Europe & Overseas
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Lot# : 221 France
1630 (Feb. 22): La Force, Jacques Nompar de Caumont, Duc de (1558-1652) and Marechal de France, a leader of the Hugenots and intimate friend of Henri IV, signed lettersheet "donné au camp Saint-Michel de Maurienne" and asking: "de faire rendre deux chevaux et deux pistolets". He defended Montauban against Louis XIII and bore a prominent part in the Thirty years war. A fine and rare autograph.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 222 France
Lot# : 223 France
1852: Cérès 10 c. brown and 40 c. orange, two fine and fresh examples with good to large margins all round, used on double rate entire letter to Marseille, cancelled by mute star obliterator with "PARIS 27 DEC 52 (60)" cds alongside, reverse with Marseille arrival cds (Dec 29). A scarce and interesting usage to match the double rate, already in the period of the Presidence. Signed Dillemann, Calves and Brun.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 224 France
Lot# : 225 France
Lot# : 226 France
Lot# : 227 France
Lot# : 228 France
1849: First day cover, 20 c. black on yellow, a fresh example, tied by "LYON 1 JANV. 49" cds to small enlope for a visiting card, with handwritten "Affranchie", sent to St. Chamond, reverse with arrival datestamp. Stamp touched a lower right but an interesting and appealing cover, signed Calves Yvert = € 17'500.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 229 France
1850: Cérès 25 c. blue, a magnificent horizontal tête-bêche pair, marginal from left of sheet (position 131-132) with clear to huge margins all round, used on 1850 entire letter to Verdun, cancelled by two strikes of the grill in black with 'Menehould' datestamp (Dec 18) alongside. Reverse with Verdun arrival cds in black. An extraordinarily fine entire bearing this rare variety. Signed Calves; cert. Von der Weid (1992) Maury = € 45'000.Starting bid : 15,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 230 France
Lot# : 231 France
Lot# : 232 France
1850: Cérès 40 c. orange, a fine horizontal pair with close to large margins all round, of deep bright colour, used on 1850 large part cover front to Chambéry, tied by grill handstamps in black with 'Compegne' cds alongside (June 1) Maury = €1'500.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 233 France
1849/50: Cérès 40 c. orange, used example in a deep shade, just clear to good margins all round, used on 1853 cover to Lugano, Switzerland tied by '3710' petit chiffres and ALGER / ALGERIE datestamp (June 5) in black with framed PD at left in red. Reverse with Lyon (June 9), Basel and Lugano datestamps. The cover with file fold well away from adhesive but a scarce Algerian usage of the first issue.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 234 France
Lot# : 235 France
Lot# : 236 France
St. Pierre et Miquelon 1849: Cérès 1 fr. carmine, a fine example with three large margins and imperceptibly shaved at base, with 1852 Présidence 25 c. blue horizontal pair, clear to large margins all round, used on 1853 entire letter at single rate from St. Malo to Ile aux Chiens, St. Pierre et Miquelon endorsed 'Via Halifax par Liverpool' tied by 3176 petit chiffres with St. Malo despatch cds at left (Aug 2). Framed PD in red at left and thence via London and Liverpool with green datestamp (Aug 6) and carried by Cunard Line Steamer 'America'. Red circular Inspector's marking on front and handstruck '2' (cents) to collect on arrival. Reverse with Halifax arrival (Aug 16) and 'Sydney / C.B.' (Cap Breton) datestamp (Aug 20) in black. A unique and magnificent mixed issue cover to an extraordinary destination. A highlight of French classic Postal History. Cert. Calves (1984).rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Mont-Blanc', Corinphila sale 104 (Sept 1998), lot 7455.rnStarting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 5,500 CHFLot# : 237 France
1849: Cérès 1 fr. vermilion 'terne', a splendid used example with huge margins all round, marginal from left of sheet and with small portion of adjoining stamp at base, of excellent rich colour, cancelled by neat strike of the grill handstamp in black. Exceptional and very rare so fine. Cert. Roumet (1998) Maury = € 20'000.Starting bid : 6,000 CHFHammer price : 9,500 CHFLot# : 238 France
