Catalogue 285: British West Indies – The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection (part III)
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Losnr. : 3401 British Guyana
Surcharged at the Printing Office of the Daily Chronicle, Georgetown 1899 (Feb-June): 2 c. on 10 c. blue-black & brown-red, an unused example with variety: "Surcharge "TWO CENTS." Inverted", fine large part og. Rare. Signed Herbert Bloch Gi = £ 700.rnProvenance: Collection W. Frazer, Spink, London, 30 Oct 2003, lot 1347.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 3402 British Guyana
Surcharged at the Printing Office of the Daily Chronicle, Georgetown 1899 (Feb-June): 2 c. on 15 c. red-brown & blue, an unused example with variety: "Surcharge "TWO CENTS." Double, One without Stop", of good appearance, small thin and slightly dried aged part og. A very rare stamp: just two examples are possible, this being the sole example in private hands, the other being housed in the collection of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Signed W.H. Peckitt. Cert. RPSL (1991) Gi = £ 12'000.rnProvenance: Collection "Great", RL, London, 26 March 1970, lot 283; Collection Derek Nathan, Spink, London, 12 April 2007, lot 585.Ausruf : 4.000 CHFZuschlag : 7.500 CHFLosnr. : 3403 British Guyana
Surcharged at the Printing Office of the Daily Chronicle, Georgetown 1899 (Feb-June): 2 c. on 15 c. red-brown & blue, a used horizontal pair on 1899 local cover, left hand stamp with variety: "Surcharge "TWO CENTS." Double" with 'T' of TWO raised (position 23), cancelled by 'Georgetown' cds (June 16) in black. Slight aging to envelope but an extremely rare and attractive usage. Cert. RPSL (1979) Gi = £ 1'300+ off cover.rnProvenance: Collection Derek Nathan, Spink, London, 12 April 2007, lot 584.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 3404 British Guyana
Losnr. : 3405 British Guyana
1904 (Nov 10): Appendix sheet from De La Rue record book, dated at top, with two proposals for the $ 2.40 violet & green with provisional overprint, the sheet showing an imperforate example of the accepted two line overprint at top in black and marked "approved 14.11.04" in manuscript alongside, and the unaccepted design with REVENUE erased by a bar with three line POSTAGE / AND / REVENUE overprinted in black. See the "De la Rue Collection" edited by Frank Walton RDP page 2337 where this item is illustrated. Unique and splendid.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 3.600 CHFLosnr. : 3406 British Guyana
1905/10: Postage & Revenue on $ 2.40 green & violet, an unused example, unmounted og.; together with 1907/10 Colour Changes set of six with both 2 c. rose-red, large part og. and 1907/10 Colour Changes set of six overprinted SPECIMEN in black, large part og. Gi = £ 370+.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 3407 British Guyana
Losnr. : 3408 British Guyana
1930: First Flight cover sent registered from Georgetown to Montevideo, Uruguay, franked by 1921/27 4 c. brown & bright purple pair and 24 c. dull purple & green pair tied by "Air Mail GPO / British Guiana" datestamps (March 12), reverse with Montevideo arrival cds (March 22). Rare with just 31 covers flown (Muller 20).Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 120 CHFLosnr. : 3409 British Guyana
1931: Centenary of County Union, Waterlow 6 c. (Buildings, Georgetown) engraved progressive Die Proof on thick yellowish card paper (80 x 75 mm.), printed in blue with stronger shading to clouds in background and a dot in the pathway later removed also a small diamond in 1831 date at top later inked in; with reversed Die number 13112 at top. Fingerprint scuff at top otherwise fine and rare.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 3410 British Guyana
