Europe & Overseas
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Lot# : 3529 Argentina
1870: Cover from Buenos Aires to Paris, France carried by SGTM (Société Générale de Transports Maritimes) with sender's cachet in blue and straight line BOURGOGNE in blue (As Salles fig. 1151), struck on entry with PLATA / MARSEILLE datestamp (Aug 21) in red (Salles fig. 1146). Charged with handstruck '10' décimes to pay. Scarce and most attractive cover.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 3530 Argentina
1872: Cover from Buenos Aires to Toulouse, opened out for Exhibit display, franked by France 1871/75 Cérès 25 c. blue in a strip of four (folded around edge of cover) tied by 144 point dotted lozenge in black (Salles fig. 1070). Octagonal BUENOS AYRES / PAQ. FR. J. No. 3 datestamp (Jan 30) in black (Salles fig. 1072) on obverse and carried on the 'Amazone'. Reverse with orange illustrated advertising label (70 x 46 mm.) for Perisse's Hat Shop in Buenos Aires, tied by Toulouse arrival cds (Feb 28). Faults but a scarce cover and a remarkable and early usage of an advertising label on letter. Signed Goebel.rnrnProvenance: Collection Sabattini.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 3531 Argentina
Lot# : 3532 Argentina
Corrientes 1860/80: Covers (2) with (2 c.) black on yellow in a horizontal pair pen cancelled on cover to Corrientes, and 1871 (3 c.) black on dark blue manuscript cancelled on cover to Goya. Wrappers with some imperfections but a scarce issue on letter.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 3533 Argentina
1863/65: Covers (2) with 1865 cover from Buenos Aires to Corrientes endorsed 'pr. Pavon y Esmeralda' bearing 1863 5 c. rose in a fine vertical pair tied by bold strike of O.M. (Oficina Maritima) handstamp in blue; second cover, not as fine, with single 1863 5 c. rose similarly tied O.M. and used from Buenos Aires to Goya.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 3534 Argentina
1865: Rivadavia 5 c. rose used on 1865 cover to France tied by framed ROSARIO handstamp in black with 'Correo del Rosario' datestamp alongside, mailed via Buenos Aires with cds (Nov 13) in black and by Montevideo (Nov 14) oval datestamp. Octagonal MONTEVIDEO Consular datestamp (Salles fig. 1060) at right (Nov 15) in black and carried on Paquebot 'Carmel' to Rio de Janeiro and thence via the 'Guienne' to Bordeaux (Dec 18). Charged '8' décimes due on arrival. Some staining but a very scarce cover.rnrnNote: The cover missed the 'Carmel' in Buenos Aires and this cover was sent by a 'Barco de alcance' to catch up with the Paquebot in Montevideo.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 3535 Argentina
Unfortunately this lot was withdrawn from this auction.Lot# : 3536 Argentina
1870: Cover endorsed 'voie de Marseille par le vapeur Poitou' franked by 1868 Rivadavia 5 c. vermilion (2) cancelled by five pointed 'star' handstamps in black with CORDOBA despatch cds below (Nov 15). Buenos Aires transit (Nov 20) and France 1863/67 laureated 80 c. carmine-rose (Yvert 32) tied by '2240' gros chiffres of Marseille with 'Plata / Marseille' entry cds adjacent (Dec 27) in red. Envelope with minor cut at lower right otherwise a fine and rare combination usage. Signed Scheller.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 3537 Argentina
1874: Cover from Buenos Aires to St. Palais, France franked by Argentina 1868 Rivadavia 5 c. vermilion tied by 'Buenos Aires' datestamp (March 19) and 'D' in blue. France 1870 Siège 40 c. orange pair and 1871/75 5 c. green and 15 c. bistre (Yvert) applied on front and back all tied in transit by '2240' gros chiffres of Marseille with 'Plata / Marseille' entry marking on front (April 23). Disinfected with two vertical slits against Smallpoy epidemic with 'Bordeaux - Irun' cds (April 25) and arrival cds alongside. Small envelope imperfections but an unusual make up of the 1 franc rate. Signed Baudot, Scheller.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 3538 Argentina
1874: Combination cover to France carried by SGTM (Société Générale de Transports Maritimes) with 1867/68 5 c. vermilion tied by Buenos Aires cds and France 1871/75 Cérès 25 c. blue in a strip of four tied on arrival by Marseilles 2240 gros chiffres in black and by PLATA / MARSEILLE entry marking in red (Salles fig. 1146). Struck with very scarce P' SAVOIE Paquebot handstamp (as Salles fig. 1149) in black (also with endorsement in mss. at top). Marseille cds of transit (July 20) on reverse of a fine and attractive cover.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 3539 Argentina
1875: Cover from Buenos Aires to Paris endorsed 'par Steamer Sénégal' franked by Argentina 1868 Rivadavia 5 c. vermilion tied by segmented cork cancel with 'Buenos Aires' datestamp above, and by France 1871/75 10 c. bistre on rose pair and 80 c. carmine pair (Yvert 57+58) tied by Anchor dotted lozenge in black. Octagonal BUENOS-AYRES / PAQ. FR. J. No. 3 datestamp (Feb 10) in black below (Salles fig. 1073). Reverse with arrival cds (March 10). A scarce combination usage. Signed Scheller.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 3540 Argentina
