Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919


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  • Losnr. : 1372 Italien

    1867/68: Correspondence of 7 pages between De La Rue in London and the Officina Delle Carta Valori in Turin, Italy with letter dated October 7, 1867 headed ‘Italian Inks’, listing ‘25 lbs. Brown ink, same as for Italian Trenta Centesimi Postage / 10 lbs. Brown Ink same as for Due Centesimi / 25 lbs Green ink sam as for 4 Annas Indian Postage / 10 lbs. Maroon Specimen same as One Rupee / 6 gross screws’ with De La Rue 3d. Experimental ‘King of Portugal’ imperforate Essays used to demonstrate the four listed colours and as utilised for the ‘Torino Tiratura’, all despatched by De La Rue per Steamer ’Alexandra’ for Genova with an invoice. Attached to the letter is a De La Rue Die Proof on glazed white card for the 1 Lire 35 c. Stamp Duty ‘Marca Da Bollo’ to indicate the exact shade of maroon ink.rnSecond page with letter from Turin dated March 20, 1868 addressed to Colonel Thos. De La Rue ‘I thank you for the trouble you have taken to write to Russia for the price of the machine….I have sent to Florence the specimen of coloured paper…I enclose you a Specimen of  the engraving that are being made in the Officina for the Tobacco wrapper.’rnThird and fourth page with letter from Turin dated April 23, 1868 to Thos. De La Rue ‘I accept with thankfulness your kind offer to replace with fresh made ink, the supply of last year. In consequence I ordered the whole lot of 15 cans to be packed in one case which has been sent yesterday to Mr. Ratti agent in Turin of the Globe Parcel Express to be forwarded to you by Steamer via Genoa. Some two or three lbs. (pounds) of ink have been taken out of the cans by Mr. Camucci in order to try it. You will find in the same case a small tin box filled with ink from the first supply, which Mr. Camucci finds very good. As we have only one can left of it, it would / be a great service to the Officina if you could send some two or three cans of fresh ink…’ and signed G. Berrati.rnPage from Turin dated April 29, 1868 to Thos. De La Rue ‘The Contract draft is all correct but an article is missing … I have replaced as follows ’10 lbs. Printing ink brown for Affari Esteri’ at the base of the page is part of said stamp together with a further De La Rue 3d. Experimental ‘King of Portugal’ imperforate Essay for the shade to be sent.rnThere follows the complete invoice for the inks ‘60 lbs. Printing ink for the Centesimi Due Postage / 20 lbs. Printing ink for the Centesimi 10 Postage / 60 lbs. Printing ink for the Centesimi 20 Postage / 10 lbs. Printing ink for the Centesimi 60 Postage / 10 lbs. Printing ink Green (Four Annas India Postage) / 10 lbs. Maroon’ together with Drying varnish, 18 oval brushes for gumming, 2000 steel points for the perforating machine, 20 copper plates for the Electrotyping, 4 cast Steel Dies wrought to size, 10 lbs. Printing ink Brown for the Affari Esteri’ with De La Rue 3d. Experimental ‘King of Portugal’ imperforate Essays (6) at base in the colours of the Turin printing 2 c., 10 c., 1867 20 c., 60 c., 1 c. etc., all labelled in margin at base.rnLastly, a further piece of paper dated June 6, 1868 headed ‘Italian Government’ with a further order again with four 3d. Experimental ‘King of Portugal’ imperforate Essays to indicate the colours required by Italy.rnA wonderful group and fascinating insight into the change over from London to the Turin printing and a unique and splendid insight to both De La Rue and their use of the 3d. Experimental ‘King of Portugal’ imperforate Essays with no less than 15 examples within the correspondence.rn Provenance: RL, Basel, 23 Oct 1979, lot 231.rnrn 
    Ausruf : 10.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1024 Württemberg

