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Losnr. : 3401 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues 1855: Perkins Bacon 6 d. dull lilac, wmk. Large Star, prepared for use but not issued, a fine unused example with clear to large margins all round, of rich colour for this stamp (of which just the one sheet was found and split up), tone spot and diagonal crease as usual Gi = £ 750.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 3402 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues, Local Printings 1857 (May): 4 d. deep blue, no wmk., a superb used horizontal strip of five, with just clear to large margins all round with portions of adjoining stamps at top, in a fine deep shade, lightly cancelled by "61" numeral obliterators of Hobart in black. Diagonal crease and slight stain at upper right not detracting from the fine appearance of a rare multiple Gi = £ 650+.rnrnProvenance: Collection Sebastian Earl, RL, Geneva, 25 April 1980, lot 2141.rn Collection Professor Enrico Bombieri, Spink, Melbourne, 28 March 1999, lot 1071.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 3403 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues, Local Printing by H. C. Best 1857/63: 1 d. brick-red, wmk. '1' upright, an unused example from left of sheet, verging on the vermilion shade, large margins all round, fresh and fine, large part og. Gi = £ 425.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 3404 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues, Local Printing by H. C. Best 1857/63: 1 d. brick-red, wmk. '1' upright, a fine unused example with large margins all round, marginal from right of sheet, of good delicate colour and large part og. Rare Gi = £ 425.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 3405 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues, Local Printing by H. C. Best 1857/63: 1 d. brick-red, wmk. '1' upright, a fine used example showing clear "Double Impression", tied to local 1864 cover to Government House by mute obliterator in black with framed FEE PAID datestamp (Sept 10) in red alongside. Cover cleaned and with slight staining but a rare example of a double print on letter.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 3406 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues, Local Printing by H. C. Best 1857/63: 1 d.carmine, wmk. '1' upright, a fine unused example, large margins all round with marginal wmk. from left of sheet, variety "Double Impression", fresh and fine without gum, a most interesting major shift, most prominent on the value tablet Gi = £ 350+.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 3407 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues, Local Printing by H. C. Best 1857/63: 2 d. pale green, wmk. '2' upright, a used horizontal strip of four with large to huge margins all round (rare in a multiple of this size), cancelled by "103" numeral obliterators in black. Minor wrinkling not detracting from the appearance of a lovely strip.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 380 CHFLosnr. : 3408 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues, Local Printing by H. C. Best 1857/63: 2 d. yellow-green, wmk. '2' upright, a fine used horizontal pair in a pale shade with huge margins all round, lightly cancelled by "6" numeral obliterator of Bothwell. Corner crease at upper right but a charming multiple and most attractive. Cert. BPA (2018) Gi = £ 220+.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 3409 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues, Local Printing by H. C. Best 1857/63: 2 d. slate-green, wmk. '2' upright, a superb unused horizontal pair, large margins all round and in a deep shade, left hand stamp with "Hair on the Plate" flaw at top running through 'EN' of DIEMENS, fresh and very fine, superb og. Rare and splendid multiple Gi = £ 800+.rnrnProvenance: Collection Maurice Burrus, RL, London, 28 Nov 1962, ex lot 519.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 3410 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues, Local Printing by H. C. Best 1857/63: 4 d. pale blue, wmk. '4' upright, an unused example from a 'dry' print, large margins all round, somewhat cracked large part og. Gi = £ 450.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 3411 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues 1858: Perkins Bacon Die Proof for the completed 6 d. value in black on thick card, 40 x 42 mm., trivial aging mentioned for accuracy, a fresh and very fine example of the printer's art. Extremely rare.rnrnProvenance: Collection Professor Enrico Bombieri, Christie's, Melbourne, 28 March 1999, lot 1043.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 3412 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues 1858: Perkins Bacon Plate Proofs in black for the 6 d. and 1 s. values, each in fresh and fine blocks of four on white wove paper, the 6 d. a tad close at right but the 1 s. block with large margin at left. Scarce and attractive.