tradition and experience in classic philately since 1919

Sort list :
  • Lot# : 597 San Marino

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : PA97-FO12
    1951: Airmail stamp 500 L. dark green and violet brown, souvenir sheet in mint condition, a few gum bends in top margin Mi = EUR 3'000/Sassone = EUR 4'000.
    Starting bid : 350 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,000 CHF

    Lot# : 598 Vatican City

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    Catalogue# : 950+951
    1993: Tesori d'arte della Città del Vaticano, 350 L. plus 500 L., in unused mint block of four printed together as gutter block pair with inscriptions, produced for booklet. A rare modern variety Sassone: see Libretto 3.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 500 CHF

    Lot# : 599 Lietuva Lietuvos

    1925 (Dec 14): Value Declared Parcel card from Klapeida to Switzerland, using an old formular for occupied Memel and a red Memel R-label overprinted 'Klaipeda', franked to a total of 11 Litas 95 with seven Lithuanian adhesives, colourful and scarce item.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,000 CHF

    Lot# : 600 Luxemburg

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 142/Block 1/II
    1923: Geburt der Prinzessin Elisabeth, Gedenkblock 10 Fr. dunkelgrün, postfrisch Mi = EUR 2'500.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 500 CHF

    Lot# : 601 Monaco

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 2A337/Block 2/I
    1947: 25th aniversary of the enthronement of H.M Prince Louis II, souvenir sheet 200 Fr. + 300 Fr. blackish violet and red, printed on bluish paper, mint conditon with slight natural gum bends, also the regular sheet Cérès = EUR 1'300/Mi = EUR 1'200.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 602 Monaco

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    Catalogue# : 379-382451-454A+B
    1951: Prince Rainier III and Princess Charlotte, miniature sheets with four blocks perf. and imperf., surcharged with new values for the benefit of the Red Cross of Monaco, both in mint condition Cérès = EUR 950/Mi = EUR 1'100.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 603 Monaco

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : BF6C
    1964: Olympic Games in Tokyo and Innsbruck, imperf. souvenir sheet in mint condition Cérès = EUR 700.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 150 CHF

    Lot# : 604 Montenegro

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    Catalogue# : Proofs
    Imperforate Proof blocks of four on smooth cream paper with 3 n. bright rose-red, 5 n. orange, 7 n. greyish violet, 10 n. claret, 15 n. reddish violet and 25 n. blue, all from lower right corner of the sheet, fresh and very fine. A rare set.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 605 Montenegro

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 22/33
    1896: Imperforate Proof blocks of four in issued colours for the complete pictorial issue set of twelve values, unused without gum as produced on thick card paper, fresh and very fine.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 606 Montenegro

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    Catalogue# : 75F
    1910: Trials on printer's grey cardboard (10) with 1 pa., 2 pa., 15 pa., 20 pa., 25 pa., 35 pa., 50 pa., 1 per., and 5 per. values in issued colours with 2 pa. olive green error of colour example. A few with manuscript endorsements of approval, five dated '8.VIII.10' at base. Rare and splendid set.
    Starting bid : 240 CHF
    Hammer price : 340 CHF

    Lot# : 607 Netherlands

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    Catalogue# : 12U
    1 / 1
    1867: King William III 50 c. golden, unused without gum and showing variety: imperfed. Cert. NVPH (1983) NVPH = EUR 900.
    Starting bid : 180 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 608 Netherlands Antilles

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    Catalogue# : 220/233
    Curacao 1946/47: Queen Wilhelmina, the definitive set of fourteen values in fine mint horizontal pairs, fresh and fine, full unmounted og Mi = EUR 760.
    Starting bid : 260 CHF
    Hammer price : 260 CHF

    Lot# : 609 Netherlands Antilles

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 253/272
    1947: Airmail set of twenty values, fresh and very fine, full unmounted og Mi = EUR 450.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 150 CHF

    Lot# : 610 Netherlands Indies

    Dutch Indies. 1846 (Nov 18): Entire letter endorsed at top "Per Landmail via Marseilles", struck on despatch with excellent "Franco / Zee Brief / Sourabaya" oval in red, thence via British P.O. in Alexandria (Jan 8, 1847) with black double arc cds on reverse, disinfected at Malta with circular "Purifié Au Lazaret / Malte" in black on front and Marseille entry marking in red (Jan 19). Amsterdam arrival (Jan 25) in red on reverse. A splendid and rare entire that opens well for display.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 260 CHF

    Lot# : 611 Netherlands Indies

    1859 (Jan 16): Entire letter from Sapoedie to Amsterdam, endorsed "per Overland Mail via Marseille" at top, struck with exceptional impression of oval "Ongefrankeerd / Zee Brief / Sumanap" in red. Amsterdam arrival cds (March 30) in red on reverse of a fine and scarce entire.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 280 CHF