1934: Kaieteur Falls 4 c. slate violet, a used vertical pair, variety "Imperforate Horizontally" with clear margins at top and at base where the stamps have been separated manually, of excellent fresh colour and lightly cancelled by 'Air Mail GPO / British Guiana' datestamp (April 18, 1937) in black. Extremely rare. Cert. Brandon (1996) Gi = £ 23'000.rnNote: The Dale-Lichtenstein collection contained two blocks of four and a marginal pair of this variety (lots 634-636). In the sale catalogue, Sidney Barrett of the Economist Stamp Co. stated that, from the original sheet of 60, 42 examples were sold as singles and the remaining eighteen from the three left hand rows were saved - this leaves nine pairs of which Dale-Lichtenstein owned five. Towsend & Howe (pages 148 and 149) differ somewhat in their opinion but the figures remain approximately the same: 26 or 30 stamps were sold with 8 or 12 sold to a local clergyman who complained that he had to separate the stamps. This pair presumably sold over the counter as separated by hand prior to the error being noticed and the remainder of the sheet being sold. Photocopies of the two articles are attached with the lot.rnAusruf : 7.500 CHFZuschlag : 18.000 CHFLosnr. : 3411 British Guyana
1936 (May 6): Silver Jubilee, De La Rue Master Die Proofs for the four values, Frames Only, engraved in black on thin rough wove white paper, one or two wrinkles and small imperfections on reverse only where presumably removed from card, not affecting the dramatic appearance of an exceedingly rare set.rnProvenance: Collection Col. J.R. Danson, RL, London, 2 June 1971, lot 98.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 3412 British Guyana
Losnr. : 3413 British Guyana
Losnr. : 3414 British Guyana
1875: 8 c. rose, perf. 10, thin lithographed OFFICIAL overprint in black (Type 1a), 'O' leaning to left, an unused example of excellent centering, fresh colour and fine large part og. Rare thus Gi = £ 375.rnProvenance: Collection Dale-Lichtenstein, Harmers, New York, 8 Feb 1969, lot 639; Collection W. Frazer, Spink, London, 30 Oct 2003, lot 1354.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 3415 British Guyana
1875: 24 c. green, perf. 10, part papermaker's watermark, thin lithographed OFFICIAL overprint in black (Type 1a), upright 'O', an unused example of good colour with perforations separated by scissors at right, and thus similar to the Dale-Lichtenstein example, minor corner bend and partial og. A rare stamp. Cert. BPA (2020) Gi = £ 2'750.rnProvenance: Shreves, Dallas, 15-16 Nov 2000, lot 1288.Ausruf : 800 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 3416 British Guyana
1877: 1 c. slate, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 14, typographed overprint OFFICIAL (Type 2) in black, the famous used vertical pair variety "Imperforate Between Horizontally", lightly cancelled by circular datestamp (July 6, 1878) in black. A magnificent multiple - the Dale-Lichtenstein sale offered an irregular block of five which was then split, this being the right hand vertical pair. A great rarity in the foremost possible quality Gi = £ 30'000.rnProvenance: Collection Dale-Lichtenstein, Harmers, New York, 18 Feb 1969, lot 645; Collection W. Frazer, Spink, London, 30 Oct 2003, lot 1358.rnrnAusruf : 7.500 CHFZuschlag : 22.000 CHFLosnr. : 3417 British Guyana
Losnr. : 3418 Brit. Honduras
Losnr. : 3419 Brit. Honduras
Losnr. : 3420 Brit. Honduras
1872 (Jan 9): Provisional "PAID" straight line handstamp in red on 1872 cover to New Orleans with BELIZE cds in black at left. New Orleans arrival at upper right (Jan 16) in black. A very rare cover - this handstamp used in the short period that British Honduras was awaiting the arrival of the second issue of adhesive stamps.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 3421 Brit. Honduras
Losnr. : 3422 Brit. Honduras
1871: Large piece cut from the De La Rue private Day-Book from May 1871 (folio D.231) with 1865 1 d. pale blue, perf. 14 affixed to the Shipping notice for Edward Sheldon & Co. of Lime Street, London, headed "British Honduras Postage Stamps / 24'000 B. Honduras postage stamps printed in blue from plate of 120 multiples / Duty "One Penny" and round tin case / Addressed 'Colonial Secretary, Belize, Honduras' and delivered to Messrs. Sheldon & Co." with annotated charges at right - this prior to the Crown Agents taking over the Colonial orders. Illustrated in "The De La Rue Collection" edited by Frank Walton RDP on page 2359. Rare and most unusual.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.900 CHFLosnr. : 3423 Brit. Honduras