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 380 CHFLosnr. : 3413 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues 1858: Perkins Bacon Trial Colour Plate Proof for the 1 s. value in deep vermilion on thick card paper, fresh and very fine.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 190 CHFLosnr. : 3414 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues 1858: 1 s. vermilion, wmk '12' upright, a wonderful unused horizontal pair in a phenomenally bright shade, large even margins all round, folded between but barely affecting the appearance, superb with large part og. A magnificent multiple. Cert. BPA (1983) Gi = £ 1'600+.rnrnProvenance: Collection Maurice Burrus, RL, London, 28 Nov 1962, lot 467.rn Collection P. V. Robinson, SG, London, 17 May 1984, lot 92.rn Collection Professor Enrico Bombieri, Christies, Melbourne, 28 March 1999, lot 1095.rnAusruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 3415 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues 1858: 1 s. vermilion, wmk '12' upright, a wonderful used horizontal strip of four, large margins all round and imperceptibly touched at top on first two stamps, of good colour and cancelled by "59" numeral obliterators of Launceston. First stamp with minor vertical crease but a charming and extremely scarce multiple.rnrnProvenance: Collection Sebastian Earl, RL, Geneva, 25 April 1980, lot 2223.rn Collection Professor Enrico Bombieri, Christie's, Melbourne, 28 March 1999, lot 1098.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3416 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues 1858: 1 s. vermilion, wmk '12' upright, a fine used example with good margins all round, tied to small piece by circular barred obliterator in blue. Most unusual.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3417 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues, locally printed 1860/67: 6 d. dull slate-grey, wmk. '6', a fine unused example with close to good margins all round, of excellent rich colour, fresh and fine, unused without gum. A very scarce stamp Gi = £ 850.rnrnProvenance: Collection Maurice Burrus, RL, London, 28 Nov 1962, lot 524.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 3418 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues, locally printed 1860/67: 6 d. dull slate-grey, wmk. '6', a fine example with large margins all round, used on 1864 cover to Secunderabad, India via Bombay, tied by mute obliterator in black. Circular 'General Post Office / Hobart Town / Crown' datestamp in red below (Feb 20) in red and reverse with Bombay transit cds (March 22) in black with framed '2 annas' due marking on front and Secunderabad arrival cds. Slight file fold at top not affecting the fine appearance of a rare cover.rnrnNote: P&O Second Contract. From Melbourne to Galle per "Madras" Steamer, thence on the "Emeu" to Bombay.rnrnProvenance: Collection Trevor Davis.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 3419 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues, locally printed 1860/67: 6 d. grey-violet, wmk. '6', a fine used horizontal strip of three, large margins all round with portions of adjoining stamps at base, cancelled 'Port Arthur 9/..' in manuscript ink. Couple of light tone spots but a scarce strip.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 3420 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues, locally printed 1860/67: 6 d. reddish-mauve, wmk. '6', a fine used horizontal strip of three in a fresh shade, portions of adjoining three stamps at base and also at left, cancelled by "75" numeral obliterators of Hobart in black. Corner crease not detracting from the marvellous appearance of a delightful and very rare multiple Gi = £ 540+.rnrnProvenance: Collection Sebastian Earl, RL, Geneva, 25 April 1980, lot 2240.rn Collection Professor Enrico Bombieri, Christie's, Melbourne, 28 March 1999, lot 1101.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 3421 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues, locally printed 1860/67: 6 d. slate-violet, wmk. '6', a fine used example with good margins all round, used on 1869 cover to Melbourne tied by barred obliterator in black. Reverse with Melbourne arrival cds (June 24). A fine cover.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 3422 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues, locally printed 1863/71: 2 d. yellow-green and 4 d. blue, perforated 10 by J. Walch & Sons of Hobart, used on 1866 cover to Coventry tied by mute obliterator handstamp in black. Circular 'General Post Office / Hobart Town / Crown' despatch datestamp in red at left (Aug 22) with Coventry arrival cds on reverse (Oct 21) in black. Imperfections and top flap missing but a very rare issue on cover.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 3423 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues, locally printed 1863/71: 4 d. blue and 6 d. grey-violet / cobalt, perforated 10 by J. Walch & Sons of Hobart, used on 1865 cover to London endorsed 'via Marseilles', each tied by mute obliterator handstamps in black. Circular 'General Post Office / Hobart Town / Crown' datestamp in red below (Nov 23) with London arrival cds at left (Jan 12, 1866). Small part of flap missing but a very fine and rare cover.