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Catalogue 279: South & Central America – The Brian Moorhouse Estate (part IV)
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Lot# : 5301 Haiti
1881: 3 c. bistre on pale bistre overlapped by 7 c. blue on greyish, each with ample to large margins all round, tied to 1881 cover to Bordeaux endorsed 'per Royal Mail' by "Port Au Prince / Haiti" datestamps (Sept 9) in black. Reverse with Bordeaux arrival cds (Sept 27) in black. A fine and scarce first issue cover.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 5302 Haiti
1882/86: Liberty 20 c. pale brown on yellowish, perf. 13½, a used example on 1894 registered cover to Belfast, Ireland in combination with 1892/95 2 c. deep blue in a strip of five on reverse; tied by 'Gonaives / Haiti' cds's (June 26) with framed 'R' below. New York transit registration label on obverse and oval datestamps of transit on reverse (July 10 and 11). Some wear to envelope but a scarce mixed issue usage to an unusual destination.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 5303 Haiti
1896/1904: Small group of covers/cards (6) with various adhesives (11) addressed to France, Germany, Switzerland or USA, all used with Ship cancellations showing straight line cachets of ADIRONDACK in blue, BOLIVIA (2), HUNGARIA, S.S.SAGINAW and THURINGIA in violet.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 5312 Mexico
Lot# : 5313 Mexico
Lot# : 5314 Mexico
Lot# : 5315 Mexico
1862 (April 24): Entire letter from Colima, Mexico to Liverpool mailed during the American Civil War, sent via Agent in New York with fine "FORWARDED BY / FREDK. PROBST & Co. / NEW YORK / 10 June 1862" in blue with date in manuscript. 'N. YORK BR. PKT / 5' cds in black (June 10) and carried by Cunard Steamer 'Europa' from Boston with Liverpool cds (June 22) and '1/-' charge mark in black. An unusual entire.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 5316 Mexico
Puebla 1856: ½ r. blue, a used pair in a deep shade on 1858 entire letter to Puebla, cancelled by oval framed "TECAMA / CHALCO" handstamp in black (Schatzkes fig. 1228). Right hand stamp with Plate Flaw showing coloured line running through 'R' of REAL, just above the manuscript date 'Abril 16'. A fine entire.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 5317 Mexico
Lot# : 5318 Mexico
1856: Morelia District 1 r. yellow, a horizontal pair used on 1857 cover to Mexico CIty tied by bold strike of two line FRANCO EN / PAZCUARO handstamp in black (Schatzkes fig. 962) with manuscrirpt date 'Dic. 15/57' alongside. An attractive cover. Signed Todd AIEP.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 140 CHFLot# : 5319 Mexico
Chihuahua 1856: 2 r. green, pale shade towards emerald, large margins all round, used on August 2, 1857 entire letter to Parral tied by fine strike of framed ROSALES handstamp (Schatzkes fig 165) in red. Slight peripheral staining to entire but scarce.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 5320 Mexico
1856: Puebla District 2 r. bright green, a used example showing part of Plate Crack at top (position 17) and diagonal pre-printing paper fold at top right corner, tied to cover to Puebla by framed ACATLAN handstamp in black (Schatzkes fig. 1166), manuscript dated at upper right 'Dic. 9'. Scarce. Signed J.K. Bash, Todd AIEP.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 5321 Mexico
Chihuahua 1856: 2 r. green, a top left corner marginal example showing guidelines, used with marginal ½ r. blue and a further single ½ r. blue (all are exceptional) on March 14, 1857 entire letter from Chihuahua to Parral, tied by CHIHUAHUA handstamp (Schatzkes fig. 136) in red. A fresh and very fine entire.rnProvenance: Collection Peter Broennimann, Corinphila sale 192, 18 Nov 2014, lot 4056.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 5322 Mexico
