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Lot# : 1679 Austrian Levant
1867 (Apr 3): Printed matter entire to Trieste, franked by hor. pair of 1864 Arms definitives 2 so. yellow perf. 9½, tied by "ALEXANDRIEN 3/4" cds in black (Tranmer fig. 5). Few nibbed perfs, but an extremely rare use of this stamp on cover, a scarce rate and usage, described by Tranmer only to be found on single stamps. Ferchenbauer = € 3'500.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1680 Austrian Levant
1866 (Jan 31): Entire letter to Beyrouth, franked by 1864 Arms definitives 10 so. blue perf. 9½, tied by "ALEXANDRIEN 31/1" cds in black (Tranmer fig. 5) with "BERUTTI 3/2" cds in brown (Tranmer fig. 3) alongside. Regular harbor to harbor rate, an appealing cover.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1681 Austrian Levant
1866 (Dec 17): Entire letter to Jaffa Palestine, franked by 1864 Arms definitives 10 so. blue perf. 9½, tied by "ALEXANDRIEN 17/12" cds in black (Tranmer fig. 5). Regular harbor to harbor rate cover, a little bit aged but an interesting item.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1682 Austrian Levant
1865 (Feb 25): Envelope to the Royal War Court in Stolp Pommerania Prussia, franked by 1864 Arms definitives vert. pair of 15 so. brown perf. 9½, tied by "ALEXANDRIEN 25/2" cds in black (Tranmer fig. 5), reverse with Berlin - Anhalter Bahnhof transit and arrival datestamps (10/3). An attractive cover with 15 so. for the Austrian Lloyd and 15 so. for the GAPU. Sender of this cover is Leonhard von Blumenthal (1810-1900), Chief of the General Staff during the German-Danish War of 1864.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 1683 Austrian Levant
Group three stamps incl. re-united 1864 Arms definitives 2 so. yellow and 3 so. green perf. 9½ and 1867 Franz Joseph 15 so. brown, all cancelled extremely rare thimble "PORT SAID EGYPTEN" cds's in black (Tranmer fig. 1). An appealing usage of this scarce postmark which was in use only between 1869 and 1872. Opinion Ferchenbauer and cert. Puschmann.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 1,800 CHFLot# : 1684 Austrian Levant
1868 (Apr 23): Registered entire letter from the Austrian consulate of Alexandria to Ludwigshafen Bavaria with handwritten "N 878" registration number, struck with "ALEXANDRIEN 23/4" cds in black (Tranmer fig. 5), Prussian framed "Recommandirt" in red and "3" (silbergroschen) taxation, reverse with attractive consular cachet, "TRIEST Recommandirt", "LEIPZIG - MAGDEBURG" TOP as well as Ludwigshafen arrival datestamps (28 / 4). A postage-free cover until the borders of the Austrian Empire, taxed with 1 sgr. for postage and 2 sgr. for registration thereafter.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 1685 Austrian Levant
1873 (Apr 11): Printed matter entire to Vienna, franked by vert. pair of 1867 Franz Joseph definitives 2 so. yellow coarse whiskers, tied by "ALEXANDRIEN 11/4 73" cds in black (Tranmer fig. 10), reverse with Vienna arrival cds. A few slight imperfections but a scarce usage.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1686 Austrian Levant
1870 (Sept 9): Envelope to Ledbury, endorsed "Via Triest & Ostende", franked by 1867 Franz Joseph definitives coarse whiskers, hor. pair of 10 so. blue and 3 so. green , tied by "ALEXANDRIEN 9/9" cds's in black (Tranmer fig. 5) with handwritten "8" weiterfranko, reverse with Ledbury arrival cds (SP 21 70). 10 so. for the Austrian Lloyd, 5 so. for GAPU, and 8 kr. for Belgium and Great Britain, some edge toning but an interesting cover sent on this scarce route to avoid the hostilities of the Franco-Prussian War.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1687 Austrian Levant
1867: 3 s. green, 5 s. red and 15 s. brown, fine examples used on 1874 cover from Varna to Livorno, neatly tied by VARNA thimble datestamps (19/11) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 885). Italic P.D. adjacent and reverse with Livorno (26/11) arrival cds. Addressee's name carefully re-written in centre otherwise a fine and most attractive cover.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 1688 Austrian Levant
1874: Franz-Joseph fine whiskers, 5 so. red in a horizontal pair, neatly tied by "LARNACA DI CIPRIO 11 / 5" cds in black brown (Tchilinghirian fig. 3) to piece. A fine and scarce cancellation.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1689 Austrian Levant
Large linen piece with block of 20, strip of four, and strip of three of 25 so. brown violet combined with single 15 so. red brown resulting in an enormous franking of 690 so., cancelled by "ALEXANDRIEN RECOM: 6/2" cds's in black (Tranmer fig. 8). An unparalleled franking of Austrian Levant and a major exhibition item for both the Austrian Levant or Egypt collector, shown and described in Ferchenbauer, vol. IV, p. 598. Signed Colla and Ferchenbauer.