    Lot# : 612 Norway

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    Catalogue# : 7+14+15
    1869 (Aug 5): Entire letter from Oslo to La Rochelle, with mixed issue three colour franking of 1863 3 sk. grey-violet, 1867 4 sk. 4 blue and 8 sk. 8 carmine all tied by "Christiania" cds's with blue french entry marking below (Aug 8). Reverse with Sandosund transit cds and La Rochelle arrival. A charming and rare entire.
    Starting bid : 1,500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 613 Norway

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    Catalogue# : 20
    1876 (Feb 6): Cover to Wiesbaden franked by single 1875 6 sk. brown (issued on July 2, 1875) tied by bold "Lillehammer" datestamp in black, with repeated strike above with day filled in manuscript. Arrival datestamp (12/2) on reverse of a fine and rare single franking Facit = SEK 3'500.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 260 CHF

    Lot# : 614 Norway

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    Catalogue# : 20
    1876 (April 23): Cover to Wiesbaden franked by single 1875 6 sk. brown (issued on July 2, 1875) tied by "Lillehammer" datestamp in black, with repeated strike above. Arrival datestamp (29/4) on reverse. A rare single franking Facit = SEK 3'500.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 160 CHF

    Lot# : 615 Austria

    Papst Alexander VI 1496 (8. Dez.): Päpstliche Bulle, Pergamentstück mit kompl. Bleisiegel, sauber in Kanzleischrift ausgeführt und datiert "Octavo kt. Decemb.x,Pontificatur ... Anno Quinto". Alexander VI. (eigentlich Roderic de Borja i Borja, italienisch Rodrigo Borgia (1431- 1503) war von 1492 der erste Borgia Papst. Nach dem Jurastudium in Bologna wurde er Bischof, dann Kardinal und zuletzt päpstlicher Verwalter. Jahrzehntelang arbeitete Rodrigo de Borja darauf hin, die Tiara zu erlangen, bis er am 11. August 1492 als Papst aus dem Konklave hervorging.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,800 CHF

    Lot# : 616 Austria

    1542: Pergamentstück in Latein/Italienisch aus der Kanzlei des Dogen von Venedig an den Botschafter am Hofe Kaisers Karl V "Nobili et sapienti  ... caballis oratori nostro"  (Redner) apud (beim) ... Romanorum Regem", betr. einer Liste von Briefen "gli sumariy di littere" an österreichische Untertanen, die mit der venetianischen Post aus Constantinopel angekommen sind: 'chi havremo ricepur da constantinopoli', datiert MDXXXXII.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 550 CHF

    Lot# : 617 Austria

    Ferdinand II 1627 (16. Nov.): Doppelblatt grosses Schriftstück, gegeben zu Prag an den "Hochwürdiger hochgeborner Lieber Oheim und Fürst", vier Seiten beschrieben, betr. Verwaltungsangelegenheiten, signiert 'ad mandatum Sacra Caesarea Majestatis proprium'. Ferdinand II (1578 -1637) war ab 1617 - mit einer Unterbrechung 1619/20 - König von Böhmen sowie ab 1619 Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches. Die Neuordnung in Böhmen im Sinne des Absolutismus brachte die Landesordnung von 1627 und der Landtag verlor dadurch seine gesetzgeberischen Kompetenzen.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 800 CHF

    Lot# : 618 Austria

    Ferdinand III 1646 (22. Dez.): Schnörkelbrief aus Prag mit eigenhändiger Unterschrift 'Ferdinadus' und papiergedecktem Siegel des Kaisers adressiert an Kardinal Carlo Rosetti (1614-1681). Adresse und Briefinhalt in lateinischer Sprache sowie vorders. Taxvermerk  "6". Ferdinand III (1608-1657) wollte dem 30 jährigen Krieg ein Ende setzen und schloss 1648 den westfälischen Frieden.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 619 Austria

    1653 (7. Juli): Schnörkelbrief von Goldegg adressiert an die Äbtissin des Klosters Nonnberg in Salzburg Maria Magdalena von Schneeweiß (1620 bis 1657), betr. einer Verwaltungssache. Schöner Beleg mit vorders. Aktenvermerk. Goldegg liegt an der Salzach im Salzburger Land. Es ist die westlichste und damit oberste der zum Bezirk Pongau gehörenden Gemeinden im Salzachtal.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 160 CHF

    Lot# : 620 Austria

    1678 (12. März): Kaufbrief von Christian Zech Freiherr zu Leisach Tirol, grossformatiges Dokument, textseitig in guter, frischer Erhaltung, Anschrift leicht verblasste Tinte und etwas staubig, seltenes Schriftstück.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 621 Austria

    Maria Theresia 1751 (18. Juni): Schnörkelbrief, gegeben auf Schloss zu Pressburg, mit papiergedecktem Siegel und eigenhändiger Unterschrift, adressiert ans "Fürstliche= und Jägerndorfische Amt", mit vollständigem Briefinhalt betreffend einer Justizsache.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 500 CHF

