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Lot# : 1405 France
1860/1949: Lot 150 covers/cards, including interesting usages and frankings, foreign mail with many items to Egypt and some picture postcards. A few items somewhat climatically toned, but nevertheless a fine group.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1406 France
1865/80: The attractive Collection of 127 registered and value covers, describing the rate changes after the Franco-Prussian war and the step-by-step decrease of the previously increased tariffs after France has joined the UPU (tariffs of September 1871, January 1876, May 1878, and January 1879). The collector made a point on showing the different types of registered and value letters (lettre recommandée, lettre chargée, lettre chargée avec valeur declarée) with different weight rates and different insured sums resulting in a collection containing nearly exclusively multicoloured frankings in a well above standard quality. Included are heavy-weighted registered letters, value letters with insured sums up to the maximum of 10'000 f., esoteric tariffs like registered printed matter, postcards, and commercial samples, mixed frankings between Napoleon, Siège, Cérès, and Sage, registered and value letters sent abroad, such as registered mail to POW in Germany 1871, from Mulhouse to Basel using border rate, to Egypt & India, and value letters to neighbouring countries. This is a very interesting and appealing collection worth to be inspected carefully.Starting bid : 28,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1407 France
1900/50ca.: Lot 450 picture postcards used/unused, including better cards of small villages, views of Alsace as Wintzfelden, Müttersholz and St. Amarin, further some cards of Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1408 France
Ballons montés 1870/71: Lot five covers sent within France, incl. 'Les Etats Unies' (25. Sept. 70), 'L'Armand Barbès' (30. Sept. 70), 'Gazette des Absents No 5' (6.Nov. 70), 'Le Général Renault' (9. Déc.70) and 'La Poste de Paris' (17. Jan. 71) as well as a pigeongram. condition varies, but nevertheless a fine lot.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1409 France
1870/71: Correspondance 'Havas' during the Siège of Paris, a very interesting lot containing 13 various issues carried by different balloons (in between No. 6 to 62) and mainly addressed to 'L'ordre et la Liberté, Cour de la Monnaie à Caen', one piece with removed stamp and another one with cut-out address, in addition Havas news of February 17th, 1871 in French and printed on blued paper, not flown, all items in excellent quality, nicely mounted up on album pages with description, a rare offer for the balloon enthusiast.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1410 France
1870/1924: Interesting collection 'Development of French Aviation', starting with Ballons monté 'L'Archimède' to Tarbes (21.11.1870), rare pigeongram and seven unused 'Drapeaux formula envelopes', followed by early Balloon documents such as handwritten letters (some with imprint) of Eugène Godard (1883), Camille Dartois (1873) and Henri Griffard (1870), postcards and vignettes of Air Meetings in Reims, Port-Aviation Juvisy (1909), scarce 'Ariane' pigeon mail (22.7.1905), compl. sheetlets of Airmeeting in Vincennes (June 1924), "1er Group d'Aérostation St. Cyr" (2), 1912 envelope "Maneuvres d'Armée Service de l'aviation Escadrille no.2", envelope of 'Aviation-Militaires' in Morocco, 1919 cover of military airmail service Constantinople - Bucharest- Paris cancelled by framed "Armées Alliées en Orient/Poste Aérienne" h.s., Record Flight Paris - Dakar by Lemaitre and Arrachart (1925), incl. cover to Dakar signed by Arrachart and cover of return flight further proofs of special vignette related to that flight, as well as compl. set of semi-official airpost stamps in compl. unused sheetlets of Vincennes Air Meeting (1924 June 9). A rare offer for the specialist, all mounted up on exhibition pages, viewing highly recommended.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 1411 France
1927/77: Lot 40 airmail covers, incl. better frankings as ' Airpost Exhibition 1930' Fr. 1.50 blue (3), 'Vue de Paris' single franking to Paraguay (1936), 50 Fr. ultramarine with additional franking to Chile (1938), First Day usage of Transatlantic 10 Fr. dark green (14.8.36) to Chile, 1949 U.P.U. 500 Fr. dark green on envelope to New York as well as 1954 airmail set on FDC's Cérès (2008) = EUR 4'500.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 1412 France
