Overseas A-Z
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Lot# : 99 Thailand
Lot# : 100 Thailand
Lot# : 101 Thailand
Lot# : 102 Thailand
Lot# : 103 Thailand
Lot# : 104 Thailand
Lot# : 105 Thailand
Lot# : 106 USA
New York 1845/46: Washington 5 c. black on bluish wove paper, horizontal pair (positions 21-22) with large margins on three sides and imperceptibly grazed at right (portion of adjoining stamp at upper left), initialled 'ACM' in red ink, used on 1846 entire letter to Richmond, Va. tied by both manuscript blue ink and curved PAID handstamp in red. 'New York / 10 cts.' despatch cds at right (April 23). Cover cleaned but a scarce multiple on letter Scott = $ 2'000.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 107 USA
New York 1845/46: Washington 5 c. black on bluish wove paper, horizontal pair (positions 31-32) with large margins on right stamp and left stamp touched at top and at base but showing the re-cut frame line clearly between the stamps, initialled 'ACM' in red ink, used on 1847 cover to Fayetteville, N.C., cancelled by PAID in red with 'New York / 10 cts.' cds (Jan 1) at right. File folds but scarce Scott = $ 2'000.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 108 USA
St. Louis 1845: 5 c. black on greenish wove paper, a used example with clear to large margins all round, cancelled by red wash and part datestamp at base in red. A fine example of an exceedingly scarce stamp. Signed Alcuri, Holcombe. Cert. Alcuri (1992) Scott = $ 8'000.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 109 USA
1769/70: Entire letters (2) to the 'Collector of Her Majesty's Customs' in Philadelphia, one at single rare, the other at 8 d. double rate, each struck with dated Bishop Marks and straight line BOSTON handstamps, somewhat weakly, in red. Some splitting along folds but scarce Colonial covers used in the year of the Boston Massacre.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 110 USA
Lot# : 111 USA
Lot# : 112 USA
Lot# : 113 USA
Lot# : 114 USA
Lot# : 115 USA
Lot# : 116 USA
1857: 3 c. dull red, 12 c. black and a rare vertical strip of three 1858 Jefferson 5 c. brick red, Type I, used on 1859 entire to Bordeaux, France tied by 'New Orleans / La.' cds's (May 25) in black paying the 30 cent double rate, with 'New York / Paid / 24' Exchange Office datestamp (May 31) in red of transit. Circular 'Et. Unis Serv. Br. A.C / M' entry marking in black on front (June 13) and reverse with further transits and arrival cds (June 15). The cover with minor file folds crossing the 5 c. strip but a very scarce and most attractive entire. Cert. P.F. (2003).Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,750 CHFLot# : 117 USA
Lot# : 118 USA
Lot# : 119 USA
1861: Franklin 1 c. blue, three examples, used on fine Patriotic cover with original contents to Lowell, Mass., tied by 'Washington D.C.' cds's (Nov 22, date inverted) in black. A fine letter enclosed from 'Camp Hooker, Budd's Ferry' dated November 18, 'There is some talk of having regular river communication with Washington, but as the rascally rebels amuse themselves by firing at everything which goes up or down and one of their shot might go through a mailbag, you see that cannot be depended upon. We are going to have Thanksgiving in Camp...and have abundant reasons considering the victories at Beaufort and in Kentucky...'. A charming cover.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 120 USA
Lot# : 121 USA
Lot# : 122 USA
Lot# : 123 USA
Lot# : 124 USA
Lot# : 125 USA
Lot# : 126 USA
Lot# : 127 USA
1867: Jackson 15 c. black, E grill, a fine appearing unused example with tiny tear at the right and at base, internal paper break in the grill, nevertheless of good colour and centering, without gum. A good reference example. Cert. Prof. S.A. (2007) Scott = $ 4'500.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 128 USA
Lot# : 129 USA
Lot# : 130 USA
1869: 30 c. blue & carmine, a magnificent single example used on 1870 triple rate entire letter to Zurich (Bodmer correspondence), neatly tied by segmented cork handstamp in black, endorsed at upper right 'Str. Nevada, Swiss Closed Mail' of the Guion Line and struck below with 'New York Paid All / Br. Transit' Exchange Office cds in red (Oct 5) on despatch. Reverse with Basel cds and Zurich arrival (Oct 19). Unrecorded in the Rose / Searing 1869 census. A famous and delightful entire in the foremost Exhibition quality. Cert. P.F. (1997) Scott = $ 32'500.Starting bid : 20,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 131 USA