    Württemberg Sammlung DAS KAPREGIMENT 1784/1808, 22 Briefe und Schriftstücke (Passierscheine) von der ersten Kontaktaufnahme des in Diensten der Niederländisch-Ostindischen Kompanie V.O.C. stehenden Württembergischen Kriegskommissarius Ludwig Friedrich von Knecht betr. Stationierung eines Infanterie-Regiments am Kap der Guten Hoffnung, bis hin zum beschwerlichen Marsch der Württembergischen Truppen nach Holland. Am 1. Oktober 1786 schloss Herzog Carl Eugen von Württemberg mit der Niederländisch-Ostindischen-Kompanie einen Vertrag über militärische Unterstützungsleistungen ab (Subsidien-Vertrag). Für die Aufstellung des Regiments stand nur wenig Zeit zur Verfügung. die dafür benötigte Mannschaft wurde im Herzogtum Württemberg und angrenzenden Reichsstädten geworben und in Ludwigsburg zusammengezogen. Am 2. Mai 1787 wurde das erste Bataillon in Vlissingen (Holland) vereidigt. Die Sammlung beginnt mit einem Brief mit kompl. Inhalt von Ludwig Friedrich Knecht, datiert Vlissingen 16. Juni 1784, dem Kriegskommissare in Diensten der V.O.C. mit Unterschrift an den württemb. Oberst. von Nicolai in Arnheim, darauf folgen zwei eigenhändig geschriebene Briefe von Herzog Carl Eugen (1728-1793) adressiert an Oberst v. Nicolai. Der Durchmarsch der Truppen nach Holland durch die versch. deutschen Fürstentümer erwies sich daraufhin als schwierig. Der Brief vom 21. November von Darmstadt 21. Nov. 1786 nach Stuttgart ermöglicht den herzoglichen 'Rekruten' den Durchmarsch durch Hessen, während in der Pfalz die Truppen gestoppt wurden, gemäss den beiden Briefen vom Speyer 29. November und Frankfurt 10. Dez. 1786 an General Nicolai in Ludwigsburg. Erst im Januar 1788 wird der Durchmarsch über Neckar und Rhein von Pfalzgraf und Kurfürst Karl Theodor gestattet, was im vorliegenden Brief mit papiergedecktem Siegel von München 15. Januar betätigt wird. Im Rheinland wird der Zug jedoch wieder gestoppt: " ... dem Uns gethanen Ansuchen um Durchzug für 200 Mann zur Ergänzung der holländisch Ostindischen Compagnie, wegen der seit einigen Jahre in Unseren Landen gehabten vielen Durchzüge das erwartende Gnügen zu leisten nicht vermögens sind, und Unsere dadurch schon hart getroffenen Unterthanen mit derlei Durchzügen, wenn nicht die höchste Nothwenigkeit und die Reichsgesetze Uns dazu auffordern, gern zu verschonen suchen." so das signierten Schreiben von Maximilian Franz von Österreich, Kurfürst und Erzherzog von Köln an Herzog von Württemberg nach Hohenheim (Bonn 21. Januar 1788). Daraufhin mussten neue Wege gesucht werden, aber auch durch das gebirgige Sauerland gab es kein Durchkommen. Erst im Juni 1788 konnte die Reise weitergehen. Neben den erforderlichen Durchmarschrechten musste auch die Bezahlung für Unterkünfte usw. sichergestellt. werden. Davon zeugt ein Brief eines württemb. Kaufmanns aus Köln, datiert vom 16. Nov. an den Staatsminister Freiherr von Kniestedt in Stuttgart sowie drei Briefe von Middelburg an General von Nicolai betr. div. Geldtransfers und Zahlungsschwierigkeiten der V.O.C.rnEinmalige Zusammenstellung, sauber aufgezogen auf A3 Blättern, alle Briefe mit kompl. Transkriptionen und Übersetzungen. Von den insgesamt 3'200 aus Württemberg abmarschierten Soldaten, kehrten 1808 nur etwa 100 zurück.
    Ausruf : 4.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.750 CHF

    Losnr. : 1008 Dt. Reich

    Französische Feldpost zur Zeit des 7-jährigen Krieges 1757–1762 in Deutschland: Ausstellungssammlung gegliedert nach versch. Feldzügen wie der erste Feldzug in Westfalen und Hannover 1757,  Feldzug am Niederrhein 1758, Feldzug in Hessen 1758, Feldzug in Westfalen 1759, zweiter Feldzug in Hessen 1760, Winterfeldzug 1761, Feldzug am Oberrhein 1761 sowie vom letzten Feldzug zw. Hessen und Niederrhein 1762.rnDie Sammlung umfasst insgesamt 125 Briefe und besticht durch ihre Vielfalt der franz. Militärstempel, verwendet im rechts-rheinischem Gebiet. Alle Briefe mit komplettem Inhalt, sauber datiert und mit genauer Ortsbezeichnung, ebenso mehrheitlich komplett transkribiert und übersetzt. Alle Feldpostbriefe sind sauber austaxiert, während ranghöhere Offiziere das Privileg der Portofreiheit hatten. Einige Briefe stammen auch aus dem direkten Umfeld von Schlachten, wobei hier speziell die beiden Briefe aus der Schlacht von Roßbach (5.11.1757 – Sieg Friedrich des Großen gegen Soubise) zu erwähnen sind. Seltene Stempel sind der A.DU.B.RHIN oder ARM.DU.B.RHIN in Rot. Truppenstp. A:DE:SOUBISE (Marschall Soubise) oder R:DE:SOUBISE (R = Reserve), R:DE.BROGLIE der Truppen unter Marschall Broglie wie auch der seltene GOT.A.D.B.RHIN wovon bis heute nur zwei Belege bekannt sind.rnAuch wurden teils Ortsnamen verwendet wie der sehr seltene Stp. CASSEL:ARM:D’AL:, ARM.D.B.RHIN/DE VESEL, COLOGNE.B.RHIN, D.D.F.A.D.B.RHIN, WESEL.A.B.RHIN, CLEVE.A.B.R., MOEURS.A.B.RHIN oder der Stempel des franz. Postbüros in Frankfurt: FRANCFORTE.B.AU F.OIS. Weitere Stp. sind diejenigen der Reservetruppen wie der seltene R.S.D.S.GERMAIN.B.RHIN, RESR DE LUSACE ARM.DALL (Reserve des Grafen Lusace), RESERVE DE / DARMANTIERE oder RESERVE DE.CONDE und R.S.DUMUY.B.RHIN (Reserve des Grafen du Muy am Niederrhein. Die Feldpoststp. der Truppen am Oberrhein 1761 unter Marschall Broglie waren AR.D.H.RHIN. mit den Endbuchstaben C, D, L, oder P. Ein aussergewöhnliches Objekt für den historisch interessierten Sammler.rnIm Siebenjährigen Krieg von 1756 bis 1763 kämpften mit Preußen und Großbritannien/Kurhannover auf der einen und der kaiserlichen österreichischen Habsburgermonarchie, Frankreich und Russland sowie dem Heiligen Römischen Reich auf der anderen Seite alle europäischen Großmächte jener Zeit. Auch mittlere und kleine Staaten waren an den Auseinandersetzungen beteiligt.rn 
    Ausruf : 25.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1350 Stato Pontificio

