Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919


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  • Losnr. : 4258 Malta

    1856: Cover probably mailed either from the Crimea or, more likely from Constantinople and addressed to London; franked by 1855 1 d. red-brown, wmk. Small Crown perf. 14 and 2 d. blue pl. 4, single example lettered PD and a horizontal strip of four OD-OG all cancelled by ink manuscript from the Crimea/Constantinople to London. Reverse with Malta double arc cds in black (Jan) and London arrival (Jan 21, 1856 but faint strike) in red alongside embossed flap reading "Soyez Ferme" (Be Steadfast) with Dragon vignette of the Hyde family. One 2 d. with small fault but a wonderful and extremely rare cover.rnNote: Robson Lowe article accompanies the lot stating January 1855, we however feel the date of the letter to be 1856. The letter was correctly franked with 11d. for the British Packet letter rate to Britain and handed directly to the packet at Constantinople leaving for Malta. The Contract packet employed in conveying the Mails did not, in 1856, have their own numeral cancellator on board, the Mail officer cancelled the adhesives with a wavy pen stroke. Unfortunately the letter missed the P.&O. packet  'ALMA'  at Malta (9 January 1856) en route from Alexandria to Southampton by one day. In order not to wait two weeks for the next P.&O. packet leaving Malta for Southampton, the letter was mailed on from Malta on 10 January 1856  by 'Closed Mail' via Marseilles by French Packet which required 1s. 9d. postage. The 11d. prepaid was not accepted as part payment when conveyed by French Packet (Moubray states "Underpaid: As unpaid"), and therefore taxed as unpaid with '1/9' in black ink to be paid by the recipient on delivery in London.    rnAnother cover dated 31 July 1855 which may confirm the practise of pen-cancelling late letters directly handed to the Mail packet is recorded bearing POST OFFICE BRITISH ARMY (code 'B' / Balaklava) datestamp on reverse addressed to Gibraltar. The five 1d. adhesives are also pen-cancelled (on board the Mail Packet from Constantinople?) and charged additional 5d. for the deficient amount for a letter by British Packet to Gibraltar. The address on both pen-cancelled letters may or may not be from the same sender. Copy with the lot.rnWe do concur that the address to the Union Bank of London, 4 Pall Mall, London with "A & N Club" at lower left was probably a request from the writer to the Bank to pay his annual dues for membership of the Army & Navy Club.rnrnProvenance: Collection T.V. Roberts, RL, London, 26 April 1989, lot 2164.rn 
    Ausruf : 3.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 4049 St. Vincent

    1772 (Oct 8): Entire letter from Layou Bay to St. Augustine, East Florida (Mrs. Barrie correspondence), endorsed in manuscript 'To the care of Mr. Wells, Bookseller, Charles Town, S. Carolina' sent as internally noted "I send this by way of Boston enclosed in a letter" with faint BOSTON handstamp in magenta and Bishop Mark "12/NO". Thence forwarded and struck across back flap with two line "CHARLES / TOWN" in brown. Multitudes of deleted manuscript rates and with a final charge to pay of '3/11d.' in manuscript at top. Sensibly preserved and a most remarkable and extremely rare entire.rnrnNote: The contents from Mrs. Dolly Barrie's husband, attached as a Doctor to the British Army in St. Vincent are typically chatty "We arrived at Tyrell's Bay after a passage of seven weeks...we were very short of water. Immediately upon our coming to anchor the Major and I went on shore but finding that Kingstown was the capital of the island we went there and waited upon the Governor and Col. Dalrymple with whom we dined...we returned that night on board the Transport...and next day Cotton with 30 men were ordered about three miles inland, Pilot with 2 Company and myself ordered about 10 mile to the Leeward to guard the pass of the Mountains where the Indians are expected to come down if they are repulsed by the Main Army.. the Post we have occupied is capable of repulsing the whole Caribs should they attempt to attack us...the 32nd Regiment have had three men killed and two wounded...the Natives are about 2'000, supplied with firearms, sabres, powder and ball and some few swivels from the French...".
    Ausruf : 2.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 4159 Bolivien

    1867 (Nov 21): Bolivia Condor 5 c. green, a used vertical pair from the original plate, 5th printing, positions 15/27 with large margins all round (Scott 1b) tied to 1867 combination cover from Lamar to Baltimore, USA in combination with Great Britain 1867 1 s. green pl. 4 applied for onward tranmission, the Bolivia pair cancelled by light circular LAMAR / FRANCA handstamp in black and the Great Britain 1 s. green cancelled by a fine strike of the "C39" obliterator of the British Postal Agency in Cobija in black, with corresponding single ring COBIJA datestamp below (Nov 21). Struck in transit with circular 'N.Y. STEAMSHIP / 10' (Dec 21) for incoming Ship Letter fee. Minor vertical file fold crosses the lower Condor 5 c. not detracting from the wonderful appearance. This extraordinary cover is, in this describer's opinion, the sole proper combination usage available to philatelists as we believe the ex Dr. Kornan cover, whilst equally fine and attractive, is more of a chance usage where the sender eventually mailed his cover directly from the British Agency in Cobija (photograph of same with the lot); illustrated in Parmenter & Gordon on page 3/6 who state "the only known combination cover serviced by both the Bolivian and British Post Office". A highlight of the collection: this magificent rarity is one of the greatest covers of both South American and British Postal History extant.rnProvenance: Collection Louise Boyd Dale & Alfred Lichtenstein, Harmers, New York, 17-18 Feb 1969, lot 282; Collection Dr. Norman Hubbard. Sold privately through Brian Moorhouse; Collection André Bollen, DF, Zurich, 29-30 March 1984, lot 11552; Collection Jaime Ortiz-Patiño, Spink Shreves, New York, 5 March 2008, lot 2114.
    Ausruf : 75.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 4270 Ägypten (Königreich)

    1865 (May 4): Combination cover from Triest to Bombay, India: Austria Arms 1864 issue issue 2 kr. yellow, 5 kr. rose-red and horizontal strip of four 15 kr. brown, perf. 9½, (Michel 30+32+34) all tied by oval framed "Triest" datestamps (4/5) in black, to entire letter to Bombay with Great Britain 1865 3 d. rose pl. 4 and 9 d. straw, this last listed but not priced by SG, tied by smudged strikes of the "BO1" obliterator in black. Reverse of entire with manuscript '52' kreuzer rate, ALEXANDRIA cds in black (May 10) and Bombay arrival cds (May 27) in red. The stamps with various elements of aging espccially so on the British adhesives but a very rare entire - the sole example this describer has seen with the British rate of 1 shilling made up with a 3d. and 9d. adhesive.rnNote: The contents of the letter are interesting "What do you think of the decision of the American question, at least I suppose it is decided now after (General Robert E.) Lee's capture, although affairs there must be in a queer state owing to the murder of Lincoln & Seward, what a mess...Servants here in the lodging are the worst of that community I have ever seen, most filthy in person, careless and stupid...".
    Ausruf : 7.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 19.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4001 USA

    Seven Years War 1759 (Oct 22): Entire letter written from John Dunnett at Crown Point, north of Fort Ticonderoga on Lake Champlain, addressed to Capt. John Sutherland of Forres, Caithness via Edinburgh, Scotland cancelled in transit by fine "NEW / YORK" handstamp in red ink, charged in manuscript "1N10" (1s. 10d.), with 1s. for the Packet rate and 10d. internal charge. A fascinating letter: "General Amherst has given us short warning of a Pacquet's going to Britain...I shall only inform you that the Campaign is over and all your friends and acquantances in this Army are healthy. When we get into winter quarters I will write you whole sheets of paper. General Amherst with all the regulars in his Army, embarked at this place on the 11th instant, with a view to drive the French from the Isle de Noix and St. John's and so penetrate into the heart of Canada...The story of Quebec's being reduced (Sept 13, 1759) General Wolfe's death and all other circumstances of that interesting conquest, you will undoubtedly have before this arrives...". A splendid and historic entire.rnNote: Isle de Noix fell to the British in August 1760. The last French Governor-General of New France, Pierre François de Rigaud, Marquis de Vaudreuil-Cavagnal, surrendered to the British under General Amherst on September 8, 1760.
    Ausruf : 1.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.600,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4081 Haiti

    1841 (July 6): Entire letter written from Cap Haitien to Glasgow, Scotland endorsed 'p.Packet' at left, struck on arrival in Falmouth with the finest recorded example of the framed "S. DOMINGO." handstamp applied in green, the reverse with framed 'Glasgow' datestamp of receipt (Aug 4) in black. In October 1840 mail from Cuba and the Isle of St. Domingo (Hispaniola) ceased to be carried by the Mexican Packet but was transferred to the Leeward Islands service. An outstanding and rare entire.rnNote: The long contents read in part "had I known what I do now St. Domingo would never have seen my face, not that I dislike the Country, but I most thoroughly abhor the people...They have a great deal of senseless pride about them...Consequently there is a great deal of underhand work going on...To speak the candid truth I am sick of Cape Hayti...I have often though there is a particular curse that hangs, if not over this town, at least over the was from here that the party was sent that surprised Toussaint L'Ouverture and carried him to France, a man, black though he was, that would have done honour to any country. It was in this town that the last of the Frenchmen in this part of the Island were butchered in cold blood by the Haytian Emperor Desalines after guaranteeing their safety..".
    Ausruf : 1.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.600,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4182 Chile

    1878 (July 27): Great Britain 1870 1½ d. lake-red pl. 3 horizontal pair, 1876 4 d. sage-green pl. 16 horizontal pair, 1874 6 d. grey pl. 16, three examples and extraordinary usage of single 1867/74 5 s. rose pl. 1 on 1878 registered linen backed cover to J. B. Moens in Brussels all tied by nine strikes of the "C30" oböiterator with two strikes of 'Valparaiso' cds (July 27) and three strikes of the straight line REGISTERED handstamps in black. Oval 'Registered / London' in red (Sept 12) and reverse with arrival cds (Sept 12) and Post Office red wax seal. Illustrated on the front cover of Theo Brauers "Scarce Victorian Postage Stamps of Great Britain on Cover" and on page 37: the rate of 7/5d. breaks down as a 6 times 1/2½ d. rate + 2 d. registration. Faults to the envelope (it is probable the envelope contained sheets of the newly issued Chile 5 c. dull lake) and small imperfections to the generally fine adhesives but of no significance - a major rarity of Great Britain Used Abroad and Chilean philately.rnProvenance: Collection Smith, RL, Basel, 16 Oct 1975, lot 1881; Collection André Bollen, DF, Zurich, 29-30 March 1984, lot 11582; Collection Vivien Sussex, Cavendish, Derby, 6 March 2002, lot 325.
    Ausruf : 4.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 6.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4111 Puerto Rico

    1 / 2
    1876 (May 12): Great Britain 1870 ½ d. rose-red pl. 6, 1864 1 d. red pl. 159 and 1876 4 d. vermilion pl. 15 in a vertical pair with one stamp removed below, all used on 1876 cover from Naguabo to Elsfleth near Bremen tied by two strikes of enormously rare "582" obliterator of Naguabo and by 'London / Paid' transit cds (May 30) in red. Fine circular "NAGUABO / PAID" datestamp at right in black (May 12) and reverse with Elsfleth arrival cds (June 1) in black. Illustrated in Parmenter & Gordon on page 5/63. Despite the missing adhesive, this cover ranks amongst the great rarities of Great Britain Used Abroad, being the latest of just three covers recorded with British stamps from Naguabo. Certs. RPSL (1959), Philatelic Foundation (1984) and Sismondo (2005).rnProvenance: Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 995; Collection André Bollen, DF, Zurich, 29-30 March 1984, lot 11708; Collection Gaspar Roca, Harmers, New York, 21 March 2006, lot 503.rnNaguabo covers: 27 Dec 1875 with pair of 4 d. vermilion pl. 14 to Trinidad (ex Acevedo), 26 April 1976 with 1 s. green to Torquay (see P&G page 5/64), 12 May 1876 the above cover to Germany. rn 
    Ausruf : 10.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 10.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4377 New South Wales