Provenance: Collection Dr. Anton Jerger, 140. Corinphila (May 2004), lot 659.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1690 Austrian Levant
1901c.: Cover to USA franked by varnish lined 1 pi. on 25 h. blue tied by bold strike of circular NAVIGAZIONE GEN.LE ITALIANA / Piroscafo / S. GIORGIO / FLORIO - RUBATTINO in violet. Flap missing but very scarce.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 1691 Austrian Levant
1902 (1.12.): Picture postcard Dolmabache with mixed franking Turkey 20 pa. carmine, cancelled at the Osman PO in Pera (Grand Rue), and add. Austrian Levant Franz-Joseph 20 pa. on 10 h. and 1 pia. on 25 h. as registered postcard postage with registration label of "Constantinopel österr. Post III" alongside, sent to Genova with arrival cds on obverse (5 12 02). An interesting combination.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 1692 Austrian Levant
1867: 10 soldi deep blue on white wove postal stationery envelope, a fine used example to Constantinople cancelled by "LLOYD AGENZIE / VARNA 20 / 7" cds in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 939). Reverse with "LLOYD AGENZIE / CONSTANTINOPOLI 21 / 7" datestamp in black. A weak vert. fold but a very rare usage of this stationery from Varna.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 1693 Austrian Levant
Modena 1852 definitive 25 c. black on light buff, a fresh and fine example tied by six barred mute obliterator to 1858 outer letter sheet to Milano with crisp GUASTALLA (June 16) cds (Mioni type 3) at right in blue. Oval framed AGENZIE DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO GUASTALLA also in blue alongside. Milano arrival cds (June 17) on reverse. The Austrian Lloyd opened Agencies in Piacenza (Duchy of Parma), Guastalla (Duchy of Modena) and Pontelagoscuro (Papal States) along the River Po between 1852 and 1858 for Lloyd Austriaco Ships that sailed this river to link mails from Trieste to Lago Maggiore. This cover also helps support Tchilinghirian's notion that these cancels served the purpose of despatch or arrival markings for mail that was handled by the Lloyd Austriaco Agency. An extremely rare handstamp, Tchilinghirian & Stephen described those from Piacenza and Pontelagoscuro, but not from Guastalla. Illustrated and described on page 39 in Vaccari - Modena 1852-1863. Certs. Vaccari (1987), RPS (2003).Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 5,500 CHFLot# : 1693A Austria
D.D.S.G. / Orsova 1865 (July 6): Cover endorsed inside 'Donau D. S. G. Agenz, Orsova' with superb strike at upper left of D.D.S.G. / AGENTIE / ORSOVA oval handstamp (31 x 26 mm.) in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 818), franked by Austria Arms 1864 5 kr. rose, perf. 9½, single and horizontal pair, tied on arrival in Vienna by '1' numeral handstamps in black. Reverse with ALT-ORSOVA datestamp (6/VIII) in black (Muller 3214). An unusual stamped usage prior to the issue of DDSG adhesives in April 1866. Rare and very fine cover.
Provenance: Collection Emil Capellaro, Corinphila sale 163 (March 2010), lot 5648.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 1694 Austrian Levant
1864/74: Lot 15 used stamps and a pair, all cancelled in Larnaca with Coat of Arms 15 so. brown with fair but rare straight line "LARNACA / 19 SEPT." handstamp (Tchilinghirian fig. 1) in black on piece and Coat of Arms 15 so. (2), Franz-Joseph 3 so. green, 5 so. red (2), 10 so. blue (1 and pair), 15 so. brown (4), and 25 so. grey in diff. shades (4), all cancelled by LARNACA DI CIPRIO cds's in black or black brown (Tchilinghirian fig. 3). A sound and rare selection.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1695 Austrian Levant
Alexandria 1835/1914: Specialised Collection on leaves with 88 covers and 90 stamps/pieces, incl. 1835 captain's cover to Trieste, five cover with straight line ALEXANDRIEN datestamp, the same mark in a rare usage on three pieces with Arms definitives, stampless covers with ALEXANDRIEN cds in black or blue (Tranmer fig. 5) with interesting taxations, some sent franco, the same mark used on Arms and Franz Joseph definitives, usage on strip of three 5 kr. Franz Joseph, COL VAPORE D'ALLESANDRIA marks, incoming mail and better destinations, thimble cds's on pieces, covers and postal stationery, 1883 Arms definitives with 20 so. single franking on registered cover, mixed franking of 1883 and 1888 definitives on registered cover, incoming mail from the Austrian PO in Constantinople, postmarked at the German PO and sent after closure to the Austrian Alexandria PO, French Port Said 1901 cds and Egyptian cds's on Austrian stamps, Egyptian Retta mark on Austrian stationery, and Lloyd line cancellations. An interesting selection for the Austrian Levant and the Egypt collector, fine and very scarce, carefully mounted on exhibition pages by the knowledgeable consignor, three certs.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 4,600 CHFLot# : 1696 Austrian Levant
Purification Semlin 1847/54: Three stampless covers from Constantinople sent via Semlin (Zemun) and Austria to the Rothschild family in Paris, showing purification handstamp NETO DI FUORA DI DENTRO in diff. types, Austrian transit marks 'TA' as well as French entry marks as "Autr. 2 Forbach 2" or "Autr. 2 VALnes 2" (2).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1697 Austrian Levant
Cyprus 1866/67: Two commercial covers from Larnaca to Italy, incl. a stampless entire, dated "27 February 1866" from the Ralli correspondence to Trieste with arrival datestamp on reverse and a part cover with Franz-Joseph coarse whiskers 3 so. green and a pair of 10 so. blue, cancelled with LARNACA DI CIPRIO datestamps in brown black (Tchilinghirian fig. 3). Covers with staining or address erased, but still a nice pair with this rare cancellation.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 1698 Bosnia-Herzgovina (Austria)