    1852: 2 b. black on green in a horizontal pair and 8 b. black on white in a horizontal strip of three, touched at left and at top, fresh colours, tied by grill handstamps to small 1864 envelope to Echuca, Victoria with ROMA (Aug 20) despatch cds alongside. Framed PP, annulled with framed PD and French entry mark E.-PONT. MARSEILLE (Aug 24) in red and Echuca arrival cds (Oct. 14) on reverse. The rate of 28 bajocchi shown here was introduced for each 7.5 gr. on 1 January 1858 but only to the port. Mentaschi & Mathà state in their handbook 'Letter Mail from and to the Old Italian States' that it was possible from 1 April 1862 for covers from France to Australia to pre-pay the postage up to the destination but that this option was not available before 1 September 1866 for covers originating in the Papal States. In contrast, this letter demonstrates the possibility to pay the postage not only to the seaport but also to an inland address, although the sequential use of PP and PD marks reflects the uncertainty of the postal clerks in Rome with regard to this fact. An attractive and intersting cover to a very rare destination.
    Ausruf : 2.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 1138 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten

    1849/1910: Interessante Sammlung hunderter vorab gest. Marken, dabei Baden ab der ersten Ausgabe, 9 Kr. mit rotem Fünfring, 1862 18 Kr. grün und 30 Kr. orange, Landpost 1 Kr. mit Datumsstp. KORK, Bayern 1849 Schwarzer Einser Platte 1 mit gMR '175' von Landshut, 1849 3 & 6 Kr. Platte 1, 1870/75 12 Kr. mit engen Rauten, 1874 1M. geschnitten, Bergedorf, Braunschweig 1852 kompl. Satz, Bremen 1856 5 Gr., Hamburg, Hannover 1861 10 Gr. grünlicholiv, 1864 3 Gr. hellbraun durchstochen, Helgoland 1868 ½ S. Type II ungebraucht, Lübeck, beide Mecklenburg, Oldenburg, Preussen, Sachsen, Schleswig-Holstein mit breitrandigem ungebaruchten Postschilling, Thurn & Taxis, Württemberg 1851 18 Kr. violett, 1873 70 Kr. braunlila mit einfachen Trennungslinien und schönem Fächerstp. Stuttgart, Norddeutscher Bund mit handschr. entwertetem Innendienst und Stempelsammlung der Okkupationsausgaben Elsass-Lothringen, Deutsches Reich ab Kl. Schilden, Gr. Schild mit 2½ Gr. als Vorläufer aus Konstantinopel, 18 Kr. gest., 1900 REICHSPOST, Auslandspostämter in China, Marokko und der Türkei, Kolonien Neuguinea, DOA, DSWA, Kamerun, Karolinen, Kiautschou, Marianen, Marshall-Inseln, Samoa und Togo. Mi = € 32'000+.
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.800 CHF

    Losnr. : 1251 Frankreich

    1 / 1
    Réunion 1849/50: Cérès 1 fr. carmine, horizontal pair with large to imperceptibly touched margins in a rich shade, used on 1852 double weight second sheet of entire letter from Paris endorsed 'voie de Suez' to a Police Lieutenant at St. Paul, Réunion. Carried by British Packet tied by 'grille sans fin' with Paris despatch cds (Nov 17) below and framed 'PD' in red at left. The letter was prepaid as far as Alexandria at the correct double rate of 2 francs, thence travelled overland via Suez to Calcutta and then by P&O Steamer via Galle (Ceylon) and Port Louis (Mauritius) to Réunion. Rare framed '2 F. 20' tax marking struck in black. Reverse with two strikes of 'St. Denis / Ile Bourbon' cds (Jan 10, 1853) in black and faint 'St. Paul / Ile Bourbon' datestamp struck in red on the same day. A magnificent and unique cover - to date no other covers are recorded with a first issue double rate taxed franking to Réunion. Cert. Von der Weid (1999).rnrnProvenance: Corinphila sale 111 (May 1999), lot 2599.
    Ausruf : 3.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1196 Frankreich