Losnr. : 3424 Brit. Honduras
1865: De La Rue Die Proof white glazed card with composite imperforate Essay for the 6 d. design with printed head plate and hand-painted Crown, Corner Scrolling, "BRITISH HONDURAS" and Duty Plate "SIX PENCE" all picked out in Chinese white on red, pink and rose painted background. Beautiful and entirely unique.rnProvenance: Collection Sir Henry Tucker; SG, London, 7 Dec 1978, lot 29.Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : 2.500 CHFLosnr. : 3425 Brit. Honduras
Losnr. : 3426 Brit. Honduras
1865 (Dec 1): 1 s. green and 6 d. rose, no wmk., perf. 14, an unused block of four, with 1 s. green vertical pair and 6 d. rose vertical pair divided by interpanneau margin, from the top of the two lower panes of the original Setting, and thus showing two horizontal pairs, of wondrously fresh colour and appearance, negligible wrinkle and two tiny hinges for protection on superb large part og. A truly wonderful multiple for the connoisseur of classic philately Gi = £ 100'000+.rnProvenance: SG ‘Prestige’, London, 17 May 1984, lot 43.Ausruf : 35.000 CHFZuschlag : 80.000 CHFLosnr. : 3427 Brit. Honduras
1872/79: 3 d. red-brown, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 12½ and 1 d. pale blue, perf. 14, used on 1879 cover to Manchester tied by barred "O" obliterator applied in Belize with single ring BELIZE despatch cds at right (June 30) in black. Reverse with square London transit in red and Manchester arrival cds (Aug 4) in black. Typical minor edge wear to envelope but an unusual combination of issues, a very rare and most attractive cover. Cert. BPA (1984).Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.800 CHFLosnr. : 3428 Brit. Honduras
1872: De La Rue Die Proof for the 3 d. value, printed in black on glazed white card, endorsed AFTER HARDENING and dated "Aug 2, 1872" in black. Signed 'DB' at lower left in pencil, overall soiling but rare.rnProvenance: Collection Sir Henry Tucker; Collection Simon Richards, Spink, London, 27 Oct 2005, lot 27.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 3429 Brit. Honduras
1872/79: 9 d. bright rose-carmine, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 12½, an unused example from the 1874 consignment, of rich colour, large pencil '7' on reverse otherwise fine, large part og. A scarce stamp Gi = £ 600.rnProvenance: Collection W.A. Frazer, Spink, London, 30 Oct 2003, lot 1368.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 3430 Brit. Honduras
1872/79: 1 s. deep green, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 12½, a used horizontal strip of three and a strip of five above partially attached to piece, cancelled by eight strikes of the "A06" obliterator in black. Ironed bends and imperfections notwithstanding, an extraordinary multiple usage Gi = £ 380+.Ausruf : 160 CHFZuschlag : 480 CHFLosnr. : 3431 Brit. Honduras
1872/79: 1 s. green, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 14, a used example on 1878 cover to Manchester, tied by "A06" obliterator in black. BELIZE despatch datestamp alongside (March 15). Reverse with Manchester arrival (April 12) in black. The stamp lifted for checking the watermark and replaced, the envelope with edge imperfections, nevertheless an exceptionally scarce usage of this issue on letter.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 3432 Brit. Honduras
Losnr. : 3433 Brit. Honduras
1882/87: 4 d. mauve, wmk. Crown CA, perf. 14, a used horizontal pair on 1882 cover to Nassau, Bahamas endorsed 'Per S.S. Salerno' tied by two strikes of the "O" obliterator, with BELIZE despatch cds alongside (Dec 29). Bahamas arrival cds (Jan 11, 1883) on reverse. Opening tear at left of enevlope with manuscript docketing of receipt above, a most unusual cover.rnProvenance: Harmers, London, 3 June 1980, lot 306.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 3434 Brit. Honduras