1849/50: Unissued Cérès 20 c. bright blue, 'bleu foncé', a superb unused example with large even margins all round. An exceedingly scarce stamp (most were burnt), with partial original gum. Signed Brun; cert. B. Behr (1987), Von der Weid (1993) Maury = € 4'500.rnrnProvenance: Corinphila sale 87 (Oct 1993), lot 6923.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 239 France
1852: Présidence 25 c. blue horizontal pair, margins touched to good and 1853 1 fr. carmine, good to large margins all round, used on 1854 cover from Paris (Jan 31) to Puebla, Mexico tied by 'gros points' lozenge of dots in black. Carried by British Packet via London (Feb 1) with Vera Cruz arrival (March) in black on front. A scarce entire and an unusual mixed issue combination franking.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 240 France
1861: Napoleon imperf. 10 c. bistre and 20 c. blue, both fine examples with good to large margins, used on entire letter from Paris to Idar, Principality Birkenfeld as part of the Grand duchy Oldenburg, cancelled by mute star obliterator with "PARIS 3 JUIN 61" cds at right, reverse with Prussian entry AUS FRANKREICH cds in red and distribution cds in red (June 4). The cover was underpaid by 10 c. for the first Prussian rayon to which Birkenfeld belonged, a French AFFR. INSUFF. two line handstamp was added, and the item was surcharged with 2 silbergroschen upon arrival. The entire is an invoice for amethyst stones delivered to a gem dealer in Idar, which was already at that time a center for gem production in western Germany. An interesting usage with a lot of postal history content.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 241 France
Lot# : 242 France
1853: Empire 40 c. orange, a magnificent mint example of fresh colour, large margins all round and full sheet margin at base, slight thin in margin only, well below the stamp and not detracting from the splendid appearance; full unmounted original gum. Signed Calves; cert. P. Roumet (1994) Maury = € 3'200+.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 243 France
Lot# : 244 France
1863: Napoleon imperf. 80 c. carmine, a fine strip of three with good margins but shaved at top left in mixed franking with Napoleon perf., three examples of the 40 c. orange, used on triple rate entire letter from Bordeaux to Lima, endorsed "Via Southampton y Panama", cancelled by 'BP 1' obliterators of the Bordeaux - Paris ambulant and according "BORDEAUX - PARIS No. 1 30 AVRIL 63" cds, framed PP alongside, reverse with add. French ambulant and Lima arrival cds (June 2). An attractive and scarce usage.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 245 France
Lot# : 246 France
Lot# : 247 France
1862: 10 c. bistre and 40 c. orange, corner perf. fault, used on 1865 cover to Saigon, Cochinchina, tied by rare dotted '-20-' lozenge (d'Aiguebelle) replacing the Paris Star, with corresponding 'Paris / Rue St. Dominique' datestamp at right (March 18) with red PD alongside. Flap missing on reverse but an attractive cover to a scarce destination.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 248 France
Lot# : 249 France
1864: Napoleon perf. 20 c. blue, tied by scarce '2387' gros chiffre to small envelope from Monaco to Béziers with MONACO despatch cds (May 9) alongside. Reverse with Béziers arrival cds (May 10). Minor perforation imperfections and part of address erased otherwise an attractive and scarce usage.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 250 France
Lot# : 251 France
Affranchisements Composés 1870 (Sept 26): Entire letter from Montpellier to Bordeaux, mailed during first month of rate change, franked by 1863/67 laureated 1 c. bronze on green (5 examples) and 10 c. bistre brown pair all tied by 'CT2' dotted lozenge with 'Gare de Montpellier' cds below. Reverse with 'Cette à Bordeaux' TPO cds and arrival.Starting bid : 75 CHFHammer price : 110 CHFLot# : 252 France
Lot# : 253 France
1870 (Oct 14): Postcard endorsed 'Par Ballon non Monté' franked by 1863/67 10 c. bistre tied by 'Losange Evidé' with 'Paris / La Maison Blanche' cds adjacent (Oct 14), carried on Ballon No. 13 'Le Jules Favre', mailed to Agen with arrival cds on reverse (Oct 22). Some spots at corner but scarce.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 254 France
Lot# : 255 France
