Ansicht sortieren :
Losnr. : 1357 Finnland
Losnr. : 1358 Finnland
Losnr. : 1359 Finnland
Losnr. : 1360 Finnland
1856: 10 kop. carmine-red on narrow-laid paper, horiz. pair with large margins on two sides, cut to shape at left and right, tied by pen cross on each stamp and additional Helsingfors cds on piece, some staining caused by brownish gum. Cert. Tuori (2003) Facit 2ev1 = Skr 22'000+.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1361 Finnland
1856: Small piece bearing 10 kop. carmine in a reconstructed horizontal strip of five, pair and strip of three, with large margins all round, creased vertically between first and second, and third and fourth stamps but not touching the design, minute tear in second stamp, all cancelled by manuscript pen crosses and by low boxed "Brahestad" datestamp (18 July 1858) in black and also by 'Ank' marking in black. A rare multiple being the third largest unit known, slight thin spots under each where the strip of excellent colour and appearance. Signed Gummesson and Fabergé. Cert. Gummesson (1992).
Provenance: Collection Fabergé, London, 9-10 October 1939, lot 42.
Collection Runeberg, Corinphila, sale 85, Zurich, 26 Oct 1992, lot 1359.
Collection Nyman, Geneva, 27 Noov 2009, lot 20123.Ausruf : 6.000 CHFZuschlag : 6.000 CHFLosnr. : 1362 Finnland
1856 (Nov 8): 10 kopeck dark carmine with narrow margins, cut on two sides to the oval, tied by high boxed 'WIBORG 18 8/11 56' to folded outer letter sent to Helsingfors, a clean and attractive cover. Certificate Tuori (2006).
Provenance: Acquired in 1910 by Agathon Faberge [pencilled acquisition note]Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1363 Ägypten (Königreich)
Losnr. : 1364 Finnland
1866: 40 p. bright carmine rose on greyish, roulette D, a fine used example of excellent colour, only one blunted roulette, clearly showing plate variety: white dot on 'N' of 'PEN' in top panel, cancelled by large part "Idensalmi" datestamp in black. Scarce and very attractive stamp Facit 9C = Skr 8'500+.
Provenance: Collection Nyman, lot 20369.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 1365 Finnland
1866/73: Roulette Issue, 8 p. black on yellow-green paper, roulette B (2) plus 40 p. rose-red on bluish paper, roulette B, all tied by FREDRIKSHAMN 3/6 1875 cds's on envelope to Lichtensteig, Switzerland, endorsed "Via St. Petersburg". Reverse bears St. Petersburg and Swiss TPO transit cds's and Lichtensteig arrival mark (June 8), some shortened teeth as usual for this issue, fresh cover directly prior to the UPU rates.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1366 Finnland
1875/82: Stamp Office printing, 20 p. ultramarine, perf 12½, a superb vertical strip of three with central stamp tête-bêche (positions 70-80-90), cancelled by light "Mariehamn" (Aland Islands) datestamps in black (13.12.85). A magnificent and rare strip showing the inverted cliché and a most unusual usage Facit 16L C2v = Skr. 18'000/Mi = EUR 5'000.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 1367 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1368 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1369 Frankreich
1813: Entire letter to member of the Grand Armée in Mayence, re-sent on arrival, struck with "103 / COLOGNE" despatch in black struck on arrival with "DEB. 100 / MAYENCE" to Caen and again re-addressed with "DEB 13 / CAEN" in black. Opens well for display, a rare usage of two Deboursé markings on the same entire.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1370 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1371 Frankreich
Crimean War 1855 (Sept 8): Entire letter from Kamiesch, Crimea to Messrs. Noilly Prat in Marseille ordering truly vast quantities of wines and spirits, struck with framed MER NOIRE in black on front and reverse with French P.O. Constantinople transit (Sept 11) and Marseille (Sept 19) arrival cds. Charged 40 decimes to pay in black on arrival. File fold with slight ageing but a scarce and interesting entire.Ausruf : 160 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1372 Frankreich
1862 (Oct 1): Entire letter from Constantinople to Reims franked by 1853 10 c. bistre and 40 c. orange-red each tied by neat Anchor lozenge of dots, with superb strike of Paquebot INDUS datestamp in black at right (Salles fig. 786). Framed small cartridge "Paquebots-De La-Mediterranee" in red alongside and Marseille (Oct 8) cds and Reims arrival on reverse of a fresh and fine entire.Ausruf : 160 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 1373 Frankreich
1853/60: 10 c. bistre brown and large margined 80 c. carmine used on small 1856 Ladies envelope to Copenhagen at single rate, with Paris despatch cds alongside (Oct 5) and reverse with Thurn & Taxis and Danish P.O. in Hamburg transits (Oct 7). Manuscript charge of 2 silvergroschen in red crayon on front (Danish Rayon 2, more than 75 km. from Hamburg).Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1374 Frankreich
1853/60: 20 c. blue used on 1861 cover from Aix en Provence to Svendborg, Denmark tied by '33' petit chiffres in black. The cover is underpaid and is endorsed at upper right "Affranchisement Insuffisant" in manuscript; reverse with Thurn & Taxis and Danish P.O. in Hamburg datestamps (Aug 4) and Svendborg arrival cds (Aug 5). readdressed on to Flensburg, Schleswig with arrivals (Aug 7) alongside. Charged '35' (skilling) due from the recipient. Reverse with '6' in red crayon being the Foreign share of the postage due. A most unusual entire. Cert. Brun (2004).