Losnr. : 3435 Brit. Honduras
New Currency - Provisional Local Surcharges 1888 (Jan 1): 2 c. on 6 d. rose, wmk. CC, perf. 14, an unused horizontal pair, right hand stamp showing break in "N" of CENTS, fresh colour and fine, large part og. An attractive and scarce multiple. Cert. RPSL (1961) Gi = £ 380.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 3436 Brit. Honduras
New Currency - Provisional Local Surcharges 1888 (Jan 1): 20 c. on 6 d. yellow, wmk. CA, perf. 14, an unused sheet marginal block of twelve (4 x 3) of lovely fresh colour, superb appearance, unmounted og. A most attractive and scarce multiple Gi = £ 360+.rnProvenance: Collection Sir Henry Tucker.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 3437 Brit. Honduras
New Currency - Provisional Local Surcharges 1888 (Jan 1): "TWO" in red on 50 c. on 1 s. grey, wmk. Crown CA, perf. 14, an unused block of six (2 x 3) of vibrant fresh colour, superb appearance, large part og. with lower block of four unmounted og. A rare multiple Gi = £ 360+.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 3438 Brit. Honduras
Losnr. : 3439 Brit. Honduras
Surcharged in London 1888/91: 2 c. on 1 d. carmine (3), diagonally bisected 2 c. on 1 d. carmine, 3 c. on 3 d. red.brown and 10 c. on 4 d. mauve all used on 1888 registered cover to Munich, all tied by barred obliterators with straight line REGISTERED at left and 'Belize' despatchrncds (May 30). 'Registered / Liverpool' datestamp (June 17), London transit in red and reverse with Munich arrival cds. An attractive and scarce usage.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 3440 Brit. Honduras
Surcharged in London 1888/91: 6 c. on 3 d. ultramarine used with locally surcharged 1891 6 c. in red on 10 c. on 4 d. mauve and Oct 1891 15 c. on 6 c. on 3 d. ultramarine all tied to 1894 registered cover to Germany by "K.65" obliterators with 'Belize / British Honduras' despatch cds (May 11) below. Liverpool (May 26) and London transit on front and arrivals on reverse of a charming and scarce cover.rnProvenance: Harmers, London, 3 June 1980, lot 335.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 3441 Brit. Honduras
Surcharged in London 1888/91: 50 c. on 1 s. grey, a marginal example used on 1893 registered cover to Chicago tied by "O" obliterator with 'Belize' despatch cds alongside (June 30). New Orleans registered transit handstamp in red below (July 4) and reverse with faint Chicago arrival in blue. Envelope with flap faults but a scarce single usage of this scarce stamp on letter.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 250 CHFLosnr. : 3442 Brit. Honduras
Provisional Local Surcharges 1891: 6 c. on 10 c. on 4 d. mauve, an unused example with interpanneau margin at right, variety "6 and Bar Inverted in Red", slight crease in margin only, fresh colour and very fine og. A scarce stamp. Cert. RPSL (1966) Gi = £ 600.rnProvenance: Harmers, London, 3 June 1980, lot 340.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 3443 Brit. Honduras
Losnr. : 3444 Brit. Honduras
Losnr. : 3445 Brit. Honduras
Losnr. : 3446 Brit. Honduras
1891/1901: De La Rue Essay for the 50 c. value issued in 1898, with an Imperforate printed Postage & Revenue design in dull green with "British Honduras" in carmine, the Duty Plate entirely hand-painted in carmine and the value "50c." picked out in Chinese white; fresh and very fine, large part og. Mentioned in the Robson Lowe Encyclpaedia on page 680. Illustrated in "The De La Rue Collection" edited by Frank Walton RDP on page 2366. Unique and beautiful Essay.rnProvenance: Collection Sir Henry Tucker.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 3447 Brit. Honduras