    Lot# : 622 Austria

    1787/1830: Lot drei signierte Schriftstücke, dabei Brief von Leopold II an Graf Sauer (1792), Brief von Joseph II an Graf Pergen (1787) sowie Brief an den Grafen Klebelsberg von Kaiser Franz II, von 1804 bis 1835 Kaiser Franz I. von Österreich. Textabschriften beigegeben.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 300 CHF

    Lot# : 623 Austria

    Radetzky von Radetz, Josef Wenzel 1855: Doppelter Faltbogen mit geprägtem Briefkopf 'K.K.Lombard: Venez: General Gouvernement', datiert 'Monza am 3. August 1855' und adressiert an den Herrn Ritter von Rouen, eigenhändige Unterschrift 'Radetzky', gute Erhaltung.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 480 CHF

    Lot# : 624 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 4Xa
    1 / 1
    Handpapier 6 Kr. rotbraun Type III, Feinstdruck der Platte 5, unregelmässiger Sechserblock (waagr. 4+2), ein waagr. Paar und eine Einzelmarke zusammen auf einem Briefstück, alle Marken farbfr. und gut gerandet, die linke Marke des Paares ist am unteren Rand unmerklich eingerissen, sauber entw. mit fünf Abschlägen des Zweikreisstp. mit Verzierung "Szebely 30/10" (Müller Nr. 3367a = 60 P.), seltene Frankatur mit einer grossen 6 Kr.-Einheit der Platte 5. Attest Ferchenbauer (2006) Ferchenbauer = EUR 7'800 für den Sechserblock.
    Starting bid : 1,200 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,400 CHF

    Lot# : 625 Austria

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 4Y
    1854: Maschinenpapier 6 Kr. braun, Luxusstück der linken unteren Bogenecke, mit einem sauberen Abschlag des Zweikreisstp. "SILLAN 27. JUN." Ferchenbauer = EUR 450/Müller Nr. 2621a = 80 P.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 240 CHF

    Lot# : 626 Austria

    1861: 15 Kr. blau 1861, entw. mit Kastenstp. "TRIESTE 10/4" auf Faltbrief von Konstantinopel, von dort versendet mit Forwarder (rücks. blauer Stempel "Giov. Bühler Trieste" vom 10.4.63) und ab Triest mit kaiserlicher Post nach Steyr über Wien (10.4.). Interessante Kombination beider Postwege.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 627 Austria

    1863/64: 3 Kr. grün enge Zähnung sowie 5 Kr. rot und 15 Kr. braun weite Zähnung der Wappenserie, kleine Zahnfehler, entw. mit Einkreisstp. "GRAN 24/11" (1864), mit nebenges. "P.D." und rücks. Transitstp. von Verrara und Pallanza sowie Ankunftsstp. auf Faltbrief nach Gravellona am Lago Maggiore aus der dritten österreichischen in die erste italienische Sektion. Schöner Italienbrief mit zwei Ausgaben und drei Farben aus Ungarn nach Oberitalien.
    Starting bid : 450 CHF
    Hammer price : 450 CHF

    Lot# : 628 Austria

    1867: Ganzsachenumschlag 3 Kr. grün, grober Druck, Klappenschnitt C mit Wasserzeichen III, portogerecht verwendet als Ortsbrief innerhalb von Pest. Späte Verwendung in Ungarn, Briefumschlag auf der Rückseite beschädigt und repariert.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 629 Austria

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 38/II
    1 / 1
    1867: 10 Kr. blau, feiner Druck, senkr. Paar, entw. mit Datumsstp. WIEN 3 / 12 / 78, auf Umschlag nach Toronto / Kanada mit rotem LONDON PAID auf der Vorderseite und Toronto Ankunftsstp (16.12. 78) auf der Rückseite. Obere Zähnung der oberen Marke intakt aber etwas uneben, rücks. Klappe etwas ergänzt. Portogerechte 20 Kr. - Frankatur vor dem Eintritt Kanadas in den Weltpostverein. Attest Ferchenbauer (2012).
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 630 Austria

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 36/I+40/I
    1 / 1
    1867: 3 Kr. grün, waagr. Dreierstreifen und 25 Kr. bräunlichlila, waagr. Paar, grober Druck, entw. mit Datumsstp. PRATERSTRASSE WIEN 26 / 8 / 73, auf Briefvorderseite nach Havanna / Kuba mit roten "P.P." und  LONDON PAID, etwas fleckig. Attest Ferchenbauer (2012).
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 320 CHF

    Lot# : 631 Austria

    1 / 1
    1867: 10 Kr. blau, grober Druck (waagr. Paar, rechte Marke leichter Zahnfehler), entw. mit achteckigem Stp. "TRIEST 3/12/70" auf Faltbriefhülle nach Sira (25.11.74), dort treppenförmige Nachfrankatur mit Grossen Hermesköpfen 10 L. orange, 20 L. blau und 40 L. violett. Attest Matl (1998).
    Starting bid : 800 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 632 Austria

