME' in black on 1796 entire and in red on 1805 entire, P.15 P. / ANGOULEME on 1810 entire to Genova, 1910 card cancelled 'Camp de la Braconne', 1849/51 25 c. blue used on cover from Cognac and another from Montmoreau, Railway and Boîte Mobile cancellations, more modern material and a plentiful array of on piece usages.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 463 France
1797/1847: Album with 39 pre-stamp covers showing straight line handstamps as single line, or dated two line cancels from Savoy, Piedmont and the Aosta valley, including P P THONON', 'P P AOSTE in red, small AOSTE (4 mm), large AOSTA (5 mm), CHATILLON, CONFLANS, '84 ANNECI' (1813), 'P.84.P. CHAMBERY', 'P.84.P. MOUSTIER', '85 NICE', '96 VERVIERS', '99 EVIAN', '100 DEUX-PONTS', '100 MAYENCE', italic 'Aix la Che' in black and red ase well as '103 AIX-LA-CHATELLE' also in red (3), '103 CREVELT' in red and '103 COLOGNE'. Fine a good strikes.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 464 France
1849/1936: Postal History selection (18 items) with attractive 1852 cover franked by Cérès 10 c. bistre and 40 c. orange tied by 2686 petit chiffres, 1854 cover bearing 1853 25 c. blue, Affranchisement composé covers from September 1871 incl. one with Bordeaux 4 c. imperf., 1878/81 covers (3) with different Type Sage 25 c. frankings from Algiers, and a later group of 1930's Value Declared covers.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 465 France
1858/1960ca.: 50 covers and postal stationery incl. 1857 telegram formulars (4), 1894 two stationery lettercards with add. imprints of the Lyon International show, 1894 stationery envelope with Jean d'Arc imprint, 1903 value letter with a high franking of 9.25 fr. to Austria, 1916 Field Post by a Swiss member of the Foreigner's legion, 1919 'Jean Prolo' letter card with anti-Bolchevik agitation, 1925 cash on delivery formular envelope, 1925 mixed franking France - Switzerland, in addition vignettes in compl. sheets e. g. for the 1937 PEXIP exhibition and some Monaco stamps.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 466 France
1859/71: Interesting Lot 30 covers incl. underpaid cover to Switzerland with '40' taxation number of Lausanne, Napoleon perf. in a block of four, mixed franking Napoleon lauré and perf. on cover to Switzerland, September covers (15) with Sept 1 cover, tricoloured combination of Cérès, Bordeaux and Napoleon lauré, Cérès 20 c. blue with Napoleon lauré 1 c. olive in a strip of five or pair 2 c. brown and 1 c. olive. An attractive lot which has to be studied.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 467 France
'Losange Evidé' 1860/75c. The specialised collection of the dotted lozenge without numbers / sans numéros, with covers/cards from a large variety of towns arranged alphabetically from Albert, Amiens, Angoulême, Besançon, Beziers, Cannes, Carcasonne, Cherbourg, Clermont Ferrand, Compeigne, Douai, Dunkerque, Elbeuf, Épernay, Fére en Tardenois, Gare Le Limoges, Goure, Issoudon, Le Mans, Marseille, Meaux, Metz, Montpellier, Mondescourt, Morlaix, Nancy, Noyon, Paris (with a Ballon Monté, covers from different Bureaux and TPO's), Poitiers, Roanne, Rodez, Roubaix, St. Etienne, St. Malo, St. Quentin, St. Servan (cover to Mauritius at 80 c. rate), Tarbes, Tours etc. including Bordeaux usages, usages from Algeria etc. A generally fine and most unusual collection (250+ covers/cards).Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 468 France
1862/75c: Collection showing Paris dotted lozengess '-20-' and '-24-' used in lieu of Paris Star handstamps from circa 1865, with usages on cards, covers, registered covers etc. A fine study with much of interest (82 items).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 170 CHFLot# : 469 France
1865/73: Lot seven covers incl. 1870 triple rate cover Marseille to Naples with five examples of 20 c. Napoleon laureated, charged in Italy with 80 c, 1872 Strassburg to Paris mixed franking Cérès 25 c. blue with Germany Small Shield 2 gr. blue, 1873 Paris to Valparaiso with a hor. strip of five Cérès 25 c. blue (one stamp torn) and single 30 c. brown, usage abroad 1865 Consular Service Montevideo Uruguay to Elbeuf with Napoleon perforated 80 c. carmine, 1868 Smyrne to Manchester with mixed franking Napoleon perforated 40 c. orange and 20 c. Napoleon laureated, 1871 Smyrne to Paris with Napoleon laureated 80 c. carmine, in addition French Colonies 1869 Saigon to Bordeaux Eagle issue 19 c. bistre and 40 c. orange. Three certs., an interesting selection.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 470 France
1870: Lot four covers with Bordeaux frankings incl. 10 c. brown on a local Lyon entire, two examples on an entire Albi to Toulouse, 5 c. green in a mixed franking with 1870 Siège 20 c. blue on a September 1871 cover Albertville to Annemasse Savoie, and 40 c. orange on a cover to Spain. A selection of overall fine examples on cover with large to enormous margins and fresh colours, an interesting postal history content Yvert = € 900+.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 471 France
1870/1890c.: Collection of French T.P.O. markings on covers/cards (60+) with Convoyeurs markings, most franked with Laureated 20 c. blue or Cérès perf. 25 c. blue.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 472 France