    1849/2010: Interesting Collection in primarily unused/unmounted og condition, virtually complete with regard to the main catalogue numbers incl. Cérès 1849 10 c. bistre, 15 c. green, 1 Fr. carmine and 20 c. blue unissued as fresh reprints, 1852 Présidence 10 c. bistre used, 1853 Napoléon imperf. 1 fr. carmine cancelled by Grands points carrés, Napoleon perf. and lauré up to 80 c. rose, 1869 5 fr. grey cancelled Gros chiffres '3066', 1871 non-issued '10' on 10 c. bistre, very good centered, signed A. Brun, 1871 5 c. green on blue, Bordeaux compl. set, Siège and Cérès of 1871, Sage N sous B 2 c. green and N sous U 75 c. rose, both signed Calves, Mouchon all four sets, Orphelins all three sets, 1923 Congrès de Bordeaux, 1925 Souvenir sheet Paris exposition, 1927 Airmail, 1927 Souvenir sheet Strasbourg, 1929 Exposition Le Havre, 1936 Airplane over Paris compl. set and Burelage, 1937 PEXIP souvenir sheet, and 1948 Marianne de Dulac unissued. An enormous and attractive collection continued in unmounted og condition until 2010 in eight albums.
    Ausruf : 4.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 8.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1329 Modena

    1852: 10 c. black on rose, light archive fold, 40 c. black on dark-blue, and 1853 1 l. black on white, good to large margins all round and fresh colours, tied by six barred mute obliterator to 1855 entire letter to Philadelphia with crisp CARRARA (Sept. 30) despatch cds (Mioni type 3) in black, "P.D." in red but also "P.P." in black. Sardinian entry mark VIA DI SARZANA and BOSTON BR. PKT. / OCT 26 / 5 (cents) alongside. Sarzana, Genova and Paris-Calais transit cds's on reverse. The Postal Convention between Sardinia and Modena, effective from 1 March 1855 set a rate of 190 c. for each 7.5 grams for covers to the USA. The PD mark was added erroneously as the addressee had to pay five cents from the port of embarkation. A fine and desirable item, a cover from the same correspondence is shown and described on page 171 of Mentaschi & Mathà - 'Letter mail from and to Old Italian States 1850-1870'. Signed A. Diena Sassone = € 21'000. 
    Ausruf : 3.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1302 Griechenland

    1734/1995c.: The collection of Postal, Military & Social History of Salonica / Thessaloniki, with many hundreds of covers from the Austrian, Greek, Italian and Ottoman Post Offices, with Austrian Levant from 1781 with pre-stamp 'Lloyd Agenzie' markings in blue, SALONICH covers, 1867 10 s. blue on covers (one with pair to Switzerland), 50 s. brown usages, Greek Offices from 1855 and 1912 first day of Greek occupation card, Military Mail from First & Second World Wars incl. British, French and Serbian Forces, 1914 'Passed / Aegean / Postal / Censor / Syra' card, 1941 1st Military Flight cover to Koritza, German Occ. cards and covers large range of Military illustrated cards and covers, including a large box of unused / used postcards without apparent duplication, album of Trade Fair advertising labels from 1926 incl. a cover from the first fair with 'Foire International / De Salonique' cachet in red, slogan cancel on 1929 cover etc., Newspapers in Greek, Italian, Ladino; Maps incl. 1916c. Map on linen and 'Cold War' restricted Pilot's map on silk, Magazines, Posters, even a Football programme. A tremendously interesting accumulation.
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1066 Deutsche Lokalausgaben 1945

    1945/49: Sammlung Sammlung Deutsche Lokalausgaben von Altdöbern bis Wittenberg-Lutherstadt in drei Alben, mit vielen guten Werten und kompletten Serien gest./ungest., teils auf Brstk., inkl. Nichtamtliche Ausgaben, dabei div. Blockausgaben, zahlreiche Verwendungen auf Brief, bessere Werte wie Probedruck P I 3 (Pf.) braun postfr. Oberrandstück von Döbeln (Attest Zierer 1991), Gebührenzettel 1.40 (M) von Bünde (Westfalen) auf Paketadresse (22.5.46) nach Göttingen, Flensburg drei Brstk., div. Serien von Fredersdorf, drei Briefe von Freudenstadt, Glauchau (Mi. 30/42 ungest./postfr.), Grossräschen ab V II, Herrnhut kompl. Serie zu 13 Werten ungebr. sign. Sturm, Köln (Rhein) Postamt 10 auf Briefvorderseite, Kiel, Lütjenburg 40 Pfg. auf Feldpostpaketadresse, Meissen, Mindelheim drei Briefe, Netzschkau-Reichenbach, Bad Saarow sechs Briefe, Saulgau (Mi. XIII-XXIV ungebr.), Storkow, Stadt Strausberg sowie Titsee. Dazu ein Album sowjet. Zonenausgaben mit Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Ostsachsen mit B I 12 Pfg. Poschta (Attest Zierer 1991) und den Thüringer Spendenblocks. Viele bessere Werte mit Altsignaturen, jedoch ohne Obligo. Ein schönes Objekt aus alter Sammlerhand, Besichtigung empfohlen.
    Ausruf : 5.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 14.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1144 Finnland