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3424 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues, locally printed 1863/71: 1 d. carmine, wmk. '1', perf. 12 by J. Walch & Sons of Hobart, a fine unused block of four of excellent colour, some sensible reinforcement and superb large part og. A rare and most attractive multiple Gi = £ 440+.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 380 CHFLosnr. : 3425 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues, locally printed 1863/71: 4 d. blue, perforated 12 x 12 by J. Walch & Sons under Contract, a fine example used on 1870 cover tied by 'Hobart Town / Tasmania' duplex (July 22) in black. Reverse with framed 'Pre-Paid' datestamp (July 23) in red. A fresh and fine cover.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 3426 Tasmanien
1865/71: 1 s. vermilion, perf. 12, a fine unused example of good colour, well centred, large part og. Scarce so fine. Gi = £ 450.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 120 CHFLosnr. : 3427 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues, locally printed 1863/71: 1 d. deep carmine, wmk. '1', perforated by J. Walch & Sons of Hobart, an unused block of four, upper pair perforated 12 x 12 x 10 x 12 compound, lower pair perf. 12 all round, of fresh colour with minor double impression and fine, large part og. An extraordinarily rare multiple. Cert BPA (1983) Gi = £ 6'000+.Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : 4.800 CHFLosnr. : 3428 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issues, locally printed 1863/71: 4 d. blue, wmk. '4', imperforate at top and at base x oblique roulette 11½ vertically, a fine example used on 1866 cover (with complete and lengthy contents) to Brighton, tied by "64" numeral obliterator with corresponding OATLANDS datestamp alongside (April 23) in black. A wonderful and extraordinarily rare cover.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.400 CHFLosnr. : 3429 Tasmanien
1867: Provisional 6d. grey-violet, pin-perf./rouletted 5½-9½ at Longford, used example on 1868 cover to South Yarra, Victoria tied by “54” numeral despatch cds of LONGFORD adjacent (Nov 7). Reverse with Launceston datestamp in red, Melbourne cds in blue (Nov 9) and South Yarra arrival. Slight cover crease well away from the rare adhesive, a fine 'confirming' cover.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 3.200 CHFLosnr. : 3430 Tasmanien
Dieses Los wurde leider wieder zurückgezogen.Losnr. : 3431 Tasmanien
1870: De La Rue Die Proof for 1 d. value in black on glazed white card, inset into card surround, 92 x 60 mm., and covered with mica screen. Fine and very scarce Proof.rnrnProvenanace: Collection A. Ron Butler RDP, Spink, London, 25 July 2007, lot 654.rnAusruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3432 Tasmanien
1870/78: De La Rue Colour Trial Proof for 2 d. green, imperforate on wmk. Crown CC paper, a superb corner block of eight (4 x 2) with Serial Number "42" from upper left corner of the sheet, fresh and fine, mounted in margin only, stamps unmounted og. Scarce and most attractive.rnrnProvenance: Collection A. Ron Butler RDP, Spink, London, 25 July 2007, lot 673.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 3433 Tasmanien
1870/71: 2 d. blue-green, wmk. '2', perf. 12 by J. Walch & Sons of Hobart, six examples in two strips of three used on 1871 cover to Newcastle On Tyne all cancelled by "10" numeral obliterators with 'Torquay' despatch datestamp (May 17) at lower left. Reverse with diamond 'POST OFFICE / LAUNCESTON / Crown' datestamp in red (May 18) and Newcastle arrival cds (July 17) in black. File folds but a scarce and attractive franking.rnrnProvenance: Collection A. Ron Butler RDP, Spink, London, 25 July 2007, lot 957.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 3434 Tasmanien
1870: De La Rue Die Proof for 10 d. value in black on glazed white card, struck with BEFORE HARDENING and dated 'Apr. 1, 1870' at top. Small stain at right otherwise superb and rare.rnrnAusruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 3435 Tasmanien
1870/78: De La Rue Colour Trial Proof for 10 d. value in violet, imperforate on wmk. Crown CC paper, a superb corner marginal block of four, fresh and very fine, superb og.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 110 CHFLosnr. : 3436 Tasmanien
1870/71: 10 d. black, wmk. '10', perf. 12 by J. Walch & Sons of Hobart, a fine unused horizontal strip of four, marginal from base of sheet with 'Postage' watermark, fresh and fine, superb og., also a block of four 10 d. black all overprinted SPECIMEN in black (Type 2), one pair creased otherwise fresh and fine unused, large part og. A fine pairing.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3437 Tasmanien