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 49b
    1 / 1
    1883: 50 Kr. bräunlichlila im ungebr. farbfr. Viererblock, voller, frischer Originalgummi ohne Falz, gut zentriert. Attest Ferchenbauer (2012) Ferchenbauer = EUR 6'000.
    Starting bid : 600 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,800 CHF

    Lot# : 633 Austria

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 61
    1890: 1 G. schwärzlichultramarin gez. 10 ½, kompl. Bogen zu 100 Marken ungebr. mit vollem Originalgummi, Zähnung der Aussenreihen gummibedingt leicht gebogen, meist vollst. erhalten ANK = EUR 1600+.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 634 Austria

    1894: Two unused 2 kr. brown illustrated postal stationery cards, in honour of the founder of the Postal Stationery card, Dr. Emmanuel Hermann, one card with front showing countries and the dates of issue of their first card, the other with blue "Jubilee 1869-1894" design being personally signed by Dr. Hermann. A fresh and fine pair and of great scarcity.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 635 Austria

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 118C
    1904: 72 H. karmin mit Lackstreifen gez. 13:13 ½, kompl. Bogen zu 100 Marken ungebr. mit vollem Originalgummi, Zähnung der Aussenreihen gummibedingt leicht gebogen, meist vollständig erhalten ANK = EUR 2500+.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 636 Austria

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 556C/Block 1
    1933: WIPA-Block mit vollem Originalgummi, Falz- und leichte Alterungsspuren Mi = EUR 3'000.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 800 CHF

    Lot# : 637 Austria

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 556C/Block 1
    1933: WIPA-Block mit Schutzumschlag, sauber entw. mit dem Sonderstp. der Ausstellung Mi = EUR 4'000.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,100 CHF

    Lot# : 638 Austria

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 588
    1936 (25.7.): Dollfuß 10 S. dunkelblau, entw. mit Sonder-Erstagsstp. "GRAZ Österreichischer Volkstrauertag 25.VII.36" auf Einschreibebrief innerhalb von Graz mit Ankunft vom selben Tag Mi = EUR 1'600.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 360 CHF

    Lot# : 639 Austria

    Catalogue# : 772-775
    1946: Bundespräsident Karl Renner 1 S. - 5 S., kompl. postfr. Kleinbogensatz Mi = EUR 2'300.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 600 CHF

    Lot# : 640 Austria

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 226xF
    1 / 1
    1918: (2.50 Kr.) auf 3 Kr. dunkelocker mit Aufdruckfehler nur "Flugpost" (ohne 2.50 Kr.) auf grauem Papier anstatt wie in Michel gelistet auf weissem Papier. Eine seltene Marke. Signiert Bloch; Attest Friedl (1980) Mi = EUR 3'500 für Aufdruckfehler auf weissem Papier.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,600 CHF

    Lot# : 641 Austria

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 6/I
    1 / 1
    (0,6 Kr.) Blauer Merkur, Type III/b im Viererblock, breitrandig oben und unten, schmalrandig links und rechts, entw. mit vier unleserlichen Abschlägen des schwarzen Zeitungsexpeditions-Stempels von Wien. Attest Ferchenbauer (2008) Ferchenbauer = EUR 2'750.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 250 CHF

    Lot# : 642 Austria

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 17
    1 / 1
    Zeitungsmarken 1859: (1,05 Kr.) dunkellila im senkr. Dreierstreifen, meist breitrandig, entw. mit schwarzem Einkreis-Datumsstp. "Tarnow 10/10" auf kompl. Schleife, innerhalb von Tarnow versendet, am Streifen wurde die Ecke links unten ergänzt. Attest Ferchenbauer (1995) Ferchenbauer = EUR 2'500+.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 460 CHF

    Lot# : 643 Austria

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : I-XIII
    1 / 1
    1919: Nicht zur Ausgabe gelangte Feldpostausgabe (sog. Feldpost IV) mit Aufdruck in rumänischer Währung, kompl. Serie zu 13 Werten, postfr. und gut gez., seltene Serie in farbfr. Erhaltung. Attest Ferchenbauer (2011) ANK = EUR 4'000.
    Starting bid : 2,000 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 644 DDSG

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 87
    1901 (26. Aug.): 5H blaugrün/schwarz auf Ansichtskarte von Wien mit ovalem  'MARIE VALERIE / 33' DDSG - Schiffsstp. oben links und Ankunftsstp.  von Zimony - Zemun. Gemäss Tchilinghirian & Stephen als Transitstp. vermerkt und nur eine weiterer Beleg bekannt.  
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 645 Bosnia-Herzgovina (Austria)