Note: 2½ sgr = French share, ½ sgr. = Belgian share and 3 sgr. = German share of postage. No further charge was made for re-addressing the cover to Flensburg.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 1375 Frankreich
1853/60: 20 c. blue (four examples) used on underpaid 1862 cover with complete original contents mailed from Paris to Copenhagen, Denmark tied by "E.S.2" lozenge in black with Paris cds (June 9) at left. Struck with "AFFR. INSUFF. / E.S.2." in black below and hexagonal "F. / 34" Convention marking in black alongside (Van Der Linden fig. 1169). Reverse with Thurn & Taxis and Danish P.O. in Hamburg cds's (June 11) and Copenhagen arrival cds of the following day. Charged "30" skillings due on receipt (equivalent to 7 silvergroschen), being the entire amount due with no credit for the original franking. A fine and scarce cover.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 1376 Frankreich
1853/60: 20 c. blue and 40 c. orange, each with margins all round, used on 1860 underpaid cover from Paris to Altona tied by "C.S.1" petit chiffres with Paris despatch cds (Aug 17) alongside. Struck with "AFFR. INSUFF. / C.S.1" in black below and manuscript "30" (skilling) in red crayon, the cover was charged Postage Due for the full amount. Reverse with Thurn & Taxis and Danish P.O. in Hamburgs cds's (Aug 19) and Altona arrival cds of the same day. A fine and appealing cover.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 1377 Frankreich
1853/60: 20 c. blue and 80 c. carmine (2) used on 1855 envelope to Nyborg, Denmark at double rate, with Bordeaux despatch cds alongside (May 26) and reverse with Thurn & Taxis and Danish P.O. in Hamburg transits (May 30). Manuscript charge of 2 silvergroschen in red crayon on front (Danish Rayon 2, more than 75 km. from Hamburg) and '9' skilling in manuscrip to collect from the recipient. Envelope with faults but scarce.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1378 Frankreich
1853/60: 80 c. carmine, a fine four margined example used on 1860 entire letter from Reims to Uetersen, Holstein tied by petit chiffres in black with Reims cds adjacent (March 7). Reverse with Thurn & Taxis and Danish P.O. in Hamburg transits (March 10) and manuscript notation of 1 silvergroschen (Danish share) in red crayon. A fresh and fine entire.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 1379 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1380 Frankreich
1871: Siège 40 c. orange, a fine horizontal pair used on 1875 cover to the United States Consul in Bucharest / Romania, tied by Paris Stars with despatch cds alongside (Feb 18). Red framed "PD" alongside and reverse with Vienna transit cds and Bucharest arrival (March 7) in black. Slight pinhole at upper left but an attractive cover to a scarce destination.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 1381 Frankreich
1863 (Feb 28): Napoleon dentelé 80 c. carmine (pair and single) with good to broad margins all round except at two positions, tied by dotted "G" mark to outer letter sheet, sent as double weight cover to Lima Peru with Paris and 'Paris à Calais' TPO cds's, framed 'P.P.' in red as well as Lima (April 2) arrival mark on front and reverse, respectively.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 1382 Frankreich
1862: 10 c. bistre brown and pair of 40 c. orange used on small 1864 envelope to Copenhagen, Denmark from Strasbourg, cancelled by '3645' gros chiffres in black. Strasbourg despatch cds at left (Aug 22) and reverse with Thurn & Taxis P.O. in Hamburgs cds (Aug 26) and Copenhagen arrival cds of the same day. Charged 2 skilling in manuscript at lower left, the amount due from the recipient.
