Alle Lose
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Losnr. : 913 Österreich
Losnr. : 914 Österreich
Losnr. : 915 Österreich
Losnr. : 916 Österreich
Losnr. : 917 Österreich
Losnr. : 918 Österreich
1991/2001: 'Volksbrauchtum und volkskundliche Kostbarkeiten', 28 Einzelwerte der Serie, je als ungezähntes waagr. Paar, meist mit Bogenrand rechts, alle einwandfrei und postfr. in Luxuserhaltung. Eine aussergewöhnlich seltene Zusammenstellung dieser Abarten, in Mi oder ANK oft nicht gelistet oder mit -.- bewertet.Ausruf : 5.000 CHFZuschlag : 5.000 CHFLosnr. : 919 Österreich
Losnr. : 920 Österreich
Losnr. : 921 Österreich
Losnr. : 922 Österreich
Losnr. : 923 Österreich
Losnr. : 924 Österreich
Losnr. : 925 Österreich
Losnr. : 926 Österreich
Losnr. : 927 Österreich
Losnr. : 928 Österreich
Losnr. : 929 Österreich
Losnr. : 930 Österreich
Losnr. : 931 Österreich
Losnr. : 932 Österreich
Losnr. : 933 Österreich
Losnr. : 934 Österreich
1998: Eisenbahnen - Ybbstalbahn, Pöstlingbergbahn & Pinzgaubahn, alle drei Werte im ungezähnten senkrechten Paar mit Bogenrand oben, einwandfrei und postfrisch in Luxuserhaltung. Sehr seltene Abart Mi nicht gelistet / ANK 2286 U-2288 U nicht gelistet.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 935 Österreich
Losnr. : 936 Österreich
Losnr. : 937 Österreich
Losnr. : 938 Österreich
Losnr. : 939 Österreich
Losnr. : 940 Österreich
Losnr. : 941 Österreich
Losnr. : 942 Österreich
Losnr. : 943 Österreich
Losnr. : 944 Österreich
Losnr. : 945 Österreich
1918: Flugpostlinie Wien - Krakau - Lemberg - Kiew, nicht verausgabter Wert zu 7 auf 10 Kr. rötlichbraun im ungezähnten waagrechten Paar, farbfr., breitrandig und ungestempelt mit Originalgummi (minime Anhaftungsspuren, rechte Marke mit kl. Nadelstich und winzige transparente Stelle). Attest Ferchenbauer (2019) Mi = € 2'800 / ANK (3) B = € 2'800.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 946 Österreich
1908: Regierungsjubiläum komplettes Markenheftchen zu drei Blättern mit je sechs 5 H. - Marken grün und einem Blatt mit sechs 10 H. - Marken karmin, die Heftchenblätter oft mit den üblichen herstellungsbedingten angeschnittenen Zähnungen, alle auf gewöhnlichem Papier in graubraunem Umschlag, Markenheftchenblätter sind vollständig und fein postfr., der Umschlag gut erhalten, verausgabt ab Dezember 1913. Ferchenbauer = € 1'600 / ANK = € 2'000 / Mi = € 1'800.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 947 Österreich
Losnr. : 948 Österreich
1949: Ziffernzeichnung mit Zierrahmen, ein waagr. ungezähntes Zwischenstegpaar der Werte zu 3 S. lilarot links und 2,50 S. lilarot rechts, in postfr. Erhaltung mit dem üblichen Faltungsbug. Seltene Einheit Mi = € 1'200 / ANK = € 1'500.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 949 Österreich
Losnr. : 950 Bosnien u. Herzegowina (Österr.)