1869: 30 c. blue & carmine, a fine single example, two folded perfs. at top mentioned for accuracy, used on 1869 double rate cover to St. Etienne, France neatly tied by segmented cork handstamp in black, endorsed at upper left 'Str. Ville de Paris' of the French Line and struck with 'Paid / New York 24' Exchange Office cds in red (Christmas Day) on despatch and by octagonal ETATS-UNIS / PAQ. FR. H. No. 3 datestamp of the same day in red. Reverse with St. Etienne arrival cds (Jan 6) in black. Unrecorded in the Rose / Searing 1869 census. Attractive and extremely rare. Cert. APS (1992) Scott = $ 32'500.Starting bid : 15,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 132 USA
Lot# : 133 USA
Lot# : 134 USA
Lot# : 135 USA
Lot# : 136 USA
Lot# : 137 USA
1870: USA 10 c. brown (two examples) used on 1873 cover endorsed 'pr Great Republic' (Pacific Mail Steamship Co.) from Yokohama endorsed to Lyon, France (Bolmida correspondence) tied by segmented cork handstamps in black with fine U.S.P.O. YOKOHAMA / JAPAN cds in black at left (Aug 6). Carried via San Francisco with cds on reverse (Aug 27) and London with 'Paid' cds in red of transit (Sept 15), the adhesives also tied by New York credit marking datestamp (6 c.) in red. Lyon arrival on reverse (Sept 16) in black. A delightful cover in excellent quality of great scarcity.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 4,800 CHFLot# : 138 USA
Lot# : 139 USA
Lot# : 140 USA
Lot# : 141 USA
Lot# : 142 USA
Lot# : 143 USA
Lot# : 144 USA
Lot# : 145 USA
1893: Colombus 3 c. blue-green and $ 1 salmon used on 1893 Colombus 2 c. mauve postal stationery envelope, sent registered to Munich, Germany tied by 'Mansfield Valley Pa.' datestamps (Dec 16), reverse with New York oval transit (Dec 19) and Munich arrival cds (Dec 29). Some minor creasing away from adhesives and reg's label missing, edge wear to the stationery envelope but a very rare commercial usage Scott 241 on cover = $ 1'900.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 146 USA
Lot# : 147 USA
1894: Definitive set, no watermark, the album page with complete unused set (18) including 1 c. ultramarine and 1 c. blue unmounted o.g., 2 c. carmine (shades, 5 with all three types incl. rare Type II with cert.), 6 c. and 10 c. unm. og., $ 1 without gum, fine $ 2 and $ 5 dark green of good colour and large part og. with cert. PF A scarce set, generally fine Scott = $ 8'000+.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 148 USA
1895: Definitive set, wmk'd. USPS, the album page with complete unused set (16) including all three Types of the 2 c. carmine and both Types of the $ 1 black, largely fresh and fine with 4 c. unmounted og. and marginal, 5 c., 8 c. unm. og., 10 c. very fine, 15 c. and 50 c. fine and signed, $ 1 black Type I well centred with large part og. cert. Freidl; $ 1 black Type II og., $ 2 bright blue fine og. cert. PF; $ 5 dark green well centred og. A generally fine and scarce set Scott = $ 5'750+.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 149 USA
1898: Trans-Mississippi Exposition, the unused set of nine values, slight faults with 4 c. with bend, 8 c. with crease, 10 c. straight edge at left, 50 c. with gum bend but well centred for the issue, $ 1 and $ 2 of fine appearance but regummed, a fine space-filler set Scott = $ 2'000 (as unused).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 150 USA
1902/03: Definitive set of fourteen values to $ 5 dark green unused, largely fresh and fine, the $ 1 black with straight edge at right and minor thin spot, the $ 2 dark blue with first hinge, the $ 5 dark green with large part og., signed Brun. A scarce and attractive set Scott = $ 4'450+.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 151 USA
Lot# : 152 USA
Lot# : 153 USA
1909: Washington 10 c. yellow, Coil issue, imperforate x perf. 12 vertically, a fine unused example of fresh colour, cracked gum bend at base, tiny thin spot in top margin only, large part og. A rare stamp. Cert. PF (1984) for left hand stamp from original pair Scott = $ 3'500.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 154 USA
Lot# : 155 USA
Lot# : 156 USA
Lot# : 157 USA