1930/59: Lot 55 airpost stamps used/unused, including the better sets and values as 1936 'Vue de Paris' with 50 Fr. yellow green, both values of the 100th airmail flight across the South Atlantique Fr. 1.50 + 10 Fr., each in an epreuve de luxe. 1948 and further issues in compl. imperforated sets Cérès (2008) = EUR 11'000.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 2,800 CHFLot# : 1413 France
1936: Airmail 50 Fr. yellow green 'Vue de Paris' on registered express envelope to Berlin (16.4.38) as well as another single franking with 50 Fr. ultramarine sent registered and express to the same address in Berlin-Lichterfelde (11.4.38) showing customs label 'Zur Devisenüberwachung zollamtlich geöffnet' on reverse. Two rare items and not often offered Cérès (2008) = EUR 2'625.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1414 French Colonies
Sultanat d'Anjouan 1892/1912: Lot of several used/unused stamps including better values of the first two issues.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1415 French Colonies
Cote d'Ivoire 1977/81: Lot eight different souvenir sheets in mint condition, all imperf. and unissued, not listed in the Michel catalogue and very rare.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1416 French Colonies
Inde 1892/1931: Collection with better sets and values unused og., including postage dues, a fresh and fine lot.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1417 French Colonies
Indochine 1912/31: Collection with better sets and values unused og., including airmails, postage dues and officials.Starting bid : 240 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1418 Libanon
Liban 1946: 'Victory' Miniature Sheet on board paper with inscriptions in blue, fresh and fine unused (just 300 printed thus); also the issued sheet mint and the 1949 issued UPU miniature sheet mint Gi = £ 430.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1419 Madagascar
Madagascar 1975/76: Lot seven different souvenir sheets in mint condition, all imperf. and unissued, not listed in the Michel catalogue and very rare.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1420 French Colonies
Nouvelle Calédonie 1859/1931: Collection with better sets and values unused og., including postage dues and parcel post.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1421 French Colonies
Port Said 1899/1930: Lot 23 covers/cards showing different Port Said cancellations, including 1902 postcard to Java and underpaid locally used cover taxed by very scarce 'Taxe de Percevoir' h.s. as well as extremely rare essay for the "PORT-SAID" overprint prepared by the Postmaster to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the opening of the Suez Canal, on France Peace & Commerce 4 c. brown in a top marginal block of four unmounted mint plus a fresh mint 20 c. value showing dropped hyphen variety.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1422 French Colonies
1921/25: Small selection with 23 surcharged values in mint condition, most of them showing varieties as 't' and '1' instead of 'l', large spacing inbetween chiffres or additional black bar under figure '150', the lot also includes five pairs with one normal stamp, a rare offer, on a large stockcard Yvert 2011 = EUR 3'800++.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1423 French Colonies
Île Rouad 1916/20: Scarce part set in unused mint full sheets of 150, 1 c. (both shades), 2 c., 3 c. , 5 c., 10 c., 15 c., 20 c., 30 c., Merson 40 c., 1 pi. on 25 c., 2 pi. on 50 c., and 4 pi. on 1 fr. in sheet of 75 stamps. Some splitting but majority fresh and fine, seldom seen multiples Cérès = EUR 4'800+.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1424 St. Pierre et Miquelon
Saint Pierre et Miquelon 1924/34: Selection of better sets and values unused, including postage dues, fresh and fine.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1425 Syria
Syrie 1921/60: Interesting lot 30 covers incl. Lebanon, registered mail, censorship, airmail, all sent to Switzerland.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1426 French Colonies
Togo 1916: Stamps of Dahomey surcharged, mint multiples with 1 c. (69), 2 c. (70), 4 c. (75), 5 c. (76), 10 c. (76), 15 c. (70), 20 c. 69), 25 c. (70), 30 c. (25), 35 c. (20), 40 c. (25), 45 c. (23), 50 c. (20), 75 c. (18),1 fr. (24), 2 fr. (6) and 5 fr. (3), unmounted og.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1427 Togo
Togo 1918/66: Collection of unused stamps incl. several imperf. subjects and two proofs.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1428 Tunisia
