CHILE - The Colon Issues
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Lot# : 6101 Chile
London Printing by Perkins Bacon from New Plates 1855 (April): 5 c. red-brown on blued, a fine example with close to large margins all round and portions of adjoining stamps at right and at base, used with 1854 Desmadryl 5 c. pale reddish-brown, minutely shaved at right but also showing adjoining stamps on two sides, tied to 1856 second sheet of entire letter from Santiago to Valparaiso by six barred target handstamps in black. SANTIAGO cds of despatch in red (April 22) alongside. Fresh and fine appearance and an extremely rare mixed issue franking. Cert. Moorhouse (2010).Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 2,400 CHFLot# : 6102 Chile
Recess at the Santiago Post Office from Perkins Bacon plates - 'Estancos' 1857/62: 5 c. dull reddish brown, unused example, watermark pos. 2 and 5 c. cinnamon brown, wmk. pos. 3, the first example in a deep shade with ample margins and large part og., the other in a paler shade with large margins, without gum. Scarce Certs. Philatelic Foundation (1994), Corinphila (1996).rnrnProvenance: 1. Corinphila sale 90, Oct 1994, lot 6401; 2. Collection 'Islander', Corinphila sale 95, Dec 1996, lot 911.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 6103 Chile
Recess at the Santiago Post Office from Perkins Bacon plates - 'Estancos' 1857/62: 5 c. red, wmk. pos. 2, a used horizontal strip of five from base of sheet with CORREOS watermark with good to large margins all round and portion of adjoining stamp at left, lightly cancelled by target handstamps in black. A charming strip.rnrnProvenance: Collection Jean Dupont, Balasse, May 1981, lot 223.Starting bid : 75 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 6104 Chile
Recess at the Santiago Post Office from Perkins Bacon plates - 'Estancos' 1857/62: 5 c. dull reddish 'cinnamon' brown, wmk. pos. 4, a fine used block of four with large even margins all round, lightly cancelled by target handstamps in black. Corner bend and small scissor cut into frame of lower right stamp but a scarce multiple; together with 5 c. rose-red, wmk. pos. 3, in a fine used horizontal strip of three. Cert. Corinphila (1996) for the block.rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Islander', Corinphila sale 95, Dec 1996, lot 912.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 6105 Chile
Recess at the Santiago Post Office from Perkins Bacon plates - 'Estancos' 1857/62: 5 c.carmine-red, wmk. pos. 1, a used sheet marginal block of ten (5 x 2) with large margin at top and shaved at base and at left, lightly cancelled by 'Cancelled' obliterator in black. A scarce and attractive multiple: believed to be the largest recorded. Cert. Corinphila (1996).rnrnProvenance: Collection Joaquin Galvez, Corinphila sale 62, May 1979, lot 3427; Collection 'Islander', Corinphila sale 95, Dec 1996, lot 924.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 6106 Chile
Recess at the Santiago Post Office from Perkins Bacon plates - 'Estancos' 1857/62: 5 c. red, a horizontal pair with large margins all round, used on 1866 cover endorsed 'p. Vapor' from Concepcion to Valparaiso tied by 'Cancelled' obliterators in black. CONCEPCION cds in red at left (Oct 10). An attractive cover.rnrnProvenance: Corinphila sale 90, Oct 1994, lot 6408.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 6107 Chile
Recess at the Santiago Post Office from Perkins Bacon plates - 'Estancos' 1857/62: 5 c. rose-red, a block of four with clear to good margins on three sides and touched at base, used on 1860 entire letter from Santiago to Valparaiso tied by six barred target handstamps in black. SANTIAGO despatch cds in red at left (Sept 27). File folds just below the adhesives, a remarkable and scarce franking. Cert. Corinphila (1996).rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Islander', Corinphila sale 95, Dec 1996, lot 926.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 6108 Chile
Recess at the Santiago Post Office from Perkins Bacon plates - 'Estancos' 1857/62: 5 c. dull reddish brown, a delightul block of six with large margins all round, adjoining stamps at top and at right and sheet marginal at left, used on double rate 1858 cover from Valparaiso to Lima, Peru cancelled by target handstamps in black. VALPARAISO cds of despatch, slightly drawn in, in red below (June 15). Internal docketing of receipt inside (June 25). A remarkable and rare cover - the upper stamps (positions 121-123), clearly showing the "Cracked Plate" variety with a line through "C" of CORREOS, both "O's" of COLON on pos. 121 and through "O" of CORREOS and "OLO" of COLON and "C" of FRANCO on pos. 122. Illustrated in 'First Issues of Postage Stamps' by Blank on plate 16. Cert. BPA (1992).rnrnProvenance: Collection Gerhard Blank, RL, Dec 1991, lot 1150.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHFLot# : 6109 Chile
