Great Britain and Colonies, incl. Egypt
Sort list :
Lot# : 441 Great Britain
1840: Mulready 1 d. black envelope, stereo A155, a fine unused example with some minor wear and side flaps missing as usual, handstamped "SPECIMEN" (Type 2) in black. Very rare, with just 8 recorded examples, all have the side flaps removed and all are different stereo numbers. Complete listing of the known examples on cert. Louis (2011) Gi spec. cat ME2s = £ 6'500.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 442 Great Britain
1840: Mulready 1d. black letter-sheet, stereo A24 (partly covered by seal), vertical filing crease, otherwise very fine, cancelled with red Maltese Cross, "LICHFIELD MY 7 1840" c.d.s. on reverse for dispatch, London datestamp "8 MY 8 / 1840" for arrival, a very rare Second Day of issue provincial usage!, unrecorded in Mike Jackson's 'May Dates' (1999).Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 443 Great Britain
1847/54: 6 d. mauve used with 1854 2 d., perf. 16, plate 4 FD on cover to Ilfeld, Kingdom of Hannover, in addition 10 d. brown and 1 s. green used on Nov. 1853 cover to Bellary, India, the 6 d. with mostly good margins (slight creasing), the 10 d. and 1 s. cut square but touching design, 1 s. with clipped corner at top right.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 444 Great Britain
1861 (Jan 1): Cover endorsed 'per Atrato' from London to Mexico City, franked by 1857 1 d. red, 1858 2 d. blue pl. 8 and 1856 1 s. green in a horizotal pair all tied by London '12' obliterators in black. Reverse with London despatch datestamp in black. File fold away from adhesives but a fine and most attractive cover. Cert. Brandon (2012); also an 1866 cover from Liverpool to Messina franked by 6 d. lilac, pl. 5 and 1 s. green pl. 4. per French Steamer.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 445 Great Britain
1867/83: 10 s. greenish grey, wmk. Maltese Cross, a used example of excellent colour cancelled by bold 'Dublin Sorting Office' datestamp (Feb 10, 1879) in black. Minor perforation thin at top, otherwise a fine example of this very scarce stamp. Cert. K. Louis (2016) Gi = £ 3'200+.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 445A Great Britain
Lot# : 446 Great Britain
1884: 5 d. dull green line perf. 12, wmk. Imperial Crown, lettered FD, an unused but regummed example, horizontally overprinted 'SPECIMEN' in black. Fine and scarce. The perf. 12 examples have been never issued and it's said that they were used to set the colour standards for the 1887 issue, see also W.A. Wiseman 'the De La Rue Years 1878-1910' vol. 2 on pages 48 and 64, Cert. Louis (2009).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 447 Great Britain
Lot# : 448 Great Britain
Lot# : 449 Great Britain
1882/91: I.R. Official 5 s. rose on white paper, a good used example, some aging to perfs. and horizontal bend, lightly cancelled by 'Accounts Branch Glasgow' datestamp (Oct 15, 1892) in black. An extremely scarce stamp. Signed Sekula. Cert. BPA (2016) Gi = £ 2'500.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 450 Great Britain
1882/1901: I.R. Official 10 s. ultramarine on white paper, a used example with slight crease, faded colour and internal split, cancelled by 'Dundee' cds (Oct 8, 1902) in black. Despite imperfections a very scarce stamp. Cert. BPA (2016) Gi = £ 3'750.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 451 Great Britain
Lot# : 452 Great Britain
1902/04: I.R. Official £ 1 dull blue-green, a fine used example of good colour, lightest surface rub and ironed horizontal bend, lightly cancelled by 'Aberdeen' cds (Oct 16, 1902) in black. An enormously rare stamp. Cert. BPA (2016) Gi = £ 25'000.Starting bid : 4,000 CHFHammer price : 8,000 CHFLot# : 453 Great Britain
Lot# : 454 Great Britain
1997 (Jan. 7): 'Virgin Global Challenger' Richard Branson, Per Lindstrand and Rory McCarthy attemp to circumnavigate the globe by balloon, commemorative envelope issued by Royal Mail, unused and unfanked example, the artist design approved by Richard Branson, imprinted number 360 on reverse and deleted in manuscript. Rare unused envelope, Royal Mail only printed 360 envelopes in total. Branson and his team had been forced to abandon this record-breaking attempt in the Algerian desert. The balloon encountered a technical problem after a mere 640 kilometres and less than a day after its launch in Marrakesh, Morocco.
Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 455 Great Britain
1840/84: Fine Lot 28 primarily used stamps with interesting sets and singles incl. Penny Black with red MC (2), Penny red imperf. unused without gum (2), 1847 Embossed definitives, all three values with overall ample to large margins, 1867 9 d. bistre unused without gum (2), 1882 £ 5 orange, 1884 £ 1 lilac, and 1891 £ 1 dark-green.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 2,600 CHFLot# : 456 Great Britain
1840/1980 ca.: Lot 280 covers incl. incoming mail from Switzerland with returned mail and 'Rebuts' cover, postal stationery and receipts, in addition several hundred primarily used stamps starting with Penny Black incl. perfins, embossed definitives, and strong cancellation interest.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 457 Great Britain
1825/89: Postal History collection (24 items) with 1825 entire from London to Bergamo with fine oval 'Par Entremise De P. Devot & Co. a Calais' Forwarding Agent cachet, 1851 entire 'per Niagara' prepaid from London to New York, 1857 cover to France with 1856 4 d. carmine and 1 d. paying the Late Fee charge, 1859 cover to Nice with 1856 1 s. green, 1860/61 stampless entires via Ostend to Norway, 1865 entire to Prussia with 6 d. lilac pl. 5, 1876 cover to Cape of Good Hope franked 1 s. green, 1878 cover to Belize, British Honduras franked by 1 s. green pl. 13 per 'Tasmanian' etc.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 450 CHFLot# : 458 Great Britain
1960/2000 ca.: Lot with new issues from the Isle of Man (1973/95) with miniature sheets used, unused and FDC's in three volumes as well as British Antarctic Territory and Falkland Islands in two albums.
Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 170 CHFLot# : 459 Great Britain
1840/1929: Fine collection 80 primarily used stamps incl. 1840 1 d. black (2) & 2 d. blue, 1847 Embossed 1 s. pale green cut square, good margins but creased, later Victoria definitives incl. 1862 9 d. and 1867 2 s. blue unused , 1873/80 1 s. green, 4 d. sage-green and 8 d. unused, 1882 5 s. rose (3), 1862 9 d. bistre in pair on entire from London to Canton (vert. crease in one stamp), 1884 £ 1 brown wmk Three Crowns (def.), 1887 £ 1 green, 1902 £ 1 green in a vert. pair, 1913 Seahorse £ 1 green (one pulled perf), and 1929 UPU Congress £ 1 black, some wrinkles, in addition Govt Parcels QV 9 d. dull green and British Levant incl. 1893 40 pa. on ½ d. vermillion unused, some pulled perfs. Some imperfections but an interesting and valuable selection Gi = £ 28'000+.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 3,400 CHFLot# : 460 Bahamas
Lot# : 461 East Africa and Uganda Protectorates
Lot# : 462 Newfoundland
Newfoundland 1911: Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. printer's salesman's sample for the proposed but unissued Edward VII 1 d. value printed in carmine, Imperforate and affixed to salesman's card, perforated SPECIMEN horizontally at base. Scarce and most attractive.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 463 Newfoundland
1933: Balbo Transatlantic Mass Formation Flight, $ 4.50 on 75 c. yellow brown, a lot of eleven unused stamps with full og., some signed Sorani Gi = £ 3'025.Starting bid : 700 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 464 Newfoundland
1857/1918: Selection on cards with range of early classics, unused and used, from 1857/64 1 d. (3), 3 d. yellowish green (3), 4 d. rose (2), 6 d. rose, 8 d. rose, 1 s. rose, thereafter with good run from 1865/79 issues, 1897 Jubilee issue unused to 15 c. plus 35 c. and 60 c.; 1897/1908 mixed set etc. A useful lot.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 465 Canada
Prince Edward Island 1862/69: 1 d. yellow-orange, perf. 11½ and 2 d. rose, Die I, perf. 11½, used on 1868 cover to Pictou, Nova Scotia tied by barred obliteratorsd in black. 'Prince Edward Island' datestamp (May 1) at left and, on reverse, New Glasgow and Pictou datestamps (May 2) in black. The addressee's name over-written but a scarce issue on letter.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 466 Cape of Good Hope
1861: 'Woodblock' Error of Colour 1 d. milky blue (colour of the 4 d.), imperforate on laid paper, with large margins on all sides but for slight indentation above 'T' of 'Postage' at left where margin is just clear, neatly tied by light barred handstamp in black to small piece leaving the 'One Penny' inscription very clear. A magnificent example of this famous rarity. Cert. RPS (2005) Yvert 12b = € 40'000/Scott 7d = $ 36'000/Gi = £ 30'000.