Ausruf : 160 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 1383 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1384 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1385 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1386 Frankreich
1925: Exposition philatelique de Paris, 5 fr. carmine in block of four from the souvenir sheet with sheet margin at right, tied by special datestamp EXPOSITION PHILATELIQUE PARIS 7 - 5 25 to special exposition cover, sent to Compiegne with arrival cds on reverse (May 8) Cérès 2008 = EUR 575.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 1387 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1388 Frankreich
1927: Exposition philatelique de Strasbourg, 5 fr. blue and 10 fr. red from souvernir sheet wirh gutter and 5 fr. Orphelins, all tied centrally by special datestamp STRASBOURG EXPOSITION INTERNATIONALE 6 - 6 27 to registered airmail cover, sent via airport Nürnberg to Stuttgart with arrival mark on reverse (June 10). Opened roughly.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 1389 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1390 Frankreich
1929: Exposition philatelique Le Havre 2 fr. orange & green, pair tied by special datestamp LE HAVRE EXPOSITION PHIL. INTER. 26 - 5 29 to registered cover with special violet vignette alongside, sent to Sanvic with arrival cds on reverse (May 27), returned to Le Havre Cérès 2008 = EUR 1'500.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 1391 Frankreich
1929: Exposition philatelique Le Havre 2 fr. orange & green, block of four and 1929 Jeanne d'Arc commemorative stamp from booklet with exposition advertisement on margin, all tied by special datestamp LE HAVRE EXPOSITION PHIL. INTER. 24 - 5 29 to registered cover with two special vignettes alongside, sent to Paris with arrival cds on reverse (May 25). Signed Alberto Dienna Cérès 2008 = EUR 2'800.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 1392 Frankreich
1930: Congres B.I.T. 50 c. red in block of four and 1.50 fr. blue (2), in addition Orpelins, all tied by Paris cds's (May 3) to airmail registered cover to Basel with Paris Gare du Nord Avion and Basel Flugplatz transit and Basel arrival mark (May 9) on front and reverse.Ausruf : 70 CHFZuschlag : 75 CHFLosnr. : 1393 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1394 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1395 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1396 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1397 Frankreich
1927: Sower '50 c' on 80 c. vermilion, nicely tied by black hexagon "Wantzenau - 13. 6. 27 -Bas Rhin", on complete 'Lettre-jounal' dated Sunday June 12th and addressed to Paris, special label and cachet du ballon 'Le Petit Parisien' on front side.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1398 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1399 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1400 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1401 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1402 Frankreich
1928: Paquebot 'Ile de France' , Berthelot '10 Fr.' on 90 c. red and Pasteur '10' Fr.' on 1.50 Fr. blue, each on cover with additional postage, tied by octagonel "New York au Havre 23.8.28" and h.s. six line special flight cachet in black alongside, addressed to Brest resp. Paris and to Le Havre. A rare set, partly some ageing. Certificates Brun (2012) Cérès = EUR 17'250++.Ausruf : 3.500 CHFZuschlag : 6.000 CHFLosnr. : 1403 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1404 Frankreich
1930: Exposition Aéropostale de Paris, 1 fr. 50 ultramarine in block of four from top left sheet corner with "EIPA30" perforation of stamps and margin and print job number "34494", some hinge remnants on the margin but the stamps unused mint. Signed Berck, cert. Raybaudi (1976) Cérès = EUR 2'900+.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 1405 Frankreich
1936: Vue de Paris Airmail, complete set of seven from 85 c. to 50 fr. in blocks of four from the lower left sheet corner with printing dates, some hinge remnants on the margins but the stamps unused mint Cérès = EUR 9'100+ / Maury (Coins datés) = EUR 16'580.Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1406 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1407 Frankreich
1936: Burelage 50 Fr. ultramarine, neatly tied on a yellow (unadressed) envelope by special cachet 'Exp.on Phil.que Int.ale Paris 26. 6. 37' Cérès = EUR 350.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1408 Franz. Post in der Levante
1850c.: Entire letter written in arabic, mailed to Syra, Greece through French Post Office and struck with extremely rare italic "Tripoli / de Syrie" in black at top with framed "P.P." cachet alongside. Reverse with Smyrne French P.O. cds's (Nov 15) and Syros arrival cds in black. Small closed tear at top but a fine strike of a very rare handstamp.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 1409 Frankreich
1870 (Feb 12): Napoléon lauré, 40 c. orange, tied by '5098' Gros chiffre lozenge of Smyrna to outer letter sheet with dotted cds LATAQUIE SYRIE 12 FEVR 70 and framed 'PD' in black as well as framed PAQUEBOTS DE LA MÉDITERANÉE in red alongside, sent to Marseille with Smyrne transit (Feb 17) and arrical cds (Feb 25) on reverse. The stamp was not postmarked on dispatch in Latakia, but during transit in Smyrna.Ausruf : 800 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1410 Frankreich
1874 (Dec 1): Siège 40 c. orange and Cérès 5 c. green in block of four as well as 10 c. brown on rose paper (2), all tied by Gros chiffre '5082' of Beyrouth to part outer letter sheet with Beyrouth cds in black and framed PD as well as framed PAQUEBOTS DE LA MÉDTERANÉE in red colour alongside, sent to Marseille with arrival cds on reverse (Dec 10). A rare and attractive presentation of the 80 centimes rate. Signed Dillemann.