    Mail Boat Obliterations / Mediterranean Packets 1869 (Sept 2): Envelope from Sydney, New South Wales with embossed crest of "HMS Victoria" on flap, London transit cds (addressed to Elk Creek Post Office in Wisconsin, USA; dated on despatch at lower left in manuscript, franked by Great Britain 1867/80 6 d. mauve pl. 8, two examples, tied by "A86" obliterators in black and additionally tied by weak strike of "Boston Br. Pkt." datestamp in red. Carried initially from Sydney on P&O "Malta", to Galle via Melbourne, trans-shipped to the "Candia" (Nov 4), thence via Suez (Nov 19) to Alexandria (Nov 21), from there via "Pera" to Southampton. Reverse with London transit cds (Dec 6) in red and carried from there on Cunard "Tripoli" to Boston (arrived Dec 22); manuscript note of answer in pencil (Jan 11, 1870) on obverse. Weak edges to envelope and partial flap missing but a rare cover.rnProvenance: Spink, London, 7 March 2007, lot 1048.rnNote: The HMS Victoria was ordered by the Government of Victoria as a Warship and was launched in June 1855. She was placed at the disposal of the New Zealand Govt. in 1860 following the outbreakl of the Second Maori War. Retired from service in 1864, she returned to survey duties from 1865-1869.
    Ausruf : 1.100,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.100,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4145 Nicaragua

    1881 (Jan 7): Nicaragua 1869 perf. 5 c. black and 1878/79 rouletted 25 c. green (Scott 5+12), used on 1881 cover from Marenco y Hermanos in Granada to Pector & Ducout in Paris (traders in brandy and gemstones) and cancelled by barred handstamp in black, with circular 'Correos de Nicaragua / Granada' cds in blue at left (Jan 7). Great Britain 1870 1½ d. lake-red pl. 3 and 1880 4 d. grey-brown pl. 17 (wmk. Garter) in a horizontal strip of three applied entirely over the Nicaragua adhesives tied by neat GREY-TOWN circular datestamps (Jan 15, code B) in black for full payment to destination (manuscript '1/1½' at left in pencil); with reverse showing London transit cds (Feb 10) in red and Paris arrival cds of the following day. The British adhesives lifted for checking, a spectacular combination cover with just two complete covers recorded with this franking, the other being ex Hubbard. Delightful.rnProvenance: Collection E.E. Yates, RL, London, 31 July-1 Aug 1940; Collection Charles Jewell; Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 899; Spink, London Private Treaty List, Spring 2000, lot 20.
    Ausruf : 4.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.500,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4298 Malta

    1 / 1
    1856 (April 23): France 1853 20 c. blue imperforate, used example with ragged but near complete margins all round, on 1856 entire letter written from Malta to Paris tied by superb strike of the Malta "Wavy Lines" handstamp applied at Valletta in black. Double arc despatch datestamp (April 23) displaying well on the reverse in black, 'Poss. Angl. / Marseille' entry marking in red (April 28) and Paris arrival (April 29) on reverse. Taxed as unpaid with '8' décimes charge marking, double the correct 40 centimes rate and not taking into account the prepayment. One of the the most important items of Maltese, French and Mediterranean Postal History. A wonderful and extremely rare entire, the sole recorded usage of this handstamp on an adhesive of any country other than Great Britain and a unique usage on letter. Cert. J. Robineau & V. Pothion.rnNote: The British Administration of the Malta Post Office commenced, somewhat unsuccessfully from late August 1857. Prior to this date all letters posted with adhesive stamps in Malta were those carried there by the sender.rnProvenance: Collection Dubus, Druout, Paris, 6-7 Oct 1988, lot 179.
    Ausruf : 17.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 4301 Malta

    1855 (July 3): Great Britain 1847 Embossed 1 s. green, a single example with large margins on three sides and barely shaved at left, used with 1855 1 d. red-brown, Die II, wmk. Large Crown, perf. 16 lettered RI, each tied by the superb strikes of the Malta "Wavy Lines" handstamp applied at Valletta in black to 1855 cover endorsed 'via Marseilles' and mailed to Market Harborough. Carried by French Packet at rate of 1/1d. for a letter under ½ ounce. Reverse with double arc MALTA despatch cds (July 3) in black, London transit cds in red and 'Market Harbough' arrival cds in green (July 10). Small imperfections of absolutely no significance. One of the the most important items of both Maltese and Mediterranean Postal History. A stunning cover of great rarity. Unique.rnProvenance: Plumridges, London, 1 Nov 1917; Article by Bertram McGowan in 'The British Philatelist', April 1930, page 12; Exhibited at the Royal Jubilee Exhibition, Royal Philatelic Society, London, 1935; Collection H.A. Cann, Harmers, London, 15 June 1970, lot 3; Collection Francisco, Christie's, London, 22 March 1989, lot 2093.
    Ausruf : 20.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 20.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4009 USA

    1772 (Dec 14): Entire letter written from Camp at Grand Sable in St. Vincent to Mrs. Barrie in St. Augustine, East Florida, endorsed "By way of Carolina or Georgia" at left, The entire with contents from the addressee's husband stating "Pilot is come to tell me the Boat is just going to sail, and the Barrel that the letters are obliged to be put into headed up" from there by a local vessel to Kingston, Jamaica where straight line "IAMAICA" handstamp in black applied with manuscript "Windward Islands" below. Landed with two line "CHARLES / TOWN" across flap and straight line "PENSACOLA" handstamp in black. Rated at top "4d. - In all 8d." in manuscript, this altered to "1/S8" (1s. 8d.) to pay upon receipt (April 5, 1773; on reverse flap). Illustrated in Robson Lowe Encyclopaedia on page 22 and 'The Colonial Posts in the United States of America' by Horowicz and Lowe on page 19. Sensible cover repair tape at top, a truly remarkable and rare entire.rnProvenance: Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25 Nov 1969, lot 17.
    Ausruf : 40.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 40.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4197 Peru

    1 / 1
    1869 (Sept 21): Entire letter from Tacna to Castellon sur Dordogne, France endorsed 'Via Panama y Southampton' franked by Peru 1868 Le Coq 1 d. green tied by Tacna cds in black (Scott 14) in combination with Great Britain 1865/79 1 d. red pl. 105, two examples (unlisted by Stanley Gibbons used in Peru) and 1867 9 d. straw pl. 4 in a horizontal pair cancelled initially by British P.O. single ring "ARICA" cds in red (Sept 22). 'London / Paid' transit cds in red (Oct 28) and the British adhesives cancelled by a rare usage of the Foreign Branch "Zig-Zag" control handstamps in black and red 'PD' added. Reverse with French transits and Castellon arrival cds (Oct 30). Some peripheral aging that does not detract from a superb cover - one of just two examples of this usage on Peruvian combination covers, the other being ex the Dr. Paul Kornan collection (lot 205) and this example being much the finer of the two. Cert. RPSL (1998).rnProvenance: Spink, London, 10 June 1998, lot 1528; Collection Dr. D. N. Seaton, Cavendish, Derby, 10 Sept 2014, lot 485.
    Ausruf : 2.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.500,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4158 Argentinien

    1 / 1
    1877 (Sept 29): Argentina 1877 8 c. lake rouletted (Scott 34) used in combination with Great Britain 1864 1 d. red pl. 153, five examples, and 1865 4 d. vermilion pl. 12 single and pair, on 1877 cover to the Austrian Post Office in Alexandria, Egypt endorsed 'per Minho', the former tied by 'Buenos Aires' cds (Sept 27), the Great Britain adhesives unnecessary for initial journey and left uncancelled on departure but cancelled in London by '28' obliterators in black to prevent re-use, and accepted as pre-payment for the Egyptian leg of the journey and thus treated correctly as fully paid with 'London / Paid' cds (Nov 1). Reverse with British and Austrian Post Office datestamps of arrival (Nov 8). Some peripheral aging but an unusual and very early 'philatelic' cover. Cert. BPA (1982).rnNote: The use of British stamps in Argentina was ended in 1873. Great Britain and Egypt were original signatories of the UPU in 1875, Argentina joined on 1 April 1878. The above cover was probably mailed between an Argentinian postal clerk to his opposite number in the Austrian Post Office in Alexandria.rnProvenance: Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 551.
    Ausruf : 750,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.400,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4211 Peru

    1874 (May 14): Combination cover from Callao to Genova, Italy endorsed 'pr. W.I. Mail' at top, franked by Peru 1866/67 Llama 10 c. red (Scott 17) tied by British P.O. "Callao" cds (May 14), Great Britain 1874 6 d. grey pl. 13 added in payment of Late Fee and just tied by framed "Late Fee" in black; also cancelled by "C35" obliterator of Panama with three line dated PANAMA / TRANSIT in black (May 28). The cover travelled from Colon on French Paquebot "Martinique" with circular "Ligne A / Paq. Fr. No. 3" datestamp (Salles fig. 1401) on reverse (June 2) with Paris transit adjacent (June 26) and there struck twice with framed Convention handstamps "F.58" in blue. These deleted with manuscript and '14' due marking in blue as the letter found to be double weight and charged with 1870 Italian Postage Due 40 c. pair and 1 lire pair tied at Genova (June 28). We know of just three covers and four pieces. The latest recorded usage of the "Late Fee" handstamp, small imperfections commensurate to journey and handling but a fascinating cover.
    Ausruf : 750,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.100,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4194 Ecuador

    1866 (Oct 3): Great Britain 1865 1 s. green pl. 4, a single example (OL) and two horizontal strips of four (KI-KL and LI-LL), used on 1866 cover with complete original contents ("with this mail I send a journal of experiences between between Guayaquil and Quito") sent from the U.S. Consulate in Quito endorsed 'care of the U.S. Consul in Guayaquil' to Columbus, Ohio, USA all tied by six strikes of the "C41" obliterator with fair 'Guayaquil' double arc cds in black on reverse. Double arc PANAMA datestamp of transit on front (Oct 20) and, at left "N. York / Steamship" handstamp in blue-black. Faults commensurate with size, weight and journey, a spectacular nine times rate franking.rnNote: Addressed to the editor of the Ohio State Journal, the writer states "I think Newspapers would reach me if sent to the care of the U.S. Consul in Panama - a 2 cent stamp is necessary" and "I showed (a Henry Rifle) to the Nuncio and he thought if he had 20'000 Henry Rifles he could defend the dominions of the Pope".rnrnProvenance: RL, Zurich, 5 Dec 1991, lot 610.
    Ausruf : 1.250,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.400,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4011 USA

    1794 (Oct 11): Entire letter from an English Officer in Detroit via Halifax to London, struck with circular "HALIFAX / N. SCOTIA" datestamp (March 6, 1795) on reverse and, on obverse with framed "AMERICAN INLAND / POSTAGE" handstamp alongside the American (not United States) postage in manuscript of 1/6d., the "Packet Postage" of "1s." with a total charge of "2/6d." to pay. Three London arrival datestamps on reverse (April 20). This entire is illustrated in the Robson Lowe Encyclopaedia on page 370. Exceptional strikes and a remarkable and very rare entire.rnrnNote: The British retained a Fort in Detroit until 1796. The letter's content after noting that building the new Fort at Detroit had made many soldier's ill is fascinating: "War with America has been very much talked of & General Wayne came close to the new Fort, but retreated, perhaps you know with greater certainty in England, what is to happen. The Americans complain very much, and the Indians whom we have always supported will fight no longer without some English Troops....this is the last opportunity of sending a letter to Europe."rnrn 
    Ausruf : 2.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 7.500,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4384 Indien

    Mail Boat Obliterations / Abyssinian Campaign 1867 (Dec): India 1866 4 a. green, Die I, in a horizontal pair tied to 1867 cover to Avranches, France endorsed 'via Marseilles' cancelled by sender's initials and by bold strike of P & O Mailboat "C79" obliterator and by part oval 'PD' applied with 'London / Paid' cds in red (Dec 2?). Carried by the 'S.S. Mongolia' with British P.O. SUEZ transit cds in blue (Dec 16). Reverse with Paris transit and Avranches arrival cds (Dec 29). One of very few covers known prior to the setting up of the Field Post Office in June 1868. Superb quality and most attractive.rnNote: Mailed from Lieut. C.B. Smith of the Madras Infantry, attached to the first wave of 1'500 troops landed at Annersley Bay, Gulf of Zula for the Campaign, he had arrived on the 'Star of India' in Annersley Bay on Dec 5, 1867. For further information on this Campaign and the known covers, see Roberto Sciaky's article in the London Philatelist, June 2003.rnProvenance: 'Mailboat Covers & Cancellations', Spink, 7 March 2007, lot 1112.
    Ausruf : 2.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 7.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4362 Gibraltar