1909: 50 H. dunkellila, gest. "K. und K. Militärpost Kljuc - 31/3 09" auf der Rückseite eines kl eingeschr. Kuverts adressiert nach Christiansted St. Croix in Dänisch Westindien, Kuvert mit min. Alterungsspuren aber an seltene Destination.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 951 Österreich
1850/90: Lot 70 Marken gest., ungest. und vier Briefe, dabei 3 Kr. im waagr. Paar auf Streifband von "Male 12. Mar" nach Mantua, 3 Kr. Einzelfrankatur entw. mit Schiffstp. "Riva Vapore" auf Brief nach Verona und Rekobrief (1880) von Obertyn nach Krakau, dazu versch. Abstp. österr. Levante sowie 15 Einzelwerte zu 10 c. der 1. Ausgabe von Lombardo-Veneto plus eine patriotische Frankatur auf Brief von Vicenza nach Asolo und 15 cts. Einzelfrankatur auf Brief von "Dolo 20 Magg" nach Mestre.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 952 Österreich
1850/1992: Sammlung mit einigen Hundert Marken, vorab sauber gest., weniges ungest., dabei Freimarken, Portomarken, Fiskalmarken, Militärpost, Flugpost, viele kompl. Serien inkl. Rotary, FIS, Katholiken, eine WIPA-Marke, Renner-Ausschnitte etc. das Ganze aufgelockert mit Briefen, Karten und Ganzsachen, sauber arrangiert in fünf SAFE-Alben.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 953 Österreich
Losnr. : 954 Österreich
Losnr. : 955 Österreich
1968/2014: Sammlung mit einigen Hundert Marken gest. als auch postfr., dabei auch Marken auf Privatbestellung, Kleinbogen, Gedenkblätter, frankaturgültige Nominale sowie Spezialausgaben wie die Porzellanmarke, sauber arrangiert in neun Alben, das Ganze in einer gr. Zügelbox.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 956 Österreich
Losnr. : 957 Österreich
1851/1915: Lot 13 Briefe/Postkarten, dabei 1851 6 Kr braun verwendet in der Lombardei von Verona nach Mantua, 1858 zweimal 6 Kr. vorders. und einmal rücks. auf Faltbrief auf doppelgewichtigem Faltbrief innerhalb von Ungarn, 1868 eingeschriebener Ganzsachenumschlag 1867 5 Kr. rot mit Zusatzfrankatur 1864 10 Kr. blau im Paar von Triest nach Verona, 1866 Auslandsdrucksache Pest nach Turin mit Paar 2 Kr. gelb der 1864er Ausgabe, 1869 Brief von Pest über Baziasch und Konstantinopel nach Scutari Albanien, 1876 Postkarte Gelbling mit Zusatzfrankatur 3 Kr. grün nach Italen, 1876 vor-UPU Frankreichporto mit fünfmal 5 Kr., 1900 Postkarte aus Sarajevo mit patriotischer Frankatur, 1912 Mischfrankatur Österreich - Liechtenstein aus Vaduz nach Norderney und 1915 eingeschriebener Feldpostbrief Bosnien Herzegovina mit bosnischen und ungarischen Briefmarken. Weiterhin 1867/1962 Lot 80 ungest./postfr. Marken, dabei 1867 15 Kr. braun im groben Druck, Befund Ferchenbauer, 1962 Freimarke Beethovenhaus im Viererblock mit senkr und waagr. teilweise ausgefallener Zähnung, sowie Freimarken der österreichischen Levante in Sätzen.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 959 Österreich. Levante
Losnr. : 960 Österreich. Levante
1826/41: Disinfected entire letters (3) to Trieste, all with SANITATIS TERGESTI (Health Office of Trieste) red wax seal on reverse, incl. 1826 captain's letter from Zante (Matteo Caminarovich), 1827 captain's letter (Spendione Manovich) from Corfu as well as a further letter dispatched in SMIRNA (Tchilinghirian fig. 1). Fine.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 190 CHFLosnr. : 961 Österreich. Levante
Losnr. : 962 Österreich. Levante
1847/59: Disinfected entire letters (3), incl. 1847 entire letter from Candia, Crete to Trieste with manuscript "Candia" cancellation at top disinfected on arrival with chisel slits and struck with italic "Leta. arr.ta per mare" in black and charged '6' kreuzer, 1849 letter from Corfu to Florence as well as 1859 Lady's envelope from Argostoli (Cephalonia) to Florence, one of the first letters sent by Lloyd's Dalmatian-Albanese route instead of the Lepanto, disinfected with vinegar vapour during transit in Trieste.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 963 Österreich. Levante