Tunisie 1980/92: Lot 43 colour proofs on thick white card paper, all printed by Courvoisier/Switzerland, fresh and fine.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1429 French Colonies
Wallis et Futuna 1920/30: Collection with better sets and values, all unused o.g., fresh and fine.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1430 French Colonies
Zanzibar 1894: 25 c. on 2 ½ a. on 4 c. violet unused, 1896 issue, part set to 10 fr. mint, 1902 part set of nine values with 10 a. on 1 fr., 20 a. on 2 fr. and 50 a. on 5 fr. mint, 1897 Postage Due set of five mint Cérès = EUR 880.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1431 French Colonies
1859/1950: Lot, mainly smaller sets and values used and unused, some duplication noted, including France and colonies, in two albums and on over 120 stockcards.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1432 French Colonies
1846/88: Réunion, two covers, incl. General Colonies 1871 Cérès 25 c. blue, tied by dotted lozenge and octagonal "Corr. D'Armées / St. Denis" in black, Sénégal, three covers incl. Eagle 20 c. blue on small 1868 envelope to Camp De Chalons, Sage imperf. 25 c. ultramarine on 1883 cover to Algeria, and 1888 10 c. black on lilac stationery postcard to Germany. In addition, France 1862 Napoleon laureated 4 c. grey, single used on superb Printed Matter poster.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1433 French Colonies
1900/60ca.: Lot used/unused stamps primarily from Algeria, incl. also better values and series from Alexandrette, Lebanon and Tunisia.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1434 Great Britain
1838/1947: Lot 50 covers, all sent to Switzerland, incl. interesting prephilatelic covers and reg'd postal stationery envelopes.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 1435 Great Britain
1854/1960: Collection with several hundred stamps used/unused, incl. many better values as 1878 QV 10 Sh. and £ 1., £ 5 orange on white paper, several £-values QV and KEVII, 1929 £ 1 black etc., housed in a Windsor album by Stanley Gibbons, in addition one stockbook and several stockcards with various colonial stamps incl. full sets QE up to £ 1. values.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 4,400 CHFLot# : 1436 Great Britain
1857/1929c.: Rather messy range on leaves with 1 d. reds (300+), Surface Printed issues used and a small range of covers incl. three registered to Austria.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 1437 Great Britain
1868/1901: The surface printed cover collection (84), with plentiful array of 1875 2½ d. rosy mauve usages incl. rare pl. 17, 1880 2½ d. blue usages, 1868 cover from Malta bearing 4 d. vermilion, 1876 cover from Constantinople, 1876 ¼ d. card used from Smyrna, 1880 cover from Constantinople with rare "Too Late" in red,1880 registered cover with 4 d. grey-brown to Peru, 1878 cover with 2½ d. cancelled "942" of Larnaca, 1880 cover with 1 d. venetian red and 6 d. grey to Montevideo, 1880 cover from 'Passage West' at 4½ d. rate, 1877/1881 covers (3) from Gibraltar, Jubilee 1 s. green single franking. Rates of ¼ d., ½ d.,1 d., 2½ d., 3½ d., 4 d., 4½ d., 5 d., 6 d., 8 d., 9½ d., 1s. noted with unusual destinations etc.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 1438 Great Britain
1887/98: Christmas Cards (2) with 1887 example ahowing five continents and five Steamers (P&O, Orient Mail, Cunard Mail, West Indies & Pacific Mail and Cape Mail), and 1889 "The Postal Service That Never Halts" with five continents and Ship and Locomotive illustrations, each annotated "Universal Postal Union with Christmas Greetings from the Officers of the General Post Office, London, 1889-90", the second card in colour. Superb and very rare.Starting bid : 160 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1439 Great Britain
1911: First UK Aerial Post, the selection of cards/covers (5), with card in green franked at ½ d. used from Windsor to London (Sept 17), brown card from London to Cambridge (Sept 12), another in brown from London (Sept 9) to the Isle of Wight, card in green optd. for the "Molassine Company" from London (Sept 9) and dull violet envelope with insert, franked at 1 d. from London (Sept 15).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1440 Channel Islands
1941/92: Unused and nearly complete collection Channel Islands in two albums with miniature sheets and stamp booklets.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1441 Ireland
