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Losnr. : 1656 Rumänien
Katalognummer : 9/IIxKb+10/IIxKb1862: 6 pa. carmine rose and 30 pa. deep blue, Plate Printed on thin white wove paper, each value in complete sheets of 40 subjects with the central row turned sideways, fresh and fine sheets (the scarcer 6 pa. especially so, the 30 pa. sheet with peripheral ageing), both with large part or unmounted original gum. Opinion Heimbüchler (2012).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 1657 Rumänien
1862: 30 pa. blue, handstruck from Single Dies on white horizontally laid paper, a complete mint sheet of 32, with outer horizontal rows in a pale shade than the vertically tête-bêche central two rows (eight tête-bêche pairs), slight stain between sixth and seventh stamps and usual minor creasing, however a rare and attractive sheet with large part or unmounted original gum. Cert. Heimbüchler (2012) Scott 14+14a = $ 2'000+/Gi 25a+28 = £ 1'650+/Mi = EUR 3'300+.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 1658 Rumänien
1870 (May 20): Prince Carol, 1868 3 b. violet and 1869 15 b. red, both adhesives with broad margins all round, some minor creasing at cover edge, tied by 'BUCUREST DIM. 20 / 5' datestamp to part entire with framed 'P.D.' alongside, sent to Giurgiu with arrival mark in blue on reverse (21/5). Cover with slight file fold far away from adhesives, but a rare combination pre-paying the 18 b. rate in use from January 1868 to October 1870.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1659 Rumänien
Losnr. : 1660 Rumänien
Losnr. : 1661 Rumänien
Losnr. : 1662 Rumänien
1869: 10 bani blue, 15 b. vermilion and 50 b. pale blue & red, all used on 1869 entire letter from Braila to Wexford / Ireland, all three adhesives with large margins all round, almost imperceptible minor horizontal trace of bend, and neatly cancelled by "BRAILA / DIM" datestamps in blue (Kiriac fig. 437) with framed "P.D." in matching ink at right and further framed "P.D." in red. Reverse with Vienna transit cds (August 21) and Wexford arrival cds (August 24). A marvellous entire demonstrating the 75 bani rate and one of the finest letters from this small correspondence. Signed A. Diena. Certificate Heimbüchler (2012).Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : 11.500 CHFLosnr. : 1663 Rumänien
Losnr. : 1664 Rumänien
Losnr. : 1665 Rumänien
1872: 25 bani deep brown, perf. 12½, a mint vertical block 14 stamps marginal at top and at base, therefore showing all ten types and mixed clichés in the block of four at base (5-6/7-8), one or two minute tone spots but fresh and fine, large part original gum. A scarce multiple Mi = EUR 700.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 1666 Rumänien
1873 (Nov 10): Cover to Jassy at double rate, franked by Paris printing 1872 10 b. blue horizontal pair tied by superb strike of 'VASLUI' thimble datestamp (Kiriac fig. 583, with accent on last letter) in black. Framed 'P.D.' above and Jassy arrival cds on reverse.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1667 Rumänien
1875 (Aug 17): Double rate registered cover to Campo-Lung franked by Paris printing 1872 10 bani blue horizontal pair and 15 b. red-brown horizontal pair cancelled by exceptional Rural Post 'J. MUSCEL / PL. PODGORIA' datestamps (Kiriac fig. 1033) in black. Framed 'RECOM.' handstamps below. A rare and appealing cover.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1668 Rumänien
1872: Paris printing 10 bani blue horizontal pair and single 25 b. orange used on 1874 underpaid envelope to Athens tied by "Braila" thimble datestamps (Kiriac fig. 519). Underpaid 30 bani for route taken via Vienna and Trieste and struck with two line "Affranchissement / Insuffisant" handstamp in black on arrival. Charged Postage Due of 35 lepta and 20 l. for inland delivery, franked by Large Hermes 1870/72 5 lepta green on greenish, 10 l. orange and 40 l. pale mauve on greenish paper all tied by Athens "1" dotted lozenge on receipt. Minor imperfections but a splendid and extremely rare cover for the specialist. Certificate Heimbüchler (2008).Ausruf : 12.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1669 Rumänien
Losnr. : 1670 Rumänien
1872 (Nov 12): Registered cover front to Cognac at double rate bearing remarkable usage of 1872 Paris printing 15 b. red brown in a horizontal strip of three and 50 b. carmine rose in a horizontal strip of four, all tied by neat 'BUCURESCI' thimble datestamps (Kiriac fig. 520) in black. Framed "Recomandat" at left (and notation of weight "18" grams), red French entry marking (Nov 16). Minor faults but a rare cover front of attractive appearance.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 1671 Rumänien