Recess at the Santiago Post Office from Perkins Bacon plates - 'Estancos' 1857/62: 5 c. dull salmon, wmk. pos. 2, a used block of ten (2 x 5) with clear to large margins all round and showing portions of adjoining stamps at top and at left, lightly cancelled by six barred target handstamps in black. A scarce and attractive multiple: believed to be the largest recorded. Cert. Corinphila (1996).rnrnProvenance: Corinphila sale 49 (Nachtrag / Supplement), April 1963, ,lot 6279; Collection 'Islander', Corinphila sale 95, Dec 1996, lot 923.rnStarting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 6110 Chile
Recess at the Santiago Post Office from Perkins Bacon plates - 'Estancos' 1857/62: 5 c. red, a fine example applied over the top of France 1862/63 Empire 40 c. orange and 80 c. red on 1865 cover (with complete contents) used from Pettignac and tied by gros chiffres. The cover originally addressed to Caldera, Chile. Angoulême cds on front (March 14) and fine British Post Office PANAMA double arc cds (April 8) applied in transit in black. On arrival in Caldera the cover was readdressed to Chañarcillo with Caldera cds in black (April 28) and 5 c. red applied and tied by target handstamp in black. Illustrated in 'First Issues of Postage Stamps' by Blank on plate 16. Some edge wear due to journey but a charming and visually delightful entire. Signed Calves. Cert. BPA (1992).rnrnProvenance: Collection Gerhard Blank, RL, Dec 1991, lot 1151.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 8,500 CHFLot# : 6111 Chile
Recess at the Santiago Post Office from Perkins Bacon plates - 'Estancos' 1856/61: 10 c. deep blue, wmk. pos. 1, the magnificent unused block of twenty-one (3 x 7), positions 10-12/82-84, a sharp and worn impression with the upper stamps showing a very sharp impression and the lower stamps with not quite such a fine impression, large margins all round and portion of adjoining stamps at base and at left, sheet marginal at right with closed tear in seventh stamp and some minor creasing not affecting the dramatic appearance. A spectacular unused multiple showing the variation in printing, of excellent colour and a showpiece - the largest unused multiple of the 10 centavos 'Estancos' recorded.rnrnProvenance: Corinphila sale 49 (Nachtrag/ Supplement), April 1963, lot 3697A.rnrnStarting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6112 Chile
Recess at Santiago Post Office from Perkins Bacon Plates - Estancos 1856/61: 10 c. deep blue, a fine used example with clear to large margins all round and portion of adjoining stamp at left, used on 1861 cover from Concepcion to Santiago endorsed 'Por Vapor', tied by scarce 'Cancelled' obliterator struck in blue with corresponding CONCEPCION datestamp alongside (Oct 5) in same ink. Not illustrated in Edition D'Or XXVI. A fine cover. Cert. BPA (1992).rnrnProvenance: Collection Gerhard Blank, RL, Dec 1991, lot 1168.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6113 Chile
Recess at the Santiago Post Office from Perkins Bacon plates - 'Estancos' 1856/61: 10 c. deep blue, sharp impression, a used single and vertical strip of three with touched to ample margins all round, paying the 1 ounce rate on 1857 cover to Buenos Ayres, Argentina cancelled by target handstamps in black with VALPARAISO despatch cds in red below (Jan 14). The cover was charged '18' (centavos) due in manuscript upon delivery (internal docketing of receipt February 4, 1857) or, more probably, the '18' represents the ledger / box number of the recipient. Some minor imperfections but a scarce cover to a most unusual destination.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 6114 Chile
Recess at the Santiago Post Office from Perkins Bacon plates - 'Estancos' 1856/61: 10 c. deep indigo blue, wmk. pos. 2, the used horizontal strip of five in a deep shade and sharp impression, with clear to large margins all round and portion of adjoining stamp at top, imperceptibly touched at upper right, cancelled by target handstamps in black. A fine and scarce multiple. Signed W. Engel. Cert. Sociedad Filatelica de Chile (1976) Gi 23 = £ 200+/Scott = $ 250+.rnrnProvenance: Collection Gerhard Blank, RL, Dec 1991, ex lot 1162.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 6115 Chile
Recess at the Santiago Post Office from Perkins Bacon plates - 'Estancos' 1856/61: 10 c. slate-blue, a horizontal strip of five in a deep, clear impression, with just touched to large margins all round and portion of adjoining stamp at left, used on internally dated May 10, 1861 cover from Valparaiso to Coquimbo tied by target handstamps in black with unclear despatch cds in red. File fold affects the strip but an attractive and very scarce multiple on cover. Cert. BPA (1992).rnrnProvenance: Collection Gerhard Blank, RL, Dec 1991, lot 1174.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 6116 Chile
