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Lot# : 1142 Collections/lots worldwide
1900/2000: Schöne Sammlung mit einigen Hndert Belegen Deutsche Schiffspost der regulären Linien ab Bremen und Hamburg dabei gute Belege bis 1950 mit ein paar Schleuderflügen, grösserer Teil Marine-Schiffspost mit versch. Spezialitäten, ab 1950 mit einer grossen Zahl moderner Stempel zur Erinnerung and die Inbetriebnahme neuer Schiffe, Post auf versch. dt. Flüssen und auf dem Bodensee und anderes mehr, eine einmalige Zusammenstellung auf Hunderten von Albumseiten mit ausführlicher Beschriftung, das Ganze abgepackt in zwei grosse Zügelboxen.Starting bid : 7,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2102 Collections/lots worldwide
1930/2000: Lot some hundred mainly modern souvenir and miniature sheets from Austria, Germany, Gibraltar, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Brazil, Isreal, South Africa and some others, partly some duplication, good condition and arranged in total six albums and stockbooks.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 2124 Collections/lots worldwide
1840/1927ca: Two starter collections of hundreds primarily used stamps in Schaubek Viktoria albums with special emphasis on European areas incl. useful sets and series.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 2125 Collections/lots worldwide
1850/1970: Lot some hundred stamps used/unused from various countries all around the world, incl. British-, French- and Spanish Colonies, mainly small values and incompl. sets as well as some fakes and forgeries, few bettter items may be found by careful inspection, housed in an old battered Schaubek album, in addition a stockbook wit modern duplicats.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 2126 Collections/lots worldwide
1840/90ca: Collection worldwide in a richly illustrated but sparsely filled 'Album International Illustré de Timbrs-Poste', 17th edition Paris 1890 incl. Great Britain Penny Black, 1847 6 d. embossed and 1890 £1 green, Germany some Small and Large Shields, Switzerland three Rayons, in addition a beginner collection USA and 15 covers.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 1,800 CHFLot# : 2127 Collections/lots worldwide
1880/1980: Lot some hundred covers, cards, picture postcards and postal stationery items covering various countries all over the world, mainly franked by small values and coming from daily or business mail, in addition a stockbook with modern US material used, mixed condition and housed in a box.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 2128 Collections/lots worldwide
1851/1936ca: Old Yvert album with hundreds stamps primarily used, a basic collection.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 2129 Collections/lots worldwide
1840/1950ca.: All World lot with some better values used, incl. GB & Colonies, Siam, classic issues of Italian- and some German States as well as a small collection of France, further some interesting usages on covers and cards.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 2131 Collections/lots worldwide
1862/90: Lot with a few single items and 23 cards/covers from the K. u. K. Monarchy, mainly Bohemia, in addition three albums with mostly modern cards and covers from 1960 up to 1990, mainly tourist cards from various islands all over the world, condition varies from good to mixed, arranged in a medium box.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2132 Collections/lots worldwide
1860/1960: Lot some hundred stamps used/unused, mainly small values and sets from Fiume, Poland and Hungary, in addition a few CEPT issues, good to mixed condition and housed on album pages and in two stockbooks.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 2133 Collections/lots worldwide
1880/1980: Lot some thousand stamps used/unused or in mint condition, the main value to be seen in the valid postage of France with single stamps, full sets, booklets incl. Red Cross and plenty of duplicats, in addition stamps from Austria, Germany and related areas as well as from the United Nations can be found, mainly in good condition and housed in 13 albums and stockbooks, the whole arranged in a large removal box.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 520 CHFLot# : 2134 Collections/lots worldwide
1930/90: Small selection few hundred stamps used/unused, mainly better values and full sets, noteworthy among others are Austria, Belgium, Liechtenstein, Monaco and the Netherlands, partly some duplication, in good condition and housed in two stockbooks.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 2135 Collections/lots worldwide
1900/70: Remainder with some hundred stamps used/unused, incl. Austria (mainly duplicats), Belgium, Sowjetunion with better sets, Palestine, Israel and others, good to mixed condition and housed in four stockbooks and on album pages.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 2136 Collections/lots worldwide
1857/1906: Interesting lot seven stamps used/unused and two covers incl. Victoria Diamond Jubilee & Hospital Charity Fund, both values, Papua Lakatoi boat with large ovpt. 4 d. and 2s.6d. unused, USA 1857/60 12 c. and 1855 15 c., in addition Brazil Slanted Numerals on cover front.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 2137 Collections/lots worldwide
1870/1970: All world collection in a red stockbook, many hundreds of stamps, the highlights being China 1878/83 1 c. green, wide Setting unused example, 1897 30 c. on Dowager 24 c. deep rose-red fine used (Gi = £ 375), and Red Revenue small 2 c. on 3 c. used, Egypt, Japan, Central and South America etc.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 2138 Collections/lots worldwide
1869/1949: Small selection with better values with Cape of Good Hope with six used Triangulars. USA with Scott Nos. 118 und 120 used as well as a used vertical block of eight 2 c. brown (Scott 157), Belgium with nine Colour Trials King Albert I (not issued) as well as three imperf. stamps of France depicting the UPU issue of 1949, good condition.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 2139 Collections/lots worldwide
1900/80: Lots several hundred stamps used/unused from Belgium, France, Germany and related aereas, Hungary, Japan, USA and some others, among plenty of small values some better items may be found by careful inspection, housed in one KABA album, in three stockbooks and on album pages, in addition a bunch of cards and covers (mainly business or daily mail) in a small box.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 2140 Collections/lots worldwide
1880/1960: Lot 180 cards covers and picture postcards from various countries in Asia, incl. Indian Feudatory States, Japan, British India and others, in addition plenty of modern Taiwan material with FDC's, presentation folders and two green albums with stamps cancelled to order, average condition and housed in a large box.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 2141 Collections/lots worldwide
1870/1948: Lot some hundred stamps used/unused covering Italian Colonies, Italian occupation issues WW 2 as Albania, Slovenia, Ionian Islands,Yugoslavia and Zara, also some stamps of GB with 'M.E.F.' overprint, in addition a small collection of Trieste Zones A and B, good condition and housed in one stockbook and on album pages.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 2142 Collections/lots worldwide
1865/72c.: Correspondence to Florence, Italy with Belgium 1865 40 c. rose on entires (2), Belgium 1869 40 c. rose on entires (2), France 1862 80 c. carmine on double rate covers (3), Germany with three stampless entires from Berlin (two prepaid) and GB with prepaid entire from London.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2144 Collections/lots worldwide
1860/1960ca. Lot 90 covers/cards mainly from a family correspondence to Zurich, incl. 1879 envelope from Neths/ Indies, 1893 lettercard showing 'Lloyd Austriaco L' cds. in blue, 1880 Austrian Levant single franking 10 s. blue tied by 'Gerusalemme' cds on cover, 1902 fine multi colour franking from French P.O. in Alexandria as well as some commercial mail with some censored from Far East.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 2144A Collections/lots worldwide
1900/80: Lot few hundred cards, covers and postal stationery items, mainly business or daily mail from abroad into Switzerland, some ot them censored, noteworthy are Germany and related aereas, Canada, USA, Israel and others, good to mixed condition, housed in three albums and loose and the whole arranged in a small box.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 2145 Collections/lots worldwide
1870/62: Lot over 40 crash covers/cards or wreck mail envelopes, showing diff. special cachets as: 'Durch Feindeinwirkung' on defective envelope from "Prague 18.3.44" to Amsterdam , bilingual two line handstamp 'SAUVÉ DZ NAUFRAGE DU 'CAIRO'' in violet on official envelpe sealed POSTE KHEDIVIE EGIZIANI/GABINETTO DEL VIZE DIRETTORE on reverse, further envelope showing 'Salved from the Sea', 'Damaged by Sea Water' or for political reasons as 'Wegen unruhen in Brasilien verzögert' on air cover to Germany (28.11.35), 'Quetta Eathquake Postage Free', 'Salvaged Mail Ex Centurion' (1939, Dec.6) on envelope from Perak to London, together with two 'Ballons Montés' (stamps floated off) and 70 picture postcards or photographs of diff. disasters.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 2147 Collections/lots worldwide
1870/90: Important lot with several hundred covers including Coins or Banknotes coming from all around the world, incl. plenty of silver coins, copper coins, medals and other funny things, some items from the banknote section may probably still be valid, noteworthy also a cover showing a Disney Dollar as well as one with 5 Grächendollars issued at the tourist venue of Grächen in Switzerland, that money has immeditately be confiscated and banned by the Swiss Government, nicely arranged in 19 albums with related cover and the whole packed in two large removal boxes.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 2148 Collections/lots worldwide
1900/60ca: Posten einige hundert Ansichtskarten gest./ungest., dabei bessere Ansichten meist kleinformatige Karten aus europäischen Ländern, inkl. Schiffe, Luftfahrt, Erotika sowie diverse Kunst und Kitschkarten.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 2149 Collections/lots worldwide
1880/1960: Lot some hundred cards, covers, parcel cards and postal stationery items, mostly small frankings coming from business or daily mail addressed to Switzerland, the majority covering the period after 1930 incl. censored items, good to very mixed condition, housed in three small boxes.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 2150 Collections/lots worldwide
1786/1855: Lot 40 pre-stamp covers, incl. illustrated lettersheet 'W. MacLauchlan Gun Maker' Edingburgh (1837), printed letter of 'Stadnitski & van Heukelom' Stockexchange Amsterdam (Oct. 3, 1851) sent to Société de Credits des Etats de Galicie in Lemberg, disinfected cover from Alexandria, Egypt to Malta showing 'Purifié au Lazaret / Malte' and charged 1d 17 Dec. on reverse, Penny Post covers from England (1840), 18th century covers from France as well as 20 covers to Naples showing attractive cancellations, all from diff. villages. An interesting assembly.rnStarting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 2151 Collections/lots worldwide
1860/1960: Lot 165 cards and covers as well as a few part-covers, partly showing better frankings, various usages, few censor items, Red Cross envelopes etc., quite a few addressed to Switzerland, noteworthy are France and Colonies, German Reich and related Areas, Israel, small selection Rocket mail and others, mainly in good condition and housed in two albums.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 2152 Collections/lots worldwide
1860/1960ca.: Family archive of Count Camillo Antonini (IT), Chamberlain of the Sword and Cape (Cameriere Segreti di spada e cappa) and member of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM), including hundreds of documents, printed or in manuscript, photographs, papal documents, correspondence from and to the Holy Seat, family tree reasearch and many more, housed in several archive boxes and albums, all in two moving boxes. A splendid opportunity for further research.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 2153 Collections/lots worldwide
1835/1930c.: Cover selection (55 covers/cards) with Lombardy-Venetia 1850 vertical pair on cover from Villanova to Brescia (signed Ferchenbauer), France incl. 1862 cover franked by fine 1853 80 c. used to Rio de Janeiro, 1870 Ballon Monté to Neuchâtel, Switzerland; Sardinia embossed 20 c. blue used on 1854 entire to Modena, further useful Italy incl. 1863 pair of 60 c. used to Constantinople, range of Austria and Germany covers etc. A useful group.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 2154 Collections/lots worldwide
1695/1992c.: The Postal History collection (450+ items) with early pre-stamp from many countries incl. 1695 entire from Aleppo to Livorno, 1713 entire from Tripoli to Venice, 1779 entire from Antwerp, 1792 entire from Haiti, 1793 entire from Baltimore to France, 1833 entire from Bône to France, 1855 entire from Mauritius to Geneva, stamped covers from Belgium incl. 1903 reg'd cover at 50 c. to Smyrna, Belgian Congo incl. a Katanga cover, Eastern Europe covers/cards, Iran with 1897 up-rated card to Zurich, 1926 'Taxe Perçue' usage and two De La Rue Banknote Proofs of Riza Shah Pahlavi, Jordan with Tourist issue 15 m. and 20 m. on reg'd cover to Prague and Occ. of Palestine 'AV2' covers, Lebanon with range of airmail covers, Somali Coast with fine 1912 registered cover from Djibouti to Turkey, Central & South America covers, some interesting early ephemera and a few stockbooks of stamps incl. a valuable collection of Ships on Stamps with genuine 1868 Suez canal issue etc. Condition varies but a most interesting group.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 3,400 CHFLot# : 2155 Collections/lots worldwide
1849/1938: Lot eight lettersheets and envelopes as well as a front of cover from France (1), Romania stampless (2), Sardinia (2), Russia (1), Brazil Air Cras accident cover (1), Ecuador (1) and USA (2); interresting selection showing some better frankings, partly in mixed condition resp. with small faults.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2156 Collections/lots worldwide
Revenues / Fiscals 1782/1990c.: Worldwide selection of Revenues, largely used on documents or large piece (570) including a 1782 'papel sellado' document, Austria 1803 and 1859 15 kr. stamped paper, 1939 Victoria Special Summons form with Stamp Duty 10 s. brown pounctured and tied (2 docs), Victoria 1939 Plaintiff form with Stamp Duty 1 s., 15 s., and pair of £ 2 turquoise; other countries incl. Canada, Finland, France, India and States, Italy, Lebanon, Southern Rhodesia with values to £ 5, Thailand, UAE, Vietnam etc., Share Cerificates, 1960 Egyptian 60 page document from the Ministry of Public Works at Aswan Dam literally covered in Revenues on each page etc. A massive and interesting collection.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,800 CHFLot# : 2157 Collections/lots worldwide
1862/1977: The four volume autograph collection on various invitation-, condolence- and greeting-cards, incl. rare autograph of Pope Pius PP IX dated Dec. 11 1862 (slightly stained), King Umberto II (7) the last King of Italy, Cardinal Tisserant, Prince's Family of Monaco, incl. signature of Princess Grace on photocard as well as envelopes from the Prince's palace together with an envelope of the Imperial Palace of Tokyo, further signed photographs of Duce Mussolini, Maharaja of Tripura (2) of 1930 up to autographs of the singer Benjamino Gigli and Konrad Adenauer, the German Chancellor (1963). Further printed Opera programs printed on behalf of the visits of the Shah of Persia (28. Nov. 1958) and H.M. Queen Elisabeth II (1961) as well as many cards from Ambassadors at the Holy Seat. Viewing recommended.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 2158 Collections/lots worldwide
Autographs on stamps 1951/55: Lot four album pages, incl. Umberto II King of Italy on 1930 20 c. orange dated 27.IV.51, King Carol II on 1935/40 3 Lei (1955) as well as Archducess Zita of Austria on 1914 5 H. dated 26.VI.51 and Hungary 1942 Redcross Issue 6f +1P Istvan Horty's Widow, the latter two without obligo, presumably signed by third hand. See also attached article by Richard Novick (2009).Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 2159 Collections/lots worldwide
1900/50c.: Accumulation of 250 Cinderella stamps and a fine range of Cigar bands.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2160 Collections/lots worldwide
Banknoten: Posten einige hundert gebrauchte Banknoten aus aller Welt, dabei Schweiz 5 Fr. der Ausgabe 1911(2), 10 Fr von 1976 (2), 20 Fr. Ausgaben 1918 (1), 1956 (1) und 1976 (2), 50 Fr. von 1911 (Holzfäller), 1956 und 1976, dazu Noten aus versch. europäischen Ländern wie 50 DM (2), 800 österr. Schillinge, 40'000 spanische Pesetas oder einige zehntausen ital. Liren sowie aussereurop. Währungen aus Fernost, dazu etwas Vorkriegsgeld sowie kl. Sammlung Notgeld. Heller Währung aus Österreich.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHF
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