1872: Paris printing 25 b. orange-yellow used on 1875 entire letter to Constantinople tied by single ring "Giurgiu" circular datestamp in black (July 24). Reverse with Austrian Post Office "Constantinopel" arrival datestamp in black; a fine entire.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 1672 Rumänien
1872: Paris printing 25 bani orange horizontal pair and Bucharest printing 1877 10 b. blue used on rare quadruple rate (note "4" in manuscript on front panel) 1878 cover to Ploesti tied by 'BOLGRAD' thimble datestamps (June 22) struck well in blue (Kiriac fig. 516). A scarce 60 bani inland rate and mixed issue franking.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1673 Rumänien
1872 (Nov 15): Paris printing 50 bani rose carmine used on registered letter to Bucharest, neatly tied by both framed 'P.D.' and 'JSMAIL' thimble datestamp (Kiriac fig. 549) in blue. Framed "Recomandat" below and Galati and Bucharest datestamps on reverse. Some file folds away from adhesive but an attractive cover.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1674 Rumänien
1876/79: Bucharest printing 10 bani ultramarine used on 1879 "Retour Recepisa" form, cancelled by bold 'TIRGU-FRUMOS' datestamp (Feb 9) in blue (Kiriac fig. 572). Reverse with truncated example of same adhesive similarly tied in blue and cds's of Jassy and Tirgul-Frumos (fig. 414) in black. Slight faults to form but a rare usage.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1675 Rumänien
Losnr. : 1676 Rumänien
Losnr. : 1677 Rumänien
1908: Essay for proposed King Carol I issue, the superb half sheet in bright rose-carmine (12 subjects) with value tablets blank at left, large sheet margins all round. Exceptional and scarce multiple. Signed Heimbüchler Cohen fig. 66.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1678 Rumänien
1927: Imperforate Essays for 50th Independence Anniversary issue, three 10 lei values in red, violet and blue (Cohen fig. 119) on medium white paper and four 5 lei values printed in blue, violet, green and in brown (Cohen fig. 126) on thick card paper. Fresh and fine selection.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 1679 Rumänien
Losnr. : 1680 Rumänien
1870: Small piece with DDSG 10 kr. red, irregular perf., and Romania King Carol 1869 25 b. orange & blue, three large margins, just touched at top, with both stamps tied by fine strike of 'CALAFAT SERA 30/4' datestamp struck well in blue (Kiriac fig. 447a). A dramatic and extremely rare usage, this piece being illustrated in Ferchenbauer (Volume IV) on page 786 Ferchenbauer = EUR 3'500.
Provenance: Collection Capellaro, Corinphila sale 163 (March 2010), lot 5662.Ausruf : 1.400 CHFZuschlag : 3.400 CHFLosnr. : 1681 Russland
Losnr. : 1682 Russland
1850 (Sept 30): Entire letter from Odessa to Constantinople, slitted for disinfection, carried under terms of the 1848 Postal Treaty with Greece; struck with fine framed ODESSA despatch in black and italic "Franco" alongside denoting pre-payment. Reverse with Piraeus and Syros (Oct 9) datestamps in black and charged 40 lepta due in red manuscript. A fine and scarce entire.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 1683 Russland
1852 (April 3): Cover from St. Petersburg to Athens/Greece struck with boxed and dated "St. Petersburg" despatch handstamp, most unusually routed- most probably via Moscow, Kiev, Odessa to Kishinev and thence to Beltsy and struck on reverse with early usage of very rare SKULIANY manuscript filled datestamp (May 1) in black (Dobin Type 1.04). Athens datestamp of receipt in blue (May 19) alongside and charged "60" lepta due in manuscript. A rare cover that displays well.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 250 CHFLosnr. : 1684 Russland
Georgia 1858 (March 5): Mourning letter from Kutais with contents in French from Princess Anastasie Gagarine whose husband the Military Governor of Kutais had been murdered, sent to Wiesbaden and forwarded to Naples, manuscript charge marks, 13 transit and arrival cancels and notably rare oval despatch cancel 'KUTAIS 1858 MARTA 5 OTPRAVLENO' (Dobin, Ashford Type 2), only two recorded examples going abroad, a splendid item.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1685 Russland
1859 & 1865: Entire letters to Helsingör, Denmark; the earlier entire from Kronstadt endorsed "per Dampfer" at top with framed Cyrillic "Kronstadt" datestamp on reverse and framed "AUS / RUSSLAND" in red; 1864 entire from St. Petersburg via Lübeck with red circular "Aus Russland / Porto" datestamp and framed "Porto" in black. Both covers are rated "35" skilling due, the single letter rate: 3 sgr. Russian share, 3 sgr. German share and 2 sgr. Danish share.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1686 Russland