1870/71: 10 d. black, wmk. '10', a fine unused horizontal strip of six, variety "Imperforate", corner marginal from top left of sheet with Serial Number "44" at top, fourth stamp with Plate Flaw on position 4 on 'T' of TASMANIA, and watermark showing at top 'NEW SOUTH WA(LES)'.rnFresh and very fine multiple with large part og. and five stamps unmounted og. A delightful strip of great scarcity Gi = £ 2'100.rnrnProvenance: Tommy Allen.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.800 CHFLosnr. : 3438 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issue 1871/91: 6 d. deep slate-lilac, wmk. '6', perf. 11½, a fine used block of six (2 x 3), of good colour, all cancelled "97" numeral obliterators of Constitution Hill. A fine and most attractive multiple.rnAusruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 3439 Tasmanien
Chalon Head Issue 1871/91: 1 s. orange-red, wmk. '12', perf. 11½, a fine unused block of six (2 x 3), of good fresh colour, well centred and large part og. A scarce and very fine multiple in choice quality. Cert. RPSL (1991) Gi = £ 1'300+.rnrnProvenance: Dale Forster.rn Professor Enrico Bombierio, Christie's, Melbourne, 28 March, 1999, lot 1109.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 3440 Tasmanien
1871/78: 1 d. vermilion, wmk. TAS, perf. 11½, a fine unused block of four in this rare shade, of excellent definitive colour with large part og., matched with a block of the 1 d. rose for comparison, also fresh and fine with large part og. Scarce pairing Gi = £ 1'100+.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 3441 Tasmanien
1878: De La Rue Die Proof for 2 d. value in black on glazed white card, dated 'July 4 1878' at top in black. Fresh and fine, a scarce Proof.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 3442 Tasmanien
1878: De La Die Proof for 2 d. value (Plate II) in black on glazed white card, struck with BEFORE HARDENING and dated 'July 5, 1878' at top. Manuscript below "and Recutting" in ink. Scarce and very fine.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 3443 Tasmanien
1878: De La Rue Die Proof for 8 d. value in black on glazed white card, dated 'July 4 1878' at top in black. Fresh and fine, a scarce Proof.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 3444 Tasmanien
1878 (Oct 28): De La Rue 8 d. dull purple-brown, wmk. TAS, perf. 14, a fine unused block of six (2 x 3), of excellent fresh colour, all overprinted SPECIMEN in black (Type 2). Minor wrinkles, unmounted og. Rare.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 120 CHFLosnr. : 3445 Tasmanien
1880/91: 3 d. red-brown, wmk. TAS, a fine unused horizontal pair, marginal at left, variety "Imperforate", fresh and fine, large part og. Scarce Gi = £ 450.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 3446 Tasmanien
1880/91: 1 d. dull rosine, wmk. TAS, a fine unused corner block of 30 from upper left corner of the sheet, variety "Imperforate", with Plate Number "3" in top margin, crease in margin at top and across the third horizontal row, otherwise fresh and fine, large part or unmounted og. Extremely rare and attractive, almost certainly the largest multiple of this scarce error now extant Gi 156 variety.
Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 3447 Tasmanien
1891 (Jan 1): ½ d. on 1 d. scarlet, locally surcharged 'Halfpenny' in black, a superb unused complete sheet of 120 subjects in two panes from Plate 3, showing Plate varieties "Broken 'P' and 'Y' in Halfpenny" (Row 5, stamp 1), and "Broken 'P' in Halfpenny" (Row 5, stamp 3). Folded down interpanneau margin, a remarkable surviving sheet, fresh and very fine, superb og. or unmounted og. Gi = £ 1'200+.rnrnProvenance: Collection A. Ron Butler RDP.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 3448 Tasmanien
1891 (May): Provisional 2½ d. on 9 d. deep blue, perf. 11½, surcharged locally in black, a complete sheet of 120 subjects (1st Setting, 1st Printing), fresh and fine unused with Serial Number "50" in top margin and Plate Number "7" at top and at base. Folded between panes down interpanneau margin,probably the sole remaining complete sheet showing the surcharge comprised one setting of 120 subjects, fresh and very fine, large part or unmounted og. Gi = £ 1'400+.rnrnProvenance: Collection A. Ron Butler RDP, Spink, London, 22 Sept 2004, lot 1559.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 480 CHFLosnr. : 3449 Tasmanien
1891 (May): 1891 (May): Provisional 2½ d. on 9 d. pale blue, perf. 12, surcharged locally in black, Second Setting, Third Printing, a complete pane of 60 subjects from left of sheet with Serial Number "50" at top and Plate Number "7" at base, fresh and fine, large part or unmounted og. Scarce and most attractive Gi = £ 300+.rnrnProvenance: Collection A. Ron Butler RDP, Spink, London, 22 Sept 2004, lot 1559.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 3450 Tasmanien
1886 (Jan 6): De La Rue hand-painted Essay for proposed 2 s. 6 d. design, marked 'C' at lower right and dated 'Jan 6th 86' at top, stamp size on thick card, 74 x 92 mm., with the Essay drawn in violet including POSTAGE & REVENUE and the head-plate in this colour, the central oval, TASMANIA and TWO SHILLINGS AND SIX PENCE being picked out in Chinese white with perforations in pencil. See the 'De La Rue Collection' edited by Frank Walton RDP, plate 7906. Rare and beautiful, unique.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3451 Tasmanien