1855 (29. Ma): Langer und interessanter Diplomatenbrief, der der Mitglieder des diplomatischen Corps erwähnt, in 'Bosna Serai' (Sarajevo) nach Paris geschrieben, unfrankiertt versandt in kleinem Umschlag mit schwarzem "BROOD / 16 JUN"., rücks. sauberer Desinfiktionsstp. von Semlin, Agram Transistp. und Ankunft in Paris, wo der Brief mit '24" Décimes taxiert wurde.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 190 CHFLot# : 1699 Bosnia Republic
1912: Freimarke Kaiser Franz Josef 3 Kr. karmin auf grün, eine durchgezähnte Einzelprobe in der Originalfarbe, voller Originalgummi mit einem Falzrest im Rand oben Ferchenbauer = € 700.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1700 Bosnia Republic
1912: Freimarke Kaiser Franz Josef 5 Kr. olivgelb auf weiss, eine durchgezähnte Einzelprobe in einer nicht verausgabten Farbe, voller Originalgummi mit zwei Falzresten im Rand links und rechts Ferchenbauer = € 600.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1701 Poland
1860: 10 kop. dark-blue & carmine, unused example of fresh deep colour and usual perfs, with large part og. Fischer = Zł 5'500 / Mi = € 2'500.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 1702 Poland
1860: 10 kop. blue & rose, fresh colour and good perforations (unusual on an unused example of this stamp), a fine unused example without gum Fischer = Zł 1'200 / Mi = € 1'500 for a stamp with gum.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 1703 Poland
1919: Krakow definitive issue, 25 h. violet ultramarine opt. POCZTA / POLSKA in black, opt. plate IIB, position 69, of fresh colour, well centred and good perfs., a fine example cancelled in Biała. Cert. Mikulski (1980) Fischer 37/II = Zł 3'200 / Mi = € 1'500.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1704 Poland
1919: Krakow definitive issue, 10 kr. violet opt. POCZTA / POLSKA in black, opt. plate IVB, position 23, fresh colour and good perfs., a fine used example tied by "Bieła 14 II 19" cds to small piece. A rare stamp with just 440 issued. Cert. Mikulski (1980) Fischer 49a / Mi = € 12'000.Starting bid : 4,000 CHFHammer price : 4,000 CHFLot# : 1705 Poland
1919: Krakow definitive issue, 10 kr. dark-violet opt. POCZTA / POLSKA in black, fresh colour, well centered and good perforations, a fine and unused example of this rare desirable stamp with large part og. Just 440 stamps issued. Cert. Mikulski (1980) Fischer 49b / Mi = € 20'000.Starting bid : 7,500 CHFHammer price : 6,750 CHFLot# : 1706 Poland
1919: Krakow definitive issue, 10 kr. dark-violet opt. POCZTA / POLSKA in black, opt. plate IVB, position 4, fresh colour and good perfs., a fine stamp tied by "KRAKOW 1 -16.II.19" cds to small slightly creased piece. A rare stamp with just 440 issued (of both shades), in the dark-violet shade, only a few used examples are recorded. Cert. Mikulski (1980) Fischer 49b / Mi = € 25'000.Starting bid : 7,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1707 Poland
1919: 1st National Stamp Exhibition Warsaw, 50 f. blue green imperforate on horizontally laid paper, marginal from base of sheet, opt. with rare Type I with 'I / POLSKA / WYSTAWA / MAREK / 5 F + F5' in violet, fresh colour, a fine unused example with large part og. Slightest of wrinkles in margin but just 100 stamps issued with the wrong overprint in Type I (four instead of three lines in overprint). Signed Gryzewski; cert. Mikulski (1980) Fischer 106 I A / Mi = € 1'000.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1708 Poland
1948: Anniversary Constitution USA, souvernir sheet showing variety: missing numbering. Only 60 sheets without numbering were sold by the printhouse. A desirable item in fine condition, unmounted with full original gum.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1709 Poland
1919: Krakow issue, 10 h. rose red opt. POCZTA / POLSKA in black, ovpt. plate IIA, sheet position 72, fresh colour and good perfS., tied by Krakow 1919 cds to piece (partially detached for examination). A rare stamp with only 150 issued, with just 4 known in used condition. Signed Mikstein on the reverse of the stamp; cert. Mikulski (1980) Fischer D2 = Zł 25'000+ / Mi = € 6'000+.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 1710 Poland
1919: Krakow issue, 10 h. rose red opt. POCZTA / POLSKA in black, ovpt. plate IIA, sheet position 8, fresh colour (one minor nibbed perf. at top right) otherwise fresh and fine with large part og. A rare stamp with just 150 issued. Signed Mikstein; cert. Mikulski (1980) Fischer D2 = Zł 15'000 / Mi = € 3'500.Starting bid : 700 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 1711 Poland
1919: Krakow issue, 30 h. rose red opt. POCZTA / POLSKA in black, ovpt. plate IIA, sheet position 15, unused example of fresh colour, large part og. A rare stamp with just 270 issued. Signed Kosack & Landré; cert. Mikulski (1980) Fischer D7 = Zł 4'000 / Mi = € 2'000.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1712 Poland
1919: Krakow issue, 30 h. rose red opt. POCZTA / POLSKA in black, ovpt. plate IIA, sheet position 67, fresh colour, well centred, tied by "KRAKOW 25.II.19-10" cds to piece. A rare stamp with only 270 examples issued. Signed Mikstein on the reverse of the stamp; cert. Mikulski (1979) Fischer D7 = Zł 4'000+ / Mi = € 2'000+.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1713 Poland
1919: Krakow issue, 1 kr. ultramarine opt. POCZTA / POLSKA in red, fresh and fine, unused with full og. A very rare and desirable stamp with only 80 examples issued. Signed Herbert Bloch; cert. Mikulski (1980) Fischer D10 = Zł 15'000 / Mi = € 4'500.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHFLot# : 1714 Poland
1919: Krakow issue, 1 kr. ultramarine opt. POCZTA / POLSKA in red, fresh and fine, tied by "KRAKOW 1 -5.II.19--" cds to piece. A very rare and desirable stamp with only 80 issued. Signed Landré; cert. Mikulski (1981) Fischer D10 = Zł 17'000+ / Mi = € 6'000+.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 1715 Poland
1919: Krakow issue, 5 kr. ultramarine opt. POCZTA / POLSKA in red, fresh and fine, unused with full og. A splendid example of a very rare stamp with only 80 issued. Signed Herbert Bloch, E. Diena; cert. Mikulski (1980) Fischer D11 = Zł 15'000 / Mi = € 4'500.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 1716 Poland
1919: Krakow issue, 5 kr. ultramarine opt. POCZTA / POLSKA in red, fresh and fine, tied by "KRAKOW 1 -5.II.19--" cds to piece. A very rare and desirable stamp with only 80 issued. Signed Landré; cert. Mikulski (1981) Fischer D11 = Zł 17'000+ / Mi = € 6'000+.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 1717 Poland
1919: Krakow issue, 10 kr. ultramarine opt. POCZTA / POLSKA in red, opt. plate IVB, fresh and fine and of vivid colour, well centred, full gum with just a minute hinge trace. An extremely rare stamp with just 40 stamps issued. Signed Landré; cert. Mikulski (1981) Fischer D12/I = Zł 60'000 / Mi = € 16'000.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 10,500 CHFLot# : 1718 Poland
1919: Krakow issue, 10 kr. ultramarine opt. POCZTA / POLSKA in black, opt. plate I, position 3, fresh and fine, vivid colours, good centering and perforations, large part og. Only 15 examples issued of which ten are recorded, one of the rarest Polish stamps in fantastic quality. Signed Riblewski and others; cert. Mikulski (1972) Fischer D12/II = Zł 150'000 / Mi = € 60'000 / Scott J10a = $ 42'500.
Provenance: Collection Marquess of Bute, Robson Lowe Auction (June 17, 1959), lot 401.Starting bid : 20,000 CHFHammer price : 32,000 CHFLot# : 1719 Poland
1919: Krakow issue, 10 kr. ultramarine opt. POCZTA / POLSKA in red, fresh and fine well centred example, tied by "KRAKOW 1 28.II.19 - 10" cds to piece. An extremely rare stamp with just 40 issued. Signed Landré; cert. Mikulski (1980) Fischer D12/I = Zł 70'000+ / Mi = € 20'000+.Starting bid : 7,000 CHFHammer price : 7,000 CHFLot# : 1720 Poland
1919: Krakow opts., lot of five unused stamps and seven used on piece, including 20 h. and 40 h. rose red unused and used on piece; 15 h. on 36 h. blue violet on piece with rare Teschen cds. All pieces signed by Mikulski and others, two with certs. Mikulski Mi = € 2'200+.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 1721 Poland
No lot.Starting bid : BidHammer price : not soldLot# : 1722 Poland
1942: 50 kop. brown in a vertical tête-bêche pair, fine unused, full unmounted og. Signed Mikulski & Schmutz Fischer = Zł 1'100 / Mi = € 600.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 190 CHFLot# : 1723 Poland
1860/1939c.: Lot hundreds used/unused stamps including 1860 10 kop. blue & rose (2), 1918 opt. 'Warschau' definitives 20 pf. in rare ultramarine shade, 1919 Krakow definitives with opt. POCZTA / POLSKA part set, 1928 Warsaw stamp show souvenir sheet, 1938 Stratosphere souvenir sheet on cover, Official issues, Postage Dues, local 1919 Postage Due opts., Port Gdansk, Upper Silesia, Polish Levant sets, partially signed Bojanowicz, Polish Korps, and Polish exile issues.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 1724 Poland
1860/1939: Fantastic collection, primarily unused/mint stamps including 1860 10 kop. blue & rose, 1919 Krakow definitives with ovpt. POCZTA / POLSKA on Austrian definitives, compl. set 20 values 3 h. to 10 kr. in unused condition, Mikulski certs. for 25 h., 90 h. and 10 kr., 1925 'Na Skarb' set, 1928 Warsaw stamp show souvenir sheet (reduced in size), and 1938 Stratosphere balloon souvenir sheet etc., a delightful collection Mi = € 20'000++.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 8,000 CHFLot# : 1725 Poland
1860/1969: Fantastic collection thousands primarily unused/mint stamps including 1860 10 kop. blue & rose (2) used, postmarked "1" and DP, 1919 Krakow definitives with opt. POCZTA / POLSKA on Austrian definitives, compl. set 20 values 3 h. to 10 kr. in unused condition (Mikulski certs. for 25 h., 90 h. and 10 kr.), 1925 'Na Skarb' set, 1928 Warsaw stamp show souvenir sheet, 1938 Stratosphere balloon souvenir sheet, 1946 BIE souvenir sheet unused, 1948 Polish culture souvenir sheet, 1949 USA constitution souvenir sheet unused, 1954 Philatelic Congress souvenir sheet imperf., in addition Port Gdansk with 1924 & 1926 definitives, Polish Exile Government with Monte Casino set etc. A superb collection Mi = € 22'000++.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 9,500 CHFLot# : 1726 Poland
1918/2012: Collection some thousand mainly fine used stamps, incl. some better values and from 1950 after revaluation surcharges onward nearly complete, incl. souvenir sheets, miniature sheets, officials and postage dues, housed in two Schaubek albums and on additional album pages.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1727 Poland
1919/64: Collection thousands used/unused stamps incl. 1925 'Na Skarb' set, 1928 Warsaw stamp show souvenir sheet, center piece used, 1938 Stratosphere balloon souvenir sheet unused, 1948 Polish culture souvenir sheet unused, 1949 USA Constitution souvenir sheet, Groszy re-valuation opt. issues, 1954 Philatelic Congress souvenir sheet imperf. unused, in addition Port Gdansk with 1924 & 1926 definitives used, Polish LEVANT definitives, Polish Displaced Persons in Germany and Italy and Polish Exile Government with Monte Casino set.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 1728 Poland
1919/69: Interesting collection thousands primarily used stamps incl. 1919 Krakow definitives with opt. POCZTA / POLSKA 5 h. yellow green, 20 h. blue green, also with variety: thin Z, 30 h. violet, and 90 h. red carmine, definitives opt. on Germania, 1924 large Eagle definitives up to 2'000'000 m., 1925 'Na Skarb' set, 1928 Warsaw stamp show souvenir sheet, 1938 Stratosphere balloon souvenir sheet, 1946 BIE souvenir sheet unused and used, 1948 USA Constitution souvenir sheet unused, Polish culture souvenir sheet unused, Groszy opts. used/unused, 1954 Philatelic Congress souvenir sheet imperf. unused, in addition Postage Due 1919 40 h. red rose, Polish Exile Government with Monte Casino set, in two albums, four opinions Mikulski.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 1729 Poland