1916/17: Definitive series, no watermark, perf. 10, the fine set of 16 values to $ 1 violet-black together with 1917 high value $ 2 dark blue and $ 5 pale green; with majority of the better values fine to very fine, large part og. Scarce Scott = $ 2'900+.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 158 USA
1917/1919: Definitive series, no watermark, perf. 11, the complete set of 20, majority fresh and fine, large part or unmounted og. Scott = $ 550+.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 159 USA
Lot# : 160 USA
Lot# : 161 USA
Lot# : 162 USA
'Supplementary U.S. Airmail' 1930/50c.: Collection on leaves with mixed U.S.A. frankings with other countries, incl. 1930's covers with Colombia / Scadta / Canal Zone adhesives, 1929-1945 Egypt & USA combination covers (8), 1934 & 1939 Bermuda & USA combination covers (2), 1938 taxed example from Turkey with USA 6 c. and taxed on arrival at a further 6 c., 1940 covers with Cuba and US Airmail stamps, 1947 covers with Canal Zone and USA Special Delivery adhesives (2), 1948 Ireland & USA combination cover, further examples with Canada, Dominican Republic, France, Iran, Italy, Japan, Mexico, scarce pair from Palestine, Poland, Switzerland. A fine and scarce group (46 items).
Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 163 USA
1945: V-Mail covers and contents (100 +) written between 1943 and 1945; unsevered rolls of V-Mail addressed to San Francisco, with letters from Assam, Burma; all written in January 1945; further roll of unsevered V-Mail to Colorado with letters written in January 1945 from New Guinea and another from Italy of roughly the same date; another roll with 'Start Sending' forms at top from sending Station 'YT' (again January 1945), complete Sheaffer's 'Voyager for V-Mail Use' circular box containing unsevered red on white V-Mail letter-sheets and a bottle of "Skrip" black ink for "V-Mail use" made by Shaeffer's in Fort Madison, Iowa; further 'Wessel's V-Mail Euro Letters' packet of 24 Combination Sheets and a packet of '6 Different' V-Mail Greetings Cards 'for every-day use to our Armed Forces Overseas' in red, white and blue; also including 'Kodak Airgraph Film' box and complete roll of (probably now exposed) film, manufactured by Eastman / Kodak - length 100 feet of film at 16 mm. etc. An extraordinary collection of material this describer has not encountered in 40+ years in philately.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 164 USA
Canal Zone 1914/32: Collection of taxed covers on leaves (7), with 1914 incoming cover from Jamaica taxed with optd. 10 c. Due, 1915 incoming cover from India, censored in transit and taxed 10 c., 1925 internal cover taxed at 3 c. due with mixed issue usage, 1932 Postage Dues used on incoming cover from India taxed at 8 c., from USA at 20 c., and 1940 cover from China taxed at 5 c.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 165 USA
1875/2015c.: Accumulation of covers, many addressed to Peter Smith over the last 50 years+, with plentiful Postage Due usages, business mail, Official Mail, also a section of his collection of Railway and Station postmarks on covers/cards, postcards, registration receipts, Censored mail, (many hundreds of covers). Diligent sorting will almost certainly repay.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 166 Hawaii
1884: 5 c. deep blue postal stationery envelope sent registered to Sydney, Australia up-rated with 1882 15 c. red-brown and 1883 10 c. vermilion tied by ring cancels with 'Honolulu / Hawaii' cds in red (April 8, 1892). Reverse with Sydney arrival (April 26) in black. Opening tear at base but scarce and most attractive.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 167 Puerto Rico
1899: Postage Due 2 c. deep claret with 30° angle, single example on 1900 cover locally used in San Juan tied in black (May 5), and a pair of 2 c. deep claret with 25° angle, used on reverse of similar 1900 cover (May 4) to San Juan, a scarce issue on letter Scott = $500+.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 167A Samoa
1900/2000: Special collection American Samoa, several hundred cards, covers and postal stationery items, the majority sent from Pago-Pago to various destinations, furthermore stamps with pre-cancels, modern FDC's, business mail with meter frankings as well as tourist's picture postcards.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 168 USA
