Sammlungen/Posten Europa
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Losnr. : 1701 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
Losnr. : 1702 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1850/1950: Dublettenposten mit einigen Hundert Marken gest./ungest., dabei Bogenteile Dt. Besetzung nach dem 2. WK mit Gemeinschaftsausgaben, BI-Zone und Sowj. Zone, im Weiteren kl. Werte und Serien aus den Ostgebieten mit Russland, Italien, Österreich und anderes mehr, in fünf Alben und Heften, sowie Lose in Plastikmappen.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 170 CHFLosnr. : 1703 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1900/90: Lot some hundred mainly used duplicates from Italy as well as several hundred modern FDC's from Germany (BRD) and Vatican, housed in total ten albums and stockbooks and the whole arranged in a Banana box.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1704 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1980/90: Small selection some hundred European coins, mainly modern incl. Euros, in addition a bunch of covers with integrated coins (numismatic letters), various metals incl. silver, mainly in good condition and housed in six albums, in a Banana box.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 1705 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1862/1970c.: Collection thousands stamps used/unused incl. Romania from 1862 United Principalities, Cuza, Prince Carol and later definitive issues, commemorative issues such as 1906 Bucharest exposition, souvenir sheets such as 1932 EFIRO, 1959 Vlad Tepes, later commemorative issues aloso in imperf. condition, Bulgaria from 1879 Santime definitives incl. 1884 postage due, Poland, Turkey from Crescent definitives, in addition hundreds French documents with revenue stamps.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 1706 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1874/1998: Sweden 1874 Parcel Post 6 ö. violet unused, Ringtyp unused set of seven 4 ö. - 1 kr. brown & blue, perf. 13 (Facit = 5'300 Skr.) and 1910 2 ö. yellow-orange in a complete unmounted og. sheet of 100 (Facit = 4'500 Skr.), Liechtenstein 1921 definitive set of seven unused, Monaco 1891 Albert I with 10 c., 15 c., 25 c. with two 5 fr. carmine on green unused, France with a volume of used from 1852 and more modern mini sheets unused.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1707 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1850/1950: Zwei Schaubek-Alben Europa-Ausgabe mit einigen Hundert vorab gest. Marken, dabei Alt-Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz und viele andere Länder, die Qualität ist sehr gemischt, dazu ein Album mit einigen Hundert Marken ganze Welt mit Firmenlochungen.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 1708 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1900/80:Lot several hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, mainly duplicats incl. full sets. from Austria, Berlin, Liechtenstein and Switzerland, partly still valid for postage, good condition and nicely arranged in seven stockbooks, in addition one album containing modern Balloon mail from Austria, the whole packed in a box.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 1709 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1900/70: Lot several hundred stamps used unused from various countries in Eastern Europe such as from Bosnia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia and others, incl. some better sets and values, plenty of souvenir sheets, few cards and covers, duplicates etc., mainly in good condition and housed in total seven albums and stockbooks.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 1710 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1945/90ca.: Lot thousands stamps used/unused incl. collections of Luxemburg from Willem, Austria, Portugal with cancellation interest and Colonies, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Liechtenstein, old German States, Spain, and CEPT, in addition hundreds of covers primarily from Germany.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.050 CHFLosnr. : 1711 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1956/90: CEPT issues, large selection with several hundred stamps in mint condition as well as all the related FDC's, housed in total 12 albums and in closed glassines from monthly suppilies by a stamp dealer, all arranged in two Banana boxes.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1712 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1862/1930ca: Interesting variety lot 450 stamps used/unused with better single values showing miss-perforations, offset, inverted or shifted centers, double overprints and many more, from Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria over Germany, Greece, Finland, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Sweden, Turkey and Ukraine. Ideal for internet retail.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1713 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1880/1980c.: Enormous hoard thousands stamps, vignettes, revenue used/unused with a lot of forgeries and bogus issues, clearly stated as such, also some colour xerox included for documentation, incl. Imperial Russia 1914 charity issue proofs, currency stamps, revolutionary overprints, also on cover, stationery, Russia in Crete, Civil War issue with Wrangel, Northern Army, North Western Army, Kolchak, Far East Republic, Amur, Denikin, Crimea, Turkestan, non-postal labels, vignettes and currency stamps, war charity and patriotic vignettes, Odessa Red Cross envelopes, bank bonds, revenue, court fee stamps and comparable items, passports, RSFSR revenue, philatelic exchange control stamps, Berlin consular mail, Georgia with covers, Armenia, independent ovpt. issues, definitives, exile issues and revenue, Azerbaijan with 1919 National Republic set cover to the British High Commissioner in Baku, revenue, Latvia with independent issues, Civil War issues, LSSR issue, 1941 German occupation, exile issues, Lietuva with vignettes and revenue, German occupation, Estonia under Russian rule, Tallinn local issue, independent issues, German occupation, revenue, Romania with definitive and commemorative issues, Romanian occupation of Odessa, Transnistria, Batum British Occupation with ovpts on Imperial definitives, revenue, Poland with 1860 10 k. blue & rose cancelled DP, WWI local issues, 1920 ODESA optd., Polish occupation in Ukraine, Finland stationery, town post, shipmail labels, revenue, Aunus, Ingrelia, North Ingria, Anti-Soviet troops, WWII Voluntary Forces fighting Bolshevism issues with French Icebear souvenir sheet, Dutch miniature sheets, Denmark Feldpost trials, Independent Ukraine with Trident ovpt from all districts, West Ukraine, German WWII occupation with local issues Sarny, Alexanderstadt and Gorochov, exile issues, Regensburg Displaced Persons camp, Tannu Touva from 1921 incl. one cover to New York, Mongolia from 1924, Bhutan, Leniniana, post-Soviet local ovpt. definitives, Israel fore-runners and Jewish diaspora issues incl. Petah Tikwa, Malta S.M.O.M. sheet, Jaipur court fee documents. All mounted on album leaves and described carefully and with knowledge, a very diverse and interesting lot in a big box, has to be studied carefully to be appreciated.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 16.000 CHFLosnr. : 1714 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1726/1907: Lot 80 alte Dokumente, Schriftstücke, dabei amtl. Schriften aus dem 18. Jh.von Frankreich, datiertes Schriftstück von 'Louis par la grace de Dieu Roy de france' (1769) von Louis XV, Dokumente aus dem Kanton Genf wie Briefkopf der 'Commission Liquidatrice' aus der Zeit der Helvetik (5.9.1794) und vieles mehr.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 1716 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
Balkans cover/cards collection (24) with Crete postcards and 1906 registered cover franked by 20 l. and 25 l. to Italy, 1932 up-rated postal stationery cards from Samos, 1935 airmail up-rated stationery card from Switzerland to Rhodes, Bulgaria covers/cards from 1896, Romania with 1901 up-rated stationery usage etc.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1717 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1880/1960c.: Lot 38 covers/stationery from Russsia incl. registration, Odessa killer datestamp, censorship, Soviet commemorative issues, picture postcards, value letters, railway mail, in addition 18 covers from independent Latvia.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 1718 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1850/1950: Lot several hundred cards and covers, mainly daily mail adressed to a company in Zurcih, mostly ordinary frankings by small values from Austria (incl. some early covers of 1850), Belgium, CSSR, France, Italy, Poland and many more, inbetween also a bunch of overseas countries can be found, housed in three small boxes and in two albums, the whole arranged in a large removal box.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHF
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