REVENUE Overprint 1899 (July 1): 5 c. ultramarine, an unused block of six (3 x 2), positiosn 40-41-42 / 46-47-48, with lower three stamps with variety "Short Overprint 11 mm. Long", and an unused block of four positions 34-35 / 40-41 with position 34 showing "BEVENUE" variety, fresh and very fine, large part or unmounted og. Gi = £ 435.Ausruf : 175 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 3448 Brit. Honduras
Losnr. : 3449 Brit. Honduras
Losnr. : 3450 Brit. Honduras
Losnr. : 3451 Brit. Honduras
Losnr. : 3452 Brit. Honduras
Losnr. : 3453 Brit. Honduras
Losnr. : 3454 Brit. Honduras
1915/16: Overprinted with moiré pattern in violet, the set of three values: 1 c. green, 2 c. scarlet and 5 c. bright blue, all in Imperforate horizontal Proof pairs on watermark Multiple Crown CA paper, the 2 c. with unobtrusive wrinkle otherwise fresh and very fine, unmounted og. Extremely rare: just six examples printed.rnProvenance: Christie's, London, 21-22 Sept 1993, lot 219.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 3455 Brit. Honduras
Losnr. : 3456 Brit. Honduras
1917/18: War Tax 3 c. orange, an unused horizontal strip of three, marginal from base of sheet with Plate Number '2' in margin, overprinted WAR in black, variety "Overprint Double", folded vertically along perforations, fresh and fine, large part og. Extremely rare positional piece, just one pane of sixty subjects printed with this error. Signed David Field Gi = £ 1'200+.rnProvenance: Collection Marquess of Bute, RL, London, 20 May 1959, lot 109.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 3457 Brit. Honduras
1918 (April-Sept): War Tax 1 c. blue-green and 3 c. orange, overprinted WAR in black, each in Imperforate blocks of four on watermarked Multiple Crown CA paper, ample to large margins all round, fresh and very fine, minor gum cracks of no great significance, large part og. with lower pairs unmounted og. Illustrated in "War Tax Stamps" by John G.M. Davis on page 132. Magnificent and of great rarity, just six examples printed.rnProvenance: Collection Sir Henry Tucker.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 5.000 CHFLosnr. : 3458 Brit. Honduras
Losnr. : 3459 Brit. Honduras
1926: Booklet Trials for $ 2, booklet with 100 stamps, an unused block of ten (5 x 2) with Booklet bar at leftt, each stamp overprinted SPECIMEN in blue (Samuel Type D18), fresh and fine, large part og. with most unmounted og. Illustrated in "The De La Rue Collection" edited by Frank Walton on page 2379. Rare.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 3460 Brit. Honduras
Losnr. : 3461 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
1866: Composite Die Proof for 1 d. and 6 d. values, engraved on unwatermarked thick wove paper, the completed designs, printed in pale bluish green. Most of these Proofs were separated and sold singly (see RL Encyclopaedia, page 163). Attractive and very rare.Ausruf : 850 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 3462 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
Lithographed by Nissen & Parker 1866 (Dec): 6 d. deep rose on white paper, no wmk., perf. 12, an unused block of ten (2 x 5) from the sheet of 25 subjects, third stamp (Row 2, stamp 1) showing variety "Large "V" in Virgin", fresh colour and superb appearance, one minor perf. age spot on large part og. or unmounted og. Scarce Gi = £ 1'595+.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 3463 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
Lithographed by Nissen & Parker 1867/70: 1 d. yellow-green on white wove paper, no wmk., perf. 15, an unused sheet of twelve subjects (3 x 4), with sheet margins all round but for tiny piece missing at upper right, fresh colour and superb appearance, one minor perf. age spot on large part og. or unmounted og. Rare Gi = £ 960+.rnProvenance: Collection Charlton-Henry.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 3464 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
Lithographed & Typographed by Nissen & Parker 1867/70: 1 s. black & rose-carmine on greyish wove paper, no wmk., perf. 15, an unused example with typical blind perfs. at left and at right, fresh and fine, slight wrinkle on large part og. Scarce. Signed A. Diena Gi = £ 275.Ausruf : 140 CHFZuschlag : 140 CHFLosnr. : 3465 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