1870/1920: Group of covers with 1871 cover bearing Bordeaux 10 c. bistre, Report 2, used to Besançon, 1872 cover to Russia, 1917 cover with 10 c. Sower and bisected Postage Due, Colonies with 1859/65 Eagle 20 c. blue in a strip of four used on 1870 entire from Pondichery to Bordeaux, 1872 1 c. bronze on green block of four unused. Condition varies but most fine.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 473 France
1920/50: Selection with 110 covers in a small box, cards and postal stationery items, mostly from France, in addition a few items from possessions abroad as Algeria, Cameroun, French Levant, Tunisia and others, incl. business correspondence with some first and special flights, mainly in good condition.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 474 France
1938/1986: 'Journée du Timbre', the collection on leaves from the First Day in Nice (Jan 9, 1938) onwards largely displayed through covers, including corresponding Algerian and Tunisian Stamp Day issues incl. Algerian 1958 imperforate pair etc., a fine and attractive lot for further continuation.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 475 France
1900/40: Lot with 200 selected picture postcards used and unused, incl. early lithographs, art editions, Hotels, humor, mecanical cards, Nice carnival, diff. military sceneries WW 1 and others, some cards show a lifted stamp, otherwise average to good condition and every card in it's own plastic sleeve, housed in a small box.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 476 France
1900/40: Special selection with 255 picture postcards used and unused depicting Life in Paris, showing street scenes, places of interest, Hotels, Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs 1925 and other expositions, street cars drawn by horses and electrical, autobuses, traffic jam and others, some cards show a lifted stamp, otherwise average to good condition and every card in it's own plastic sleeve, the whole housed in a small box.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 477 France
1900/60: Lot with 530 picture postcards used and unused throughout la France (except Paris) from a dealer's stock, incl. topographic views, plenty of street cars, ships and military vessels, rural life, life at the beach and some others, few cards show a lifted stamp, otherwise average to good condition and every card in it's own plastic sleeve, arrranged in a small box.Starting bid : 450 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 478 France
1900/60: Lot with 660 picture postcards used and unused throughout la France (except Paris) from a dealer's stock, incl. Alsace-Lorraine, street cars, architecture incl. bridges, ships and harbour sceneries, life at the beach, topographic views, rural live, mountaineering and some others, few cards show a lifted stamp, otherwise average to good condition and every card in it's own plastic sleeve, arranged in a small box.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 479 France
1914/18: Military Franchise Postal Stationery cards illustrated with Flags, the collection with large range and many different sub-types noted, unused and used, with varieties including 'Colours in Flags' misplaced, later issues without coloured Flags, Ministry of War cards in buff, straw, blue and green unused etc. (140 items).Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 480 France
1870/1995: Croix Rouge thematic collection on album pages, with many hundred Red Cross charity stamps, loose and in miniature sheets, compl. sheets or booklets, all added by various covers and cards as well as an early letter dated July 22, 1870 of the Paris Committee. An interesting lot of much diversity, viewing recommended.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 481 France
Pneumatic Post 1880c.: Collection with fine range of the early unused and used postal stationery cards and envelopes issued for Paris from Type Sage 50 c. red card onwards (100+), thereafter with a collection largely on piece with Office number cancellations between 1-120. An interesting lot for continuation, Ex collections Chanaryn, Levett, George Barker.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 482 France
Pneumatic Posts of Paris 1879/1949c.: Collection with May 1879 50 c. red stationery cards (one used from the 'Exposition / Paris' in September 1879 - apparently only two such are recorded), 30 c. on 50 c. red stationery cards mint (2) and another used in first month of issue, 75 c. black on blue letter-card unused and a used example (May 1880), scarce 1880 50 c. in red on 75 c. black on blue stationery letter-card mint (2 different types) and used, 1880 Chaplain design 50 c. red card mint (6), 30 c. on 50 c. red Chaplain cards mint (2) and used, response cards mint, 50 c. black on blue letter-card mint, 1883 30 c. red Chaplain cards mint (3) and used (2), 1882 30 c. 'Map' cards mint and used, 30 c. reply cards unused, 50 c. letter-cards mint and used, 1890 60 c. Type Sage franking sent from Pl. Victor Hugo, 1891 30 c. black card with framed 'Trouvé dans la Boite', 1897 50 c. on Chaplain 60 c. red envelope used with Type Sage 50 c. red on yellow pair (rare), 1901 Chaplain 50 c. red envelope used with Type Sage 1 fr. olive (rare), a generally fine and very scarce collection with many rarities present (145 covers / cards).Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 483 France