Recess at the Santiago Post Office from Perkins Bacon plates - 'Estancos' 1856/61: 10 c. slate-blue, a horizontal pair with large margins all round and sheet marginal at right (small part of imprint), used on 1857 entire letter carried at double rate from Valparaiso via Lamar (Cobija) to Oruro, Bolivia; tied by target handstamps in black. VALPARAISO cds of despatch in red (Oct 14). Struck in transit with straight line LAMAR in greenish ink with reverse showing transit handstamp of POTOSI in green and rated '3' (reales) due in manuscript upon delivery. See Edition D'Or XXVI, page 123 for further information. Some soiling but a very rare usage to this destination: at this date a Chile an franking was only necessary on foreign mail carried by the PSNC to Bolivia, Peru or Panama. Cert. Philatelic Foundation (1994).rnrnProvenance: Corinphila sale 90, Oct 1994, lot 6413.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 6117 Chile
Recess at the Santiago Post Office from Perkins Bacon plates - 'Estancos' 1856/61: 10 c. sky-blue, worn impression, a diagonally bisected example, upper right half with large margins, used on entire letter internally dated September 1, 1859 to Potrero Seco tied by six barred target handstamp in black with fine CHAÑARCILLO despatch handstamp at left. A fine and scarce cover. Cert. RPSL (1994).rnrnProvenance: Corinphila sale 90, Oct 1994, lot 6420.rnrnStarting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 6118 Chile
Recess at the Santiago Post Office from Perkins Bacon plates - 'Estancos' 1856/61: 10 c. blue, a diagonally bisected example, upper left half with large margins, used on cover internally dated July 12, 1861 to Valparaiso tied by bold strike of CONSTIT.N straight line handstamp in black. Rare and fine: very few bisects of this issue are recorded with straight line town handstamps. Signed Szekula. Cert. BPA (1992).rnrnProvenance: Köhler Auction sale 233, June 1981, lot 6704; Collection Gerhard Blank, RL, Dec 1991, lot 1181.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 520 CHFLot# : 6119 Chile
Recess at the Santiago Post Office from Perkins Bacon plates - 'Estancos' 1856/61: 10 c. sky-blue, a diagonally bisected example, upper right half, paying the internal rate, used on 1857 entire letter from Santiago to Paris endorsed 'Panama and England', tied by target handstamp in black with SANTIAGO despatch cds in red at right (Aug 31). Thence via London where "GB / 2F. 87½" Anglo-French accountancy marking applied in black with transit cds on reverse (Oct 17) in red. Readdressed on arrival in Paris and charged '12' décimes due upon receipt. A fine and scarce usage - 'splits' used to Overseas destinations are rare. Cert. BPA (1994).rnrnProvenance: Collection R.A.G. Lea, RL, June 1994, lot 2098.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 6120 Chile
Recess at the Santiago Post Office from Perkins Bacon plates - 'Estancos' 1856/61: 10 c. pale slate-blue, pair in a worn impression, with large margins all round and second stamp diagonally bisected, used on internally dated October 21, 1859 cover endorsed 'p. Vapor' to Valparaiso tied by six barred target handstamps in black with COQUIMBO datestamp alongside (Oct) in black. Some aging to cover but a scarce usage. Cert. BPA (1992).rnrnProvenance: Collection Gerhard Blank, RL, Dec 1991, lot 1182.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 6121 Chile
Recess at the Santiago Post Office from Perkins Bacon plates - 'Estancos' 1856/61: 10 c. deep blue, pair in a clear impression, with large margins all round and second stamp diagonally bisected, used on July 1861 cover endorsed 'Vapor' to Santiago tied by target handstamps in black with Copiapo datestamp alongside in black. Cert. Holcombe (1985).rnrnProvenance: Corinphila sale 72, Sept 1985, lot 1352.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 6122 Chile
Recess at the Santiago Post Office from Perkins Bacon plates - 'Estancos' 1856/61: 10 c. deep blue, the extraordinary block of eight plus adjoining diagonally bisected example, margins touched to large with portions of a further two stamps at top, used on 1857 entire letter from Valparaiso to Copiapo endorsed 'p. Vapor' and further endorsed "85c." in manuscript for the applicable rate: 4 ounces + Sea Postage of 5 centavos. The block of good colour and tied by target handstamps in black with VALPARAISO cds in red below (Dec 16). The entire with repaired cover tear at top otherwise without doubt the most stunning of all bisected usages recorded - besides being the largest known franking of the Estancos 10 centavos on letter. A rarity. Signed Darteyre (unfortunately in ink). Cert. Philatelic Foundation (1997).rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Islander', Corinphila sale 95, Dec 1991, lot 950.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 4,800 CHFLot# : 6123 Chile