1875: Cover from Buenos Aires to France franked by Argentina 1868 Rivadavia 5 c. vermilion tied by blue segmented cork obliterator with Buenos Aires' cds adjacent (June 10). France 1871/75 25 c. blue (Yvert 60) in a horizontal strip of four tied by dotted Anchor lozenges and by octagonal BUENOS-AYRES / PAQ. FR. J. No. 1 datestamp (June 10) in black (Salles fig. 1073) and carried on the Paquebot 'Niger' with rare instructional POR NIGER in black on front. Reverse with arrival cds. Slight age stains on perfs. but a most attractive combination cover. Signed Calves, Miro.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 3541 Argentina
1875: Cover from Buenos Aires to Bordeaux endorsed 'per Gironde' franked by Argentina 1868 Rivadavia 5 c. vermilion tied by 'Buenos Aires / OM' datestamp (Oct 26) slightly overlapped by France 1871/75 25 c. blue (Yvert 60) in a horizontal strip of four tied by dotted Anchor lozenges and by octagonal BUENOS-AYRES / PAQ. FR. J. No. 5 datestamp (Oct 26) in black (Salles fig. 1073). Reverse with Bordeaux arrival cds. Flaps reduced and first stamp with closed tear and file fold at top but a most attractive combination cover. Signed Roumet, Scheller.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 3542 Argentina
1876: Combination cover to France with 1867/68 5 c. vermilion tied by Buenos Aires cds and France 1871/75 Cérès 25 c. blue (4, one with contemporary fault) tied on despatch by octagonal BUENOS AYRES / PAQ. FR. J. No 2 datestamps (May 10) in black (Salles ) and carried on the 'Equateur'. Reverse with Toulouse arrival cds (June 8). Small imperfections but an attractive and scarce cover. Signed Calves.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3543 Argentina
1876: Cover from Buenos Aires to Marseille endorsed 'per Equateur' franked by Argentina 1868 Rivadavia 5 c. vermilion and San Martin 15 c. blue tied by 'Buenos Aires / OM' datestamp (Oct 26) and by France 1870 Siège 40 c. orange and 1871/75 80 c. carmine pair (Yvert 38+57) tied by octagonal BUENOS-AYRES / PAQ. FR. J. No. 2 datestamp (Oct 26) in black (Salles fig. 1073). Reverse with Marseille arrival cds (June 3). Argentinian stamps removed for checking and replaced, the cover with tear at top affecting one 80 c. adhesive but a scarce combination usage. Signed Goebel, Scheller.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 3544 Argentina
1883: Registered cover to France franked by rouletted 1878 16 c. green and 1882 12 c. ultramarine, perf. 14¼, tied by 'Buenos Aires / Casa de Certificados' datestamps (July 3), registration cachet at base and carried on the 'Orenoque' with octagonal BUENOS-AYRES / PAQ. FR. J. No. 3 datestamp (July 8) in black (Salles fig. 1073). Reverse with 'St. Clair-S-L'Elle' arrival cds (Aug 5). Minor envelope wrinkles but an unusual cover. Signed Baudot.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 3545 Argentina
1916: Unadopted Essays (13) by the American Banknote Co. for 'Declaration of Independence' 5 c. adhesive, either showing the vignette only (5), engraved and imperforate on wove paper (three affixed to card), printed in blue, deep blue, brown, ultramarine and olive green; or in Die Proof format (8), with dates '1810-16 / 1910-16' in corners and value tablets blank, engraved on white surface glossed card paper in red, bottle green, orange, brown, blue, pale blue, blackish brown and dull violet. Fresh and fine, a scarce and attractive group.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 3546 Argentina
1892/98: South American Banknote Co. 'Belgrano' composites, Die Proofs on card paper for 10 c., 16 c., 24 c. and 50 c. values with a further example without value and another with '24' scored through, printed in pale sepia (148 x 220 mm.); Die Proofs engraved on thick card paper for 30 c., 80 c. and (unissued) 15 c. values printed in yellow-brown (166 x 101 mm.), smaller Proof on thick card for same values in dull purple and a further Proof on thin wove paper printed in red; Die Proofs on card paper for 30 c., 80 c. and (unissued) 15 c. values, small Proof in grey-blue (93 x 45 mm.) and full size Proof with the three values inset, printed in steel blue (174 x 140 mm.), scarce and most attractive Proofs; in addition engraved Die Proofs (2) for 'San Martin' high values, with 1.20 pesos printed in brown and 5 pesos value printed in deep bright blue, each inset on thick card.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 3547 Argentina
1910: South American Banknote Co. Proofs for the issue, two splendid volumes of Proofs, all engraved on thick card paper, predominantly singles but with many blocks of four, all in a variety of issued / unissued colours with ½ c. (82), 1 c. (261), 2 c. (266), 3 c. (118), 4 c. (223), 5 c. (68), 10 c. (215), 12 c. (261), 20 c. (192), 24 c. (149), 30 c. value (191), 50 c. (165), 1 peso (203), 5 pesos (85), 10 pesos (59), 20 pesos (68), also 50 c. value without value tablets (12), later with a large variety of silked paper Proofs in a variety of colours and differing issues (237). A remarkable and scarce assembly (2'855 Proofs).Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 4,000 CHF
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