Austrian Lloyd Agency in Ancona, Papal States 1852: 1 b. black on blue green and horizontal pair of 7 b. black on blue (Sassone 2+8), good to enormous margins all round, tied by straight line RIMINI handstamps in black to entire letter addressed to Corfu with crisp oval framed "Agenzie Del Lloyd Austriaco / Ancona" (Tchilinghirian & Stephen fig. 457) with CORFU (March 20) arrival cds alongside, charged '3' (pence) due on receipt for the incoming letter fee. File fold slightly affecting the 1 b. stamp but a very attractive and scarce cover. The postage with Austrian services was 9 kr. for sea carriage to the Ionian Islands and 9 kr. for Austro-Italian land transit for a distance up to 150 kms., amounting to 18 kr. or 16 bajocchi. The underpayment by 1 b. was not taxed. Signed Friebe BPP; certs. Holcombe (1992), RPS (2004).rnProvenance: Collections Arthur Linz, Edwin Müller and Joseph Hackmey.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 964 Österreich. Levante
Losnr. : 965 Österreich. Levante
1867: Fine whiskers 25 so. grey lilac in a horizontal pair, a fine and fresh mutiple cancelled by two strikes of "CONSTANTIOPEL 9 / 8 84" cds in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 392). A rare and desirable late usage of the Fine Whiskers; certs. Puschmann (1995), Ferchenbauer (2018) Ferchenbauer = € 1'250.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 966 Österreich. Levante
1868 (Jan 31): Entire from Constantinople to Lyon, bearing 1864 Arms 10 s. blue, perf. 9½, a single and a pair in mixed franking with two examples 1867 25 s. lilac, all fresh and fine, tied by three strikes of "LETTERE ARRIVATE / COL VAPORE / DAL LEVANTE" handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 99) and French entry cds in red, "P.D." in red alongside. Reverse with oval transit datestamp of Triest (Jan 31) and arrival cds of Lyon (Feb 3). Name of addressee cut out and restored, nevertheless an attractive and interesting cover showing the 80 soldi double rate from the Levant to France. Cert. Ferchenbauer (2019).Ausruf : 2.800 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 967 Österreich. Levante
1868 (Oct 24): Letter sheet from Constantinople to Livorno, endorsed "Via Brindisi", bearing 1864 Arms definitives 3 so. green and 15 so. brown, all perf. 9½ in mixed franking with 1867 Coarse whiskers 10 so. blue, all three adhesives in fresh colours, tied by "LLOYD AGENZIE CONSTANTINOPEL 24 / 10" cds in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 446), "P.D." in red and framed PIROSCAFI POSTALI ITALIANI in black alongside, reverse with Brindisi transit as well as Livorno arrival cds (Oct 30). Minor perforation irregularities of the 1867 stamp glued to the Cover edge, a rare and desirable cover. Signed Wallner & Matl; cert. Ferchenbauer (2018).rnNote: Cover sent with the Lloyd via Corfu and then further with Italian vessel via Brindisi.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 968 Österreich. Levante
Losnr. : 969 Österreich. Levante
1869: 3 s. green perf. 9½ and 25 s. lilac, nicely cancelled with thimble postmark "SMIRNE 23/2 69", on lettersheet (no content) to Livorno, stamps showing few stains but nevertheless a lovely item Ferchenbauer = € 1'000.rnrnrnrnrnAusruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 970 Österreich. Levante
1869 (March 20): Letter sheet from Smirna to Genova, endorsed "via Brindisi", bearing 1864 Arms definitive 3 so. green perf. 9½ in mixed franking with 1867 coarse whiskers 25 so. grey, two fresh adhesives, tied by light thimble "SMIRNE 20 / 3 69" cds in black (Tranmer fig. 10), "P.D." in blue-green and framed PIROSCAFI POSTALI ITALIANI alongside, reverse with Brindisi transit and Genova arrival cds's (March 26). Corner fault of the 25 soldi stamp, but an appealing cover with this rare mixed franking to pay the 28 soldi rate; cert. Ferchenbauer (2018).Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 971 Österreich. Levante
1869 (Oct 9): Printed matter Entire from Constantinople to Trieste, franked with 1867 coarse whiskers 2 so. yellow, a horizontal pair, the right stamp with a tear, tied by "CONSTANTINOPEL 9/10" cds in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 385), reverse with oval "TRIEST 14 / 10 69" datestamp. Attractive item.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 972 Österreich. Levante