Losnr. : 3466 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
Losnr. : 3467 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
1867/70: 4 d. lake-red on pale rose paper, a single example used on 1886 cover to Washington DC, tied by "A91" obliterator in black. Reverse with 'Tortola' despatch cds (Jan 20), 'St. Thomas' transit cds (Jan 21), 'New York / Paid All' transit and Washington arrival with 'Carrier' datestamps (numbers 7 and 8) of February 4th. A rare stamp on letter.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 3468 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
Frames Superimposed 1867: 1 s. black & rose-carmine on white wove paper, no wmk, perf. 15, an unused horizontal pair, marginal from left of sheet, well centred and of good colour, left hand stamp showing variety "Long-Tailed second "S" in Islands" (Row 3, stamp 1), slight age spot on large part og. A scarce and attractive multiple Gi = £ 390+.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 3469 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
Losnr. : 3470 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
1879/84: 1 d. emerald-green and scarce 2½ d. red-brown, wmk. Crown CC, fresh unused and 1883/84 set of four values, wmk. Crown CA, incl. both shades of the 1 d. and the 2½ d. ultramarine with "Watermark Inverted" variety, fresh unused, all with large part og. Gi = £ 595.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 3471 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
Losnr. : 3472 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
1883 (Jan-Feb): De La Rue Proofs for the Keyplate design with ½ d. dull green, ½ d. rose (as used for 1 d. value) and ½ d. ultramarine (as used for 2½ d. value), all Imperforate on watermarked paper applied to cards ex the De La Rue archives, each overprinted CANCELLED in black (Samuel Type D7). For similar examples see "The De La Rue Collection" edited by Frank Walton RDP page 6506. Rare and very attractive, an important group.rnProvenance: Spink, London, 6-7 July 2005, lot 2094.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 3473 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
1883/84: ½ d. dull green, 1887/89 1 d- rose-red - single, two pairs and a strip of three and 4 d. pale chestnut used on 1888 registered OHMS cover to Paris all tied by nine strikes of the "A13" obliterator in black with 'Tortola' despatch cds (Oct 24) alongside. Oval 'R' in black and reverse with Paris arrival (Nov 12). File fold away from adhesives and some aging and soiling but a very rare commercial usage of these issues.rnProvenance: Spink, London, 6-7 July 2005, lot 2105.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 480 CHFLosnr. : 3474 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
Losnr. : 3475 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
Losnr. : 3476 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
Losnr. : 3477 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
Surcharged in Antigua 1888 (July): "4D" in violet on 1 s. black & rose-carmine on toned paper, perf. 15, an unused example showing variety "Surcharge Double", particularly fine with the surcharges spaced more widely apart than generally found on this error, fresh colour, typically mottled and browned large part og. An exceedingly fine (possibly the finest) example of a very rare stamp. Certs. RPSL (1938), BPA (2020) Gi = £ 8'500.rnProvenance: Collection Cecil Donne.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 6.500 CHFLosnr. : 3478 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