1867/71: Two covers to Wädensweil Switzerland, dispatched at the Russian P.O. Hussiatyn at the border to Austria with bilingual cds in black resp. blue (Dobin type 1.01), "PORTO" mark from the same office and Austrian "RUSSIE" marks alongside, extensive Rötel calculations, on reverse transit cds's of the Austrian P.O. in Hussiatyn, Lemberg, Vienna and Wädensweil arrival cds. Two colourful items.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 1687 Russland
1858 (July 16): 10 kop. brown & blue imperf., plate 2, narrow to good margins all round, tied by crisp circular dotted cancel '37' of Revel to top left corner of outer letter sheet with framed REVEL 16 IYULYA 1858 departure mark in black on reverse, sent to Moscow (July 20, as noted inside). Cover refolded. Following May 1858 postage stamps of Russia had to be obliterated by newly introduced dotted numeral marks, the circular ones being issued for governmental and regional P.O.'s. Mi = EUR 5'000.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1688 Russland
1858: 10 kop. brown & blue, perf. 14½ : 15, 2nd plate on thick paper, cancelled with a crossed pen strike on entire letter from the Imperial Agricultural Society to a village in Kursk Gubernia, handwritten date in the text is 25 March (1858), departure date postmark 'Moscow / 2nd city post department / 27 March 1858' on reverse (not listed in Dobin), no arrival mark. Rare pen cancellation of the stamp, which was in use between January and March 1858.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1689 Russland
1867 (June 25): Imperial Arms 1858 issue 30 kop. red & green perf. 12¼ : 12½, 1864 issue 1 kop. black & yellow perf. 12¼ : 12½, and 1865 issue 1 kop. black & yellow perf. 14½ : 15 (pair & 1, one glued around corner edge and damaged during opening), all tied by Rostov cds's to outer letter sheet, endorsed 'via Konstantinopoli' and sent to Syra, taxed for internal Postage Due on arrival with Large Hermes Head 1862-67 10 l. orange and 20 l. blue (pair), cancelled by SYROS/67 12 AUG. 67 cds's with arrival cds on reverse. Some vertical creasing, but a spectacular unusual mixed franking of great appeal on a rare cover.
Provenance: Constantinople collection (Corinphila sale, December 2007), lot 7313.Ausruf : 3.400 CHFZuschlag : 3.400 CHFLosnr. : 1690 Russland
City Post St. Petersburg 1863: 5 kop. black & blue in complete sheet of 100 stamps, showing nicely all the plate flaws, fold between upper and lower part of the sheet and perforation separation below three stamps, some minor wrinkles at the edge of the margins as usual, unmounted mint Standard catalogue 2011 = EUR 18'000 for a mint compl. sheet.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.200 CHFLosnr. : 1691 Russland
1873 (Dec 1): 1 k. black & yellow (2) and 30 k. rose & green, tied by cds's of 7th St. Petersburg Expeditiya on franco outer letter sheet of second weight rate to London with arrival mark (Dec 17) alongside. Slight horizontal fold in the envelope away from the stamps.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 1692 Russland
1870 (Sept 22): 1 k. black & yellow, 5 k. black & grey-blue, and 20 k. blue & orange, all perf. 14½ : 15 on horizontally laid paper, tied by an upright strike ODESSA 22 SEP 1870 to fully pre-paid envelope sent to London with 'P.D.' in red and black AUS RUSSLAND alongside, Russian and Prussian T.P.O. cds's and London arrival cds (Oct. 11) on reverse. A fine cover.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 1693 Russland
1878 (March 7): Imperial Arms definitives 1k. black & yellow, 10k. brown & blue, and 20 k. blue & orange, tied by prephilatelic two-liner of the horse-carriage station Mordwinskaya to cover, sent to Sarapul with arrival mark on reverse (March 8). A fine three-color cover of the third-weight rate.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1694 Russland
1866: Imperial Arms 3 kop. black & green and 5 kop. black & violet, horizontally laid paper and 10 kop. brown & blue vertically laid paper (2), tied by clear 'S. Peterburg 1 Eksp. 28 Dek 71' cds's to outer letter sheet, sent to Reims with 'P.D.' in frame, St. Petersburg Warsaw train station cds, Prussian 'Aus Russland' in red, French ambulant mark 'Avricourt à Paris' and Reims arrival mark (Jan 13) on front and reverse. Fine combination of both issues.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1695 Russland