1962/98: Large collection with several thousand stamps used/unused, containing plenty of full sets, a great source for the topical and thematic collector, inbetween also some better souvenir sheets pre 1962 as Warsaw exhibition 1928, planned Strospheric baloon flight 1938 and others, in addition some cards and covers, good condition and housed in total eleven albums and stockbooks, packed in a Banana box.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 1730 Portugal
1855: 25 r. blue, a fine example used on cover to Paris via Lisbon tied by '52' numeral obliterator of Funchal in black, with fine oval MADEIRA in blue at left. Disinfected with slits on arrival in Lisbon with transit cds on reverse (Dec 17) and thence, contrary to cover's instructions, via Badajoz (Dec 20) to Paris (Dec 27) by land. Charged with handstruck '10' décimes due in black on arrival. A fine and unusual cover.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1731 Portugal
1910/1985c.: Collection of covers/cards, all taxed on arrival in Portugal or Colonies with 1913 cover from GB taxed on arrival in Beira by Mozambique Co. 60 r. Due, Portuguese India with taxed 1938 cover from GB taxed at 2 tangas, taxed 1949 cover from Nigeria, 1935 shortpaid incoming cover from GB to Beira taxed with Mozambique Co. adhesives at 5½ c., 1936 cover from GB taxed 140 c. on arrival in the Azores, 1938 cover from Johannesburg taxed 1.60 escudos with five Dues in Lourenco Marques, 1949 cover from Cook Islands taxed on arrival in Beira at $ 5, 1950 cover from Ecuador taxed on arrival in Macau, a scarce and interesting collection (26 items).Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 1732 Portugal
1853/2005: Collecton with some thousand mainly fine used stamps, incl. some better values, full sets, souvenir sheets from the beginning, miniature sheets etc., from 1940 onward nearly complete, housed in two Schaubek albums.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1733 Portuguese Colonies
Nyassa Company 1922: Cover franked by pictorial 2 c. and 8 c. tied by 'Porto Amelia' datestamp, endorsed registered but posted out of course underpaid, compulsorily registered in transit in London (May 10) with registration label applied tied by 'Posted Out / Of Course' handstamp. Taxed on arrival in Vienna with Postage Due 15 kr. and three 20 kr. Unusual and attractive cover.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 1734 Portugal
1853/64: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused, incl. better values, full sets and better souvenir sheets covering the main land of Protugal, in addition a collection of Portugese Mazambique incl. Provinsional issues of Inhambane, Lourenco Marques, Mozambique Company, Nyassaland, Quelinmane and Zambezia, all these bearing a large number of full sets, furthermore some additional album pages with stamps from Angola to Timor, good condition and housed in three albums.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 1735 Morocco
1855: Entire letter written from Mazagan (Nov 16), mailed to Porto, disinfected by slits in transit from Morocco, franked by Portugal 1855 25 r. blue, large margins all round, tied by '1' numeral of Lisbon with datestamp (Dec 5) in black. Reverse with Porto arrival in black. An extremely rare usage from Morocco with letter concerning Portugal's bad harvest and potential grain shipments.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1736 Romania
2 pa. orange on wove paper, a fresh and fine mint block of 35 examples (5 x 7) in a vivid shade from the lower left corner of the sheet of 192 stamps, full original gum unmounted with the exception of the four corner stamps. Temporary horizontal fold between the 4th and 5th row, some insignificant wrinkles and spots, an attractive multiple mounted on exhibition sheet Mi = € 2'800++.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 1737 Romania
2 pa. yellow (shades) mint on wove paper, 28 examples on white paper incl. two blocks of four, a block of six, and a marginal block of eight as well as five examples on greyish paper incl. a strip of three. The yellow shade is much rarer than the orange one, a fine and delightful selection mounted on exhibition sheet Mi = € 3'960+.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 1738 Romania
2 pa. in orange shade on vertically laid paper, a fresh and fine block of ten from the top margin, five stamps unmounted og., five stamps with hinge remnants. Some wrinkles but an attractive multiple Mi = € 700+.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 1739 Romania
2 pa. in orange shade on vert. laid paper, fresh and fine with ample to huge margins, tied by grill obliterator to Printed Matter entire with framed "FRANCO" company cachet of Marco Cohen in blue and "BRAILA 24 2" cds in black (Kiriac A62 fig. 368) alongside, reverse with Bucuresci arrival cds. The only usage known from Braila, a superb and rare item with an exceedingly rare rate of which just three other examples with the laid paper 2 parale from Bucharest are known, compare Heimbüchler II, p. 162.Starting bid : 7,500 CHFHammer price : 9,500 CHFLot# : 1740 Romania
5 pa. blue on wove paper, an exceptional complete sheet of 192 examples (12 x 16) in a fresh shade with full sheet margins all round and full original gum. The sheet was folded vertically in the middle and horizontally between the 10th and 11th row, paper broken below the 4th and 12 th row and stabilised with hinge bridges, with these exceptions and some hinges in the sheet margins the stamps are unmounted, an appealing item. Mi = € 15'360++.