1886 (Jan 6): De La Rue hand-painted Essay for proposed 2 s. 6 d. design, marked 'L' at upper left, stamp size on tracing paper, 39 x 43 mm., with the Essay drawn in violet including the value and head-plate in this colour, the central circle, TASMANIA and POSTAGE & REVENUE being picked out in Chinese white and the perforations in pencil. See the 'De La Rue Collection' edited by Frank Walton RDP, plate 7905. Rare and beautiful, unique.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 3452 Tasmanien
1886 (Jan 6): De La Rue hand-painted Essay for proposed 10 s. design, marked 'G' at upper left, stamp size on tracing paper, 43 X 44 mm., with the Essay drawn in green including the head-plate in this colour, the central circle, TASMANIA and TEN SHILLINGS and POSTAGE & REVENUE being picked out in Chinese white with perforations in pencil. See the 'De La Rue Collection' edited by Frank Walton RDP, plate 7905. Rare and beautiful, unique.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 3453 Tasmanien
1886 (Jan 6): De La Rue hand-painted Essays for proposed 10 s. value, marked 'F' and 'M' at lower right and each dated "Jan 6th, 1886" at top; stamp size on thick cards, with the Essays each drawn in green, pale green and Chinese white with the perforations drawwn around in pencil. See 'The De La Rue Collection' edited by Frank Walton RDP, plate 7906. Beautiful and unique unadopted Essays for the connoisseur.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 3454 Tasmanien
1886 (Jan 6): De La Rue hand-painted Essay for proposed 10 s. design, marked 'I' at upper left and dated 'Jan 6th 86' at top, larger size on thick card, 73 x 92 mm., with the Essay drawn in green including the head plate, TASMANIA, POSTAGE & REVENUE, TEN SHILLINGS and Greek embellishments in inner frame being picked out in Chinese white and the perforations in pencil. See the 'De La Rue Collection' edited by Frank Walton RDP, plate 7907. Rare and beautiful, unique.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 3455 Tasmanien
1886 (Jan 6): De La Rue hand-painted Essay for proposed 10 s. design, marked 'I' at upper left, larger size on tracing paper, 51 x 55 mm., with the Essay drawn in green, TASMANIA, POSTAGE & REVENUE, TEN SHILLINGS and Greek embellishments in inner frame being picked out in Chinese white and the perforations in pencil. See the 'De La Rue Collection' edited by Frank Walton RDP, plate 7905. Rare and beautiful, unique.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 3456 Tasmanien
1891 (May 28): De La Rue hand-painted Essay for the proposed 2½ d. design in carmine-rose on tracing paper, 57 x 73 mm., dated '28 May 91' at top, with TASMANIA and value "2½d." picked out in Chinese white, with De La Rue dummy stamp affixed for the proposed purple colour. Both the design and the colour were accepted. This Essay is illustrated in the 'De La Rue Collection' edited by Frank Walton RDP on plate 7909. A charming and very rare Essay, unique.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 3457 Tasmanien
1891: De La Rue Master Die Proof in black on glazed white card for the 2½ d. value, dated at top '1 Oct 91' and annotated "B" in manuscript. Fresh and fine, illustrated in the 'De La Rue Collection' edited by Frank Walton RDP on plate 7911. Rare.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 250 CHFLosnr. : 3458 Tasmanien
1891: De La Rue Die Proof in black on glazed white card for the 2½ d. value, dated at top '25 Sep 91' and struck with BEFORE / HARDENING at right. Fresh and fine.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 3459 Tasmanien
1891 (May 28): De La Rue hand-painted Essay for the proposed 5 d. design in carmine-rose on tracing paper, 65 x 72 mm., dated '28 May 91' at top, with TASMANIA and value "5d." and border at base picked out in Chinese white, with De La Rue dummy stamp affixed for the proposed dull green colour. The design was accepted but not the colour. This Essay is illustrated in the 'De La Rue Collection' edited by Frank Walton RDP on plate 7909. A charming and very rare Essay, unique.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 3460 Tasmanien
1892: De La Rue Colour imperforate Colour Trial in close to issued colour, printed in deep blue and chestnut red-brown (issued in pale blue & brown), adhered to part album page. Scarce and attractive.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 3461 Tasmanien
1892/99: The bicoloured definitive set of ten values to the £ 1 green & yellow, in blocks of four, of excellent freshness, superb unmounted og. A beautiful set in the foremost qualty Gi = £ 3'000+.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.800 CHFLosnr. : 3462 Tasmanien
1907: 1 s. rose & green, perf. 12½, an unused top marginal block of four, value tablet shifted to left and the block with an additional horizontal row of perforations between stamp and margin, fresh and fine but for one stamp with natural gum fault, large part og.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 3463 Tasmanien