Provenance: Collection of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.Starting bid : 20,000 CHFHammer price : 25,000 CHFLot# : 467 Cook Islands
1902: 1 s. carmine, perf. 11, three examples used on 1920 registered cover to Sweden all tid by single 'Cook Islands / Rarotonga' datestamp (April 29) in black. Handstamped registration label at left and reverse with both London transit (June 11) and arrival, also a similar cover franked by 1909/19 1 d. red, perf. 14 and three 1902 10 d. green, perf. 11 similarly tied with same transits and arrival (June 16). A fine and attractive pairing bearing highly catalogued adhesives.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 468 Cyprus
1886/1924: Lot six stamps incl. 1924 £ 1 purple & black on red (SG 102), a fresh and fine unused example with full og., and 1883 Revenue stamps 8 d., 1 pia. (2), and 2 pia. (2) lilac, all ovpt. POSTAL SURCHARGE in black, postally used and cancelled in Larnaca in 1884/85. Two certificates RPS (1980).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 469 Cyprus
Lot# : 470 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 471 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 472 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 473 Egypt Kingdom
1866: Pellas Proofs for the first issue, imperforate on unwatermarked paper, the set of seven values all in marginal inscription blocks of four, one or two with light aging affecting the reverse only, 5 pi. with age spots showing through, otherwise fresh and fine, scarce positional multiples. Signed Todd AIEP.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 474 Egypt Kingdom
1866: 1 pi. claret, perf. 13 x 12½, a fine example used on 1866 entire letter from Cairo to Alexandria tied by late usage of the retta in black; with scarce POSTE VICE-REALI EGIZIANE / CAIRO despatch cds (June 29) in red and corresponding arrival cds of ALEXANDRIA, also struck in red ink. File fold but scarce. Signed Todd AIEP.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 475 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 476 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 477 Egypt Kingdom
1867: National Bank Note Co., New York, Essay for proposed 1 piastre postal stationery envelope, engraved in red-brown (colour of the USA 1857/61 Jefferson 5 c. adhesive) on cream tinted stock. Scarce. Signed Holcombe, Todd AIEP. Nile Post E34a = $ 250.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 478 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 479 Egypt Kingdom
1867: Penasson Essays for proposed 1 piastre Postal Stationery envelope, 1 pi. in red on thin yellowish wove paper and (scarcer) a 1pi. example printed in bright purple on greenish diagonally laid paper, the latter with some aging but very scarce. Signed Todd AIEP Nile Post E52a = $ 500.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 480 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 481 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 482 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 483 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 484 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 485 Egypt Kingdom
1869: Prevost of Paris Essay for proposed 20 paras Postal Stationery envelope (without overprint or 'Epreuve'), the 'stamp' printed in black on the pointed flap on reverse of the envelope, fresh and fine unused. Scarce. Signed Todd AIEP Nile Post E41 = $ 300.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 486 Egypt Kingdom
1869: Prevost of Paris Essay for '00' paras Postal Stationery envelope, with Turkish '20 paras' overprint and 'Epreuve', printed in brown on cream, larger format (176 x 99 mm.) envelope with embossed flap, fine unused. Scarce. Signed Todd AIEP Nile Post E38b = $ 175.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 190 CHFLot# : 487 Egypt Kingdom
1892: Provisional 5 m. on 2 pi. orange postal stationery envelopes, the unused selection (7) showing major varieties including double overprints (4, two are transposed), two examples with overprint reading up or down, a further example with Arabic above French in overprint etc. A fresh and fine group Nile Post SEN7/9 var.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 488 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 489 Egypt Kingdom
1912: Printed advertising cover for 'The George Nungovich Egyptian Hotels Cy.' sent registered to Berlin franked by 1888 5 m. carmine (2) and 1884 1 pi. ultramarine tied by CONTINENTAL CAIRO / CASH datestamps (July 8) with fine strike of framed registration cachet at lower left. Berlin arrival (July 16) on reverse. A scarce and attractive cover.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 490 Egypt Kingdom
1928: Registered cover locally used within Cairo addressed to Felix Cohen, franked by unadopted Overprint Colour Trials for 1922 1 m. sepia and 15 m. indigo each overprinted in red and normal 1 m. sepia pair and 2 m. vermilion all tied by 'Alexandria' cds's (Jan 31), replete with the original registration receipt. Philatelic but a rare usage of these Colour Trials on letter. Signed Todd AIEP Nile Post D78ct+D85ct = $ 500+.
Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 491 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 492 Egypt Kingdom
1926 (Dec 21): Port Fouad, the overprinted set of four values fine used, all cancelled December 21, 1926 in black; a fine and scarce set with just 1'500 sets issued, the lower three values signed Todd AIEP, the 50 pi. high value with cert. BPA (1962) Gi = £ 1'700.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 493 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 494 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 495 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 496 Egypt Kingdom
Unfortunately this lot was withdrawn from this auction.Lot# : 497 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 498 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 499 Egypt Kingdom
1933: Air Congress 5 m. brown, 15 m. purple and 20 m. blue all used on registered 1934 cover to Zurich tied by 'Winter Palace / Luxor' datestamps (Jan 11) with fine strike of scarce registration cachet of the hotel at left and perforated 'Luxor Winter Palace' label on reverse. A charming cover.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 500 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 501 Egypt Kingdom
1936/37: Definitive set, 1 m. to 20 m. values, all in Farouk Royal Imperforate horizontal pairs under-printed 'Cancelled', all marginal from left of sheet except the 5 m. value, fresh and very fine. Scarce, just 100 sets possible. Signed Todd AIEP Nile Post D129a/D135a = $ 740.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 502 Egypt Kingdom
1937: Boy King 5 m. carmine-rose, perforated Colour Trial (printed in the colour utilised for the 13 m. value, the 5 m. being issued in red-brown), fresh and fine with Koubbeh Palace handstamp on reverse, unmounted og. Just 100 stamps can exist thus Nile Post RDP140ctc = $ 125.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 503 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 504 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 505 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 506 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 507 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 508 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 509 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 510 Egypt Kingdom
British Post Offices 1862/77: Album page with Great Britain 1862 6 d. lilac pl. 6, 1867 6 d. mauve pl. 8 pair, 1865/73 4 d. vermilion pair and scarce 1877 4 d. sage all cancelled at Suez by 'BO2' obliterators, together with two covers from Alexandria to the UK, one franked by 1865 6 d. lilac, pl. 5, with hyphen, tied by large 'BO1' obliterator, the other with 1867 6 d. lilac pl. 8 (no hyphen) cancelled by small 'BO1' obliterator. A generally fine group.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 511 Egypt Kingdom
Italian Post Office 1867: Egypt 1 pi. red used on 1871 cover to Rome tied by Cairo cds (Dec 22) used with Italy 1863 40 c. carmine tied at Italian P.O. in Alexandria by '234' lozenge of dots with 'Alessandria D'Egitto' cds below (Dec 23). Reverse with Rome arrival cds (Dec 27). A few minor cover imperfections, a scarce combination usage. Signed A. Diena.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 350 CHFLot# : 512 Egypt Kingdom
Hotel Posts 1900/1962: Collection with covers/cards (120+) and loose stamps all with Hotel cancellations or with printed envelopes from Hotels without cancels, incl. 'San Stefano Hotel' on 1906 card, 'Ghesireh Palace' usages (4), delightful 1892 'Pyramids / Mena House' cover to London, illustrated 1954 6 m. postal stationery cards unused (12) from Mena House, Cataract and Semiramis Hotels, extensive array of Shepheards Hotel covers and cards (30+) incl. scarce 1962 meter usage; 'Continental Hotel' usages (15), 'Winter Palace' Luxor covers and cards, 1962 cover with 'Luna Park Hotel' label neatly tied etc. Viewing recommended.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 513 Egypt Kingdom
Hotel & Proprietary Post Offices 1892/1960 ca.: Collection with exceptional range of covers/cards (and also loose stamps) from the Egyptian Hotel Post Offices including 1892 usage with 5 m. on card cancelled 'Pyramids / Mena House', covers/cards from Shepheards Hotel (21) including a registered usage, 'Continental Hotel' usages on covers/cards (27) inc. the Savoy and two 'Cash' usages; Ghesireh Hotel usages (2), Luxor Hotel and Winter Palace usages (23), Savoy / Assouan (2), Cataract Hotel / Assouan (10), 1900 San Stefano card and later examples (4), Cook's Office (6), Seamen's Home, Simon Arzt (14). A fine collection with much of interest throughout.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 514 Egypt Kingdom
1907: Official 1 pi. blue and 1914/15 2 m. green and 3 m. orange-yellow all used on 1919 Ministry of Finances OHHS envelope sent registered to London, somewhat faulty, tied by 'Dawawin / Cairo' datestamps in black (March 20). The cover re-addressed on arrival, struck with framed 'Posted Out of Course / 79' and taxed with Great Britain Postage Due ½ d. green (4) all tied by 'Fareham' datestamps (April 8). Despite imperfections a scarce usage.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 515 Egypt Kingdom
1915 (Oct): Official 2 m. green, a fine unused block of 30 (5 x 6), all with variety 'Inverted Overprint', marginal at base and with interpanneau margin at top, fresh and very fine, minor adherence in margin only, stamps unmounted og. Ex Farouk Gi = £ 600+/Nile Post O15c = $ 900.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 516 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 517 Egypt Kingdom
1924/25: Official set of 8 values complete, all used on 1926 registered cover to Germany, tied by Alexandria cds's in black (Oct 20). Slightest of aging on top perfs. of 4 m. and minor trim at top of envelope, otherwise fine. Reverse with Gernsbach arrival cds (Oct 26). Whilst obviously philatelic this is the sole cover that this describer has recorded bearing the entire set. Signed Todd AIEP.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 518 Egypt Kingdom
1910/59.: Collection in a brown album with 1931 cover from Controller of Posts in Cairo to the Controller in Juba, Sudan bearing 27 m. chesnut, 1931 unclaimed cover to Australia similarly franked, 1931 Zeppelin selection with rare card prepaid in cash 'Affranchisement per 1 RM' in lieu of adhesive with 'Luftschiff' Pyramid cachet in red, Zeppelin 50 m. on card and 100 m. on 27 m. on covers (3) from Alexandria, cover with both Zeppelin values used from Cairo to UK, 1932 Cape Town flight cover to Nairobi and returned to Cairo, 1933 100 m. single franking used on Express airmail registered cover to Germany etc. Generally fair to fine, a good lot (72 items).Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 519 Egypt Kingdom
1866/1895: Collection with 1866 5 pa. unused (2), 10 pa. unused, 20 pa. unused and used, 1 pi. unused and used and a fine unused 10 pi. slate (signed Todd), 1867 Essays in various colours imperf. and perf. (6), issued stamps to 2 pi. unused with fine used 5 pi., cover with two 20 pa. green from Suez, selection of 1867/75 issues 'used abroad' in Beirut, Constantinople, Dardanelli, Metelino, Smirne and Suakim; 1872 issue with fine block of four 20 pa. blue unused, 1874/75 Bulaq 5 pa. tête-bêche block of four, 10 pa. grey block of six, 20 pa. bluish grey blocks of four (2), 2½ pi. violet block of four all unused, 1877 cover from Suez via Aden to Bombay, 1879/88 issues with unused multiples and range of usages in the Sudan incl. 'El Fasher' cancel, 1899 Parcel Card with eight 1 pi. blue and single 10 pi. mauve etc. A fine and interesting collection.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 3,600 CHFLot# : 520 Egypt Kingdom
1866/2015: Collection with 1866 issue 5 pa. unused (6) and used (9), 10 pa. used (11), 20 pa. unused (7), and used (13), 1 pi. used (26 incl. two used in Constantinople), 2 pi. unused (6) and used (12), 5 pi. unused (3) and used (4), 10 pi. slate unused (4) and used (3) -all those noted are genuine- Pellas Proof imperf. set and a few blocks of four noted, 1867 issue unused with duplication and cancellation interest incl. block of 5 pa., 10 pa. unused (14), 20 pa. unused (7), 1 pi. unused (17) incl. a block, 2 pi. unused (5), 5 pi. brown unused (3) and used (6); 1872/75 issue with extensive unused and used and cancellation interest, 1874 5 pa. tête-bêche block and pair unused, 1881 5 pi. grey in unused block, 1884 20 pa. on 5 pi. with opt. inverted used, 1888 issue with unused blocks, 1914 and 1921/22 definitive sets unused, 1913 OHHS 5 m. block with 'Stop Omitted' variety unused, 1914 Proof set imperf., 1922 Monarchy set unused and used, 1923 Fuad set unused and used, 1925 Geographic set unused (3) and used (5), 1926 Agriculture set unused (3) and used (2), 1926 Birthday 50 pi. unused, 1927 definitive set of 25 