    1865 (Dec 16): Combination cover with Great Britain 1858/69 2 d. blue pl. 9 used on cover to Cadiz (MacPherson correspondence) endorsed 'pr. Adriano' tied by "A26" obliterator with GIBRALTAR datestamp above (Dec 16) in black and paying the Ship Letter fee, overlapping Spain January 1865 4 c. blue perf. 14 (Michel 68) tied by barred "3" numeral handstamp cancelled on arrival in Cadiz in black and also tying the British adhesive. Reverse with Cadiz arrival cds (Dec 17). A charming cover of superb appearance.rnNote: On June 14, 1856, the Spanish Postmaster in San Roque informed Edmund Cresswell Jr., the Postmaster in Gibraltar that in future all mail addressed to destinations within Spain would have to be prepaid by Spanish stamps (the 2 d. Gibraltar rate was more frequently prepaid in cash). This continued until 1875 when, on Nov 25, an agreement between Spain and Gibraltar was signed allowing prepayment of letters with stamps of the country of origin.rnProvenance: Collection Geoffrey Osborn, Christie's, London, 14 May 1991, lot 1134.
    Ausruf : 3.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 4175 Chile

    1 / 1
    1874 (Sept 3): Great Britain 1865 4 d. vermilion pl. 13 and 1867 9 d. straw pl. 4 in a horizontal pair used on the spectacular 1874 registered cover from Coquimbo to Gravesend tied by two bold strikes of the "C40" obliterator with 'Coquimbo' cds alongside (Sept 3, code A inverted) in black. Manuscript 'Registered' at left in red ink and docket number '79' in crayon below. "♚ / Registered' handstamp and oval framed "Registered / London' datestamp of transit (Oct 13) in red on obverse and reverse with British P.O. 'Callao' transit cds and Gravesend arrival cds (Oct 14) in black. The 4 d. pl. 13 is not listed by Stanley Gibbons used from Coquimbo. Some light aging, wrinkles and wear but a magnificent and wonderful cover, the sole registered usage recorded from Coquimbo. Unique. Cert. BPA (2001).rnProvenance: Collection Louise Boyd Dale & Alfred Lichtenstein, Harmers, New York, 17-18 Feb 1969, lot 283; Collection André Bollen, DF, Zurich, 29-30 March 1984, lot 11572; Collection Vivien Sussex, Cavendish, Derby, 6 March 2002, lot 324.
    Ausruf : 2.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 5.500,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4172 Chile

    1875 (April 19): Chile 1867 10 c. blue (Scott 18) tied to 1875 cover from Copiapo to Edinburgh via Caldera and Panama by barred 'Cancelled' obliterator in black, used in combination with Great Britain 1873 6 d. grey pl. 13 overlapping 1 s. green pl. 10  with slight fault at top, cancelled by "C37" obliterator with corresponding 'Caldera' single ring datestamp (May 4, code A) both struck in blue. 'Copiapo / Chile despatch cds in dull blue on obverse (April 19) and the adhesives also cancelled by further obliterator handstamp "B.." probably "B16" of the Plymouth-Bristol TPO. Reverse with British P.O. 'Callao' cds in black (May 17) and 'Edinr. - Carlisle Sorting Tender' cds (June 14). Despite the small imperfections, a cover of great visual appeal and of consummate rarity.rnProvenance: Collection 'Windsor', Harmers, New York, 28 Oct 1983, lot 556; Collection Dr. Paul Kornan, Harmers, New York, 27 Sept 1994, lot 159; Soler y Llach, Barcelona, Feb 2003, lot 333.
    Ausruf : 5.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 5.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4045 St. Kitts Nevis

    1 / 1
    St. Christopher 1858 (Sept 8): Great Britain 1856/57 1 d. red, perf. 14, 4 d. rose and 6 d. lilac, all of excellent colour, used on cover with original contents from Basseterre to the Bishop of Newcastle in Morpeth, New South Wales, tied by bold strikes of the Basseterre "A12" obliterator in black. Reverse with ST. KITTS double arc datestamp in black (Sept 13), London cds in red (Oct 2), Sydney / NSW cds's in black (Dec 15 and Dec 18), Morpeth / NSW (Dec 16), Newcastle / NSW (Dec 17), Ipswich / NSW (Dec 27) and charged '2d.' due upon eventual receipt. Docketing on reverse "Arrived by 'European' at Sydney 15/12/58 at ½ past 3 pm.". The 1 d. with weak corner perf. but a truly wonderful three colour franking cover to a most unusual destination. Cert. BPA (1970).rnProvenance: Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 486; Collection Andre Bollen, Köhler, Wiesbaden, 8 Feb 1983, lot 953.
    Ausruf : 5.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 10.500,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4303 Malta

    1858 (March 20): Great Britain 1855 1 d. red-brown on blued, wmk. Large Crown, perf. 14 and rare 1854 2 d. blue, wmk. Small Crown, perf. 16, pl. 4 in two  vertical pairs (MI/NI and OJ/PJ), used on 1858 cover from Malta to Rear Admiral Robert Smart in London endorsed 'Royal Albert' tied by five strikes of the "M" obliterator, paying the 9d. rate via Marseilles for an under ¼ ounce letter. Reverse with doube ring 'MALTA / PAID' despatch in red (March 20) and London arrival (March 26) in red. Lower pair over the edge of the base of envelope but most attractive and extremely rare.rnProvenance: Collection E.E. Yates, RL, London, 31 July-1 Aug 1940, lot 585; Harmers, London, 27 Oct 1941, lot 14; Collection Edward Tresoldi Granger, Harmers, London, 26-27 Jan 1959, lot 4; Collection H.A. Cann, Harmers, London, 15 June 1970, lot 19; Collection Francisco, Christie's, London, 22 March 1989, lot 2163.rnrn 
    Ausruf : 1.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.500,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4219 Peru

    1 / 1
    Islay 1866 (Dec 23): Imprinted envelope from Arequipa to New York, franked by Great Britain 1864 1 d. red pl. 78 in a horizontal strip of six tied in transit at Islay by three superb strikes of the "C42" obliterator in black. Two line "PAID - TO / PANAMA" in red below overstruck by single ring 'Panama' cds of transit (Jan 3, 1867) in black. Reverse with double arc 'Islay' datestamp (Dec 23) in black and obverse with 'Steamship / 10' charge mark for incoming Ship Letter. The cover with 15 mm. trim at right and this possibly was a combination cover (see Parmenter & Gordon page 3/47), with gum remnants at lower left where pencilled '10 c.' has been applied, nevertheless most attractive and unusual. Cert. Holcombe (1994).rnProvenance: Collection E.E. Yates, RL, 31 July-1 Aug 1940; Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 956.
    Ausruf : 500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 950,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4072 Dänisch Westindien

    1 / 1
    1873 (July 22): Great Britain 1865 4 d. vermilion pl. 7 used on 1873 cover from St. Thomas to San Juan, Puerto Rico endorsed 'per Mersey', tied by "ST. THOMAS / PAID / C51" duplex (July 22) in black. Handstruck "3" charge marking at left and corresponding Antilles 25 c. grey in a strip of three applied and tied by 'Maltese Cross' handstamps in black. Ink stain at right affects the adhesive but barely detracts from this magnificent and extremely rare combination usage. Cert. Graus (1991).rnNote: The other example of this usage (ex Garcia-Lomas / Preston), shows a handstruck '2' and is franked by an Antilles 25 c. pair. It was mailed ten days after the above cover on August 3. In all four GB / Puerto Rico combination covers are recorded all from the Jose Hernais, San Juan, correspondance of which this cover is the only with the "3" charge marking and corresponding three 25 c. Antilles adhesivesrnProvenance: Soler y Llach, Barcelona, 20 Feb 1992, lot 2686.
    Ausruf : 8.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 4076 Dominikanische Rep.

    1 / 1
    1879 (Dec 11): Dominican Republic 1879 ½ r. violet on bluish paper, two examples (Scott 33) tied by barred circular handstamps, used on 1879 cover from Puerto Plata to Genova in combination with Great Britain 1864/79 1 d. red pl. 199, a single example and 1876 2½ d. rosy-mauve pl. 14 in a horizontal strip of five lettered OC-OG, this last with trimmed perfs. at right, tied by three strikes of small "C86." obliterator in black; the adhesives applied over two strikes of circular "PORTO-PLATA / PAID" datestamp in red (Dec 11). Reverse with London transit cds (Dec 29) in red and Genova arrival cds. Illustrated in "British Mail in Santo Domingo" by Danilo Mueses, Juan M. Prida & Gregory Todd on page 156. A splendid and rare cover, the sole recorded with the Dominican 1879 issue. Unique.rnProvenance: Collection Edward Tresoldi Granger, Harmers, London, 26-27 Jan 1959, lot 339; Harmers, London, July 1990, lot 578.rnrnrn 
    Ausruf : 7.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 13.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4238 China Kaiserreich

    Lord Napier's Post 1835 (Jan 12): Duplicate entire letter from Canton to London endorsed 'Minerva' at lower left, struck on despatch with superb straight line "CHINA" handstamp in red applied at the Canton British Postal Agency. Superb framed "WEYMOUTH / SHIP LETTER" in black (Robertson S4) and rated '2/7d.' to pay upon receipt with London arrival in red (May 11) on reverse. Extremely rare and absolutely superb.rnProvenance: Collection Ryohei Ishikawa, Sotheby's, London, 4-5 Dec 1980, lot 477; Cavendish, Derby, 26 Sept 2002.rn                rnNote: See "Imperial China, History of the Posts" by Major Richard Pratt, page 55 - 'there are a small number of covers that were despatched from Canton, from the year 1835 onwards, which bear a strike of a straight line "CHINA" handstamp'. The marking (5 covers recorded by Webb in "Treaty Ports" on page 259) is recorded in use from Sept 12, 1834 until March 1, 1835 coinciding with Lord Napier's tenure as Superintendent of British Trade in China.
    Ausruf : 10.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 13.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4363 Gibraltar

    1873 (Aug 7): Combination cover with Great Britain 1858/69 2 d. blue pl. 14 used on entire letter to Cadiz (Alcon correspondence) endorsed 'pr. London' tied by "A26" obliterator with GIBRALTAR datestamp at left (Aug 7) in black and paying the Ship Letter fee, with Spain July 1873 10 c. green perf. 14 (Michel 127) tied by mute obliterator applied on arrival in Cadiz in black and also tying the British adhesive. Reverse with two Cadiz arrival cds's (Aug 8). File folds away from the adhesives but a rare entire.rnNote: On June 14, 1856, the Spanish Postmaster in San Roque informed Edmund Cresswell Jr., the Postmaster in Gibraltar that in future all mail addressed to destinations within Spain would have to be prepaid by Spanish stamps (the 2 d. Gibraltar rate was more frequently prepaid in cash). This continued until 1875 when, on Nov 25, an agreement between Spain and Gibraltar was signed allowing prepayment of letters with stamps of the country of origin.
    Ausruf : 1.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.500,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4003 USA

    1766 (July 31): Entire letter from Boston via Hartford to New Haven marked on front panel "1.8" in manuscript (1 penny-weight, 8 grains of silver) the equivalent of 8d. sterling (and the rate for under 60 miles from Hartford to New Haven), with, on reverse a superb strike of two line "HART / FORD" handstamp in black: only recorded in use from 1766 to 1772. This handstamp was made in England and supplied by the General Post Office. A superb strike - a magnificent rarity in the foremost quality.rnrnNote: The sender, Andrew Oliver became Lt. Governor of Massachusetts in 1770. He was hanged in effigy (and his home and office ransacked) for his support of the vastly unpopular Stamp Act and for accepting the office of Distributor of Stamps, even though he was privately against it. The addressee, Jared Ingersoll was a Connecticut Stamp Agent and Judge of the Court of the Admiralty: his son, also named Jared (1749-1822) was a lawyer and statesman from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was a delegate to the Continental Congress and a signator of the United States Constitution.rn 
    Ausruf : 4.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 16.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4380 USA

    1 / 1
    Mail Boat Obliterations / Atlantic Packets / Cunard Line 1862 (Sept 18): Crested mourning envelope and complete original contents addressed to the Fernie family in Berkhampstead, written on board the "Steam Ship Persia" franked by single 1857 1 d. red, Die II, Alphabet III, plate 52, slightly defective and crossed by fold due to contents, tied by bold strike of "A96" obliterator in black. Reverse with Liverpool transit cds (Sept 20). The contents note: "We left New York on the 10th & I hope this will be posted in Queenstown...ship rolling so much I can hardly write". This explains the rate - the letter was posted in British waters and thus just a single 1 d. rate was due. Despite faults a very scarce cover. Cert. RPSL (2007).rnProvenance: Spink, London, 7 March 2007, lot 1147; Collection Dr. D.N. Seaton, Cavendish, Derby, 10 Sept 2014, lot 14.
    Ausruf : 2.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 4299 Malta