1896: 9 d. plae blue, wmk. TAS, perf. 12, a fresh unused corner block of four with Plate Number "7" at top, matched with top marginal block of four with each stamp overprinted SPECIMEN in black (Type 2), both fresh and fine with large part og.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 3464 Tasmanien
1899/1900: Imperforate Colour Trials on unwatermarked wove paper for ½ d. value in deep green, 1 d. deep carmine, 2 d. deep violet, 4 d. deep orange-buff and 5 d. in bright blue, fresh and fine, one or two with gum remnants. Scarce.rnProvenance: Robson Lowe, July 28, 1981, lot 1368.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 3465 Tasmanien
Pictorial Issue 1899/1912: Mount Wellingron 1 d. value, Imperforate Colour Trials (5), printed in carmine, yellow green, deep blue, myrtle green and pale blue, fresh and very fine. A rare group.rnrnProvenance: Collection J. R. W. Purves, RL, London, 28 July 1981, lot 1369.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 3466 Tasmanien
Pictorial Issue 1899/1900: The complete set of eight values, all in fine unused blocks of four, fresh and very fine superb large part og. A fine and poular set Gi = £ 600.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 3467 Tasmanien
Pictorial Issue 1899/1900: Hobart 2 d. deep violet, two matching blocks of eight (each 4 x 2), each from the lower left corner of the sheet, Plate 1 and Plate 2, fresh and fine, minor splitting on one, large part or unmounted og., also a corner marginal single from Plate 4. A scarce group Gi = £ 275+.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 3468 Tasmanien
1899/1900: Pictorial 2½ d. indigo (2) and single 1892 ½ d. orange & mauve used on registered 1904 cover from the General Hospital, Launceston to London, all three values each perforated "T" and tied by both Launceston (Feb 19) and London datestamps (March 26). A fine and scarce usage.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 3469 Tasmanien
Pictorial Issue 1899/1912: Dilston Falls 6 d. value, engraved working De La Rue Plate Proof, Imperforate in black, a sheet marginal vertical strip of three with centre line '1' in margin at left, affixed to large card, 141 x 175 mm., with five pinholes well away from the Plate Proofs. Some age stains but a very rare and most unusual Proof.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 3470 Tasmanien
Pictorial Issue 1905/12: 2 d. deep purple, a fine unused vertical pair, compound perf. 11 x 12 at right, fresh and very fine with good centering and colour, large part sllightly browned og. Scarce. Cert. RPSV (1989) Gi = £ 700.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 3471 Tasmanien
Pictorial Issue 1905/12: Spring River 3 d. brown, litho from DLR plate, perf. 12½, a fine unused block of twenty four (6 x 4), sheet margins at either side, some splitting but believed to be the largest recorded multiple, fresh and very fine, large part or unmounted og. Scarce Gi = £ 280+.rnrnProvenance: Collection J. R. W. Purves, RL, London, 28 July 1981, lot 1390.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 3472 Tasmanien
Pictorial Issue 1905/12: Russell Falls 4 d. orange-buff, perf. compound 12½ x 11, a superb unused block of four, of good colour and centering, fresh and very fine, large part og. An outstanding and very rare multiple Gi = £ 1'900+.rnrnProvenance: Collection J. R. W. Purves, RL, London, 28 July 1981, lot 1395.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3473 Tasmanien
Pictorial Issue 1905/11: 1 d. rose-red, typo, wmk. Crown over A upright, a fine unused corner pair from lower left of sheet, compound perf. 12 x 11, for the left hand stamp, fresh and fine, large part og. Scarce Gi = £ 200+.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 110 CHFLosnr. : 3474 Tasmanien
Pictorial Issue 1905/12: Dilston Falls 6 d. lake, litho, perf. 12½, the famous block of 37 containing the lower six horizontal rows of six and position 24 above, of excellent colour and centering, full margins all round and superb large part or unmounted og. Believed to be the largest known multiple. Rare Gi = £ 2'960+.rnrnProvenance: Collection J. R. W. Purves, RL, London, 28 July 1981, lot 1396.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 3475 Tasmanien
Pictorial Issue 1905/11: 2 d. plum, a fine unused corner marginal block of thirty (6 x5) being the lower half of the sheet, compound perf. 11 x 12½, fresh and very fine, annotated in pencil in margins, full unmounted og., a very rare large multiple Gi = £ 1'250+.rnrnAusruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 350 CHFLosnr. : 3476 Tasmanien
Pictorial Issue 1905/11: Dilston Falls 6 d. carmine-lake, typo, wmk. Crown over A sideways, a fine unused block of four, compound perf. 11 x 12½, fresh and very fine, superb og. A very scarce block Gi = £ 900+.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 250 CHFLosnr. : 3477 Tasmanien
Sideface Issue 1906/09: 9 d. blue, a fine unused example, corner marginal from the lower right corner of the sheet, compound perf. 11 x 12, superb and fresh, large part og. A rare stamp Gi = £ 500.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 3478 Tasmanien