Note: 2 pa. yellow and 5 pa. blue were printed in sheets of 192 stamps with a mean vert. distance of 4.0 - 4.5 mm.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1741 Romania
Registered entire letter with full content to Tirgovistea, franked with 5 pa. blue, a single and a strip of three as well as hor. left marginal pair of 20 pa. red, type I on left and type II at right on wove paper with ample to large margins all round, all tied by crisp "BUCURESCI 17 / 12" (1865) in black (Kiriac S62 fig. 340) with "RECOM:" handstamp (Kiriac C7 fig. 1582) alongside, reverse with "TIRGOVISTEA 12/12" cds in black. Double weight cover rate of 40 pa. with additional registration fee of 20 pa., a delightful and scarce item. A key item of the Lithographed issues, bi-coloured frankings of the Cuza definitives are exceedingly rare, just one other comparable usage of the first weight rate is shown and described in Heimbüchler II, p. 165, cert. Heimbüchler (2014).Starting bid : 30,000 CHFHammer price : 36,000 CHFLot# : 1742 Romania
5 pa. blue on vert. laid paper, a fresh and fine block of twelve (3 x 4) from the bottom margin, eight stamps unmounted og., four stamps with hinge remnants. Some wrinkles but appealing Mi = € 1'440+.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 1743 Romania
20 pa. red on wove paper, an extraordinary complete sheet of 200 examples (8 + 12 x 16) with alternating type I and type II in a fresh shade with full sheet margins all round and full original gum. The sheet was folded vert. in the middle and hor. between the 10th and 11th row, paper broken below the 5th and 13 th row and stabilised with hinge bridges, with these exceptions and some hinges in the sheet margins the stamps are unmounted, an appealing and interesting item. Mi = € 9'000++.
Note: While 2 pa. yellow and 5 pa. blue were only printed in sheets of 192 stamps in 16 rows with a mean vertical distance of 4.0 - 4.5 mm, the 20 pa. stamp was printed with two different plate settings. The first 1864 printrun had a plate setting identical to the two lower values. However, in order to achieve a number of 200 stamps per sheet, the second printrun in 1865 was printed with a modified plate setting including eight additional stamps in an additional 17th row at top leaving the place for four stamps at left blank. The vertical distance between the stamp rows had to be reduced to 3.0 - 3.8 mm.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 1744 Romania
20 pa. red type II on wove paper, broad and regular margins all round, tied by rare framed "FRANCO / ROMAN" handstamp in blue (Kiriac M3 fig. 319) to piece.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1745 Romania
20 pa. red type II on wove paper, large margins all round, tied by crisp "T. FRUMOS MOLDOVA 4 3" (1865) cds (Kiriac M2 fig. 296) to complete 'Retour Recepisa' form, reverse with "JASSY MOLDOVA 10/3" arrival cds. Some aging and vertical folds but an attractive item.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1746 Romania
2 pa. black on yellow thick paper, superb mint block of 15 (5 x 3) showing regular transfer types (Transfer types 4-5-6-4-5/1-2-3-1-2/4-5-6-4-5) of fresh colour and full og., ten stamps unmounted. A delightful multiple Mi = € 1'125+.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 1747 Romania
2 pa. black on yellow thick paper, superb mint block of 18 (4 x 2 + 6) and four blank fields showing regular and mixed Birnbach transfer types from the top right sheet corner (Transfer types 3-1-2-3-x-x/6-4-5-6-x-x/3-1-2-3-1-2) from plate A of fresh colour and full og., nine stamps unmounted. An appealing and scarce multiple Mi = € 1'350+.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 1748 Romania
2 pa. black on yellow thin paper, an irregular block of 15 (Transfer types 6-4-5-6/3-1-2-3/6-4-5-6/3-1-2), fresh colour and ample to large margins, cancelled by illisible Bucuresti cds's. Some paper wrinkles, not avoidable for such an enormous multiple with blocks of four being the largest multiples offered in the last decades.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 1749 Romania
2 pa. black on yellow thin paper (Transfer type 3), a superb example of vivid colour and ample to huge margins, tied by "BUCURESCI 21/10 DUP'AMIADI" cds (Kiriac T67 fig. 433) to Printed Matter letter sheet to Dorohoj, reverse with "DOROHOI 26/101" arrival cds. An exceptional and rare usage with six, perhaps seven such usages recorded, fine. Cert. Heimbüchler (2014).Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 6,000 CHFLot# : 1750 Romania
2 pa. black on yellow paper, a mint block of eight, twelve unused and one used singles, all showing errors of the transfer plate, retouched details of the design and errors during the printing process. An interesting group Mi = € 910+.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 1751 Romania
5 pa. black on blue, the superb Birnbach transfer blocks of six showing regular and mixed Birnbach transfer types from plate B on medium paper (Transfer types 3-2-3/6-5-6) and regular transfer types from plate A on thick paper (Transfer types 5-6-4/2-3-1). An interesting group of fresh colour and full og. Mi = € 960+.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 1752 Romania
5 pa. black on blue thick paper in a strip of four from plate A showing regular transfer types (Transfer types 4-5-6-4), fresh colour and ample to large margins all round, tied by "ROMAN 15/3" cds in blue (Kiriac A65 fig. 410) to small mourning envelope, reverse with Jassy arrival cds's (March 18). Insignificant fold in the leftmost stamp, a charming and exceedingly rare item. A usage lacking in large collections such as Tomasini or 'Moldau', only one large part cover from Botosani was sold as part of the 'Cornelia' collection, while this item shown and described in Heimbüchler II on p. 189 is the only complete cover existant. Cert. Heimbüchler (2014).Starting bid : 40,000 CHFHammer price : 44,000 CHFLot# : 1753 Romania
20 pa. black on rose thick paper in a strip of three (Transfer types 4-5-6) showing variety on type 5: Dot in the right Meander, fresh colour and large regular margins, full original gum. This prominent variety existed on the transfer plates and can be found only on type 5 in plate A, an attractive multiple.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1754 Romania
20 pa. black on carmine-red thick paper from plate A in a strip of three (Transfer types 5-6-4) showing variety on type 5: Dot in the right Meander, vivid colour and large margins, tied by Bucureci cds's to front of an express letter. Insignificant fold in the rightmost stamp, file folds in the front, but a rare and scarce multiple especially on cover.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1755 Romania
1866 (Sept. 24): Registered outer letter sheet, struck with "URZICENI 24/9" cds in blue (Kiriac A65 fig. 419), returned to sender and despatched again with 20 pa. black on rose thick paper in a vert. pair (Transfer types 1-4), fresh colour and fair to large regular margins, tied by "URZICENI 27/9" cds in blue, sent to a village in the Jalomita county, reverse with corresponding rural cds (29/9). As the letter was presumably of private origin, the sender had to pay the postage.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 1756 Romania
20 pa. black on rose thin paper, a multiple of five stamps from the top right sheet corner (Transfer types 3/6/3-2-3), fresh colour and large margins without gum. Slight nick in the top sheet margin but an attractive multiple.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 1757 Romania
20 pa. black on rose thin paper, a part sheet of 108 stamps consisting of 18 compl. transfer blocks (transfer types 1-2-3/4-5-6) with left, upper, and lower sheet margins, fresh colour without gum. Three creases between the stamp rows and slight marginal imperfections but an exceedingly rare multiple.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1758 Romania
20 pa. black on rose thin paper, a fine selection of ten used stamps incl. six examples with 'retouche au pinceau' of the medaillon background, two prints with defects, and an offset.
Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 1759 Romania
2 bani yellow in a block of mint eight from the first printrun comprising a compl. transfer form (Transfer types 1-2-3-4/5-6-7-8) and 2 bani orange from the second printrun, two mint pairs and four singles re-constructing a compl. transfer form (Transfer types 1-2-3-4/5-6-7-8). Few minor imperfections but an interesting and attractive group.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 1760 Romania
2 bani orange in a block of 15 (Transfer types 4-1-2-3-4/8-5-6-7-8/4-1-2-3-4), ample to large margins with full og., four stamps with hinge remnants. Vertical crease between stamps but a fresh and fine mutiple.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1761 Romania
2 bani yellow in a block of four (Transfer types 1-2/5-6) with ample to large margins showing 'FOSTA' for 'POSTA' in type 1, an error found in a part of the early printing from Stone A at position 91, neatly cancelled by "BUCURESCI DUP'AMIADI 4 10" cds, compare Heimbüchler II, p. 197.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1762 Romania
2 bani yellow in a block of eight from the first printrun (Transfer types 6-7-8-5/2-3-4-1), ample to large margins, tied by two subtle strikes "GALATZ 12/2". A fresh and fine mutiple, blocks of eight are rare. Signed Bayer.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1763 Romania
2 bani, a nice selection of 29 singles and five pairs in different shades such as bright yellow, yellow, ochre, orange, orange brown and on yellowish paper, unused with gum, on two exhibition sheets. Mi = € 1'160+.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 1764 Romania
2 bani orange, a fine and fresh selection of five unused and one used stamp, ample to large margins showing the three consecutive retouches of type III, as well as the 'Retouche of the neck' and the 'Retouche of the hairs'.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 1765 Romania
2 bani yellow in a horizontal pair (Transfer types 5-6) with large margins all round, tied by "BUCURESCI DUP'AMIADI 21 12" cds to letter front, sent as local letter within Bucharest. Some imperfections but this is an exceedingly rare usage of the 2 bani stamp to cover the local rate, we know of only one other cover from the 'Cornelia' collection.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1766 Romania
2 bani orange, a fresh and fine example in a very bright shade with ample to large margins all round, tied by "BUCURESTI DIM. 17/6" cds (Kiriac T69 fig. 441, year unknown) to Printed Matter pricelist letter to Calarasi. An attractive and rare usage of the 2 bani stamp, because the printed matter rate was already raised to 3 bani on October 15, 1870.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 1767 Romania