Provenance: Collection Paul Dillemann (Sale Hotel Drouot, February 1937), lot 222.Ausruf : 3.200 CHFZuschlag : 3.600 CHFLosnr. : 1411 Franz. Post in der Levante
1881 (Nov 16): Entire letter from Mersina to Syra, Greece franked by France Type Sage 25 c. bistre on yellow tied by "Smyrne / Turquie d'Asie" cds in blue with repeated strike at right and oval "BM" alongside (Boîte Mobile). Stamp with minor vertical bend but a fine and scarce entire. Signed Sorani.Ausruf : 160 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1412 Andorra Französische Post
Losnr. : 1413 Andorra Französische Post
Losnr. : 1414 Frankreich
Algeria 1855 (Nov 22): Entire letter from Algiers to Helsingöer, Denmark sent unpaid and struck with "Alger" despatch cds in black, reverse with Paris transit (Nov 24), Thurn & Taxis and Danish P.O. in Hamburg datestamps (Nov 25 and 26) and manuscript '9' (schillinge = 29 sk.) and further annotated "38" (skilling) being the amount due from the recipient after the Danish share of 9 sk. had been added. Fresh and fine, an unusual entire.Ausruf : 160 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1415 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1416 Frankreich
1862 (March 22): Cover from Algiers to Copenhagen, Denmark sent unpaid and struck with "Alger" despatch cds in black, reverse with Thurn & Taxis and Danish P.O. in Hamburg datestamps (March 26) and manuscript '35' (skilling) due from the recipient. Reverse with '6' in red crayon being the Foreign share of the postage due. A fine and unusual entire.
Note: 2½ sgr = French share, ½ sgr. = Belgian share and 3 sgr. = German share of postage.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1417 Frankreich
Losnr. : 1418 Algerien
1898 & 1900: Covers (2) with one at single 25 centimes rate to Zurich and the other at double rate to Bombay, the eight adhesives all tied by scarce "TIZI-OUZOU A MENERVILLE" Travelling Post Office datestamps in blue, the reverse of the later cover with "Sea Post Office-A" cds in black. Scarce pair.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 1419 Cochinchina
Cochinchina 1904 (Feb 13): Group issue 10 c. red with blue Indo-Chine imprint, tied by SAIGON CENTRAL COCHINCHINE cds to picture postcard to Siberia Russia with LIGNE N PAQ. FR. No. 8 ship octogonal datestamp and Chusovskoj Zavod arrival cds (March 6) alongside. Fine provenance and good destination, a P.O. in a metal-working company at Kama river.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1420 Franz. Somaliküste
Côte des Somalis 1903: Ethiopian postal stationery card 1 Guerch blue, sent from Addis Abeba (26.12.02) via Harar (29.12.02), and Djibouti uprated with two values 5 c. green/yellow green, cancelled "Djibouti 11 Juin 03" and forwarded to Paris, a lovely combination card. Cert. Behr (2002).Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1421 Franz. Somaliküste
1904 (March 1): Postcard (road to Harar) sent registered to Madrid, Spain franked on front and back with 1902 issue 1 c. (3), 2 c. (2), 4 c. (2), 5 c. (2) and 10 c. paying the correct 35 c. rate (10 c. postage + 25 c. registration), all tied by "Djibouti" cds's in blue. Pink registered label at left and octagonal Paquebot "La Reunion A Marseille / L. U. No. 1" in black (March 4). Reverse with Madrid arrival (March 18) cds. An attractive card.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1422 St. Pierre et Miquelon
Losnr. : 1423 Franz. Äquatorial Afrika
French Congo River Mail 1931 (April 30): Equatorial Africa 50 c. and 1 fr. used on cover to Madame Leger in Leopoldville tied by framed SERVICE FLUVIAL / AEF - CONGO BELGE handstamp in black (Antonini/Grasset Type 13) with Leopoldville arrival datestamp at left. Minor imperfections but a very scarce cover carried on the Brazzaville-Leoplodville river route.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 950 CHFLosnr. : 1424 Frankreich
Dahomey 1913 (May 5): Postcard sent registered to Germany endorsed "via Lagos and Plymouth" franked by 1912 '05' on 2 c., 4 c., 25 c. and 30 c. with '10' on 40 c. and 1906 5 c. green all tied "Ouidah" cds's in black. Framed "R" at right, a fine and most attractive usage.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1425 Div. Franz. Kolonien