Ballon Monté 1870: Entire letter, endorsed "par aérostat monté", mailed to Begnins, Switzerland franked by 1867 30 c. brown cancelled by rare "PARIS 1 OCT. 70 (S.C.)" cds of the Section Centrale in red. Framed PD in red alongside and flown from besieged Paris on 6th Ballon 'L'Armand Barbès' with reverse showing Begnins arrival datestamp (18 OCT. 70). The red Section centrale datestamp used for cancellation of the stamp can be found only on Ballon monté items, a fine and rare entire in excellent quality.Starting bid : 450 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 256 France
Lot# : 257 France
1867 (Dec): Laureated 80 c. rose-carmine, an unused block of six, marginal from left of sheet, of excellent centering and rich vibrant colour, superb unmounted og. An excellent multiple in the foremost quality Maury = € 5'750+/Yvert = € 6'250.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 7,500 CHFLot# : 258 France
Lot# : 259 France
1870: Siège 10 c. bistre, a fresh and very fine block of four of excellent colour, used on 1874 double rate envelope to Douai, cancelled by 2734 gros chiffre with "ORCHIES 23 AOUT 74 (57)" cds at left, reverse with arrival datestamp (Aug 24). Fine and very rare entire in excellent quality.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 260 France
'Affranchisement de Fortune' : Siège 10 c. bistre, diagonally bisected example used on 1871 cover in combination with 20 c. for the newly introduced (Sept 1) 25 centimes rate, tied by crisp 168 gros chiffres with "ARMENTIÈRES 15 SEPT. 71 (57)" despatch datestamp at left. Reverse with Rennes arrival (Sept 16). A fine and very rare entire. Signed Calves and Roumet Maury 36 var = € 6'250/Yvert = € 10'000.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 261 France
1870: Siège 20 c. blue on yellowish 'jaunâtre' paper, a dramatic unused block of nine, marginal from left of sheet, with central stamp, position 92, tête-bêche, fourth stamp with small manuscript pen marking, otherwise the multiple is immaculate: of superb colour, centering and large part og. Rare so fine. Cert. Calves (1999) Maury T37d = € 9'000+/Yvert = € 9'000+.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 7,000 CHFLot# : 262 France
Lot# : 263 France
Affranchisement Composés 1871 (Sept 1): Entire letter from Beziers to Langon, franked of First Day of the new rate of 25 centimes, with 1870 Siège 20 c. blue, slightly aged, and 1870 Bordeaux issue 5 c. green on greenish with four margins both tied in black with 'Beziers' cds below (September 1). Internally dated and struck on reverse with 'Toulouse à Bordeaux' cds (Sept 1) and Langon arrival cds (Sept 2). A rare and most appealing entire. Signed Brun.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 264 France
1870: Bordeaux 5 c. yellowish green on greenish paper, Report 2, a fine block of four with good to large margins all round, of excellent colour, cancelled by clear strikes of 174 gros chiffres of Arras. Signed Brun, cert. Eichele (2011) Maury 42/II/Yvert = € 2'300.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 265 France
1870: Bordeaux 10 c. bistre, report I, a fine unused block of four with large margins all round, positions 4-5 / 9-10 on the report, of rich delicate colour, some slight cracking in gum but large part og. A rare and extremely scarce multiple. Signed Brun, Calves, Senf and Sismondo Maury 43/I = € 6'000/Yvert = € 5'200.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 266 France
1870 (Nov 18): Bordeaux 20 c. blue, Type I, report 2, position 3 on the bloc report of 15 subjects, a fine large margined unused example of this rare stamp, of excellent rich colour and appearance, small part original dried gum on reverse. An outstanding example of this rare stamp. Signed Calves; cert. Von der Weid (1992) Maury 44/II = € 33'000.rnStarting bid : 10,000 CHFHammer price : 10,000 CHFLot# : 267 France
Lot# : 268 France
1870/71: Bordeaux 80 c. rose-carmine, a fine unused block of four with large even margins all round, positions 14-15/4-5 on the bloc report, fresh and fine but for slight scuff on reverse from light hinge remnant, large part og. Signed Brun Maury/Yvert = € 3'750.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 269 France
Lot# : 270 France
Lot# : 271 France
Lot# : 272 France
Lot# : 273 France