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 142+143
    1918 (1. März): Invalidenhilfe 10 H. (+2 H.) dunkelblaugrün + 15 H. (+2 H.) braunrot auf Vorlagekarton gest. "K.u.K. 5/T.B. Abteilung", handschriftl. Vermerk und Signum 'Imprimatur für die Farben 21/XI 917".
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 646 Bosnia Republic

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 80+81
    1997 (Mar 31): Prehistoric Finds, 100 (Din) + 120 (Din) imperf. miniature sheet in a vertical 'se-tenant' block pair, unused mint, not known up to date, very fine and rare though.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 647 Austrian Levant

    1856 (March 19): Entire letter to Constantinople struck with exceptional strike of two line dated "BELGRAD" handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 663), with manuscript charge on arrival "2.20" piastres. Excellent quality and scarce.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 648 Austrian Levant

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : V14
    1 / 1
    1865 (Jan 24): 2 s. yellow perf. 14 horizontal pair tied bold strike of "Bucurest 24/1" cds. Tchilinghirian fig. 714 in black to cover with Vienna arrival mark on reverse (29.1.) A fine printed rate cover (paper below left stamp reinforced, just to be mentioned). Signed Bela Sekula and E. Diena, Cert. A. Goller (2010).
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 649 Austrian Levant

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 4/II
    1876: 10 s. blue, fine printing, tied by neat "Canea" (22 11 80) datestamp (Tchilinghirian fig. 534) on envelope to the Lloyd P.O. Constantinople (Nov 26) with arrival marks on reverse. A fine cover.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 650 Austrian Levant

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 21
    1 / 1
    1895: 10 pa. green tied by 'Cospoli' cds on large front fragment of a Serbian newspaper issued in Constantinople in mixed franking with Turkish pre-cancelled fiscal & Austrian Newspaper tax stamp 2 Kr. green tied by 'Kotor' cds, addressed in manuscript to Cattaro/Dalmazie. condition varies, but a scarce usage.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 651 Austrian Levant

    1 / 1
    1916: Stampless cover to Smichov struck with circular Military cachet in violet at left, "Zensuriet" in violet at top and exceptional strike of "NEUM" datestamp in blue-black of despatch (Tchilinghirian fig. 652). Manuscript arrival (March 8) on reverse. Rare and in wonderful Exhibition quality, illustrated in Ferchenbauer catalogue, Vol IV, page 751. Cert. Hochleutner (2008).
    Starting bid : 1,400 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 652 Austrian Levant

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 4/I
    1867: 10 s. blue, coarse printing, tied by two line "Salonich / 29. Juillet" (Tchilinghirian fig. 594) on 1875 outer letter sheet via Brindisi to Gera (Aug 8) with transit and arrival marks on reverse. A fine cover.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 653 Austrian Levant

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 4
    1879 (Jan 29): Registered cover to Gera, Saxony franked by 1876/74 10 s. blue (3, one on reverse) all tied by "Salonicco" cds's in black, straight line "Raccomandatta" in black at left and "Vom Auslande / über Bahnpost 20 / Bodenbach-Dresden" registered label on front. Gera arrival on reverse of cover. Seals removed on reverse and minor faults but scarce.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 300 CHF

    Lot# : 654 Poland

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : Russia 21x
    1866: 10 k. brown & blue, horizontal laid paper, tied by Polish Numeral Cancellation "225" on entire with circular "Uniejow" postmark with handwritten date '12/7' alongside to Warsaw, on reverse red arrival mark (July 13, 1870), signed M. Bojanowicz. In addition same datestamp on stampless cover. Provenance: Collection Fabergé.                         Collection Bojanowicz, Corinphila (May 1999).
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 420 CHF

    Lot# : 655 Poland

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : Russia 21x
    1866: 10 k. brown & blue, horizontal laid paper, tied by Polish Numeral Cancellation "176" on entire with bilingual framed 'Dabrowa' postmark alongside to Warsaw, on reverse red arrival mark (Nov 27, 1869), signed M. Bojanowicz. In addition same stamp on small fragment with the same numeral cancellation. Provenance: Collection Bojanowicz, Corinphila (May 1999).
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 300 CHF

    Lot# : 656 Poland

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : P6
    1919: Krakau Issue, Postage Due 30 h. rose red, a very fine used example with part Krakow cds (5.II) in black, centred slightly to left. Rare and very fine, with just 270 stamps issued. Signed Mikulski Mi = EUR 2'000.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 550 CHF

    Lot# : 657 Poland

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : P7
    1 / 1
    1919: Krakau Issue, Postage Due 40 h. rose red, three very fine used examples (two are on piece), positions all cancelled with part Krakow cds's in black, a rare group, with only 1'000 stamps printed: one signed Jungjohann BPP, one signed A. Diena and Mikulski, third with cert. Mikulski (1986) Mi = EUR 1'500.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 400 CHF