1906/09: 1 s. rose & green, a fine unused block of four, wmk. inverted, the right hand vertical pair with compound perf. 12½ x 12, fresh and most attractive, superb og. with lower pair unmounted og. Gi = £ 500+.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 3479 Tasmanien
1906/09: 10 s. mauve & brown, a fine unused example, compound perf. 12½ x 12, fresh and very fine, large part og. A superb example of a very elusive stamp Gi = £ 800.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 3480 Tasmanien
Pictorial Issue 1911 (Jan): 2 d. bright violet, a fine unused vertical marginal pair, compound perf. 11 x 12½, with 'JBC' monogram, fresh and very fine, unmounted og. Scarce Gi = £ 260+.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 3481 Tasmanien
Pictorial Issue 1912 (Dec): Spring River 3 d. brown, a fine unused corner marginal block of twenty eight (6 x 4 plus positions 27-30), being most of the top half of the sheet, perf. 12½, largely fresh and fine, some perfs. strengthened by hinges but majority fine large part or unmounted white og., a rare large multiple Gi = £ 1'950+.rnrnAusruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 3482 Tasmanien
Postal Fiscals 1877: De La Rue Die Proof for 'Duck-billed Platypus' vignette only in black, dated 'May 18, 1877' at top in black. Rare and fine.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 3483 Tasmanien
Postal Fiscals 1900 (Nov 15): 2 s. 6 d. lake, perf. 12, overprinted REVENUE in black with left hand stamp showing variety REVFNUE, a fine unused pair, slight age spot on reverse of large part og. Very rare Gi = £ 1'300.rnrnProvenance: Christie's, Melbourne, 10 May 1991, lot 387.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 3484 Tasmanien
Postal Fiscals 1900 (Nov 15): 2 s. 6 d. lake, perf. 12, overprinted REVENUE in black, variety "Overprint Inverted", fresh and fine example of this rarity with large part og. Exceeptional Gi = £ 1'600.rnrnProvenance: Christie's, Melbourne, 10 May 1991, lot 388.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 3485 Tasmanien
Postal Fiscals 1900 (Nov 15): 10 s. salmon, overprinted REVENUE in black, a fine used marginal example, cancelled to order eleven days after issue and four days before Fiscal usages were invalidated for postage with 'Hobart' cds (Nov 26, 1900) in black. A fine and scarce stamp Gi = £ 750.rnrnProvenance: Rod Perry auction, 30 May 1991, lot 468.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 3486 Tasmanien
Postal Fiscals 1900: Duck-billed Platypus 1 d. blue overprinted REVENUE in black, a fine horizontal strip of three, marginal from right of sheet with Serial Number "8" in margin, variety "Imperforate Vertcally Between" applying to both the stamps and the margin, fresh and very fine, superb large part og. A rare and particularly lovely strip. Cert. Brandon (1998) Gi = £ 1'100+.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 290 CHFLosnr. : 3487 Tasmanien
Postal Fiscals 1900: Duck-billed Platypus 1 d. blue overprinted REVENUE in black, variety "Revenue Overprint Inverted" on each, fresh and fine, large part og. Scarce Gi = £ 400+.rnrnProvenance: Rod Perry auction, 30 April 1991, lot 469.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 3488 Tasmanien
Postal Fiscals 1900: Duck-billed Platypus 6 d. mauve overprinted REVENUE in black, a fine unused block of four with Serial Number "8" in sheet margin at left, fresh and fine delicate colour, superb typically cracked unmounted og. Scarce multiple Gi = £ 480+.rnrnProvenance: Collection A. Ron Butler RDP, Spink, London, 22 Sept 2004, lot 1622.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 3489 Tasmanien
1855/67: Collection on leaves with 1854/55 Plate Proofs (7) for 1 d. in red-brown (5 incl. two pairs), 6 d and 1 s. in black; 1936 Perkins Bacon engine turning sample in green, the 1936 reprint; 1855 2 d. Plate Proof block of nine from top of sheet and 4 d. blue on a cover; 1857/69 2 d. green unused and used single examples and an unused block of four, 4 d. blue (shades) with a range of used examples (28, incl., a strip of three); 1858 1 s. vermilion used (4); 1860 6 d. grey-mauve (shades) with eight fine used examples. Generally fine, an interesting group.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 4.200 CHFLosnr. : 3490 Tasmanien
1864/91: Chalon Head collection of perforated issues with 1864 perf. 10 1 d. red (shades) perf. 10 unused (4), 2 d. green unused and used, 4 d. blue unused (2), 6 d. unused both shades, 1 s. vermilion unused (2), 1865/71 perf. 12 1 d. (shades) unused (two pairs), 4 d. pair unused, 6 d. mauve unused (4), 1 s. vermilion unused (2), perf 12½ 1 d. unused (2), 2 d. green (shades) with five unused examples, 6 d. unused (3), 1 s. unused; 1871/91 with 6 d. unused pair and covers (3). A generally fine group with some very rare stamps noted (51 items).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 4.200 CHFLosnr. : 3491 Tasmanien