1875 (Sept 26): Entire letter from Sebastopol to Syra, Greece franked by 1875-82 8 kop. red & grey tied by cyrillic "Sebastopol" cds, transit of Odessa below (30/9) and reverse showing two Postal Wagon datestamps, Vienna datestamp (14/10), Triest oval datestamp, Kerkyra cds and Syra arrival cds (8/10). Some creasing away from adhesive but a scarce and unusual entire with contents concerning a ship-wreck.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1696 Russland
1889: Arms definitive 3½ rub. black & grey, horizontally laid paper, in a complete sheet of 25 with full sheet margins all round (usually partially cut away), some marginal perforation separation and minor wrinkles at the edge of the margins as usual, unmounted mint Standard catalogue 2011 = EUR 3'625 for stamps only.Ausruf : 800 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1697 Russland
1891 (Dec 3): Arms definitives 3 kop. red (2), 4 kop. rose, 5 kop. violet, 7 kop. blue and 10 kop. blue, tied by blueish small Vladivostok cds's to front and reverse of registered envelope, sent via Nagasaki (Dec 19/21), Yokohama (Dec 25), San Francisco (Jan 20, 1892) and New York (Jan 26), where a registration label was attached, to Rio de Janeiro Brazil with CAPITAL FEDERAL arrival mark on reverse (March 2). Vertical and horizontal fold away from the stamps, but in spite of these imperfections an early use from Vladivostok to a very rare destination.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 1698 Russland
1899 (April 20): 3 k. stationery postcard, postmarked with figural mark of the telegraph office no. 31 (Dobin type 04-31-05) and sent to Helsingfors. In addition two detached horizontal pairs of 1 k. orange arms definitives showing both types of rare XXXI mark.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 1699 Russland
Losnr. : 1700 Russland
Losnr. : 1701 Russland
Losnr. : 1702 Russland
1909: Arms 4 k. red postal stationery card sent registered to St. Thomas, DWI, up-rated for registration with Arms 10 k. blue tied by "Rostov" cds of despatch and sent via London (Feb 9). Registration label at left tied by framed "ST. THOMAS" registration cachet in violet of arrival (Feb 24). Card returned-sadly the message reads: 'On 16 June 1908 I sent you 71 stamps value 17/5d. and I wish to know when I can expect yours in exchange...'. Card also has bilingual "Parti" label tied on re-arrival in Rostov. Rare usage to an extraordinary destination.Ausruf : 160 CHFZuschlag : 190 CHFLosnr. : 1703 Russland
1913 (Aug 30): Arms definitives 70 k. orange & brown and vert. pair 10 k. blue, tied by Karasubasar Taurida cds's to parcel card from Crimea to Switzerland. White bilingual Karasubasar parcel label, sent via the Russian customs (negative cachet on the lower left), Germany (Thorn cds of Sep 17 on reverse), and Swiss cutoms (green Postzollamt Basel cachet and label on front) to Sanatorium Schatzalp at Davos with arrival mark on reverse (Sep 20). A fine complete parcel card, accompanying obviously a parcel sent to a Russian guest / patient of the well-known sanatorium decribed in Thomas Mann's 'Zauberberg'.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1704 Russland
1914 (Jan 12): Arms definitive 10 kop. blue (2) tied by 'St.Petersburg Warsaw station' cds's to registered envelope, sent to Naples with violet machine registration mark of that station P.O., on reverse handstamp "Taken from the postbox" and red Napoli arrival mark (Jan 29). Machine registrations at train P.O. are rare.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1705 Russland
1914 (Oct 5): Russian 3 k. red postal stationery card sent registered to Brighton, UK up-rated with 1913 Romanov issue 1 k. and 10 k. tied by Warsaw cds's. Censor cachet at left and Registered label at right, card with extraordinary message: "I sent you a card from Petrograd. The GPO is open but the others are not, I suppose you read in the papers what is going on here. Poor Poland. Since 10 days a terrible battle is being fouight just outside (Warsaw). The noise of the Cannons is awful...the noise goes on night and day...last friday a bomb fell near the Station, several people were killed, the town is full of wounded". The German advance was halted by the Poles and Russians just short of Warsaw in the middle of October 1914.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1706 Russland
1915 (May 15): Arms definitives 20 k. blue & red and 25 k. green & violet, tied by Mariinskij Posad Kaz(an) cds's to parcel card sent to Degelby Aland Islands Finland. The parcel did obviously not reach the addresse, as the card was given intact into the archives. Repaired archive holes away from the stamps.
