Europa & Übersee
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Losnr. : 3997 Grossbritannien
1882/1901: IR Official 10 s. ultramarine on white paper, wnk. Anchor, lettered EG, an unused example of good colour and centering, overprinted SPECIMEN (Type 11) in black, trace of thin from previous hinge at top otherwise fresh and fine with large part og. A fine and scarce stamp. Cert. BPA (2017) Gi Spec L8(4)s = £ 2'500.rnAusruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 3998 Grossbritannien
1882/1901: IR Official £ 1 brown-lilac, wnk. Orbs, lettered BC, an unused example of good colour and centering, overprinted SPECIMEN (Type 11) in black, minor perf. creasing at base of no great significance, large part og. A fine and scarce stamp. Cert. BPA (2017) Gi Spec L10s = £ 9'250.rnAusruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.400 CHFLosnr. : 3999 Grossbritannien
1882/1901: IR Official £ 1 brown-lilac, wmk. Orbs, lettered R-D, a superb used example of excellent centering and colour, cancelled by two strikes of Telegraphic '346' oval handstamps in black. A delightful usage, exceptional and very rare. Cert. PESA/APS (1985), BPA (2008) Gi = £ 40'000.rnrnProvenance: Harmers, London, 19-20 Feb 1940, lot 223.rnrnNote: The Karl Louis register records just 13 used examples of this rarity, three (lettered MD, OD, RD) show the '346' oval handstamp of which this stamp is the finest.Ausruf : 15.000 CHFZuschlag : 23.000 CHFLosnr. : 4000 Grossbritannien
1882/1901: IR Official £ 1 green, lettered KB, a used example of delightful appearance but for slight spot at left, of fresh bright colour, neatly cancelled by single ring 'Sunderland' cds (18.12.95) in black. Scarce and appealing stamp. Cert. BPA (2017) Gi = £ 2'500.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 4001 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 4002 Grossbritannien
1902 (April 29): IR Official 5 s. carmine, a well centred used example of good colour, merest greying of perforations at top otherwise superb, cancelled by hooded 'Registered / London EC' datestamp (May 19, 1904) in black, approximately half of the few recorded used examples bear the London hooded datestamp. A fine and rare stamp. Cert. BPA (1972) Gi = £ 11'000.rnrnProvenance: Robson Lowe, London, 23 Jan 1952, lot 577.rn Robson Lowe, London, 17 March 1955, lot 1104.rn Corinphila sale 43, Feb 1956, lot 2363.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 6.000 CHFLosnr. : 4003 Grossbritannien
1902: IR Official £ 1 blue-green, an exceptionally fine used example of good colour, cancelled by 'Aberdeen' cds (Oct 6, 1902), the characteristic obliteration of this stamp (approximately 90% of the genuine recorded examples show this cancellation). Fresh and fine, a superb example of theis extremely rare stamp in excellent quality. Signed J. E. Lea. Cert. RPS (1979) Gi = £ 25'000.rnrnProvenance: Phillips, London, 23 Oct 1986, lot 347.Ausruf : 5.000 CHFZuschlag : 13.000 CHFLosnr. : 4004 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 4005 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 4006 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 4007 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 4008 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 4009 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 4010 Grossbritannien
1902/04: 'Board of Education' 2½ d. ultramarine, a fine example used on printed 1902 cover from the Board to Munich, Germany tied by London duplex (Oct 15) in black. Munich arrival datestamp on reverse. Slight creasing to the envelope away from adhesive but an extremely rare stamp on letter Gi = £ 450 off cover.rnAusruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 4011 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 4012 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 4013 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 4014 Grossbritannien
1882/1902: Lot 45 used official stamps from various Governmental departments as' I.R. Official' (10), 'Govt. Parcels' (16), 'Army Official' (7), 'O.W. Official' (6), Admiralty Official (6) and 'Board of Education' (1), in addition a few postage dues, on album pages owner's cat = £ 5'411.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 4015 Grossbritannien
1840/1975c.: Used collection with 1840 1 d. black and 2 d. deep blue, both fine, 1841 2 d. blue on entire, 1847/54 Embossed issue with fine set of three values and 10 d. and 1 s. on individual single franking covers, Surface Printed with fine range incl. 1867/83 5 s. rose pl. 2 and wmk. Anchor 5 s. rose pl. 4, superb but reperforated 1880 2 s. brown, 1883/84 lilac and green set, 10 s. ultramarine and £ 1 brown-lilac (2, both wmks.), 1890 £ 1 green and useful Officials; Edward VII with fine £ 1 blue-green, George V incl. Seahorses to 10 s. (4), Multiple Cypher wmk, ½ d. and 1 d. (cert.), 1929 £ 1 black etc. A fine volume.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 5.000 CHFLosnr. : 4016 Grossbritannien