1851/2003: Lot with several thousand mainly used stamps, mostly small values and partly in heavy duplication, also some better values covering the classic period can be found, in addition several hundred cards, covers and postal stationery items, mainly buiness or daily mail, housed in 12 albums, folders, in a small box and loose and the whole arranged in a Banana box.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 169 USA
1865/81: Lot with Re-Issue of 1869 2 c. brown, clear printing on white hard paper with opinion Holcombe (1994) together with Lincoln 90 c. black and carmine (diag. creased), both values unused without gum but of good rich colour of fresh appearance, further small unused selection of Newspaper & Periodical Stamps.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 170 USA
1857/1949: Collection with 1851/56 set of five values from 1 c. to 12 c. used, 1857/61 5 c. brown (3), 12 c. black 4), 24 c. grey, 30 c. orange (2) and Washington 90 c. blue used; 1869 30 c. blue & rose used, 1870 Banknote issue to 30 c., 1893 Colombus issue with values to $ 2 used, thereafter largely complete incl. 1898 Omaha set used and an unused 10 c., Airmails, Express, 1872 registration stamp used, Postage Dues and Confederate States etc. Condition varies but some fine stamps noted.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 3,200 CHFLot# : 171 USA
1851/1926.: Unused collection on leaves with 1851 1 c., 12 c., 1861 1 c., 3 c., 10 c. (no gum), 12 c., 1861/66 2 c. Blackjack, 1867 issue with grills unused (not guaranteed), 1879 porous paper 5 c., 6 c., 10 c., 15 c. and 30 c., 1881/82 1 c. to 10 c. (Sc. 206/209), 1883 2 c. and 4 c., 1887 1 c., 2 c. and 3 c., 1888 4 c., 5 c. blue, 30 c. yellow brown and 90 c. carmine, 1890/93 without triangle definitive set of twelve (incl. Sc. 220a) to 90 c. (Sc. 219/229), 1898 definitive set of eight (Sc. 279/284), 1901 Pan-American set of six (Sc 294/299), 1907 Jamestown set, 1908/29 selection of Coil issues, 1912/14 single lined USPS wmk. set to 30 c. and double lined wmk. $ 1 violet (Sc. 423), 1914/15 single lined USPS wmk. set to 50 c. (Sc. 424/440), 1920 $ 2 carmine & black, 1922/25 set to $ 5 (Sc. 5511/573), 1922/26 Rotary Press set (Sc. 581/591), good range of Confederate States etc. (242 stamps).Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 4,800 CHFLot# : 172 USA
1847/52: Covers/front (3), with 1847 Franklin 5 c. brown on blued in a horizontal pair cancelled in red used on cover from St. Louis to Philadelphia, 1847 10 c. black on blued used on attractive cover front, 1851/52 1 c. blue, Type IV in a rare horizontal strip of nine, manuscript cancelled and used to Navarro County, Texas in 1854. Faults but a scarce group.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 173 USA
1855/82: Small selection with five various envelopes 'Western Express' incl. Pacific Express Co. (1), Overland Stage & Express Co. (1) and Truman & Co's Express (3), in addition top part of an envelope Wells Fargo & Co. with additional franking Pony Express 1 £ red (small faults cert PF 2015), as well as one album page with Pony Express reprints (10).Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 174 Vietnam North + Republic
1952/94: Accumulation over 700 covers from South and North Vietnam, including business or private mail, airmail covers and aerogrammes with some Army P.O.'s noted, FDC's as well as many commemorative envelopes. Rarely seen material of an interesting period.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 2,600 CHFLot# : 175 Argentina
5 c. red, used example with three large margins and just touched at upper right, on 1862 cover to Rosario tied by oval FRANCA in blue with oval ADMINISTRACION / DE / CORREOS / DE SANTA-FE handstamp at left. Readdressed to Montevideo and struck on reverse with circular 'Correo Del Rosario' datestamp in blue (Dec 24) and Montevideo oval arrival on front (Christmas Day). Attractive and scarce usage to an overseas destination. Cert. Moorhouse (2016).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 176 Argentina
5 c. red in a fine horizontal pair, used on January 1859 entire letter endorsed 'pr. Correo' (steamer) to Buenos Aires, cancelled by bold strikes of CORRIENTES and FRANCA handstamps in black. A very rare entire. Signed Kneitschel. Cert. del Mazo (2010).
Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 177 Argentina
10 c. green, a diagonally bisected example used on 1862 cover from Rosario to Montevideo, with Agent's cachet 'P.L. Ramayo / Agente / Rosario' over Ship endorsement 'per Espigador'; the adhesive tied by small oval CORREO NACIONAL DEL ROSARIO in blue-black with 'Correo de Buenos Aires' transit below (Feb 2) in black. Some aging and file folds away from the bisect, a rare and most unusual cover to a foreign destination. Signed Kneitschel. Cert. del Mazo (2010) Scott = $ 725.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 178 Argentina
10 c. green, a fine example used on 1861 cover to Tucuman tied by framed CORREO NACIONAL del ROSARIO handstamp with circular datestamp alongside (Dec 21) in blue. Some minor imperfections but a fine and very scarce cover. Signed Kneitschel. Cert. del Mazo (2010) Scott = $ 700.
Provenance: Corinphila sale 91 (March 1996), lot 6776.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 179 Argentina
15 c. blue, a fine example used on cover to Tucuman, tied by fine strike of framed CORDOBA / FRANCA handstamp in black. A very scarce cover in excellent condition for this scarce stamp on letter. Cert. del Mazo (2010) Scott = $ 3'000.
Provenance: Corinphila sale 91 (March 1996), lot 6801.
Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 180 Argentina
5 c. pale orange-rose, 'rosa ladrillo anaranjado', with accent on 'u' of 'República', the magnificent block of eight (two blocks of four rejoined), positions 31-32/38-39/45-46/52-53, of rich colour in this extraordinary shade, large margins all round with minor horizontal bend on top and lower pairs, neither noticeable on face. A remarkable and extremely rare multiple for the specialist, the blocks cut from the sole sheet recorded in this shade. Cert. Kneitschel (2009), Del Mazo (2009) Kneitschel 7a = $ 3'000/Scott = $ 400+.
Provenance: Collections Sabbatini, Del Mazo, Luis Alemany (lot 2073), 'Patagonia'.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 181 Argentina
5 c. dull rose, with accent on 'u' in 'República', a fine unused block of twelve (6 x 2), from upper right corner of the sheet on greyish paper, positions 2-7/9-14, the left hand vertical pair with touched margins and some minor creasing as usual. Large part or unmounted og., a rare and attractive multiple Scott = $ 600+.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 182 Argentina
5 c. rose-carmine, with accent on 'u' in 'República', a fine unused block of 28 (7 x 4), positions 22-28/43-49 on the sheet of 70 subjects, clear to large margins all round, typical vertical and horizontal creasing, of good colour and large part og. Positions 22, 24 and 28 showing 'cut angles' in corners. A very scarce multiple Kneitschel 7 = $ 2'860/Scott = $ 1'350+.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 183 Argentina
5 c. rose, with accent on 'u' in 'República', the complete sheet of 70 subjects (7 x 10), of excellent colour and impression, the sheet margin at top with slight closed tear well away from the adhesives, the margin at base with horizontal crease, otherwise fresh and fine without gum. A great rarity of the issue - just 7 sheets in any shade recorded (ref. Eugenio Llach 1973, Victor Kneitschel 1974) Gi. 7 = £ 2'300+/Kneitschel 7 = $ 7'000/Scott = $ 3'400+.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 2,500 CHFLot# : 184 Argentina
Lot# : 185 Argentina
5 c. orange rose, with accent on 'u' in 'República', a fine example with large margins all round, used on 1862 cover to Rosario, tied by complete strike dotted obliterator with CORREOS DE SANTA FE datestamp in blue below (Dec 19). File fold well away from adhesive, a fine cover.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 186 Argentina
5 c. bright rose, with accent on 'u' in 'República', a fine example with large margins all round, used on January 1863 cover to Rosario, tied by neat strike of framed CORREOS NACIONALES / FRANCA / DE MENDOZA handstamp in black. File fold well away from adhesive, a fine cover.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 187 Argentina