    1 / 1
    1855 (Oct 7): Great Britain 1855 1 d. red-brown, wmk. Large Crown, perf. 14, lettered MD, a single example tied by fine strike of the Malta "Wavy Lines" handstamp applied at Valletta in black to Soldier's concessionary rate cover to Bedford, endorsed at top "From No. 4857 Pte. Wm. Roe, 57th K.O.L.I" (King's Own Light Infantry - the "Die Hards") and countersigned by Commanding Offficer at left. Reverse with double arc MALTA datestamp of despatch (Oct 7) in black, London transit in red and Bedford arrival in green (Oct 25). Two examples are known of this Soldier's Letter usage (the other ex Alcock), this being undoubtedly the finer. A dramatic and famous cover. Cert. RPSL (1963).rnProvenance: Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 1180; RL, Basel, 25 Oct 1977, lot 31; Collection Dr. Gordon Latto, Phillips, London, 28 Oct 1993, lot 87.
    Ausruf : 6.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 19.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4146 Nicaragua

    1881 (March 7): Nicaragua 1869 perf. 5 c. black and 1878/79 rouletted 25 c. green (Scott 5+12), used on 1881 cover from Marenco y Hermanos in Granada to Pector & Ducout in Paris (traders in brandy and gemstones) and cancelled by framed "3/G" handstamp in black, with circular 'Correos de Nicaragua / Granada' cds in blue at left (March 7). Great Britain 1870 1½ d. lake-red pl. 3 and 1880 1 s. orange-brown pl. 13 at left of the Nicaragua adhesives tied by neat GREY-TOWN circular datestamp (March 15, code B) in black for full payment to destination; with reverse showing London transit cds (April 11) in red and Paris arrival cds of the following day. The envelope with minor edge wear but a spectacular and particularly attractive combination cover.rnProvenance: Collection Dr. Norman Hubbard, Stanley Gibbons, New York, 17 March 1981, lot 243; Siegel, New York, 6 May 1997, lot 357.
    Ausruf : 4.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 7.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4208 Peru

    1877 (April 13): Combination cover from Lima to Chambéry, Savoy at double rate with Peru 1874/76 10 c. green pair (Scott 25), one with contemporary fault, tied by mute cork handstamps in black, used with Great Britain 1873 3 d. rose pl. 16, 6 d. grey pl. 15 and 1867 10 d. red-brown in a horizontal strip of three tied by four strikes of the "C38" obliterator. 'Lima / Pral' despatch cds in black, Callao cds on reverse (April 14), 'London / Paid' transit in red (May 14) and reverse, top flap missing, with Chambéry arrival cds. Some imperfections but a very rare and appealing double rate (2 x 1/7½ d.) franking.rnProvenance: Collection E.E.Yates, RL 31 July-1 August 1940, lot 675a; Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 941; Collection Dr. Paul Kornan, Harmers, New York, 27 Sept 1994, lot 236.
    Ausruf : 2.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4156 Argentinien

    1 / 1
    1865/67: Great Britain 4 d. vermilion, pl. 13 used with 1867/80 1 s. green, pl. 6 with trimmed wing margin on 1873 cover from Buenos Aires to Naples, handstamped "POR EBRO" in black, 1867/74 Rivadavia 5 c. vermilion (Scott 20) paying local postage tied by "Buenos Aires" cds at right (Sept 30) and cover endorsed "par "Ebro" via Inglaterra" at top. British stamps unaccepted for postage in Argentina from July 1873, and thus the adhesives were cancelled in transit by London obliterator in black with "Paid" datestamp in red adjacent (Nov 1). Backstamed Verona (Nov 4) and Naples (Nov 5) where charged '20' decimi due to pay in red crayon manuscript. Some slight imperfections but a most unusual cover. Certs. E. Diena (1988), BPA (2021).rnNote: A similar combination cover from Buenos Aires (Aug. 1873) but with the GB 4d orange handstamped POR "DUORO" was in the J.Grant Glassco collection 1969 (lot 545).
    Ausruf : 1.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4129 Panama

    1866 (June): Great Britain 1864 1 d. red pl. 85, the astonishing use of thirty-seven examples including strips of five and seven and a block of eight on the famous 1866 triple rate cover to Detmold, Germany all tied in transit at Panama by twenty-two strikes of the "C35" obliterator in black with three line PANAMA / TRANSIT (June 3) on front panel. 'London / Paid' transit cds (June 27) and both circular and oval 'PD' in red, circular 'Aus England per Aachen / Franco' in blue (June 28) and Detmold arrival cds in black on reverse. Illustrated in the Robson Lowe Encyclopaedia , Volume V on page 714. Opened for display and faults to six adhesives but a truly spectacular cover.rnProvenance: Collections Bedford / Hopkins, RL, London, 15 Dec 1948, lot 45; Collection Bremner, RL, London, 23 Nov 1949, lot 59; Collection McGowan, RL, London, 26 July 1950, lot 368; Collection Maurice Burrus, RL, London, 30 Oct 1963, lot 621.
    Ausruf : 1.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.800,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4168 Brasilien

    1870c.: Great Britain 1 d. red star, perf. 14, a single used example on small envelope (Royal Crown crest in blue on reverse) from Rio de Janeiro to England, presumably written on board ship and mailed on arrival in Rio de Janeiro, tied by bold strike of "C83" obliterator in black. Fine strike of extremely rare oval "INSUFFICIENTLY / R DE J / PREPAID" handstamp in black at left and "11d." charge due to pay in manuscript. The Insufficiently Prepaid marking is peculiar to Brazil and is recorded, albeit rarely, between 1870 and 1873; however this usage with a 1 d. red star would perhaps point to an earlier date of use. A beautiful cover.rnProvenance: Collection J. Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 596; Collection Charles Alfred Warren, Harmers, London, 11-13 Nov. 1974, lot 760; Collection Reinhold Koester, Christie's, Zurich, 26 June 1985, lot 2286.
    Ausruf : 1.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.400,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4337 Malta

    1860 (July 7): Cover to Drummond & Co. in Charing Cross, London, struck on reverse with four line italic instructional marking "Posted unpaid and opened / in due course, but having / originated out of Malta / forwarded charged with fine" in black. Malta single ring cds (July 7) and London arrival cds (July 12) in red, the cover being charged '6' pence in manuscript. The sole recorded cover from Malta with this marking and mentioned in the Malta handbook. See Parmenter & Gordon page 1/17. The cover is "twinned" with the Proof strike of the same marking beautifully struck in red on horizontally creased piece of paper (95 x 50 mm.). A wonderful pairing with both unique and of the utmost importance for both Maltese and Mediterranean Postal Historians.rnCover Provenance: Collection E.E. Yates, RL, London, 31 July-1 Aug 1940, lot 579.rnProof Provenance: Collection Dr. Camillery, Christie's, London, 14 May 1991, lot 230; Harmers, London, 18 Dec 2001, lot 1262.     
    Ausruf : 5.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 4269 Ägypten (Königreich)

    1 / 1
    1868 (May 9): Combination Printed Matter entire letter mailed from Vienna to Bombay, India franked on despatch with 1867 3 kr. pale green in a horizontal strip of three (Michel 36) cancelled by "Wien" despatch cds's (May 9) in black. Triest oval transit on reverse (May 10) and thence to Alexandria where Great Britain 1867/73 3 d. rose pl. 4 was applied for onward transmission tied by "BO1" obliterator and ´Alexandria´ cds (May 22) in black. Bombay arrival datestamps (June 5) in black on front and back. The entire mentions an enclosure with the Investment Prospectus, overall soiling and splits on folds commensurate with journey and handling but an extraordinary item of great rarity. Cert BPA (2020).rnProvenance: Collection Cicurel, Harmers London, 19-21 June 1961, lot 725; Collection André Bollen, Köhler, Wiesbaden, 8 Feb 1983, lot 212.
    Ausruf : 5.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 9.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4375 Malta

    Mail Boat Obliterations / Mediterranean Packets 1860 (Dec 9): Great Britain 1857 1 d. rose-red, wmk. Large Crown, perf. 14, a vertical strip of three rather muddily tied to Sailor's Concessionary rate cover from Malta to London by Mailboat "A81" obliterator ("Handed to Mr. Douglas for use on board, 18 March 1859") endorsed at top "From Hy Humber, Ship's Corpl. HMS Caesar, Malta" and counter-signed by Commanding Officer below. Carried back on the P&O Steamer 'Vectis' which left Malta on December 9 and arrived at Marseille on Dec 13; (rated at 3 d. pr ¼ ounce via Marseilles) with 'London / Paid' arrival cds (Dec 15) in red. An unusual franking.rnProvenance: 'Mailboat Covers & Cancellations', Spink, 7 March 2007, lot 1007; Collection Gerald Ellott, Prestige Philately, 16 Dec. 2011, lot 59.rnrnrn 
    Ausruf : 350,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 4210 Peru

    1870 (Sept 21): Combination cover from Lima to New York, USA with with creased Peru 1868 Lecoq 1 d. green (Scott 14) tied by "C38" obliterator in black and Great Britain 1867 6 d. violet pl. 8 tied by superb strike of framed "Late Fee" handstamp in black. 'Callao' despatch cds at left (Sept 22) and 'Panama' cds of transit (Sept 29) and ''N.Y. Steamship / 10' charge mark (Oct 12) for incoming Ship Letter. One side flap missing and it is probable two further stamps have been removed from upper left but an important usage - the Late Fee was charged at 6d. doubling the rate to Panama. One of very few strikes known of the "Late Fee" on cover. We have records of just three covers and four pieces.rnProvenance: Collection André Bollen, DF, Zurich, 29-30 March 1984, lot 11683.rn 
    Ausruf : 650,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.600,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4361 Gibraltar

    1869 (July 30): Combination cover with Great Britain 1864/79 1 d. red pl. 79, two examples used on 1869 cover to Cadiz (MacPherson correspondence) endorsed 'pr. Adriano' each tied by "A26" obliterator with GIBRALTAR datestamp (July 30) in black and paying the Ship Letter fee, Spain 1868 50 m. brown-lilac perf. 14 (Michel 93) tied by barred "2" numeral handstamp cancelled on arrival in Cadiz in black. Reverse with Cadiz arrival cds (July 31). A rare and attractive cover.rnNote: On June 14, 1856, the Spanish Postmaster in San Roque informed Edmund Cresswell Jr., the Postmaster in Gibraltar that in future all mail addressed to destinations within Spain would have to be prepaid by Spanish stamps (the 2 d. Gibraltar rate was more frequently prepaid in cash). This continued until 1875 when, on Nov 25, an agreement between Spain and Gibraltar was signed allowing prepayment of letters with stamps of the country of origin.
    Ausruf : 1.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.300,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4117 Puerto Rico

    1875 (June 30): Cover from St. Thomas to Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, struck with Jürgens & Co. cachet at left, the original mailing made at the Danish Post Office with ST. THOMAS datestamp (July 1) in black, carried on Steamer 'Maracaibo' and franked by top marginal HAPAG 1875 10 c. black, blue-green & yellow cancelled by target handstamp in black. On arrival in San Juan, Puerto Rico the steamer endorsement altered to the 'Mersey' and the letter prepaid with Great Britain 1865 4 d. vermilion pl. 14 boldly tied by "C61" obliterator in black with 'Porto Rico' cds below (July 4) and thence to Puerto Plata (internal docketing of receipt July 7). Small imperfections of no significance, an extraordinary combination usage of the utmost rarity. Signed A. Diena.rnProvenance: Collection Julius Steindler, RL, Basel, 14 March 1972, lot 555; DF, Zurich, 16-22 Oct 1983, lot 32608.
    Ausruf : 6.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 20.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4225 Peru