    Lot# : 658 Poland

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : P8
    1 / 1
    1919: Krakau Issue, Postage Due 1 kr. ultramarine overprinted in red, a superb used example with merest trace of greying on perforations at base, tied to small piece tied by "Krakow 1 /11.II.19-4" datestamp in black. An exceptional and extremely rare stamp with just 80 stamps issued. Signed Zagarac, Mikstein and Herbert Bloch. Cert. Mikulski (1980) Mi = EUR 6'000.
    Starting bid : 1,500 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,800 CHF

    Lot# : 659 Poland

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    Catalogue# : 36
    1919: Krakau Issue, 25 h. ultramarine overprinted in black, a very fine used example with large part Krakow cds (26.I.19) in black. Exceptional for this rare stamp, of which only 1'100 were printed. Signed Jungjohann BPP Mi = EUR 1'500.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 650 CHF

    Lot# : 660 Poland

    Polish Field Post in Russia 1942: 50 k. brown, hinged, in fine red Presentation Booklet #977 with 1952 Bojanowicz pamphlet.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 661 Poland

    1945: Displaced Person Camp issue postal stationery (Fischer Cp2a), cancelled POCZTA POLSKA POHLS 19 6 45 and passed to British FPO 294/ 27 Ju 45 for transmission to London. Censor's initial bottom left. Some peripheral creasing but a rare item.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 662 Poland

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    Catalogue# : A515/A517
    1948: 160 years of US Constitution, unnumbered airmail miniature sheet in deep fresh shade, unmounted mint, according to Michel only 35 unnumbered sheets sold directly by the printer Mi Block 11.
    Starting bid : 600 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 663 Poland

    1915: Belagerung der Festung Przemysl in Polen durch die Russen, eine seltene ungebr. Ballonkarte mit Nr. 5905 (von angebl. 6000) und eine Karte adressiert nach Budapest mit Ankunftsstp. vom 17. Mai, übliche Alterungsspuren.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 600 CHF

    Lot# : 664 Poland

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    1918: Issue for Kowel 30 f. on 30 sh. in the lighter blue shade, block of four never hinged, signed Bojanowicz, cert. Petriuk.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 190 CHF

    Lot# : 665 Portugal

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    Catalogue# : 22
    1866: Imperforate 80 r. orange, a fine used example on 1866 cover to Bordeaux tied by fine strike of Lisbon dotted '1' numeral, Lisbon cds below (6/12) and St. Jean De Luz entry marking at upper left in red.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 666 Portuguese Colonies

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    Catalogue# : 39
    Azores 1885 (Nov): Cover to Bordeaux franked by 1882 25 c. brown, underpaid and struck with circular "T" marking; taxed on arrival with France Postage Due 5 c. and 20 c. black. Reverse with Lisbon transit cds (Nov 10) and Bordeaux arrival.  
    Starting bid : 220 CHF
    Hammer price : 550 CHF

    Lot# : 667 Portuguese Colonies

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    Catalogue# : 40
    Azores 1888 (March 2): Registered cover to Modena, Italy franked by 1882 50 r. blue in a horizontal strip of three, fine oval "SEGURA / ANGRA" in black above with registered label alongside; reverse with Lisbon transit (March 9) and Modena arrival cds. Also an 1885  registered cover from Madeira to Copenhagen, Denmark franked with two Portugal 1882 50 r. blue.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 400 CHF

    Lot# : 668 Portugal

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    Catalogue# : 152+156
    Azores 1919: Registered cover from Angra to Zurich franked by Ceres overprinted ½ c. black and 2½ c. violet (four examples) with Angra manuscript filled registration handstamp at left. Reverse with oval "Deposito / De Concentrados Alemaes Na / Ilha Terceira" and unframed "CENSURADO" (Feb 13) in red; thence via Lisbon (March 8) and with French Reseal Censor label applied in transit to Zurch (15/3). Scarce and fine cover.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 669 Portuguese Colonies

    Mozambique 1902 (June 13): Registered usage of "Eastern Telegraph Company Limited" Telegram envelope, from Lourenco Marques to Quelimane franked by 1898 75 rose (Scott 60) tied by Lourenco Marques cds. Registration cachet at right and reverse with Quelimane arrival datestamp. A splendid and very rare usage from Mozambique.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 800 CHF

    Lot# : 670 Romania

    1861 (March 1): Entire letter to Kishinev struck on reverse with fine watery impression of rare Cyrillic "GALATZ" datestamp with fleuron in green (Tchilinghirian fig. 49-'very rare') and, on obverse very fine strike of "Kishinev" arrival datestamp (March 7) in black. The entire opens well for display leaving the Galatz cancellation upright. A rare and fine entire, with date earlier than that mentioned in Tchilinghirian.
    Starting bid : 600 CHF
    Hammer price : 3,200 CHF

    Lot# : 671 Romania

    1861 (Nov 6): Postal receipt form for letters from Ismail to Jassy, struck with fine "ISMAIL / MOLDOVA" datestamp in red (Kiriac fig. 294) and superb impression of the "Draperie" framed "JASSY" handstamp in blue (Kiriac fig. 329). Refolded for display, fine and scarce.
    Starting bid : 180 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 672 Romania