(El) Salvador 1871/75: Cérès 25 c. blue pair and single 80 c. carmine used on 1873 entire letter at single rate to Santa Ana, El Salvador tied by Paris Star-1 obliterators and by framed P.P. in red with 'Paris-Place de la Bourse' cds (July 16) alongside. London transit cds at left (July 17) in red and charged '4 rs.' due to pay in blue manuscript. A fresh and fine entire to a scarce destination. Cert. Boule (1999).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 274 France
Lot# : 275 France
1876/92: Sage, a fine and fresh selection of 33 examples incl. N/B 2 c. and 5 c. green, 15 c. grey, 20 c. brown, 1 fr. bronze, N/U 10 c. green, 15 c. grey, and 25 black on red, good colours and perfs, unused with full og, some unmounted. Better values signed Calves, one cert. Calves (1995) Yvert = € 12'000.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 3,800 CHFLot# : 276 France
Lot# : 277 France
1876: Type Sage 25 c. brown lilac, Type I, an unused block of four of excellent centering and fresh colour, fresh and very fine, three stamps full unmounted og, one stamp mint. A scarce and most attractive multiple. Signed Calves, Roumet, cert. Brun (2017) Maury = € 2'750++/Yvert = € 2'750++.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 278 France
Lot# : 279 France
2 c. green - 1 fr. olive, the complete unused set of nine values, all fresh and fine but for the 2 c. with slight stain on gum, the rare 10 c. green on greenish being superb, both 25 c. shades present and the equally scarce 75 c. pale rose also being fine, all with large part og. Scarce Maury 74/82 = € 4'400+/Yvert = € 7'000+.rn2 c. vert - 1 fr. olive la Série complète neuf valeurs (2 c. avec petites taches dans la gomme), y compris les deux nuances du 25 c. neuve avec gomme. Une série très attractive dans cette qualité.rnrnStarting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 280 France
1881: Sage 30 c. yellow-brown type II, an unused block of four, fine and fresh, well centered and with good perfs, the upper pair hinged, the lower pair unmounted full og., a scarce and desirable unit Signed Calves Maury = € 700+/Yvert = € 1'150+.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 281 France
Lot# : 282 France
Lot# : 283 France
1877/80: Type Sage 25 c. black on red, Type II, a magnificent unused block of four from right of sheet with oval 'Contrôle T.P.' handstamp in upper corner, the block superbly centred with large part or unmounted og. An exceptional and lovely multiple. Signed Calves ; cert. Calves (1996) Maury = € 4'350/Yvert = € 7'000.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 284 France
1887: Type Sage, 'Réimpressions Granet', Type II, a fine group of six imperforate examples with sheet corner marginal 20 c. deep bright blue, 35 c. violet on orange, 40 c. vermilion on straw, 75 c. carmine on rose, 1 fr. olive and rare 5 fr. violet on lilac; unused or with large part og. A fine and scarce group with a maximum of 1'200 printed of each, the 20 c. and the 5 fr. being the scarcest values. 5 franc cert. Calves (1978) Maury = € 3'500.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 285 France
Lot# : 286 France
Lot# : 287 France
Lot# : 288 France
Lot# : 289 France
Lot# : 290 France
Lot# : 291 France
Lot# : 292 France
1929/31: Tourist issue, the collection on leaves with Arc 2 fr. red-brown single and block of four unused coin daté, 2 fr. Epreuve de Luxe, Reims 3 fr. grey-green in a Type I coin daté block of four, 5 fr. brown Type I unused (2, one 'coin daté), 5 fr. brown Type II unused with coin daté single and block of four from third printing unused, La Rochelle 10 fr. ultramarine Type I with coin daté single and block of four unused, Type I second printing coin daté block of four unused, 10 fr. Type II with coin daté unused example, 10 fr. Type III with coin daté unused example, Pont du Gard 20 fr. brown Type I unused (signed Calves) and 20 fr. perf. 11¼ emergency printing unused, together with a range of used examples incl. multiples etc. and George Barker's notes on the issue. A fine lot.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 293 France
1969: Tourism 1.15 fr. blue, brown red and brown in a compl. printing sheet of 50 examples, printing date 20.3.69 showing varieties: 'Disappearing Pier' (7th & 8th row) and 'Disappeared Pier' (9th and 10th row), unmounted og. An interesting item showing the sequential dissapearance of the brown colour, cert. Schollmeyer BPP.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 294 France