unused and used, 1927 Official set of 12 with Oblique perforations, 1931 Zep sets unused (3) and used, 1932 100 m. on £ 1 unused, 1933 Locomotive set unused (3), 1933 Air Congress unused (5) and on covers (2), 1933 Airmail set unused (3) and used, 1934 UPU 50 p. unused and used (2), £ 1 used (4), 1946 Philatelic Expo sheets unused, 1937/46 Boy King issue with Farouk Imperforates (36) to £ 1 also 3 m., 4 m., 10 m., 15 m., 40 m., 50 m. and 100 m. in oblique perforated blocks, 1938 £ 1 sepia & green unused, 1943 5 m. + 5 m. with block of four showing '1493' error unused, 1944/52 Mareschal issue with Farouk Imperforates (27), 1946 Expo sheets (6) unused and used, 1952 'Egypt & Sudan' optd. Postage and Air sets unused and used, 1953 £ 1 red & green mint (14) incl. two Control blocks, 1960 Refugee Year set imperforate, 1978 £ 1 in block of four (Gi 1351) etc. through with new issues to 2015, British Forces incl. used Jubilee 1 pi. blue, the whole with vast duplication throughout, many multiples, cancellation interest including some useful covers (Ship and Paquebot Post, Postage Due usages on covers/cards, a 1918 Wreck cover handstamped 'Naufrage' and a fine volume of Postcards etc.), quality generally fine throughout, viewing is recommended.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 6,500 CHFLot# : 521 Egypt Kingdom
1865/1985 ca.: Postal Stationery, the six volume collection, unused and used (considerable cancellation interest), from 1865 with Pellas 10 pa. envelope in red, 1867 1 pi. red envelope Essay by Penasson, 1869 Pellas Essays (3), 1879 20 pa. card onwards with extensive duplication throughout, including 1884 20 pa. red card used back from Charlottenburg to Suez, 1891 3 m. on 5 m. provisional card with '3' inverted unused, same card with entire surcharge inverted unused (5 examples) and others with surcharge double (3); 1894 3m. card addressed to the Von Blücher family, 1910 4 m. red card with five colour registered franking, 1927 cards unused and used, scarce Boy King and later illustrated cards unused, 1892 5 m. on 2 pi. envelope with double surcharge varieties (4), surcharge misplaced (2) and 'hamza' flaws; De La Rue 5 m. red, 10 m. blue and 1 pi. letter-sheets unused, 5 m. brown letter-sheet unused, Boy King 5 m. and 6 m. letter-sheets unused, Newspaper wrappers incl. 1929 2 m. black unused, 1913 registration envelope 10 m. blue unused and used, 15 m. deep blue and 15 m. purple unused and used, Boy King 15 m. envelopes unused (2 different) and 20 m. used, also some fine Sudan usages. An exceptional lot (few hundred items).Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 2,600 CHFLot# : 522 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 523 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 524 Egypt Kingdom
1866 (Jan 1): 5 pi. rose, perf. 13 all round, Transfer Type 10, Overprint Transfer Type 10, an unused example from base of the sheet centred to left, also a 10 pi. slate, perf. 12½, Transfer Type 8 (position 156), centred to left, each fine unused without gum. Scarce stamps. Cert. Hass (2002) Gi = £ 725.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 525 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 526 Egypt Kingdom
1869 (Feb 8): Entire letter written from 'Timsah' (Lake Timsah on the Suez Canal, north of Serapeum) and endorsed internally at top, franked by 1867 1 pi. red cancelled in manuscript "Ch. VI - 8/2/69" in black ink (Chantier VI temporary P.O., the circular dated cancellation was not used between Jan 19 and Feb 16, 1869) and further cancelled by POSTE VICE-REALI EGIZIANE / ISMAILIA datestamp in black (Feb 9). The cover, endorsed 'Pressée' at lower left in an attempt to catch the addressee whilst in Ismailia. Reverse with Alexandria arrival cds (Feb 9). Both the cover and adhesive have faults which should be restored but an entire letter of great rarity and, as far as we are aware, unique. Cert. Todd AIEP (2016).Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 527 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 528 Egypt Kingdom
1872: 5 pa. brown and 10 pa. mauve, used with 1874/75 2½ pi. violet on 1875 cover endorsed 'via Brindisi', addressed to Mr. Bircher of Cairo in Aarau, Switzerland tied by POSTE EGIZIANE / CAIRO datestamps (June 5) in black. Reverse with Alexandria transit cds, Brindisi transit (June 10), Como, Chur and Aarau cds's. A delightful three colour franking and a very scarce pre UPU rate of 2 pi. 35 paras. Signed Todd AIEP.