1922/87: Collection with several hundred stamps used/unused, incl. better sets and single values, souvenir sheets and postage dues, from 1963 in mint blocs of four, in addition more than 200 FDC's and a few covers GB, housed in three albums owner's cat = appr. CHF 9'100.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 1442 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
Antigua 1903: Definitive 'Badge of the Colony' set of ten values overprinted "Specimen", 1908 set of three opt. "Specimen" and 1922 Barbuda overprinted set of eleven mint, overprinted "Specimen" in red or black, 3 s. rounded corner perf., otherwise all fresh and fine, large part og Gi = £ 475.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 1443 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
Antigua 1913: George V, 5 s. grey-green & violet, fresh mint optd. "Specimen", 1921/29 set of seven values complete to £ 1 purple & black on red, fresh mint and optd. "Specimen" in black or red; and multiple Script CA wmk. set of eighteen overprinted or perforated "Specimen", all fresh and very fine, large part og Gi = £ 630.Starting bid : 280 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 1444 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
Antigua 1937: Coronation set of three sheet marginal, 1946 Victory set of two and 1948 10 s. magenta and £ 1 slate-green, all fresh and fine, perforated "Specimen", unmounted og Gi = £ 165+.Starting bid : 80 CHFHammer price : 140 CHFLot# : 1445 New South Wales
Australia - New South Wales 1851: Small group with Diadem 1851 1 d. vermilion used, 2 d. blue used (2), 6 d. grey-brown used, 1863 registration stamp on yellowish wmk'd paper unused, 1871 9 d. on 10 d. red-brown mint, 1890 5 s. purple optd. "SPECIMEN", etc.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 1446 Australia
Australia - New South Wales. Fine dealer stock of QV issues, identified in packets, with mint and used, including multiples, fragments and Specimen overprints. Total over 70 stamps Gi in excess = £ 2'500.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1447 Tasmania
Tasmania 1884/1906c: Postal Stationery selection (8 items), with 1884 4 d. registration envelope, 1892 registration envelopes (3 d.) grey-blue each overprinted "Specimen", 2 d. violet on blue letter-card with Lake Hartz view on reverse overprinted "Specimen", pre-cancelled Newspaper wrappers etc. Condition fair to superb.Starting bid : 160 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 1448 Victoria
Victoria 1850/96: Lot 80 stamps used/unused, including postage dues, condition varies but some better values noted.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1449 Australia
Australia 1913/35: The balance of the classic Australia mint collection with array of Plate Flaws, Specimens, varieties, watermark varieties, positional multiples, and specialised pieces all arranged in BW catalogue order, annotated correctly by owner, in excellent condition, with many hundreds of stamps covering Kangaroo and George V heads and punctured Official issues, including 1915/28 5 s. grey & yellow mint (5), 1924 £ 1 grey mint (2), 1929 5 s. mint (3), and 10 s. mint, 1932 5 s. mint (2), 10 s. mint (4) etc. Careful viewing is mandatory and highly recommended to the specialist.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 26,000 CHFLot# : 1450 Australia
1937/52: Booklet with definitive issues fresh mint, with different Dies, thin paper varieties, shades and 'a' numbers etc. Gi = £ 880.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1451 Papua New Guinea
Papua 1901: Vertical watermark, ½ d. - 1 s. values fresh mint, 1907 overprinted on vertical wmk. 6 d. and 1 s. value mint, 1917 optd. 'One Penny' set of six mint, rare 1932 1 s. 3 d. lilac & pale greenish blue overprinted "Specimen" in black (Gi 128s) all fresh and fine, large part og. with cto used examples from Aug 1916 part set (excl. 1 s. and 2 s. 6 d.) but with fine 10 s. value (Gi 105), Large Papua 2 s. 6 d. used etc.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 1452 Papua New Guinea
Papua 1906/1941: Mint collection with fine section of 'Lakatoi' issues, neatly arranged on leaves with a few multiples etc. Fresh and very fine mint condition, an excellent reference Gi = £ 2'150.Starting bid : 440 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 1453 Bahamas
Bahamas 1861: Lot 4 d. rose rough perf. used, 4 d. rose clean cut perf. used, 1863 Crown CC 4 d. rose unused and 6 d. violet used (2); also Natal with Chalons used, incl. rare 1879 1 d. on 6 d. rose 'surcharge double, one inverted' unused etc., a highly catalogued group.Starting bid : 220 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1454 Bahamas