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : U15/III+6B
    1 / 1

    1860: Postal stationery envelope Coat of Arms 5 kop. blue on invalidated 10 kop. rose, additional franking of ten examples 1866 Coat of Arms with Serpentine Roulette II 8 penni (strip of three, three pairs and a single adhesive, overall good quality, three stamps with perforation irregularities), all adhesives tied by small circle "WILLMANSTRAND 4/7 1868" cds's to cover to Diessbach, Canton Bern, with "AUS RUSSLAND über BÜR XI EDK.BRG / FRANCO 8 7 68" cds's in red alongside reverse with HEIDELBERG - BASEL T.P.O. and BASEL - OLTEN T.P.O. as well as Diessbach arrival cds's (10 JUL). Single rate cover to Switzerland, opened for display on three sides, the 72 p. rate is overpaid by 8 p., the postal stationery envelope was not taken into account for usages sent abroad, an attractive item. Cert. Nykvist (2003) Facit 6v1C2, SEK 26'000+ for a 72 p. rate cover to Switzerland.rnrnProvenance: Collection Silvain Wyler.


    Ausruf : 7.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1293 Griechenland

    1923/40: Collection in a red album with June Revolution set of ten values unused incl. 2 dr. on 2 dr. in an unused block of four, the set of ten overprinted 'Specimen' in violet (unique - see Bendon page 68), Venizelos issue unused incl. blocks, overprinted issues on Crete with rare 10 l. on 20 l. blue-green in an unused block of four and unissued 5 l. on 5 dr. in an unused block of four, overprinted EΛΛAΣ on Crete sets and Postage Dues and the violet opt. 'Specimen' set of 40 values (see Bendon page 68), 1927 Landscapes 1 l. printed in sepia (unissued = € 400) and the set of 14 values to 25 dr. unused, 1927 Fabvier set unused (2), Navarino set unused, 1930 Portraits set of 18 unused and used, 1931/35 Landscapes issue unused with both printings of 15 and 25 dr. values unused; 1933 Marathon set of three unused and scarce 75 l. pair used; 1934 Stadium 8 d. blue unused (2), 1935 Monarchy set of five in blocks, 1939 Ionian set unused (2), Balkan Games sets (2) and in blocks of four and in full sheets of 50, some FDC's etc. Condition generally fine to very fine throughout.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.400 CHF

    Losnr. : 1364 Sardinien

    1 / 1
    1858 (April 23): Lettersheet from Savona to Trinidad-de-Cuba, prepaid 1 lira to the port of disembarkation, bearing 1858 80 c. bistre-orange and 1857 20 c. indigo, first plate, two fine and fresh examples with fair to large margins all round, tied by SAVONA cds to the cover, endorsed "via d'Inghilterra" with "P.P." in oval, French entry "SARDAIGNE CULOZ" cds and "LONDON PAID" (AP 27 58) cds, all in red alongside, reverse with Torino, Paris-Calais TPO and blue Havanna transit (May 28) cds's. As the letter could not be fully prepaid to the receiver, in Cuba 'NE' (Northern Europe) and '2' (reales), both in blue were applied to the front. A very rare destination, an attractive and correctly prepaid cover in the rate of the 1857 Anglo-French convention, cert. Botacchi (2011) Sassone = € 10'000+.
    Ausruf : 4.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1483 Portugal

    1853/62: Cancellations on the Embossed Classic Issues, the collection with Maria 5 r. brown (3) cancelled in black or blue this last used at Lamego, 25 r. blue (34) with superb oval PORTE / PAGO in blue, another used at Arcos de Valdevez, two usages from 'Barquinha' struck in blue, 'Covilha' in black and fine framed FAFE in blue, oval TAVIRA in blue on large piece, unique usage with circular "Videgueira", 50 r. green (2) and 100 r. lilac; 1855/56 25 r. blue (14, incl. two covers), 50 r. green (7, incl. a block of six on piece cancelled by straight line COVILHA in black), 100 r. lilac (2), 1858 25 r. rose (5), 1862 5 r. brown (2), 10 r. yellow, 50 r. green (2), a spectacular cancellations collection, condition obviously varies but most fine and many unique examples noted from major collections: 'Cascais', Frazao, Gonzalez Garcia, Leote, Lima, Pereira, Salgado etc. (69 items).
    Ausruf : 7.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 7.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 1197 Frankreich