    Pisco & Chincha 1868 (Nov 22): Great Britain 1867 2 s. blue, a single example lettered LL, used on 1868 cover from Pisco & Chincha Islands addressed to London endorsed 'Paid' at upper left, tied by superb strike of the "D74" obliterator in black with equally fine "PISCO-AND-CHINCHA-ISLANDS / PAID" circular datestamp in red at right (Nov 22). 'London / Paid' arrival cds above (Dec 25). Illustrated in Parmenter & Gordon on page 3/55 and discussed - the date is as described here and can be confirmed by the docketing at right "22 Nov/68 P.J. Buckely". Illustrated on the front of 'The Philatelist' (April 1975). The sole example of this cancellation on cover, beautiful and entirely unique.rnProvenance: Collection Ennis, RL, London, 14 July 1948, lot 367; Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 630; RL, Basel, 1 May 1975, lot 48; Collection André Bollen, DF, Zurich, 29-30 March 1984, lot 11701.
    Ausruf : 10.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 10.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4271 Ägypten (Königreich)

    1865 (Sept 19): Combination cover to Shanghai, China: Austria 1864 Arms issue 2 kr. yellow, 5 kr. rose-red and horizontal strip of four 15 kr. brown, perf. 9½, (Michel 30+32+34) all tied by oval framed "Triest" datestamps (19/9) in black, to cover from the Danish Consul in Triest to the Danish Consul in Shanghai, overlapped by Great Britain 1865 6 d. lilac pl. 5 in a horizontal pair tied by "BO1" obliterators in black. Reverse with framed 'Consulat Genéral de Danemarc à Trieste' cachet and embossed Consular seal, large "15/52" kreuzer handstamp in black (Van der Linden fig. 3156) and single ring datestamps of ALEXANDRIA in black, HONG KONG in black (Nov 16) and SHANGHAE arrival cds in blue (Nov 21). A stunning combination cover in glorious condition and visually most impressive. Signed internally by Pfenninger.rnProvenance: Köhler sale 249, Wiesbaden, 5-8 Feb 1986, lot 5949.
    Ausruf : 12.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 22.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4229 Uruguay

    1868 (Jan 29): Great Britain 1865 4 d.vermilion pl. 9 in a horizontal pair and 1867 1 s. green pl. 4 in a vertical pair, used on registered cover from Montevideo to Riom, France each pair cancelled by bold strike of the "C28" obliterator with REGISTERED handstamp at left applied on despatch (earliest recorded usage in Parmenter & Gordon) in red with fair only 'Monte-Video / Paid' cds at right (Jan 29). 'Registered / London' transit and scarce "Registered / PD / London" datestamp at left (March 5). French CHARGÉ in black and reverse with French 'rate box' and Riom arrival (March 6). Sensibly opened for Exhibit display, an important visually splendid and extremely rare cover. Signed E.J.Lee.rnProvenance: Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 1035; Collection André Bollen, DF, Zurich, 29-30 March 1984, lot 11722A; Afinsa, Madrid, 20-21 Sept 2000, lot 50.              
    Ausruf : 3.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 11.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4253 Russland

    Crimean War 1855: 1 d. pink postal stationery envelope, up-rated with 1854 2 d. blue, plate 4, wmk. Small Crown, perf. 16 (Gi 19), a hugely off centre example showing "POSTAGE" at base, tied by "OXO" obliterator applied in Constantinople with "POST OFFICE / BRITISH ARMY" datestamp in red on reverse (July 16) and 'Tunbridge Wells' arrival cds (July 26) in blue. Central stain from seal but a very rare usage of the 1 d. pink stationery from the Crimea - these envelopes were never sold to the Troops and can only have been carried to the theatre of war privately - just three examples are recorded used in the Crimea, this being the sole example with a 2 d. adhesive.rnProvenance: 'Kennedy Correspondence', Harmers, London, 6 Nov 1967, ex lot 5; Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 1082.
    Ausruf : 800,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.200,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4201 Peru

    1 / 1
    1868 (May 6): Cover mailed from Tacna via Arica to Paris, France endorsed 'par Vapeur via Panamá', mailed at Peruvian Post Office with straight line FRANCA and Tacna despatch cds in black; Great Britain 1867 2 s. blue well tied by bold strike of the "C36" obliterator with corresponding double arc ARICA datestamp adjacent (May 7) in black. Thence via London (June 12) with cds in red on reverse and struck there (incorrectly) with framed "GB / 2F. 87½" accountancy marking and charged '12' décimes due (correctly) upon delivery. A cover full of character and a superb and extremely rare franking. Cert. BPA (1994).rnProvenance: RL, Zurich, 5 Dec 1991, lot 782; Collection Dr. Paul Kornan, Harmers, New York, 27 Sept 1994, lot 203; Spink, London, 9-10 March 2005, lot 305.rn                  rn                  
    Ausruf : 2.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 4141 Mexiko

    1 / 1
    1873 (Feb 4): Cover from Tampico to Le Havre, France at double rate (triple on arrival), endorsed 'per City of Havana via New Orleans', franked by Mexico Tampico District 1872 12 c. blue imperforate (40-72), two examples (Scott 94), tied by oval "FRANCO EN / TAMPICO oval in black (Schatzkes fig. 1582) and Great Britain 1867 1 s. green pl. 4 overlapping tied by "C63" obliterator in black. "Tampico" double arc cds at left in black (Feb 5). Carried as endorsed with framed "SHIP" and New Orleans cds (Feb 11) and New York transit (Feb 16) on obverse in black. Thence via French Paquebot with octagonal "Et.-Unis Serv. Br. / Havre" in red (Feb 27) applied on entry. Charged '2.10' francs due to pay in manuscript on arrival. A magnificent and wonderful cover. Cert. RPSL (2020).rnProvenance: Collection J. Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov. 1969, lot 882.
    Ausruf : 5.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 5.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4220 Peru

    1878 (Feb 24): Cover from Lima via Islay / Mollendo to Brooklyn, USA franked by uncancelled Peru 1874/76 10 c. green (Scott 25) paying the internal postage alongside Great Britain 1873/80 3 d. rose pl. 17 in a vertical pair tied by "C42" obliterator with MOLLENDO British P.O. cds of despatch on reverse (Feb 24, code A). Fair only 'Panama' transit cds on front (March 8) and 'New York / Due 5 Cents' handstamp of arrival (March 18) in black. This stamp unlisted by Stanley Gibbons used from Islay / Mollendo, edge wear to envelope but extremely rare - the MOLLENDO datestamp is a rarity.rnProvenance: Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 959; Collection André Bollen, DF, Zurich, 29-30 March 1984, lot 11696; Collection André Bollen, Harmers, London, 22 Sept 1993, lot 748.rnrn 
    Ausruf : 750,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 750,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4255 Finnland

    1 / 1
    Crimean War / Baltic Fleet 1855 (July 11) Great Britain 1854 1 d. red, wnk. Small Crown, Die II, perf. 14, a used strip of three lettered SB-SD, on entire letter from Sveaborg, Finland to Bungay, Suffolk all tied by London '10' obliterators in black in transit with extremely rare framed "ESCADRE DE LA BALTIQUE" handstamp in red and arriving back in the UK by way of Calais (Aug 17) and thence to Bungay (Aug 18) with green double arc arrival also on obverse and manuscript '5' at left (4 d. from France + 1 d. internal) but apparently not charged. An extraordinarily rare entire with interesting Naval content and the only cover with British adhesives bearing this French Handstamp from the Baltic Fleet. Cert. BPA (1978).rnProvenance: Collection Griffitt Blackler, Harmers London 18-20 May 1992, lot 1786.
    Ausruf : 1.200,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 6.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4372 Marokko

    1871 (March 31): Great Britain 1864/79 1 d. red pl. 123, a horizontal strip of six, used on entire letter from TANGIER to London endorsed 'via Southampton' tied by five strikes of the "A26" obliterator in black, reverse with London arrival cds (April 8) in black. A fine chatty letter "I visited the US Minister who had to make an official visit to the Pasha of that City (Tetuan) and who wanted a few American subjects to swell the cortege...". File fold separating the strip and stain and wrinkles from thin paper utilised but despite imperfections a magnificent and important entire - believed to be the earliest cover mailed with adhesives from the British Postal Agency in Tangier.rnProvenance: Collection J.A. Taylor, Harmers, London, 13 Dec 1960, lot 417; Soler y Llach, Barcelona, 22 March 1994.
    Ausruf : 3.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 4198 Peru

    1871 (Sept 23): Entire letter from Antofagasta, Chile to Castillon, France franked by 1868 Lecoq 1 d. green (Scott 14) tied by 'Tacna' cds in black (Oct 6) used in combination with Great Britain 1867 3 d. rose pl. 6 and 1865 4 d. vermilion pl. 12 tied by "C36" obliterator with corresponding 'Arica' single ring cds in black below (Oct 7). Shortpaid and struck with "INSUFFICIENTLY / + / PREPAID" handstamp in red below with 'Callao' cds alongside (Oct 12), originally treated as fully paid on arrival in London in error with oval 'PD' and 'Paid' cds (Nov 10) in red and accountancy marking "GB / 1F 90c." in black. Reverse with London cds and three French cds's. Aged and with some faults including wear at edges of the entire but a most unusual combination cover that escaped all taxation bearing the 1867 3 d. rose pl. 8 which is unlisted used from Arica.
    Ausruf : 1.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 4276 Ägypten (Königreich)

    1864 (Dec 5): Great Britain 1862 1 s. green, used on 'Reuter's Agency, Suez' Telegram envelope (printed by Waterlow & Sons in London) mailed to Bombay with original contents, cancelled in transit by "124" in bars applied in Aden with reverse showing 'Aden Steamer Point' datestamp in black (Dec 5). Parmenter & Gordon record just four such usages (page 1/65). Small tear on fold at top not affecting the appearance of a rare and most attractive entire.rnProvenance: RL, London, 15 Nov 1950, lot 97; Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 1383; Collection André Bollen, Köhler, Wiesbaden, 8 Feb 1983, lot 358; Collection Robert Kempster, Harmers, London, 9 March 1989, lot 2112; Collection Dr. Paul Kornan, Harmers, New York, 27 Sept 1994, lot 34.
    Ausruf : 1.200,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.600,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4315 Malta

    1870 (March 16): Registered cover from Malta to Livorno endorsed 'col Vapore postali Italiano' franked by Great Britain 1864/79 1 d. red pl. 111 in a horizontal pair and 1865 1 s. green pl. 4, all cancelled by neat "A25" obliterators in black. Superb strike of circular "REGISTERED / MALTA" datestamp in red alongside - the earliest recorded usage of this marking. The cover endorsed as weighing "gr. 6½" (below a ¼ of an ounce) and strangely treated as double rate (note '2' in red at top) alongside Too Late 'DOPO LA / PARTENZA' handstamp in black. Manuscript '5½' (55 centesimi) credit to Italy on front. Reverse with Siracusa cds, Napoli Ferrovia cds and Livorno arrival (March 21). A charming and rare cover.rnProvenance: Collection 'Disraeli', Cavendish, 11 June 1994, lot 153; Cavendish, Derby, 8 March 2017.
    Ausruf : 1.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4344 Gibraltar

    1865 (Jan 5): Great Britain 1856 4 d. rose-carmine, 6 d. lilac and 1 s. green, all three of rich colour, used on the famous 1858 entire letter written from Malaga, Spain and mailed in Gibraltar to Manila, Philippines tied by three upright strikes of the "G" in bars obliterator. Double arc GIBRALTAR datestamp at right (Jan 9) in blue. Reverse with double arc HONG-KONG transit cds (Feb 28). Minor imperfections to perfs. with 6 d. trimmed wing margin that one feels churlish to mention as this is, without doubt, the finest of the three known '1-2-3' Surface Printed "G" covers and a truly spectacular usage.rnProvenance: Collection Charles Alfred Warren, Harmer London, 11-13 Nov. 1974, lot 636; Collection Geoffrey Osborn, Christie's, London, 14 May 1991, lot 1156.
    Ausruf : 5.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 20.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4216 Peru

    Iquique 1879 (Aug 7): Cover from Iquique to Geneva, Switzerland franked by Peru 1874 10 c. green (Scott 25) for internal tariff, applied over the top edge of the cover, alongside Great Britain 1870 ½ d. pl. 6, 1864 1 d. red pl. 185, 1874 6 d. grey pl. 15 and 1873 1 s. green pl. 12 all tied by three strikes of the "D87" obliterator with two strikes of "IQUIQUE / PERU" circulare datestamp below (Aug 7) one deleted by further "D87". 'London / Paid' transit cds in red (Sept 12) on obverse and faint arrival on reverse. Faults with closed tear in-between the adhesives but a phenomenal and rare five colour franking.rnProvenance: Collection E.E. Yates, RL, London, 31 July-1 Aug 1940; Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 954; Collection André Bollen, DF, Zurich, 29-30 March 1984, 11692.
    Ausruf : 2.250,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 4374 Marokko