1856: Guadalajara District 4 r. red, a fine used example with just touched to large margins all round, used on double rate 1859 cover to Guadalajara tied by framed "Franqueado / en Tepic" italic handstamp in red (Schatzkes fig. 409). Some minor scuffs to address panel but an attractive usage.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 5323 Mexico
Lot# : 5324 Mexico
Queretaro 1861: ½ r. black on buff, a sheet marginal block of four used on March 7, 1864 entire letter from Apaseo to Mexico City, tied on despatch by oval framed APASEO handstamp (Schatzkes fig. 1284) in black, and by transit handstamps of "Franqueado / En Queretaro" in black to prevent possible re-use (fig. 1264). File fold through the multiple but rare and attractive. Cert. Mepsi (1987).Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 350 CHFLot# : 5325 Mexico
1861: Guadalajara District 4 r. black on yellow, a vertically bisected example paying the 2 reales rate, used on 1861 entire letter to Guadalajara tied by oval framed LEON DE LOS ALDAMAS handstamp (Schatzkes fig. 500) well struck in black (July 24). A fresh and fine entire. Signed Todd AIEP Scott = $ 190+.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 5326 Mexico
1868: Thick Figures 100 c. value, an imperforate Proof block in an irregular lower right corner block of thirteen, positions 78-80 / 86-90 / 96-100, printed in brown on thin wove paper, positions 78, 80, 86, 90, 98 and 99 without stop after '100', closed tear into position 90 at right and minor bends in large 48 mm. sheet margin at base, fresh and very fine unused without gum. Rare and most attractive multiple.rnrnProvenance: Collection Quintus Fernando.Starting bid : 700 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 5327 Mexico
Lot# : 5328 Mexico
Lot# : 5329 Mexico
Lot# : 5330 Mexico
Incoming Mail 1867: Great Britain 1 s. green, pl. 4, a horizontal pair (Gi. 117) used on 1869 entire letter to Acapulco, Mexico endorsed 'Per R.M.Str.' tied by 'Manchester / 498' duplexes (July 16). Fine oval ENCAMINADA POR / HOURQUET POYLO & CA / PANAMA Forwarding Agent's cachet in blue displaying well on reverse; with British P.O. 'Panama' cds (Aug 9) in black and internal docketing of receipt (Aug 15). Adhesives crossed but light file fold but a scarce West Coast entire.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 5331 Mexico
1880: Incoming entire letter to Guadalajara franked by USA 1875 Taylor 5 c. blue tied by New York duplex (Nov 18). Endorsed 'per City of Alexandria' with violet cachet at left CORREOS MEXICO / VAPOR CITY OF ALEXANDRIA and reverse with Vera Cruz transit cds (Nov 29) in black.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 5332 Nicaragua
1881: Stampless Official cover with impressed 'Ministerio de Hacienda' seal on flap, struck on front with two 'Correos de Nicaragua / San Juan del Sur' datestamps (Oct 11) in blue. Reverse with London transit cds (Nov 11) in red and struck there with "T / 1-10" accountancy marking in black, slightly over-scored by Calais entry marking (Nov 12) and charged '16' décimes due in manuscript. A rare cover sent in the pre-UPU / first issues period.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 5333 Nicaragua
1851/57: "New York & California Steam Ship Line / For San Francisco / Via Nicaragua" corner imprinted envelope bearing USA Franklin 1 c. blue, Type IV, a superb appearing example from left of sheet but just shaved at base, used on Circular rate cover tied by 'New York' cds (Nov 24) in black. Attractive and unusual usage.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 5334 Nicaragua
1897: Seebeck Map Issue covers, the selection (5) with 1 c. violet single example used on drop letter within Granada with oval "Cartero 2 / Granada" in blue, 2 c. blue-green single franking used within Granada with "Cartero 3 / Granada" in blue, 1897 printed matter rate cover from the Dutch Consul in Managua to the Swedish & Norwegian Consul in Guatemala franked single 5 c. rose (all are scarce rates), 1897 cover from Managua to San Francisco with 10 c. blue and 1897 10 c. stationery envelope up-rated for registered use to London with 1 c., 2x2 c., and a 10 c. Minor imperfections but a scarce group.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 5335 Nicaragua