1840/2000c.: Varied collection with 1840 1 d. black used (5 incl. a pair), 1841 1 d. reds used (230 in attempted reconstruction), complete (but for one stamp) re-plating of 240 of the 1880/81 1 d. Venetian red (Gi = £ 3'500+), 1883 5 s. rose fine used, 1913 Seahorse £ 1 green used, range of George VI high values used, 1948 RSJ £ 1 mint (4), later with much face value and numerous miniature sheets; also an underpaid 1858 cover to Lausanne bearing two 1856 4 d. struck 'Insufficiently / Prepaid' in red and further Victorian covers to Switzerland.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 4017 Grossbritannien
1841: 1 d. red-brown, the selection of used examples (21) and 1841 2 d. used (4) with usages on covers (5) the latter including one entire from Brecon franked by four 1 d.; the individual stamps being choice examples with 1 d. pair cancelled by "1" in Maltese Cross, single examples with 2, 5 and 6 numbers in cross, single 1 d. cancelled in blue, horizontal strip of three with marginal imprint, 2 d. blue with two singles and pair with one single showing fine "1" in Maltese Cross. A generally fine and scarce selection Gi = £ 1'800+.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 4018 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 4019 Grossbritannien
1945/93: Collection several hundred stamps in mint condition covering the issues after WW 2, incl. some better sets, souvenir sheets, regional issues, postage dues and booklets, in addition a collection of Channel Islands with Alderney, Guernsey and Jersey, all together housed in four Leuchtturm albums.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 4020 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 4021 Grossbritannien
1854/55: Lot containing documents related to the Crimean War incl. lengthy documentation of daily reports or orders between September 1854 and May 1855 in Italian language, detailed descriptions of the theatre of war with the Battle of Alma, Battle of Inkerman with map, the siege of Sevastopol with map, presumably from a Sardinian officer, other documents from the Sardinian army, in addition letter contents sent from the Crimea and Varna to Great Britain.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 4022 Grossbritannien
1857/62: Covers (2) to Constantinople, earlier 1857 mourning envelope sent stampless, prepaid at 9 d. rate witth red 'British Post Office / Constantinople' cds; 1862 cover with 1858 1 d. red, 1856 6 d. lilac and 1 s. pale green used from London endorsed 'via Ostende & Kustendje' with Aachen transit in red, thence via Vienna and Kustendje with Austrian P.O. in Constantinople arrival cds in blue.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 4023 Grossbritannien
1858/1940: Group of covers (8) with registered 1858 cover from London to Macclesfield at 8 d. rate, 1877 ½ d. green Newspaper wrapper up-rated with bantam 1870 ½ d. and used to Sweden, 1860 cover with 1 d. star with circular 'More To Pay' and charged '2' in black, together with four covers all with Seahorse frankings including registered cover to Sweden at 2/10½ d. rate, 1930's covers to Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay at 8s., 3/6d. and 12 shilling rates respectively. A few imperfections but a scarce group.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 4024 Grossbritannien
Great Britain Aden India 1872/1906: Lot 17 covers from Great Britain to India or the return journey, all sent via Aden Sea Post Office, incl. 1872/75 combinations of 1 sh. green and the oval Aden S.P.O. datestamp type 2 (7) or type 3 (1), all sent via Brindisi, 1872 cover with 9d. olive from Guernsey via Southamptonwith type 2, India 1872 covers 8 a. carmine Bombay to Glasgow, and two British India stationery postcards 1888 to Sweden and France with type 4 S.P.O. datestamps. A nice selection with overall fine strikes.rnProvenance: Collection Peter Bottrill with his notes.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 4025 Grossbritannien
Ephemera 1690/1940c.: Lot 40 documents from Great Britain & Commonwealth, incl. 1690 'The London Gazette', 1817 batismal certificate, 1859 'Cambrian' ship's paper with Jamaica revenues, 1870s British passports, 1872 Jamaica exchange, 1873 Bank of Bengal document, 1878 Malta Lazaretto document, 1891 P&O shipping papers from Calcutta with 4 a. revenue, 1905 Trinidad exchange with revenue, 1919 passport of Walter W. Storr (1848-1934) and other certs. and travel permits related to his journeys in the Levant, 1933 Cyprus telegraph form, and 1939 Iraq Airmail labels. An interesting selection to be studied.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 4026 Grossbritannien