Aden 1867: Laureated 80 c. carmine used with 1871/75 Cérès 25 c. blue (2) on single rate 1872 cover endorsed 'via Brindisi' to Major Griffiths in Aden, tied by 549 gros chiffres with 'Boulogne-S-Mer' cds at left (May 17) and framed 'PD' in red below. Reverse with Paris-Modane TPO cds and 'Aden Steamer Point' arrival (May 29) in red. Minor imperfections but a scarce destination.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 295 France
Australia 1853: 20 c. blue, a block of four with close to large margins all round, used on 1861 entire letter to Sydney, New South Wales, endorsed 'par Suez', tied by 3352 petit chiffres with 'Thizy' despatch cds at right (Dec 21) in black. Framed 'P.P.' in red at top and reverse with Marseille cds (Dec 22) and SHIP LETTER-SYDNEY datestamp (March 25, 1862) in black. Sensible repair to front panel at right, a rare and appealing cover.rnSigned Goebel.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 296 France
1853: 80 c. rose, a fine large margined example with portion of adjoining stamp at top, used on 1860 entire letter to Hobart, Tasmania endorsed 'via Marseille & Suez', tied by both petit chiffres and framed 'P.P.' in red with Cognac despatch cds (Feb 17) alongside. Reverse with two French TPO's and Marseille transit (Feb 19) and struck on front with framed SHIP LETTER INWARD FREE handstamp on arrival (April 13) in red. A charming and extremely scarce entire to a most unusual destination. Cert. Boule (1999).rnrnNote: The addressee, Alfred Huybers, emigrated from Belgium to Hobart in 1852 building up a successful Wine, Spirits and Warehousing business.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 297 France
Austria 1853: 40 c. orange and 80 c. carmine, each with ample to large margins all round, the 80 c. with portion of adjoining stamp at left, used on 1856 single rate cover to Vienna, Austria endorsed 'Port Payé' tied by 'gros points' lozenge in black with Paris cds alongside (March 26). Red framed 'PD' at left and reverse with Vienna (March 29) arrival cds. A scarce and attractive franking. Cert. Von der Weid (1999).rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Mont-Blanc', Corinphila sale 104 (Sept 1998), lot 7810.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 298 France
Ballon Monté 1870 (Dec 5): Siège 20 c. blue and 40 c. orange used on cover from beseiged Paris to Trieste, Austria tied by Paris Star-1 obliterators with 'Paris-Place de la Bourse' cds at left (Dec 5) with framed 'PD' adjacent in red. Probably flown on the Ballon 'Denis Papin' with reverse showing transit datestamps of Vienna (Dec 14) and Triest (Dec 15). Minor file fold just crosses the 40 centime but an exceptional and rare cover to a seldom seen destination for Ballon mail. Cert. Von der Weid (1998) Yvert = € 3'400.rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Mont-Blanc', Corinphila sale 104 (Sept 1998), lot 7784.rnStarting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 299 France
Baden 1849/50: Cérès 40 c. orange, a superb used example in a bright shade with large margins all round and portion of adjoining stamp at top and at base, used on 1851 cover to Heidelsheim, Grand Duchy of Baden, tied by neat grill with 'Hagenau' despatch cds alongside (Dec 18). Framed 'PD' in red at right and reverse with Bruchsal arrival in red (Dec 19). A charming cover and rare in such fine quality. Cert. Von der Weid (1997).rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Mont-Blanc', Corinphila sale 104 (Sept 1998), lot 7815.rnStarting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 300 France
Bavaria 1849/50: Cérès 1 fr. carmine, a magnificent vertical strip of four of excellent impression and colour with ample to large margins all round, used on 1851 registered cover to Munich, Bavaria (addressed to Captain L. Auerwack at the Ministry of War) and tied by grills in black with 'Bureau Central-60' datestamp of Paris in red above (Aug 19) and framed 'PD' and CHARGÉ in red. Reverse with Munich arrival and five red wax seals. Minor imperfections to envelope as to be expected but a wonderful quadruple rate of 2 francs + 2 francs registration, with the adhesives in exceptional condition for a multiple this size on letter - registered first issue covers addressed abroad being rarities. Signed Pfenninger. Cert. Von Der Weid (1997).rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Mont-Blanc', Corinphila sale 104 (Sept 1998), lot 7818.rnStarting bid : 6,000 CHFHammer price : 14,500 CHFLot# : 301 France