Recess at the Santiago Post Office from Perkins Bacon plates - 'Estancos' 1856/61: 10 c. blue, a single example and a horizontal pair, used in combination with Second London printing 5 c. red-brown on blued paper, a single example and two horizontal pairs, margins touched to large on all eight stamps, tied to undated cover to Valparaiso by target handstamps in black with COPIAPO cds (Oct 5) below in black. Despite imperfections, an astonishing 55 centavos rate cover. Cert. Moorhouse (2007).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 6124 Chile
Recess at the Santiago Post Office from Perkins Bacon plates - 'Estancos' 1856/61: 10 c. slate-blue, a fine large margined example with Estancos 5 c. rose-red used on 1858 cover from Yllapel to Valparaiso, the former tied by target handstamp in black, the 5 c. tied by bold strike of YLLAPEL straight line handstamp in brown ink. The cover internally dated 2 February, 1858 with slight tear at top away from adhesives. A rare usage. Signed Darteyre. Cert. Sociedad Filatelica de Chile (1988) and sold on the basis of this certificate.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 6125 Chile
Recess at the Santiago Post Office from Perkins Bacon plates - 'Estancos' 1856/61: 10 c. blue, a diagonally bisected example, lower right half, used in combination with Second London printing 1855 5 c. red-brown on blued vertical pair, margins clear to touched in places, on 1857 second sheet of letter from Santiago to Valparaiso tied by six barred target handstamps in black. SANTIAGO despatch cds in red (Oct 13) and circular "10" Postage Due handstamp in red alongside. Fresh and attractive cover and a scarce combination of issues and a 'split'. Cert. Moorhouse (2010).rnrnStarting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 6126 Chile
Recess at the Santiago Post Office from Perkins Bacon plates - 'Estancos' 1857/62: 5 c. rose-red, album page with 12 unused examples, with three examples for each of the four Watermark positions, largely fresh and fine unused or with large part og.; also 10 c. blue with four used examples each with a different watermark position. A scarce group.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 6127 Chile
1861. Cancelled Stamps for Rowland Hill’s nephew Ormond HillrnOn 18 April 1861 Ormond Hill, the nephew of Rowland Hill, wrote to Joshua Butters Bacon the head of Perkins Bacon and Co.:rn“My dear Sir, Two or three of my friends who are collectors of Postage Stamps have asked me to procure for them specimens of new or uncommon stamps whenever I have it in my power. It occurs to me that perhaps you may be able to give me a few ...”rnHe added on 24 April:rn“... I should be glad to have six stamps of each kind ...”rnOn 15 August J. Upham (for J.B. Bacon) sent the stamps to Pearson Hill with the following letter:rn“Dear Sir, I beg now to send you as promised ... an envelope addressed to Ormond Hill Esq. containing 6 obliterated impressions of each of the stamps named in the list and request you will take two of each for Rowland Hill Esq. and yourself and then seal the package and forward it together with a letter which you will also find addressed to him, to Mr. Ormond Hill.”rnIt turned out that the supply of the Crown Agents‘ property was given without authority.rnOrmond Hill was not asked to return the „specimens“, and in fact, all were treated as private property. Nevertheless, the case destroyed Perkins Bacon as future printers for the Crown Agents.rnFrom Peter Jaffe in "Cancelled by Perkins Bacon“, published for Spink & Son Ltd by James Bendon Ltd. (1998).rnrnThe complete set of four values, Third London 1 c. chrome-yellow, second London 5 c. red-brown on blued, Third London 10 c. blue on blued and the 20 c. green with large part og.; all fine used with large part "CANCELLED" obliterator handstamps in black. This is the set of four as illustrated in Peter Jaffe's book. An exceptional group with just six examples of each produced. Rare. Certs. Holcombe for 1 centavo and 10 centavo (1985), BPA for 5 centavo (1982).rnrnProvenance: 1 c. collection Dr. Conrad Latto; 5 c. and 10 c., collection Jean Dupont, Balasse, May 1981, lot 3; 20 c., collection Peter Jaffe, Spink, 1 June 2006, lot 88.rnrnrnrnrnrnrnStarting bid : 10,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6128 Chile