Losnr. : 1426 Frankreich
Indo China / Packhoi 1904 (Feb 15): Postcard to the Receiver of Posts in Tangiers, Morocco franked by Packhoi 1903 overprinted 10 c. red and 25 c. blue tied by "Pakhoi / Chine" cds's in black. Framed "R" at left and un-cancelled Indo-Chine 1903 '15' on 25 c. blue (Yvert 23). Framed Company cachet at left and Haiphong transit (March 31) and Tangier French P.O. arrival cds (April 6) at base of a most unusual card.Ausruf : 240 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 1427 Madagaskar
Madagascar 1904 (Feb 4): Registered postcard to Vienna franked by Dependencies 1896/99 2 c. lilac brown 4 c. violet brown on grey pair and overprinted 1902 0.10 on 50 c. rose and 0.15 on 75 c. bistre on yellow tied by "Tamatave" cds's in blue. Registration handstamp at left and Vienna arrival cds (March 2). Correct rate (10 c. postage + 25 c. registration). An attractive card.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 1428 Frankreich
Katalognummer : 174-199Nouvelle Calédonie 1838: 1st. Anniversary of the Paris-Nouméa flight 1 C. - 20 Fr., the full set of 26 stamps placed on four registered envelopes, all addressed to Riedisheim/Haurt Rhin, nicely cancelled by cds 'La Foa 4 JANV 38'.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1429 Obock
Obock 1897 (Aug. 6): 15 cts. stationery envelope to Switzerland tied by Obock cds. in blue, showing octogonal Paquebot cancel "LV No.4 La Réunion à Marseilles" alongside and from the same day clear strike of Djibouti transit cancel (Aug. 13) on reverse, sent via Lyon (Aug 25) to Bern (Aug 25), taxed with 20 cts. on arrival. Fine and scarce.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 1430 Franz. Somaliküste
Obock 1901 (May 15): Postcard sent registered-AR to Safx, Tunisia franked by Obock 1892 15 c. blue and Somali Coast 1893 imperforate 25 c. blue & rose red, each tied by "Djibouti" cds's in blue. Framed "R" and "AR" handstamps in blue alongside. Sfax (June 8) arrival cds in black on a scarce and attractive card.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 1431 Div. Franz. Kolonien
Reunion 1893: Registered cover to Lyon franked by 1891 Cérès 80 c. rose imperf. pair, 40 c. orange-brown imperforate marginal pair and perf. 35 c. brown-purple on yellow pair all tied by fine strikes of "Reunion / Saint-Pierre" datestamps in blue. Octagonal "La Reunion A Marseille" Paquebot datestamp in black below. Reverse with "Reunion / Pointe Des Galets" cds and Lyon arrival (June 26). A fine and attractive cover.Ausruf : 700 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 1432 Franz. Post in der Levante
Rhodes 1881 (Aug 23): Cover to Syros, Greece franked by France Type Sage 25 c. buff on yellow, affected by file fold, tied by fine strike of RHODES / TURQUIE cds in blue with repeated strike at right. Reverse with 'Smyrne / Turquie D'Asie' cds in blue and arrival. An attractive cover.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 1433 Div. Franz. Kolonien
Senegal 1876 (Sept 25): Mourning envelope to Bordeaux franked by General Issues 1872/77 Céres 5 c. green on greenish pair and single 30 c. grey-brown, all with four margins, tied by fine strikes of dotted "GOR" lozenge in blue with Gorée datestamp alongside. A fresh and fine cover. Signed Calves and Jamet.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 1434 Griechenland
1834 (July 17): Entire letter from Siena to Corfu via Otranto and Cefalonia; struck with "Siena" handstamp in red. Thence via Naples where letter was detained and charged '15' grana in manuscript (overstruck by framed "Corretta" to cancel charge); and thence via Cefalonia and Corfu with well struck hooded datestamps in black of each (Aug 13 and 15). Manuscript rate to pay on arrival in red ink "1 s. 9½ d." made up of Tuscany 6 grazia = 4 d. + Neapolitan charge 8½ d. + 9 d. Corfu postage = 1/9 ½ d. A fine and scarce entire that displays well.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 1435 Griechenland