Brazil 1849/50: Cérès 25 c. blue in a horizontal pair with large margins all round, used in combination with 1 fr. carmine, frameline barely touched at upper right and with portion of adjoining stamp at base, on 1852 cover at single rate to Pernambuco, Brazil tied by 'grille sans fin' with Paris despatch cds (Aug 7) at right and framed 'PD' in red. London transit datestamp in red at base. Flap missing but an attractive and scarce franking. Cert. Von der Weid (1998).rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Mont-Blanc', Corinphila sale 104 (Sept 1998), lot 7929.rnrnStarting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 302 France
Canary Islands 1862: 40 c. orange used on 1866 single rate entire letter to Sta. Cruz de Teneriffe, Canary Islands endorsed 'via Espagne' at upper left, tied by 1769 gros chiffres with Le Havre despatch cds at left (July 24) and framed 'PD' in red. Reverse with Sta. Cruz de Teneriffe arrival cds (Aug 2). An unusual destination. Cert. Boule (1999).Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 303 France
Cape of Good Hope 1862: 80 c. carmine-rose, fine single example used on 1865 entire letter at single rate endorsed 'voie de Suez' from Nantes to the French Consul at the Cape of Good Hope, tied by 2602 gros chiffres and by Nantes cds of despatch (Sept 26). Framed 'PD' and 'P.P.' in red at left and struck on front with 'Cape-Town / Cape-Colony' arrival cds in black (Nov 11). Reverse with two French TPO's and 'Port Elizabeth / Cape-Colony' cds (Nov 7). A very fine cover to a scarce destination. Cert. Boule (2000).Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 304 France
China 1853: 20 c. blue, horizontal strip of four with just clear to good margins all round, used on 1859 entire letter at single rate to an employee of Dent & Co. in Shanghai, China endorsed 'voie de Marseille' and 'voie de Suez' at base; tied by 1031 petit chiffres with 'Crest' cds of despatch alongside (Aug 26). Framed 'P.P.' in red below and reverse with Marseille cds (Aug 28) and 'Hong Kong' transit datestamp (Oct 23) in blue. A superb and rare entire. Cert. Boule (1999).Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 305 France
Egypt 1870: Siège 40 c. orange in a horizontal pair, used on 1873 entire letter at single rate to Alexandria, Egypt, tied by Paris Star-22 with 'Paris-Rue Taitbout' cds at left of despatch (Dec 13) and framed 'PD' in red. Reverse with French P.O. in Alexandria arrival cds (Dec 24) and franked by Egypt 1872 1pi. red (Gi 31) for onward transmission tied by 'Poste Khedevie Egiziane / Alessandria' cds in black (Dec 24). Mailed on to an employee of the Telegraph Department of the Suez Canal Company in Ismailia with reverse showing Christmas Day arrival cds. Scarce and fine incoming usage. Signed Calves, Todd AIEP.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 306 France
Gabon 1853: 10 c. bistre-brown in a rich shade used with 40 c. orange on small 1862 cover at single rate addressed to a Surgeon on board the ship 'Lamothe Piquet' at Gabon, tied by 2703 petit chiffres with Rochefort-Sur-Mer cds of despatch at right (Jan 5) and framed 'PD' in red. Reverse with flap missing and La Rochelle-Poitiers TPO cds. Slight closed tear at top of envelope but a rare and attractive usage to a very scarce destination. Cert. Brun (2017)Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 307 France
French Guyane 1849/50: Cérès 25 c. blue, two examples, one with three margins but with portion of adjoining stamp at base, the other stamp with clear to large margins all round and portion of adjoining stamp at top; used with fine single 1 fr. carmine, four margins, on small 1853 envelope from Toulouse to Cayenne, French Guyane tied by 3383 petit chiffres with 'Toulouse' cds alongside (Jan 25). Framed PD in red and thence via London (Jan 28) and British Packet. An extremely rare cover, cert. Brun (2017).rnrnNote: This cover is illustrated in the 2015 Maury 'Timbres de France' catalogue on page 28.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,800 CHFLot# : 308 France