Provenance: Collection Peter A. S. Smith.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 529 Egypt Kingdom
Territorial P. O. in Massawa 1872/75: Egypt typographed 20 pa. blue, 1 pi. red and 2 pi. yellow, all used on 1875 entire letter endorsed 'via Brindisi' from Massawa to Marseille, the stamps being tied by rare POSTE KHEDEVIE EGIZIANE / MASSAWA datestamps (Jan 23) in black. Reverse with Egyptian P.O. in Suez transit cds (Feb 2), Alexandria cds (Feb 3) and transferred to French P.O. in Alexandria (Feb 5) with datestamp on front and Marseille arrival (Feb 14). Charged '14' décimes to pay in manuscript upon receipt. Some peripheral aging to the adhesives but the earliest recorded of the eight (one, perhaps two, have been lost to philately, see Greg Todd's article in the ESC for further information) known stamped covers with this cancellation from Massawa. A spectacular cover of great rarity. Signed Todd AIEP.
Provenance: 'Cihangir', Corinphila sale (May 2000), lot 2645.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 12,500 CHFLot# : 530 Egypt Kingdom
1872 (Jan 1): 5 pi. green, perf. 13½, used example on 1872 registered cover to Cairo, stained and with flap faults on reverse, carried at triple weight and tied by V. R. POSTE EGIZIANE / ALESSANDRIA cds (Jan 3) in black with repeated strike at top. Faint framed RACCOMANDATO in black and part Cairo cds on reverse. An extremely scarce stamp on letter, used on third day of issue. Signed Calves.Starting bid : 4,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 531 Egypt Kingdom
1878 (Dec): 10 pa. on 2½ pi. violet, perf. 12½ x 13½, a fresh unused horizontal pair, variety tête-bêche, positions 153-154 on the sheet, fresh and fine with large part og. Exceptional and rare. Signed Todd AIEP. Cert. Hass (1989) Gi = £ 1'500/Nile Post D31t = $ 3'000.
Provenance: Collection P. A. S. Smith.Starting bid : 850 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 532 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 533 Egypt Kingdom
1908: Cover from Germany to Shepheard's Hotel, remarkably forwarded through 4 different Hotels in search of the recipient, with 'Shepheard's Hotel' cds (Feb 17), to the 'Luqsor / Winter Palace' (Feb 28), 'Cataract Hotel / Assouan' (Feb 29). The cover was finally returned to sender from the 'Grand Continental Hotel / Cairo Post Office' on March 12 with framed trilingual 'Unclaimed' cachet. An extraordinary Hotel Posts cover.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 534 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 535 Egypt Kingdom
1914: Pictorial De La Rue definitives, the set of 10 values complete, all Imperforate on watermarked paper, also the complete set of ten Proofs on unwatermarked paper, fresh and fine, large part or unmounted og. Nile Post D53c/D62a = $ 280 & Proofs = $ 180.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 536 Egypt Kingdom
1914: De La Rue, the set of ten values, imperforate on un-watermarked paper, all in matching corner Control blocks of six (#1 on low values to 20 m. and #2 on 50 m. to 200 m. values). Some gum spotting on the 1 m. and 100 m. and 200 m. high values, largely fresh and fine, a rare assembly with the Control numbers Nile Post = $ 1'080.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,900 CHFLot# : 537 Egypt Kingdom
Unfortunately this lot was withdrawn from this auction.Lot# : 538 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 539 Egypt Kingdom
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