    1873 (June 29): Great Britain 1872/73 6 d. buff pl. 11, a used example on 1873 cover from Tangier to London endorsed 'por Paquete', struck on despatch with superb strike of "TAИGIER" datestamp with 'N' reversed in black (June 29, code A), the stamp tied by "A26" obliterator with Gibraltar single ring datestamp in black (June 29, code A) alongside and 'London / Paid' arrival cds in red at left (July 7). Illustrated in the Robson Lowe Encyclopaedia, Volume II, page 235. File fold well away from the adhesive, a famous and truly wonderful cover.rnProvenance: Collection E.E. Yates, RL, London, 21 Dec 1939, lot 192; Collection J.A. Taylor, Harmers, London, 13 Dec 1960, lot 422; Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 1145; Collection 'Atlas', Soler y Llach, Barcelona, 22 March 1994, lot 263.rn                rn 
    Ausruf : 7.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 4218 Peru

    1879 (March 14): Cover from Iquique to Bordeaux franked by Peru 1874 10 c. green (Scott 25) for internal tariff, alongside Great Britain 1873 1 s. green pl. 13 sharing light but clear "D87" obliterator with "IQUIQUE / PERU" datestamp below (March 14, code A). Circular PANAMA / TRANSIT datestamp at left in black (March 29) overstruck by octagonal French Paquebot "PANAMA / PAQ. FR. A No. 3" in black (Salles fig. 1413) and carried from Colon on the "Washington" (April 1) with Bordeaux arrival (April 25) on reverse. Slight closed opening tears but a charming and immensely scarce combination cover.rnNote: The "Washington" left Colon on the day (April 1, 1879) Peru joined the Universal Postal Union.rnProvenance: Collection Louise Boyd Dale & Alfred Lichtenstein, Harmers, New York, 17-18 Feb 1969, lot 289; André Bollen, DF, Zurich, 29-330 March 1984, lot 11693.
    Ausruf : 3.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 4230 Uruguay

    1869 (Nov 9): Combination cover at double rate with Uruguay 1866/67 10 c. green perf. (Scott 36), tied by 'Montevideo' cds in black with Great Britain 1867 10 d. red-brown and 1867/73 1 s. green pl. 4 in a horizontal pair used on 1869 cover from Montevideo to Paris tied by two strikes of the "C28" obliterator. 'Monte-Video' despatch cds on reverse (Nov 9) in black and thence via London where oval red 'PD' applied. Paris arrival cds (Dec 18) on reverse. This cover mentioned in Parmenter & Gordon on page 8/27. Cover slightly trimmed at top (note imprint 'Administration de la Compagnie Dramatique Italienne') but a remarkable usage and one of just three combination covers recorded.rnProvenance: Collection "Windsor", 28 Oct. 1983, lot 689; Collection Dr. Paul Kornan, Harmers, New York, 27 Sept 1994, lot 267.
    Ausruf : 6.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 6.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4279 Ionische Inseln

    1863 (Oct): Great Britain 1855/57 1 d. red, perf. 14, tied to British Soldier's concessionary cover from Corfu to London by circular 'Corfu' cds in blue-green, endorsed at top "From No. 534 Pte. David James, d Company 2/4 Regt." at top and properly counter-signed by the Major "Commanding 2/4 Regt., Corfu, Ionian Islands" at base of cover (2nd Batallion, 4th Infantry), struck on face panel with 'London / Paid' arrival cds (Oct 9) in red. Typical aging to envelope and the adhesive but extremely rare - we record just three examples of this usage.rnNote: Parmenter & Gordon illustrate the famous cover with a 1 d. red star cancelled at by the Zante Crown Circle (ex Yates (1940), SG (1978) and Dr. Kornan, a further example was in Glassco, lot 1219 addressed to Ledbury, Herefordshire; the above being the third example.
    Ausruf : 1.250,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.250,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4136 Mexiko

    1868 (March 27): Entire letter from Tampico to Mexico City endorsed 'per W.I. Steamer' with Mexican P.O. "Tampico" cds (March 27) in black (Schatzkes 1581A), passed to British P.O. and franked by Great Britain 1864 1 d. red pl. 96, a block of four, cancelled by two full strikes of the "C63" obliterator in black with British P.O. 'TAMPICO / PAID' cds in black (March 27) below. Mexican P.O. 'Franqueado / Vera Cruz' cds alongside (April 2). Probably picked up by Jolly's agent in Vera Cruz as there is evidence of a vertical band at the centre of the entire and thus untaxed, then mailed on to Mexico with other received letters. The multiple with slight vertical crease and roughly severed at base but this Plate is unlisted by Stanley Gibbons used in Tampico. A remarkable and interesting entire: the sole block of four of any British stamp used on a full Mexican cover.rnNote: Illustrated in "Mexican Maritime Mail" by Karl Schimmer & John Heath on page 72.
    Ausruf : 750,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 4264 Ägypten (Königreich)

    1870 (Nov 29): Great Britain 1864/79 1 d. red pl. 127, two vertical pairs and 1867/70 6 d. violet pl. 9 in a horizontal pair used on 1870 registered cover from Alexandria to 'Osman Bey Josephe' at the St. James Hotel in London, the adhesives tied by fair to fine strikes of the "BO1" obliterator with scarce circular "REGISTERED / ALEXANDRIA" datestamp in red (Nov 29). 'Registered / London' arrival on front (Dec 10) and reverse with five wax seals as shown in negatibe form on the obverse. A few blunted perfs. but a charming and scarce registered usage. Signed Todd AIEP.rnProvenance: Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 1289; Collection Emile Antonini, DF, Zuricch, 13 April 1983, lot 32169; Collection Vivien Sussex, Cavendish, Derby, 6 March 2002, lot 332.
    Ausruf : 350,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 800,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4280 Ionische Inseln

    1845: Entire letter from Zante to Cefalonia prepaid 'd1' in manuscript struck with very fine "♚ / PAID / AT / ZANTE" in black with hooded datestamps of both Zante and Cefalonia poorly struck on obverse. A superb genuine strike of this scarce marking Gi = £ 1'400.rnProvenance: Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 1214.rnNote: The SG footnote, repeated from Robson Lowe's Encyclopaedia is correct, the 'Paid at Zante' Crowned Circle can be found struck in black creating forged covers. The example offered above we are confident is genuine, however Parmenter & Gordon whilst omitting this information from their opus do, inadvertently but helpfully, illustrate a forged impression of this handstamp on page 1/67 which was ex E.E. Yates and 'Beaver Creek' and shows no pre-payment and is without definition in the Crown.rnrn 
    Ausruf : 500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 500,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4282 Zypern

    1878 (Oct 17): Great Britain 1870 ½ d. rose-red pl. 15, 1864/79 1 d. red pl. 171, 1858/69 2 d. blue pl. 15 with three examples and 1876 2½ d. rosy mauve pl. 11 all used on Great Britain 2 d. blue postal stationery registration envelope, size G, for 1 shilling rate from Larnaca to Scotland via Brindisi; tied by six strikes of the "942" obliterator with superb oval REGISTERED / CYPRUS datestamp below (Oct 17) in black. London registered arrival also on obverse (Oct 25) in red. The franking initially cut out and then sensibly re-inserted back into position. Illustrated in Parmenter & Gordon on page 1/46. Opening fault at top but a spectacular and unique four colour franking.rnProvenance: Collection Chris Cruttwell, Argyll Etkin, London, March 2007, lot 1094.
    Ausruf : 7.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 4366 Madeira

    1842 (Sept 10): Entire letter from Madeira to a Mrs. Robt. Auld at Guadalupe y Calvo, Mexico, sent to the care of Manning Marshall & Co, Forwarding Agents in Mexico City, and endorsed 'pr. Thames Steamer' at lower left, prepaid '1/7d.' in red manuscript and struck on despatch with fine strike of "♚ / PAID / AT / MADEIRA" handstamp in red with "Missent to Havana" in manuscript above. Reverse with double arc MADEIRA datestamp in black (Sept 10) and manuscript "Posted at St. Thomas, 3rd December 1842", the cover eventually reaching Vera Cruz, with boxed datestamp in black dated Jan 12, 1843 and charged with handstruck '4' (reales) due in red. An extraordinarily rare marking and a wonderful item of Postal History Gi = £ 16'000.rnProvenance: Collection John Sussex, Cavendish, Derby, 27 Oct 1995, lot 33; Spink, London, 14 Oct 1997, lot 144.
    Ausruf : 7.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 9.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4122 Kolumbien

    1873 (Jan 6): USA 10 c. brown on yellow postal stationery envelope endorsed at left "Ship's Letter / USS Kansas", mailed from Colon to West Meriden, CT, USA and additionally franked by Great Britain 1865 4 d. vermilion pl. 12 tied by fine strike of "E88" obliterator in black with single ring "Colon" cds alongside (Jan 6). Interestingly, the 10 c. envelope has been accepted as paying the incoming Ship Letter charge of 10 cents and is struck with 'N. York' datestamp in red on arrival. Slight trim at right but a remarkable and extremely rare combination usage.rnProvenance: Stanley Gibbons, London, 24 Oct 1985, lot 1115; Collection Luca Biolato, Soler y Llach, Barcelona, 28 Nov 2000, lot 534.
    Ausruf : 1.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.400,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4028 Bahamas

    1876: Great Britain 1864/79 1 d. red pl. 162, a used example on Sailor's Concessionary rate cover from the Bahamas to Gosport endorsed "From W. Edmiston C.B. (Chief Bosun's) Mate / HMS Pert, Nassau", countersigned by Commanding Officer at left, tied in transit by bold "D67" obliterator of Queenstown, Ireland in black. Handstruck "1d." Captain's gratuity on obverse with 'Gosport' arrival cds (Jan 13, 1877) on reverse. Some small imperfections but a rare and unusual usage.rnrnNote: Carried by the 'Leo' from Nassau to Halifax, thence by the Allan Line Steamer 'Sarmatian' to Queenstwon where the adhesive was cancelled. The rare "D67" obliterator was used at Queenstown at the Terminus of the Dublin to Cork Travelling Post Office. Once cancelled the letter was returned to the 'Sarmatian' for the onward journey to Liverpool where it arrived on January 11, 1877.rnrn 
    Ausruf : 1.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.350,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4224 Peru

    Pisagua 1868 (Oct): Great Britain 1867 2 s. pale blue, lettered HD, used on 1868 green envelope believed to be from Pisagua (Chile) to Colchester endorsed 'Paid' and 'via Panama' tied by the famous "D65" obliterator in black. Reverse with Colchester arrival datestamp (Oct 28) in black. Small envelope imperfections and tone spot but this is the sole recorded cover from Pisagua with a 2 s. adhesive, and, whilst further Great Britain stamps have been found with the "D65" obliterator only one further cover has come to light since 1953. See Parmenter & Gordon page 3/52 for further discussions on this cover. Unique.rnProvenance: RL Postal History, Bournemouth, 16 Sept 1953, lot 326; Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 630; Collection André Bollen, DF, Zurich, 29-30 March 1984, lot 11699.
    Ausruf : 2.600,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 4103 Puerto Rico

    1 / 1
    1876 (Aug 24): Great Britain 1864 1 d. red pl. 180, 1858/79 2 d. blue pl. 14 and 1873 3 d. rose pl. 18 with eight examples, all used on double weight entire letter (2/8d.) from Mayagüez to Genova, Italy tied by bold strikes of the "F85" obliterator in black with "Mayaguez Porto Rico / Paid" cds alongside (Aug 25). 'London / Paid' transit cds in red also on obverse (Sept 13) and reverse with Genova arrival cds (Sept 15). One 3 d. rose with closed tear at top but a phenomenal and most appealing franking for the specialist. Certs. Philatelic Foundation (1984) and Sismondo (2005).rnProvenance: Collection André Bollen, DF, Zurich, 29-30 March 1984, lot 11707; Collection Gaspar Roca, Harmers, New York, 21 March 2006, lot 500.
    Ausruf : 1.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.500,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4077 Martinique

    Second British Occupation 1799 (March 20): Entire letter from Capt. H. Ferguson headed 'Martinico' to Charles Cox in London, struck on reverse with brilliant strike of two line dated "FORT ROYAL / MAY 26. 99" handstamp in black (Jamet type 1). Rated '1/8d.' to pay in manuscript this entire appears to be the duplicate letter to the ex Robert G. Stone and Brian Brooks entire (lot 2077) with contents "I understand it is settled now that the 'Vengeance' is to take the Convoy that's ordered to be ready to sail from St. Kitts on the 5th May....Mr. Macnamara is agent for the Vengeance proportion for the prizes for Trinidad, he is now in London and if he has received the Prize Money from Messrs. Higgins & Coleman...". An even better strike of this rare marking than the Stone / Brooks cover. Rare.
    Ausruf : 1.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.500,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4162 Bolivien

    1878c.: Great Britain 1873 1 s. green pl. 13, a used example lettered KE, on 1878 cover from Antofagasta to New York, tied by octagonal framed "10c. / CORREOS ANTOFAGASTA / 10c." handstamp in blue with further strike of same alongside and circular "Admon de Correos de Bolivia / Antofagasta" Official postal cachet in blue at lower left. On arrival struck with 'New York / Due 5 Cents' handstamp (March 4) for incoming Ship Letter fee. Illustrated in Parmenter & Gordon on page 3/9. A cover of quite beautiful appearance and in wonderful quality and  of great rarity.rnProvenance: Collection Maurice Burrus, RL, Basel, 18 March 1965, lot 1508; RL, London, 15 July 1971, lot 2237; Collection André Bollen, DF, Zurich, 29-30 March, lot 11547; Collection Jaime Ortiz-Patiño, Spink Shreves, New York, 5 March 2008, lot 2042.rnrn 
    Ausruf : 5.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 7.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4023 Bahamas

    1 / 1
    1860 (March 17): Great Britain 1 d. red, perf. 14, used on Newspaper rate cover from Nassau to Washington D.C., signed at top by ex-President "Franklin Pierce" for free franking privilege within the USA, neatly tied by "AO5" obliterator in black with double arc BAHAMAS cds (March 17, code C) displaying well on reverse. Crayon '2' (cents) presumably not collected in deference to the President (1853-1857). Manuscript note at top: "You asked me for Gen. Pierce's autograph - here it is - I may, if you desire it be able to give you a letter". A very rare rate and stamp used on an historic cover. Cert. BPA (1993).rnProvenance: Collection 'Staircase', Spink, London, 8 April 1999, lot 60.rnrn 
    Ausruf : 1.700,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 4273 Ägypten (Königreich)

    1856 (Dec 19): Entire letter written from Calcutta to Gippsland, Victoria, Australia, mailed by the brother of Henry Crooke of Gippsland on his return back to England from India and endorsed 'Per Steamer from Suez', prepaid '1/-' in red manuscript and struck with very fine "♚ / PAID / AT / SUEZ" in black. Reverse with fine double arc SUEZ datestamp (March 28, 1857) in black and partial strike of Victoria arrival in red. Internal docketing "Rec'd 2 May" and interesting comments on the ability of horses and horse racing in India, as the addressee wished to be sent an Arab stallion for his holding in Gippsland. One of very few known covers with this marking and one of just two examples to Australia recorded (the other being ex Chalhoub, Oct 2020, lot 20077). Signed Todd AIEP Gi = £ 6'000.
    Ausruf : 2.200,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.200,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4160 Bolivien

    1876 (July): Great Britain 1873 6 d. grey pl. 14 and 1 s. green pl. 10 used on 1875 cover at single rate from Cobija to Guildford, England endorsed 'via Panama, per W.I. Mail to Southampton', tied by two strikes of the "C39" obliterator with superb COBIJA circular datestamp below (July 20, code C) in black. The stamps originally cut on piece from the envelope and thankfully returned to their original position, reverse with Guildford arrival cds (Aug 28). Illustrated in Parmenter & Gordon on page 3/6. The cover with further faults but a most elusive Postal Agency and despite the obvious imperfections, a not unattractive cover and a very rare usage.rnProvenance: Collection André Bollen, Köhler, Wiesbaden, 8 Feb 1983, lot 483.
    Ausruf : 1.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4261 Brit. Post in der Türkei

    1874 (Aug 13): Combination cover from Beirut to Lyon, France franked by Great Britain 1865 4 d. vermilion pl. 13 tied by bold "G06" obliterator with 'British Post Office / Beyrout' cds in black alongside (Aug 13, code C) paying double rate to Alexandria and France Ceres 1871/75 80 c. carmine in a horzontal pair tied by "5080" gros chiffres in black with "ALEXANDRIE / EGYPTE" datestamp in black (Aug 17). Struck with framed AFFRANCHISEMENT / INSUFFISANT in black at left and charged due at '14' décimes in manuscript. Reverse with 'Marseille à Lyon' TPO and Lyon arrival (Aug 25). A famous and magnificent cover.rnProvenance: Collection André Bollen, Köhler. Wiesbaden, 8 Feb 1983, lot 278; Collection 'Cihangir', Corinphila sale 121, Zurich, 29 April-1 May 2000, lot 2695.
    Ausruf : 5.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 10.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4251 Russland

    1 / 1
    Crimean War 1855: Great Britain 1855 1 d. red-brown, wmk. Small Crown, Die I, perf. 14, the astonishing 42 examples all on cover front to Ballymoney, Ireland endorsed at top "Registered Letter from an Officer of the British Army serving in the East" all tied by numerous strikes of the "O*O" obliterators in black. Two stamps torn, but including three single examples, a sheet marginal strip of three, three vertical strips of three, strip of four, strip of six, block of six and a block of nine, making up a registration fee of 6 d. and twelve times the 3 d. rate for a 3 ounce package; with three red wax seals at base. An extraordinary item and without doubt the largest Crimean War franking extant. Cert. BPA (2001).rnProvenance: Collection Vivien Sussex, Cavendish, 6 March 2002.
    Ausruf : 3.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 6.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4247 Russland

    Crimean War 1855: Cover from the "Miss Sleigh, Tunbridge Wells" correspondance endorsed 'Via Marseilles', franked by 1855 1 d. red-brown, Die II, Alphabet II, wmk. Large Crown, lettered CB, used in combination with imperforate 1841 2 d. blue, pl. 4, lettered QK, small speck on 'A' of 'Postage', tied by bold strike of the "OXO" obliterator in greenish-blue. Reverse with "POST OFFICE / BRITISH ARMY" datestamp in red on reverse (May 25), London cds (June 7) and 'Tunbridge Wells' arrival cds of the same day in green. An extremely rare combination usage and a most attractive cover. The existing pendant cover from the "Miss Sleigh" correspondance with the 2d neighbour stamp lettered QL was posted four days earlier on 21 May 1855.rnProvenance: Harmer, London, 27 Oct. 1941, lot 136; Christies 13 March 1990, lot 1951.
    Ausruf : 750,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 800,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4354 Gibraltar

    1864 (June 13): Great Britain 1858/69 2 d. blue pl. 9 and 1862 1 s. green, trimmed wing margin at left, used on 1864 entire letter from Gibraltar to New York endorsed 'To be forwarded per first Steamer from Liverpool or Southampton' tied by two strikes of the "A26" obliterator with GIBRALTAR despatch cds alongside in black (June 14). 'London / Paid' transit in red (June 23) and carried on the Cunard Steamer 'Asia' with '5 / N. York Br. Pkt.' datestamp of arrival (July 8) and erroneous credit marking "16 / Cents" overstruck by Mailboat "A92" obliterator. Weak along folds but an extraordinary and very rare entire.rnNote: The "A92" obliterator was 'allotted to Mr. Nash, Marine Packet Service, Cunard Line'; Parmenter & Gordon page 9/12.
    Ausruf : 500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 700,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4199 Peru

    1874 (Sept 9): Cover at double rate from Arica franked by Peru 1866 Llama 10 c. vermilion (Scott 17) for internal fee, in combination with Great Britain 1865 4 d. vermilion pl. 13 horizontal pair and 1873 1 s. green pl. 9 horizontal pair tied by two strikes of "C36" obliterator with single ring 'Arica' despatch datestamp (Sept 9) in blue. 'London / Paid' cds and oval 'PD' in red of transit (Oct 13) and Calais entry marking ties the Llama 10 centavos. Reverse with 'Callao' British P.O. cds (Sept 13) and arrival cds of Bordeuax in black. Some wear and minor imperfections but a rare and desirable combination franking.rnProvenance: Collection E.E. Yates; RL, London, 10 April 1946, lot 18; Collection André Bollen, DF, Zurich, 29-20 March 1984, lot 11680.
    Ausruf : 1.750,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.800,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4171 Chile

    Caldera 1866 (Oct 5): Great Britain 1865 6 d. lilac pl. 5, faults used with 1865 1 s. green pl. 4 in a superb horizontal pair on 1866 cover from Caldera to Captn. Dauelsberg in Bremen (his Freight Forwarding Company is still in existence), cancelled by two bold strikes of the "C37" obliterator with 'Caldera' datestamp at left (Oct 5, code A) in black. The 6 d. tied in transit by 'London / Paid' cds (Nov 12) with oval 'PD' below and "3d." accountancy marking all in red. Reverse with framed Bremen arrival (Nov 14) in black. Top flap partially missing but of fine appearance and very rare.rnProvenance: Collection André Bollen, DF, Zurich, 29-30 March 1984, lot 11568; Collection Gerhard Blank, RL, Zurich, 5 Dec 1991, lot 865.
    Ausruf : 750,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.400,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4192 Ecuador

    1880 (April 6): Great Britain 1870 1½ d. lake-red pl. 3 and 1873 1 s. green pl. 13, used on shortpaid small envelope from Guayaquil to Tirlemont, Belgium tied by "C41" obliterator with single ring 'Guayaquil' datestamp of despatch on reverse (April 6). Three line dated 'PANAMA / TRANSIT' on front (April 10) and thereafter struck with rare "NEW YORK / APR 23 / PANAMA / TRANSIT" in black and circular 'T' marking in black. Reverse with 'Etats Unis Par Ostende' cds (May 5) and 'Tirlemont' arrival of the same day and eventually charged 75 centimes due to pay. An extraordinary late usage - the Agency closed on June 30, 1880 - and the sole Guayaquil P.O. cover we record addressed to Belgium.rnProvenance: Collection "Windsor", Harmers N.Y. 28 Oct. 1983, lot 567.
    Ausruf : 750,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.400,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4050 St. Vincent

    Dieses Los wurde leider wieder zurückgezogen.

    Losnr. : 4226 Peru

    Piura 1872 (Aug 23): Cover from Piura to New York endorsed 'via Panama', franked by Peru 1868 Le Coq 1 d. green (Scott 14) and Great Britain 1867 6 d. violet pl. 8, both stamps cancelled by superb srtrikes of Peruvian Post Office PIURA / PERU datestamps (Aug 23) in black. 'N.Y. Steamship /10' charge marking in black below (Sept 25) for incoming Ship Letter. A file fold well away from the adhesives, an absolutely stunning cover and entirely unique.rnProvenance: Collection Köhler (see Kohl handbook); Collection Andre De Cock, lot 130; Collection E.E. Yates, RL, 31 July-1 Aug 1940; Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 954; André Bollen, DF, Zurich, 29-330 March 1984, lot 11702.rnrn 
    Ausruf : 7.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 7.500,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4300 Malta

    1856 (Feb): Great Britain 1855 2 d., wmk. Large Crown, perf. 14, plate 5, lettered EA, a single example tied by good strike of the Malta "Wavy Lines" handstamp applied at Valletta in black to Sailor's concessionary rate cover to Chatham, Kent endorsed at top "From George Francis, Seaman / HMS Viper, Malta" and countersigned by his Commanding Officer "H.R.Harris" below; the reverse with London cds (Feb 20) and double arc Chatham arrival (Feb 21) struck in blue. A great rarity - the 2 d. adhesive is listed but unpriced by Stanley Gibbons, this being the sole recorded example used on letter, being used to pay the concessionary rate and the Captain's gratuity. Wonderful and unique.rnProvenance: Robson Lowe, Geneva, 30 April 1976, lot 1029.
    Ausruf : 15.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 15.000,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4223 Peru