    1870 (Nov 15): Stampless Money Letter from Jassy to Vienna endorsed at top "Werth 587½ Francs" in manuscript, struck with fine "IASSI" datestamp in black at lower left; also an 1863 entire letter from Caracal prepaid to Galatz with despatch cds and framed "P.P." in black and a 1912 1 bani black postal stationery wrapper in a vertical strip of five used from Bucharest to Vienna.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 673 Romania

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    Catalogue# : 7ax
    1858: 80 pa. red on blueish paper with close but clear margins all around, tied by framed 'FRANCO BAKEU' on large fragment with black 'RECEPISSE' and docketing number '94' alongside. Several signatures on reverse, a rare stamp.
    Starting bid : 600 CHF
    Hammer price : 800 CHF

    Lot# : 674 Romania

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    Catalogue# : 8/IxK
    1862: Handstruck 3 pa. yellow on white wove paper, fine mint block of four in an oily impression, showing two vertical tête-bêche pairs, large part og. Signed Heimbüchler Mi = EUR 560+.
    Starting bid : 180 CHF
    Hammer price : 300 CHF

    Lot# : 675 Romania

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    Catalogue# : 9/IxK
    1 / 1
    1862: Handstruck 6 pa. rose carmine on white wove paper, a fresh and fine unused block of twelve examples with four vertical tête-bêche pairs, and three 'ghost' double impressions between upper two horizontal rows, presumably caused by impressions made from the sheet above or below in storage at the time. An unusual and attractive block. Cert. RPS (1988) Mi = EUR 880+. Provenance: Collection Paul Laptev.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 400 CHF

    Lot# : 676 Romania

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    Catalogue# : 13x
    1865: 20 pa. red Prince Cuza, Stone II, unused og in a unit of 14, fine to wide margins all around, with one stamp showing hinge remnants. Printing stone II contained 17 horizontal rows of 12 stamps with four empty fields in the top left corner resulting in 200 stamps per sheet. In spite of toning and pencil notes an interesting unit.
    Starting bid : 800 CHF
    Hammer price : 900 CHF

    Lot# : 677 Romania

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    Catalogue# : 16y
    18667: 20 pa. black on rose thin wove paper, the superb mint block of twelve (6 x 2), Transfer Types 3-1-2-3-1-2/6-4-5-6-4-5, with fifth stamp showing coloured speck in front of King Carol's forehead, fresh and in foremost quality with full gum Mi = EUR 420+.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 678 Romania

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    Catalogue# : 20
    1868: 18 pa. bright red, a superb used horizontal pair, scissor cut between stamps in margin only and with right hand stamp showing vertical guide lines; on cover endorsed "Urgent"  from Bucharest to Ploesti, tied by bold strike of "Bucuresci / Dup' Amiadi" in black with repeated strike at right (Kiriac fig. 431). Reverse with "Ploesti" arrival cds (Kiriac fig. 408) in blue (Oct 30). A fine and attractive cover.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 650 CHF

    Lot# : 679 Romania

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    Catalogue# : 27
    1871: 10 b. yellow on white wove paper, Transfer Type 6, a fresh large margined mint example with large Plate Flaw between "MA" of "Romania", large part og. Signed Heimbüchler.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : 150 CHF

    Lot# : 680 Romania

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    Catalogue# : 29/IIa
    1872 (Aug): New Stones, 10 b. ultramarine (Type II), fresh and fine mint blocks of six from lower left corner of the sheet, and mint block of eight from right of sheet (signed E. Diena and A. Diena) in a paler shade, with full original gum. Scarce and attractive Mi = EUR 700.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 460 CHF

    Lot# : 681 Romania

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    Catalogue# : 30+31
    1872 (Jan-Aug): 15 b. red, a superb mint example with sheet margin at top, stamp unmounted og., and 50 b. pale blue & red, mint example with light vertical bend, of good colour and large margins, large part og Mi= EUR 490.
    Starting bid : 220 CHF
    Hammer price : 220 CHF

    Lot# : 682 Romania

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    Catalogue# : 34
    1872: 25 b. brown, perf. 12½, a fine used example on small piece cancelled by complete "Jassy / Sera" cds in black (28/7), showing Plate Flaw "E" for first "C" in "Cinci". Unusual and scarce, the cancel leaving the variety clear.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : 140 CHF

    Lot# : 683 Romania

    1872: Issue 25 bani brown (Mi 34) on neat outer letter to Pest, BUCURESCI thimble cancel, boxed P.D. mark, PEST receiver on reverse.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 320 CHF

    Lot# : 684 Romania

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    Catalogue# : 37
    1872: Paris printing 3 b. green on greenish blue paper, a fine example tied to Printed Matter rate cover to Calarasi by private framed "Franco" handstamp (Kiriac fig 619) in blue and "Bucuresci" thimble cds in black. Charming and scarce cover.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 360 CHF