1870 (Jan 13): Letter sheet from Constantinople to Livorno, bearing 1867 coarse whiskers 3 so. green and 25 so. grey, two fine and fresh adhesives, tied by "LLOYD AGENZIE CONSTANTINOPOLI 13 / 1" cds in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 446), reverse with Brindisi transit and Livorno arrival cds's (Jan 20). Some paper faults of the cover front, still an appealing cover, cert. Ferchenbauer (2018).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 973 Österreich. Levante
1870 (Nov 19): Entire letter from Smirne to Milan struck with fine LLOYD AGENZIE / SMIRNE datestamp (Tchilinghirian fig. 8) in black (note inverted date slug error) with framed 'Piroscafi / Postali / Austriaci' cachet at left, charged due on arrival with Italy 1870 Postage Due 30 c. and 40 c. tied by Milano cds's (Nov 27). Fresh and fine entire.rnProvenance: Collection Hans Smith, depicted in his book, Corinphila auction (Sept. 2013), lot 1383.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 190 CHFLosnr. : 974 Österreich. Levante
1872 (March 9): Partially prepaid Envelope from Candia to Athens, franked with 1867 rough whiskers 10 so. blue, tied by "CANDIA 9 / 3" cds in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 542), reverse with Piraeus transit and Athens arrival cds's (Feb 28, Julian calendar). Upon arrival, the cover was taxed with '20' lepta in blue crayon and a Large Hermes Head definitive 20 lepta blue was added and tied by '1' numeral of Athens. The Greek adhesive touched at base and at left, a fine cover with mixed franking to cover both parts of the journey; cert Ferchenbauer (2018).Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 975 Österreich. Levante
Austrian Lloyd Agency in Candia 1872 (May 27): Cover from Candia to Syra, Greece franked by 1867/74 10 s. blue neatly tied by CANDIA datestamp (Tchilinghirian fig. 542) in black. Superfluous usage of 'P.P.' alongside in black and charged on arrival with Large Hermes 10 lepta orange on greenish horizontal pair tied by 'Syra' arrival cds. Usual file fold but a beautiful cover.rnProvenance: Collection Hans Smith, depicted in his book, Corinphila auction (Sept. 2013), lot 1497.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 380 CHFLosnr. : 976 Österreich. Levante
1873 (Sept 8): Entire letter from Canea to Volo, written on August 26, 1873 and bearing Austria 1867 10 s. blue tied by two line Canea despatch datestamp (Tchilinghirian fig. 533) in brown. No further postmarks, however the receiver's docketing confirms the full journey, an interesting cover to a rarely seen destination.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 977 Österreich. Levante
1867/74: Levant 10 s. blue used on 1873 cover to Syros tied by bold strike of CANDIA datestamp (17/11) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 542) with fine P.P. alongside. Charged on arrival for inland delivery with sheet marginal Large Hermes 1872 20 l. deep blue on greyish paper tied by '67' dotted numeral of Syros with arrival (Nov 9j) on reverse. File fold well away from the adhesives but a fine and attractive cover.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 978 Österreich. Levante
1873 (Dec 13): Entire letter from Constantinople to Florence, endorsed "Via Brindisi", franked with 1867 coarse whiskers 5 so. red, two horizontal pairs and a single adhesives, tied by "CONSTANTINOPEL 13 / 12 / 73" cds in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 390), "P.D." in blue-green alongside, reverse with Brindisi transit cds. One stamp with thin on front, some perforation toning & part of the address cut out, a rarely seen overfranking to cover the 23 soldi Italian rate; cert. Ferchenbauer (2018).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 979 Österreich. Levante