Provenance: Collection Jack Moyes.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1707 Russland
1916 (Nov 24): 20 k. Imperial Arms, tied by violet cds 'TSURUGA JAPAN 24 11 16' to commercial envelope, slightly reduced, with pre-printed «Vladivostok» company address, with boxed violet PAQUEBOT alongside, sent to Seattle USA, on reverse same Tsuruga cancel and well-struck Korean transit cancel 'KEIJO / GHOSEN 26 11 16' in black, together with attractive red paper seal inscribed 'Vladivostok' - the reverse thus shows three stages in this letter»s journey.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1708 Russland
1917 (Sept 12): Imperial Arms 5 kop. mauve imperf., tied by oval T.P.O. datestamp 'Kharbin 263 Vladivostok' (Kiryushkin & Robinson rated 'G') to picture postcard, sent to Pervayarchka Primorskaya Oblast in Russian Far East with arrival mark (Sept 15) and Vladivostok censor mark alongside.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1709 Russland
1917 (Oct 25): Picture postcard sent postage-free from Engineering Constructional Military Unit as shown by its cachet to train station Zvanka nearby Petrograd with arrival cds of October 25, the day of the October Revolution.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1710 Russland
Revenue Stamps 1880/90(ca.): Baku District Court Fiscals, the first four types complete in reconstructed sheetlets of six. The stamps were printed like lottery tickets with a counterfoil on the left and the stamps in a vertical strip of six on the right. Basic stamps are scarce and a reconstruction therefore difficult to accomplish.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 1711 Russland
Losnr. : 1712 Russland
Bilibin 1904: Ten unused picture postcards with wooden houses, churches, magazines, all from Northern Russia, a complete postcard set designed in 1904, divided address side, six cards from printing house N. Kadushin, St. Petersburg, issued for St. Jevgenia Society (Red Cross) Standard catalogue nos. 13-22.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 1713 Russland
Bilibin 1905: Sirin and Alkonost, two mythological creatures on unused picture postcards, a complete pair designed in 1905, divided address side from printing house Golike & Vilborg, St. Petersburg, issued for St. Jevgenia Society (Red Cross), Sirin with some spots on address side Standard catalogue nos. 23-24.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 1714 Russland
Bilibin 1908: Eight unused cards depicting costumes of the Opera 'Boris Godunov' of Mussorgsky, also designed by Ivan Bilibin, a complete postcard set designed in 1908, divided address side from printing house N. Kadushin, St. Petersburg, issued for St. Jevgenia Society (Red Cross) Standard catalogue nos. 25-32.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 1715 Russland
Bilibin 1911/12: Six unused cards, complete set depicting Kulitch - Gorod and Paskhalnij Ded among other motifs, divided address side from printing house N. Kadushin, St. Petersburg, issued for St. Jevgenia Society (Red Cross), some toning on address side Standard catalogue nos. 51-56.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 1716 Russland
Losnr. : 1717 Russland Zemtsvo
Wenden 1894 (Oct 1): 2 kop. black, red & green "Arm with sword" definitive on normal paper, perf. 11½, cancelled by pen strike as usual, in combination with Imperial Arms definitive 7 kop. blue, tied by Wenden Lifland cds of the Imperial P.O., cancelling in addition the Wenden Zemstvo stamp, on cover to Revel with arrival cds on reverse.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1718 Russland Zemtsvo
Bogorodsk 1889 (Feb 8): Russian Levant 7 k. blue, tied by oval 'R.O.P.I.T / CONSTANTINOPLE / 8 FEB 89' in black to ordinary letter, transits of SEVASTOPOL, POCHTOVI VAGON 16, MOSKVA and BOGORODSK all on reverse together with Zemstvo stamp of Bogorodsk 5 k. orange-red imperforate (Schmidt 48, Chuchin 46) for local delivery well tied by 'BOGORODSKAYA 21 FEB 89' Zemstvo cancellation, cover opened for display and minor staining.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1719 Russland Zemtsvo
Losnr. : 1720 Russland Zemtsvo
Ustsysolsk 1909 (July 7): 5 kop. dark-blue (Schmidt 43), tied by cross type district datestamp to reverse of registered cover, official seal alongside, sent via district capital where Imperial Arms definitives 7 kop. blue (pair), tied by Ustsysolsk cds and corresponding registration label were applied, sent to Moscow with arrival mark (July 15) on reverse. Filing fold away from stamps, otherwise fine.
Provenance: Collection Dr. Nikitin (Cherrystone sale 2012)Ausruf : 450 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1721 Russland Zemtsvo
Glazov 1911 (Aug 22): 2 kop. dark-blue (Schmidt 19), tied by oval district datestamp 'GLAZOVSKAYA Zemskaya Potshta 22 Aug. 1911' to reverse of registered cover, conveyed the same day via the Imperial P.O. in Glazov, strip of three Imperial Arms 7 kop. blue definitives and registration label applied, sent to Vyatka court (Aug 23). Shortened at left, vertical fold.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 190 CHFLosnr. : 1722 Russland Zemtsvo
Losnr. : 1723 Russland Post in China
1899 (March 21): Imperial Russian stationery lettercard 7 kop. with add. definitive 3 kop. carmine, cancelled with cds of Russian P.O. in Shanghai (Tchilinghirian fig. 493), sent with French vessel LIGNE N PAQ. FR. N° 8 21 MARS 99 via Colombo (April 6) to Kotagala in Central Ceylon (April 7). Fine destination.Ausruf : 450 CHFZuschlag : 450 CHFLosnr. : 1724 Russland Post in China
1910: 2 k. green Imperial definitives with 'KITAI' overprints (8 and one pair), tied by 'SHANGHAI RUSSIAN POST a 8.1.10' cds's to registered cover, sent to Manchester with rare black 'Changhai' registration label alongside, London registration transit and Manchester arrival (Jan 25) cds's on reverse. Only two covers with this unusual label in the Dr. Casey collection.
Provenance: Dr. Casey collection, Feldman, Geneva (April 2012), lot 20063.Ausruf : 700 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 1725 Russland Post in China
1918: 1 r. on wove paper overprinted KITAI, perforated 12.5, cancelled SHANGHAI ZAGRANICH P. KONT 14 10 18. The basic stamp is Mi 77C for Russia; the overprint on this stamp is very rare. Old signature, punch hole repair from use on formular card, short corner, much undercatalogued.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1726 Russland Post in China
Russia in Mongolia 1897 (Nov 24): Imperial Arms definitives 3 kop. red (2) and 4 kop. rose (2), tied by cross-type cds's of Urga (Tchilinghirian fig. 443) to native double-weight 'red-band' cover with third strike alongside, opened on three sides. First-year use of this postmark.Ausruf : 700 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 1727 Russland Post in China
Russia in Mongolia 1904 (Aug 3): Imperial Arms definitives 1 kop. orange (2, partially oxidized color) and 5 kop. violet, tied by faint cross-type cds's of Urga in violet color (Tchilinghirian fig. 443) to native 'red-band' cover, sent to Kalgan. Signed Holcombe.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 1728 Russland Post in China
Russia in Sinkiang 1916 (Oct 10): Imperial Arms definitives 10 kop. blue (3), each tied by bridge-type KASHGAR KIT. VLAD. (Kashgar Chinese Possessions) serial number 'b' cds's (Tchilinghirian fig. 424) to native 'red-band' cover, sent to Tientsin in China proper, registration label and violet Tientsin censor mark adjacent with Russian and Chinese Tientsin arrival cds. Signed Holcombe.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 1729 Russland Post in Levante
1860: Stampless entire letter from Smyrna to Chios with greenish-blue rectangular datestamp COMPAGNIE RUSSE SMYRNE (Tchilinghirian fig. 146) and 'P.P.' (Tchilinghirian fig. 148) alongside. Vertical and horizontal archive folds. A rare item in spite of some imperfections.
Provenance: Collection Arsman.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1730 Russland Post in Levante
1864 (March 18): Small piece bearing two strips of three 10 kop. brown & blue tied by scarce 'Konstantinopol' Russian Post Office cds's well struck in blue; also a rejoined pair of 10 kop. in a deeper shade with same cancellation. Exceptional and scarce (Tchilinghirian fig. 3).
Provenance: Constantinople collection (Corinphila sale, December 2007), lot 7305.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 350 CHFLosnr. : 1731 Russland Post in Levante
1868: 1 kop. brown & 5 kop. blue, tied by dotted numeral mark "724" of Alexandretta (Iskenderun) to outer letter sheet, dated 'April 24 1869' inside, sent to Beirut, on reverse 'Port Alexandretta' and 'Port Beirut' cds's in blue (Tchilinghirian figs. 198 & 217). Harbor-to-harbor tariff of the Levant with Alexandretta being a rare provenance, most covers came from Aleppo and were forwarded via Alexandretta.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1732 Russland Post in Levante
1884 (June): Russian Levant 1872 5 kop. blue and 1879 1 kop. black & yellow (2), tied by oval 'R.O.P.iT. - Konstantinopol' datestamp in black to cover via Odessa to Hannover, disinfected by rastel punches and slitted on all four sides, transit and arrival mark and blue Odessa carantine mark on reverse. Late fumigation in the 1880s.
Provenance: Constantinople collection (Corinphila sale, December 2007), lot 7309.Ausruf : 700 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1733 Russland Post in Levante
1885 (Jan 17): Russian Levant 7 kop. carmine & green, tied by R.O.P.iT. - KONSTANTINOPOL oval datestamp in black to cover, sent to Hannover with Odessa transit (Jan 19) and arrival (Feb 3) cds on reverse, refolded for better display at top.
Provenance: Constantinople collection (Corinphila sale, December 2007), lot 7310.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 350 CHFLosnr. : 1734 Russland Post in Levante
1894 (Nov 10): Russian Levant 10 k. red & green vertical pair, tied with cds of the ROPiT office in Smyrna (Tchilinghirian fig. 156) on double-weight cover via Constantinople (Nov 16) and Teheran (transit marks on reverse) to Isphahan in Persia.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1735 Russland Post in Levante
Losnr. : 1736 Russland Post in Levante
1906 (Jan 27): Arms definitives 10 pa. on 2 kop. (2), 20 pa. on 4 kop. and 1 pia. on 10 kop., all tied by violet 'ROPiT Smirna' cds's (Tchilinghirian fig. 158) to registered letter with violet 'dotted R in circle' registration mark alongside, sent to France with diff. transit and arrival cds's on front and reverse. Rare use of the R mark instead of a label.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 1737 Russland Post in Levante
Losnr. : 1738 Russland Post in Levante
Losnr. : 1739 Russland Post in Levante
Holyland 1909: Two picture postcards, franked in 1910 with ROPiT anniversary issue with 'Jerusalem' overprint 10 pa. on 2 kop. (pair) and 20 pa. on 4 kop., respectively, tied by cds's of ROPiT P.O. in Jerusalem (Tchilinghirian figs. 247 & 250), sent to Berlin and St. Petersburg, respectively with arrival datestamps alongside.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1740 Russland Post in Levante
Losnr. : 1741 Russland Post in Levante
1909 (Oct 20): 7 pia. on 70 k. brown & orange ROPiT anniversary issue with 'Constantinople' overprint, tied by blue Stamboul ROPiT office cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 21) to registered philatelic cover, sent to Leipzig. Stamp rarely seen on cover.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 1742 Russland Post in Levante
Losnr. : 1743 Russland Post in Levante
1910 (May 19): 20 pa. on 4 kop. red of 1909 series commemorating 50th anniversary of ROPiT with additional overprint 'Constantinople' (vert. pair), tied by cds of ROPiT Constantinople (Tchilinghirian fig. 22) to cover sent to Manchester. Use of this commemorative series on cover is rare.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 1744 Russland Post in Levante
1912: Russian Levant definitive overprint issue, all five values 20 pa. to 3½ pia. in blocks of four on registered philatelic cover, in addition compl. set as single values on another registered cover, both sent from Constantinople to Germany. Single set cover with address cut out. Rare use of this issue seldom seen on cover.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 250 CHFLosnr. : 1745 Russland Post in Levante
1913 (Jan 12): Arms definitives 10 pa. on 2 kop. (3) and 1 pia. on 10 kop. (2), tied by violet 'ROPiT Metelin' cds's to registered cover with add. strike and Metelin registration label alongside, sent via Constantinople (Jan 18) to Triest.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 140 CHFLosnr. : 1746 Russland Post in Levante
Losnr. : 1747 Russland Post in Levante
1913 (April 15): Romanov Tricentennary commemorative issue, 5 pa. on 1 k. (pair), 10 pa. on 2 k., 20 pa. on 4 kop. and 1 pia. on 10 kop., all tied by strikes of cds 'ROPiT Saloniki' to registered cover with another strike and Constantinople registration label (handritten change to Salonique) alongside. Cover directed to Pangalti Constantinople with ROPiT Konstantinopol and Turkish Stamboul transit and Turkish Pankaldi arrival mark on reverse.
Provenance: Collection Dr. Rohane.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1748 Russland Post in Levante
Occupation of Trebisonde 1917 (April 30): Postcard to France franked on viewside with Arms 1 k. orange and 3 k. red with 1917 Charity 1 k.+ 1 k. tied by fine strikes of RESERVE FIELD POST OFFICE 159 datestamp of Trebisonde (Tchilinghirian fig. 105) with repeated strike on reverse alongside Censor cachet '89'. Very fine and scarce.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 1749 Russland Post in Levante
Occupation of Trebisonde 1917 (May 26): Postcard to France franked on viewside with Arms 1 k. orange and 1917 Charity 1 k.+ 1 k. tied by fair RESERVE FIELD POST OFFICE 159 datestamp of Trebisonde (Tchilinghirian fig. 105) with repeated fine strike on reverse alongside Censor cachet. Very scarce.
Ausruf : 160 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1750 Russland Post in Levante
Russian Administration in Rethymnon Province 1899: Handstruck 1 Metallik green on horizontally laid paper, violet control handstamp, never hinged mint block of 20 (5 x 4) showing major displacement of the impressions in relation to the pencil guidelines, fresh and fine.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 1751 Russland
Losnr. : 1752 Russland
Denikin 1919 (July 24): 15 k. red (pair) and 35 k. blue (2) of the Denikin Ednaya Rossiya issue in combination with 3.50 r. Imperial Arms definitives imperf (strip of three, three pairs, and four examples), all overprinted with Tridents, tied by Grishino Ekaterinoslav Gub. cds's to front and back of money transfer card. Stamps punched for sure devaluation. Great combined use Denikin and Trident stamps.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1753 Russland
Denikin 1919 (Sep 11): Kerenski 5 k. stationery postcard with Ukraine Trident overprint and add. franking of Denikin - Ednaya Rossiya stamps (5k. pair, 10k., 15k., and 35 k. pair), cancelled by Kiev cds. Philatelic use in the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic after the defeat of the Denikin army.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1754 Russland
1919 (Dec 12): Denikin Ednaya Rossiya 3 r. brown & green in marginal horizontal pair tied by Rostov cds to complete Money transfer form, transfering 300 r. to Berdiansk (April 21). The delayed delivery was due to the fact that this item stayed in Rostov until the occupation of the Donetsk region by the Red Army. As the item shows a Soviet export cachet, it was presumably never delivered to the address.
Provenance: Robert Taylor collection with his notes.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1755 Russland
1920 (March 6): Denikin Ednaya Rossiya 15 k. red (pair) and 70 k. grey-blue tied by Vladikavkaz cds to reverse of cover to Petrovsk-Port Dagestan. Short-lived tariff of January 1st, 1920 valid in areas still under White control.
Provenance: Robert Taylor collection with his notes.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauft
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