1913: Currency Change. Perkins Bacon hand-painted Essay for proposed new 5 c. value, stamp size with bromide photograph of Cordoba in central vignette, surround painted in pale and deep indigo blue showing "Correos 1913" at top with "Nicaragua", "5" and "Centavos" picked out in gold. A remarkable Essay, the Contract for the 1914 issue being handed to the American Banknote Co. probably as a result of the First World War. Unique.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 5336 Nicaragua
1888/1909: Germany 10 pf. red postal stationery cards (3 different), with 1889 card from Sagan to Leon via New York, unclaimed with Nicaraguan Instructional NO SE ENCUENTRA" and "REZAGO, MANG. / PUBLICADA 27 Mar DE 89" in blue and "Non Reclamé" in violet; 1891 card used back to Hamburg via Corinto cancelled at Managua in green and 1909 card used back to Germany cancelled by oval framed "Bluefields" datestamp in violet. Scarce trio.Starting bid : 140 CHFHammer price : 140 CHFLot# : 5337 Nicaragua
Lot# : 5338 Nicaragua
Lot# : 5339 Nicaragua
Lot# : 5340 Panama
1822 (May 15): Entire letter from Panama to Boston, USA written in English with fascinating contents: "I think to bring home with me 5 or 6 thousand dollars if nothing should happen...this City is a place of considerable consequence in regard of business as soon as some vessels double Cape Horn the distance by land from the Atlantic to the Persific is only 21 miles. Business is flourishing from all parts of the United States...the Brig will in all probability be at Porto Bello by the 25th of this month, I shall close my business on her arrival...". The entire rated '12' in red manuscript and struck with NEW-YORK cds in red (July 15). A rare cover.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 5341 Panama
Lot# : 5342 Panama
1842 (July 5): Cover from Lima to Bordeaux with reverse flap showing "Panama August 1842 forwarded by F.W. Byrne" in manuscript. Struck in transit with KINGSTON / JAMAICA cds (Oct 10) in black and on arrival in London with framed "Packet Letter" in red and charged at 3/2d. due to pay (altered from 2/3d.) with eventual French charge of 2 décimes in manuscript. Small flap fault but a scarce routing a Ship Letter would have cost a mere 8d. due.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 5343 Panama
1845 (Feb 14): Entire letter prepaid from Paris to the Captain of the 'Angelina' in Valparaiso endorsed 'voie de Panama', struck with 'Bureau Central' cds in red with framed PD in red alongside. Fine and scarce French Consular "PANAMA / *" transit in red (March 29) also on obverse with reverse showing a further strike on day of despatch South with "PANAMA / *" in red (April 1) and manuscript '22' décimes rate. Rare and fine entire.rnrnNote: The rarity of this marking can be noted by Salles failing to find an example. Note also that the date on both strikes on this entire has been altered in red ink manuscript from 1843 to 1845, proof that the Consular datestamp was rarely utilised.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 350 CHFLot# : 5344 Panama
1851 (April 21): Cover and complete original contents written from 'Navy Bay' (Chagres) to Bangor, Maine, struck on arrival with two line STEAM / SHIP and '20' (cents) double rate marking in black. Some minor crinkling to the envelope but a rare usage with interesting content regarding a journey from Chagres to Gatun through swamps and the nascent road and railroad building taking place.rnStarting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 5345 Panama
Lot# : 5346 Panama