1901: Staircase set of four values mint (wmk. CC), 1902 definitive set of seven values and 1906 ½ d. pale green mint, all overprinted "Specimen" in black, fresh and fine, large part og Gi = £ 460.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 1455 Bahamas
1912: Part set of eight values mint to £ 1, less the 2 d. grey overprinted "Specimen"; 1920 Peace Celebration, the set of five values, marginal from left of sheet, fresh mint and overprinted "Specimen", also wmk. Script CA Staircase set of four values, fresh mint and perf. or overprinted "Specimen", large part og Gi = £ 650.Starting bid : 280 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 1456 Bahamas
1921/32: Definitive set of eleven values (less the later issued 1½ d. and 3 d. values but with additional 2½ d. value), fresh mint and overprinted "Specimen" in black or red; also the Tercentenary set of five values, all top marginal and perforated "Specimen", scarce and attractive, large part og or unmounted og Gi = £ 500.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1457 Barbados
Barbados 1897: Diamond Jubilee, the fresh mint set of nine optd. "Specimen" in black, 1906 Nelson Centenary set of seven optd. "Specimen", 1906 Tercentenary optd. "Specimen" and 1909 definitive set of five optd. "Specimen", all fresh and very fine, large part og Gi = £ 565.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 1458 Barbados
1909: Definitive set of five values fresh mint and overprinted "Specimen", 1912/16 definitive set of eleven values overprinted "Specimen" in black or red, fresh and very fine, large part og Gi = £ 310.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1459 Barbados
1920: Victory set of twelve mint optd. "Specimen" in red, 1921/24 issue in complete set of twelve mint overprinted "Specimen" in black or red, 1927 King Charles 1 d. red optd. "Specimen" and 1925/30 issue with eleven values (missing1½ d. orange and 2 s. 6 d.) overprinted "Specimen", fresh and very fine, large part og Gi = £ 650+.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 1460 Barbados
1937: Coronation set of three values and 1946 Victory set of two values, fresh mint, all perforated "Specimen", fine unmounted og Gi = £ 170.Starting bid : 80 CHFHammer price : 140 CHFLot# : 1461 Basutoland
Basutoland 1937: Coronation set of three values mint perforated "Specimen" (two sets) and 1938 Pictorial definitive set of eleven values, fresh mint, all perforated "Specimen", higher values being marginal from base of sheet, unmounted og Gi = £ 475.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 1462 Betchuanaland
Bechuanaland 1885/1922: The postal stationery mint selection with five different cards with two overprinted "Specimen" in black, 1889 1 d. Newspaper wrapper overprinted, superb selection of registration envelopes (10) all different and some with up-rated surcharges, four of these overprinted "Specimen" in black. Condition varies but majority fresh and fine.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 1463 Betchuanaland
1889/1910: Postal Stationery, the mint selection of 14 items with cards (7) all overprinted "Specimen", Newspaper Wrappers (3) overprinted "Specimen", registered envelopes (4 different) all overprinted "Specimen". Fresh and fine condition.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1464 Bermuda
Bermuda 1865/1924: Small group of classics mint and used, with provisional 1875 surcharges 1 d. on 3 d. used, 1 d. on 1 s. green mint and used, some later material incl. Keyplate 10 s. used etc.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 1465 Bermuda
1898: 2 d. brown-purple, 1901 ¼ on 1 s. dull grey, "Dock Type" sets of three and 1906 set of seven, all fresh mint and overprinted "Specimen" in black, Keyplate 2 s. purple & blue on blue and 4 s. black & carmine (both top marginal) also overprinted "Speimen", fresh and fine, large part og. A fine and scarce group Gi = £ 630++.Starting bid : 340 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 1466 Bermuda
1937: Coronation set of three values (1 d. is marginal with plater number) and 1946 Victory set of two values, fresh mint, all perforated "Specimen", fine unmounted og Gi = £ 340.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 1467 Bermuda
1938: Part set of twelve values printed (less the 1941 values), fresh mint examples, most marginal from top of sheet with complete Keyplate types from 2 s. to £ 1, all perforated "Specimen", fine and scarce, unmounted og. Rare.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 1468 Bermuda
