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The Ing. Pietro Provera Collection (part II) - ITALY, FRANCE and EURPEAN COUNTRIES - MEXICO & URUGUAY
Sort list :
  • Lot# : 6002 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 1X
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    1850: 1 Kr. orangeocker Type III mit Plattenfehler: kleiner weisser Fleck rechts in der Krone, farbfr. und vorab breit- bis überrandig, oben eng- bis vollrandig, voller Originalgummi, dieser ziemlich kraquelliert und mittig gelblich getönt, dort auch natürliches Papierkorn, quarzlampenrein. Ein ansprechendes, wirkungsvolles Stück, signiert Alberto Diena und Raybaudi; Attest Ferchenbauer (2020) Ferchenbauer = € 2'500.
    Starting bid : 250.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 600.00 CHF

    Lot# : 6003 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 2X
    1 / 1
    1850: 2 Kr. schwarz Type IIIa mit recht waagrechter, besonders breiter natürlicher Papier- und Druckfalte oberhalb der Adlerköpfe, farbintensiv und gleichmässig breitrandig, voller quarzlampenfrischer Gummi, dieser etwas überstrichen und mit ziemlich starken Gummisprüngen. Ein bildseitig besonders attraktives Stück, die Papierfalte in ungebrauchter Erhaltung eine sehr seltene Abart. Attest Ferchenbauer (2020) Ferchenbauer = RR.
    Starting bid : 400.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 400.00 CHF

    Lot# : 6004 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 2X
    1 / 1
    1850: 2 Kr. grauschwarz Type Ia, farbintensiv und gleichmässig vollrandig, voller quarzlampenfrischer Originalgummi mit kleinen Anhaftungsspuren und kleiner dünner Stelle oberhalb des linken Adlerkopfs. Ein bildseitig wirkungsvolles Stück, signiert Alberto Diena und Raybaudi; Attest Ferchenbauer (2020) Ferchenbauer = € 3'000.
    Starting bid : 250.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 260.00 CHF

    Lot# : 6005 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 2X
    1 / 1
    Ungarn 1850: 2 Kr. schwarz Type IIIa im waagr. Dreierstreifen, farbfr. und regelmässig breitrandig, klar entw. mit drei Abschlägen des Einkreisers "ERSEKÚJVÁR 2 / 12" (Müller 648c / Ryan 396). Attest Ferchenbauer (2020) Ferchenbauer = € 1'200.
    Starting bid : 250.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 320.00 CHF

    Lot# : 6006 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 4X
    1 / 1
    1850: 6 Kr. rötlichbraun Type Ia, farbintensiv und vorab voll- bis überrandig, links engrandig, rücks. matte, verstrichene Gummi-Reste und Tinten-Abklatsch. Ein bildseitig wirkungsvolles Stück, möglicherwese ein sogenannter 'Springer', also eine der Entwertung entgangene Marke. Signiert Edwin Müller; Attest Ferchenbauer (2020) Ferchenbauer = € 1'850.
    Starting bid : 250.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 250.00 CHF

    Lot# : 6007 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 5X
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    1850: 9 Kr. hellgraublau Type I, farbfr. und breitrandig (beidseitig leicht gelblich getönt, leichtester Eckbug im Randbereich links unten), Gummi überstrichen. Ein bildseitig attraktives Stück, Attest Ferchenbauer (2020) Ferchenbauer = R.
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 300.00 CHF

    Lot# : 6008 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 1Y
    1 / 1
    Kroatien-Slavonien 1854: 1 Kr. chromgelb Type III im waagr. Dreierstreifen, farbfr. und regelmässig breitrandig (Vortrennschnitt im Randbereich unter der '1' der mittleren Marke, kleine Aufrauhung), zartklar entw. mit zwei Abschlägen des Einkreisers "POZEG 23 / 9" (Müller 2216b / Ryan 1272). Attest Ferchenbauer (2020) Ferchenbauer = € 975.
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 120.00 CHF

    Lot# : 6009 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 3Y
    1 / 1
    1854: 3 Kr. karminrot Type IIIa, farbintensiv und gleichmässig vollrandig, voller quarzlampenfrischer Originalgummi mit kleinen Anhaftungsspuren. Ein frisches Prachtstück, Attest Ferchenbauer (2020) Ferchenbauer = € 1'200.
    Starting bid : 250.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 550.00 CHF