2 bani yellow orange (Transfer Type 7) and 3 bani violet (Transfer Type 3), vivid colours with ample to large margins, 2 bani glued partially over the 3 bani stamp, tied by crisp "GALATI 9 AUG 71" cds (Kiriac H fig. 499) to 'Quitanta' for a paquet with a value of 20 lei and a weight of 1060 gram. A spectacular item showing the rare bi-coloured use of 2 and 3 bani to pay the receipt rate, for the connoisseur.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1768 Romania
Entire letter to Itzkany Bukovina, franked with 2 bani yellow orange, a single and a pair (Transfer Types 5 + 1-2) and 3 bani violet, a single and a pair (Transfer types 5 + 2-3), fresh colours with mostly ample to large margins, one 2 bani stamp shaved at left, tied by "GALATI 3 JAN 72" cds's, reverse with "ITZKANY BAHNHOF 6 1 72" arrival cds. The most "common" two-colour-frankings of the 3 bani are combinations with the 15 bani to pay the 1868 inland letter rate and with 2 bani to pay the receipt rate. There are few frankings known sent abroad or on registered letters but this is the only usage known to the describer which pays the 15 bani local cross-border rate to Austria. Insignificant imperfections but an exceedingly rare usage; cert. Heimbüchler (2014).Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 7,000 CHFLot# : 1769 Romania
3 bani violet, a joined mint block of 56 stamps (8 x 7) showing the complete left part of the print sheet with large sheet margins on top, at left and at bottom, thereby showing six complete regular Transfer Blocks and in addition the mixed Transfer Types from the lowermost row (Transfer Types 5-6-7-8-1-2-3-4). Some creases and slight toning do not distract from the rarity of this large multiple.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1770 Romania
3 bani violet, a mint lot with three blocks of four incl. one from the lower left corner margin as well as a left marginal block of eight and a block of twelve from the top right corner margin showing regular and mixed transfer types from plate II as described in detail by Cohen- Planches des émissions lithographiées des timbre de Roumanie 1950, pp. 14-15.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1771 Romania
3 bani violet to grey violet, a mint lot with three singles and a block of four showing variety; line perf. 13. In the literature it is widely accepted that these perforations are of private nature, used examples are not known.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1772 Romania
3 bani, a selection 16 used singles, a pair and a strip of three with diff. colour shades from violet to grey violet, incl. also some marginal examples, cancelled by a large variety of FRANCO and grill handstamps as well as cds's in black and blue.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 1773 Romania
3 bani violet (Transfer type 1), fresh colour with ample to large margins on three sides, shaved at top, tied by "BUCURESCI .. OCT 71" cds to Printed Matter entire, sent to Velcu, reverse with Pitesci arrival cds (15/10). Issued in May 1870 to pay the inland Printed Matter rate which was increased to 3 bani in October 1870, only few single usages of this stamp have survived as circulars or price lists where often not stored in the archives. A rare and attractive cover.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1774 Romania
3 bani grey violet (Transfer type 1), fresh colour with large margins all round, tied by "GALATI 30 MAI 72" cds to Printed Matter entire, sent to Bucharest, reverse with Bucuresci arrival cds (31 MAI 72). A fine cover with a scarce franking.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1775 Romania
3 bani violet, four examples with ample to large margins (Transfer Types 5 + 5 + 8 +6), tied by "GIURGIU 6/8" (1871) cds's (Kiriac T69 fig. 461/462) to entire letter to Bucharest, reverse with arrival cds (8 AUG 71). Severe toning on and around the stamps but an interesting usage. Before October 1/13 the inland letter rate was 18 bani, thereafter it was lowered to 10 bani. Although marked in manuscript "fco", this letter is underfranked by 6 bani and obviously not taxed. This is another interesting cover with 3 bani stamps used to pay the letter rates of 10 and 18 bani where underfranked covers ('Cornelia', part I, lot 5147 and part II, lot 7166) as well as the usage of trisected stamps (The John Simons Collection, lots 5138 & 5139) can be found.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 1776 Romania
3 bani violet (Transfer type 3) and 1869 15 bani red (Transfer Type 1), large margins all round, tied by "BUDEU 19/7" (1870) ornamental cds in blue (Kiriac A62 fig. 369) to entire, sent to Bucharest with arrival cds on reverse. Although issued for internal Printed Matter mail, the 3 bani violet was used also as additional franking to make the 15 bani red of the 1869 "international issue" usable for the 18 bani inland rate. Some archive folds and slightly toned but a rare and scarce item.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 270 CHFLot# : 1777 Romania
3 bani violet in a horizontal pair (Transfer Types 8-5) and 1869 15 bani red in a vertical pair (Transfer Types 1-1), fresh colours and overall large margins, lower 15 bani stamp shaved at right, tied by "BUCURESTI DIM 7/6" cds's (Kiriac T69 fig. 441, year unknown) to entire with framed "P.D." alongside, sent to Giurgiu with arrival cds in blue on reverse. Slight edge toning but an exceedingly rare second weight rate internal usage.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHF
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