1938/53: King George VI Keyplates, the superb mint collection with all printings noted as per Gibbons, with 2 s. value (7), 2 s. 6 d. value (5), 5 s. value (8), 10 s. value (7), 12 s. 6 d. value (3, including the extremely rare 'Lemon' shade, Gi 120d, marginal example with cert.), and £ 1 value (5). A delightful reference lot in excellent mint condition Gi = £ 7'250.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1469 Guyana
British Guiana 1863/76: Medium paper, varied perforations, 1 c. black, 2 c. orange (2), 4 c. blue, 6 c. blue, 8 c. pink, 24 c. yellow-green (both types) and 48 c. red, variable condition, unused. Highly catalogued selection Gi = £ 1'500.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 1470 Guyana
1862: Type-set issue, rouletted 1 c. black on rose, 2 c. black on yellow (two different types), 4 d. black on blue, good used examples of these rare stamps, all cancelled by "AO3" numeral obliterators of Georgetown. Usual small imperfections but seldom seen Gi = £ 2'600.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 1471 Guyana
1898: Jubilee set of five values mint overprinted "Specimen", 1900 2 c. "Specimen", 1905 part set incl. higher values to 96 c. mint, scarce 1905 $ 2.40 c. green & violet superb mint, 1907 colour changes with set of five all overprinted "Specimen"; generally fine, large part og. selection.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 1472 Guyana
1898: Jubilee set of five values mint overprinted "Specimen", 1900/03 part set with "Specimen" opt., 1905 $ 2.40 c. optd. "Specimen", 1907/10 set of five values optd. "Specimen",1913/21 set of eleven values optd. "Specimen" incl. additional 96 c., 1921/27 part set of eleven values (no 72 c. but with extra 4 c. value) optd. "Specimen"; large part og. A fine lot Gi = £ 550+.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 1473 British Honduras
British Honduras 1932: Relief Fund set of five mint, perforateed "Specimen" large part og., 1937 Coronation set of three values, 1938 Pictorial set of twelve, 1946 Victory set of two values, all fresh mint, perforated "Specimen", fine unmounted og Gi = £ 570.Starting bid : 240 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1474 British Honduras
1948: Silver Wedding set of two values mint (2 sets), 1953 Pictorial set of twelve mint (2 sets), 1962 Birds set of twelve mint (2 sets), fresh and fine unmounted og Gi = £ 350.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 190 CHFLot# : 1475 Newfoundland
(Canada) Newfoundland 1933: Lot four covers from St. John's to Switzerland, each with single franking of Airmail issue 10 c., 30 c., 60 c., and 75 c., neatly tied Gi = £ 250+ as singles.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 1476 Canada
Canada 1852/1935c.: Small balance of collection with 1852 Cartier 10 d. fine used but creased, 1857 ½ d. imperf unused, perf Cartier used, Large Queens with ½ c., 1 c., 2 c., 6 c., 12½ c., 15 c. (4) unused, Small Queens values unused including 3 c. in an imperforate block of four, 1893 set of two unused, 1893 8 c. unused (2), 1908 Tercentenary set unused, 1927 Confederation set of five in imperforate between pairs unused, 1928 Airmail 5 c. in imperforate between pair etc., a few modern imperforates etc. A fine lot, together with a specialised collection from the Capex 1978 Exhibition.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 2,600 CHFLot# : 1477 Canada
Prince Edward Island 1870: 2 d. rose, 3 d. blue, 4 d. black and 6 d. yellow green, all perf. 11½-12, fresh and fine unused, 1870 4½ d. yellow brown fresh unused and 1872 1 c., 2 c., 3 c., 4 c. and 12 c. large part og. a few imperfections Gi = £ 380+.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1478 Canada
1875 (Jan 1): Mourning cover to UK franked by single Small Queen 6 c. brown tied by Montreal duplex, italic "Too Late" below in black; also three covers with 5 c. rates (all different frankings) and an unusual 1875 cover at 8 c. rate to England via USA.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 1479 Canada
1878/98: Small Queen covers/cards (14) with 1879 registered cover to France with 5 c. olive and registration 5 c. green, 1888 cover to Jamaica franked by Small Queen 5 c. olive-green tied by Toronto duplex, 1895 with similar 5 c. franking to Honolulu/Hawaii, 1888 cover with 5 c. used to Japan with tags on obverse for attempted delivery; 1892 taxed cover to France franked by 3 c. vermilion; up-rated stationery usages and 1898 Map issue covers (2) to France etc. Generally fine, an interesting lot.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 1480 Canada