Austrian P.O. in Varna 1867/78: 3 s. green, 5 s. red and 15 s. brown, all used on 1874 cover to Genova tied by two strikes of circular VARNA thimble datestamps (12/8) neatly in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 885). Black 'PD' at right and Genova arrival cds (17/8) on reverse of an attractive three colour franking for the 23 soldi rate. Opinion Todd (2014).rnProvenance: Collection 'Cihangir', Corinphila sale 121, April 2000, lot 1759; Collection Fritz Heimbüchler.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 980 Österreich. Levante
1874/75: Group two covers from Smirna via Brindisi to Genova, both franked with 1867 coarse whiskers 3 so. green and 10 so. blue in a horizontal pair, cancelled either by LLOYD AGENZIE SMIRNE cds (Tranmer fig. 8) or thimble SMIRNE cds (Tranmer fig. 10), PD handstamp alongside, reverse with Brindisi transit and Genova arrival cds's. A fine duo, both items signed Ferchenbauer.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 981 Österreich. Levante
1875 (March 5): Unpaid Envelope from Janina to the Imperial Ottoman consulate in Trieste, struck by "JANINA 5 / 3" cds's in black (Tchilingirian fig. 509), charged with '20' kreuzer upon arrival, later on erased, maybe due to special regulations for this type of official mail. The cover shows in addition an attractive full Arabic intaglio seal on front, a central file fold is not destracting from the beauty if this item.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 982 Österreich. Levante
1867/79: Levant 10 s. blue, two examples used on 1882 registered cover from Constantinople to Sarajevo (one on reverse), each tied by COSTANTINOPOLI / LLOYD cds (17/3) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 447) with 'RECOM' handstamp on obverse. Oval Triest transit and framed 'Serajevo' arrival on reverse. Slight nick in envelope but an unusual usage.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 983 Österreich. Levante
1884 (Apr 24): Registered Envelope from Alexandria to Sulzbach, Bavaria, franked on reverse with 1867 fine whiskers 5 so. red and 15 so. brown, two fine and fresh single adhesives, tied by thimble "ALEXANDRIEN 22 / 4 84" cds in black (Tranmer fig. 10), front with "RECOM: No" registration handstamp, reverse with Schwandorf transit cds (Apr 27). A very rare usage of the Fine whiskers issues in the Levant paying 10 so. UPU rate and 10 so. registration fee; certs. Hochleutner (1993), Ferchenbauer (2018) Ferchenbauer = € 3'500.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 984 Österreich. Levante
Incoming Mail to Constantinople 1864/69: Covers/entire letters (8) with 1864 stampless cover from Vienna endorsed 'via Kustendje', 1864 cover from Triest franked by Arms 1863 10 kr. blue perf. 14 (2, in differing shades) endorsed 'per Vapeur', 1867 entire from Vienna endorsed 'voie de Rustschuk' charged 2 piastres on receipt, 1868/1869 entires from Vienna each franked 1864 Arms 15 kr. brown, perf. 9½, one endorsed 'via Bazias'; together with two outgoing covers from Constantinople, generally fine, a scarce group.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 985 Albanien
1842 (June 15): Disinfected entire letter from Constantinople to Perasto (Bocche di Cattaro-Albania) with arrival note on front: "Ricevuta 11/7 1842 in Cattaro", opened and disinfected in Semlin, struck on reverse with dated CATTARO 10 LUG.o and fine "NETO DI FUORA ET DI DENTRO" in black plus red wax seal "SIGIL SANITATIS SEMLINIEN-SIS". Fine.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 170 CHFLosnr. : 986 Albanien
1913 (June 16): Philatelic cover bearing on front and reverse 'Double Eagle' overprints in black on Turkey 2 pa. olive, 5 pa. ochre, 10 pa. blue green, 20 pa. rose on normal paper, 1 pia. blue, 2 pia. blackish-blue, 2½ pia. dark-sepia and 1913 (Aug) 10 pa. on 20 pa. rose with fresh colours and the normal irregular perforation of this issue, tied by "VLONE 16.10.1913" datestamp in black with "QUKES 22.10.1913" arrival cds in violet on reverse. Rare, certificates Raybaudi (1992), Dr. Peters AIEP (2020) Mi = € 4'250 for the detached stamps alone.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 987 Albanien