1853/62: Perkins Bacon Plate Proof for the 5 c. value, imperforate and printed in black, a wonderful block of forty-four (11 x 4), one stamp with pinhole, minor ironed bends and the upper left stamp with closed tear barely noticeable and not affecting the dramatic appearance of this rare multiple - the largest recorded. Cert. BPA (1994).rnProvenance: Collection R.A.G. Lea, RL, June 1994, lot 1983; Collection 'Islander', Corinphila sale 95, Dec 1996, lot 756.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 6129 Chile
1853/62: Perkins Bacon Plate Proof for the 10 c. value, imperforate and printed in black from Plate II, a wonderful block of forty-eight (12 x 4), sheet marginal from the top of the sheet of 240 subjects, minor thin on one and minimal stain at lower right and vertically creased between fourth and fifth vertical rows none of these faults affecting the exceptional appearance. Position 4 showing Plate scratch under COLON, position 15 with Plate scratch through PORTE, position 37 showing GOLON for COLON. A remarkable and most appealing Proof, the largest recorded multiple and a sensational exhibit piece. Cert. Corinphila (1996).rnProvenance: Collection 'Islander', Corinphila sale 95, Dec 1996, lot 757.rnrnStarting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 6130 Chile
Third London Printing. Recess by Perkins Bacon 1862 (Jan 1): 1 c. yellow, wmk. pos. 2, the outstanding unused block of sixty-nine (10 x 7, less one stamp at top left), in an olive-yellow shade, fresh and very fine for such a huge multiple of the Colon issue. The block with one or two age spots and some creasing largely between the stamps though not affecting the dramatic appearance, with full somewhat browned large part or unmounted og. A great rarity of the issue in a remarkable state of preservation. Cert. Corinphila (1996).rnrnProvenance: Collection Joaquin Galvez, Corinphila sale 62, May 1979, lot 3507; Collection 'Islander', Corinphila sale 95, Dec 1996, lot 952.rnrnNote: Joaquin Galvez also owned another large block of 79 stamps, this however is the finer of the two large multiples.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 4,200 CHFLot# : 6131 Chile
Third London Printing. Recess by Perkins Bacon 1862 (Jan 1): 1 c. lemon yellow, wmk. pos. 2, a fine used horizontal strip of four with ample to large even margins all round, cancelled by part and complete strikes of CAUQUENES straight line handstamps in black. Rare. Cert. BPA (1992).rnrnProvenance: Collection Joaquin Galvez, Corinphila sale 62, May 1979, lot 3515; Collection Gerhard Blank, RL, Dec 1991, lot 1188.rnStarting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 6132 Chile
Third London Printing. Recess by Perkins Bacon 1862 (Jan 1): 1 c. lemon/chrome yellow, a horizontal strip of five with close to large margins all round used on 1862 entire letter, internally dated December 12, 1862 from Pabellon to Copiapo, cancelled by four strikes of the six barred target handstamp in grey-black. The strip with minor file folds but a remarkable and extremely rare franking of stunning appearance. Certs. A. Diena (1963), RPSL (1980), BPA (1992).rnrnProvenance: Corinphila sale 49 (Nachtrag / Supplement), April 1963, lot 6294; Collection Gerhard Blank, RL, Dec 1991, lot 1191.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 3,200 CHFLot# : 6133 Chile
Third London Printing. Recess by Perkins Bacon 1862 (Jan 1): 1 c. greenish yellow, a used horizontal strip of five with shaved to close margins all round, used on 1867 cover from Valparaiso to Santiago tied by somewhat muddy strikes of the 'Cancelled' obliterator in black. VALPARAISO cds of despatch below (March 15) in red. Some soiling due to Postmaster's fingerprints but an extremely rare stamp on letter. Signed A. Diena. Cert. BPA (1992).rnrnProvenance: Collection Gerhard Blank, RL, Dec 1991, lot 1192.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 6134 Chile
Third London Printing. Recess by Perkins Bacon 1862 (Jan 1): 1 c. greenish yellow, single example with slight aging and margins close to large at left, used on 1867 cover from Chillan to Valparaiso in combination with perforated 1867 2 c. black in a horizontal pair all tied by 'Cancelled' obliterators in black. CHILLAN despatch datestamp in red below (Nov 7). Cover with minor imperfections but an extremely rare mixed issue franking. Cert. BPA (1992).rnrnProvenance: Collection Gerhard Blank, RL, Dec 1991, lot 1194.rnStarting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 2,400 CHFLot# : 6135 Chile
Third London Printing. Recess by Perkins Bacon 1861 (Oct): 10 c. blue on blued paper, wmk. pos. 1, a used block of six (3 x 2) with ample to large margins all round and portions of three adjoining stamps at base, individually cancelled by six barred target handstamps in black. The block with marginal lined watermark at right, has been slightly bleached to remove previous staining and natural pinhole. Nevertheless a scarce and very attractive multiple. Not illustrated in Edition D'Or XXVI. Cert. BPA (1992).rnrnProvenance: Collection R.A.G. Lea, RL, June 1994, lot 2115.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 6136 Chile
Third London Printing. Recess by Perkins Bacon 1861 (Oct): 10 c. blue, wmk. pos. 1, the used block of fourteen (7 x 2), with clear to large margins all round, top left corner of block with fault, two minor closed tears and some creasing, not affecting the appearance, each stamp individually struck with "Cancelled" obliterator handstamps in black. An astonishing and very rare multiple. Cert. BPA (1992).rnrnProvenance: Collection Joaquin Galvez, Corinphila sale 62, May 1979, lot 3534; Collection Gerhard Blank, RL, Dec 1991, lot 1207.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 6137 Chile
Third London Printing. Recess by Perkins Bacon 1861 (Oct): 10 c. blue, wmk. pos. 4, the error of watermark "20" for "10", a fine used example with large margins all round and minutely shaved at upper right, cancelled in black, somewhat heavily so at left. A very fine example of this great rarity of which but 8 are recorded. Signed P. Holcombe. Cert. Maier (1996) Gi. 32c = £ 3'000/Scott = $ 5'200.rnrnProvenance: Collection Joaquin Galvez, Corinphila sale 62, May 1979, lot 3525.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 6138 Chile
Third London Printing. Recess by Perkins Bacon 1861 (Oct): 10 c. blue, wmk. pos. 4, the error of watermark "20" for "10", a fine used example with ample even margins all round and just shaved at upper right, lightly cancelled in black. Small natural paper wrinkle at top mentioned for full accuracy, a very fine example of this great rarity of which but 8 are recorded. Signed P. Holcombe. Certs. Holcombe (1983), BPA (1992) Gi. 32c = £ 3'000/Scott = $ 5'200.rnrnProvenance: Collection Gerhard Blank, RL, Dec 1991, lot 1199.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 2,400 CHFLot# : 6139 Chile
Third London Printing. Recess by Perkins Bacon 1861 (Oct): 10 c. blue on bluish, the horizontal strip of seven with large to touched margins, used on the famous and wonderfully attractive registered cover from Limache to Quillota, paying the 1 ounce rate + registration fee. The first stamp with Plate Flaw showing vertical line through "E" of CORREOS, (Blank 11/Pe20), thus positioning the strip from the upper left corner of the sheet pos. 1-7 and showing further re-entries on positions 3, 4 and 5; all neatly tied by target handstamps in blue. Framed CERTIFICADA at left and LIMACHE / CHILE despatch cds at right (March 15, 1865) also in blue, the corners of the cover with diagonal lines to indicate registration. Reverse with docketing of receipt in manuscript. Illustrated in 'The Fist Issues of Postage' by Blank on plate 18. A truly delightful cover for the connoisseur of South American philately. Certs. RPSL (1981), BPA (1992).rnrnProvenance: Collection Gerhard Blank, RL, Dec 1991, lot 1176.rnrnNote: It is believed that just four registered 'Colon' issue covers are known, three are housed in this collection.rnrnStarting bid : 3,500 CHFHammer price : 6,500 CHFLot# : 6140 Chile
Third London Printing. Recess by Perkins Bacon 1861 (Oct): 10 c. blue on blued, a horizontal strip of six with clear to huge margins all round and portions of adjoining stamps at left, at top and at base but with small inclusion in first stamp at top left; used on 1866 entire letter from Santiago to Lima, Peru tied by INUTIL barred obliterators in black and by faint Valparaiso cds in red (Feb 16). Reverse with Lima arrival datestamp (Feb 24) in black and rated '3' (for triple rate) in pencil on front. A charming and scarce entire. Cert. RPSL (1973).rnrnProvenance: Corinphila sale 90, Oct 1994, lot 6432.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 6141 Chile
Third London Printing. Recess by Perkins Bacon 1861 (Oct): 10 c. blue, 15 examples with horizontal strip of five, first stamp damaged as folded over edge of cover, and a block of ten (5 x 2) with margins mostly cut into, all used on Customs / Aduana registered form for the ship 'Anne Elizabeth' leaving Valparaiso on October 13, 1866, the stamps being cancelled by smudged handstamps in black and applied over ADUANA & TESORERIA circular cachet in black. Reverse with docketing of receipt in Caldera after a journey of 17 days and signed and dated October 31, 1866. Despite imperfections, a remarkable and scarce Fiscal usage. Cert. Corinphila (1996).rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Islander', Corinphila sale 95, Dec 1996, lot 967.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 6142 Chile
Third London Printing. Recess by Perkins Bacon 1861 (Oct): 10 c. deep blue, a fine example with three large margins and just shaved at left, used with 1861 Estancos 5 c. red, four margins, paying ½ ounce rate + Sea Postage of 5 centavos on 1862 cover from Santiago to Serena tied by fine "Dotted Star in Circle" handstamps in black. SANTIAGO despatch cds below in red (Feb 1). The sole recorded usage of this cancellation on the Colon issues. Rare.rnrnProvenance: Collection Joaquin Galvez, Corinphila sale 62, May 1979, lot 3571; Corinphila sale 90, Oct 1994, lot 6433.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 6143 Chile
Third London Printing. Recess by Perkins Bacon 1861/62: 1 c. olive-yellow, 10 c. blue and horizontal pair of 1867 2 c. black all used on internally dated December 9, 1867 cover from Quiralga to Valparaiso, tied by good strikes of rare octagonally framed "INUTIL / CHILE" handstamps in black. The 1 c. crossed by file fold and one 2 c. with age spot on top perf., otherwise a remarkable mixed issue franking and an extremely rare make-up of the 15 centavos rate. Unique. Cert. Holcombe (1990).Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 4,000 CHFLot# : 6144 Chile
Third London Printing. Recess by Perkins Bacon 1862 (Jan 1): 20 c. bright green, wmk. pos. 1, the superb unused block of twenty-three (6 x 4, top right stamp excised), with clear to large margins all round, close at top left but with full sheet margin at left showing CHILE and marginal lined watermark. The block of rich vibrant colour with some creasing not apparent on face, fresh and fine, large part or unmounted og. A magnificent multiple. Cert. Corinphila (1996).rnrnProvenance: Collection Josiah K. Lilly, Siegel, Dec 1968, lot 102; Collection 'Islander', Corinphila sale 95, Dec 1996, lot 969.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 4,600 CHFLot# : 6145 Chile
Third London Printing. Recess by Perkins Bacon 1862 (Jan 1): 20 c. green, a fine example with large margins all round and portion of adjoining stamp at right, used on 1867 cover from Valparaiso to Salta, Argentina endorsed 'p. Vapor via Copiapo'; tied by indistinct 'Cancelled' obliterator in brownish ink. VALPARAISO despatch cds in red at right (March 3) and reverse with fine COPIAPO / CHILE transit cds in red (March 5). An exceptional and scarce usage. Opinion Holcombe (1994).rnrnProvenance: Corinphila sale 90, Oct 1994, lot 6437.rnrnStarting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 6146 Chile
Third London Printing. Recess by Perkins Bacon 1862 (Jan 1): 20 c. green, a horizontal strip of three with large margins at top and at right showing portions of adjoining stamps, shaved at left and on third stamp at base, scissor cut in margin only between second and third stamps, used on delightful 1863 registered cover from Valparaiso to Parral, Province of Maule, neatly tied by INUTIL obliterator handstamps in black. VALPARAISO despatch cds (April 29) and oval framed CERTIFICADO in red at right with part strikes of the 'Inutil' marking in the corners of the envelope to denote registration. Part flap missing on reverse but a very rare and quite beautiful cover. Certs. Holcombe (1983), BPA (1992).rnrnProvenance: Collection Gerhard Blank, RL, Dec 1991, lot 1224.rnrnNote: It is believed that just four registered 'Colon' issue covers are known, three are housed in this collection.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 6,000 CHFLot# : 6147 Chile
Third London Printing. Recess by Perkins Bacon 1862 (Jan 1): 20 c. green, a horizontal strip of four with large margins all round and portions of adjoining stamps at top, paying the 2 ounce rate on 1867 cover from Santiago to Valparaiso tied by six barred target handstamps in black. SANTIAGO cds of despatch at right (July 11) in red. Minor vertical file fold does not detract from a rare and splendid cover. Cert. Philatelic Foundation (1994).rnrnProvenance: Corinphila sale 90, Oct 1994, lot 6438.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 4,200 CHFLot# : 6148 Chile
Third London Printing. Recess by Perkins Bacon 1862 (Jan 1): 20 c. green, four examples with good even margins all round used with 1861/62 10 c. blue on blued, touched at left, on 1865 cover endorsed 'por Vapor' to Lima, Peru; all tied by four strikes of the 'Cancelled' obliterator in black. SANTIAGO despatch cds in red at right (Aug 16). On arrival in Lima (Aug 26, datestamp on reverse), the cover was marked '3' in blue crayon for triple rate and handstruck "30 / CENTAVOS" applied in black together with oval CONDUCCION / DEL CARTERO / GRATIS in black (free delivery). A rare and most attractive franking - the cover weighed 1½ ounces, thus a Chilean sextuple rate and the letter required 30 centavos to Valparaiso and a further 60 centavos for the PSNC rate of 10 c. per ½ ounce. Certs. BPA (1971, 1992).rnrnProvenance: Collection Gerhard Blank, RL, Dec 1991, lot 1222.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 4,000 CHFLot# : 6149 Chile
Recess at Santiago Post Office, Final Printing 1866: 5 c. rose red, a superb Proof block of forty (4 x 10), marginal from right of sheet on thick paper without watermark, the margin showing the full italic imprint "Es preciso colocar las estampas arriba de la direccion y hacia la derecha En mojando el Dorso es preciso cuidar de no quitar el cimento" in rose-red ("It is important to put the stamps above the address on the right side, you must wet the back and be careful not to remove the cement"). One or two horizontal creases and minor faults do not detract from a scarce and most appealing multiple.rnStarting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 6150 Chile
Recess at Santiago Post Office, Final Printing 1866: 5 c. rose red, wmk. pos. 3, a fine unused example showing "Double Print" variety (1½ mm. spacing), of excellent colour, without gum. Scarce and attractive stamp. Cert. Corinphila (1996) Gi 37a = £ 550/Scott = $ 825.rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Islander', Cornphila sale 95, Dec 1996, lot 976.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 6151 Chile
Recess at Santiago Post Office, Final Printing 1866: 5 c. rose red, wmk. pos. 2, a used block of eight (4 x 2) from right of sheet with marginal lined and part CORREOS watermark, positions 177-180/189-192, large margins all round and just shaved at upper right, used with 'Cancelled' obliterators. Ironed horizontal file fold but a scarce large multiple. Cert. BPA (1992).rnrnProvenance: Collection Gerhard Blank, RL, Dec 1991, lot 1235.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 6152 Chile
Recess at Santiago Post Office, Final Printing 1866: 5 c. rose red, a horizontal strip of three with large margins all round and showing portions of adjoining stamps on three sides, used on 1867 cover to Lima, Peru tied by 'Cancelled' obliterators in black. SANTIAGO despatch cds in red alongside with reverse showing Lima arrival (May 31) in black. An attractive cover.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 140 CHFLot# : 6153 Chile
Recess at Santiago Post Office, Final Printing 1866: 5 c. rose red, a horizontal strip of five, margins large to touched in places, used on cover from Valparaiso to Cordova, Argentina tied by scarce octagonal framed 'sunburst' handstamps in black and by unclear brown datestamp of Valparaiso. MENDOZA straight line handstamp in black on reverse.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 6154 Chile
Recess at Santiago Post Office, Final Printing 1866: 5 c. rose red, three single exampless, a horizontal pair and a horizontal strip of seven, margins large to touched and some crossed by file folds, all used on 1866 entire letter from Valparaiso to Lima, Peru tied by blurred INUTIL obliterators in black. VALPARAISO despatch cds in red (unclear, but entire dated internally March 17) alongside. Reverse with Lima arrival cds in black (March 26) and obverse with manuscript '3' in pencil denoting the triple rate. A scarce franking. Signed Calves, Goebel. Cert. Corinphila (1996).rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Islander', Corinphila sale 95, Dec 1996, lot 982.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 6155 Chile
Recess at Santiago Post Office, Final Printing 1866: 5 c. rose red, single example used with 1861/62 20 c. green, each with margins good to touched, used on 1867 cover to Brooklyn, USA tied by 'Cancelled' obliterators in black. SANTIAGO despatch cds in red at right (Aug 10) and thence with PANAMA / TRANSIT three lined datestamp (Sept 3) in black. Struck upon receipt with two line circular N. YORK STEAMSHIP datestamp in black and "24" in blue crayon (credit to Great Britain) and handstruck "34" (cents) due for a single letter on receipt. Some edge wear but a charming and rare usage.rnrnProvenance: Collection Gerhard Blank, RL, Dec 1991, lot 1220.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,900 CHFLot# : 6156 Chile
Recess at Santiago Post Office, Final Printing 1866: 5 c. rose red, single and a horizontal strip of four, margins large to touched in places, used on 1866 Customs front for a ship going to Valparaiso, with circular ADUANA TRESORERIA UNIDAS / CORONEL handstamp at below, the adhesives tied by target handstamps in black with CORONEL / CHILE datestamp (Aug 30) in black. A scarce and attractive fiscal usage. Cert. Philatelic Foundation (1994).rnrnProvenance: Corinphila sale 90, Oct 1994, lot 6441.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 550 CHF
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