    1849/1959: Important collection several hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, the classic part showing a wide range of colour shades and various cancellations incl. such from post offices abroad, the semi modern section with plenty of better and high values as war orphans, caisse d'amortissement, booklet sourire de Reims, Merson types, Samothrace in blocs of four with coin-daté, Airmails with blocks of four, souvenir sheets as Paris exhibition 1925, Strasbourg 1927, PEXIP 1937, furthermore plenty of full sets, blocks of four, some varieties, partly some duplication, the collection also contains many cards and covers showing better frankings or special cancellations for different events etc. at the end a small section of Alsace Lorraine, mounted for exhibition purposes and arranged in two Ferrari-albums calculated from the former owner 1992 with CHF 50'000++.
    Ausruf : 5.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 10.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1451 Portugal

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 2a
    1 / 1
    1853: D. Maria 25 r. deep blue, Die II, a remarkable used block of twelve (4 x 3) from the base of the sheet on piece, of excellent rich colour, fourth stamp with closed tear at top and some minor creasing as to be expected in a block of this size, however with superb margins all round and each stamp cancelled by "103" numeral obliterator of Barcelos. The second largest recorded multiple from Die II, a spectacular multiple and a major Exhibition piece of the issue. Cert. NFACP (1994).rnrnProvenance: Collection Maurice Burrus, RL, London, 5 May 1964, lot 43; Collection Angelo Lima, Afinsa, Madrid, 21 Nov 1995, lot 42; Collection 'Cascais', Investphila, Lugano, 20 March 2009, lot 59.rnrn 
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.800 CHF

    Losnr. : 1260 Div. Franz. Kolonien

    1859/1910: Interesting old-time Collection of French offices abroad and colonies, hundreds primarily used stamps in mixed condition incl. Levant with usage of French Sage 5 fr. violet in Constantinople, Cavalla, Port Lagos, French Colonies general issues with Aigle, the 1 c. olive with Papete cds on piece, 1872 Napoleon 5 c. green postmarked in Saigon, Cérès, Sage und Groupe, postage due, in addition colonial issues from Anjouan, Benin, Dahomey, Diego-Suarez, Ivory Coast, French Guinea, French Congo, Gaboon, Madagascar, Morocco, Martinique, Réunion with Sage 40 c. showing variety: no accent on the overprint, Senegal, Somali Coast,Tahiti, Tunis, Zanzibar, French Guiana, Gouadeloupe, St. Pierre & Miquelon, Annam, Cochin, Indochina, French India, French Oceania, and New Caledonia.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1346 Stato Pontificio

    1582 (Dec. 28):  GREGORIUS P.P. XIII Vellum manuscript addressed to "Dilectae in Christo filie nobile mulieri Marie Giron Comityssae de Haro los monesterios de napoles" (Napoli), official firm writing with archive note on reverse, closing with: Dats Romae apud sanctum Petrum sub annulo Piscatoris de xxviij Decembris M.d. Lxxxij (1682). Fine and scarce Papal document.rnPope Gregorius XIII (7 January 1502 – 10 April 1585), born Ugo Boncompagni, was Pope of the Catholic Church from 13 May 1572 to his death in 1585. He is best known for commissioning and being the namesake for the Gregorian calendar, which remains the internationally accepted civil calendar to this day.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1290 Griechenland

    1872/80: Large Hermes later printings, the superb Plating Study with 1 l. brown in a perforated unused block of eight unused and imperf. used (4), 2 l. straw on cream used block of six with faults, 5 l. green unused (8) incl. a pair, used (84) incl. nine pairs, three strips of three and two strips of four; 10 l. orange unused (5) and used (155) with twenty-six pairs, two strips of three and a range of Control Figure varieties; 20 l. blue unused (7) and used (114); 40 l. bistre on blue used (8); 40 l. dull mauve on blue unused (5) and used (28); 1876 Paris 30 l. brown  used (5), 60 l. green unused and used (3), 1876 Athens 30 l. brown unused (8) and used (5), 60 l. green unused (2) and used (6); 1875/80 cream paper 1 l. brown unused and used (2), 2 l. used block of four, 5 l. green unused (17) and used (32), 10 l. orange unused (23) and used (232) with multiples; 20 l. blue (shades) unused (21) and used (150), 40 l. bistre unused (7) and used (4) with multiples and CF varieties throughout. A phenomenal collection by an acknowledged expert in the field. Viewing is heartily recommended.
    Ausruf : 3.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 5.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 1347 Stato Pontificio

    1852: 1 b. black on green (2), 2 b. black on white, horizontal pair of 5 b. black on rose, and 6 b. black on grey, two examples cut to shape, fresh and fine four colour franking with good to large margins all round, tied by grill handstamps to 1867 envelope, vert. file fold and tear at top, sent to Lisbon Portugal with ALBANO (May 13) cds and PD at despatch. Oval framed FRANCA of arrival alongside, Roma, Marseille-Paris and Lyon transit cds's on reverse. In spite of imperfections a very scarce and impressive 46 b. rate cover paying the double weight. From 1867 a new rate to the Franco-Spanish border was fixed at 65 c. equal to 13 b. per 7.5 grams.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1166 Frankreich