1870/91: 'Sideface' Collection with cut down Die Proof in black on glazed for 2 d. value, 1870 10 d. black unused (2) and a block of four unused, 1871/78 perf. 11½ with good range unused and used incl. 1 d. strip with serial '41' in margin, 4 d. strip with '43' in margin, 9 d. blue unused block of four, 5 s. mauve unused (signed A. Diena); 1878 1 d. in an unused block of 30, 8 d. purple-brown unused (10) with block of four, 1880/91 with ½ d. and 1 d. in large blocks, 1 d. dull rosine in block of six with 'Wedge' flaw, 4 d. yellow unused (7) and a block of four 4 d. buff, perf. 12 3 d. red-brown imperf. (4), unused (14) and Line Through 'Three and PE' variety, 1891 ½ d. orange unused block of four and imperf. pair, 4 d. block of four etc. A fine and appealing selection.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 3492 Tasmanien
1899/1911: Pictorial Issue, the predominantly unused specialised collection with 1899/1900 original issue unused, 1899 1 d. in Plate Number 1, 2, 3, in corner blocks of six, Plate 4 in corner block of four, Plate 7 and 8 in corner pairs; 1900 4 d. in block of four and left marginal strip of six; 6 d. lake in a "Specimen" vertical pair; 1902 1 d. with watermark varieties and an unused block of 15; 1905 2 d., 4 d. and 6 d. with perf. varieties, 1905/11 ½ d. perf. 11 x 12½ compound perf. block of four, many further multiples from this issue with various wmk. and compound perf. varieties, 1911 2 d. bright violet in a compound perf. corner block of six, the majority very fine to superb throughout; also a few sideface issues including 1906/13 9 d. blue with perf. compound 12½ x 12 unused (cert. RPSL), 1906 10 s. mauve & brown unused etc. A delightful lot (150+ items with 30 blocks of four or larger).Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 4.000 CHFLosnr. : 3493 Victoria
1851: Entire letter to Geelong with framed PAID AT / MELBOURNE in red and manuscript '2' (pence) in crayon, reverse with 'Melbourne / Crown / Port Phillip' datestamp (May 17) and 'Geelong / Crown / Port Phillip' arrival of the same day in black. Closed hole on face panel and minor flap tear but fresh and fine.rnrnProvenance: Collection J. R. W. Purves, Sale III, RL, Zurich, 13 May 1981, lot 533.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3494 Victoria
1854: Cover to Melbourne struck on despatch with superb framed "PAID AT / AVOCA" in black and rated '6' (pence) in red manuscript alongside superb strike of "14" Swan Hill Butterfly handstamp struck in red. Reverse with 'Avoca / Crown / Victoria' datestamp (Nov 13) and Melbourne arrival datestamp of the same type (Nov 18) both in black. A charming and scarce cover.rnrnProvenance: Collection J. R. W. Purves, Sale III, RL, Zurich, 13 May 1981, lot 658.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 3495 Victoria
Lithographed by Thomas Ham 1850 (Jan 5): Half-Length 2 d. lilac-mauve, Stone A, a fine four margined example used on February 1850 cover from Melbourne to Sydney Road, tied by "1" Butterfly handstamp of Melbourne in blue. Reverse with 'Melbourne / Crown / Port Phillip' datestamp (Feb 4) in black. The cover with vertical creases well away from the fine adhesive. Rare.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 3.800 CHFLosnr. : 3496 Victoria
Lithographed by Thomas Ham 1850 (Jan 5): Half-Length 2 d. deep brown-lilac, Stone B, a used example with four good to large margins all round, of rich colour, neatly cancelled by "1" Butterfly handstamp of Melbourne in blue. A rare stamp so fine Gi = £ 500.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 3497 Victoria
Lithographed by Thomas Ham 1850 (Jan 5): Half-Length 3 d. blue, 2nd. printing, a magnificent used example, marginal from upper right corner of the sheet, lightly cancelled by Butterfly handstamp in black. Exceptional and rare so fine. Signed Holcombe Gi = £ 450.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 3498 Victoria
Lithographed by Thomas Ham 1850 (Feb): Half-Length 1 d. red-brown, 2nd. printing, a delightful used horizontal pair, corner marginal from upper right of sheet, imperceptibly touched at lower left, each neatly cancelled by "15" Butterfly handstamp of Geelong. Exceptionally aattractive and scarce multiple. Cert. RPSV (1995) Gi = £ 900+.rnrnProvenance: Collection John Barwis, Spink, London, 23 Oct 2012, lot 550.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 3.400 CHFLosnr. : 3499 Victoria
Lithographed by Thomas Ham 1850 (Feb): Half-Length 1 d. red-brown, 2nd. printing, a used example sharing small piece with May 1850 2 d. lilac horizontal pair, 4th State, position 7-8, lightly cancelled by Butterfly handstamps in black. Minor imperfections but a scarce piece Gi = £ 1'100+.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 3500 Victoria
Lithographed by Thomas Ham 1850 (Jan): Half-Length 2 d. grey-lilac, Second State, position 2, a fine used example with four clear to large margins, of good strong colour, well cancelled by "30" Butterfly handstamp of Warnambool in blue Gi = £ 200.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHF
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