Haiti 1870/75: Cérès 25 c. blue, two singles and a horizontal pair, used on 1875 cover from Le Havre to Port Au Prince, Haiti endorsed 'via Southampton' tied by 1769 gros chiffres with Le Havre cds (Aug 16) at left. Framed red 'P.P.' at base and reverse with British P.O. 'St. Thomas' transit cds (Sept 2) in black. Minor imperfections but an attractive cover. Cert. Boule (1999).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 309 France
Iceland 1867: Laureated 40 c. orange used with 1870 Bordeaux 10 c. bistre on 1871 cover to Reykjavik, Iceland addressed to a Captain of a fishing sloop, the adhesives tied by 1231 gros chiffres with 'Croisig' datestamp of despatch (June 1) alongside. Backstamped at Copenhagen (June 5) and struck there with framed 'Utilstraekkelig / frankeret' in blue (Insufficient Postage) and sent on to Iceland with REYKJAVIK cds on front (Aug 31). The letter was not collected (manuscript 'Retournée en France' on reverse) and returned via Copenhagen (Sept 12) to sender. Struck with RETOUR / A L'ENYOYEUR / REBUTS in blue and Croisig re-arrival cds (Oct 25). Full of character, an extraordinary cover to a very seldom encountered destination for per-UPU mail.rnrnProvenance: Collection Crawford.rnrnStarting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 2,400 CHFLot# : 310 France
India 1871/75: 10 c. brown on rose horizontal pair overlapping three 80 c. carmine-rose, used on 1874 double rate cover to Calcutta, India endorsed 'via Brindisi' all tied by Paris Star-22 obliterators with 'Paris-Rue Taitbout' cds at left (Dec 4). Framed 'PD' in red alongside and reverse with 'Sea / Post Office / C' datestamp of transit (Dec 11) in black. A fine and scarce franking.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 311 France
Japan 1862: 80 c. carmine, single example used on 1867 cover at single rate from Marseille via Suez to Yokohama, Japan tied by dotted 'Anchor' lozenge in black with framed 'PD' alongside. Circular LIGNE V / PAQ. FR. No. 3 datestamp (April 19) at left (error of datestamp with year date '6' missing and '7' inverted, Salles fig. 887 variety) and carried by Paquebot 'Said'. Reverse with 'Yokohama / Bau. Francais' datestamp of receipt (June 9). A rare and fine cover.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 312 France
Lombardi Venetia 1853: 1 fr. carmine, a magnificent single example with large margins all round, used on 1854 cover to Milan, Lombardy Venetia, tied by 'gros points' lozenge in black with 'Paris (F)-60' despatch cds at left (Feb 2). Framed 'PD' in red at right and reverse with Milano arrival cds (Feb 5) in black and framed distribution marking. A fine example of the 1 franc rate to Austria via Sardinia and a splendid and extremely rare cover. Signed Brun. Cert. Roumet (1997).rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Mont-Blanc', Corinphila sale 104 (Sept 1998), lot 7809.rnStarting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,600 CHFLot# : 313 France
Macau 1853: 80 c. carmine and 20 c. blue, fine margined examples used on small 1856 envelope to Macau endorsed 'voie de Suez', addressed to a member of the crew of the frigate 'Virginie', each tied by '1761' petit chiffres of Lorient with cds at left (June 6) and red framed 'PD' at top. Reverse with Paris transit cds (June 8) and Hong Kong cds (July 25) in black. Struck with '1/-' (1 shilling) charge marking in black on front. The 20 centime adhesive with minor corner fault outside the design at lower right, otherwise a fresh and very fine cover to an extraordinary destination at this date. Signed Behr. Cert. Soeteman (2003).Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 3,800 CHFLot# : 314 France
Mexico 1849: Cérès 1 fr. brown carmine, a magnificent horizontal strip of three with clear to enormous margins all round and showing portions of adjoining stamps at left and at top, of excellent rich fresh colour, used on 1851 double rate cover to Mexico tied by 'grille sans fin' in black and by London tombstone transit datestamp in red (June 30). Paris despatch datestamps and framed 'PD' in red at right. An outstanding and rare first issue franking. Signed Calves. Cert. A. Brun (1949), Calves (1979).rnrnProvenance: Corinphila sale 63 (March 1980), lot 1521.rn Collection 'Mont-Blanc', Corinphila sale 104 (Sept 1998), lot 7920.rnStarting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 7,000 CHFLot# : 315 France