    Lot# : 6010 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 4Y
    1 / 1
    1854: 6 Kr. rosabraun Type III, farbintensiv und breit- bis überrandig, voller quarzlampenreiner Originalgummi ohne jede Anhaftungsspuren, ein vollkommen naturbelassenes, postfrisches, erlesenes Prachtstück, signiert Alberto Diena; Attest Ferchenbauer (2020) Ferchenbauer = € 1'300++.
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 950.00 CHF

    Lot# : 6011 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 5Y
    1 / 1
    1854: 9 Kr. lebhaftblau Type IIIb, farbintensiv und voll- bis überrandig, überstrichener Originalgummi mit Anhaftungsspuren und leicht gelblicher Tönung (winzige Stockfleckchen im Randbereich). Ein bildseitig wirkungsvolles Stück, Attest Ferchenbauer (2020) Ferchenbauer = € 1'300.
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 220.00 CHF

    Lot# : 6012 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 15/IIa
    1 / 1
    1858: 15 Kr. blau Type II, farbfrisch, optimal zentriert und vollzähnig, kraquellierter aber quarzlampenreiner Originalgummi mit kleinen Anhaftungsspuren, mässig getönt. Ein bildseitig besonders attraktives Prachtstück, signiert Alberto Diena und Enzo Diena; Attest Ferchenbauer (2020) Ferchenbauer = € 1'250.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 300.00 CHF

    Lot# : 6013 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 22b
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    1861: 15 Kr. blau, farbintensiv, ziemlich gut zentriert und vollzähnig, leicht kraquelierter, quarzlampenreiner Originalgummi, oben etwas matt. Ein wirkungsvolles Prachtstück, signiert Alberto Diena; Attest Ferchenbauer (2020) Ferchenbauer = € 600.
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6014 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 6/I y
    1 / 1
    'Blauer Merkur' 1851: (0,6 Kr.) blassgrünlichblau Type Ib auf geripptem Papier, farbfr. und vorab voll- bis überrandig, links unten lupenrandig, etwas hygroskopierter, jedoch quarzlampenreiner Gummi mit kleinen Anhaftungsspuren. Ein bildseitig wirkungsvolles Stück, vermutlich ein sogenannter 'Springer'. Signiert Alberto Diena und Colla; Attest Ferchenbauer (2020) Ferchenbauer = € 785.
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 180.00 CHF

    Lot# : 6015 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 7a
    1 / 2
    Zeitungsmarke 'Gelber Merkur' (6 Kr.) in der Nuance ockergelb Type Ib auf Seidenpapier, für diesen Merkur ist das Markenbild überdurchschnittlich gut erkennbar, allseits breit- bis überrandig mit Teilen zweier Nachbarmarken, zartklar und zentr. entw. "OFEN 10 / 6" (Müller 1995c). Ein besonders attraktives Kabinettstück dieser schwierigen und gesuchten Marke, laut Dr. Ferchenbauer eines der schönsten ihm jemals vorgelegten Stücke. Signiert E. Diena; Atteste Seitz (1963), Ferchenbauer (2020) Ferchenbauer = € 15'500 / Mi 7/Ia = € 10'000 / ANK 7/Ib = € 16'000+.
    Starting bid : 5,000.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 19,000.00 CHF

    Lot# : 6016 Austria

    Austrian Shipmail, Mailing Facilities on Board of Ships, Lago Maggiore 1851 (May 3): Official stampless lettersheet from the parish of Porto Valtravaglia to Luino, both situated on the eastern Lombardy shore of the Lago Maggiore, struck with a pristine and decorative cachet "VALTRAVAGLIA PAR. DI PORTO" and the oval framed handstamp "I.R. PIROSCAFO / SUL / LAGO MAGGIORE" of the governmental ship line in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 352).rnNote: A very early usage of the piroscafo handstamp which is described in Tchilinghirian & Stephens to have been introduced in 1852.
    Starting bid : 250.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 440.00 CHF

    Lot# : 6017 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 1X+2X
    1 / 1
    Austrian Shipmail, Mailing Facilities on Board of Ships, Lake of Garda 1850c: Local lettersheet to Toscolano, bearing 1 kr. yellow-ochre and 2 kr. deep black, both in type Ia on handmade paper, two fine and fresh adhesives, tied by ornate framed "Imp = Reg = Vapori" handstamp ('Muschelstempel') in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 353 / Müller 3421a). An exceptional franking in combination with this desirable Shipmail cancellation, a most attractive cover for an advanced shipmail collection. Cert. Ferchenbauer (2004).rnProvenance: Collection Arthur Linz, Mercury Stamp sale (Niv. 1961), lot 954; Collection Dr. Anton & Elisabeth Jerger, Öphila (Oct 2004).
    Starting bid : 500.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,600.00 CHF