1913 (June 16): Philatelic cover bearing 'Double Eagle' overprints in black on Turkey 5 pia. dark lilac, 10 pia. brick red, 25 pia. Russian green and 50 pia. orange-brown, with fresh colours and the normal irregular perforation of this issue, tied by "VLONE 17.10.1913" datestamp in black with "QUKES 22.10.1913" arrival cds in violet on reverse. An outstandingly rare item with extremely low printruns of 25 examples for the 25 pia. and only 16 examples for the 50 pia. A world class rarity. Certificates Raybaudi (1992), Dr. Peters AIEP (2020) Mi = € 37'600 for the detached stamps alone.Ausruf : 7.500 CHFZuschlag : 27.000 CHFLosnr. : 988 Albanien
Losnr. : 989 Albanien
1913: 1st Anniversary of Independence 10 pa. light-green, an upper marginal example in mint condition, without gum as issued. A very rare stamp. Cert. Peters (2020) Mi = € 2'200.rnProvenance: This item comes from the collection of the first Albanian postmaster general, Lef Nosi from ElbasanAusruf : 900 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 990 Albanien
Losnr. : 991 Albanien
Losnr. : 992 Albanien
1920 (March 6): Registered Picture postcard bearing 1920 definitives 10 q. rose and 25 on 10 q. rose, tied by "SHKODER 6 - 3 20" cds with corresponding registration label and handstamp of the Allied troups in Scutari in violet alongside.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 993 Albanien
1922: Landscape definitives, a group seven proofs either mounted on cardboard or single colour proofs in sheetlets with or without perforation, without gum as issued, partially with denominations finally not issued. Some perforation separation and staining.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 994 Albanien
Losnr. : 995 Albanien
1940 (Sept 30): Registered cover from Vajguras / Borgo Costanzo Ciano to Forli, Italy bearing 1939 definitives 5 q. green and 25 q. blue, tied by new Borgo Costanzo Ciano cds while the registration label alongside still shows the old town name of the re-named city, reverse transit and Forli arrival cds (Oct 6). Vert. fold well away from stamps and postmarks.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 996 Albanien
1947 (Oct 30): Registered cover from Tirana to Graz bearing diff. comemorative stamps in Franc and Lek currency, tied by "TIRANE 30.10.47" cds with handwritten registration label alongside, reverse with Belgrad transit, opened twice by British censorship.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 997 Albanien
Losnr. : 998 Albanien
Losnr. : 999 Albanien
Losnr. : 1000 Albanien
Losnr. : 1001 Albanien
1905/45ca.: Foreign postal administratoion in Albania & Epirus, Lot hundreds stamps used/unused as well as pieces and covers incl. Turkish definitives, Austrian Levant PO's, Austrian and French Fieldpost in WWI, Italian occupation Albania & Scutari, rare telegraph stamps "Telegrafo Militare Base Navale Valona" on 1919 pieces, Greek occupation of Northern Epirus as well as related areas such as Montenegro, Janina and others. To be studied.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 1002 Albanien
Losnr. : 1003 Albanien
1913/63: Collection hundreds used/unused stamps incl. 1913 Eagle ovpt on Turkish definitives, the unused examples of this issue up to 50 pia being of doubtful nature, later Skanderberg definitives, 1928 Airmail line inauguration, 1946 Red Cross and Airmail 1952 issue.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 1.800 CHFLosnr. : 1004 Albanien
1913/2000ca: Selection hundreds stamps unused / unmounted og showing all varieties or printing oddities incl. 1913 Eagle ovpts with shifted & inverted Eagles, later 1914/30 definitives with overprint varieties, 1943 German Occupation up to 3 fr. in blocks of four with ovpt varieties, 1989 45th Anniversary of Liberartion with varieties: colour black missing, colour gold missing, perforation shifted, 1990 WWF 10 q. variety, 1992 Columbus muscut souvenir sheet, and 1992 Horses misprint of colour red of 10.50 l. on 30 q. Has to be studied carefully.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 1005 Albanien