Surcharged in Antigua 1888 (July): "4D" in violet on 1 s. black & rose-carmine on toned paper, perf. 15, an unused horizontal pair showing variety "Surcharge Inverted" on first stamp and second stamp surcharge upright; of fresh colour, typically mottled and browned large part og. An outstanding and very famous pair. Cert. BPA (2020) Gi = £ 55'000.rnNote: This pair was illustrated on the front of the Stanley Gibbons British Commonwealth Part One catalogue in 1979.rnProvenance: Collection T. Charlton-Henry, Harmer Rooke, New York, 4-7 April 1961, lot 1890; Collection Cecil Donne.rnAusruf : 20.000 CHFZuschlag : 44.000 CHFLosnr. : 3479 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
1898/99: Essay by De La Rue for the Virgin definitive issue, an Imperforate Essay printed in deep indigo-blue on pale blue paper, with the halo and rays of light picked out by hand in Chinese white, mounted on large thick card for proposal dated "March 7th 98" at top right in ink. Ex the De La Rue archives, illustrated in "The De La Rue Collection" edited by Frank Walton RDP on page 6507. Exceptional and unique.rnProvenance: RL, Bermuda, 27 Jan 1978, lot 1512; Grosvenor, London, 15-16 May 2003, lot 335.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 3.600 CHFLosnr. : 3480 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
1899 (Jan): Virgin ½ d. yellow-green, an unused corner marginal block of six (2 x 3) from lower left corner of the sheet with varieties "Imperforate between Stamp and Margin" at left, second stamp Row 8, stamp 2 showing variety "HAΓFPENNY", seventh stamp, Row 10 stamp 1, showing variety "HALFPFNNY", of lovely fresh colour, large part og. Superb and extremely rare combination of three varieties. Cert. RPSL (1979).rnProvenance: William 'Bill' Tatham.rnAusruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 3481 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
1899 (Jan): ½ d. yellow green, showing variety "HAΓFPENNY", showing variety "HALFPFNNY" and 4 d. brown showing variety "FOUR PENCF" variety, all used on 1901 cover to Roseau, Dominia tied by "A91" obliterators with 'Virgin Islands' cds at left (June 3) and 'Dominica' arrival cds (June 6) below in black. Overall aging but a most extraordinary usage of the three varieties on one cover, a similar item is referrred to in the Robson Lowe Encyclopaedia on page 177.rnrnAusruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 3482 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
1901: 1 d. postal stationery envelopes (H&G B1+B1a), one used to Saxony up-rated with 1899 ½ d. yellow-green in a strip of three cancelled 'Tortola' cds's (July 11, 1902), the other sent registered to Berlin via St. Thomas up-rated with 1 d. brick-red and 4 d. brown cancelled by 'Tortola' cds's (March 13, 1902). A fine pair.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 3483 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
1901: 2½ d. pale blue postal stationery envelope (H&G B2) sent registered to New Jersey, up-rated with 1899 4 d. brown tied by neat 'Tortola' cds's (May 30, 1904), just two days prior to the 1904 issue being released. New York backstamp (June 10). A fine cover.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 3484 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
Losnr. : 3485 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
1919 (March 11): War Tax 1 d. scarlet, wmk. Multiple Crown CA, an unused block of six from lower right corner of the sheet with Plate Number '6' in margin, variety "A" of "CA" in watermark sideways - this seen clearly below the fourth stamp in the margin, fresh and very fine, large part or unmounted og. See footnote in the Stanley Gibbons Part One catalogue. Extremely rare. Cert. BPA (2004) Gi = unpriced.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 350 CHFLosnr. : 3486 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
Losnr. : 3487 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
Losnr. : 3488 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
1922/28: De La Rue Master Die Proof for the 1½ d. Duty Plate only, printed in black on glazed white card, handstamped BEFORE / STRIKING with AFTER STRIKING superimposed on top in black, dated in pencil '1/2/22' at lower right. Slightly dusty but fine.Ausruf : 160 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3489 Jungfern Inseln/Virgin Islands
Losnr. : 3490 Kayman Islands
Losnr. : 3491 Kayman Islands
Jamaica Used in Cayman Islands 1889/94: Jamaica 1 d. purple & mauve (Gi 27), a used cancelled by fair part strike of oval "GRAND CAYMAN / POST OFFICE" datestamp (1893) struck in violet, partially over-struck by Jamaican transit cds in black. Scarce. Cert. BPA (1993) Gi = £ 600.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 3492 Kayman Islands
Losnr. : 3493 Kayman Islands
Jamaica Used in Cayman Islands 1895/98: Jamaica 2½ d. dull purple & blue (Gi 29), a used example cancelled by light by clear strike of circular "GRAND CAYMAN / P.O." datestamp (11 May, 1895) in violet. An early usage, rare and most elusive. Cert. BPA (1984) Gi = £ 1'000.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 3494 Kayman Islands
Jamaica Used in Cayman Islands 1898/1901: Jamaica ½ d. green (Gi 16a) and horizontal pair of Jamaica 1 d. purple & mauve (Gi 27) used on piece, cancelled by two fine strikes of double ring "GRAND CAYMAN / CAYMAN ISLANDS" circular datestamps (5 Feb, 1900) in black. Perforations slightly off the edge of the piece in places but fine and rare Gi = £ 1'800.rnProvenance: Collection Watkin, RL, London, 1 May 1946; Collection Meredith, RL, London, 12 Oct 1955; Collection R.J. Cooley, Shreves, New York, 23 Sept 1995.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3495 Kayman Islands
Jamaica Used in Cayman Islands 1890/94: Jamaica Official 1 d. rose (Gi O4), a used example cancelled by large part oval "GRAND CAYMAN / POST OFFICE" datestamp struck in violet (May 10). Negligible aging but extremely attractive and rare Gi = £ 1'500.rnProvenance: Collections Graham Booth & John Byl, Spink, London, 11 April 2012, lot 9.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 3496 Kayman Islands
Jamaica Used in Cayman Islands 1898/1900: Jamaica ½ d. yellow-green (Gi 16), a used example cancelled by large part oval "CAYMAN BRAC / CAYMAN ISLANDS" datestamp struck in black (11 Aug, 1900). Unique. Cert. BPA (1991) Gi = £ 5'500.rnProvenance: Collection Howard Green; Collection John Byl, RL, London, 4 June 1992; Collection Richard Maisel; Collections Graham Booth & John Byl, Spink, London, 11 April 2012, lot 22.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 3497 Kayman Islands
Jamaica used in Cayman Islands 1900/1901: Jamaica 1 d. purple & mauve, a used example tied to reverse of 1900 cover to Kingston, Jamaica tied by superb strike of "CAYMAN BRAC / CAYMAN ISLANDS" double ring circular datestamp (6 Jan, 1900) - this being the earliest date of use for this datestamp and the cancellation used for the Stanley Gibbons catalogue illustration - and by Kingston arrival cds (Jan 12). Trivial edge to envelope but a marvellous cover being the sole recorded outgoing usage on letter.rnProvenance: Collection A.J.Watkin, RL, London, 1 May 1946; Collection C.W. Meredith, RL, London, 12 Oct 1955, lot 75; Collection William Britton Stitt, RL, London, 12 May 1970, lot 247; Collection John Byl, Christie's, London, 4 June 1992, lot 2028; Collections Graham Booth & John Byl, Spink, London, 11 April 2012, lot 363.rnAusruf : 5.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3498 Kayman Islands
1900 (Nov 1): ½ d. pale green and 1 d. rose-carmine, unused examples, each overprinted SPECIMEN in black, further overprinted ULTRAMAR in blue upon receipt by the Portuguese Post Office from the UPU, prior to distribution to Portuguese Colonies, fresh and fine, unused without gum. Rare.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3499 Kayman Islands
Losnr. : 3500 Kayman Islands
1900: De La Rue Master Die Proof for the 1 d. value with Country name and Duty Plate only, printed in black on glazed white card, endorsed '5 JUL 00' in blue at upper left. Fresh, fine and rare first issue Proof.rnProvenance: Collections Graham Booth & John Byl, Spink, London, 11 April 2012, lot 27.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauft
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