1839 (Dec 17): Incoming entire letter from Ancona to Corfu struck with straight line "Ancona" in red and oval framed "AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO/Ancona" in black well struck (Tchilinghirian fig. 457) and hooded Corfu arrival in black. A fine and attractive usage.Ausruf : 160 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 1436 Griechenland
1840 (March 13/25): Entire letter from Corfu to the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Florence, struck with "Coat of Arms" Corfu despatch in black and hooded datestamp on reverse; disinfected with chisel slits at Malta and struck with excellent "Malta Post Office" straight line in black. Rated "6" (pence) prepaid in red ink for Packet Postage and no further charges raised due to Official address on arrival via Livorno. Fresh and fine, a delightful entire that displays well.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 1437 Griechenland
1841 (June): Prepaid cover from Ancona to Naphlion struck with straight line "Ancona" in red and oval AGENZIA DEL LLYOD AUSTRIACO / ANCONA in black of despatch, charged 20 bajocchi in manuscript and, on reverse 10 decimes in manuscript. Greek oval "Yperthalassion" (Overseas) applied in black at Patras and charged 70 lepta due on receipt in red ink.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1438 Griechenland
1847 (Feb 3): Entire letter to Syra, Greece disinfected by slitting against cholera,with front panel showing French P.O. "Dardanelles / Turquie" datestamp in black, reverse with Syra arrival cds applied alongside complete impression of red wax seal "Dardanelles / Postes" with Anchor vignette. Unusual and scarce.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1439 Griechenland
1848: Entire letter from Corfu to Patras prepaid 5 d. in red ink manuscript, struck with "Corfu" datestamp (Nov 22) in black and fine strike of British Post Office Crown PAID AT CORFU handstamp in black. Minor ink ageing on address panel but a fine and rare entire Gi = £ 600.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1440 Griechenland
1850 (May 30): Entire letter from Triest to Corfu endorsed "p. vapore" at left, struck with Triest despatch datestamp in black and outstanding strike of the extremely rare split-rate marking "d/5/3=8" in blue (Lloyd Austriaco Postage = 5 d., Corfu Postage = 3 d.), 5 pence sterling being equivalent to 12 kreuzers. Corfu arrival datestamp (June 9) on reverse in black. A delightful entire that displays well.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 1441 Griechenland
1851 (Sept 25): Entire letter from Zante to Boston, USA with sender's cachet and hooded datestamp of despatch in blue, prepaid 6 d. in red manuscript on despatch; mailed via Triest, Vienna, Berlin, Saarbrücken (where struck with "Franco / Grenze" in red) and then care of Forwarding Agents Baring Brothers & Co. in London (Oct 3). Black '18' (cents) US credit on front panel and unframed "38/Cents" alongside of total charge due on receipt. Reverse with five different transits. Exceptional and unusual entire.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1442 Griechenland
1855 (May 2): Entire letter from Ancona to Githion via Patras, endorsed and carried on Lloyd Austriaco Steamer and struck with fine oval DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO AGENZIA-ANCONA handstamp in blue with Githion arrival cds on reverse (April 23, Julian calendar). Manuscript due "55" lepta on receipt in red crayon.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1443 Griechenland
1856 (Aug 16): Entire letter from Ancona to Syra carried by Lloyd Austriaco Steamer, struck with outstanding impression of oval DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO AGENZIA-ANCONA handstamp in green. Reverse with Syra arrival (Aug 19) and charged 65 lepta due in manuscript red crayon. A delightful and scarce entire.Ausruf : 160 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1444 Griechenland
1858 (May 24): Entire letter from Corfu to Plymouth, UK struck with Corfu cds of despatch and sent unpaid via Trieste. Struck with framed "6¼" (silvergroschen) handstamp in blue in transit (Van Der Linden fig. 3092) equivalent to 18 kreuzers, with London and Plymouth cds's (June 1) on reverse. Charged 1 shilling due in manuscript of which 8 pence was due to Prussia. A fine and scarce entire.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 1445 Griechenland
1858 (Aug 30/Sept 11): Entire letter from Patras to Plymouth, UK sent unpaid via Trieste and Ostend. Struck with "Patras" cds in blue of despatch with framed Accountancy marking "8¼" applied in Triest in blue (Van Der Linden fig. 3116) - Lloyd Austriaco postage and D.O.P.U charge in silvergroschen - with further accountancy in Aachen in manuscript "10½" (pence = 8¾ silvergroschen) deleted and final charge due in manuscript of arrival 1 s. 2½ d. to pay (including additional 4 d. British postage). Reverse with London (Sept 20) cds in red and Plymouth arrival. A fine and attractive entire.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1446 Griechenland
1858 (Sept 20/Oct 2): Entire letter from Patras to Plymouth, UK sent unpaid via Trieste and Ostend. Struck with "Patras" cds on blue of despatch with framed Accountancy marking "8¼" applied in Triest in blue (Van Der Linden fig. 3116) - Lloyd Austriaco postage and D.O.P.U charge in silvergroschen - with further accountancy in Aachen in manuscript "10½" (pence = 8¾ silvergroschen, due to Prussia) deleted and final charge due in manuscript of arrival 1 s. 2½ d. to pay (including additional 4 d. British postage). Reverse with London (Oct 11) cds in red and Plymouth arrival. A fine and attractive entire.
Note: On Nov 1, 1858 the Austrian currency was changed from a Gulden of 60 kreuzer (21 Prussian silvergroschen) to a Gulden of 100 new Kreuzer (20 silvergroschen).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 1447 Griechenland
1862 (July 31): Entire letter from Patras to Plymouth, UK sent unpaid via Athens and Triest, struck with Patras and Athens cds's in black with scarce "8" silvergroschen handstamp in blue applied in Triest (Van Der Linden fig. 3113, a year later than recorded). A further ½ silvergroschen was charged for Belgian transit and the letter was charged 1 s. 2 d. due on receipt (Aug 11) in manuscript with handstruck "10" (pence, equivalent to 8½ sgr.) also on front of a fine and scarce entire that opens well for display.
Note: The Postal Convention with Prussia for rate reductions was signed on Oct 13, 1862 and came into effect on Jan 1, 1863. Letters to or from Greece/GB were reduced from 1s. 2½ d. during 1862 to 1 shilling, but with a penalty on unpaid letters of 2d. On incoming letters to GB, the postage claimed by Prussia was indicated in sterling, thereafter it was to be expressed in Silvergroschen.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 1448 Griechenland
1863 (Oct 26): Entire letter from Zante to Plymouth sent unpaid via Triest, with "Zakinthos" cds in blue on reverse and, on front panel, mss. "15/15" rate (15 kreuzer postage + 15 kreuzer for the D.O.P.U.). Fine deleted "6" applied in Triest (Van Der Linden fig. 3087) in blue for amount due in silvergroschen; struck again with large handstruck "6½" (silvergroschen) in black (Van Der Linden fig. 3093) applied on the Köln-Verviers T.P.O. Handstamp deleted in UK on arrival (Nov 5) and manuscript charge raised of 1 shilling due. A superb and rare entire that displays well.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1449 Griechenland
1865 (March 13/25): Entire letter from the Island of Milos in the Cyclades, sent unpaid to London and struck with "MILOS-80" datestamp of despatch in black. Carried on French Paquebot from Piraeus to Marseille and struck with "Grece-2-Marseille" datestamp on entry (April 6) in red. Struck with framed "FR./3F 76c." Anglo-French Accountancy marking in black (Van Der Linden fig. 1290) on front; reverse with Syros cds and unusual London arrival (April 7) in red. Charged 11 pence due in manuscript on receipt. A charming entire. Signed Holcombe.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1450 Griechenland