5 c. bright rose, with accent on 'u' in 'República', a fine vertical pair with large margins all round, used on cover to Tucumán, tied by bold strike of framed 'Sun' handstamp FRANCA / JUJUY in black. Slight fingerprint of Postmaster on the top stamp but exceptional and very scarce.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 188 Argentina
10 c. green, with accent on 'u' in 'República', a Proof impression with large margins all round, slightly scuffed at top right but with large portion of adjoining stamp at right, printed by Lange on Proof paper with reverse showing the 10 centavos value printed in black. Rare. Cert. Moorhouse (2016).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 189 Argentina
Lot# : 190 Argentina
10 c. yellow green, with accent on 'u' in 'República', an unused block of four from the lower left corner of the sheet, positions 57-58/64-65, with large margins all round, on thin paper without gum but showing the cracking lines from the original gum. A very scarce stamp in a multiple, this being probably the finest multiple known and of impeccable provenace. Cert. Kneitschel (2009), Del Mazo (2009) Kneitschel 8 = $ 3'000/Scott = $ 700+.
Provenance: Collection Louise Boyd Dale & Alfred Lichtenstein (May 1970), lot 83.
Collection Gabriel Sánchez, Corinphila sale 69 (Oct 1982), lot 8018.
Collection 'Patagonia' (Sept 2009), lot 116.
Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 191 Argentina
Lot# : 192 Argentina
10 c. green, with accent on 'u' in 'República', a diagonally bisected example used on small piece, neatly cancelled by complete strike of oval FRANCA in blue applied at Santa Fe. Scarce and most attractive. Signed Bolaffi. Cert. Moorhouse (2016) Scott = $ 7'000 (on cover),Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 193 Argentina
10 c. deep green, with accent on 'u' in 'República', position 29 on the sheet of 70 subjects, clear margins all round, used on May 1863 entire letter to Salto tied by good strike of fraamed FRANCA / TUCUMAN in black. Slight aging from gum otherwise a fine and scarce entire Scott = $ 500.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 194 Argentina
10 c. yellow green, with accent on 'u' in 'República', a clear to large margined example used on 1862 cover to Mendoza tied by framed CORREO NACIONAL del ROSARIO handstamp in blue with 'Correo del Rosario' cds (Nov) at right. Scarce stamp on cover. Signed Kneitschel Scott = $ 500.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 195 Argentina
10 c. olive green, with accent on 'u' in 'República', fine example with good margins all round, used on 1862 cover to Cordoba, tied by framed CORREO NACIONAL del ROSARIO handstamp in blue with 'Correo Del Rosario' cds alongside (Aug 8). The stamp, from position 19, with an interesting plate flaw with white line closing the 'C' in 'Centavos' to an 'O'. A scarce and attractive cover Scott = $ 500.
Provenance: Collection Gabriel Sánchez, Corinphila sale 69 (Oct 1982), lot 8021.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 196 Argentina
10 c. yellow green, with accent on 'u' in 'República', three examples used on 1863 cover front to Buenos Aires, margins large to just touched on two stamps, all tied by framed CORREO NACIONAL del ROSARIO handstamps in blue with 'Correo Del Rosario' cds alongside (April 4). Minor tear to front at upper left, a scarce franking.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 197 Argentina
15 c. blue, position 51 on the sheet of 70 subjects with variety: 'Without Accent', a fine unused example of this great rarity with broken outer frameline at right and at lower left and white dot in base of 'B' to confirm the plating position (see Kneitschel page 213), large margins all round, fresh and very fine unused. A great rarity of Argentine philately. Cert. Sismondo (2005) Gi. 9c = £ 5'500/Kneitchel 9/II = $ 8'000/Scott = $ 8'000.
Note: According to V. Kneitschel, there are but 2 examples of this stamp recorded in unused condition, thus placing this stamp on a par with the unused 15 c. tête-bêche variety.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 5,000 CHF
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