1913/2015: Interesting collection hundreds unused / unmounted og stamps incl. 1913 handstamp 1 pia. provisional definitives. Turkish definitives with eagle ovpt, Skanderbeg definitives, 1914 '7 Mars' ovpts, 1919 comet ovpts, 1920 Regency Eagle ovpts, the complete set of nine, 1928 Airmail Valona-Brindisi & 1929 Airmail, each in compl. sets of seven,1937 all three King Zogu souvenir sheets, Greek and German occupation issues, all the better later issues such as 1962 Deer miniature sheet perf/imperf., 1968 Hoxha, 1970 'Industrial Complex' commemoratives, 1985 May 9 withdrawn issue, 1988 small printrun issues. A lot in six albums which has to be studied carefully to be appreciated. Two certs.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.200 CHFLosnr. : 1006 Albanien
1913/2015: Interesting collection hundreds unused / unmounted og stamps, all in blocks of four, souvenir sheets fourfold, the issues up to WWII incomplete, thereafter nearly complete with better issues such as 1962 Deer miniature sheet perf./imperf., 1961 Gagarin with black ovpt, 1968 Hoxha, 1970 'Industrial Complex' commemoratives, 1985 May 9 withdrawn issue, 1988 small printrun issues. A lot in eight albums which has to be studied carefully.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 5.500 CHFLosnr. : 1007 Albanien
1913/2015ca: Interesting and nearly complete Collection hundreds used stamps and primarily pieces incl. 1913 handstamp 1 pia. provisional definitives. Turkish definitives with eagle ovpt, Skanderbeg definitives, on piece with rare Turkish 'Tchay-Aghzi' cds, the complete set of six on pieces also with golden datestamp "Shkoder 7 3 1913" at day of arrival of Wilhelm von Wied, 50 sets cancelled that way, 1914 '7 Mars' ovpts, 1919 comet ovpts, 1920 Regency Eagle ovpts, the complete set of nine, 1928 Airmail Valona-Brindisi & 1929 Airmail, each in compl. sets of seven,1937 all three King Zogu souvenir sheets, Greek and German occupation issues, all the later issues such as 1962 Deer miniature sheet perf/imperf. or 1968 Hoxha.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 1008 Albanien
Losnr. : 1009 Albanien
Losnr. : 1010 Albanien
1827/1913: Lot two stamps and 12 covers incl. three entire letters from Durazzo to Trieste 1827/30, two letters from the Austrian Levant offices in Scutari and Valona, three covers with Turkish franking from Erguiri, two incoming to Scutari, in mixed condition.Ausruf : 900 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 1011 Albanien
1905/2015ca: Extensive Lot hundreds stamps and pieces with a large diversity of postmarks starting with pre-independence pieces from the Turkish and Austrian PO's, Albanian postmarks until the post communist period, administrative, church, private and commercial handstamps in additionas well as several covers included for their postmark content. Not sytematically collected but a very interesting accumulation.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 1012 Albanien
1913/19: Lot 39 covers including twelve set covers, two part covers, 1913 administrative cachet of the ministry used as definitive, either direct on cover with cert. Sismondo or as a cutout, Mi no. 2 on cover, Eagle ovpts on Turkish definitives, later definitives up to Skanderberg, local issue Tchay-Aghzi on set cover from Shenjin, rare cancellations from Shijak, Fier, Pegin, Mollas, also dealer's covers for example to Otto Bickel. Three certificates.Ausruf : 1.300 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 1013 Albanien
1913/60ca: Lot 140 primarily unused or CTO stationery postcards, lettercards and envelopes incl. 1913 Turkish postcards with eagle ovpt., Skanderberg postcard used as Austrian Fieldpost, 1920 Shkoder envelopes & letter cards, 1939 four line ovpt Zogu postcards, 1939 Victor Emmanuel postcards with landscape views, some with censorship, German WWII occupation stationery postacrds, seven used/unused cards, few post-war issues. An interesting lot containing also some postmark interest with cancellations from smaller offices such as Bilisht, Tirane Nisje Départ, some mail to Kosovo.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHF
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