1859 (March 10): Entire letter from Bogotá to New York prepaid to the border with oval BOGOTÁ / FRANCA and rate marks '40' (centavos) in blue on front and further rate mark '50' (centavos) on reverse; circular ADMINISTRACION DE CORREOS DE COLON / FRANCA in red and oval "FORWARDED BY / RAMON LEON SANCHEZ / CARTAGENA N.G." in orange-red; thereafter carried outside the mails to destination ((April 25). Rare and fine entire.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 5347 Panama
1891: Cover with imprinted 'Panama Railroad Company' at left, used to Fox River Shops struck with circular PANAMA RAIL ROAD COMPANY / OFFICE OF / GENERAL SUP'T / APR / 22 / 1891 / COLON / (ASPINWALL) REP. OF COLUMBIA datestamp in bright blue. Slight flap tear on reverse but superb and rare.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 5348 Panama
Lot# : 5349 Panama
1854 (Aug 31): Entire letter from San Francisco to Boston franked by 1851 3 c. brown-red in a horizontal pair, margins touched to clear, struck on reverse with very rare oval INDEPENDENT LINE / AHEAD OF THE MAILS / UNCLE SAM AND NORTH STAR / VIA PANAMA in black, a tad pencil enhanced, the adhesives tied by 'New York' cds (Sept 27) in black. Rare.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 5350 Panama
British P.O.'s in Colon 1856: Cover from Panama to Paris with oval sender's cachet 'Hurtado Hermanos / Panama' in red on reverse, mailed via British P.O. with extremely rare usage of double arc COLON datestamp in red (Feb 23) well struck alongside. Carried via London (March 20) where struck with framed "COLONIES / ART. 18" in red with handstruck '15' décimes due mark in black. A rare cover - the Colon cds in red is recorded in use during 1855 and 1856 only.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 5351 Panama
British Post Office 1861: USA 10 c. yellow-green and 12 c. black used on 1864 cover addressed to the Captain of 'Ship Berkshire, care of American Consul, Callao', cancelled in black with 'Essex / Ct.' despatch cds in black (Oct 9) at left. Red '12' cents credit mark (to GB) above fine double arc British P.O. in PANAMA cds (Oct 24) in black all on obverse. Reverse with part Lima arrival cds (Nov 1) in black. A scarce and most attractive cover. Cert. Philatelic Foundation (1988).Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 5352 Panama
British P.O.'s in Colon 1862: Prepaid cover from Colon to Gloucestershire, England endorsed 'pr. West India Mail from Colon June 24, 61' (sic) at top, struck with fine "♕ / PAID / AT / COLON" in red, with manuscript rate '1/-' alongside in crayon and 'London / Paid' arrival (July 14) in red below. Reverse with double arc 'Colon' cds in black (June 23, 1862). Small part of top flap missing but a very scarce Crown Circle, one of only six COLON Crowned circles recorded of which this is the only going overseas, while all the others are addressed to Colombian cities Gi CC4 = £ 4'750 / Scott = $ 5'500.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 5353 Panama
British P.O.'s in Colon 1873/80: Great Britain 6 d. grey pl. 14 in a horizontal pair used with 1867/80 9 d. straw pl. 4 on 1875 cover from Colon to Rochefort, France endorsed 'per Tasmanian', tied by two fine strikes of "E88" obliterators with COLON cds alongside in black (Dec 20). 'London / Paid' transit in red (Jan 17, 1876) with arrival on reverse. The envelope trimmed at left and with one or two age spots but a very rare cover, with a unique combination of adhesive stamps, the only 9d on cover from Colon, just 5 franked covers with 'ESS' obliteration recorded in Karl Louis Card Index! Gi Z61+Z63.rnProvenance: E.E.Yates, 31. July - 1. Aug. 1946; Grant Glassco, R. Lowe 25 - 27 Nov. 1969, lot 684.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,900 CHFLot# : 5354 Panama
Lot# : 5355 Panama
British P.O.'s 1858/79: Great Britain 1 d. red pl. 191, a single and horizontal strip of three, used on 1880 cover to London endorsed 'via Panama', tied by two strikes of horizontal "C35" obliterator in black and by three line dated PANAMA / 26 JY 1880 / TRANSIT in black. Reverse with London arrival cds (Aug 25). The cover with slight opening tear at top but a very scarce and attractive usage Gi Z72.rnProvenance: R. Lowe Bournemonth, 6 Nov. 1980, lot 1509.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 520 CHFLot# : 5356 Panama
British P.O.'s 1862/64: Great Britain 3 d. bright carmine-rose and 1865/67 6 d. lilac pl. 5 used on 1865 cover with full original contents to Lugano, Switzerland tied by bold "PANAMA / C35" duplex in black (Sept 2). 'London / Paid' transit cds (Sept 28) in red with PD adjacent, thence via Calais, Paris and Basel to Lugano (Sept 30). The 3 d. in a wonderfully fresh shade, a particularly attractive and unique "two issues Mixed franking" and rate to an uncommon destination Gi Z79+Z90.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 3,600 CHFLot# : 5357 Panama
Lot# : 5358 Panama
British P.O.'s 1872/73: Great Britain 6 d. pale buff, pl. 12, wmk. Spray, a used block of four, neatly cancelled by two full strikes of the Panama "C35" obliterator in black. One or two blunted perfs. at top not detracting from the superb appearance of a unique multiple no other blocks of the 6d buff are recorded used in Panama Gi Z93.rnProvenance: Collection Grant Glassco, RL, London, 25-27 Nov 1969, lot 694.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 5359 Panama
British P.O.'s 1880: Great Britain 2 s. brown, pl. 1, wmk. Spray, lettered ND, a used example with trimmed wing margin and one pulled perf. at top and age spots on reverse, cancelled by large part Panama "C35" obliterator in black. Despite faults a not unattractive example of a very rare stamp Scott = $ 2'500 / Gi Z108/Gi 121 = £ 4'250.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 5360 Panama
British P.O.'s 1890: Cover from Victoria to Buenos Aires, Argentina via Panama, franked on obverse and reverse with 1896 1 d. brown-orange (7, with block of six on reverse) cancelled in black with 'Registered / GPO' cds alongside (Dec 22). Transit cds superbly struck at left of very rare BRITISH PACKET AGENCY / PANAMA in black (Feb 14, 1891). Argentina Telegraph 10 c. brown cancelled by manuscript crayon in violet and reverse with Buenos Aires arrival cds in black. A most unusual cover.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 5361 Panama
Lot# : 5362 Panama
Lot# : 5363 Panama
1947 (March 8): Airmail 5 c. in black on 7 c. carmine, a used example showing variety "Surcharge Double", lightly cancelled in violet. Only recorded used, an extremely rare stamp: Sanabria records just three examples Sanabria 94c = $ 500/Gi 448a = £550/Scott = $ 375.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 5364 Panama
1952 (Feb 20): Airmail 2 c. in red on 1949 10 c. blue & black, an unused block of four with upper pair showing surcharge slightly displaced to lower right and the lower pair showing variety "Surcharge Omitted", fresh and very fine, typically slightly browned unmounted og. Rare Gi 524a = £ 750/Scott = $ 500+.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 5365 Panama
Canal Zone 1909/10: 1 c. dark green & black, single and pair on obverse and pair and strip of five on reverse; used as Postage Dues on 1913 unpaid cover from 'Hampden / Jamaica' (May 26) with 'T' marking alongside neat datestamp, all tied by PARAISO / CZ datestamps (June 20) in black. Scarce and very fine, would benefit by being opened for display.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 5369 Paraguay
1870 (Aug): 3 r. black on white wove paper, an unused block of four with large even margins all round, crease at top and left on frame lines not detracting from appearance, fresh and very fine unused. An extremely rare multiple. Signed Holcombe.rnrnProvenance: Collection Ramón Benítez Ciotti, Corinphila sale 145, 5-8 Aprl 2006, lot 4783.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 5370 Paraguay
Lot# : 5371 Paraguay
1854/1932c.: The Postal History selection (18 items) with 1854c. pre-stamp cover to Buenos Aires with oval "Admon Gral / De Correos / De La R. Del P." handstamp in red, 1879/81 5 c. orange-brown single franking covers (2), 1899 cover with 1887 20 c. pink tied by scarce "Villa Sana" cds to France, further 1890/1900's covers with mixed issue frankings from Asuncion, Villa Concepcion, San Bernadino etc., 1900c. cover with 10 c. blue pair tied "Neuva Colonia Germania" handstamp, 1903 and 1911 Official issue covers, 1911 cover with 75 c. blue bisect usage from "Roa Rugua (Mbuyapey)", Chaco War 'Soldado' patriotic envelope etc., a fine and most interesting selection.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 5372 Paraguay
Travelling Post Offices 1884: 2 c. red postal stationery card (H&G 7) used to Germany cancelled by circular "EST. AMB. No.6 RIO PARAGUAY" datestamp in black (Dec 21, 1887) and 3 c. blue postal stationery card (H&G 8) used to Germany with octagonal framed "ESTA. FLUB No. 4 / RIO PARAGUAY" datestamp in black (March 1, 1887). Minor faults but a very scarce pair: unlisted by Grasset & Antonni.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 5373 Paraguay
1896: 5 c. violet postal stationery envelope (H&G B3) mailed registered / AR to Germany, up-rated with 1887 15 c. orange cancelled by "Correos / Paraguay" circular handstamps and straight line "Colonia Neuva Germania" in black with "AR" and registration label of same. Asuncion transit on reverse (Aug 1899) and Herrnhut arrivals. A rare usage.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 5374 Paraguay
1896: 2 c. green postal stationery card and 4 c. red on white postal stationery cards (H&G 9+10), unused examples with 2 c. reverse showing blue view of three naked girls from the Chaco region; 4 c. red card with blue view on reverse of two explorers amongst trees and 4 c. red cards unused and used with 'Cerveceria P. Herken' view on reverse with 'Monkeys' sketch at right. A few minor imperfections but a seldom seen group.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 5375 Paraguay
1896: 2 c. green postal stationery cards (2) and 4 c. red on white postal stationery card (H&G 9+10), used examples with 1905 2 c. up-rated with 10 c. violet to Germany with reverse showing blue view of Logging encampment cancelled by scarce "Correos / Puerto Max" datestamp in violet; 2 c. deep green card to Buenos Aires with blue view on reverse of a lake and 4 c. red card used in 1898 to Wiesbaden with 'Cerveceria P. Herken' view on reverse with 'Monkeys' sketch at right. A few minor scuffs but a seldom seen group.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 5376 Paraguay
1882/1931: The Postal Stationery collection of cards/covers and wrappers (18 items) with 1882 3 c. blue cards (2) used in period to Germany (H&G 2), 1896 4 c. red card unused with 'Cerveceria P. Herken' advert and illustration on reverse, 1896 10 c. blue env. (H&G B4) to London with 1892 2 c. green (5) used from San Bernadino, 1896 10 c. blue env. to London with 1892 1 c. grey (2) and 2 c. green (4) from Villa Rica, 10 c. blue env. with 1 c. grey (9) to Germany from Villa San Pedro, 1891 2 c. red letter card (H&G A1) underpaid to Switzerland with pair of Swiss 20 c. Postage Dues, 1931 1 p. 50 c. violet env. with advertising at left used to Villa Rica (H&H B6 var), 1887 2 c. red wrapper (H&G E1) up-rated with 1892/96 5 c. violet (3) tied by "Colonia Neuva Germania" handstamp and 1887 2 c. wrapper with handstamp OFICIAL in violet unused etc. A grnerally fresh and fine selection.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 5377 Peru
1793c.: Colonial period cover to Don Diego Antonio del Portillo in Oruro, Bolivia; sent rprepaid and struck with superb "FRANCA" and "CUZCO" straight line despatch handstamps in red (Colareta figs. 1+3f / Guinovart & Tizon 1+4). The addressee was in charge of Mining in Oruro at this date. Rare so fine.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 5378 Peru
Lot# : 5379 Peru
Lot# : 5380 Peru
1813: Prepaid cover sent registered from Lima to Truxillo struck with fine strikes of FRANCA and two line condensed CERTIFICACION / A.LIMA in red. The cover with internal dating of receipt (April 30) and notification of rate (7 reales) on reverse. Some age spots but extremely scarce.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 5381 Peru
Lot# : 5382 Peru
Lot# : 5383 Peru
Lot# : 5384 Peru
1851 (July 24): Entire letter from Cadiz to Arica, Peru and on to La Paz, endorsed 'per Steamer via Southampton', reverse with manuscript Forwarding Agent "Recibida y encaminada, Londres 16 Agosto 1851, C. Romero y Ca." and sent prepaid from London rated "2s." in red manuscript. Forwarded again with oval cachet 'JOSE MA. DE VALLE / TACNA' cachet in black upon reverse and rated '2½' reales to pay. An unusual double-forwarder.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 5385 Peru
1852 (Nov 3): Entire letter written from Chongoyape (Chiclayo Province) to Lima, sent unpaid with straight line condensed LAMBAYEQUE straight line handstamp in red (Colareta #3) and oval framed VAPOR adjacent (Colareta #3v), rated '2' reales due in manuscript. Signed Lamy.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 5386 Peru
Lot# : 5387 Peru
1869 (April 8): Entire letter from the the Guañape Islands written in French from the Captain of the ship "Du Buffon" to Lima, with interesting text mentioning Guano shipments etc, taxed on arrival with fine strike of framed "20. / CENTAVOS" due marking in black. Reverse with Lima arrival cds (April11). An attractive and unusual entire that opens well for Exhibit display.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 5388 Peru
1885: Civil War, stampless cover endorsed "por la bia de Bolivia tegna" struck with straight line "FRANCA" in blue with manuscript rate "05" (centavos) alongside and signed below as paid by "Pejeda". Reverse with Tacna cds (April 7) struck in black. Scarce and most unusual.Starting bid : 140 CHFHammer price : 140 CHFLot# : 5389 Peru
1885: Civil War, stampless cover endorsed "Franca por falta de estampillas / Receptor de Correos" and signed, mailed to Callao where struck upon arrival with oval framed cachet on receipt "Aduana Del Callao / Superintendencia" in blue. Reverse with large "Callao / Principal" datestamp (April 15) in black. Some aging and part flap missing but scarce.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 5390 Peru
Lot# : 5391 Peru
Lot# : 5392 Peru
Lot# : 5393 Peru
1858: 1 d. deep blue, used horizontal pairs (2), each with good to large margins all round, with Transfer Types 11-12, cancelled by complete strike of framed CHICLAYO handstamp in blue; and 1 d. pair in a paler shade, Transfer Types 6-7, cancelled by dotted YCA handstamp in black. Scarce and fine.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 5394 Peru
1858: 1 peseta rose-red, ample to large margins on all sides, cancelled by superb strike of framed AYACUCHO handstamp (Lamy & Rinck = 40 pts.) in black. Rare and exquisite.rnProvenance: Collection Julio Lugón Badaracco, Corinphila sale 187, May 2014, lot 5029.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 5395 Peru
1858: 1 p. red, a used vertical strip of three with huge margins all round, Types 3/8/3, neatly cancelled by dotted 'S/CHACH' handstamps of Chachopoyas in black. A fine and scarce multiple.rnProvenance: Collection Julion Lugón Badaracco, Corinphila sale 187, May 2014, lot 5066.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 5396 Peru
1858: 1 p. red, a large margined example used on September 13, 1859 entire letter to Santiago, Chile tied by "1-LIMA-2" dotted handstamp in black. Circular Chilean '15' centavos in circle due marking applied in red below. A superb stamp on a most attractive entire.Starting bid : 175 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 5397 Peru
Lot# : 5398 Peru
1859/60: 1 d. blue, 2nd Retouch with interrupted background zigzag lines, an unused block of four with large margins all round for this issue, Transfer Types 8-9/13-14, fresh and very fine but for central horizontal crease, large part og. A scarce multiple Gi 12 = £ 900/Scott = $ 700+.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 5399 Peru