Paris L'Exposition Universelle 1878/1900 ca.: Wonderful collection with 1878 up-rated formula card franked Type Sage 5 c. and 10 c. cancelled by Exposition cds (July 11, 1878), Official printed Notice franked 2 c. as sent to participants, 1894 Lyon Exposition with 15 c. blue illustrated stationery envelope reg'd to Belgium, 15 c. blue illustrated letter-card (only 6'000 printed) fresh unused, Carnot illustrated 15 c. letter-card unused (2'000 printed), multi-franked card from Lyon / Rhone Expo, 1887 reg'd usage of illustrated advertising envelope, 1896 India ¼ anna card selling the Paris Exhibition Bonds issued by the French Govt., 1889/1890: Specialised collection with "Robida" and other manufacturer's (artists incl. T. Bianco, Guillaume (complete set of 10), Tempestini etc.) Floral series of cards, postcards unused and used (450+) with hardly any duplication, ephemera including 'Carte de Service' for Sept 16-30, 1900 and an 1889 'Tombola' raffle ticket, 1900 lottery ticket booklet with reduced entrance and travel, 1 franc entrance ticket, exhibitior's card and photograph, rectangular silver medal, 'Key Plan' advertising booklet by the Septic Tank Co., advertising Trade Cards and a stereograph photo card of the Eiffel Tower; printed covers from the Exhibition both stampless and handstamped and franked, 'Stamps of the Nations' labels used on cards (14), Official printed envelopes unused and used, 'Carnet du Passe-Partout de L'Exposition' with 34 colour cards incl. 'Diorama de Fashoda' with discount vouchers still attached on three, cards/covers with Exhibition P.O. usages in Alma, Beaux Arts, Iena, Invalides, Presse, Rapp, Suffren, Vincennes and 'Camp de Satory', 1889 50 c. Telegram form with Expo cancel in blue, 1889 reg'd cover to Turin with 75 c. and 1 fr. from Minister of Commerce, Pneumatic Mail (4), together with an extensive library: hardbound 'Merveilles de L'Exposition de 1900' Volumes 1 & 2, profusely illustrated on 1'800 pages, 'Reports of the U.S. Commissioners to the Universal Exposition of 1889' published in 1890 in Washington DC with 500+ pages incl. illustrations and maps; 'En 1900' by Paul Gers, an illustrated summary on 300 pages; 'L'Exposition Universelle de 1900' illustrated with 500+ pages and compl. flyer with Map of the Exhibition grounds, an album of 24 original photographs, Catalogue 'Général Officiel' for Group X (Classes 55-62) printed in Lille, 'Guide-Album du Touriste' (1889) with illustrations and advertising, softback incl. 'Catalogue - La Roumanie a L'Exposition' (190 pages), Express Guide to Paris Exposition by American Express Co., Official Illustrated catalogue, Charles Kiddle 'Poster Stamps of the Exposition' (2000) etc. A splendid lot.Starting bid : 6,000 CHFHammer price : 6,000 CHFLot# : 484 French Colonies
Comoro Islands (Mohéli) 1906/07: First issue 35 c. black on yellow, one with 'Millésime' No. 6, fine unused, marginal from top of sheet, the other also a block of four marginal from top of sheet, the top two stamps crossed by large horizontal pre-printing paper fold.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 485 French Colonies
Comoro Islands (Mohéli) 1907: Registered first issue cover at triple rate plus registration (overpaid 3 c.) franked by astonishing 1 c. black (6), 2 c. brown on yellowish (6), 4 c. dull lilac in a strip of five, 5 c. yellow green (2), 20 c. red, 20 c. brown on green and 25 c. deep blue all tied by MAYOTTE-ET-DEPENDANCES / MOHELI datestamps (June 19) in blue. reverse with Marolles arrival cds (July 15). Rare and most attractive cover.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 486 French Colonies
Comoro Islands (Anjouan) 1908/10: Registered usage of 15 c. postal stationery envelope to Germany up-rated with 1892 1 c., 2 c. pair and 30 c. all tied by ANJOUAN datestamps (Dec 26, 1908) and three used 'Essivida' postcards (#1, 2 and 5) all franked at 1 c. A fine group.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 487 French Colonies
Comoro Islands (Anjouan, Grand Comore & Mohéli ) 1892/1900: ULTRAMAR (Overseas - Specimen) handstamps in blue applied by the Portuguese Postal Authorities upon receipt from the UPU and sent overseas, with Anjouan 1900/07 1 c. - 50 c., surcharged '05' and '10' issue of 1912 with ten values to 1 fr. similarly overprinted (no '10' on 75 c.) on sheet signed by the Goa Postmaster 'Costa'; Grand Comore 1900 set of six values (and additional 10 c., 15 c., 25 c. and 50 c.) all similarly overprinted ULTRAMAR in blue and Mohéli 1912 set of six '05' and '10' values all overprinted COLONIAS and also sent to Goa. A rare group, each item unique.rnrnNote: The Portuguese Goa archive was sold after the takeover of Goa by the Indian Government in December 1961.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 488 French Colonies
Comoro Islands (Anjouan) 1892: First Issue 1 c. to 1 fr. Colour Trials, imperforate on 'Bristol' card paper, each in vertical pairs with lower stamp without country imprint, the complete set of 11 values (the 5 c. and 10 c. issued later), fresh and very fine unused. A splendid and very rare set - unique. Cert. Vachat (2010).Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 489 French Colonies