    Lot# : 6018 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 3X+5X
    Austrian Shipmail, Mailing Facilities on Board of Ships, Adriatic Sea 1850c: 3 kr. rose, Type Ia and 9 kr. light blue, Type I, both on handmade paper, two fresh adhesives, tied by clear framed octagonal "RAGUSA 4 / 10 V. L. A." datestamp (VLA = Vapore Lloyd Austriaco) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 17 / Müller 3422k = 320 points), the 3 kr. adhesive also by oval framed TRIEST in blue to piece with endorsement "col Vapore". Minor imperfections, but an appealing and desirable piece.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 850.00 CHF

    Lot# : 6019 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 5Y
    Austrian Shipmail, Adriatic Sea 1857 (May 21): Entire letter from Pirano to Rome, endorsed "Col Piroscafo della Linea Greco-Orientale, via d'Ancona / Urgentissima", bearing 9 kr. blue, type IIIb on machine paper, a fine and fresh adhesive with regular large margins, tied by crisp "PIRANO 11 / 5" cds in black. Reverse with "ROMA 16 MAG. 51" arrival cds in red. Entire torn at top, nevertheless an attractive item with extensive honorific address.
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 260.00 CHF

    Lot# : 6020 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 32+33
    Austrian Shipmail, Mailing Facilities on Board of Ships, Adriatic Sea 1865 (Feb 15): Double rate Lettersheet from Zara to Trieste, bearing 1864 Arms 5 kr. rose (2) and 10 kr. blue (2), all perf. 9½, tied by boxed "ZARA 15 / 2 V. L. A." datestamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 16 / Müller 3422q = 160 points). Reverse with oval TRIEST arrival cds (Feb 16). Light file fold away from the stamps and minor toning, nevertheless  an interesting cover.rnProvenance: DF sale (May 2001), lot 10984.rnReference: illustrated in del Bianco, vol I on p. 48.
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 550.00 CHF

    Lot# : 6021 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 34+38/I
    Austrian Shipmail, Mailing Facilities on Board of Ships, Adriatic Sea 1868 (April 7): Registered Entire letter from Segna to Gentilino, Ticino, endorsed "per Bellinzona", bearing 1864 Arms 15 kr. brown perf. 9½ in mixed franking with 1867 coarse whiskers 10 kr. blue (one on front, one torn on reverse), tied by boxed "ZENGG 7 / 4 V. L. A." datestamp in black (Tchilinghirian type AA-16 / Müller 3422r = 320 points). "RECOMM:" handstamp in black alongside. Reverse with Lugano transit cds (April 11). Light file fold away from the stamps and entire torn at top, an exceptional destination from this small port in combination with this fine mixed franking.rnNote: The receiver Angelo Somazzi (1803-1892) was a Swiss engineer, architect, politician and journalist, born in nowadays Croatia from where his mother descended. During the establishment of the Swiss federation and the related Sonderbundskrieg he was at the beginning a supporter of the conservative catholic party, in later years he became a follower of the liberal movement. The franking of 35 kr. pays correctly the March 1862 rate via Italy to Switzerland with 15 kr. for Austria, 10 kr. for Italy and 10 kr. for the registration.
    Starting bid : 400.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 9,000.00 CHF

    Lot# : 6022 Austria

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 19+20+21
    Austrian Shipmail, Port Markings for Ship letters, Adriatic Sea 1862 (Aug 17): Entire letter from Sebenico to S. Lorenzo nearby Acquapendente in the Papal States, bearing 1861 3 kr. green, 5 kr. red (2) and 10 kr. brown, tied upon despatch by two-line "SEBENICO / COL VAPORE" handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 21 / Müller 3423g = 36 points), "P.D." in black alongside. Reverse with a plethora of nine transit and arrival cds's in black or blue from Zara, Desenzano - Milano ambulant, Borgo S. Lorenzo twice, Firenze twice, Roma and Acquapendente (Aug 31). An interesting and desirable destination from the Adriatic harbours.rnNote: The entire was erroneously first sent to Borgo S. Lorenzo nearby Firenze and thereafter forwarded to the Papal States. Correct 23 kr. rate in the new March 1861 postal treaty between Austria and the Papal States with 15 kr. for Austria and 8 kr. foreign postage.
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 900.00 CHF

    Lot# : 6023 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 30+33
    1 / 1
    Austrian Shipmail, Port Markings for Ship letters, Adriatic Sea 1864c: Arms definitives 2 kr. yellow in a horizontal strip of three and 10 kr. blue (2), fresh and fine adhesives, tied by three strikes of crisp two-line "SPALATO / COL VAPORE" handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 22 / Müller 3423i = 36 points) and "P.D." in black. An appealing piece with the 26 kr. rate to Italy. Cert. Kimmel (1996).rnProvenance: 100. Corinphila sale (June 1997), lot 2282.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 150.00 CHF

    Lot# : 6024 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 34
    Austrian Shipmail, Port Markings for Ship letters, Adriatic Sea 1864c: Letter sheet from Ragusa to Trieste, bearing 1864 Arms 15 s. brown perf. 9½, a fresh and fine single adhesive, tied in transit by fair "MILNA / 20 / 7 / COL VAPORE" cds in black (Tchilinghirian type AC-4 / Müller 3423e = 300 points). Reverse with SPALATO transit and oval TRIEST arrival datestamp (July 22). Lightest filing fold, but a very rare cancellation.rnProvenance: 155. Corinphila sale (Oct. 2008), lot 2665.
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 600.00 CHF

    Lot# : 6025 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 32
    Austrian Shipmail, Port Markings for Ship letters, Adriatic Sea 1866 (May 5): Letter sheet from Ragusa to Trieste, bearing 1864 Arms 5 s. rose perf. 9½, a fresh and fine single adhesive, tied in transit by clair "LESINA / 5 / 5 / COL VAPORE" cds in black (Tchilinghirian type AC-5 / Müller 3423c = 350 points). Reverse with SPALATO transit and oval TRIEST arrival datestamp (May 9). Lightest filing fold, but a very rare cancellation.rnProvenance: 155. Corinphila sale (Oct. 2008), lot 2664.
    Starting bid : 400.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 800.00 CHF

    Lot# : 6026 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 38/I
    1 / 1
    Austrian Shipmail, Port Markings for Ship letters, Adriatic Sea 1870 (Dec 10): Letter sheet from Trieste to Scutari in Albania, bearing 1867 coarse whiskers 10 kr. blue, tied by two-line "TRIESTE / COL VAPORE" handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 20 / Klein 7952a = 100 points). Upon arrival in Scutari, Turkey Dulos 20 pa. green (2) were added, cancelled by fair Scutari handstamp (Coles & Walker fig. 3 / Tchilinghirian fig. 498) in black. Reverse with Zara transit cds (Dec 11). Minor toning, but a scarce and attractive mixed franking cover, cert. Matl (1984) Ferchenbauer = € 4'000.rnNote: Part prepaid cover to the port of Antivari, the part of the journey from there to Scutari had to be paid by the addressee.
    Starting bid : 750.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 800.00 CHF

    Lot# : 6027 Austria

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 37/I
    Austrian Shipmail, Port Markings for Ship letters, Adriatic Sea 1871 (Aug 24): Entire letter from Spalato to Ragusa, bearing 1867 coarse whiskers 5 kr. red, tied in transit by perfect two-line "CURZOLA / COL VAPORE" handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian type AB-2 / Klein 7945 = 250 points). Reverse with Ragusa arrival cds (Aug 25). A very attractive cover with this very rare cancellation.
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,000.00 CHF

    Lot# : 6028 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 3Y+4Y
    Austrian Shipmail, Origin Markings for Ship Letters, Adriatic Sea 1857 (July 21): Entire letter from Zara to Trieste, bearing 3 kr. red, type IIIb and 6 kr. brown in type III on machine paper, two fine and fresh adhesives with regular large margins, tied by crisp straight line "Leta. arrta. per mare." handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 28 / Müller 3425f). Reverse with TRIEST arrival cds in red (July 28).rnAn attractive entire.
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 420.00 CHF

    Lot# : 6033 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 21
    Austrian Shipmail, Steamship Agency Markings, Danube 1862 (April 16): Entire letter from Szalkszentmárton to Pesth, bearing 1861 10 kr. brown showing variety 'Strangulierungsflecken', a fine adhesive with vivid colour and well embossed, tied by crisp and decorative oval framed "SZALK." handstamp in blue (Müller fig. 3603 = 800 points, Ryan 1463 = 900 points). Reverse with "PESTH Abends 16 / 4" arrival cds. Light horizontal filing fold, well away from adhesive and postmark, a very attractive example of this extremely rare cancellation which was only in use in 1861/62.rnProvenance: Collection Felix Brunner.
    Starting bid : 750.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,600.00 CHF
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