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Lot# : 1457 Great Britain
First UK Aerial Post London-Windsor 1911 (Sept. 9): Pilot signed purple brown envelope of Clement Greswell to Kingstown Ireland, franked with King George V 1d. carmine-red cancelled by "FIRST UNITED KINGDOM/AERIAL POST LONDON SP 9" with adjacent "Old Windsor Sept. 13" transit on front and "Kingstown Sept. 14" arrival mark on reverse, used together with matching Letter Sheet headed 'First United Aerial Post' dated 'Sep. 9th 1911' in manuscript. Fine and rare.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 1458 Great Britain
First UK Aerial Post London-Windsor Trade Advertisements 1911 (Sept. 9): Dark brown card (first printing, plate 23) without imprint on revrse, franked with King George V ½ d. green cancelled by "FIRST UNITED KINGDOM/AERIAL POST LONDON SP 9" to Belfast. Plain back as to be sold for advertisement spaces, used here for private message.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 1459 Great Britain
First UK Aerial Post London-Windsor 1911 (Sept.9): Envelope with full content written by Capt. J.W. Ruttledge (Sept. 16) sending an eyewitness report to his nephew in Limerick,: ".... Strange today it went by the first and only bag that left London for Windsor which contained almost only letter to the King and high officials. There were a lot ready to fly and take all the bags, only arnone fellow had the luck to start and he could take only one bag..... the other letters did not leave for two days." Fine and scarce document.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1460 Great Britain
First UK Aerial Post Windsor - London 1911 (Sept. 16): Olive-green postcard and matching envelope to Armagh (Ireland), card franked with King Edward VII ½ d. green and envelope with 1d. rose-red, each tied by "FIRST UNITED KINGDOM/AERIAL POST WINDSOR SP 16" Die 2 cachet, envelope with Cricklewood transit and "Armagh SP 19-11" arrival mark on reverse. Further olive-green card 'From the Irish Stores' addressed to 'J.P. Boland Esq.M.P.' (1870-1958) Irish Nationalist Politician and Minister of Parliament to 'Normanhurst Birchington Bay Kent', in fine condition.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 1461 Great Britain
First UK Aerial Post London-Windsor Trade Advertisements 1911 (Sept. 9): Group of four advertisement cards, including 'SCHWEPPES LIMITED' on a dark brown card, 'THE FINANCIAL OUTLOOK' on olive-green card tied by Die 2 to Belfast as well astow cards to Ireland with 'J. & J. COLMAN, LIMITED' on a dark brown card cancelled with Die 5 cachet to Monkstown and dark brown card 'WRIGHTS COAL TAR SOAP' without imprint on address side to Dublin.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1462 Great Britain
Airship 'R34' Transatlantic flight 1919 (July 2 - 13): 1 US-dollar banknote carried on board by Flight Lt. Durrant, inscribed and signed:" Carried by air from New York to London on R34, R.F. Durrant Lieut" with attached confirmation note, pictorial sheet with map and signed by 12 crew members as well as two original photos 'R34' at Pulham Norfolk, with handwritten annotations and signed by crewmember 'J. Reid' (July 1919). Only very few mail carried on board of 'R34', the hereby offered 1 Dollar bill of a crew member is probably unique.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 1463 Great Britain
Airship 'R34' Transatlantic flight 1919 (July 2 - 13): Menue and programm booklet of the musical banquet held August 5, 1919 at Fishmongers Hall London signed by Brig. Gen. E.M Maitland (Commanding Officer) and Major G.H.Scott (Captain) inside the back cover, further two original press photos of the airship.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1464 Great Britain
RAILEX Airmail Service Belfast - Liverpool/London 1934 (November 1/30): Group of five envelopes, all franked with Seahorses 2/6 d. brown, incl. first and last flights with one envelope addressed to Prime Minister of Northern Ireland 'The Hon. James Craig, Stormont Castle', one Express usage and small leaflet promoting RAILEX Service: ".... more quickly than is usually possible by ordinary Express Service".Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1465 Great Britain
1935/70: Ladies in the Sky - Lot with original photographs of Mrs. Jean Batten - 'The Garbo of the Skies', the only woman to have flown from England to Australia and back to England with a Gypsy aeroplane - Original photograph of the unique meeting taken at the De Havilland Aerodrome at Hartfield, dated May 3 1935 as well as hand drawn postcard and illustrated envelope carried by Mabel and Sheila Glass -The 'Glass Sisters' - at the Manx Air Race 1939 held on Ilse of Man (May 27/29), fine and unusual.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1467 Great Britain
Lot# : 1468 Great Britain
1786/1952c.: Collection with some useful early pre-stamp incl. 1786 entire from London to Genoa, 1820 entire from London via Chambery to Pesaro, 1840 1 d. black used (5) with three cancelled in red and two in black; 1840 2 d. blue used with black MC, 1841 1 d. red imperf. used (14), 1862 cover to France with 1862 4 d. tied by Sheffield sideways duplex, 1865 4 d. vermilion used on 1870 cover from Malta, 3 d. rose on covers (4), rare 1877 Telegraphs £ 1 brown-lilac cds used (Gi = £ 950), 1909 card with ½ d. green pair used from Barbados, 1902/10 values to 5 s. used and some Officials, range of Paquebot covers incl. GB/Cape Verde mixed franking, useful 1925 Wembley Issue covers (5), 1932 Zeppelin 3rd South America flight covers (2) etc.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1469 Great Britain
1840/1968: Collection in used and unused condition beginning with a 1d black Mulready envelope Form Number A132 used from PONTEFRACT (MY13 1840) to York, being a good early use, an 1840 2d blue, an 1841 1d red unused, a good margined cut close just at top 1848 embossed 10d brown, also 6d and 1/- normal margined copies. The 1883 'Lilac and Green' issue is complete unused and the 1891 £1 green is good used. The KEVII includes unused high values to 10/- and a used upper marginal £1 used. Sea Horses include the £1 green both unused and used as well as the Bradbury & Wilkinsonto 10/- unused. Later stamps include the £1 UPU and most other better values. There is also a small range of commonwealth issues such as Ionian Is, Some better British Occupational issues and many other good issues. The condition needs to be checked, but the collection contains many very fine stamps worthy of appreciation.Starting bid : 7,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1470 Great Britain