    1 / 1
    1853: 10 c. bistre brown, 20 c. blue, 40 c. orange and 80 c. carmine, all with large margins all round, used on 1856 cover from Reims to Sydney, New South Wales, Australia paying the 1 fr. 50 centime rate, tied by dotted '2462' petit chiffres with despatch cds of Reims below (Nov 5) and framed PP in red. London transit cds in red on front (Nov 7) and reverse (opens well for display) showing SHIP LETTER / SYDNEY datestamp (Jan 10, 1857) in black with '1d.' accountancy in red on front. A splendid and most attractive four colour franking to a very rare destination. Cert. Von der Weid (2004). rnProvenance: Collection Sylvain Wyler.
    Ausruf : 3.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1287 Griechenland

    1861/62: Large Hermes Paris and First Athens printings, the plating study with Oct 1861 Paris 1 l. brown unused (3) and used (7) including a pair; 2 l. used (6); 5 l. green unused (6) including a pair and used (22) including four pairs and a strip of four; 10 l. orange unused and used (10); 20 l. blue on thin paper unused (3) and used (18) including a pair and a strip of three; 40 l. lilac on blued in an unused pair and used (10); 80 l. carmine unused (3) incl. a pair and used (8) incl. pair; First Athens printing from Nov 1861 with 5 l. green unused (6) and used (19); 10 l. orange used (2); 20 l. blue unused and used examples (18); 40 l. mauve used (2); First Athens fine printing 1 l. brown (shades) used (2); 2 l. straw on cream unused and used; 5 l. green unused pair and used (15); 10 l. orange on lightly blued unused and used (14); 20 l. blue unused and used (12); 40 l. rosy maube on blued used (4); controversial May 1862 printings with 1 l. unused (2) and a used pair, 2 l. fawn-bistre unused (5) incl. a block of four; 5 l. green unused (3) and used (5) incl. a block of four; 10 l. orange unused and used (2); 20 l. blue unused and used and 40 l. mauve on blued unused and used. Condition of necessity varies, but a remarkable study by an excellent philatelist and seldom encountered, viewing recommended.
    Ausruf : 2.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 6.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1432 Surinam

    1672 (Sept. 10): Entire letter written in Spanish and signed by Ishac Arias, a member of the Jewish community of Surinam and addressed to 'Don Pedro Pereyra' in Amsterdam, including complete content mentioning several ships with their captains bringing several thousand pounds of brown sugar to Europe and telling from slaves (Negros) working on the plantations as there was fear of war: "....Los Negros quedon buenos, el temor della guerra, con la dilacion se va olvidando, no se dexa p(or) esso trabajar q(ue) se puede....". Fine and very early transatlantic letter with full transcription and German translation included. Only three covers from the 17th century known.

    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1152 Frankreich

    1794/1816.: The collection on leaves (34 items) mostly of Napoleonic Franchise Markings and many with elaborate Revolutionary letter-heads, incl. 1794 entire signed by Carnot (architect of the First War of the Coalition) and Prieur (who created the decimal system), 1794 cover with 'Armée Des / Pirénees Orientales', 1795 entire with italic 'Gl. de l'armée des Alpes', 1797 letter to Victor Hugo's father, 1799 entire signed by General Michaud with 'Armée d'Angleterre' marking sent from Rennes, 1800 entire from the Commander of the Vaucluse, 1801 entire signed Mortier (Duc of Treviso) with two line cachet in red, 1811 entire from Laibach (Ljubljana) with red 'Provinces d'Illyrie' handstamp, Franchise markings for Generals, Paymasters, Police, Powders & Mines etc.rn 
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1481 Portugal

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 8+14+15+16
    1862/64:Luis 50 r. green, the extraordinary usage of twenty-four examples (equivalent to a complete sheet) in two horizontal strips of four (the width of the sheet), two vertical strips of three, two horizontal pairs and four single examples used on large piece with 25 r. carmine-rose pair and 1855/56 100 r. lilac, straight hair, single and horizontal strip of three, for a combined rate of 1'650 reis, all tied by bold strikes of "86" numeral obliterators with corresponding despatch handstamp of framed LOUZÃ in black. An amazing franking with nearly all stamps with margins all round, representing the largest usage of the 50 r. green and the sole recorded three colour mixed issue franking. A particularly wonderful showpiece for the connoisseur of classic Portuguese philately.
    Ausruf : 12.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1288 Griechenland

    1862/67: Large Hermes Consecutive Printings, the extraordinary Plating Study with 1 l. brown unused (7) incl. a block of four, used (10); 2 l. bistre-brown unused (20) incl. blocks and a perforated block of twenty one, 2 l. used (21) incl. multiples; 5 l. green unused (12) and used (75) incl. blocks of four (2) and six strips of three; 10 l. orange on blued unused (15) and used (120) incl. sixteen pairs and a block of four; 20 l. blue unused examples (22) and used (295), 40 l. mauve on blued unused (12) and used (63), 80 l. carmine unused (2) and used (94); and a study of Control Figure varieteis etc. A sensational volume with much for the apprentice or seasoned collector to enjoy, generally in fair to fine quality throughout and a simply marvellous lot.
    Ausruf : 5.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 6.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 1005 Dänemark

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 1/IIa
    1 / 1
    1853: Thiele printing, 4 rbs. black-brown, Plate II, a good used example in a strong shade, large margins on three sides (touched at top left), tied to letter sheet of registered letter by '157' numeral of Kaltenkirchen in Holstein (Facit = SEK 5’000 as a single stamp) in black with framed landpost “L.P. No. 4” handstamp alongside, sent to Bordesholm nearby Kiel. Registration fee 8 rbs. noted by red crayon, a fine and fresh cover with combined prepayment of postage and registration fee from the Danish period of Holstein. Signed Jakubek and Möller; cert. JKE (1993) and Nielsen (2017) Facit 2/III/a.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1167 Frankreich

    1856: Entire letter from Le Havre to Valparaiso Chile, franked with Napolèon imperf. 10 c. bistre, 40 c. orange (def. at base) and pair of 80 c. red, overall very fresh and fine examples, tied by light numeral cancellation with framed PP in red and BUREAU MARITIME LE HAVRE (15 FEVR. 56) alongside, endorsed "Par Steamer des Antilles "La Plata" with Southampton transit cds (FE 16) and "FOREIGN PAID", both in blue on reverse and obverse, respectively. An appealing item showing the 210 c. rate to the Pacific coast of South America with a British vessel via Panama.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1297 Griechenland

    / / /
    1912/75c.: Collection of full sheets with 1912 Nisiotin set of three in sheets of 100, 1926 Sounio Airmail set in large blocks (50+ sets), 1926 Messolonghi 25 l. violet in a sheet of 100, extremely rare 1926 Airmail 2 dr., 3 dr. and 10 dr. in sheets of 25 (Mi = € 3'000); 1933 Airmail 20 dr. sheet of 100 with cto cancels, 1935 Airmail 10 dr., 50 dr. and 100 dr. in sheets of 50, 1960-1970's Europa sets in sheets of 50, 1969 Nato issue etc. together with Northern Epirus 1914 1 l., 2 l. (both shades), 3 l. and 20 l. violet in a sheet of 50, Thrace with 1920 overprinted sheets (one is inverted) and 2 l. red ET with double surcharge variety in sheet of 100 and an inverted opt. sheet; and scarce France Type Sage 1877/90 4 c. brown on straw, Type II, in large blocks unused (150 examples). A valuable group.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1194 Frankreich

    1849/1966: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused, first issues incl. 15 c. green (cert. Pfenninger 1958) and 1 Fr. carmine, both values Présidence, 1 Fr. lake Napoléon of 1853 (cert. PF 1962), other good values signed by Pfenninger, two copies 5 Fr. Napoléon with Laurel Wreath, Bordeaux issue with some nice copies, early postage-dues, war orphan sets, caisse d'amortissement, airmails incl. full set 1936 up to 50 Fr.,  burelage 50 Fr. and others. PEXIP-sheet 1937 (stuck down), later issues with plenty of commemorative sets etc., in addition a collection of French Andorra incl. a compl. first set unused up to 20 Fr., mainly in good condition and housed in one Schaubek album.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 1137 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten

    1849/1946: Sammlung mit einigen Hundert vorab sauber gest. Marken ab Alt-Deutschland, dabei Baden mit 18 Kr. und 30 Kr., Bayern mit Nr. 1 (Schnittmängel),  Braunschweig, Hamburg, Hannover, Preussen, Sachsen, T&T, Württemberg mit 18 Kr. und 70 Kr. (ungest. ohne Gummi) sowie NdP etc., weiter mit Dt. Reich ab den Brustschildausgaben, IPOSTA-Block, INFLA-Periode, Wagner-Satz,ein paar Zeppelin-Marken, kompl. Serien III.Reich (teils auf Briefstück), Dt. Auslandspostämter und Kolonien mit ein paar besseren Werten und kompl. Serien, Dt. Besetzungsausgaben 1. WK, Dt. Abstimmungsgebiete mit Allenstein, Marienwerder und Oberschlesien, Danzig mit kompl. Serien, Gedenkblocks und Dienstmarken, Memel, Saargebiet mit ein paar besseren Werten und kompl. Serien, Dt. Besetzungsausgaben 2. WK mit Böhmen und Mähren, Luxembourg, Generalgouvernement und ein paar anderen, zum Schluss noch eine kl. