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Lot# : 1505 Egypt Kingdom
1931/63: Group of 15 airmail covers with some better frankings, including first flights such as Assiout - Mwanza, Egypt - Cyprus and Cape - Caro, censored mail as well as BEBITEC special flight 1949 and envelope showing "Conference Mixte I.A.T.A. - U.P.U in Cairo" (1951) obliteration.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1506 Collections/lots worldwide
1877/1923: Lot 26 covers to Egypt, including correspondence of 10 envelopes from Bombay to Cairo, most with 'Sea Post Office' markings, nine envelopes from Teheran or Chiraz as well as 1922 R-cover from Rhodes to Alexandria, condition varies, but an interesting group.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1507 Falkland
Falkland Islands 1938: Pictorial definitives, mint part set (missing the 1941 values, 1 d. black & violet, 2 d. black & carmine and 3 d. black & blue), but otherwise complete mint for perforated "Specimen" set with thirteen values, fresh and very fine, unmounted og Gi = £ 1'700 for full set.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 1508 Falkland
Lot# : 1509 Falkland
Catalogue# : 193/2181953/66: Collection with QEII specialised study, with varieties (retouches shown in multiples), different printings, inverted watermarks etc., and Dependencies collection of same period with varieties and blocks etc. Gi = £ 1'350+.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 1510 Falkland
Catalogue# : G1/G16+G26/G40+1/15Falkland Islandes - Dependencies 1946: Thick and Thin Maps sets complete mint, 1954 Pictorial definitive set of fifteen values complete mint, also British Antarctic Territory 1963 definitive set of 15 values, all unmounted og Gi = £ 420.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 1511 Gibraltar
Gibraltar 1889: Spanish Currency part ment set: 5 cs., 40 cs., 1 p. and 2 p. overprinted "Specimen", 1898 re-issue part "Specimen" set of six (less the 4 d. value); 1903 wmk CA part set of eight values but including the rare £ 1 optd. "Specimen", 1906 part set with seven values (2½ d. value) to 8 s., fresh and fine, large part og.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1512 Gibraltar
1912: High Values 2 s. - £ 1 dull purple & black on red mint, 1921/27 2 s. (both shades), 4 s. and 8 s. mint; 2 s. - £ 1 red-orange & black, a superb group with fresh colours, very fine, full unmounted og Gi = £ 900+.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 1513 Gibraltar
1921/27: Part set of eight values mint, all overprinted "Specimen"; missing the 1 d., 2 d. and 2½ d. values, but high values very fine, also the 1930 Type II 3 d. ultramarine perforated "Specimen", large part og. A scarce group.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1514 Gibraltar
Catalogue# : 131-149b1937/51: Booklet with mint study of George VI issue with nearly all 'a' numbers represented incl. 1½ d. carmine perf. 13½ (Gi 123a = £ 275) and 2 s. perf. 13½ (Gi = £ 130), also including specialised K.U.T. 1938 set and varieties mint etc. A fine group, mostly unmounted og Gi = £ 1'450.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 1515 Grenada
Lot# : 1516 Hongkong
Hong Kong 1863/71: 2 c. brown, 6 c. lilac, 8 c. bright orange, 12 c. pale blue, 30 c. vermilion unused, 1880 2 c. rose unused, 1882/96 4 c., 5 c., 10 c. green, 10 c. purple on red and 30 c. grey-green with large or part og., 1900 2 c., 4 c., 5 c., 10 c. and 30 c. with large or part og.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 1517 Hongkong
1877/92: Group of covers/cards (7) including 1877 front per "City of Tokio" from Manila to USA franked by 1865 12 c. blue, 1879 cover ex Manila with two 4 c. grey; 1886 1 c. green stationery card with 2 c. rose used from "Amoy" to London, 1888 cover at 10 c. rate franked by five 2 c. rose tied by "Amoy" cds's, 1889 cover with single 1884 10 c. blue-green tied by "Amoy" cds to USA and 1892 cover to Hamburg at 10 cent rate.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 1518 Hongkong
1917: "China" Overprint: the Postal Stationery selection, fresh mint examples of the 1 c. brown card, 1 c. + 1 c. brown reply cards, 1½ c. opt. on 1 c. brown card, 1½ c. orange card, 4 c. red card, 6 c. on 4 c. red card, 2 c. green on yellow Newspaper wrapper and scarce 10 c. violet registration envelope s (three different sizes) all fresh and fine mint.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 1519 Hongkong
1921/37: Script CA wmk., partial set (15 stamps) overprinted "Specimen" (missing perforated Specimen examples and 25 c.), also 1923 Postage Due set of five complete, overprinted "Specimen" reading up (Gi D1s/D5s), the 6 c. with missing corner perforation; large part og.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 1520 India
Lot# : 1521 India
Lot# : 1522 India
India used abroad - Aden 1854/72: Collection on leaves with study of the "124" numeral obliterator with India 1854 4 a. blue & red, cut round, with fine strike, 1855 4 a. black on blue glazed paper (3), 8 a. on blued paper, 1860 8 p. on blued paper and 1866 scarce 6 a. purple usages, Cantonment and Steamer Point usages, multiples and a cover etc. A fine lot (95 items).Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1523 India
1801/59: Stampless covers (4) with 1801 outer letter sheet to Scotland cancelled on reverse with fine strike of oval "Bengal / G.P.O./POST PAID" in black with date in manuscript, 1844 Overland Mail entire "per Seaforth", 1858 cover to Scotland and 1859 cover from Pondichery to Bordeaux with manuscript "Received in Bombay 12 Sept '59 forwarded on same day by Skinner & Co.".Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1524 India
1866/1903: Lot five covers and four stationeries incl. 1866 three-colour franking with blue 'B/1' cancellation to Switzerland, signed Holcombe and two other multi-colour items.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 1525 India
Lot# : 1526 India
India used abroad - Sharjah / Dubai 1942: Covers or large part covers (8, bearing 30 stamps), all ex Dubai (two with Sharjah return addresses), with variety of frankings incl. India 2 a. 6 p. violet tied by Dubai wavy lined handstamp, registered cover with 1940/42 ½ a. violet on reverse, condition varies.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 1527 India
1932/34: Airmail Flight covers (5), with 1932 Karachi-Madras Flight with 3 a. 3 p. franking cachet at right, illustrated covers flown on Ahmedabad - Bellary and Karachi - Bombay legs of Flight similarly franked; Calcutta-Karachi Flight cover (July 1933) and Calcutta-Madras Flight cover (Feb 1934).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 1528 India
Various Indian States 1866/1938: Box including 1889 Indore ½ a. black on pink (Type I), used on reverse of internal cover (Opinion Holcombe 1991), Jammu & Kashmir collection in small red vintage album (some forgeries noted), Jaipur covers with early official correspondence showing clear strucks of intaglio seals in black, red or violet, Soruth collection on leaves as well as Travancore collection with first issue used and thereafter largely complete, including Officials. A generally fine and appealing lot.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 1529 India
Indian States The collection with Chamba 1887 set of 15 mint, 1903 set mint, 1913 mint, 1927 set mint, 1887 Official set mint; Faridkot 1887 mint, 1887 Official set mint; exceptional Gwalior with 1885 13 mm set of three used and 2 a. mint, 1885 set of eight (15 mm & 17 mm spacing) mint, set of eight with Hindi opt. 15 mm long mint (Gi 4b/11b), red opt. with sets of both settings, 1885-97 set to 5 r. mint, 1899/1911 set to 5 r. mint, 1928/33 set of sixteen mint, Officials with transposed character varieties mint, 1927/35 set mint; Jind with 1885 ½ a. opt. inv. used, 1885 red opt. 1 r. mint, 1886/99 set to 3 r. mint, 1927/37 25 r. mint, fine Officials inc. 1885 red opt. mint; Nabha 1887/1900 set of fifteen mint, 1 a. 6 p. with missing "N" in "Nabha" variety mint, later sets mint to 5 r., Official 1885 set mint, Patiala with 1884 4 a. and 1 r. mint, 8 a. with red & black opt. mint, 1891 high values mint, Officials with 1884 1 a. double opt. used, together with duplicates and multiples throughout, also Feudatory States with some multiples etc. Gi = £ 10'000+.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 6,000 CHFLot# : 1530 Iraq
Iraq 1918/81: Collection in an album with better sets and values, used/unused, incl. 1932 1 d. on 25 r. violet official stamp fine used, officials and miniature sheets perf. and imperf. such as King Faisal II or airmail sheet.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1531 Iraq
Catalogue# : 342s/O379s+383s/388s1953: Coronation set of three mint overprinted "Specimen" in red, 1954 definitive set of 18, Official set of 16, 1955 Engineer's set of three and 1956 Arab UPU set of three all fresh and fine mint, all optd. "Specimen"in red, superb unmounted og.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 1532 Jamaica
Jamaica 1889: Two values optd. "Specimen", 1903 set of four complete optd. "Specimen", 1905 four values incl. 5 s. optd. "Specimen", 1905/11 on QV issue, five values optd. "Specimen", 1911 2 d. grey similarly optd., 1912/20 various values (8) optd. "Specimen" and additional 3 d. and 1 s., 1890 Official set of three optd. "Specimen" complete and a few individual values etc.Starting bid : 280 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 1533 Jamaica
1919/29: Pictorial definitive sets (2), wmk. MCA and wmk. Script CA, fresh and fine overprinted "Specimen", 1923 Child Welfare set of three values optd. "Specimen" in red and 1929 low value definitive set of three, fresh mint, perforated "Specimen", fine and scarce, large part og Gi = £ 710.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 1534 Straits Settlements
Malaysia Straits Settlements 1867: Surcharged on India values, the selection with 1½ c. on ½ a. blue, 2 c. on 1 a., 3 c. on 1 a., 4 c. on 1 a. unused, 6 c. on 2 a. used, 8 c. on 2 a. and 32 c. on 2 a. unused, faults to nearly all examples but rare Gi = £ 1'425+.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1535 Straits Settlements
1867: Wmk. CC, 6 c. lilac unused, 8 c. orange-yellow mint, 12 c. blue unused, 1882 5 c. purple-brown mint, 1882 wmk. CA 4 c. rose unused, 1883 2 c., 4 c., 5 c., 12 c., 30 c., 32 c. and 96 c., mint or unused, 1884 surcharged "Two Cents" on 8 c. orange, on 32 c. vermilion and on 5 c. blue unused. A scarce group.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 1536 Straits Settlements
1879: Provisionally surcharged set of two values, 1880 10 c. on 30 c., 1880 5 c. on 8 c. and fine mint examples of 10 c. on 12 c. and fresh 10 c. on 30 c. claret (Gi 45+46), 1882 2 c. on 4 c. and 2 c. on 12 c. unused (Gi 61/62), 1884 8 c. on 12 c. brown-purple (Gi 75), 1885 3 c. on 5 c. blue (Gi 82), 1886 3 c. on 5 c. purple-brown (Gi 84), 1887 2 c. on 5 c. blue, 1892 1 c. overprints and 1892 3 c. on 32 c. optd. "Specimen" etc. A generally fair to fine group of exceptionally scarce stamps.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 1537 Straits Settlements
1892: 1 c. on 4 c. and 1 c. on 8 c. each handstamped diagonally with "Specimen" in black, 1892/94 set of two values optd. or handstamped "Specimen", 1892/99 definitives with set of nine values, less 12 c. and $ 5, all overprinted "Specimen", fine and fresh, large part og.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 2,400 CHFLot# : 1538 Straits Settlements
Lot# : 1539 Straits Settlements
Lot# : 1540 Straits Settlements
1904/12: Mixed watermark group mostly from 1906/12 issue, with 3 c., 4 c. in three different shades, 5 c., 10 c., 25 c., 30 c., 45 c., 50 c., $ 1, $ 2, $ 5 green & red on green and $ 25 purple & blue on blue; also rare $ 25 grey-green & black, all overprinted "Specimen" in black or red, mainly fresh and fine (16 stamps), large part og Gi = 825+.Starting bid : 280 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 1541 Straits Settlements
Lot# : 1542 Straits Settlements
1912/23: Definitive set of 14 values (less 1 c. black, 6 c., 10 c. blue) with additional examples of the 10 c., 45 c., $ 2 and $ 5, all fresh mint and overprinted "Specimen" in black or red, fair to fine, large part og. Scarce group.Starting bid : 220 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 1543 Straits Settlements
1912/23: Part mint set (15 values) overprinted "Specimen" with four values showing Plate No. 1 in top margin, complete less 1 c. black, 2 c. green, 6 c., 10 c. blue; fresh and very fine mint overprinted "Specimen", with additional 1923 $ 5 on emerald; fine large part og.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 1544 Straits Settlements
Lot# : 1545 Malaysian States
Malaysian States Kedah 1912/1919: First issue set of fourteen values and 1919 colour changes set of six, all fresh mint and overprinted "Specimen" in black or red, also 1919 surcharged set of two: 50 c. on $ 2, and $ 1 on $ 3 fresh mint, delightful and fresh, large part og Gi = £ 540.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1546 Malaysian States
Lot# : 1547 Malaysian States
Lot# : 1548 Malaysian States
Lot# : 1549 Malaysian States
Lot# : 1550 Malaysian States
Catalogue# : 171/185+186+188/202Sarawak 1950: Pictorial definitive set of fifteen mint, 1952 Map 10 c., and 1955/50 pictorial definitive set of fifteen, two sets of each, fresh mint, unmounted og., also 1949 UPU (three mint sets), 1965 Flowers etc Gi = £ 360+.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 1551 Malaysian States
Lot# : 1552 Malta
Malta 1938/43: Pictorial issue, part set of fifteen (of 21) perforated "Specimen" with top values present, 1946 Victory set of two perforated "Specimen", 1948 Self Government set complete unmounted og. (and some duplication) 1949 Silver Wedding set of two unmounted og., 1952 set mint and part set mint etc.Starting bid : 320 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 1553 Malta
1854/1972: Lot 47 covers, postal stationery, and picture postcards, incl. tax markings, postage dues, prestamp, maritime, and incoming mail.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 1554 Mauritius
Mauritius 1855: Late intermediate impression 2 d. blue used, touched at lower left but with huge margins on three sides; 1859 Dardenne set of two values used with two large margins and two cut close on each stamp, 1862 1 s. deep green pin-perf. used example, condition variable but some fine and scarce adhesives noted.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 1555 Mauritius
1860: No watermark, 9 d. dull purple and 1 s. green, 1863/72 wmk. Crown CC, with 1 d. brown, 2 d. pale blue (wmk. inverted), 3 d. deep red, 4 d. rose, 9 d. green, 10 d. maroon and faulty 1 s. and 5 s. all unused with condition variable Gi = £ 1'930.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1556 Mauritius
Lot# : 1557 Mauritius
1895/99: Set of six values, wmk. Crown CA, fresh mint four being overprinted "Specimen" in black; 1899 15 c. blue mint, 1900/05 part set of 17 values with ten values overprinted "Specimen" in black (all three high values present); 1902 surcharges, set of six values mint, part og. to large part og. A scarce group Gi = £ 500c.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 1558 Mauritius
1910: Definitive set of fifteen values mint (11 values with "Specimen" overprint in black), and 1913/22 complete set of Die I issue all overprinted "Specimen" in black or red, including additional 25 c. on pale yellow, 1 r. on emerald and 10 r. on emerald; all fresh and fine large part og Gi = £ 500+.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 1559 Mauritius
Lot# : 1560 Montserrat
Lot# : 1561 Brit. Post Morocco
Morocco Agencies 1889/1912: Postal Stationery, the mint selection of 12 items with cards (4), Newspaper Wrappers (5), registered envelopes (3 different) mint.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1562 Brit. Post Morocco
1889/1910: Postal Stationery, the mint selection of 14 items with cards (5) all overprinted "Specimen", Newspaper Wrappers (6) overprinted "Specimen", registered envelopes (2) all overprinted "Specimen". Fresh and fine condition.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1563 New Zealand
New Zealand 1862: Wmk. Large Star imperforate, 2 d. pale blue, 6 d. red-brown and 6 d. black-brown; unused. The 2 d. with large thin, the two 6 d. values without trace of gum and the red-brown with small ink stain, the 6 d. black-brown being a presentable example of a scarce stamp.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 520 CHFLot# : 1564 New Zealand
1864/67: Chalon perforated, wmk. Large Star, 1 d. vermilion, 2 d. blue (wornplate), 3 d. lilac, 4 d. yellow and 1 s. yellow-green; all unused but of good colour; 1871 1 d. brown and 6 d. blue unused, fine and scarce unused group of high catalogue value.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 1565 New Zealand
1874/78: 1 d. mauve, 2 d. rose, 3 d. brown, 4 d. maroon, 6 d. blue, 1 s. green, 2 s. deep rose and 5 s. grey; fresh and fine unused examples, 1892 Newspaper ½ d. rose red wmk. NZ & Star unused, 1882-90 1 d. rose, 2 d. lilac, 3 d. yellow, 4 d. blue-green and 6 d. brown unused. Good colours occasional small imperfections on reverse.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1566 New Zealand
Catalogue# : 568-7981935/60: Booklet with useful mint accumulation of George VI and QEII material, some in multiples, with perforation and wmk. varieties noted, fresh and fine, mostly unmounted og Gi = £ 1'250+.Starting bid : 280 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 1567 Southern Nigeria