Literature: The London Philatelist, issued by Royal Philatelic Society, a fine run starting in 1892 - 1896, 1898 - 1910, 1912 - 1914, 1916 - 1922 (1917 twice) und 1924 - 1938. The legendary journal of the Royal, hardbound in 44 volumes in brown half-leather with golden spine impression, later years in red canvas. A rare possibility to acquire this source in such an integrity, in very good shape.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 4027 Grossbritannien
Channel Islands 1794 (April 28): Entire letter from the De Havilland correspondence from Guernsey via London Forwarding Agents Perchard & Brock to Madras (and then forwarded to Trichinopoly), struck on despatch with superb curved GUERNSEY in black and rated at 1/2d. in manuscript with circular London datestamp (May 2) on reverse in black alongside "30 Dec" arrival handstamp in black. Some edge wear to fragile entire but a rare and fine entire that displays well.rnrnNote: The addressee, Thomas Fiott de Havilland, took part in the Siege of Pondichery in 1793 and the expedition to capture Colombo in 1796.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 4028 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 4029 Grossbritannien
Channel Islands 1785/1987.: Cover/cards (40) with 1785 entire from Guernsey to Nantes struck with S. MALO handstamp in black, 1846 entire from Jersey to Cognac via St. Malo, 1866 cover with GB 1 d. reds (4) to St. Malo tied by 3734 gros chiffres on arrival, 1872/78 group of entires from Paris to Guernsey at 25, 30 and 60 c. rates, 1880 cover with GB 2½ d. blue, pl. 18 tied by red cds in transit from Jersey, 1906 and 1916 postcards with France 5 c. or 10 c. used from Iles Chausey, 1914 card to Jersey with Postage Due 1 d. tied 'St. Mary's', WWII covers incoming from France to Jersey etc. Condition varies but much of interest.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 4030 Grossbritannien
British Levant 1889: Cover to Merton, Surrey franked by 1887/96 40 pa. on 2½ d. purple on blue used with 'Expree D'Orient' label in salmon shade tied by bold "S" obliterator of Stamboul. Reverse with 'British Post Office / Constantinople' cds (April 29). Trimmed and heavy crease with split but scarce and would make a good piece. Cert. RPSL (1974).Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 4031 Aden
1907: Registered Baggage tag endorsed 'Insured for 1050 Rupees' mailed to Bombay, franked on reverse with India 1902 1 a. carmine, 12 a. purple on red and 1 r. green & carmine all tied ADEN CAMP datestamps (Nov 16) in black. 'Aden Camp' registration handstamp on front. The tag with some creasing but rare and most unusual.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 4032 Aden
1895/1953: Group of 18 covers/cards incl. India 1 a. stationery card used to Jerusalem, 1907 India ½ a. on cover tied 'Aden Camp' cds and used to Muscat with arrival, 1908 card with 'Sea Post Office / Bombay - Aden' cds, 1916 cover from Djibouti franked by Somali Coast 25 c. blue with superb strike of rare circular PASSED CENSOR / No. AB-105 / ADEN' in violet, 1939/45 censored covers (3), 1947 registered Mukalla cover to USA etc. A most interesting group.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 4033 New South Wales
New South Wales 1864: Entire letter from Sydney to Bombay endorsed per 'Madras', franked by extraordinarily truncated Diadem 1860 6 d. mauve tied by bold 'Sydney / NSW' duplex (Nov 22) in black. Reverse with Bombay arrival cds (Dec 21) in red. A most unusual entire.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 4034 New South Wales
1867: Cover endorsed "On Service" and sent stampless to Australia with 'Cape Town / Cape Colony' cds (Oct 21) in black; readdressed on arrival in Sydney (Dec 18) to Ashfield with 1865 2 d. blue tied by 'Sydney' duplex. The cover affected by acid ink but an unusual usage.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 4035 Südaustralien
South Australia 1865 (April 25): Entire letter endorsed 'via Marseilles' struck with 'Melbourne / Victoria' duplex on despatch, struck with fine Anglo-French accountancy marking 'GB / 1F 62 4/10 c.' in red, carried on P&O Steamers 'Bombay' to Galle, 'Candia' to Suez and thence on the 'Delta' via Alexandria to Brindisi. Nantes arrival on reverse (July 5) where charged with handstruck '9' décimes due.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 4036 Victoria
Victoria 1854: 6 d. dull orange, a fine example used on 1857 cover, closed tear, to England tied by '2' obliterator of Geelong in black. Framed London 'Paid' marking on front (April 6) and '1d.' credit marking in red. Reverse with 'Paid / Crown / Geelong' datestamp (Dec 26), Melbourne transit of the following day and Market Harborough arrival cds.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 4037 Australien
1931: First Flight Melbourne to Rangoon, Burma via Darwin, printed envelope franked by 1929 1 s. blue-green and 5 d. on 4½ d. violet tied by 'Ship Mailroom / Melbourne' cds (April 21) and by framed FIRST AIRMAIL / AUSTRALIA-BURMA cachet in violet. Reverse with Rangoon datestamps (May 2 and May 5) in black. A scarce Flight.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 4038 Australien
Losnr. : 4039 New Guinea
1915: ½ d. green and 1 d. carmine-red (2) used on 1916 cover to Stockholm, Sweden tied by MADANG datestamps (Feb 24) in black. Framed PASSED BY / CENSOR. S.D. in red at base and reverse with return address (Finschhafen) and Stockholm arrival cds (June 3). A scarce cover to an unusual destination.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 4040 New Guinea
1915: ½ d. green and 1 d. carmine-red (2) used on 1915 cover to Stockholm, Sweden endorsed 'Letter to enemy country enclosed', tied by 'Kawieng' cds's (Dec 23). Struck on despatch with circular KAISERLICHES OBERGERICHT / RABAUL in violet with manuscript 'Censored Rabaul 20/12/15' in red ink. Mailed via the GPO in Sydney for further Censorship with Reseal tape at left 'Opened by Censor' in violet. Reverse with Stockholm cds (March 2, 1916) of arrival. A fine and scarce cover to an unusual destination.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 4041 New Guinea
1917: Registered cover endorsed 'enclosed letter for enemy country', franked by 1915 1 d. carmine-red, two singles and a block of four, some colour diffusion, all cancelled by KAWIENG datestamps in violet (Dec 6). Reseal 'Opened by Censor' tape at left in black and reverse with Stockholm arrival cds (Feb 10, 1919), the letter presumably having been held in Sydney during 1918.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 4042 New Guinea
1916: Cover to Stockholm endorsed 'Per S/S Morinda / Australia / England' franked by 1915 2½ d. indigo tied by RABAUL cds (March 24) in black. Reseal 'Opened by Censor' tape at left in violet and reverse with Sydney transit (March 28) and Stockholm arrival cds (May 12). Some minor envelope wear but scarce.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 4043 New Guinea
Losnr. : 4044 New Guinea
1919: Registered cover to Stockholm franked by 1918 6 d. ultramarine and 1 s. emerald tied by RABAUL cds (June 24) with "Deulon" registered label at left (No. 748) handstamped RABAUL in black, reverse with Stockholm arrival cds. Some creasing to envelope away from adhesives, a rare usage.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 4045 New Guinea
Losnr. : 4046 New Guinea
Losnr. : 4047 New Guinea
1931/37: Group on cards with 1931 Airmails (eleven values of 13 but with 10 s. and £ 1), 1931 Raggiana Bird with dates with values complete to 10 s., optd. for Airmail with thirteen values of the 15 with 2 s. - £ 1 values included, redrawn Airmail with eleven values of the 16 with 2 s. - £ 1 values included, 1931 Officials with eight of 11 values but incl. the 5 s., 1932/34 Officials with eleven of the 13 values incl. 5 s., largely fresh and fine with large part og. Gi = £ 800+.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 4048 New Guinea
1919: Covers (3) all to Stockholm, Sweden two franked by 1915 1 d. dull red (3) with one cancelled at Kawieng and the other at Madang in violet (this with 'Letter for enemy Country' at top, together with a further cover to Stockholm franked by single 4 d. orange-yellow. Scarce group.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 4049 Betschuanaland
Losnr. : 4050 Bermuda
1938: USA 3 c. purple postal stationery envelope up-rated with Washington 2 c. red used from Haddonfield, NJ (Aug 28) to St. Georges, Grenada, missent and struck in transit with superb MISSENT TO BERMUDA in red. Reverse with St. George's / Bermuda cds (Aug 312) and Grenada arrival cds (Sept 20). Scarce.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 4051 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 4052 Brunei
Japanese Occupation 1944 (Oct): Re-used British OHMS envelope addressed to Kuching franked by optd. 4 c. orange (2) tied by 'Simunjan' circular datestamp (Proud JD3) in black with Censor chop in violet at left. The adhesives slightly rubbed and cover with vertical bends but very rare.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 4053 Brunei
1906/67: Collection hundreds of stamps unused, incl. 1906 BRUNEI ovpts. on Labuan definitives, 1907 and consecutive years landscape definitives, later definitive and commemoative issues. Gi = £ 1'500+.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 4054 Birma
Losnr. : 4055 Canada
Losnr. : 4056 Canada
Losnr. : 4057 Canada
Losnr. : 4058 Canada
Losnr. : 4059 Neufundland
1857/1947: Collection Newfoundland with 1857 1 d. brown-purple used on piece, 5 d. brown-purple used, 1860 5 d. venetian unused, triangular 3 d. green unused, 1862/64 4 d., 6 d., 6½ d., 8 d. and 1 s. rose-lake unused, 1865/70 set unused and used with some useful duplication, rouletted set used, 1880 set of four unused and used, 1896 re-issues with used range incl. 2 c. green vertical pair with imprint at right, 1897 Discovery set used, 1897 1 c. on 3 c. used, 1897 definitives unused and five used sets, 1910 litho set of 11 used, 1911 Coronation set of 11 unused, 1919 Caribou set unused, 1920 2 c. and 3 c. surcharges incl. a block, 1928 Publicity set of 15 unused and used, 1931 Airmail set unused and used, 1932 set unused and used with useful duplication, 1933 Airmail set used, Annexation set unused and used, 1937 Pictorial Coronation issue in unused blocks, 1939 Postage Dues unused etc., also a useful range of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia with fine 1851 3 d. bright blue. A most attractive collection.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.400 CHFLosnr. : 4060 Canada
1852/1952: Collection with 1852/57 Beaver 3 c. used (4), 1859 issue with 1 c. used (3), 5 c. used (19), 10 c. purple (shades) used (7), 12½ c. green used (7), 17 c. blue used (3); 1864 2 c. used (2), Large Queens with myriad shades incl 1 c. used (16), 2 c. used (10), 3 c. (14), 5 c. (4), 6 c. (5), 12 c. (10) and 15 c. (22); similarly fine range of Small Queens with ½ c. (37), 1 c. yellow (65), 2 c. green (23), 3 c. red (27), 5 c. olive-grey (35), 6 c. brown (25), 10 c. pink (shades) used (15), 1893 20 c. vermilion unused and used (2), 50 c. blue used (10), 1893 8 c. slate (25), 1897 Jubilee issue unused set to $ 1 lake and used with ½ c. used (2), 6 c. brown used (5), 8 c. slate used (2), 10 c. purple used (3), 15 c. used, 20 c. vermilion used (5), 50 c. blue used (3), $ 1 lake used (2) and $ 5 olive-green used; thereafter largely complete used incl. additional values incl. 1908 Tercentenary 10 c. in a used strip of three and 20 c. in a fine used pair etc. A fine volume with much of interest.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 5.500 CHFLosnr. : 4061 Canada
1897/1959: Mint Collection in two small stockbooks with 1897 ½ c. black block of nine, 1898/1902 with 8 c., 20 c. (2), 1898 Maps 2 c. with two shades, 1908 Tercentenary set complete set of eight, 1911/22 definitives set unused, 1915 War Tax set of three, 1922/31 defintive set to $ 1, 1927 Confederation set of five incl. 12 c. block of four, Historical issue in blocks of four, 1928 Bluenose set of eleven to $ 1, 1930/31 set to $ 1 in blocks of four, 1932 definitive set of eight, commemorative and Jubilee issues in blocks, 1935 set of 11, 1942 War Effort set, 1951 Fishermen $ 1 in block of four, Airmails, Special Delivery, Postage Dues etc.; condition generally fine, a highly catalogued collection Gi = £ 3'500+.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.800 CHFLosnr. : 4062 Zypern
Cyprus 1880/1938: Used collection with 1880 opts. on Great Britain ½ d. pl. 15, 1 d. red pl. 201, 4 d. sage pl. 16, 6 d. grey pl. 16 all cancelled Larnaca '942', 1881 wmk. Crown CC set of five, 1882/86 wmk. Ca set of seven, 1894/96 complete with fine 45 pi., 1902/04 set of tn with fine 45 pi., 1904/10 set of twelve complete, 1912715 set of eleven used, 1921/23 set of fifteen to 45 pi., 1923 £ 1 black & purple on red fiscally used, fine 1924 90 pi., 1928 pictorial set to £ 1 complete, 1934 set of eleven complete, 1938/51 set of nineteen complete. A fine collection and except three values complete with many signed items STC Michel € 9'430. Ex The Rheingold Collection.
Ausruf : GebotZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 4063 Ägypten (Königreich)
Losnr. : 4064 Ägypten (Königreich)
Napoleonic Occupation of Egypt 1799 (Oct 7): 'Armée D'Orient' printed document written at Cairo (16 vendémiaire, year 8) headed 'Le Conseil d'administration du 7 Regiment de Hussards' with the Chef de Brigade's signature at base accompanied by five others incl. a Lieutenant and a Captain and complete red wax seal of the 7th Hussar Regiment at left.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 4065 Ägypten (Königreich)
1875: Cover mailed from the Spanish Consul with blue cachet on reverse, addressed to the President of the Audiencia of Palma, Mallorca, carried free of charges within Egypt at double rate ('2' at upper left), struck with POSTE EGIZIANE / CAIRO cds on despatch (Jan 31) in black. Reverse with Alexandria transit, Brindisi cds (Feb 11), Torino cds and 'Palma de Mallorca' arrival cds (Feb 20) where charged '1P. 50' (PESETA / centimos) handstruck in blue. Minor imperfections to envelope but rare. Cert. Todd AIEP (2017).Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 4066 Ägypten (Königreich)
1857 (Oct 6): Consignee's letter to Almeria, Spain with sender's docketing and oval cachet 'Adolfo Patxot / Alexandria' on reverse. The letter carried by Ship's captain and mailed in San Roque (Oct 16) with Spain 1856 4 cu. rose tied by grid obliterator with 'Almeira' arrival cds (Oct 22) on reverse. A scarce and most unusual usage from Egypt.Ausruf : 700 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 4067 Ägypten (Königreich)
1890: Advice of Receipt (AR) bilingual form No. 39, printed in French and Arabic on pink paper and watermarked 'Gouvernement / Star & Crescent / Egyptien', for a registered letter mailed from locally within Alexandria, bearing 1884/1902 1 pi. ultramarine tied by 'Alexandrie' cds (Jan 25) with Alexandria acceptance (Jan 26) cds below. Rare and very fine. Signed Todd AIEP.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 4068 Ägypten (Königreich)
1890: Advice of Receipt (AR) bilingual form No. 39, printed in French and Arabic on pink paper and watermarked 'Gouvernement / Star & Crescent / Egyptien', for a registered letter mailed from Alexandria to Helouan, bearing 1884/1902 1 pi. ultramarine tied by 'Alexandrie' cds (Jan 25) with Helouan acceptance (Jan 27) and Alexandria notification (Jan 28) inside. Rare and very fine. Signed Todd AIEP.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 4069 Ägypten (Königreich)
1799/1800: Small group of documents (8) from the French Occupation of Egypt and the beginning of the invasion of Ottoman Palestine, with rare promissary note stating that the General of Artillery Dommartin had lent 2'000 livres for the protection of El Arish (Sinai) signed and dated at El Arish on 14 Floréal Year 7 (May 3, 1799); undated note signed by Berthier, list of expenses incurred in the Province of Thebes signed at Keneh (Oct 1799) by Eppler, printed letter-sheet signed at base by General Damas mentioning the Battle of Aboukir, and a printed 'Order of the Day' mentioning amongst other items the free ration of Coffee. A scarce and most appealing group.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 4070 Ägypten (Königreich)
Austrian Post Offices 1863/64: Levant 10 s. blue, perf. 9½, a fine vertical pair used on mourning envelope to Jerusalem tied by ALEXANDRIEN cds (31//) in black. Reverse with Austrian P.O. 'Gerusalemme' datestamp of arrival (3/8) in black. A charming and scarce cover.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 4071 Ägypten (Königreich)
1862: Mourning cover mailed to Florence with POSTA EUROPEA / CAIRO despatch (Type IV) in black, transferred to French Post Office and franked for onward transmission with France 1853 10 c. bistre (Type II) in a vertical strip of four and single 40 c. orange (Yvert 13/II+16), all with good to large margins, tied by 'Alexandrie / Egypte' cds (Jan 21). Reverse with Livorno and Florence datestamps (Jan 30). A rare and most attractive combination cover.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 4072 Ägypten (Königreich)
French Post Office 1853: France 10 c. bistre brown in a vertical pair and 40 c. orange in a vertical pair, each with clear to large margins all round, the 40 c. pair with scissor cut in margin only (Yvert 13+16), tied to 1862 entire letter to Marseille by '5080' gros chiffres of Alexandria with despatch cds above (Oct 6) and framed P.P. in black. Carried by British ship and struck on entry with 'Paq. Angl. / Marseille' in red (Oct 13). A fine and attractive entire.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 4073 Ägypten (Königreich)
1862: Cover from Alexandria to Lyon franked by France 1853 10 c. bistre (2) and 40 c. orange (2), margins clear to large (Yvert 13+16) tied on arrival in Marseille with '1896' petit chiffres. Carried by British ship with scarce framed 'MALTA / MB / FE 14 / 62' Mobile Box transit in black with two strikes of 'Paq. Ang. / Marseille' entry markings in red (Feb 17) at left. File fold and the addressee's name re-inked but scarce.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 4074 Ägypten (Königreich)
1866: Egypt 20 pa. blue in a horizontal pair tied by POSTE VICE REALI EGIZIANE / ZAGASIK cds (Nov 17) used in combination with France 1862 20 c. blue pair (Yvert 22) paying the single (under 10 grams in Egypt) rate and tied by gros chiffres '5080' in black. Upon arrival at the French P.O. in Alexandria the cover was struck with framed 'Affranchisement / Insuffisant' in black as found to be above the French 7½ gram single rate. Taxed on arrival in Paris (Nov 27) with manuscript '8' décimes equivalent to double the deficiency. The envelope with faults but a rare underpaid usage and a rare usage of the 20 pa. on a combination cover. Signed Brun, Calves. Cert. Brun (2014).Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : 2.500 CHFLosnr. : 4075 Ägypten (Königreich)
1866: Egypt 1 pi. claret tied by 'retta' in black, used with France 1862 40 c. orange (Yvert 23) tied by smudged '5080' gros chiffres on cover to France with POSTE VICE REALI EGIZIANE / ZAGASIK cds (July 17) and 'Alexandrie / Egypte' cds (July 18) on obverse of cover. Reverse with 'Sully' arrival cds (July 27). Some minor imperfections to envelope but a scarce combination usage. Signed Brun, Calves. Cert. Brun (2014).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 4076 Ägypten (Königreich)
1867: Egypt 1 pi. red tied by scarce REGIE POSTE EGIZIANE / ISMAILIA cds (June 10), used in combination on 1869 cover to Marseille with France 1867 laureated 20 c. blue pair (Yvert 29) tied by '5080' gros chiffres with Alexandrie / Egypte cds below the adhesives (June 11). Reverse with superb strike of REGIE POSTE EGIZIANE / ALESSANDRIA cds of transit. One side flap missing but an attractive and scarce combination cover which opens well for Exhibit display. Signed Brun, Scheller. Cert. Brun (2014).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 4077 Ägypten (Königreich)
1867: Egypt 1 pi. red tied by POSTE VICE REALI EGIZIANE / PORT SAID cds (April 15), used in combination on 1869 entire letter to Marseille with France 1867 laureated 40 c. orange (Yvert 31) tied by '5080' gros chiffres with Alexandrie / Egypte cds at left (April 17). Reverse with Egyptian Alexandria cds of transit and Marseille arrival (April 24). An attractive and scarce combination cover and most unusual from Port Said. Signed Baudot, Brun, Scheller, Todd. Cert. Brun (2014).Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 4078 Ägypten (Königreich)
1868: Entire letter carried at single rate from Alexandria to Marseille with spectacular franking of 1862 1 c. olive on blued in a block of six, single 1863/67 4 c. grey, 10 c. bistre and 20 c. blue (Yvert 19+27+28+29) all tied by bold strikes of '5080' gros chiffres with 'Alexandrie / Egypte' cds (March 9) and framed 'Paquebots / De La / Mediterranée' in red alongside. Moronic previous lot number in black otherwise a wonderful and most probably unique franking from Egypt. Signed Brun, Jamet, Todd. Cert. Brun (2011).Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 4079 Ägypten (Königreich)
1869: Mourning envelope from Alexandria to Aix, franked by single 1863/67 laureated 20 c. blue (Yvert 29) tied by '5080' gros chiffres with 'Alexandrie / Egypte' cds in black below (Sept 17). Underpaid and struck with framed 'Affranchisement / Insuffisant' in black. Carried by British ship with 'Paq. Ang. / Marseille' entry marking in red (Sept 24) and manuscript '4' décimes to pay (double the deficiency). Somewhat soiled but scarce.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 4080 Ägypten (Königreich)
1869: Entire letter from Alexandria to Marseille with extraordinary mixed issue franking of 1853 80 c. carmine imperf., 1862 20 c. and 40 c. orange with pair of 1863/67 laureated 20 c. blue (Yvert 17+22+24+29) all tied by '5080' gros chiffres in black, 'Alexandrie / Egypte' cds (April 29) and framed 'Paquebots / De La / Mediterranée' in red. Framed 'PD' below and reverse with Marseille arrival cds (May 5). A charming and extremely rare four colour mixed issue franking. Signed Scheller.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 4081 Ägypten (Königreich)
1872: Egypt 1 pi. red cancelled by V.R.POSTE EGIZIANE / MANSURA cds in black used with France 1867 30 c. brown pair (Yvert 30) tied by gros chiffres '5080' on 1873 cover to St. Gallen, Switzerland with Alexandrie / Egypte' cds at right (May 6). Reverse with Marseille cds (May 11) and St. Gallen arrival (May 15). A charming and scarce combination cover to an unusual destination. Signed Brun, Scheller. Cert. Brun (2014).Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 4082 Ägypten (Königreich)
1874: Incoming cover from Paris franked by France 1871/75 Cérès25 c. blue, four examples (Yvert 60), tied by Paris Star '20' with corresponding cds at right of despatch (Aug 18) with framed red P.P. adjacent. Egypt 1872 1 pi. applied and tied by POSTE EGIZIANE / ALESSANDRIA cds (Aug 26) for onward transmission to Abou Kourgas, Upper Egypt. Reverse with Paris cds, Alexandria cds's (French & Egyptian) and Cairo transit. Minor imperfections but a scarce incoming combination cover. Signed Brun, Calves, Goebel, Scheller, Todd. Cert. Brun (2014).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 4083 Ägypten (Königreich)
Russian P.O. in Alexandria 1864: Cover from Aleppo, Syria to Marseille endorsed 'voie d'Alexandrie' struck on despatch with fair ROPiT ALEXANDRETTA cds in blue and wonderful strike of fancy framed P.P., both in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 256 and unlisted). Franked by France 1862 10 c. bistre and 40 c. orange (Yvert 21+23) tied by '5080' gros chiffres of Alexandria with cds below (April 27). Marseille entry marking in red also on front and reverse with Marseille (May 6) arrival cds. A rare and extraordinary combination cover. Signed Calves. Cert. Brun (2014).Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.800 CHFLosnr. : 4084 Ägypten (Königreich)
1867: 2 pi. bright blue, a fine used example tied to 1869 entire letter to Jaffa by neat POSTE VICE-REALI EGIZIANE / CAIRO cds (Feb 1) with information strike adjacent and fine italic "Franca" applied on despatch. Reverse with Alexandria transit cds (same day) and Austrian P.O. 'Alexandrien' cds of transit (Feb 11). Fresh and fine, a rare cover to an unusual destination. Signed Holcombe, Todd AIEP.rnrnNote: Carried at domestic postage of 1 piastre + 1 piastre for the 'Port-to-Port' rate. The Egyptian Post Office in Jaffa closed in February 1872.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 4085 Ägypten (Königreich)
1874/75: Bulâq 1 pi. red, perf. 12½ all round, a wonderful foliate marginal block of 20 (10 x 2) from the corner of the sheet, showing nine vertical tête-bêche pairs and one horizontal tête-bêche pair, fresh colour and very fine, some strengthening with hinges, large part or unmounted og. Rare and dramatic large multiple, an Exhibition piece. Signed A. Eid, G. Todd Nile Post D26a+D26b.Ausruf : 5.000 CHFZuschlag : 6.500 CHFLosnr. : 4086 Ägypten (Königreich)
1872: Egypt 1 pi. red used on 1875 cover to Paris tied by V.R.POSTE EGIZIANE / ZEFTA cds (Dec 21), with repeated strike at left and thence via French P.O. in Alexandria (Dec 25). Reverse with Egyptian Alexandria PO cds and Paris arrival in blue (Jan 6, 1876). Taxed on arrival with handstruck '10' décimes charge marking. An uncommon 'partial combination' usage.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 4087 Ägypten (Königreich)
1904: Registered cover from Ghouria to Ispahan, Persia franked by 1881/1902 1 pi. ultramarine (3) all tied by 'Ghouria' cds's (Oct 15) with framed registration cachet at left. Scarce framed SEA P.O. B SET registration cachet applied in transit in violet on front and reverse with Cairo cds and oval Bouchir transit. Small imperfections but scarce.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 4088 Ägypten (Königreich)
1897: Imprinted envelope underpaid with single 1888/1902 1 m. brown on reverse, tied by Cairo cds. The cover with large all arabic circular handstamp on front and framed 'T' marking in black. Reverse with Assouan transit cds (Aug 23), 'Tochka' cds and Challal-Halfa cds. Some minor toning to adhesive but an unusual cover.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 4089 Ägypten (Königreich)
Losnr. : 4090 Ägypten (Königreich)
Losnr. : 4091 Ägypten (Königreich)
1922 (Oct 10): Monarchy 1 m. sepia, Type IIA, a fine unused example, variety "Overprint Inverted", fresh and fine, large part og. Rare, just 34 mint examples of this error were found at the Contintal Hotel Post Office. Signed Todd AIEP Nile Post D78/IIAf = $ 350/Gi = £ 400.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 4092 Ägypten (Königreich)
Losnr. : 4093 Ägypten (Königreich)
1931: Zeppelin 50 m. on 27 m. chestnut, unused examples (4) with two normal examples, another with '1951' for 1931 error of surcharge and fourth example with wide-spaced '5' and '0' in '50' error; all fresh and fine unused, superb og. or unmounted og. Gi = £ 350.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 120 CHFLosnr. : 4094 Ägypten (Königreich)
1931: Zeppelin 50 m. on 27 m. chestnut, a fine unused marginal block of six positions 6-8/11-13 with position 12 showing 'tail to 3 in 1931' which occurs solely on position 12; matched with 100 m. on 27 m. chesnut in an unused marginal block of six, positions 11-13/21-23, with position 12 showing the 'dot' under the arabic '1' in overprint which only occurs once per sheet. A fine matched pair of multiples with unmounted og. Gi = £ 900.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 4095 Ägypten (Königreich)
Emergency Military Airmail 1919: OHMS envelope from GHQ, Alexandria and flown to the Commandant at Abbasia (Barracks), Cairo struck with extremely rare "AERIAL POST / EEF" handstamp (Sub-Type D with 'F' of EEF below 'S' of POST) struck twice (the sole recorded example thus), slightly over-struck by BASE ARMY POST OFFICE / Z datestamp (March 28) with Egyptian Expeditionary Force cachet at left in violet. Reverse with arrival datestamp (March 30). The sole recorded cover with this rare handstamp used twice.Ausruf : 700 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 4096 Ägypten (Königreich)
1927: Great Britain ½ d. green stationery envelope up-rated with Control E26 block of four 1 d. scarlet and 2 d. orange all tied by Gosport cds's (March 5), with red label "Per 1st experimental Air Mail from Cairo". Reverse with KENYA-SUDAN / AIR MAIL cds in red (March 31), 'Kisumu / Kenya' cds (same day) and 'Jinja / Uganda' cds (April 4).Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHF
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