1865 (March 22/April 3): Entire letter from the Island of Milos in the Cyclades, sent unpaid to London and struck with "MILOS-80" datestamp of despatch in black. Carried on French Paquebot from Piraeus to Marseille and struck with "Grece-Marseille-G" datestamp on entry (April 12) in red. Struck with framed "FR./3F 76c." Anglo-French Accountancy marking in black (Van Der Linden fig. 1290) on front; reverse with Syros, Piraeus and London datestamps, charged 11 pence due in manuscript on receipt. A charming entire. Signed Holcombe.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1451 Griechenland
1865 (July 30/Aug 11): Entire letter from the Island of Milos in the Cyclades to London, sent unpaid via Triest and Prussia; struck with "MILOS-80" despatch cds in black. Handstruck "8" silvergroschen applied in Triest (Van Der Linden fig. 3113) in blue, thence via Aachen where fine impression of scarce "8½" silvergroschen handstamp was applied (Van Der Linden fig. 3117, a year earlier than recorded) in black. Manuscript charge on arrival (Aug 21) of 1 s. 2 d. to pay. A fine and very scarce entire. Signed Holcombe.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 1452 Griechenland
1866 (Oct 29/Nov 10): Cover from the Prussian Embassy in Athens to London sent prepaid, struck with superb "Athens" datestamp of despatch in black with red 'Paid' marking alongside. Small cartridge "Piroscafi-Postali-Italiani" in black on front and London arrival datestamp (Nov 19) in red. Reverse with blue Consular cachet and Brindisi transits (Nov 15).
Note: The Brindisi route was used as soon as the Railway from Brindisi to Turin was completed.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1453 Griechenland
1867 (Jan 1/13): Cover from Patras to Genoa endorsed "via Corfu & Brindisi", struck with "Patras" despatch in black,carried on Greek Steamer to Corfu and thence by Italian Steamer to Brindisi-struck with framed small cartridge "Piroscafi-Postali-Italiani" in black on front. Reverse with rare (erroneous) usage of BRINDISI-UF.O VAGLIA (Brindisi Money Order Office) datestamp in black (Jan 17) and charged 60 centesemi due in black on arrival (Jan 19). A most unusual cover.Ausruf : 160 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1454 Griechenland
1869 (Aug 20): Double rate entire letter from the Island of Milos in the Cyclades, sent unpaid to London and struck with "MILOS-80" datestamp of despatch in black. Carried on Lloyd Austriaco steamer from Piraeus to Marseille and struck with "Grece-Amb. Marseille-G" datestamp on entry (Sept 14) in red. Struck with rare framed "FR./3F 12c." Anglo-French Accountancy marking in black (Van Der Linden fig. 1277) on front; reverse with Syros, Paris-Calais T.P.O. and London datestamps, charged 1 shilling and 4 pence due in manuscript on receipt (rate at this date was 8 d. per ¼ ounce). A very rare entire. Signed Holcombe.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1455 Griechenland
1865 (Nov 25): Entire letter (disinfected with chisel slits) from Triest to Athens sent unpaid via Lloyd Austriaco steamer, with manuscript charge "3/15" in blue crayon for postage claimed by Austria (3 silvergroschen / 15 kreuzers). Oval Triest despatch datestamp over-lapped by Large Hermes 1862/68 2nd. Athens 5 lepta green on greenish, 10 l. orange on blue, 20 l. deep blue and 40 l. mauve on blue all tied by Athens cds's in black. Some minor faults but a rare and appealing entire.
Note: Rate 15 kr = 3 sgr. = 60 lepta + 15 lepta for inland postage. The Lloyd Austriaco rate was 15 kreuzers from Nov 1858 until Oct 22, 1866; whereupon the rate was reduced to 10 kreuzers.Ausruf : 320 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1456 Griechenland
1866: Prepaid cover from Syra to Niederurnen, Switzerland, endorsed "via Trieste", franked by 1862/68 20 lep. blue (lifted for checking and hinged back into place), 40 lep. lilac on blued slightly overlapped by 20 lep, and 80 lep. carmine all tied by "67" lozenge of dots in black. Syros despatch cds in black and red "Grece/Marseille" entry marking (may 5) and reverse with "Ambulant Circulaire" transit.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHF
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