Southern Nigeria 1901: First issue, the mint set of nine values, fresh mint overprinted "Specimen" in black,1903 Edward VII issue, set of eleven values mint, overprinted "Specimen" in black, the 2 d. value with rounded corner perf., otherwise fine, large part og Gi = £ 420.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 190 CHFLot# : 1568 Palestine
Palestine 1918: Collection with 1 pi. indigo mint (1) and used (5, one being marginal), 1 m. ultramarine (37) incl. a C18 Control block; 5 m. on 1 pi. with mint and used multiples; 1918 EEF issue with multiples, 1920 surcharges in mint blocks of four, 1921/22 issues with multiples and positional blocks, 1927 thin paper and wove paper sets of 14 mint, Postage Dues with 1923 set mint (3). A marvellous lot of high catalogue value for further specialised study.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 1569 St. Helena
St. Helena 1887: 6 d. grey mint overprinted "Specimen" in black, 1890/97 part set of four 2 d. - 10 d. values mint and optd. "Specimen", 1902 ½ d. green similarly optd., 1903 part set with 1 d. - 1 s. values optd. "Specimen" and 1908 complete set of four values optd. "Specimen", fine condition, large part og Gi = £ 400+.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1570 St. Lucia
St. Lucia 1935: Silver Jubilee mint set of four values perforated "Specimen", 1936 Pictorial definitive set of twelve perf. "Specimen", 1937 Coronation set of three perf. "Specimen", 1946 Victory set of two perf "Specimen" and the 1933-47 Postage Due set of four perf. "Specimen", fresh and very fine, large part og Gi = £ 640.Starting bid : 280 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 1571 Seychelles
Catalogue# : 29s/36s+82s/123sSeychelles 1897: Part set of eight values overprinted "Specimen" in black (missing 2 c.); 1917/22 complete set of sixteen values optd. "Specimen" in black or red,1921/32 Script CA set of twenty four values complete less 3 c. green all overprinted "Specimen" in black or red, very fresh and fine colour, large part og. Rare selection Gi = £ 950+.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1572 Seychelles
1901: Locally surcharged set of four values, three handstamped "Specimen" in black, 1902 locally surcharged set of five handstamped "Specimen", 1903 definitive set of eleven values optd. "Specimen" in black, 1903 locally surcharged set of three handstamped "Specimen", very fresh and fine, large part og. A delightful lot Gi = £ 545.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1573 Transvaal
South Africa - Transvaal 1902: Definitive set of 11 values (missing the 2 s. 6 d.), fresh and fine mint optd. "Specimen", 1905 scarce 2 d. grey mint optd. "Specimen" (see Gibbons footnote, unissued = £ 160), 1907 Postage Due set of six mint, Orange River Colony with 1903 set (excl. 1 d.) optd. "Specimen" etc.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1574 Transvaal
1902/09: Postal Stationery mint selection (10/all different), fresh and fine mint, with 1902 cards (4), wrappers (2), letter-card (1), registration envelope (1) and envelopes (2), each overprinted "Specimen" in black.Starting bid : 160 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 1575 South Africa
South Africa 1910: Parliament 2½ d. blue, fresh mint example handstamped "Specimen" in black (Gi = £ 375), 1913 set to 10 s. mint, fresh and fine set overprinted "Specimen" with 1½ d. and 1 s. 3 d. values handstamped "Specimen" in violet. Rare, large part og.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 1576 South Africa
1912/30c.: Postal Stationery, the mint selection of 15 items with cards (3 different), letter-card (1), envelopes (4 different), Newspaper Wrappers (2 different), registered envelopes (5 different) mint, a fresh and very fine selection; also British South Africa Co. registration envelopes (2 different) both perforated "Specimen".Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 1577 Southern Rhodesia
Southern Rhodesia 1931/37: Definitive set of fifteen values, 1935 Jubilee set of four, 1937 Coronation and George VI definitive set of thirteen with 1953 set of fourteen pictorial definitives, fresh and fine, unmounted og Gi = £ 290.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 1578 Sudan
Sudan 1897: First issue overprinted on Egypt, set of eight values mint and Postage Due set mint,1906 Arms Service part set with 1 m., 5 m., 1 p., 2 p., 5 p. and 10 p. all overprinted "Specimen" reading down at right (three of these values unlisted by Gibbons), various values incl. 10 p. punctured "SG" mint etc., a fine and fresh selection.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 1579 Sudan
1927: Camel Postman large part set mint, Airmail 1931 set of twelve mint, 1935 Gordon set mint, 1948 Camel Postman set of sixteen values mint, 1951 set to 50 p. mint, Official sets etc. A fine and fresh unmounted og. selection Gi = £ 635.Starting bid : 240 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 1580 Sudan
1900/58: Lot 50 covers/cards and stationery items, including registered airmail covers from Khartoum or Wadi Halfa, uprated 2 1/2 p. aerogram to England (1954) plus a 3 1/2 p. aerogram to USA (1958), 5 m. stationery envelope tied by scarce 'Wadi-Halfa Camp 21 Ju 00" date stamp as well as selection of 37 covers with different and some scarce cancellations such as Atbara, Fasher (al-Fashir), Gedaref (al Qadarif), Kareima-Kerma T.P.O., Kassala, Rashad, Shellal-Halfa T.P.O., Sennar and Wadi-Medani. A seldom seen offer.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1581 Tanzania
Tanzania 1922/24: Giraffe set of fifteen values, fresh and very fine mint set to £ 1, all overprrinted "Specimen" in black or red, also the 1925 colour changes set of four overprinted "Specimen" in black, superb and scarce, large part og Gi = £ 600.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 1582 Togo
Lot# : 1583 Jordan
Transjordan 1923/24: The phenomenal two volume mint study on the stamps of Hejaz with April1923 1/8 pi. sheets (2) of 36, ½ pi. sheet, 1 pi. sheets (3), 1½ pi. sheet, 2 pi. sheets (2), 3 pi. sheet, 5 pi. sheet, ¼ pi. on 1/8 pi. chestnut sheet and 10 pi. on 5 pi. olive (Gi 89/97), Sept 1923 handstamped ½ pi. on 1½ pi. lilac sheet of 36, typographed ½ on 1½ pi. lilac pair with surcharge inverted (Gi 111a), Jan 1924 issue with varieties and reconstructed sheet of ½ pi. and single with overprint inverted (one sheet only produced), March-May 1924 ½ pi. sheet and "Shabn" and "Shabal" errors on 1 pi. and 1½ pi. values in multiples (Gi 122a/b-124b), Sept-Nov 1924 sets of nine and plentiful array of varieties incl. dated "1343" errors, tête-bêche pair of ¼ pi. with opt. inverted (2), a seldom seen collection, probably ex Ledger.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 4,800 CHFLot# : 1584 Trinidad u. Tobago
Tobago 1885/1899c.: Selection of mint postal stationery cards (5, all different) with three overprinted "Specimen" in black, also 2 d. grey registration envelope overprinted "Specimen" in black. Clean and fine group.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1585 Turks and Caicos Islands
Turks and Caicos Islands 1900/04: Badge of Islands set of nine less ½ d. value but with 1905 3 d., fresh mint overprinted "Specimen", 1909/11 defintive set of twelve optd. "Specimen", 1918 and 1919 "War Tax" set of two and single 3 d. optd. "Specimen", all fresh and fine, large part og Gi = £ 625+.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 1586 Turks and Caicos Islands
Catalogue# : 155s/161s+162s/175s+176s/186s1921: Script CA Definitive set of eight values, less the ¼ d., fresh mint overprinted "Specimen" (three are marginal); 1922 'Postage' set of fourteen values fresh and fine optd. "Specimen" and 'Postage & Revenue' set of eleven values mint, optd. "Specimen", all large part og. A fine group Gi = £ 500+.Starting bid : 220 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 1587 Sansibar
Zanzibar 1895/96: First issue, the delightful mint set of fifteen values overprinted on India, fresh and very fine mint, some values showing the small second "z" variety, large part og., and 1896 set of six values on British East Africa similarly fresh mint, rare so fine Gi = £ 700.Starting bid : 340 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1588 Sansibar
Catalogue# : 156s/174s+188s/204s+225s/238s1896: Sultan set of fifteen values mint, less 1 r. and 4 r. values; 1899 set of seventeen values complete mint, and 1908 set of fourteen values complete mint, all fresh and fine, overprinted "Specimen" in black. A delightful group, large part og Gi = £ 650+.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 1589 Brit. Colonies lots/accumulations
1840/1980: Lot 120 stockcards with several hundred stamps used and unused, starting from 1 Penny black up to 5 sh., including Great Britain, Channel Islands and some better colonial issues in complete or part sets.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 1590 Brit. Colonies lots/accumulations
1840/1988ca.: Lot eight albums with some better sets and values used/unused, including Great Britain, South Africa from CGH to Zululand, India and Australia.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 1591 Brit. Colonies lots/accumulations
Lot# : 1592 Brit. Colonies lots/accumulations
1857/1970(ca.): Interesting assembly hundreds used/unused, including Ceylon QV to later issues with sets and varieties, Burma with military admin. overprints, Cyprus, Sudan from overprints on Egypt to camel issues, including two covers, selected issues of Brunei, Canada, Cayman Islands KGV, Saint Lucia KGVI, and SWA officials.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1593 Brit. Colonies lots/accumulations
1880: Interesting Collection used/unused, primarily British Colonies in Africa and Asia, incl. better singles and sets from Stellaland, Transvaal, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, Straits Settlements, Malaya, Ceylon, and Tasmania.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 1594 Brit. Colonies lots/accumulations
Small collection balance with Morocco Agencies including Spanish Currency 1907 set mint with fine 12 p. on 10 s. ultramarine, British Levant with Edward VII 24 pi. on 5 s. mint, Canada with Large Queens used (eleven) and 1897 Jubilee 6 c. mint.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 1595 Brit. Colonies lots/accumulations
1911/35: The phenomenal mint Commonwealth Collection with near complete George V issues (less War Tax), with GB from 1911 incl. "No Cross on Crown" varieties (certs.), 1912-24 compl. with shades (incl. 1 d. scarlet-vermilion), Seahorses with 2 s. 6d. (18, printings / shades), 5 s. (4), 10 s. (6), £ 1 green, 1929 PUC to £ 1, 1934 Seahorses, Antigua 1908-35 complete incl. 1922 £ 1., Ascension to 1935 complete, Australia complete incl. 1913 £ 1 brown & ultramarine and £ 2 black & rose; 1915-18 5 s. (4), definitives with excellent array and Sydney Bridge set, Bechuanaland with Seahorses (12); Bermuda Keyplates to £ 1 and 1924-32 12 s. 6 d. set, Brit. Honduras with 1913 and 1924 $ 5; Solomons with 1914 £ 1, Brit. Levant with Salonika set mint (signed), Brunei with 1908 $ 25, Burma 1937 set to 25 r., and Official set to 10 r., Ceylon with 1912-25 set complete, 100 r.-1000 r. being "Specimen"; 1924 50 r. and Specimen 100 r. (both colours); Cook Is. 1921 and 1926 to £ 1., Cyprus with both red & black £ 1 values and £ 5 "Specimen"; Falklands with 1914 £ 1, 1928 provisional 2½ d on 2 d. purple, 1929 to £ 1., 1933 set to £ 1, Fiji and Gambia complete, Gibraltar with 1925 £ 5, Hong Kong to 1912 $ 5 (3) and $ 10, 1921 set to $ 5, optd. China set to $ 10, India 1911 with 25 r., 1926 set to 25 r., and Officials, Gwalior 1928 to 25 r., Jind 1927 to 25 r. and Officials, Ireland with Seahorses complete incl. multiples, East Africa with set to 20 r. and high values "Specimen" to 500 r., 1921 50 r. "Specimen", Kenya 1922 set to £ 1 and high values to £ 100 "Specimen", Kuwait 1923, 1929 and Official sets, Leewards 1921 to £ 1 (2), Malaysia Straits with 1912 and 1921 $ 500 "Specimen", Malta 1919 10 s. "Specimen", 1921 and 1922 sets, Mauritius 1913 set with rare olive back 10 r. (cert), 1924 50 r., New Guinea with strips of three incl. 1915 10 s. and 1916 £ 1., Airmails complete and 1935 £ 2 and £ 5, Nigeria 1914-29 10 s. olive back with cert., £ 1 (2), Nyasaland to £ 1 with £10 "Specimen", Rhodesia Double Heads to £ 1, Admirals to £ 1, St. Helena with 1922 £ 1, and rare 15 s., St. Kitts 1923 to £ 1, Samoa optd. to £ 1., Sierra Leone 1912 to £ 5, 1923 £ 5 "Specimen", 1933 Centenary complete, South Africa with 1916 and 1924 £ 1, SWA with £ 1 pair, and 1923 £ 1 pair, 1926 £ 1 (2 shades) in pairs, Mafia Island sets, GEA 1917 50 r., Tanganyika 1922 to £ 1., 1927 set to £ 1, Trinidad £ 1 values (all three) etc. A marvellous lot in generally superb quality, viewing is a philatelic pleasure and heartily recommended.Starting bid : 40,000 CHFHammer price : 95,000 CHFLot# : 1596 Brit. Colonies lots/accumulations
1917/18: Lot over thousand 'WAR TAX' stamps unused mint in full sheets or part sheets from Antigua, Bahamas and Dominica. Some splitted perfs., sheet margins scrolled as usual.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1597 Brit. Colonies lots/accumulations
1930/50: Remainder with 180 stamps mint/unused, incl better sets and values from Bermuda, Canada, Gambia, Tanganyika etc., on three stockcards.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1598 Brit. Colonies lots/accumulations
1948: Silver Wedding collection with Bermuda £ 1 (5) mint incl. plate block, Cyprus £ 1, Gibraltar and KUT in blocks of four, UPU issues in blocks etc. Gi = £ 800+.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 1599 Greece
1861: The used collection of Large Hermes Heads in two large volumes, beautifully mounted and displayed by denomination throughout with Pairs Print 1 lepta deep brown in a deep shade used (4) and the famous Burrus cover (lot 1327) with horizontal strip of five and strip of three 5 l. green; Paris 2 l. mint (2) and used (6), Paris 5 l. used (6) and cover with 20 l. and 40 l. ex Constantinople; Paris 10 l. used (3) and a wonderful cover with two examples ex Thera in Jan 1862, Paris 20 l. used (6) and a superb 1861 cover, Paris 40 l. used (5) and 80 l. (6); Nov 1861 1st Athens printings 1 l. in chocolate shade (7), 2 l. with a strip of five, 5 l. in provisional shade (6) and outstanding strip of four on cover ex Tripolis (Burrus lot 1379), later prints (10), 10 l. used (10, incl. a cover and pairs), 20 l. (4), 40 l. (3) and 80 l.; 1862/67 2nd Athens with large range from all adhesives incl. blocks, strips and covers with 1868 cover with 5 l. strip of four, three colour frankings (3), and four colour franking to Trieste; 10 l. strip of four and a cover with strip of four, covers with pairs (4); 40 l. strip of four and used on cover with 20 l. and 80 l. to Switzerland, 1870/75 issues with strips of four, three colour frankings on letters, 40 l. salmon (5), 1872/75 transparent paper with multiples and covers, 1876 Paris prints and Athens print 60 l. strip of three, 1880 20 l. carmine used block of four etc., the collection with cancellation interest throughout, covers (40), numerous multiples, additionally Small Heads with range from both printings, 1896 and 1906 Olympic sets used, 1901 and 1902 sets mint, 1911 engraved 10 d. mint etc. A magnificent collection in outstanding condition with viewing a philatelic pleasure.Starting bid : 35,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1600 Greece
1861/1988: Fine collection used/unused in two albums with many better sets and values, incl. Large Hermes Heads, 1906 10th Anniversary of Olympic Games, 1930's and 1940's commemorative- and airmail issues unused as 1940 National Youth Organization, further better occupation issues of Epirus, Albania, Creta, Icaria, Lemnos, Samos and Thrace as well as some Bulgaria Mi = EUR 14'400.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,800 CHFLot# : 1601 Greece
Catalogue# : 221+2221916: "ET" overprints on 50 lepta lilac-grey in an unmounted block of 65 stamps, and 1 drachma ultramarine in an unmounted og. block of sixty from base of sheet, Rare and fine multiples Mi = EUR 5'925.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1602 Greece
1859/1908: Small group of covers cards (9), incl. 1859 entire letter from Corfu to Santa Maura with scarce "Posta Pagata" in green, covers with 1864 and 1867 Austrian Levant 10 s. used from Scio and Candia taxed with 20 lepta, and 1878 and 1882 covers bearing 10 lepta orange pairs used from Lamia or Naphlion. Interesting lot.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1603 Hungary
1871/1958: Collection in two albums with better sets and values used/unused, incl. lithographed and engraved issues, fine unused copy of 1871 newspaper stamp (Mi 7a), 1925 Sport set, 1931 Zeppelin issues, 1933 airmail set, all unused, further some miniature sheets as Liszt, Eucharisticus (3), Protestant Day perf. and imperf. as well as 1942 Red Cross and 1948 Chain Bridge sheetlets Mi = EUR 4'700.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1604 Hungary
1871/1991: Collection in five albums with first issues incl. lithographed 2 kr., 5 kr., 10 kr., 15 kr. and 25 kr. used, 1913 Flood Relief set mint, 1914 optd. set mint, 1925 Sport set mint, Airmails with Zeppelin cover carried on 1st South America Flight, 1931 Zeppelin mint set and 1 p. orange on flown card, 2 p. on flown cover, 1932 Patrona set used, 1993 Airmails used, 1934/39 Miniature sheets mint, 1942 Red Cross in sheets, 1945 Inflation sets complete mint, Roosevelts sheets, Bridge sheets mint, 1949 Bridge sheet mint, 1950 5 Year Plan sets (2) mint, thereafter complete mint interspersed with covers. A fresh and fine collection.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHF
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