1860: 1 d. blue, a used vertical pair from the narrow Setting, uncommonly good margins all round, tied to August 9, 1860 cover from Puno to Arequipüa by fine strikes of oval framed PUNO starred handstamps in black (Lamy type 45 = 50 pts) with further strike adjacent with '2' inserted in manuscript. Scarce and attractive cover.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 5400 Peru
1860: 1 d. blue, a horizontal pair in a deep shade, large to just touched margins as usual, used on 1862 entire letter from the Chincha Islands to Lima tied by fine strikes of the dotted "ISLAS" handstamps in black. Reverse with Lima arrival cds (Dec 11). A fresh and fine entire.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 5401 Peru
Incoming Mail 1853: France 20 c. blue with four even margins and 10 c. bistre, just touched at left, used on 1861 entire letter from Le Havre to Arequipa, Peru endorsed 'per Ganjam', each tied by '1495' petit chiffres in black. Framed 'P.P.' and 'Bureau Maritime / Havre' cds adjacent (Oct 2) and reverse with "Arica" cds of receipt (Feb 3) in black. An unusual cover, seemingly underpaid but accepted.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 5402 Peru
Incoming Mail 1856: Great Britain 1 s. green frankings on covers (3) to Lima, Peru all with "Panama" double arc transit cds's on obverse, with 1859 cover with horizontal pair in a deep shade tied by "Halifax / 330" sideways duplex, similar 1862 cover with 1 s. pale green (2), and 1862 cover with a horizontal pair cancelled by "Burton on Trent / 152" duplex; a few imperfections but a not unattractive and scarce group Gi. 71/73/Scott = $ 1'600+.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 5403 Peru
Lot# : 5404 Peru
Lot# : 5405 Peru
1862/63: Le Coq 1 d. red, a horizontal strip of five with outstanding full strikes of CERTIFICACION and dotted oval YQUITOS handstamps struck in black (Lamy & Rinck figs. 39+99). Superb and most appealing. Signed Lamy.rnrnProvenance: Corinphila sale 116, 28 Oct 1999, lot 2575.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 5406 Peru
Lot# : 5407 Peru
Lot# : 5408 Peru
1862: Le Coq 1 d. red, a used example in a deep shade showing variety "Double Impression", most especially clear in the UN DINERO tablet at base and CORREOS at right, cancelled at Moquegua. Trivial aging of no significance on reverse. An unlisted variety and of great rarity.rnrnProvenance: Collection Julio Lugón Badaracco, Corinphila sale 187, 20 May 2014, lot 5121.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 5409 Peru
1862: 1 d. pink, a used pair with close to large margins all round showing a superb "Double Impression" centrally placed within the pair, neatly cancelled by two strikes of "Lima" datestamp (Jan 23, 1867) struck in blue. Exceptional and of great rarity. Signed Holcombe.rnrnStarting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 5410 Peru
1862: Lecoq 1 d. pink, a single example on 1863 cover from Moquegua to Lima cancelled by dotted "MOQUEG." in black with repeated strike alongside and free delivery "Conduccion / Del Cartero / Gratis" handstamp in blue below; matched with circa 1870 stampless cover sent free as Official mail to the Prefect General of the Dept. of Tacna with fine strike of dotted "MOQUEG." handstamp in black.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 5411 Peru
1862: 1 d. vermilion, a pair and a strip of four used on registered 1867 cover to Lima, cancelled by dotted HUANCAVELICA handstamps with circular datestamp (March 27) and by five-leaves handstamps at edges and framed CERTIFICACION handstamp in blue to denote registration. Lima arrival cds on reverse (April 3, month inverted). Receipted on reverse and inside, a superbly attractive and rare cover.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,800 CHF
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