1940/42: Lot five covers, all to Switzerland and showing large oval violet 'O.A.T.' (onward air transmission) mark, presumably applied in London.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1481 Cayman Islands
Cayman Islands 1907: Definitive set of nine values mint, less the 10 s., overprinted "Specimen" in black, also the 1908 ¼ d. brown optd. "Specimen" (Gi = £ 85), fresh and fine, large part og.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1482 Cayman Islands
1937: Coronation set of three values and 1946 Victory set of two values, fresh mint, all perforated "Specimen", fine unmounted og Gi = £ 260.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 1483 Ceylon
Ceylon 1857/59: Wmk'd Star, imperforate; 2 d. green, a fresh and fine unused example with large part of sheet margin at right, 5 d. chestnut with trimmed margins, 1 s. 9 d. green in similar condition and 1857/58 ½ d. dull mauve on glazed paper unused Gi = £ 1'500+.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1484 Ceylon
1857/59: Wmk'd Star, imperforate; 1 d. blue, 4 d. dull rose, 6 d. purple-brown, 8 d. brown, 9 d. purple-brown (signed Thier), 10 d. dull vermilion, 1 s. slate-violet and 2 s. dull blue; used examples with small margins one or two with further faults, however enormous cat. value.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1485 Ceylon
1857/1958: Collection used/unused, incl. better values such as 1857 2 s. slate-violet, Victoria issues with overprints and as official stamps, Edward VII up to rupee values, omnibus issues. A fine lot.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1486 Ceylon
1863/70: Wmk'd Crown CC, the range with 2 d. green & 2 d. yellow, 4 d. rose, 5 d. olive green (2, shades), 6 d. purple-brown (2, shades), 8 d. reddish brown, 10 d. vermilion, 1 s. reddish lilac all unused without gum, 1 d. and 2 s. blue used, also wmk. star 1861 9 d. brown fresh large part og. A scarce group Gi = £ 1'800.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 1487 Ceylon
1864: ½ d. dull mauve, perf., wmk. CC, large part og., 1866/68 1 d. blue mint, 1872/80 with 4 c. mauve, 8 c. orange-yellow, 24 c. green, 32 c. slate and 36 c. blue, unused or part og. examples, and 2 r. 50 c. perf 12½ x 14, mint (Gi 138) with slight adherence on reverse and Crown CA 1883 2 d. brown mint overprinted "Specimen" in black. Condition variable but a highly catalogued group Gi = 1'350.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1488 Ceylon
1869: Official overprint set of seven values, fresh, one or two small imperfections on gum, fair to fine, part og. Rare Gi = £ 730.Starting bid : 240 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1489 Ceylon
1882/85: Locally surcharged, the mint selection with 5 c. on 64 c.., 10 c. on 64 c. compound perf., 1 r. 12 c. on 2 r. 50 c. rose etc., fair to fine, large part to part og Gi 142+143+147+148+149+155+158+165+167+168+169+170+174+176+178+180+186 = £ 800+.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1490 Ceylon
1885: Surcharged set of seven values mint, 1886 values, 1887 1 r. 12 c. dull rose, 1888-90 set mint and the 1895 Official set of seven values mint, fair to very fine, part to large og Gi = £ 500.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 1491 Ceylon
1898/99: 2 r. 50 c. purple on red overprinted "Specimen", Dec 1898 set of three values overprinted mint, 1899/1900 set of nine values complete to 2 r. 25 c. mint, 1903/05 multiple Crown CA set of 12 values mint, 1899/1903 Official values mint, fresh colour, generally fine, large part og Gi = £ 250+.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 1492 Ceylon
1910/11: Fresh mint set of nine values all overprinted "Specimen" in black; and 1912/25 wmk. Crown CA set of fifteen values overprinted "Specimen" in black or red, with additional shades of 1 r., 2 r. and 5 r. values; fresh and fine, large part og Gi = £ 600+.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 1493 Ceylon
1918: War Tax set of four values overprinted "Specimen" daigonally in red or blue, 1918 1 c. on 5 c. purple similarly overprinted in blue; 1921-32 set of twenty values overprinted "Specimen" in black or red, fresh and very fine, large part og Gi = £ 760.Starting bid : 280 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1494 Cyprus
Cyprus 1880: Great Britain overprinted for use in Cyprus, the unused selection with first issue set of six from ½ d. to 1 s. values, 'Halfpenny' on 1 d. red, 30 pa. on 1 d. red (with gum), 1881 wmk. CC ½ pi. and rare 6 p. olive-grey, 1882 wmk. CA 30 p. 1 pi., 4 pi. and 12 pi. and "½" on ½ d. emerald green (wmk. CA), fair to fine unused Gi = £ 4'500.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 1495 Cyprus