Newfoundland 1871/75: 80 c. carmine, five examples used on 1873 quadruple weight cover to the Postmaster at St. John's, Newfoundland endorsed 'per Allan Steamer 'Nova Scotian' from Liverpool', all tied by Paris Star-1 obliterators with 'Paris-Place de la Bourse' despatch cds at right and framed 'PD' in black. London transit (Dec 1) and reverse with 'St. John's - Newfoundland' arrival (Dec 10). Reverse with opening tears but an attractive and scarce quadruple rate cover to a most unusual destination. Cert. Boule (1999).rnrnNote: According to 'North Atlantic Mail Sailings', this cover did not travel on the 'Nova Scotian'. However it is unclear which steamer was actually employed to carry this letter on it's quick (ten day) Transatlantic crossing.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 316 France
Philippines 1867: Laureated 40 c. orange and 80 c. carmine used on 1871 single rate entire letter to Manila, Philippines by British ship tied by 3103 gros chiffres with Reims cds (Sept 26) alongside in black. Framed 'P.P.' in black below and London transit cds at left (Sept 28) in red. Handstruck '2' (reales) due marking on front for local delivery and reverse witrh 'Manila' arrival cds. A fresh and very attractive entire to an unusual destination.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 317 France
Papal States 1849/50: Cérès 10 c. bistre brown, a superb large margined vertical pair in a rich shade, used with superb 1 fr. carmine, four margins, on 1854 single rate entire letter to Albano, Rome, Papal States (Lord Clifford correspondence), each tied by grill in black with 'Bureau Central / Paris' cds in red below (Sept 12) and framed 'PD' in red. Cover crossed to denote prepayment and struck with straight line VIA DI MARE in red on arrival at Civitavecchia. A splendid and exceptional entire in wonderfully fresh condition. Signed Brun, Calves. Cert. Von der Weid (1997).rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Mont-Blanc', Corinphila sale 104 (Sept 1998), lot 7852.rnStarting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,800 CHFLot# : 318 France
Portugal 1867: Laureated 10 c. bistre in a horizontal pair, used with single 20 c. blue on 1870 single rate entire letter from Bayonne to Lisbon, Portugal tied by '359' gros chiffres struck in error in red. Bayonne despatch cds at left (Jan 9) and framed 'PD' in red above, the adhesives also tied on arrival by oval FRANCA in black. Reverse with Lisbon arrival cds (Jan 12). Unusual and appealing entire.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 319 France
Prussia 1853: 10 c. bistre in a fine horizontal pair and single 25 c. blue, each with large margins all round, used on 1854 entire letter to Cologne, Prussia (2nd Rayon) tied by 'gros points' lozenge in black with Paris despatch cds at right (April 10) in black. Framed 'PD' and Prussian framed 'Franco' both in red on front and reverse with 'Aus Frankreich / Per Aachen' in red (April 11) and Coeln arrival cds of the same day. A delightful and scarce entire. Cert. Von der Weid (1998).Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 320 France
Réunion 1849/50: Cérès 1 fr. carmine, horizontal pair with large to imperceptibly touched margins in a rich shade, used on 1852 double weight second sheet of entire letter from Paris endorsed 'voie de Suez' to a Police Lieutenant at St. Paul, Réunion. Carried by British Packet tied by 'grille sans fin' with Paris despatch cds (Nov 17) below and framed 'PD' in red at left. The letter was prepaid as far as Alexandria at the correct double rate of 2 francs, thence travelled overland via Suez to Calcutta and then by P&O Steamer via Galle (Ceylon) and Port Louis (Mauritius) to Réunion. Rare framed '2 F. 20' tax marking struck in black. Reverse with two strikes of 'St. Denis / Ile Bourbon' cds (Jan 10, 1853) in black and faint 'St. Paul / Ile Bourbon' datestamp struck in red on the same day. A magnificent and unique cover - to date no other covers are recorded with a first issue double rate taxed franking to Réunion. Cert. Von der Weid (1999).rnrnProvenance: Corinphila sale 111 (May 1999), lot 2599.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : not sold
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