    1867 (Nov 15): Combination cover from Piura to Liverpool mailed with Peru 1862 Lecoq 1 d. pink (Scott 12) for the internal rate, additionally franked by Great Britain 1867 1 s. green pl. 4, two fine examples, all tied by two strikes of the "C43" obliterator with double arc "PAITA" datestamp below (Nov 16). 'London / Paid' transit cds on front (Dec 18) and Liverpool arrival on reverse of the same day. A magnificent and most beautiful rarity - the sole recorded combination cover from this Agency.rnProvenance: Collection E.E. Yates, RL, 31 July-1 Aug 1940; Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 965; Harmers, London, 25-26 Sept 1972, lot 445; Collection André Bollen, DF, Zurich, 29-30 March 1984, lot 11698
    Ausruf : 5.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.500,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4245 Russland

    Crimean War 1855 (March 22): Entire letter from "Barrack Hospital, Scutari" to Woolwich, endorsed "Officer's Letter via Marseilles", franked by 1 d. red-brown (two examples), wmk. Small Crown, Die I, Alphabet II, perf. 14; with additional '1 d.' in manuscript (charged as due upon arrival); the adhesives tied by fine strike of rare "*♚*" Crown between Cyphers obliterator in black. Reverse with "POST OFFICE / BRITISH ARMY" datestamp (March 25) in greenish blue ink, London datestamps (April 6) also on reverse. One stamp touched by file fold but a fascinating letter with interesting long and readable contents. Rare Gi Z4 = unpriced in SG.rnProvenance: Collection Griffitt Blackler, Harmers London, 18-20 May 1992 (Described in error as one stamp removed).
    Ausruf : 1.200,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 4101 Puerto Rico

    1876 (Feb 10): Great Britain 1870 ½ d. rose-red pl. 6, 1864 1 d. red pl. 140 and 1873 1 s. green pl. 12, used on 1876 cover from Mayagüez to France endorsed 'via Southampton', tied by two strikes of the "F85" obliterator in black with "Mayaguez Porto Rico / Paid" cds in black at left (Feb 10). 'London / Paid' transit cds in red (March 1) and reverse with 'Paris à Brest' cds and arrival cds. Slight flap tear on reverse otherwise a veryattractive and scarce cover.rnProvenance: Collection McGowan, RL, London, 26 July 1950, lot 384; Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 986; Collection André Bollen, Köhler, Wiesbaden, 8 Feb 1993, lot 784.rn Note: This cover was sent in the same mail as the famous registered cover ex Vivien Sussex collection.
    Ausruf : 500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 600,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4296 Malta

    1855 (April 9): France 1853 20 c. blue imperforate, used example with large margins all round tied to 1855 cover from Malta to Blois, France by large part "MALTA" double arc datestamp in black (April 9) with repeated strike above displaying well on reverse flap. 'Poss. Angl. / Marseille' entry marking in red (April 15) and reverse with Paris and Blois cds's in black. An extraordinary usage - the sole such recorded on a French adhesive.rnProvenance: Collection Plastiras Foster, Jamet, Paris, 26 March 1990, lot 141; Lugdunum, Lyon, 9 Dec 2002, lot 231.rnNote: The British Administration of the Malta Post Office commenced, somewhat unsuccessfully from late August 1857. Prior to this date all letters posted with adhesive stamps in Malta were those carried there by the sender.rn 
    Ausruf : 3.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 5.500,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4087 Haiti

    1884 (Feb): Great Britain 1870 ½ d. rose-red pl. 15 used with 1880 1 d. venetian red in a horizontal strip of eight (JA-JH) and a single and strip of four (JI-JL) on reverse on 1884 cover from Jacmel to Paris, all cancelled by seven strikes of the "C59" obliterator in black. London transit cds (March 1) in red on reverse and 'Calais à Paris' cds on front of the following day. The cover sensibly opened for display with one 1 d. with faults, nevertheless a most unusual (and unique) make-up of the single rate.rnProvenance: Collection Louise Boyd Dale & Alfred Lichtenstein, Harmers, New York, 17-18 Feb 1969, lot 309; Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 872; Collection G.C. Dyer, Christie's, London, 14 Nov 1984, lot 2382; Collection 'Hispanola', Phillips, London, 27 April 1987, lot 115.
    Ausruf : 1.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.600,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4373 Marokko

    1873 (Oct 15): Great Britain 1858/69 2 d. blue pl. 14 and 1865 4 d. vermilion pl. 13, used on 1873 cover from Tangier to London struck with superb strike of "TAИGIER" datestamp with 'N' reversed in black (Oct 15, code A), the adhesives tied with duplex "GIBRALTAR / A26" and the "A26" obliterator in black with same day single ring datestamp alongside. Reverse with London arrivals in black and in red (Oct 25). Slight closed tear at top and at base well away from the adhesives, a famous and extraordinarily rare cover.rnProvenance: Collection E.E. Yates, RL, London, 21 Dec 1939, lot 191; Collection J.A. Taylor, Harmers, London, 13 Dec 1960, lot 421; Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 1146; Collection 'Atlas', Soler y Llach, Barcelona, 22 March 1994, lot 262.
    Ausruf : 10.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 4102 Puerto Rico

    1 / 1
    1873 (Jan 10): Great Britain 1 d. red pl. 154, a used horizontal strip of four on 1873 envelope from Mayagüez to Caracas tied by two splendid strikes of the "F85" obliterator in black with "Mayaguez Porto Rico / Paid" cds in black at left (Jan 10). The envelope with piece missing at upper left corner and heavy crease away from adhesives, with pencil '2' (reales) due upon receipt for internal postage. Reverse with small part of St. Thomas transit cds. Scarce cover with perfect strikes to an unusual destination. Cert. Sismondo (2005).rnProvenance: Collection J. Naylor, Köhler, Wiesbaden, 8 Nov 1983, lot 4504; Collection Gaspar Roca, Harmers, New York, 21 March 2006, lot 497.rn 
    Ausruf : 900,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 4132 Panama

    1876 (Nov 28): Imprinted 'United States Consulate' cover with manuscript "Callao, November 28th 1876" below, prepaid as a triple rate combination cover to Greenboro', Georgia, USA with Great Britain 1874 6 d. grey pl. 15, three examples all tied by two strikes of "C35" obliterators with PANAMA cds alongside (Dec 5) and United States 1875 Taylor 5 c. blue, three examples applied on despatch or by the American Consul in Panama, tied by "New York / Steamship" datestamps (Dec 15) in black and thus defraying the Steamship charge due from addressee. Small imperfections but an extremely rare combination usage.rnProvenance: Collection E.E.Yates, RL, London 31 July - 1 Aug. 1940; Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 940.
    Ausruf : 2.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.500,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4100 Puerto Rico

    1 / 1
    1875 (March 13): Great Britain 1865 4 d. vermilion pl. 14 and 1 s. green pl. 10 used on 1875 cover from Aguadilla to Genova, Italy endorsed 'per Steamer' tied by both "F84" obliterator and by 'London / Paid' transit cds (March 31) in red; fine strike of "Aguadilla Porto Rico / Paid' cds below (March 13) in black. Reverse with London transit and Genova arrival cds (April 2). The mourning envelope trimmed at base with lower flap missing and the 4 d. with slight rounded corner but a most attractive and extremely rare cover. Cert. Sismondo (2005).rnProvenance: Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 973; Collection "Windsor", Harmers, New York, 28 Oct 1983; Collection Gaspar Roca, Harmers, New York, 21 March 2006, lot 486.
    Ausruf : 750,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.600,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4144 Nicaragua

    1 / 1
    1881 (Nov 15): Great Britain 1880 1 s. orange-brown, pl. 13, wmk. Crown, two examples used on 1881 double rate cover from Greytown to J. Hart the Nicaraguan Consul in London, each tied by GREY-TOWN circular datestamp (Nov 15, code B) in black. 'London / Paid' arrival cds in red at left (Dec 13). Reverse of envelope with embossed circular seal 'Nicaragua / Secretaria de Hacienda'. A few wrinkles to envelope but one of very few recorded double rate covers. Rare. Cert. Holcombe (1989).rnProvenance: Collection Ennis, RL, London, 14 July 1948, lot 355; Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 902; Collection "Windsor", Harmers, London, 28 Oct 1983, lot 609; Corinphila, Zurich, sale 80, March 1990, lot 5905.
    Ausruf : 1.000,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.600,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4089 Haiti

    1879 (Nov 9): Great Britain 1870 1½ d. lake-red pl. 3, two single examples, a vertical pair and an irregular block of five, all used on 1879 cover from Jacmel to Le Havre endorsed 'via Southampton' tied by five strikes of the "C59" obliterator in black with 'Jacmel / Paid' cds adjacent (Nov 9). London arrival cds in red (Dec 2). The cover sensibly refolded for exhibit display and whilst the adhesives have one or two imperfections, this is a very scarce and attractive make up of the single rate.rnProvenance: Collection Louise Boyd Dale-Alfred Lichtenstein, Harmers, New York, 17-18 Feb 1969, lot 310; Collection André Bollen, DF, Zurich, 29-30 March 1984, lot 11661.
    Ausruf : 800,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.200,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4176 Chile

    1867 (May 11): Great Britain 1865 6 d. pl. 5 in a horizontal strip of four, used on 1867 cover endorsed 'via St. Nazaire' tied by two strikes of the "C40" obliterator with 'Coquimbo' cds on reverse (May 11) in black. Three line "Panama Transit" on front (May 29) alongside 'London / Paid' cds in red (June 25) with Liverpool arrival cds on reverse of the following day. Small wrinkles but a splendid and rare cover (the 6 d. pl. 5 is unpriced by Stanley Gibbons and this was the 'proving' cover - see Yates description) and most attractive.rnProvenance: Collection E.E Yates, RL, London, 31 July-1 Aug 1940, lot 135; Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 623; Collection André Bollen, DF, Zurich, 29-30 March 1984, lot 11570.
    Ausruf : 1.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.600,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4031 British Guyana

    1858 (July 25): Great Britain 1857 1 d. red, perf. 14, two horizontal strips of three, lettered MJ-ML and NJ-NL, used on 1858 mourning envelope from Berbice to Andover, Hants endorsed 'Per R.M. Steamer to England', tied by six strikes of rare "AO4" obliterator in black. Carried by the 'Prince' from Demerara to Barbados, 'Clyde' to St. Thomas and the 'La Plata' to Southampton. Reverse with Berbice cds (July 24), London datestamp in red (Aug 15) and Andover arrival cds. Imperfections to the strip with rounded corner on NL and NJ repaired; nevertheless rare and an early usage of the 'AO4' - only despatched from the GPO in London on 14 April 1858. Rare.rnProvenance: Collection E.E.Yates, RL 31 July 1940, lot 58; Collection McGowan, RL, London, 27 July 1950, lot 466.
    Ausruf : 2.500,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.200,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4128 Panama

    1878 (Oct 6): Great Britain 1864 1 d. red pl. 191, a horizontal pair used on Sailor's Concessionary rate cover from Panama to Plymouth, endorsed from one J. Frost, a Stoker on board "HMS Pelican", tied by "PANAMA / C35" duplex (Oct 6) in black. Reverse with Plymouth arrival cds (Oct 28). One adhesive with rounded corner and the envelope aged but an extremely rare concessionary usage - rate of 1 d. for Panama transit charge and 1 d. for Sailor's rate of which only two similar covers are recorded by us.rnProvenance: Collection Charles A. Warren, Harmers, London 11-13 Nov 1974, lot 739; Collection André Bollen, Köhler, Wiesbaden, 8 Feb 1983, lot 598; David Feldman Private Treaty List, Ameripex 1986.
    Ausruf : 900,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 900,00 CHF

    Losnr. : 4272 Ägypten (Königreich)

    Cairo 1870 (Jan 24): Great Britain 1867/80 6 d. violet pl. 8 with three single examples and a horizontal strip of four with wing margin over edge of envelope, used with 1867/73 3 d. rose pl. 5, fault at base, on 1870 cover from Cairo to Philadelphia, USA tied by eight strikes of the "BO1" obliterator with the 3 d. tied by CAIRO despatch cds (Jan 24) in blue. 'London / Paid' transit cds (Feb 7) on front in red and reverse with oval framed 'Tod, Rathbone & Co. / Cairo' Agent's marking and Philadelphia arrival cds (Feb 19). Despite the imperfection a most attractive and rare 3/9d. triple rate usage.rnProvenance: Collection Kuyas, SG, London, 31 May-1 June 1979, lot 20.
    Ausruf : 1.250,00 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.500,00 CHF
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