    Lot# : 685 Romania

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    Catalogue# : 38
    1872: Paris printing 5 b. bistre in a creased horizontal pair, used on "Recepise De Inapoeri" form (No. 71), cancelled by fine "Piatra" cds in black with repeated strike at left. Reverse with further Piatra cds and thimble cancel of arrival "Turgu-Neamtu" in black (Kiriac fig. 575).
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 686 Romania

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    Catalogue# : 39+40
    1872: Paris printing 10 b. blue and 15 b. deep red brown (2) used on 1874 registered cover to Bucharest, tied by bold strikes of scarce Rural "Dist. R. Sarat / Pl. Orasului" datestamps boldly struck in blue (Kiriac fig. 929). Framed 'PD' and 'Recomandat' alongside in same colour and reverse with thimble cancellation of "Rimn. Sârat" in blue (Kiriac fig. 566). A delightful and rare cover.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 700 CHF

    Lot# : 687 Romania

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    Catalogue# : 41
    1872: Paris printing 25 b. orange, used example on 1875 cover to Corfu/Ionian Islands via Trieste tied by "Galati" cds (Aug 16) in black. Reverse with Vienna transit and Kerkyra arrival cds. File fold away from adhesive, an unusual destination.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 260 CHF

    Lot# : 688 Romania

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    Catalogue# : 40+41
    1875: Attractive registered entire from Curtea de Argesu in blue with boxed RECOMMANDAT and  DUPA PLECARE also in blue, addressed to Hermanstadt with weak transit marks on reverse, franked 15 B.  and damaged 25 B. Paris printings.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 260 CHF

    Lot# : 689 Romania

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    Catalogue# : 39+44
    1872: Paris printing 10 b. blue and Bucharest printing 1876 5 b. olive yellow, contemporary fault on application, used on 1876 cover to Reni, cancelled by "Jsmail" thimble datestamp (Kiriac fig. 549) in blue (Dec 21). Reverse with Reni arrival cds in blue.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 690 Romania

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    Catalogue# : 47+51
    1876: Bucharest printing 30 b. vermilion on yellowish paper, a fine used example on 1881 registered cover to Ploesti, tied by rare "Vâleni De Munte" thimble datestamp (Kiriac fig. 581) in green (March 8) with repeated superb strike below and framed "Recomandat". Reverse defective 1879 10 b. rose red torn on opening and Ploesti cds.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 420 CHF

    Lot# : 691 Romania

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    Catalogue# : 50a+50b+51
    1879: Second Bucharest printing, covers (2) to Austria franked by 5 b. green (four on obverse, one on reverse) tied by Craiova cds's; second 1884 cover with 5 b. very deep green and 10 b. bright red brown (2) cancelled by "Bistrita" cds's in blue with thimble cds "Rimnicul Vâlcea" on reverse (Kiriac fig. 567).
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : 100 CHF

    Lot# : 692 Russia

    1792 (May 7): Entire letter from St. Petersburg to Hodimont (Belgium), perfect strike of the first Russian postmark  'ST. PETERSBOURG' in a variety not described by Dobin & Ratner. An ideal usage because these handstamps are normally only partial or distorted, very scarce so fine.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 693 Russia

    1821 (Jan 5): Envelope from St. Petersburg to Helsingfors (Finland) with a fine combination of two rare prephilatelic postmarks; first datestamp of the head PO in a variety neither described by Dobin & Ratner nor by Baillie & Peel (one star at base but colon after the month) in combination with red 'S. Pburg' (Dobin & Ratner type 00-01-05). A unique item with a previously unrecorded postmark.
    Starting bid : 800 CHF
    Hammer price : 800 CHF

    Lot# : 694 Russia

    1822 (Aug 23): Entire franco letter from St. Petersburg via Memel (Sept 9) to Francomont (Belgium; Sept 19) showing the first datestamp of the office for outgoing mail with two stars at base (Dobin & Ratner 00-02-03) in combination with red 'FRANCO'. Early franco cover with ideal strikes.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 695 Russia

    1841 (Nov 12): Outer letter sheet, sent from 6th city post office of St. Petersburg to Abo (Nov 28) showing a fine strike of the rare rectangular framed datestamp of this office (Dobin & Ratner 00-16-01) on the reverse.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 696 Russia

    1779/1859: The fine collection of 66 entires and five early postal stationery envelopes with St. Petersburg prephilatelic postmarks, incl. nine items with 'ST. PETERSBOURG' 1779/1807 postmarks, red straight line Cyrillic 'S.P.Burg' 1820, four black and two red early cds's 1820/31, and St. Petersburg 1st otdyelenie 1851 and 20th otdyelenie 1857 datestamps as well. This collection is characterized by a far above average quality of the strikes and the covers.
    Starting bid : 4,000 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold
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