Comoro Islands 1952: First Issue & Postage Dues, the complete set of 13 Die Proofs each with "Bon à tirer pour.." and value indicated for colour, each handstamped "6 AVRIL 1950" in red, and signed in blue ink by the Director of the Posts & Telegraphs Office, with 11 Definitive issue Proofs and two Postage Due Proofs. Unique and splendid set.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 490 French Colonies
Lot# : 550 Martinique
Martinique 1859/65: Eagle 10 c. bistre in a fine horizontal pair, used with 40 c. orange, single and a fine vertical pair, on 1865 double rate cover to Paris tied by MQE lozenge of dots with 'Martinique / Fort De France' cds of despatch above (March 12) in black. Mailed via England with 'Colonies Francais' entry marking in red (March 31) and reverse with Paris arrival cds. Couple of small pinholes and file fold well away from the adhesives, a charming and scarce cover. Cert. Boule (1999).Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 551 French Colonies
Lot# : 552 French Colonies
Lot# : 553 French Colonies
Mauritania 1969: Lunar Landing 100 um. Miniature Sheet, Trial Overprint in red 'apollo XI / Juillet 1969' Iissued with silver surcharge), and 1978 World Cup Final 100 um. Miniature Sheet overprinted 'Argentine - Pays Bas 3-1' Trial Overprint in red instead of silver. A fine pair of Essays, fine unmounted og., also 13 different Miniature Sheets printed between 1969 and 1980, all imperforate and un-issued thus.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 560 French Colonies
Lot# : 561 French Colonies
Obock 1892: The famous large cover to Cherbourg bearing 56 stamps, with 1892 straight line OBOCK surcharged 10 c. black on lilac (3), 15 c. blue (6) and single 40 c. red on yellowish with locally surcharged 1892 issue 1 c. on 25 c. (7), 2 c. on 10 c., 2 c. on 15 c. (9), 4 c. on 25 c. (15), 5 c. on 25 c. (7), 35 c. on 25 c. (4) and 75 c. on 1 fr. olive; all tied by OBOCK / COLONIE-FRANCSE datestamps in black (April 12). Framed 'R' denoting registration and 'La Reunion A Marseille / L.V.No.3 Paquebot datestamp alsongside (same day). Cherbourg arrival cds on reverse (April 24). A few small faults, the cover large but fits on album page for Exhibit display, an undeniably spectacular and a most extraordinary cover. Cert. Vachat (2009).Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 562 French Colonies
Obock 1894: Triangular 25 fr. bistre & blue and 50 fr. lilac-brown & green, each value in a complete sheet of 12 subjects, fresh and fine with full unmounted original gum (catalogue prices are for mounted). Immensely rare - the sole recorded complete sheets of either value. Signed Brun. Cert. Brun (2005) Maury = € 39'000/Yvert = € 25'000+.Starting bid : 17,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 563 French Colonies
Djibouti 1894: "DJ" on Obock 5 c. green in an unused horizontal pair, left stamp with variety 'Missing J', fresh and very fine and extremely rare in a se-tenant pair (and unpriced as such), superb unmounted og. Cert. Calves (2008), Scheller (2011).Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 564 French Colonies
Djibouti 1903: 40 c. value, the original copper plate for the surround for the value, plus the original copper printing plate for the central vignette, as designed by P. Merwart, engraved by B. Damman and recess printed by Chassepot in Paris. Truly extraordinary and extremely rare - the frame being self evidently unique in all respects.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 565 French Colonies
Somali Coast 1894: 25 c. in black on 2 c. brown on yellow, digonally overprinted DJIBOUTI in blue, a superb block of ten used on registered cover to Germany, all tied by DJIBOUTI / POSTES datestamps (April 27) in black. Framed 'R' of registration at left in red and 'La Reunion A Marseille / L.V.No.2' datestamp alongside (May 10) in black. Reverse with Obock cds (May 10) and Stadthagen cds of receipt (May 23). An exceptionally rare cover. Signed L. Miro, Roumet.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 566 French Colonies
Côte de Somalis 1894/1902: 25 c. blue & rose tied by elliptical DJIBOUTI / POSTES datestamp (Dec 10) in blue to 1895 cover to France with octagonal 'La Reunion A Marseille' Paquebot datestamp in black adjacent and reverse with Lannion arrival cds (Dec 22) in black and 1 c. blackish violet & orange, defective and pair of 2 c. red-brown & green used on 'Djibouti' Newspaper with wrapper band to Asmara, Eritrea, tied by 'Côte Francaise des Somalis / Djibouti' datestamps (Nov 29) in black. Reverse with 'Aden' cds (Dec 3) and 'Asmara / Eritrea' arrival cds (Dec 6) in black. A scarce pair.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 567 French Colonies
Côte Des Somalis 1894: 'Caravan' 25 f. rose & blue and 50 fr. blue & rose, the complete unused sheets of 13 subjects, each sheet fresh and very fine, the 25 fr. sheet with small tear at base well away from the adhesives, full unmounted og. Immensely rare sheets - just 2 complete sheets are recorded of the 25 fr. value, the 50 fr. sheet being unique. Cert. Brun (2005) Yvert = € 25'000+.Starting bid : 20,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 568 French Colonies
Côte Des Somalis 1899: Provisional Overprint '0,40' c. on 4 c. brown-lilac & blue, the complete sheet of twelve (4 x 3), fresh appearance with good colour, large part original gum, some adherences, with six stamps unmounted og. A major rarity of French Colonial philately - unique. Cert. Scheller (2011) Gi = £ 42'000/Maury 22 = € 51'000/Yvert = € 48'000.Starting bid : 20,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 569 French Colonies
Côte Des Somalis 1902: "10 / CENTIMES / DJIBOUTI" surcharge in red, Type II with small '10' on Obock 25 c. black & blue, the unique example used on reverse of 1902 registered cover to Constantinople additionally franked by Type I with large '10', 5 c. on 40 c. with overprint double (one diagonal), 5 c. on 30 c. in a vertical pair with surcharge double (unlisted), 10 c. on triangular 2 fr. in a tête-bêche pair: one with overprint double the other with overprint triple and Obock 50 c. rose & blue, all tied by 'Djibouti' datestamps in blue (Aug 22). Constantinople arrival cds (Sept 10) also on reverse. The cover sensibly opened for Exhibit display. A magnificent and exotic cover, the famous and unique usage of the Type II 10 c. on letter. Signed Behr, Calves. Cert. Vachat (2009), Scheller (2011) Maury = € 62'500/Yvert = € 58'000.Starting bid : 35,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 570 French Colonies
Côte Des Somalis 1902: "10 / CENTIMES / DJIBOUTI" surcharge in red, Type II with small '10' on Obock 25 c. black & blue, the superb unused example with large margins all round, of good colour and appearance, reverse with minor gum bend and large part original gum. A great rarity of the French Colonial issues with just 20 examples of this stamp printed with just 3 examples recorded unused. Signed Roumet. Cert. Calves (2004), Scheller (2011) Yvert = € 42'000.Starting bid : 30,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 571 French Colonies
Côte Des Somalis 1938: 5 fr. brown & lilac-brown, a superb unused lower left corner block of 15, completely imperforate with lower nine stamps showing "Frames Omitted" variety. Unlisted, an extraordinary and rare multiple, fresh and fine with full unmounted og. Unique. Cert. Vachat (2009).rnStarting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 572 French Colonies
Côte Des Somalis 1938: 10 fr. deep blue & turquoise, an interpanneau gutter block of 12, lower six stamps with centre misplaced downwards, the interpanneau gutter showing the turquoise centres which should have been printed on the upper six stamps which all show the rare "Centre Omitted" variety, fresh and fine, a rare variety, with full unmounted og. Unique. Cert. Vachat (2009) Maury = € 5'000+/Yvert = € 3'000+.rnStarting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 573 French Colonies
Côte Des Somalis 1938: 20 fr. carmine & grey blue, a superb unused lower left corner block of 15, completely imperforate with lower six stamps showing "Frames Omitted" variety and the upper three stamps showing the frame partially omitted. Unlisted, an extraordinary and rare multiple, fresh and fine with full unmounted og. Unique. Cert. Vachat (2009).rnStarting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 574 French Colonies
Côte Des Somalis, Obock & Djibouti 1898/1941: The 'Djibouti' Postal History collection on leaves with Djibouti 1898 25 c. on covers to France and Belgium and another cover with 25 c. pair and single 50 c. to Dar-Es-Salaam, 1899 cover with Somali Coast provisional '0,40' c. on 4 c. (Yvert 22) sent registered, 1901 Newspaper wrapper to Shanghai, China with P.P. in blue, 1901 bisected 10 c. on Newspaper wrapper to Russia (censored on arrival), 1904 colourful mixed franking cover registered from Ethiopia, 1904 Somali Coast postcard to Hong Kong via Aden at 5 c. rate, 1917 and 1941 Military Concession rate covers, the later cover with special flight cachet, 1932 First Flight covers etc. A fine and scarce collection (22 items).Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 3,400 CHFLot# : 575 Great Britain
Lot# : 576 Great Britain
Lot# : 577 Great Britain
Lot# : 578 Great Britain
1840: Entire letter from Paris dated 31 May 1840 (Sunday!) to Newcastle On Tyne cancelled on despatch with 'Bureau Centrale / (60)' datestamp (June 1) cds in red with manuscript rate '25' (decimes) on reverse and framed red PD on obverse. Mailed via London with cds in red (June 3) to Newcastle (June 5) with blue cds on reverse. Readdressed to the Post Office in Darlington with 1840 1 d. black, plate 2, lettered NJ, a four margined example tied by red Maltese Crosses. A rare and most unusual entire: one of the earliest entires from France bearing an adhesive stamp. Note: William Sample was the first member of the Sample family to take up the profession of a land agent in 1829. After six generations the company joined with another company in 2013. Cert. Holcombe (1999).Starting bid : 6,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 579 Great Britain
1840: 1 d. black, Plate 4, lettered NK, touched at base, used on 1840 cover from Newcastle Under Lyme (Oct 23) to the Ship Hotel in Dover, tied by red-brown Maltese Cross. On arrival in Dover, the cover was re-addressed to "Poste Restante, Naples" and carried privately to Naples. Held at the Poste Restante for six months (May, 1841) and returned (note 'T.S.' handstamp, Transit Sarde, in red) to the 'Clarendon Hotel' in Piccadilly, with red London cds (May 19) and struck with framed LCO POSTAGE NOT PAID / TO LONDON handstamp in red. Forwarded again to Stone, Staffordshire with arrival cds (May 21) in black and charged there at 1/7d. due to pay. Cleaned and stamp removed and replaced, but a remarkable cover that opens well for Exhibition display. Cert. BPA (2013).rnrnNote: The cover is addressed to the 'Ship Inn' in Dover - the owner of this establishment was an illegal Forwarding Agent. The reference for this comes from an 1840 1d. Mulready privately forwarded to France with the notation inside "send your letter to me under cover to the Master of the Ship Inn, Dover, with a request that he will put it into the French Post and I will get it for 3d...". The Ship Inn was located in Worthington's celebrated Hotel & Ship Inn, once known as the Royal Ship Hotel, on Customs House Quay in Dover. From 1823 onwards Mail Coaches left here every evening for London.rnrnNote: This is, in all probability, the earliest cover known bearing a Postage Stamp on a letter from Italy.Starting bid : 10,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 580 Great Britain
1840: 2 d. blue, pl. 1, lettered QI, a fine four margined example of good colour, used on 1840 cover to St. Austell, cancelled by red Maltese Crosses, with Launceston despatch cds (Oct 21) in black on reverse. Two file folds away from adhesive but a fine entire Gi = £ 2'500.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 510 CHFLot# : 581 Great Britain
Lot# : 582 Great Britain
1841: 1 d. red brown blued paper, plate 17, block of six lettered LJ-LL/MJ-ML, with margins clear to superb all round, MJ showing the re-entry (Spec BS6a) used on 1842 cover from Northallerton to Manchester cancelled by neat black Maltese Crosses. Refolded slightly for Exhibit display with despatch cds in red (Jan 27) and arrival in black. An exceptional and attractive multiple of this rarer plate on letter, with 'no cover with a large franking from Plate 17 recorded' by the Karl Louis Card Index Register to date Gi = £ 975 for a block of four off cover. rnNote: Mess. Bagshaw & Stevenson were the solicitors of the then privately owned "Sheffield, Ashton-under-Lyne and Manchester Railway Company". The opening of the first section of line from Manchester to Godley was in 1841.rnrnStarting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 583 Great Britain
1841: 1 d. red-brown, BA from the corrected Plate 77b (with check letter 'A' inserted), good to large margins, neatly cancelled with London Chief Office Numeral "11" clear of the inserted check letter 'A', very fresh and attractive example of this prominent "2nd state" of the original 'B Blank' error. Cert. RPSL (2011) Gi. BS29b = £ 1'900.rnrnProvenance: Major General Sir Leonard Atkinson (1990); Chartwell (2011).Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 584 Great Britain
1841/53: Treasury Roulette 1 d. red-brown, plate 161, BB, showing the 4/3 waves leaving characteristic small 'paper bridges' within the waves clearly visible, slight thin in bottom right corner, otherwise very fine and neatly cancelled with barred numeral. Certs. BPA (1967) not mentioning the slight thin, and RPS (2005) Gi. B2(1)aa = £ 7'200.rnrnProvenance: Robson Lowe Bournemouth auction (July 1963).Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 585 Great Britain
Baltic Expedition via Danzig 1855: Small envelope from the Baltic fleet to Dawlish Devon during the siege of the Bomarsund fortress on the Aland Islands, endorsed "Via Danzig", franked with 1 d. red-brown, die I in a horizontal strip of three, cancelled by single horizontal numeral '49' cancellation at the Inland Section of the London Chief Office with "DANZIG 6 / 7 3-4" cds at left, reverse with "A L JY - 10 1855" transit cds in red. On stamp with fault otherwise a desirable and scarce Field Post usage during the Crimean war from the Baltic theatre of war via the German seaport of Danzig.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 586 Great Britain
1858/59: 1 d. rose-red, BH, tied by a superb impression of the Salisbury Trial code E numeral '683' cancellation with four pins in black to unaddressed blue envelope thought to be of proof status. Only two such blue 'proof' envelopes (unaddressed) franked with a 1 d. rose-red are recorded in the Karl Louis Card Index Register, the other 'proof' envelope was offered in the J.B. Seymour collection 1951 (together with an unaddressed Penny pink envelope) and again by Stanley Gibbons in 1974 (stating in error "to be the only example extant"). The Salisbury Trial obliteration was in use for short periods only in 1859 and 1871/72. In addition 1864: 1 d. rose-red, plate 131, block of four GB/HC cancelled with Salisbury Trial code E numeral '683' with the pins in the centre removed, some split perfs re-enforced, otherwise fine and scarce, especially so cancelling a multiple. It is assumed that the pins were removed in order to leave the letter contents undamaged. Cert. BPA (2005) for the unaddressed envelope.rnrnProvenance (for the envelope): Robson Lowe auction (May 27, 1981); Spink (May 11, 2006); Lady Mairi Bury (2010).Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 587 Great Britain
1864: 1 d. lake-red, plate 109, OD, variety: imperf. with large to very large margins all round, neatly cancelled with Irish barred numeral. The Karl Louis Card Index Register has recorded only four used imperforate examples from plate 109, all are used in Ireland, incl. Clonmel (142) and Pallasgreen (369) plus one defective single on a cover from Windsor (photocopies attached). Cert. RPSL (2006) Gi. = £ 3'000.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 588 Great Britain
1860: 1 ½ d. rosy mauve, lettered ML, prepared for use in anticipation of a change of postal rates which fdid not take place and therefore unissued in this colour, the colour a little suffused and affected by age, few short perforations, part og. A fine and presentable example of this rare "unissued" adhesive. Cert. BPA (2011) Gi. = £ 8'500.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 589 Great Britain
1855: Entire letter written from East India House to Dr. Albrecht Weber in Berlin, franked by 1854 2 d. blue pl. 4, perf. 16 in combination with 1854 Embossed 6d purple with good margins and colour, small contemporary scissor cut outside of design, neatly cancelled by London '19' obliterators in black. Oval 'P.' in red alongside and partial Aachen transit in red with manuscript '4' (pence credit. Reverse with London despatch cds (Jan 10) and complete East India Co. wax seal. Couple of file folds well away from the adhesives, a scarce franking. Signed Ernst Stock.rnNote: Dr. Albrecht Weber (1825-1901) was a german Indologist and historian. In 1856 he became an anjunct professor of the language and literature of ancient India.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 590 Great Britain
1856: 1 s. green, unused, part o.g. overprinted SPECIMEN and perfinned P.O.E. A highly interesting perfin. variety applied on a SPECIMEN overprinted early Surface Printed issue. The historic background of this perfin. is unknown and much discussed in the GBPS newsletters in 2006. The example offered here is unique as a single with only one marginal block of four (ex Maximus 1970, ex Samuel 2003) otherwise recorded. Very rare: the theories discussed vary from an early Joseph Sloper perfin. experiment to the assumption of P.O.E standing for "Post Office Experiment".rnrnProvenance: John Keegan collection (2006).Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 591 Great Britain
1862: 4 d. pale red, pl. 3 lettered KG-KI/LG-LI, a used block of six, reperforated down left wing margin, cancelled by Edinburgh / 131 duplexes (Aug 15) in black. Despite a few bklunted perforations and minor corner bend on sixth stamp, a remarkable multiple, being the largest used block according to the Karl Louis Card Index Register recorded to date.rnReferences: mentioned in Galland/Louis, "Surface printed stamps 1855-1883", page 55.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 592 Great Britain
1862/64: 4 d. red pl. 4, with hairlines, horizontal pair and vertical strip of three used with 1858 2 d. blue pl. 9 on 1865 cover to Rome, Italy endorsed 'via France' tied by 'Nottingham / 583' duplexes in black (Jan 13). Rome (Vapore) arrival on reverse. Faults to the adhesives and the cover, nevertheless a scarce and unusual 1/10d. rate for a ½ letter, with only one larger franking bearing the 4d. hairlines existing.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 593 Great Britain
1862/64: 6 d. lilac pl. 3, the remarkable usage of four examples in a single and strip of three lettered EA-EC, used on 1863 cover to Paris (La Chambre correspondence), with additional 1 d. star for the Late Fee, neatly tied by London '12' obliterators in black. Oval 'PD' in red and Calais transit cds (Feb 8) at left and reverse with London and Paris cds's. A most unusual cover carried at six times rate: The Karl Louis Card Index Register records just one cover with a larger franking of the 1862 6d. Rare and most appealing cover.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 594 Great Britain
1862 (Jan 15): 9 d. straw, wmk. Emblems, the remarkable used block of eight, lettered FI-FL/GI-GL, all cancelled by London 'WC/9' obliterators in black. One or two short perforations at right of the block otherwise in fine condition for such an extremely rare multiple. The largest recorded used block with only one other used block of eight existing on cover. Exceptional and very rare Gi = £ 3'600.rnProvenance: Collection Howard O. Fraser (2001).rnReference: mentioned in Galland/Louis, "Surface printed stamps 1855-1883", page 62.Starting bid : 900 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 595 Great Britain
1862/64: 1 s. green, a fine vertical pair used on 1864 cover to Lima, Peru, applied slightly over the top of the cover but of excellent colour tied by 'Glasgow / 159' duplexes (June 1). PANAMA cds of transit and oval Lima 'Conduccion / Del Cartero / Gratis' in black on obverse. Lima arrival (July 8) on reverse; also a similar 1863 cover, not as fine, tied by 'Halifax / 330' sideways duplex from the same correspondence.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 596 Great Britain
1867: 2 s. dull blue, pl. 1, the remarkable block of twelve, lettered FE-FH/HE-HH, with full imprint in top margin 'Postage Two Shillings', all cancelled by "BO1" obliterator handstamps of Alexandria, Egypt in black. A couple of blunted perforations on wing margin and minor central bend of no significance, a superb multiple of great scarcity. The third largest block recorded in used condition recorded by the Karl Louis Card Index Register to date, an Exhibition item Gi = £ 2'700+.rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Chartwell' (Oct 2011), lot 436.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 597 Great Britain
1867: 2 s. dull blue, a very fine used vertical pair, used in third week of issue, tied to 1867 cover to Piura, Peru by Liverpool / 466 duplexes in black (July 16) with single ring 'Panama' cds of transit (Aug 7) in black and straight line PAITA handstamp in black on reverse. A fine and scarce entire.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 598 Great Britain
1872/73: 6 d. chestnut, pl. 11, the extraordinary usage of a block of six, two horizontal pairs and a single example on 1872 cover to Oporto, Portugal endorsed 'via France & Spain' all tied by 'Lombard St.' duplexes in black. Oval 'PD' in red alongside and oval framed FRANCA applied on arrival, with Porto cds of receipt on reverse. A sensational 2¾ ounce (11 times normal) rate cover and in excellent condition for such a franking and most appealing. The largest franking of this stamp on cover according the Karl Louis Card Index Register recorded to date Gi = £ 700+ off cover.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 599 Great Britain
1867/83: 10 s. greenish grey, wmk. Maltese Cross, a used example of excellent colour cancelled by bold 'Dublin Sorting Office' datestamp (Feb 10, 1879) in black. Minor perforation thin at top, otherwise a fine example of this very scarce stamp. Cert. K. Louis (2016) Gi = £ 3'200+.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 600 Great Britain
1873/80: 1 s. green pl. 13, a marvellous block of 16 (4 x 4) used on large 1880 piece in conjunction with pair of 2½ d. blue pl. 19, all tied by 'Lynedoch Pl. B. O. / Edinb. / 396 duplexes in black (June 2). Some peripheral edge wear in the wing margins at left but a wonderful piece of great charm. According to the Karl Louis Card Index Register the 1 s. being the largest recorded used multiple from this plate known to date. Rare Gi = £ 2'500+.rnReference: mentioned in Galland/Louis, "Surface printed stamps 1855-1883", page 165.Starting bid : 700 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 601 Great Britain
1882: 1 s. purple, plate 13, ED, intended for surcharge but never issued, overprinted SPECIMEN type 9, part o.g., one of the rarest unissued Victorian stamp issues with just 16 examples recorded according to Galland/Louis in "Surface printed stamps 1855-1883", page 184, plus this specimen ED which is not mentioned in the handbook, all of which originate from an upper left pane of 20, lettered AA - ED. Exceedingly rare Gi. K8Cs = £ 8'250.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 6,000 CHFLot# : 602 Great Britain
1902: Edward VII 1 d. Plate Proofs / Colour Trials, with imperforate horizontal pair in grey-green on card paper, another in red on rough buff paper, delightful imperforate horizontal pair on card paper showing the pillars below, printed in bright green and showing a slight double impression, creased in margin, and a single example showing a triple impression. A scarce group Gi = £ 480.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 603 Great Britain
Lot# : 604 Great Britain
1840/1953ca.: Interesting collection hundreds used/unused stamps incl. 1840 1 d. black and 2 d. blue, 1847 Embossed definitives, compl. used set of cut-square examples, later Victoria surface printed issues such as 1867 5 sh. lilac, 1878 10 sh. green-grey, £ 1 brown-violet, 1882 £ 5 orange, 1884 £ 1 brown-lilac, four Specimen stamps, 1902 Edward £1 green, 1913 Seahorses up to £ 1, in addition official stamps, usage abroad, British Post Offices in the Levant, German Occupation Channel Islands, German Propaganda issues, and Ionian Islands.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 5,600 CHFLot# : 605 Great Britain
1840/1990: Important collection several hundred mainly used stamps, starting with one Mulready envelope unused, ten Penny Blacks (one on cover), six two pence blue, twelve embossed values, other values specialized by plate numbers, colour shades and cancellations, QV high values up to £ 1.- violet (2) and green (4), KE VIII high values up to £ 1.- green (2), Sea Horses incl. £ 1.- (2) in various colour shades, Postal Congress 1929 £ 1.- black (2 - one mint) etc., at the end a section with local issues of Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Ile of Man, Guernsey and Jersey, housed in two BIELLA albums.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 11,500 CHFLot# : 606 Great Britain
1841/2000c.: Collection from 1841 1 d. red imperf., with range of 1858 1 d. reds used (170+), 1870 bantam ½ d. lake used (80), Surface Printed issues with values to 5 s., some useful stamps and cancellations noted but condition very variable.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 607 Great Britain
1840/42: Small classic group with 1 d. black, pl. 2, lettered DK used on large piece tied by red MC with 'Manchester / May 27 / 1840' cds in red, a fine 'Maydate' usage, 1 d. black pl. 7, lettered MJ fine used cancelled in black, 1840 2 d. blue used on cleaned entire to Ramsgate cancelled in red, 1841 1 d. red-brown (plate 14) used on cover from Newbury to London, 1841 2 d. blue with fine single used and a pair on cover.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 550 CHF
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