1880/1960: Collection used/unused, incl. better values and sets such as ½ on ½ p. overprint, 8 mm apart with large '1' at left, cert. BPA, Edward VII definitives up to high 45 pi., omnibus issues, a fine lot.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1496 Dominica
Dominica 1937: Coronation set of three values (two sets, one is marginal) and 1946 Victory set of two values, fresh mint, all perforated "Specimen", fine unmounted og Gi = £ 270.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1497 Egypt Kingdom
Egypt 1866/1984: Collection with 1866 first issue set of seven values mint, 1867 issue with 5 pi. brown mint (both genuine) and later Sphinx definitives unused, commemorative sets incl. Zeppelin and UPU set to £ 1.,1932 100 m. on £ 1 mint, 1938 Birthday £ 1 mint, and 1867 Suez Canal Company 1 c. black mint (genuine), in addition about 120 covers incl. early hotel postmarks and Zeppelin card 1931, Sudan Airmail 10 pi. on 4½ pi. on covers (2) etc., in two albums.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 1498 Egypt Kingdom
1888/1981: Selection of better Proofs and Colour Trials, including 1888 Postage Due 2 m. green in an imperf. (Proof) block of four, 1970 25th Anniversary of the Arab League issue, 1971 engraved printing experiment Child's face design, further Farouk Oblique perforations 1929 airmail 27 m. or 1927/37 5 m. deep red brown strip of four with interpanneau gutter margin and one gutter pair under-printed "Cancelled", further a small collection of "Bar" overprints and a small album with mint Sudan.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1499 Egypt Kingdom
1929: Airmail collection with 27 m. violet mint block of four and 13 singles, 27 m. chestnut with Control block and 16 further mint examples, 1933 Zeppelin issue with 50 m. blocks of four (2) mint and 28 mint singles and used (5), 100 m. with blocks (2) and 30 mint singles and used (7) and numerous varieties, 1933 Aviation Congress set of five in mint Control blocks and six further mint sets; 1933 issue with complete sheets of 1 m. and 5 m. values, Farouk imperforates for nine values including two pairs, 30 m. with misplaced vignette, set in Control singles mint, many Control blocks and further multiples, 1941 issue with Farouk imperfs. etc. A marvellous lot of high catalogue value.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 1500 Egypt Kingdom
1954/1955: Bileski produced 'Nefertiti' presentation cards (84) with array of material sold at the Qubbah Palace Auction of King Farouk's collection, with Egypt Royal imperforates (24 different), Egypt issued stamps, issued stamps of Austria, Norway, Spain incl. double impression pairs, unusual quantity with some scarce items present.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1501 Egypt Kingdom
1862/80: Covers/cards (9) with 1862 entire from Reunion through Suez to Nantes cancelled by "St. Denis" despatch cds in blue, 1867 cover with GB 1 d. reds (2) and single 4 d. vermilion tied by "BO2" obliterators from Suez to Ireland, 1874 cover bearing Bulaq 20 pa. blue and 2 pi. yellow paying double rate to Italy, 1878 cover to Winterthur/Switzerland with 1 pi. cancelled at Port Said, 1879 cover with 1 pi. used to England, 1880 cover with France 35 c. Type Sage tied by octagonal "PORT SAID / PAQ. FR. N. No. 5" datestamp etc.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 1502 Egypt Kingdom
1876/1962: Collection of covers/cards (55), including cover to Liverpool franked by GB 1875/76 2 1/2 d. tied by bold "BO2" obliterator, stationery envelopes with additional frankings to Germany or USA, 1902 Postage Due usage on cover from India as well as some OHMS envelopes with two taxed R-envelopes to USA.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1503 Egypt Kingdom
1902/10: Group of twelve postcards used, incl. picture postcard with "Dumiat-Tanta" - T.P.O. cancellation to Belgium (24. III. 09) as well as 3 m. stationery card with Faqus Saving Bank obliteration (Dec. 1935).Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 1504 Egypt Kingdom
1919/44: Lot twelve airmail items, including early OHMS envelope showing E.E.F. struck and 'APO-SZ 11', 1924 cover to Baghdad, Imperial Airways flights, Zeppelin flight 1931, as well as Christmas air letter and two air letters, one overprinted 'Specimen'. A fine selction.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not sold
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