Lot# : 807 France
Lot# : 915 France
Departments Conquis 1801 (Jan 14): Entire letter with printed heading from Tribout, Chef de la 17th Demi-Brigade of Infantry concerning a deserter from the French Armée de Batavie, struck with fine HOLLANDE / TROUPES FOISE handstamp in red. The letter with manuscript 'Ouverte par erreur' on reverse and struck with scarce D93B / ANVERS in red to collect '4' décimes due. Fresh and fine, a scarce usage.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 916 France
Departments Conquis 1813 (Nov 28): Disinfected entire letter splashed against Cholera outbreak, mailed to Lille and struck on despatch with fine 90 / BARCELONE in red, re-addressed on arrival to Avignon and struck with fine DEB 57 / LILLE handstamp in black on reverse. Charged '6' décimes in manuscript due.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 917 France
Lot# : 918 France
1800/1830c.: Collection of Prepaid handstamps of France with Department numbers, from P1P / BOURG struck in red to 1811 entire with P87P / GENES in red, with 61 covers/entire letters, most bearing fine to very fine strikes. Prepaid mail of the Napoleonic and post-war period is considerably scarcer than unpaid. A fine and scarce collection.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 919 France
1674/1835c.: Collection (40 covers) with early letter dated November 1674, showing the development of French cancellations in the pre-stamp period, with 'albino' strikes of 'Caors' on 1732 entire, 'Pons' on 1754 entire, 1780 'Poste aux Chevaux' printed entire, 1808 cover with superb NO. 11 / GRAND ARMÉE handstamp in blue used from Bromberg to Metz, Belgian Department Conquis covers from Ath (in red) and Bruges in black; P93P / BREDA handstamp in red on 1811 entire, 1794 cover with scarce 85 / MONACO handstamp in black, 1826 entire from London forwarded in Calais to Geneva, Deboursé markings from Grenoble (1825) and Toulouse (1813) etc.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 920 France
1731/1870c.: Covers, 200+, majority pre-stamp or stampless, with early entires from 1730's, thereafter with study of Departmental handstamps in black and in red including scarce 54 / NAPOLEON VILLE in black, 1794 entire with LOIS CHARGÉ superb in red, 1796 entire with rare CAMP S PARIS struck in black, 1797 entire with manuscript 'Port Payé jusqu'a Bruxelles', group of covers with Free Franking privilege and fine italic handstamps in black or red, Departments Conquis covers with 129 / OLDENBURG in red and DEB 106 / ASTI in black, 1833 cover with ARMÉE EXPEÉD / D'AFRIQUE in black, 1858 incoming cover from Bucharest, 1860 cover from Belgrade etc., much of the material being of a Postage Due or 'Taxed' nature for possible use in the Exhibit offered here. Careful viewing is recommended.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 921 France
1849: 1 fr. carmine, a superb large margined used example on 1851 entire letter from Lyon to Paris, cancelled by grill in black with Lyon cds (Nov 28) at right and Paris arrival cds (Nov 30) on reverse. Fresh and fine, a scarce and most attractive internal usage. Signed Bühler; Lamy Yvert = EUR 1'600.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 922 France
1853: France 80 c. carmine, used example tied to small piece endorsed 'par Valetta' by 1896 petit chiffres of Marseille and in manuscript, re-addressed on arrival by India 1854 ½ a. deep blue in a horizontal pair tied by bold strikes of B/172 obliterators of SINGAPORE in black. A most unusual piece.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 923 France
1849/53: Imperforate Collection with Cérès 10 c. bistre used (9) including a pair and an 1852 cover with a 10 c. and a pair of 25 c. blue used to Rotterdam, 5 c. green (5) including a local usage within Paris on cover (signed Goebel), 20 c. black (19) with fine example showing '2 Jan 49' cds of second day of issue and usages on covers, 25 c. blue (21) including usages on covers, 40 c. orange (9) and 1 fr. carmine (4) plus a usage on 1850 taxed entire and a pair used with 40 c. on cover to Rotterdam; also a page with unused 5 c., 20 c., 25 c. and 1 fr. reprints in issued colours and a 20 c. in blue; 1852 'Repub' 10 c. used (4), 25 c. used (12) incl. covers and an 1853 cover to London with 1849 1 fr., 1851 10 c. and 25 c. pair (signed Calves); 1853 1 c., 10 c. and 20 c. unused, 1853 1 c. used (9), 5 c. used (15) incl. a single franking cover, 10 c. used (60) incl. covers with fine example cancelled 'Nizza Mara.', 20 c. blue used (200+) including single cancelled MQF, various multiples and a cover bearing a block of four and another with a block of eight, 40 c. orange used (50+) including covers, one with with scarce 'Pointed Obliques' cancel and a registered usage, 80 c. carmine used (40+) incl. usages on cover, 1 fr. used (3). A splendid lot with plate varieties and cancellation interest throughout. Condition obviously varies but viewing is a pleasure.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 8,500 CHFLot# : 924 France
1862: Collection with 1862 5 c. green (3), 10 c. bistre, 20 c. blue, 40 c. orange (3) and 80 c. carmine all overprinted SPECIMEN in black, 1 c. used (19) incl. a wrapper, 5 c. green used (49) incl. a strip of five and usages on covers and fine complete Newspaper to Switzerland, 10 c. bistre used (65+) with a block of four, used abroad with 5090 of Kersasunde in blue and an 1863 cover from Consular Office in Buenos Ayres to New York at 20 c. Printed Matter rate, 20 c. blue used (130+) incl. a block of four, a Yokohama usage and further used abroad, extraordinarily mis-perforated examples on covers, 1863 cover from Expeditionary Force in Italy, 1863 20 c. Military Rate single franking cover to Saigon, cover with 20 c. and 1867 20 c. used to Naples, 40 c. orange used (60+) with covers incl. one cancelled 'Franca / Via Di Mare' in red and another from Alexandria, Egypt; 80 c. carmine used (20+) incl. cover to Spain and a registered cover to Milan. A generally fine collection with varieties and cancellation interest throughout.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 925 France
1863/67: 80 c. carmine used on 1869 cover from Paris to Curacao tied by Paris Star with Rue D'Enghien cds (July 15) alongside. Struck with AFFR. INSUFF / (4) in red and thence via London (June 16) where incorrectly treated as fully paid and the Insufficient handstamp deleted in red crayon. On arrival charged '15' cents due in manuscript with Curacao arrival cds in black (July 20). An unusual cover-80 c. was the correct single rate to Curacao.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 926 France
1863/70: Laureated issue, collection with 1 c. unused (7), 2 c. unused (6), 10 c. unused (2), 20 c. unused (2); 1 c. bronze used (35) incl. 'Affranchisements Composés' cover with a strip of five 1 c. and single 20 c. used on Sept 11, 1871; 2 c. red-brown used (21) incl. a three colour 1868 usage to London on 'L'Illustration Journal Universelle', 4 c. grey used (18) incl. an 1872 cover with 1 c.., 4 c. and three 1871 25 c. to Barcelona; 10 c. bistre used (67) incl. a block of four and covers, 20 c. blue used (90+) incl. 'Sée' underprints (2), used block of four and covers, 30 c. brown used (43) incl. an 1871 cover to Martinique and a rare 1867 cover franked at 50 centimes to Rome - readdressed on arrival to Ischia with Papal States 20 centesemi (signed A. Diena); 40 c. orange used (36) incl. 'Langer' underprint and covers, 80 c. carmine used (45+) incl. registered usages on cover and an 1868 cover bearing 20 c. and 80 c. to Batavia, 5 fr. grey unused optd. SPECIMEN and no less than 15 used examples all with different cancellations incl. Buenos Ayres, Paris / Étranger in blue, Paris Stars # 1, 2, 24 and 34, Yokohama etc. A generally fine collection with varieties and outstanding cancellation interest throughout.Starting bid : 3,500 CHFHammer price : 7,000 CHFLot# : 927 France
Paris Commune 1871: Covers (4) all mailed during the Commune period (Feb 26-May 23, 1871) from Paris, with 1867 20 c. on cover to Dieppe (March 5), defective cover to Stuttgart with two 1867 20 c. blue (March 18) and covers (2) with 1867 30 c. brown to Geneva (March 23 and March 26) one with manuscript 'Authorisé' at base. A scarce group.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 928 France
Paris Commune 1871: Correspondence of entire letters mailed during the Prussian Occupation or from Commune period (Feb 26-May 23, 1871) from Paris to Bourbon-Lancy, all franked at 20 c. rate with Laureated 20 c. or Siège 20 c. blue, with letters dated Feb 4, Feb 11, Feb 27, March 1, March 3, March 6, March 10 and March 13. A scarce and most interesting group.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 929 France
1870/71: Bordeaux Issue, the collection on leaves with 1 c. bronze unused (6) and used (8), 2 c. red-brown Report II unused and used (6), 4 c. grey used (12), Report II 5 c. green unused and used (14), 10 c. bistre used (21) incl. a cover with two examples used a 20 c. to the Netherlands; 20 c. blue Report I, Type 1 used, further 20 c. used (70+) incl. covers (9), 30 c. brown used (7) incl. a cover, 40 c. orange used (14) incl. covers, 80 c. carmine used (10) incl. a cover to the Stourza family in Romania. A generally fine collection.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 4,000 CHFLot# : 930 France
Lot# : 931 France
1871/75: 10 c. brown on rose and 80 c. carmine (five examples) all used on 1876 registered cover from Gare du Nord, Paris to Frankfurt on Main, tied by Paris Star handstamps in black. Weight annotated at 198 grams in manuscript with registration label 'Vom Auslande / über Bahnp. 10 Verviers-Cöln' below. Reverse with five red wax seals and Frankfurt (Jan 21) arrival cds. A fine and scarce high (4 fr. 10 c.) franking.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 932 France
1870/71: Siège 40 c. orange and 1871/75 Cérès 80 c. carmine (2) used on 1873 entire letter from Paris to Santiago, Chile, endorsed with private handstamp 'Voie de Bordeaux et Magellan' in blue. Struck on arrival with fine '25' centavos charge marking in red.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 933 France
1871 & 1874: Covers (2) from Boulogne to Aden, earlier cover franked by Siège 40 c. orange pair and 1871/75 25 c. blue pair with Aden Steamer Point cds on reverse, 1874 cover with 1871/75 25 c. blue pair and single 80 c. carmine incorrectly struck with framed 'Affranchisement / Insuffisant' in red and deleted by 7 strikes of the framed 'PD' in red, also with Aden Steamer Point cds on reverse. A scarce and fine pair to an unusual destination.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 934 France
1853/1875: 'Les Bleus', a used study of the 1853 20 c., 1862 20 c., 1863/67 20 c. and 1871/75 25 c. blue, showing plate varieties and the latter stamp with 'Grand Cassure' types 1-10 etc., including many usages on covers (50+) and a few multiples, somewhat messily arrranged but a marvellous collection (many hundreds of stamps) for further detailed study of these exceptionally attractive issues, together with the Cailler book on the subject.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 935 France
1871/75: Cérès République Issue, collection with 1 c. bronze unused (5) and used (40), 2 c. red-brown unused (2) and used (44) incl. a block of six, a Newspaper wrapper and Printed Matter usage, 4 c. grey unused (2) and used (30), 5 c. green used (75+) incl. ten examples with watermark, 10 c. brown on rose (large figures) unused and used (28) and a fine usage to Fulda, 15 c. bistre (large figures) unused and used (30+) incl. covers/cards, 30 c. brown used (60+) incl. a study of Langer and Company underprints and covers, 80 c. carmine used (35+) incl. covers with one to Constantinople and another to Mexico, 10 c. (small figures) unused and used (30+) incl. covers, 15 c. (small figures) unused and used (40+) incl. covers & cards, 25 c. blue unused and used (1000+) with covers incl. 'Charlleville' underprint usage etc. Much cancellation interest, a charming volume.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 936 France
Type Sage 1876/1910c.: Collection in seven volumes with imperforate 30 c. 'Banque de France' unadopted Essay in blue, adopted Proof for 4 c. in brown (signed Brun), 15 c. Proofs in brown and in blue, Colour Proofs by Banque de France on white or coloured papers (19) signed Goebel, 1887 Granet re-impressions (29), Bristol card paper 1 c. and 4 c. green, 'Specimen' overprints, 1880 issued stamps with Type I 1876 1 c. (3), 4 c., 5 c. (2), 15 c., 20 c., 30 c., 75 c. and 1 fr. unused, Type II 2 c., 5 c. in block of six, 25 c. ultramarine and 25 c. blue (2), 30 c. (2) unused, later issues complete with duplication excl. Prussian blue (but with the 1 c. on cobalt) and various varieties and perf./imperf. errors, fantasy Proofs, hundreds of covers with many registered or value declared usages incl. mixed issue frankings with 1871 issue, unusual destinations, Newspaper frankings, Sample Mail, postal stationery with errors (10 c. on lilac and 10 c. on green cards both printed double), 1887 Advertising 15 c. letter-cards (sold at 5 c.) unused (2) and used (2), 15 c. advertising letter-sheet unused and used, 1899 advertising 10 c. card unused, 5 c. 'Jeanne D'Arc' envelope used, 1893 and 1894 Exhibitions and Royal Visits letter-cards and stationery envelopes unused and used, Telegrams used (2 different), Mandat de Poste forms etc., cancellation study with 'used abroad' and Exhibition cancels noted, 1881 cover with 'Proof / Trial' square dotted cancellation, perf. 'S.P.U.' on 15 c. envelope used, various other business perfins, underprints etc. A beautifully mounted and remarkable collection.
Starting bid : 3,500 CHFHammer price : 11,500 CHFLot# : 937 France
1875/80: Essay for proposed UPU / Type Sage issue: "Unification D'Un Timbre Poste Internationale De L'Union Postale / Spécimens & Système Garanti Contre Toute Fraudes / De MM. J. A. Pichot & Eugène Pichot / Imprimeaur, Graveur-Lithographe, 72 Quai Jemmapes / Paris" with 15 values from 1 c. to 5 fr. in varying background colours imperforate on thin white paper with all values in red. Extremely fine and scarce; for a further, slightly different example of this Essay, see the 'Severin Collection', Corinphila sale 174, lot 4048.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 938 France
1849/76: Collection of Proofs, Essays, well annotated on leaves on Exhibit pages with 1849 Cérès values imperf. on carton paper in unissued colours (12) and an 1894 cover with 40 c. in rose tied by 'Gare du Culoz' cds, unadopted Essays for the 1851 issue, 1853 colour Proofs in differing colours (100+) incl. a block of ten of the 1 c. value in grey, 10 c. value in black in a block of four, 20 c. value in brown (shades) each in blocks of four, 20 c. in bistre-brown in block of ten and a 5 c. Proof used on 1896 cover; 1858 Essays by Barre (2), 1867 Granier pelure paper Proofs (4); 1863/67 4 c. Proofs in brown (2), green and in colour of issued 1 c., Proofs of 30 c. in colour (16 items) and an example in grey on 1895 cover; 1866 Projet Renard Postal Stationery Essay '0' value in black (similar to 1867 1 c.) and oval types value '00' in colour (12), 1869 Joubert Proofs in black and blue on large card, colour Proofs on glazed card (12); 1871 Proofs incl. découpage and 1906 UPU Sower Postal Stationery Essay for the letter-card in blue, without value and handstamped 'Specimen' twice in black. An exceptional and attractive collection.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 939 France
TThe specialised collection with Forgeries including 1849 Cérès issue Sperati forgeries of the 10 c., 15 c., 40 c., 1 fr. 'used' and signed Sperati or handstamped on reverse, 1853 20 c. tête-bêche pair unused and signed Sperati on reverse, 1853 1 fr. carmine 'used' single and pair each handstamped on reverse, 1870 Bordeaux 4 c. grey 'used' - a superb lithographed forgery by 'Paul', Fournier forgeries incl. tête-bêche pairs of 1849 issue 'used', 1849 1 fr. vermilion 'faux de Toulouse', covers with forged cancellations, Sower issues with 'Faux de Toulon' 10 c. red, 'Faux de Nice' with 25 c. blue in a used block of six, Merson 5 fr., the only known unused 'Forbin' example and several so called used forgeries, Sower 50 c. 'Faux de Marseille' unused, Oneglia forgeries from 1849, Bordeaux 1870 20 c. 'Faux de Mons' unused, French Colonies forgeries, deliberate Resistance forgeries, all the Espionage Forgeries incl. several sheets printed in England and a complete sheet of the Resistance etc., a splendid and most informative study together with the modern 'Marianne' forgeries and the excellent articles by the owner from 'Fakes, Forgeries & Experts'.
Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 4,200 CHFLot# : 940 France
Postage Due 1805/1875: Collection on Exhibit leaves showing, with 100+ items, the progression of taxed mail from the Napoleonic era with scarce fancy Deboursé 87 / GENES in black on 1807 cover, through pre-stamp period to 1849 with cover showing Cérès 20 c. black used in first month of issue and matched by unpaid usage, pair of 1849 Cérès 20 c. black used on 1850 cover to Maastricht with notation 'Timbre Insuffisant', 1849 25 c. underpaid usage and another with 'Taxée pour timbre ayant déjà servi', 1853 underpaid cover to Geneva taxed at '35 cs.' in red, 1853 cover with 20 c. re-used, thereafter with stamped and underpaid mail superbly matched on each page, incl. re-addressed 1860 cover with France 1853 40 c. and GB 1 d. red, 1867 cover with 75 c. three colur rate to USA struck with 'Or US Notes 21' on arrival, May 1859 cover with rare usage of Lithographed 1859 10 c. black Postage Due, 1860 cover bearing single 1 c. bronze and matching cover with two 1 c. only both taxed, 1865 underpaid registered cover, taxed covers from Netherlands, North German Confederation, Italian Postage Due usages etc. Superbly written up, a fresh and generally very fine collection.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,400 CHFLot# : 941 France
Postage Due 1876/1949: Collection on Exhibit leaves and loose showing, with 108 items, the progression of taxed mail from the advent of the UPU in January 1876 in France, with Postage Due usages and 1877 cover with 25 c. Fiscal taxed, incoming/outgoing covers/cards from Belgium, Chile, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Netherlands Indies, Reunion, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, USA (with French and Italian Dues) etc. A fine superbly written up and informative collection.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,050 CHFLot# : 942 France
Postage Due 1859/1946: Collection with 1859 litho 10 c. used on piece, rare '25' on 15 c. black used on piece with '9 Sept 1871' cds (signed Calves) and duplication of the issues together with usages of the 'black' issues on covers, 1871/78 set incl. 60 c. values unused or used, 1881/92 issue with mint blocks of 1 c. (Control block of 10), 3 c. interpanneau block of 18, 4 c. Control block of 8; 40 c. and 1 fr. unused; good run of later issues to 1946 incl. multiples. Messily arranged but generally fair to fine, with some scarce items noted.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 2,400 CHFLot# : 943 France
Military Mail 1890/60c.: Collection with many hundreds of cards/covers showing Military free frankings or reduced rates, with 1900 Madagascar cover to Paris, 1900 stampless cover from Saigon, 1902 cover from Diego Suarez, Algerian, Moroccan, Tunisian and Vietnam usages, fine array of Military Camp postcards prior to and during WWI, Prisoner of War mail, Internee's mail, 'Postes Serbes' covers, Postes Navales, cover from a Chinese Working Party franked Sower 15 c. cancelled 'Vu:TC' in violet and Censored, thereafter with French Occupation of Germany to circa 1922, WWII Censored mail, covers from 'Camp de Gurs', 'Camp Argeles Sur Mer', 'Camp St. Cyprien', and a few Paquebot covers etc..Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 944 France
1868/1945c.: 'Back of the Book' collection with Telegraph issues from 1868 incl. 25 c. cancelled by 'Monaco' 1870 datestamp, Telephone stamps used and a 50 c. value with black imprint doubled, Parisian Parcels stamps, Yvert listed Parcels stamps from 1892, Locomotive 1901 issue in vertical pairs with mss. 'Specimen', later issues and overprinted sets largely complete incl. duplication and usages on forms, 1935 'Petits Colis' Parcels stamps incl. rare 30 f. 'Grands Reseaux' in unmounted og. pair, 1941/45 Locomotive issues unused, usages on Parcel forms etc. Somewhat untidy but most interesting lot with many seldom seen items.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 945 France
Travelling Post Offices / Ambulants 1849/80c.: The collection of Ambulants with the 27 lines noted, with stamps and covers/cards (100), all showing TPO datestamps, from early stampless mail (such as 'Route de Geneve' or 'Route de Moulins' datestamps), thereafter most covers with stamps, the collection well mounted with Maps detailing the routes. A fine collection.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 947 France
1860/75c.: Collection with Spanish franked incoming mail (7 covers) between 1861 and 1868, all being taxed; thereafter a study of the 1870 Siège 10 c. bistre and 20 c. blue both off and on covers, Siège 40 c. orange block of four used, covers incl. single 40 c. frankings cancelled 'Admon de Cambio / Barcelona' (2), 1874 entire to Constantinople, 1875 usage to Malta, retouched '4' as detached stamps and on cover to Amsterdam, underprint usage on cover from Charleville etc. A fine and attractive study with 38 covers.
Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 950 France
Algeria 1925/45c.: The collection in unused condition of Parcel Forms, all ex the Algerian P.O. with some accompanying letters, with yellow form for 2nd. Zone, blue for 3rd. Zone (station), and another in yellow for 3rd. Zone (home delivery), Remboursement forms for 500, 1'000 or 2'000 fr., 1935 Railway Parcel Forms (5 different values) with 47 forms enumerated and unused handstamped SPECIMEN in red; also unused forms including those surcharged with new values in black but without 'Specimen' (100+), all with handstamped seals and enumerator numbering. A marvellous collection, assembled at the date of issue, that could not be possibly be recreated nowadays in such fine condition and quality.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 951 France
Zanzibar 1890: Cover from Zanzibar to Cambridge franked by France Type Sage 25 c. black on rose tied by bold ZANZIBAR cds (Sept 16) in black with repeated strike at left, front with 'Modane A Paris' cds in red (Oct 4) and reverse with Cambridge arrival cds (Oct 6). Attractive and scarce.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 952 France
Colonies 1859/1975c.: Collection in a black album from 1859/65 Eagle issues used with some duplication and following issues used, again with duplication and cancellation interest, 1879 cover from St. Pierre, Martinique franked Type Sage 25 c., 1881 Soldier's Letter from Dakar franked imperf. Sage 15 c. blue, 1884 unusual registered cover from Senegal to Guadeloupe franked by Dubois 25 c. (2), 1892 scarce Telegram envelope franked by Dubois 25 c. used from Saigon etc.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 953 France
Colonies 1860/1925c.: Collection with 1867 cover franked by France 1862 20 c. blue (5) sent underpaid from Salonique tied by 5095 gros chiffres, range from Bordeaux 40 c. used in Egypt, fine group of Algerian covers/cards with 1856 entire at 60 c. rate to Paris, 1872 underpaid cover with 20 c. from Tlemcen, 1873 entire from Boufarik, 1876 cover from Mondovi also some Corsica usages and further loose stamps cancelled 5104 at Shanghai and 5118 gros chiffres at Yokohama.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 954 France
1911/93: Comprehensive Exhibit Collection of the French Cours d'instruction stamps designed for the improvement of postal processes and the training of post office clerks, starting with the 1911 and 1923 ANNULÉ ovpts on Blanc, Merson & Semeuse definitives, postage due, and Recouvrements stamps incl. eight covers postmarked at the Lyon Centre d'instruction, 1925 SPÉCIMEN ovpts, also in blocks of six and 12 as well as on stamps cancelled in advance, finally in great detail the SANS VALEUR issue with the complete set of 22 values with nominal values from 1 c. to 20 f. showing the colour similarities between the instruction stamps and the contemporary definitives and commemorative stamps, in addition 140 "training covers", many with additional services such as registration, express, value letters, avis de reception, special delivery, or temporal forwarding of mail formular. This interesting and well written up lot includes in addition a small selection of so called fictive stamps produced to test printing processes such as the Palissy issue as well as relevant literature.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 955 France
Paris Postmarks 1820/1865c.: Collection in an album with study of Parisian and suburban postmarks prior to the introduction of the 'Star' handstamps, with range of stampless covers and thereafter fine selection of many stamps (hundreds) and covers/cards (70+) all showing the 1849/54 Paris system of dotted lozenge with letters & numbers enclosed.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 956 France
Paris Star Cancellations 1854/81c.: The remarkable two volume collection with hundreds of stamps and 150+ covers, beautifully written up with 'mute' stars and all numbers from 1 (all four types) through to 39 represented both on and off cover with all the different types of numeral noted incl. '9/+' and '9/x' and 1867 5 fr. grey with '9/*' cancel etc., including mute star cancellation in red on 1853 5 c. green and in blue on 1854 cover bearing Empire 10 c. bistre, with ten further examples on 1863-75 issues, 1863 80 c. on cover to Curacao cancelled by #4, 1864 cover to Altona cancelled by #11, 'Chemins de Fer De L'Est printed cover with pair of 1862 10 c. tied #17, scarce '-20-' on local cover bearing 1862 10 c., piece with 1871/75 15 c. tied #23 in red, 1873 cover to Chile with 1871/75 30 c. pair and 40 c.,1874 cover to Chile with 25 c. (2) and 80 c. tied #26, June 1871 cover from French Consulate in Mogador, Morocco mailed in Paris with 10 c. tied #35, registered usages (6), destinations including Austria, Belgium, Chile, Curacao, Denmark, Germany, GB, Italy, Netherlands, Prussia, Spain, Switzerland and Turkey. A delightful lot.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,400 CHFLot# : 957 France
Franco-Prussian War 1870/71: Collection on leaves with covers (13) incl. Ballon Montés franked 1863/67 20 c. one carried on the 'Armand Barbes' and the other a card carried on the 'Garibaldi' and thus overpaid, Oct 1970 cover carried on the 'Fulton', attractive 'Gazette Des Absents' mailed on the 'Poste de Paris' with Siège 20 c. blue, 1871 'Commune' period imperforate stamps 5 c., 10 c. and 50 c.; 1871 Alsace Lorraine issue unused and used with duplication, 1871 unissued '10' in blue on 1863/67 10 c. bistre (signed) without gum, and a fascinating entire to the 'Armée du Nord' in Paris mailed in October 1870 and arriving after the Siege in February 1871.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 958 France
Lot# : 959 France
1853/1880c.: Collection of covers (54) with attractive usages including 1855 cover at 1 fr. rate to Harburg, Hannover, 1862 cover franked at 50 c. per 'Euphrate' with Paquebot cds, 1860 cover to Mexico with 1853 40 c. pair, 1861/62 covers at 50 c. or 1 fr. rates to Constantinople and 1863 cover at 50 c. rate ex Constantinople to Paris, 1862 cover with 1853 20 c. blue (3) to Mexico, 1864 entire at 1 fr. rate to Peru, 1864 cover at 50 c. rate from Beirut with 1862 10 c. and 40 c. tied 5082 gros chiffres, 1872 entire to USA with 1863/67 80c. carmine, 1871/75 5 c. green pair and 25 c. blue (2), 1872 cover to Uruguay bearing two 25 c. blue, 1873 cover to Argentina with three colour franking etc.. Generally fine, an interesting lot.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 960 France
1800/1950c.: The cover collection, many hundreds of covers/cards, with pre-stamp incl. Departments Conquis usages, stampless mail with destination interest, early classic issues on covers, plentiful array of Postage Due usages etc. A fine and most interesting lot.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 961 France
1868/1946: 'Back of the Book' collection with 1868/69 Newspaper stamps, 1914 Valenciennes 10 c. red unused, 1914/18 Franchise Militaire optd. issues unused and used, 1916 issues for Govt. of Montenegro in exile, 1921/22 'Postes Paris' issues complete unused, 1922/47 pre-cancels collection incl. 10 covers and 1933 80 c. on 1 fr. orange with inverted figures of overprint unused, 1935 Rocket Mail cover, Liberation issues with Annemasse sets (Types I and II) unused, Caen issue unused incl. 4 fr. block of four with one stamp inverted opt., Cannes issue set in blocks of four unused, issue for Nice in blocks of four unsued, , thirteen stamps ex Saverne issue on Hitler heads, 1945 Saint-Nazaire Chamber of Commerce set of two on registered cover etc. A most interesting collection that will repay careful viewing.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 2,600 CHFLot# : 962 France
1915/45: Collection with 1923/26 Pasteur set unused, 1923 Bordeaux Exhibition 1 fr. unused, 1924 Olympic set unused, 1925 5 fr. carmine Exhibition Miniature sheet unused and single on registered card from the Show, 1927 Orphelins set unused, 1927 Strasbourg tryptych unused, 1929 Le Havre Exhibition 2 fr. unused and fine used on cover, 1930 Pont du Gard 20 f. unused, 1930's Sinking Fund issues unused and on covers,1936 Airmail set used, 1936 Burelage 50 fr. used, 1936 Intellectuals set of four optd. 'Specimen', 1937 'Pexip' sheets unused and used, from 1945 unused & used incl. 1951 Marianne imperf. set of four unused, 1954 8 fr. Vallée de la Seine Artist signed black Proof, covers dotted throughout the collection, together with a volume of 1910/30 postcards.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,600 CHFLot# : 963 France
1709/1783: Toulouse Postal History, collection of eight entire letters with 1709 enntire showing DE TOULOUSE straight line in black, 1730 entire with same marking but smaller font, 1740 entire with italic 'deToulouse', 1754 entire with DE / TOULOUSE in black, 1773 entire with same handstamp but smaller font in black, 1781 entire with curved DE / TOULOUSE, 1781 entire with DEBOURSES / DE TOULOUSE in black and scarce 1783 entire to Newmarket, UK with PORT PAYÉ / A TOULOUSE Lenain Types 2a, 3, 5, 19, 34, 45, 59 and 64.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 964 France
1779: 'Grande Poste', a fine compl. example of the 'Journal Politique' or 'Gazette des Gazettes' for February 1779 with 72 pages, some stains and aging, with fascinating content from Constantinople and the Levant and a bulletin or report from nearly every European town, struck on the outside cover with fine impression of circular PERIODIQUE / CROWN / FRANCS handstamp in black. Scarce and most unusual.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 965 France
1809: Entire letter with three-lined "No 14 ARM. FRANCAISE EN ESPAGNE", written in the headquarters in Madrid on 2. April 1809 and send to Tolosa, describing in detail the battle of Medellin on 28 March 1809, a decisive battle during the Peninsular War which resulted in a victory of the French under Marshal Victor against the Spanish under General Don Gregorio Garcia de la Cuesta. The battle marked the first major effort by the French to occupy Southern Spain. An item of great of great historic interest.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 966 France
Lot# : 967 France
15 c. bright green (vert foncé) on greenish, two examples with clear to large margins all round and in a rich shade, used with four margined 1 fr. carmine on 1853 cover to New York endorsed 'via Liverpool per Steamer', tied by 'grille sans fin' in black and by both Paris despatch cds (Jan 6) and BOSTON BR. PKT / 5 datestamp of arrival (Jan 23) in black. A fresh and fine cover. Signed Calves, A. Diena. Cert. Von der Weid (1997).Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,900 CHFLot# : 968 France
Lot# : 969 France
20 c. black on white paper, unused block of fifteen (5 x 3) with ample to large margins all round, marginal from right of sheet, positions 126-130/136-140/146-150, of outstanding freshness and quality, without gum. A delightful and rare multiple highlighting the printer's expertise. Signed Calves, Pfenninger, Roumet. Cert. Roumet (2004).Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 970 France
1849/71: Card (10 items) with 1849 20 c. black Proof with large margins all round and an 1849 20 c. used, Bordeaux issue 1870/71 30 c. brown (2) with large to huge margins and lightly used, 40 c. orange used (2, one cancelled in blue) and a fine 80 c. carmine used Yvert = EUR 1'100+.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 971 France
25 c. blue, clear to large margined vertical pair prepaying the double rate (above 7½ grams) from Allevard to Grenoble, neatly tied by grill handstamps in black with neat ALLEVARD cds (4.JUIL.52) alongside, the fourth Day of Issue. Reverse with same day arrival cds. Cover with some aging but a scarce early usage.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 972 France
25 c. blue in a horizontal pair used with 1 fr. carmine on attractive 1852 entire letter from Mulhouse, Alsace to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil via Southampton tied by 2199 petit chiffres in black. Mulhouse despatch cds (June 1) on front alongside London transit cds (June 3) in red. The adhesives with small or just touched margins but extremely fresh and most attractive entire to a scarce destination.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 973 France
Martinique: 25 c. blue in a fine large margined horizontal pair, minor corner bend at low right of no significance, used with just touched 1 fr. carmine on small 1851 single rate entire letter to Paris by British Packet, tied by black grill obliterators with fine FORT DE FRANCE / MARTINIQUE cds in black alongside (Nov 14). Reverse with St. Pierre transit cds (same day) in black and Paris arrival cds (Dec 27). An attractive and rare entire. Cert. Von der Weid (1999).
Provenance: Corinphila sale 111 (May 1999), lot 2597.
Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 974 France
40 c. orange horizontal pair, huge even margins all round and trace of adjoining stamp at base, used on 1850 cover to London tied by neat strikes of the grill and by 'London Paid' cds in red. St. Malo despatch cds (Aug 2) in black at left. The cover with some minimal creasing away from adhesives but scarce so fine. Cert. Von der Weid (1998).Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 975 France
Lot# : 976 France
1 fr. carmine, clear to fine margins all round but with vertical file fold, used on rare 1851 stamped cover to Genoa from the LEGATION ET CONSULAT GENERAL DE FRANCE EN BOLIVIE with cachet at left and superb strike of the Consular BOLIVIE / * datestamp in black at left (13 Juin, without year slugs) of which only two examples are recorded (one ex Dubus, lot 346; the other ex Berkinshaw-Smith, Corinphila sale 145 (April 2006), lot 3187 which was mailed two months to the day later). The adhesive tied by 'grille sans fin' and by Paris datestamp (August 22) with notation of double rate at upper left and 'Via Di / Beauvoisin' in black. Reverse with circular Consular cachet 'Republique Francaise Legation et Consulat General de France en Bolivie' in black and Genoa arrival cds (Aug 25). Faults to envelope but a truly extraordinary cover of immense rarity and udoubtedly unique.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 3,500 CHFLot# : 977 France
1 fr. vermillon, vivid colour with large to imense margins all round, cancelled by clear grille obliterator. A rare and most desirable stamp. Signed Calves. Cert. Brun (2015) Cérès 2008 = € 21'500/Mi 6a = € 20'000.
Provenance: Collection Consul Weinberger, 154. Grobe Auction.
Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 6,000 CHFLot# : 978 France
1853: 10 c. bright bistre brown, 20 c. deep blue, 40 c. orange and 80 c. carmine, all used on 1856 entire letter endorsed 'per Steamer Tamar' from Paris to Rio de Janeiro via London. The adhesives with generally good margins but touched in places and the 10 c. affected by file fold but all of very fresh colour and an attractive four colour franking to an unusual destination.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 979 France
1863: Envelope franked at double rate with 1853 80 c. carmine horizontal pair, minor marginal imperfections, tied by 4077 gros chiffres with 'Valence-S-Rhone' (April 28) cds at right and framed 'P.P.' in red. The cover is addressed to 'Reverend F. Daumas, Makuatleng, Basuto Country, care of J. Syme, Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope'; with latter part of the address erased and further manuscript applied 'Care of G. Vergottini Esq., Winburg, Orange River Free State' from the Institution Protéstante at Valence sur Rhone. London Paid (April 29) transit cds on front in red. Reverse with Cape Town (June 6) cds also in red. An extraordinary destination for the French Classic period, believed to be the earliest stamped cover addressed to the Basuto territory.
Note: Francois Daumas, a missionary from the Paris Evangelical Mission Society began his work in Basutoland in 1835, establishing a Mission near the border with Ficksburg in the Orange Free State in 1836. The Mission station was razed in 1865 during the conflict between O.F.S. forces and King Moshweshwe and Daumas withdrew to Pietermaritzburg.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 980 France
1862: 20 c. blue (2) used on 1864 small envelope to Naples, tied on adhesives and at left with fine FRANCIA / VIA DI MARE handstamps in black with PD alongside. Reverse with Genova cds (Nov 10) and Napoli arrival (Nov 12). An attractive and unusual cover.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 981 France
1862: 80 c. carmine, a horizontal strip of three used on 1864 entire letter from Paris to Santiago, Chile via London, tied by Paris Star obliterators with despatch cds alongside (Aug 14). Private straight line VOIE DE PANAMA at lower left and British P.O. PANAMA double arc cds of transit on front (Sept 7) in black. Struck on arrival with '25' centavos due marking in red. A delightful and scarce cover. Signed von der Weid.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 982 France
1870 (Oct./Dec): Lot three entire letters carried by Ballon Montés, one to Le Mans (Oct. 6), another from "Paris R. St. Lazare 20 Dec. 70" to Neuvy le Roi and the third carried by Ballon Monté 'Newton' (Dec. 31) to Montpellier, all backstamped on reverse; further small letter cancelled "Gare-de-Limoges 8. Oct. 701" addressed to Paris as well as 1three unused copies of GAZETTE DES ABSENTS, No: 7 (12. Nov. 70), No. 8 (16. Nov.) and No. 31 (24 Jan. 71). A fine group.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 983 France
1863/70: Laureated 20 c. blue, partial plating study in album with some back-up photographs to aid identification, several hundred used stamps with a few multiples, an excellent lot for further specialised study.
Provenance: John Levett FRPSL.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 986 France
1863/67: 30 c. brown and 80 c. carmine used with 1871 Siège 20 c. blue all tied to 1871 entire letter endorsed 'Elbe' from Le Havre to Lima, Peru by 1769 gros chiffres. Framed red PP below and reverse with Lima arrival cds (Oct 1) in black. A charming and scarce three colour franking. Signed Calves.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 987 France
1870: Cérès 20 c. blue, Siège Printings made during the Commune from 1849 plates, the collection on leaves with unused examples and used examples showing the poorer quality of both paper (much more yellowish) and the poorer printing quality and lack of cleanisng of the plates once the more skilled staff had deserted Paris. A fine and very scarce group (34 items) on exhibition pages.
Provenance: Collection John Levett FRPSL.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 988 France
1870/71: Bordeaux 30 c. brown imperforate, a fine large margined example used on 1871 cover to Chalons sur Saone, in combination with perforated 1871/75 Cérès 40 c. orange tied by 2046 gros chiffres with Lille despatch cds alongside (Dec 9). Reverse with TPO and arrival cds (Dec 11). A scarce and attractive franking.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 989 France
1871: Siège 40 c. orange used with 1871/75 Cérès 30 c. brown (2) on 1871 entire letter from Marseille to Yokohama, Japan, all tied by 2240 gros chiffres with Marseille despatch cds at left (April 12). Framed PD in red on front and reverse with French P.O. in Yokohama cds of receipt (May 26). A fresh and fine entire. Signed Von der Weid.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 990 France
1870/71: Bordeaux Issue, the collection with 1 c. used (4, from all the Reports), 1 c. used strip of five (R1), 1 c. unused pair (R2), 1 c. unused block of ten sheet marginal at right (R3, cert.), further mint corner example (pos. 1, cert.) and a black Proof on glazed card paper from Report 3, Position 2 (ex collection Burrus), 1 c. block of four used (cert.) and marginal strip of three used (R3, cert.), 2 c. Proof in black and used horizontal strip of five (R2, cert.), 4 c. Proof in black and a used example (signed & cert.) from R1, 4 c. grey mint block of four (cert.) and corner marginal single from Report 2 (cert.), 5 c. green mint (R1, certs.), 5 c. mint pair (R2) and two futher single examples, Reconstruction with two mint examples and 12 used (R2), 10 c. bistre mint (3) from R1 and used examples (29, incl. pair and strip of three in reconstruction of the transfer block of 15); 10 c. (R2) with partial reconstruction of 13, 20 c. blue Type I, R1 with 14 used examples, 20 c. Type I, R2 with 8 used examples, 20 c. blue, Type II with 37 examples used, 20 c. blue, Type III, R2 strip of five and a block of four used, 20 c. blue Type III, R1 and R2 replating of 15 used, 30 c. Proof in black (pos. 3) and 17 used examples, 40 c. Proof in black, unused (2) and used (19, incl. 'Rouge Sang' with cert., ex Levett and 'Rouge Sang Clair, signed Calves) and a cover, 80 c. rose mint (2) and used (21). Condition varies but a splendid highly catalogued lot for the specialist.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 11,500 CHFLot# : 991 France
1871/75: Cérès 5 c. green, 15 c. buff and 80 c. carmine used on attractive 1875 cover to Vera Cruz endorsed 'per Ville de Brest par St. Nazaire' tied on despatch by Paris Star 24 obliterators in black. 'Paris / Rue de Clery' cds at left (Jan 19) and reverse with 'Paris / Étranger' cds in blue. A few imperfections to the cover but a scarce make-up of the 1 franc rate.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 992 France
1871/75: Cérès 5 c. green, 15 c. buff and 80 c. carmine used on attractive 1874 entire letter to Port Louis, Mauritius endorsed 'per Messageries Marit.' tied on despatch by 2240 gros chiffres of Marseille, with cds of despatch alongside (Aug 1). Reverse with Mauritius arrival cds (Sept 1) struck in blue. A fresh and fine three colour franking.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 993 France
1871/75: 15 c. brown on rose Error of Colour (printed in colour of the 10 c. in 1876 due the inclusion of a 15 centime cliché placed in position 90 on the 10 centimes sheet), a fine unused example of this scarce stamp with good colour, together with the 15 c. bistre (with fine og.) for comparison. Signed A. Brun, Schol, Thier. Cert. Behr (2004) Yvert = € 6'000.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 994 France
Monaco 1871/75: 30 c. brown and single and vertical strip of three 80 c. carmine, all used on 1875 registered cover from Monaco to Tarbes endorsed 'Valeur treize cent francs' at top, all tied by fair strikes of scarce '2387' gros chiffres with MONACO datestamp of despatch alongside (Oct 23) in black. Red CHARGÉ and rate box at lower left and reverse with five red wax seals and arrival cds. Minor aging but a very rare fore-runner cover.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 995 France
1871/75: Cérès 30 c. brown used with 25 c. blue (4) all tied by Paris Star cancellations in black to 1875 cover to Santiago, Chile with Paris despatch cds (Feb 16) at left and oval VALPARAISO / MULTADA / 10 c. in red on front and 'Valparaiso / Chile' cds (March 30) on reverse. Slight stain on one pair and flap missing but a scarce usage.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 996 France
1871/75: Cérès 25 c. blue, a fine horizontal strip of five used with over-lapping single 30 c. brown on 1873 entire letter from Paris to Valparaiso, Chile, tied by Paris Star / 2 in black and by 'Paris / R. Milton' cds (Oct 31). Framed 'P.P.' and 'London / Paid' transit on front (Nov 1) in red together with an early use of an advertising label (Fay & Cie.) in red at upper right. Internally dated as to receipt (Dec 16), a most attractive entire. Cert. Von Der Weid (1998).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 997 France
1871/75: Cérès 25 c. blue tied by 'Paris / Étranger' cds in blue used on 1872 entire invoice to Paris in combination with Germany 1872 Small Shield 2 gr. blue (Mi. 5) tied 'Strassbourg Bahnhof' framed datestamp (26/3) in black. An attractive entire.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 998 France
1875: Cover to Bordeaux with fine combination franking of Argentina 1868 5 c. vermilion (Scott 68) tied by Buenos Aires cds in black and France 1871/75 Cérès 25 c. blue in a horizontal strip of four all tied by 'Anchor' lozenge of dots struck in blue. Carried on the Paquebot 'Rio Grande' and struck with octagonal BUENOS-AYRES / PAQ. FR. J. No.6 datestamp (Nov 26) in red (Salles fig. 1073). Bordeaux arrival cds on reverse (Dec 30). Some edge wear to envelope and minor imperfections but a very scarce and attractive cover. Cert. Holcombe (1997).Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 999 France
1871/75: Cérès 25 c. blue, plating study in green book witth many identified stamps from panneau A2, B2, G3 etc., incl. 28 stamps from 'La Grand Cassure' (paneeau A2 positions 141-150) together with further partial reconstruction on leaves for Plate 2, pane B2 and A2. some near completion, also an extraordinary used block of 136 stamps (very damaged), formerly applied to a parcel addressed to Lachambre & Fils, all cancelled by 'Anchor' lozenge of dots and by Paris cds of arrival cds.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1000 France
1871: Cérès 25 c. blue, all Type I, with re-plating of Panneau B2, D3 and G3 with many identified single stamps (450+) and covers/fronts (43). An extraordinary plating study.
Provenance: Collection John Levett FRPSL.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1001 France
1871/76: Cérès 25 c. blue, the beautiful display collection on exhibit leaves, with Type I block of ten from the lower right corner of the sheet, a block of four in a pale shade and a block of the General Issues for the Colonies imperf. in a mint block of six, a used reconstruction of Pane B2 (150 stamps), and pages with the plating characteristics shown with accompanying illustrated flaws, further pages with matched France / General Issues imperf. 1871 20 c. blue (Yvert 23) showing the same flaws on each stamp with multiples and cancellation interest. A splendid collection with a few covers.
Provenance: Collection John Levett FRPSL.
Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1002 France
1871/75: Cérès 25 c. blue, scarce Type II, first stages of a major plating study with no less than 359 used stamps, mostly identified by plate position including a few on covers/fronts/pieces and multiples, an extremely scarce assembly that would, perhaps, benefit by better arrangement but of high catalogue value Yvert = EUR 10'000+/Maury 60/II = EUR 10'770.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1003 France
1900 (Dec 4): First Mouchon Proofs (2) for 15 c. in grey-violet and deep violet imperf. printed at one stage unused, also imperf. Proofs for 20 c. value in pale lilac and 30 c. in orange, printed in two stages, with gum. A scarce and fine group.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1004 France
Lot# : 1005 France
Lot# : 1006 France
Lot# : 1007 France
1902: Mouchon Issue retouched, the set of five values 10 c. rose, 15 c. vermilion, 20 c. brown-lilac, 25 c. blue and 30 c. violet; 'Bristol' paper reimpressions of 1909/10, all fresh and fine unused on thick card paper with 'perforations' (dentelure figurée); all five from the corner of the sheet. Scarce Maury = € 1'750.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 1008 France
Lot# : 1009 France
1914: Red Cross Charity issue, the set of two in a specialised collection on leaves with 5 c. on 10 c. in top right corner block of ten mint with 'Essai de Numération' imprint 'A02159' in margin, 10 c. + 5 c. red in Booklet pair and 'millèsimes' 4, 5 and scarce '6' interpanneau mint pairs and some usages on cover /cards.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 1010 France
Lot# : 1011 France
Lot# : 1012 France
1923/27: Sower Issues, various values (24 different) plus the 'Ronsard' 75 c. blue, 10 being Sower issue with lined background, 13 being pre-obliterated with half-round 'Affranch.ts / Postes' in black, all ex the Bechuanaland Post Office archive. The Bechuanaland UPU archive was returned to London in 1937 whereupon each individual stamp was diagonally ovptd. SPECIMEN in black to prevent theft or re-use. A unique group. Cert. Diena (1981) for Ronsard, and Behr (1999), also 1923/26: Pasteur Issue, various values (11) incl. three pre-cancelled examples, all on piece, cancelled upon receipt from the UPU by the Portuguese Postal Authorities, handstamped and distributed to their Colonies, four stamps with handstruck COLONIAS in blue, further example ovptd. COLONIAS in red, another ovptd. ESPECIMEN in blue and two with same surcharge struck in red. A rare and appealing group. Unique.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 270 CHFLot# : 1013 France
1925: Philatelic Exhibition 5 fr. carmine Miniature Sheet, a superb mint example, suspicion of tiny corner bend, fresh and fine, unmounted og Mi. 176 = EUR 3'000/Yvert = EUR 3'700.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1014 France
1924 (April-May): Olympic set of four values in scarce unused interpanneau pairs, each folded down coloured centre line, fresh and fine, large part og., also the 1924 Olympic sets for Grand Liban (2) and Syrie (2), fresh and fine, unmounted og (Maury = € 900+).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 1015 France
1924: Olympic Games 25 c. Colour Trial imperforate Proof on chalk surfaced white paper, approx. 160 x 120 mm., in un-issued colours of carmine & deep bright blue, fresh and fine. Extremely scarce and most attractive. Signed Brun. Cert. Gautré (2007).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1016 France
Lot# : 1017 France
Lot# : 1018 France