1840/1995c.: Postal History collection in two albums with 1840 1 d. black on entire from Newcastle to the Post Office in Hull, some fine Surface Printed covers with 1861 cover 1/4 d. rate to Naples, 1864 registered cover to Paris, 1867 Printed Circular at 3 d. rate to Egypt, 1868 8 d. rate to Switzerland, 1875 2 s. rate to Mexico, 1911 Windsor flight card, 1924 Wembley covers (2) each registered to Amsterdam with "British Empire Exhibition" reg's labels, 1929 Philatelic Congress cover with PUC set of four, 1935 "Saar Force" cover from XIIth Lancers, Airmails and Rocket Post covers, useful postal stationery etc. (150+ items).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 1471 Great Britain
1840/1900: Accumulation of older material in three small folders, beginning with a just touched 1840 1d black pl.9 lettered LD on entire from BEDALE to LONDON tied by black MC, an 1847 1/- cut square, various incomplete collections of 1d red in very mixed quality. Furthermore some higher catalogue value items France and a few from other countries. In all the quality needs close inspection, but may yield some finds.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 1472 Great Britain
1840/1960: Accumulation of stamps from Great Britian and British Colonies, put on stock cards, but not yet finely sorted, including 5 'Penny Black' and many other better, quite mixed condition, but containig also stamps in perfect condition, ideal for study - very high catalog value.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 1473 Great Britain
1840/1981 (ca.): Used and unused collection in one stockbook, better items with Great Britain 1840 1 d. black, very fine used with red Maltese Cross, some multiples, also a stockbook with North Korea Princess Diana souvenir sheets, fine to very fine.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1474 Great Britain
1841/1960: Lot of covers beginning with large part of a letter with Penny Black, very clean folded letter with 1 SHILLING 1869 from LONDON to CADIZ, front from LONDON to St. Petersburg TWO PENCE + NINE PENCE, mourning cover from Glasgow registered with 1 SHILLING to Brunswick (Braunschweig), small cover 1869 from EDINBURGH to Geneva franked TWO + THREE PENCE; further on 20th century with picture postcards, FDCs and several envelopes from Ireland.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 1475 Great Britain
1849/1879: Conglomerate of twenty-three letters and four pieces, mostly from correspondeces to Italy. The letters include six early perfin examples from Huth (5) and Brand. Among the letters is an 1870 letter, bearing a surface printed 1867 3d rose (PE) pl. 5 wing margin example, cancelled Lozenge '157' of 'Queenstown', Ireland to Ragusa. Varied Lot.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1476 Great Britain
1898/1907: Grey album with range of delightful covers with original contents, many with GB Jubilee 1887 ½ d., 2½ d. or 5 d. frankings and some Edward VII, mostly from Bolton and environs to Switzerland or Sicily, featuring early Christmas cards and illustrated message cards, 1897 letter written on board "RMS Cuzco" with Jubilee 2½ d. cancelled at Naples etc. A charming original correspondence.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1477 Great Britain
Lot# : 1478 Great Britain
Scottish Terriers on picture postcards and envelopes 1900/80ca.: Fine collection of 500 picture postcards used/unused in two large albums, including b/w photocards, colourful Greetings- and Birthday cards with many humoristic topics, some in sets, as well as portrait cards with one of Joan Crawford with her Scottish Terrier, further a Topic collection depicting 'Scotties' on stamps and covers / cards with K.L.M advertising leaflet 'Ship your Dogs by K.L.M.' together with a compl. set of playing cards showing 'Scotties at the Beach' on reverse of cards including the original box, issued for Aberdeen and Commonwealth Line Service' between England and Australia as well as two 'Black & White - It's the Scotch' advertising envelopes used from Jersey (1943). All in choice condition. Viewing recommended.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1481A Collections/lots Europe
European Exhibition medals 1948/59: Selection nine exhibitions medals from international stamp exhibitions in Europe, all dedicated to FIP president Robert Lullin from Geneva, incl. Lausanne 1955 (gold '750' 64 gram), Interposta Hamburg 1959 (gold '585' 112 gram), seven other medals in silver and other metals from 1948 IMABA Basel, 1949 BEPITEC Belgium with LEOPOLD PREMIER ROI DES BELGES - Kings head facing left surrounded by legend, 1953 'Esposizione Filatelica Europea Venezia 1953', 1956 Zagreb, 1959 'Giornata del Francobollo' Milano, 1960 Monaco 'Grand Prix de l'art Philatelique International', sowie Liechtensteinische Briefmarken-Ausstellung.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1482 Collections/lots Europe
1850/1990ca: Lot containing a Schaubekbinder with pre-printed pages of a 'Youth Album' + stock-book pages with a large number of different stamps to about 1950, apparently no rarities, plus a box containing numerous lose modern souvenir sheets from European countries used and unused.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 1483 Collections/lots Europe
1935/2000ca. Remainders - 2 boxes with presentation folders from Great Britain (about ¾ of the volume) and FDCs (about ¼ of the volume) 1970-90ca., added to this mix a sheet of a 7-Oere 'V' Stamp from Norway 1944, a bunch of unmounted souvenir sheets from the 'most serious postal agencies of Africa' and a few souvenirs Czechoslovakia 'Masaryk' topic and similar.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1484 Collections/lots Europe
Lot# : 1485 Collections/lots Europe
Lot# : 1486 Collections/lots Europe
1950/2000: Lot some hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, incl. single items, full sets and souvenir sheets, mostly representing various topics as Animals, Flowers, Religious events, Churches etc. countries notroworthy to be mentioned are Benelux, France, Germany, GB and Channel Islands, Hungary, Sweden etc., neattly arranged in seven stockbooks.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1487 Collections/lots Europe
1938ca. Five large paper sheets, each with souvenir sheet "Historic Monuments" from Spain, issued in 1938, printed on the right side (originally printed in multicolour-rotogravure), while on the left side there are prints or illustrations of four non adopted stamps, first for a 2 Lepta stamps for Greece, second a 2 D(inar) stamp for Yugoslavia, evoking Montenegro issue 1910, third a portrait of King Albert from Belgium and fourth and last a portrait of Kemal Ataturk. Theses sheets are said to originate from the archives of Orell Füssli, long-established printer in Zurich, printer of the first stamps of Switzerland Zurich 4 and Zurich 6 in 1843 and also valued printer for bank notes etc. and, who indeed was also the printer of the aforesaid souvenir sheet. The paper is thin un-gummed and of bright-greenish colour. Sold as is.rnStarting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 1488 Collections/lots Europe
1915/1977: Collection of Belgium in a stockbook with many sets and better singles, in the beginning (1915) most often unused with hinged traces, later more unmounted than mounted, but still mixed, to the end of the book a few used material, while the value is in the unused material. In addition a collection of France 1944/1977 apparently everything unmounted og.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1489 Collections/lots Europe
Lot# : 1490 Collections/lots Europe
1851/1950ca.: Mixed lot with sheets or part of sheets of Austria, Albania 1928, German Reich Inflation period, Stadtpost Aschaffenburg, German Democratic Republic and Romania, further Switzerland with a compl. set of 1945 PAX with first day cancellation May 9, each value with compl. cancel on small pieces.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 1491 Collections/lots Europe
1920/80: Lot several hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition from Greenland, Liechtenstein with some better values, Iceland, San Marino and Trieste Zone A with parcel stamps, in addition plenty of used duplicates from various European countries, furthermore a group of covers and FDC's, housed in four stockboocks and in six booklets.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 1492 Collections/lots Europe
1849/2000ca. Remainder with 4 Schaubek-Albums, most countries up to ca. 1938, Belgium and the Netherlands, which are the best developed countries (Netherlands are contained twice); added a small stock-book Malta, a large stock book Italy a part collection from the Netherlands plus 3 small albums for covers containing covers from the Netherlands including full sets.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 1493 Collections/lots Europe
1872/1960ca. Unchecked family collection in total 13 Albums, as the story goes, father and daughter had collected together, so there are two very similar collections of France, two of almost the same kind of Germany, Netherlands etc. etc. Mostly European countries up to middle level. Some boxes with glassines full of unchecked, very varied stamps have been added to this. All this directly from the screed.rnrnStarting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 1494 Collections/lots Europe
1852/1965: Collection of BENELUX countries all beginning with line engraved issues, the Netherlands with an 1854 letter from HEERENVEEN to Amsterdam, Luxemburg with three first isse Stamps and Belgium with an 'Epaulettes' proof reprint in sepia. Later there are over fifty 'ORVAL' miniature sheets and some specialites such as a pli d'accordeon.The condition is largely good to fine.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1495 Collections/lots Europe
Skandinavia 1852/1945: Varied collection of Scandinavia with a strong section of local stamps from AALBORG, BRAEKSTAD, BERGEN, TRONDHEIM, SPITSBERGEN, HORSENS and others, as well as a section of back of the book items from Finland. Naturally the collection also contains many stamp issues from all countries with values lying mainly in the mid range. The quality is as always mixed.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1496 Collections/lots Europe
Lot# : 1497 Collections/lots Europe
1840/2000ca.: Convolute consisting of 51 large size stock books filled with material from many different European countries, most often beginning in the classic period up to recent issues. Older stamps are generally in mixed condition, interesting for cancels and variants, in the semi classic period often with a few better issues, high values etc., e.g. "Birds" from Austria, "Renoir" set France, etc.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,900 CHFLot# : 1498 Collections/lots Europe
1855/1990: Lovely collection with several hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition covering Scandiavian countries, noteworthy modern Denmark from 1945 up, stamps for postal services with Ferry boats, booklets as well as stamp issued for the Faroe islands, Norway with Nr. 1 and better early sets, officials and postage dues, Sweden with few better single items, full sets, pairs, souvenir sheets and a larger number of booklets, these arranged in a Schaubek and in a KA-BE album, in addition an office file containing cards, picture postcards, postal stationery items, modern FDC's and business mail, also a small stockbbook with duplicats, packed in a box owner's cat = appr. € 9'000.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1499 Collections/lots Europe
1850/1920ca.: Old style Collection on about 180 pages of various European countries from the first issue on, of which the most remarkable are Austria, Belgium (with 5 Francs Leopold II from 1869), Finland, Bulgaria, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Serbia, Sweden an Spain. The most very early issues stuck on the pages, the condition is mixed, however, the material is untouched an interesting.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 1500 Collections/lots Europe
Lot# : 1501 Collections/lots Europe
1940/60: Lot 190 cards and covers from Switzerland, France, Germany and few others, partly showing better frankings, special cancellations, airmails and modern FDC's, arranged in thre albums, in addition two mint sheet files containing full sheets small values DDR, Russia and some others, good to mixed conditon, served in a box.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 1502 Collections/lots Europe
1869/1960: Estate lot of Albums and covers with a good proportion of censor mail, including French censors mail attesting to forwarding without inspection, some fifty items from the belgium Government in Exile during WWI, consisting mainly of newspaper wrappers and fronts thereof. Moreover a small number of letters from overseas.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 1503 Collections/lots Europe
1860/1921c.: Covers/cards/postal stationery (20), the fine Levant selection with stampless covers to and from Constantinople, 1871 entire with Turkey 1 pi. yellow tied by hexagonal "Rodosto 81" handstamp in black to Galata, 1887 5 s. stat. card cancelled FILIPOPEL cds, 1896 cover bearing eighteen stamps ex Austrian P.O. in Constantinople, 1902 card from Austrian P.O. in ADRIANOPEL to Sofia, 1906 registered Parcel Card ex German P.O. in Smyrna to St. Gallen via CONSTANTA (Romania), 1907 Italian P.O. in Janina, Alabania cover to Tunis, 1913 cover from Tripoli d'Afrique 1913 registered cover from the French PO in Constantinople to Noumea, New Caledonia; 1921 cover from Italian Field P.O. in Constantinople etc., generally fine, a good group.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1504 Collections/lots Europe
1870/1960ca.: Lot of about 230 various covers and cards from Scandinavia, majority commercial mail, most often to Switzerland including an archive about 70 stationery postcards Sweden to 'Locle', Norway, Denmark (of which 60 items of unused stationery).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1505 Collections/lots Europe
1939/45 Searching missing persons and prisoners de Guerre during and after WW 2, Lot 78 documents from and to to "Mission catholique" in Fribourg asking for details regarding place of residence or state of heath of various individuals arrrested in prisoner camps in Europe or in the USA, partly censored by the German Wehrmacht who whether let the inquiry pass or returned it with marks as "Retour", "Unbekannt", "Abgereist", "Verstorben", "Inadmis" and others, some of the items also passed through the help ot the State of Vatican, included are also six cards de "L'Association Catholique Internationale des Oeuvres de Protection de la Jeune Fille" used in the same matter, a very interesteing selection for the historian investigating in this field, arranged in an album.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1506 Collections/lots Europe
Lot# : 1547 Brit. Colonies lots/accumulations
1840/1920ca.: Collection on self designed pages of Great Britain and various British Colonies, with a focus on British North America and the Caribbean. Up to the middle values. Generally mixed condition, the older issues are mostly stuck to the pages. A lot for the patient, please inspect.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 1549 Brit. Colonies lots/accumulations
1879/1976: British Empire selection in stockbook including Great Britain, with Jubilee issue with blocks of four unmounted og.; Official stamps, of which four used stamps with certificate Brandon; Aden 1937 set, Cyprus with SPECIMEN sets, 1917 Baghdad issue on Turkey (5 different) all with certs.; Newfoundland 1933 Balbo $ 4.50 on 75 c. unused (3); Gibraltar 1954 definitives unmounted; a group of Falkland Island stamps 1912 unused, Malaya, Nepal unmounted blocks of 4, a useful collection with much of interest Catalog value according consigner = £ 23'695.Starting bid : 3,500 CHFHammer price : 4,000 CHFLot# : 1563 Collections/lots Europe
Lot# : 1567 Collections/lots Europe
Europe CEPT 1949/77: Used and unused Collection with 1951 Forerunner sets of Greece, Luxembourg and Saar, joint issues 1956/75 including the better sets and values of Luxembourg, San Marino 1961 miniature sheet and span. Andorra 1972, further NATO issues 1952/74, EFTA and Scandinavian joint issues 1956/77, CSCE (KSZE) 1972/77 with miniature sheets perf/imperf., unofficial issues of British islands (1967) and sympathy/follower issues 1948/77. Further various FDC's in four volumes with Greece 1951 and Luxembourg 1956 included.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1568 Collections/lots Europe
Lot# : 1572 Albania
1870: Cover from Italy to Scutari d'Albanie endorsed "Col vapore via Trieste" with Italy 1863 60 c. lilac tied by dotted lozenge '961' of Venezia, reverse with Triest transit in black. Paid to the border with Turkey 1868 1 pi. yellow (Michel 15) applied to pay internal charges neatly tied by circular "Scutari 81" handstamp in black (Coles & Walker fig. 3). Side flaps missing but a scarce and attractive usage.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 1573 Albania
1872: Cover from Italy to Scutari d'Albanie endorsed "Via Trieste" with Italy 1863 60 c. lilac tied by dotted lozenge '961' of Venezia, reverse with Triest transit in black. Paid to the border with Turkey 1869 Postage Due 20 pa. pale brown and 1 pi. deep brown (Michel P11+P12) applied to pay internal charges neatly tied by circular "Scutari 81" handstamp in black (Coles & Walker fig. 3). Displays well, a fine and scarce cover. Signed E. Diena.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 1574 Albania
1873: Entire letter from Italy to Scutari d'Albanie endorsed "Via Trieste, col vapore per Antivari" with Italy 1863 60 c. lilac tied by dotted lozenge '961' of Venezia, reverse with Triest transit in black. Paid to the border with Turkey 1868 20 pa. green diagonally bisected and 2 pi. orange-brown (Michel 14 var +16) applied to pay internal charges neatly tied by circular "Scutari 81" handstamp in black (Coles & Walker fig. 3). Displays well, a fine and scarce entire. Signed E. Diena.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 1575 Albania
1913/1969: Small stock with a number of interesting letters and postcards, beginning with a 1917 letter from the Italian occupation in WWI and a good range of 9 cards and covers from WWII. Notable stamps include a good run of the 1918/1920 provisionals, the 1925 Achmed Zahgou unissed values in blocks and some later values, mostly in very fine condition.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1576 Albania
1914/17: Lot two adhesives and five covers, incl. Korça 1917 Double Eagle 25 cts. blue & black used on 1917 cover to USA tied by "KORYTSA / ALBANIE" cds (March 27); Korça 1914 two philatelic Envelopes, one showing square Double headed Eagle 10 pa. red on black and 25 pa. red on black each struck directly onto buff envelope and cancelled by "KORCË" cds's (April 16) with Elbasan cds of receipt on reverse (April 19), opinion Holcombe, second cover with Double headed Eagle 10 pa. red variety "Inverted" on violet and 25 pa. red on violet each struck directly onto cream envelope and cancelled by "KORCË" cds's (March 19) in black with Tirane arrival in blue (March 27) reverse with scarce "STAROVË" and Elbasan transits in black, signed Droese, also two questionable examples in a bright shade off cover with Holcombe letter of opinion; 1914 Stampless cover to Valona with "TEPELENË / SHQIPENIË" despatch cds in blue (May 30) applied over circular "NDEN PRETORIË E TEPELENES" Double headed Eagle cachet in blue (Magistrate of Tepelene) surcharged "1 Grosh" in blue represents a First day Cover of the Tepelenë provisional cachet - in use for just a ten day period from May 30, 1914; and1914 Stampless Military cover to Constantinople with "TEPELENË / SHQIPENIË" despatch cds in blue (June 1) applied over circular "NDEN PRETORIË E TEPELENES" Double headed Eagle cachet in blue (Magistrate of Tepelene) surcharged "1 Grosh" in black. Galata and Constantinople machine cancel of arrival (June 14) on reverse, a cover of the utmost rarity, this handstamp was used from May 30 in Tepelene and thus this cover represents the first usage on mail sent overseas.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 1577 Albania
German Occupation of Albania 1943: Stamps ofd Italian Occupation overprinted "14 / Shtator / 1943", the unused selection (21 items) with 2 q., 3 q., 15 q., 25 q. showing '1643' error, various values with '1944' or '1948' errors of surcharge, some fine positional multiples of the higher values well described on Dragan Udovicic cards etc. A generally fine group with many signed Krischke.
Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 1578 Albania
1913/25ca: Lot four unused/used examples and two pieces of the 1913 Double Eagle issue, 20 pa. rose unused (2), 1 pia. ultramarine used and on piece, 2 pia. black-blue unused and on piece, the 1 pia & 2 pia signed Rommerskirchen BPP, 1913 official seal adhesive on registered postcard Vlone to Munich, also 1913 Skanderberg set on cover as well as Skanderberg and Zogu stationery postcards.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 1578A Collections/lots Europe
1931/93: Collection predominantly unused, mounted to about 1955, the 1955 is contained twice mounted and unmounted, additionally there is a strip of 4 of the 500 Fr. airpost-stamp a few varieites or specialities are included. The scollection contains also all postage due stamps. Everything housed in stock-book. A second stock-book contains duplication and some issue for the Spanish post office. High catalogue value.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 1579 Belgium
1849: 10 c. greyish-brown, a used example with large even margins all round and portion of adjoining stamp at top, neatly tied to tiny 1850 cover to Charleroi by "50" numeral obliterator in black with GOSSELIES despatch cds in red adjacent. Charleroi arrival in red on reverse. File fold at right not affecting the delightful appearance.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1580 Belgium
Lot# : 1581 Belgium
1915: Unoccupied Belgium, Railway provisional issue, complete except: 10 c. red (A49 and B49) and 40c green (A53) mostly with full og., of good quality and competently signed. A total of 13 stamps with 4 certificates Baete and a certificate Balasse, including the top values 2 fr. violet and 5 fr. brownish-red Mi = € 12'000.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 3,200 CHFLot# : 1582 Belgium
1849/1990: Collection with some hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, incl. a nice selection of early issues, full sets as Red Cross, King Albert I with helmet, airmails, blocs of four, souvenir sheets and souvenir folders at special accasions, postge dues, railway stamps, Telegraph stamps etc., neatly arranged in one Schauek album, in addition a office file containng cards, covers, postal stationery items, modern FDC's and business mail owner's cat. = Mi € 12'000+.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1583 Belgium
Lot# : 1584 Belgium
Lot# : 1585 Belgium
1924/1943: large group of over 150 covers and cards in one album, mostly from the Rich or Schnell correspondences and sent to Switzerland or Belgium, with a wide range of single, multiple and large frankings, cancellations, tariffs, incl. censored and insured mail, airmail, etc., condition varies with some occasional faults, overall fine to very fine, an interesting specialist lot.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 1586 Belgium Colonies
1886/1960: Predominantly used collection on preprinted album leaves with a great number of good and better stamps, beginning with a 1886 5 fr. violet with blue cds 'BANANA' signed E and A Diena, a 1892 5f. grey, diverse 10f. 'Riverboat' and many other rare stamps. There are also some varieties such as marginal stamps missing perforation on one side. The quality is tropical to fine, with later issues mostly very good.rnrnStarting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 1587 Bulgaria
1879 (July 29): Cover from Sofia to Prague, bearing first issue 1879 5 c. black & orange-yellow with 10 c. black & green (2), tied by Russian-type double circle datestamp "SOFIA / SREDETS" in black. Reverse with repeated strike of despatch datestamp as well as GIURGIU & BUCURESCI railway transit and PRAG arrival (July 14) cds's. Envelope slightly trimmed at left, but an early usage of the first issue going abroad, opinion Penev (2023).Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 5,500 CHFLot# : 1588 Bulgaria
1879 (July 15): Entire letter from Russe to Tirnovo, bearing first issue 1879 25 c. black & purple in a deep shade, tied by clear pre-Independence Russian P.O. Cyrillic only PYЩYK datestamp in blue, an information strike alongside, reverse with bilingual Russian - Bulgarian arrival cds of Tirnovo from the following day in blue. Minor toning, but a most appealing entire, in addition a very early use from the second month of the first issue, paying correctly the provisional internal letter rate, opinion Penev (2023).rnReference: Displayed and discussed in Sciaky - Bulgaria 1840 - 1908 on p. 31.rnProvenance: Collection Roberto Sciaky; Corinphila sale 156 (Oct 2008), lot 4903.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 1589 Bulgaria
1879 (May 27): Entire letter from Svishtov to Budapest, bearing first issue 1879 25 c. black & purple, tied by crisp bilingual SVISHTOV datestamp in green-blue, reverse with repeated strike of despatch cds as well as BUDAPEST arrival (June 1) cds in black. A fine and fresh entire of utmost attractiveness, opinion Penev (2023), cert. Eichele (2003).rnProvenance: Collection Franz See, Corinphila sale 62 (May 1979), lot 2067.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,800 CHFLot# : 1590 Bulgaria
1881 (April 24): Entire letter from Samokov via Sofia to Plovdiv in at that time Eastern Roumelia, bearing first issue 1879 25 c. black & purple, tied by bilingual SAMOKOV datestamp in black, an information strike and bilingual SOFIA transit datestamp, both in black alongside, reverse with SAMOKOV despatch and Russian-type "POSHTA PLOVDIV" arrival datestamp in blue (April 30). Some small imperfections, but a scarce first issue cover, the long journey can be explained by the fact that all mail to Eastern Roumelia had to pass Constantinople. Opinion Penev (2023).rnProvenance: Corinphila sale 156 (Oct 2008), lot 4904.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 1591 Bulgaria
1885 (Dec 1): Registered cover from Russe to Moscow, bearing first issue 1879 50 c. black & blue, tied by a crisp strike of very rare bilingual "РУСЧЮКЪ / ROUSTCHOUK" datestamp in blue, reverse with an add. information strike, two UNGENI transit cds's (border to Bessarabia) and Moscow arrival cds's (Dec 25). A very rare use of the Russian-type datestamp in Russe on scarce first issue cover. Opinion Penev (2023).rnProvenance: Corinphila sale 156 (Oct 2008), lot 4905.rnNote: Sent by the private doctor of the Russian Czar, Vladimir von Rambach to his wife in Moscow.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,800 CHFLot# : 1592 Bulgaria
1884 (Oct 28): Entire letter from the Ralli brothers in Varna to Constantinople, bearing third issue 1882/85 10 st. rose & 15 st. reddish violet, tied by bilingual VARNA datestamp in black, reverse with CONSTANTINOPEL arrival cds (Dec 11) of the Austrian P.O. Corner fault and acid ink imperfection at top right of letter, neverthelss an appealing item; opinion Penev (2023).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 1593 Bulgaria
1886 (April 6): Registered cover from Russe to the Senf brothers in Leipzig, bearing 1885 50 st. on 1 fr. black & red from the second provisional issue, tied by bilingual ROUSTCHOUK datestamp in blue, reverse with an add. information strike and LEIPZIG - RIESA railway datestamp (April 21). An outstanding and rare cover, only 5'000 of the surcharged adhesive were issued, signed Mikulski; opinion Penev (2023).rnProvenance: Corinphila sale 156 (Oct 2008), lot 4919.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 1594 Bulgaria
1907: 20th Anniversary of Prince Ferdinand's Accession, all three values from 5 st. green to 25 st. blue, in the rare variety: imperforated, the largest known multiples with a block of 49 (7 x 7) and a strip of seven of the 5 stotinki, an irregular block of 51 and a block of four of the 10 stotinki as well as a block of 56 (7 x 8) for the 25 stotinki. Mi = € 26'730.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1595 Bulgaria
Lot# : 1596 Bulgaria
1901 (Dec 23): Unpaid cover within Russe, taxed with Ferdinand definitives 5 st. green & black and 10 st. red & black, overprinted 'T' in circle and used as provisional Postage due, a pair of both tied by RUSSE cds, a Tirnovo - Russe ambulant alongside, a provisional measure only from December 22-25, 1901. Signed Alexander Richter, opinion Penev (2023).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1597 Bulgaria
1884: Postage due, combination serpentine and linear perforation, lot incl. 25 st. mauve perf. 11½ : 5 in unused and used condition, also 25 st. perforated 11½ at top, the other three sides with serpentine 5, and very rare cover with due combination 25 st. mauve 11½ : 5 plus 5 st. orange, one of six covers known, signed Alexander Richter, opinion Penev (2023).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 1598 Bulgaria
1879/1961: Powerful collection, in the main numbers apparently complete, mounted on pages. Many sets contained twice used and unused (or event twice unused), all classics stamps in quite good condition, all sport sets unused mounted and unmounted. some really good pages added from another collection containing so that we have several sets of the airpost stamps from 1932 including 4 flown covers of which one FDC! Balcan soccer championshipp in unused blocks of 4. Additionally an old part collection only early issues on 4 pages.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 1599 Bulgaria
Ottoman Post Offices 1840/52c.: The collection of "Tartar Post" postal relay forms (40), each form struck on despatch and receipt with Type 1 Ottoman handstamp "An janib.." negative seal with wreath at base, each form detailing route times and amount of post carried, with negative handstamps from or to Sofia, Filibe (Plovdiv), Bosna, Vidin, Ruschuk, Sumnu, Tirnova, Varna, directed to or coming from other offices in Bulgaria or in other parts of the Ottoman Empire.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1600 Bulgaria
Collection of eighty-four mainly pre 1930 entires and stamps on ten stock pages. The cover section begins with a mixed franking between the third and fourth issue on a registered letter from SOPHIA to Germany. There are in total eleven covers and entires of the fourth issue, from among others STARA ZAGORA, LOVTCHA, KUSTENDIL and VARNA among others with a good proportion of registered items. War items include some censors ond other items of interestStarting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1601 Bulgaria
Balkan Wars 1912/13: Prisoner of War Mail, covers/cards (3) with Jan. 1913 cover from Grand Hotel Boulevard, Sofia with circular violet "Administration of the Sophia Regional Command" and manuscript "Libre de Taxe / Prisonnier de Guerre / Commandant of the Sophia Command" in red ink; 1913 Bulgarian 10 st. red postal card to Stamboul (May 12) cancelled at Stara Zagora with blue unit cachet "Staff of HQ Section / Stara Zagora" in blue and incoming cover from Mahmoud Pasha (Istanbul) franked at 1 piastre to the Grand Hotel Boulevard, Sofia with Reseal Censor "Administration of the Sophia Regional Command" at top - the sole such usage of a Reseal label recorded. A rare group.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 1602 Bulgaria
First Balkan War 1912/13: Collection well written up on leaves with covers/cards (25) including mail from the preparations prior to War being declared against Turkey on October 18, 1912 with Censor markings of Korten in manuscript, cachets of Military units and Ministry of War, two rare covers from a Foreign Volunteer unit (who could not legally join the Bulgarian Army) with "Macedonian Adrianople Legion, Veles Batallion, 4th Company" cachets in violet, further two covers from the IMRO units; mail from Serbian forces within Bulgaria and two rare cards from the Macedonian front ex Boreovan and Doirin etc. Viewing recommended.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 1603 Bulgaria
Balkan Wars 1912/13: Red Cross mail. The Collection well written up on leaves with covers/cards (8) including Turkish 20 pa. card from Stamboul (Jan. 1913) to British Red Cross in Sofia, Great Britain cover at 2½ d. rate to Philippopolis to Nurse Sharpin at the Military Hospital with Bulgarian notation "Stage (rear-area) Hospital", May 1913 card from Dedeagatch with "Iambol Evacuation Hospital" Red Cross cachet, Bulgarian card with "Red Cross / Russe Branch" cachet and July 1913 registered franchise cover with imprinted "Bulgarian Red Cross Society, Sofia" at top to Adrianople and presumably captured by Ottoman Army when this town was reoccupied by the Turks, and a December 1912 card from Iambol with "Russian Red Cross - 'Moscow' Lazaret" cachet in red, previously unrecorded; Aug. 1913 Bulgarian 10 st. card from Dupnitsa to UK from a British Red Cross nurse with Unit cachet and message stating "postal arrangements are pretty bad, apart from the Censor" and an Aug. 1913 card from Kustendjil to Germany with "Hospital of Her Majesty the Queen" circular cachet and carried free, probably by Red Cross pouch. A very rare group.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 1604 Bulgaria
First & Second Balkan Wars 1912/13: Collection well written up on leaves with covers/cards (62) showing the Bulgarian and Serbian occupation of Thrace including Bulgarian P.O. in Salonika with card and a May 1914 5 st. green Money Order form additionally franked 15 st. to Bulgarian occupied Cavalla, Occupation of Thrace with range of covers/cards from Cherkez Khoi, Dedeagatch (1), Demirtache (using Ottoman datestamp), Dimotika (3, incl. rare up-rated card to Egypt), Drama, Gumuldjina (2), Lozengrad (4, one stampless with intaglio Lion seals), Serres (2), Svilengrad (5, one registered), Svilengrad Serbian Office (2), Xanthi; mail from the Siege of Adrianople (10, with two cards from Ludovic Naudeau, War Correspondent of Paris Temps', dated from the first day of occupation of Adrianople). Together with a group of unwritten-up cards some mailed in the (small) interim between the two Balkan wars from Thrace from the end of May 1913 (Treaty of London, 30 May), with definitive issue of Bulgaria overprinted to celebrate Victory with usages on card and on registered cover to Canal Zone, Panama; together with a fabulous letter in German dated from Russe on July 13, 1913 concerning the start of the second conflict "The steamer 'Albrecht' arrived today with the Red Cross and leaves today...for 10 days we have had no mail from Europe and no Telegraph connection...The Romanians have already occupied Tutrakhan, Silistria, Dobrich, Balchjik and Varna. Now they are marching alone and undisturbed with a large Army to Cherven Briag, Orhanie and Sophia. The situation is very dangerous". A superb collection with viewing recommended.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 1605 Bulgaria
Balkan Wars 1912/13: Collection well written up on leaves with covers/cards (40) showing the Bulgarian and Serbian occupation of Eastern Thrace and the Chatalja Front with many cancelled items utilising the Lion within Circle Military unit cachets, including cover written on captured Ottoman Telegraph form, usages from Chorlu (4), April 1913 cover from Keshan, May 1913 card from Rodosto using Ottoman cds, mail from IMRO (foreign soldier's) units near Gallipoli, fine study of mail from Adrianople between the Wars incl. Telegraph form usages (one from the Royal Palace on Dvorets Vrana near Sophia to a Lieutenant from Prince Kiril), pink Money Order form, and range of cards (July-August 1913) from the anti-Serbian Western Front. Another superb lot with viewing recommended.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 1606 Bulgaria
Second Balkan War 1913 (July-Sept.)/1914: Romanian Forces and Occupation of Bulgaria, the collection on leaves (31 items) with remarkable stampless cover from 6th Detachment with violet negative seal cachets (2) 6th Principal Rear Detachment cds (July 20, 1913) and Posts & Telegraphs cachet all in violet addressed to Silistria, Aug. 1913 Armata concession card to Army HQ in Pleven cancelled "Somovit-Pleven Railroad Post Office" in red (Aug. 22), 5 b. green stationery card from Berkovitsa to Serbia cancelled by "Cavalerie Z.O." cds (July 24) in violet (cert. Novakovic), Armata concession cards used ex 2nd, 4th and 7th Divisions, cover with 15 b. tied by "Vratza" cds to Pitesti, rare Romania Money Order card up-rated and mailed from Dobrich to Pitesti, July 1913 Bulgarian 5 st. card used as formula card with 5 b. tied by "Silistra" cds, Romania 1913 Franchise stamps with imperforate Proof pair, imperf. between used pair on piece and three covers, Romania Dec. 1913 Victory issue covers (7). A generally fine lot of most unusual material.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1607 Croatia
1944ca.: High 500 Kuna denomination, never issued stamp 'Bridge of Mostar', - a perforated sheet of 54 stamps in violet coulour and the same design, but imperforated and in green colour. All stamps, unmounted in good condition, both sheets are horizontally folded, the imperf. sheet has a vertical bend on the selvage at the lower right.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1608 Czechoslovakia
1919: 2 Kr. violet-ultramarine in format I (25x 30 mm) used. According to the certificate a few shorted perfs at left and at right, the describer says 'issue typical' perforation, a very nice stamp! Signed Leseticky and certificate Darmietzel. Mi = € 4000.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 1609 Czechoslovakia
Lot# : 1610 Czechoslovakia
1920/90ca.: Accumulation, 12 Albums including of which two albums with clean old style collections mounted on pages, 4 Heavy KaBe albums with modern collection 1945/90ca. Encountered e.g. airpost 1920 imperforated and perforated (all signed Gilbert), many souvenir sheets. Aside in a folder the pair of mini-sheets national anthem " Kde domov mu?i" unused, excellent condition just the envelope was folded. Seen over a lot of good condition.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,800 CHFLot# : 1611 Denmark
1862: Cover from Copenhagen addressed to Ballarat, Australia care of Tuxen & Co., struck with circular "KJOBENHAVN" despatch cds (Oct 20), via Hamburg with oval datestamp (Oct 21). Circular "LONDON / PAID" cds in red (Oct 23) reverse with Melbourne cds in red (Jan 13, 1863) and "Ballarat / Victoria" datestamp of receipt in black (Jan 14). Minor staining and one side flap missing but a very rare and important cover - the second earliest cover recorded from Denmark to Australia.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1612 Denmark
1855: 2 sk. blue and 1857 16 sk. grey-lilac dotted background with additional franking 1858 4 sk. brown wavy background from the 5th printing, all with full to wide margins in a fresh shade, on envelope from Copenhagen to Giessen, Thurn & Taxis postal area. The franking tied by bold numeral '1' of Copenhagen, despatch "KIOBENHAVN 21 / 6 2-3" cds in black alongside, reverse with "KDOPA HAMBURG 22.6." and "HAMBURG TH&/ 22.6." transit cds's and indistinct arrival cds. Light patina, nevertheless an appealing and interesting cover, the franking paying correctly the 1854 postal rate of 22 skilling from the second Danish to the third GAPU rayon with 9 skilling for Denmark and 13 skilling / 3 silbergroschen for the Postverein, the weiterfranko noted at lower left. Cert. Moeller (2022) Facit 3+6+7i = Skr. 7'200+.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 1613 Denmark
1871: Bicoloured 3 öre in a horizontal pair, used on 1871 entire letter to Sweden tied by circular "1" numerals and by corresponding Copenhagen oval despatch datestamp (June 8) in black. Further Copenhagen cds at left and Swedish Railway datestamp on reverse. Slight bends not affecting the appearance of a fine cover. Signed E. Diena, R. Mondolfo. Cert. Paaskesen (1998).Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1614 Denmark
1914: 5Kr brownish red, watermark cown, horizontal strip of three (pos 6,7,8) in exquisite condition on address for three, not further defined 'sacks' from COPENHAGEN to FREDERICA. The left stamp from position 6 shows the plateflaw 'vertical line in N missing'. The envelope bears three consecutive parcel labels 467 through 469 and is, given that it was accompanying freight, in perfect condition. An eye-catcher for the large Denmark collection. rnStarting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 1615 Denmark
1915: 5Kr brownish red, watermark crosses, horizontal block of fifteen (pos 36 to 50) cancelled by 10 strikes of the FREDERICIA-VAMDRUP railway cachet. The stamp from position 44 shows the plateflaw 'KJOBFNHAGEN' and is clearly visible. The block is in excellent condition, minor short perforations at the bottom do not detract. A very important unit of exhibition quality.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 1616 Denmark
1915: 5Kr brownish red, watermark crosses, block of twenty-four (4x6), cancelled by 12 strikes KJOBENHAVN -8.6.20 3-5. The block was folded in the perforation and the bottom right hand stamp has a miniscule tear. Otherwise the block is in excellent condition. A very important unit of exhibition quality.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 1617 Denmark
1915: 5 Kr brownish red, watermark crosses, horizontal strip of three and futher horizontal pair in very good condition (odd short perf) on address for three parcels from COPENHAGEN to FREDERICA. An additional three stamps for 3K 50ö complete the franking, 50ö faults due to being stuck close to the edge. The envelope bears three consecutive parcel labels 775 through 777. The postage consists of a base price of 50 ö per parcel plus 135 kilos at 20 ö each. An exhibition piece.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 1618 Denmark
Unfortunately this lot was withdrawn from this auction.
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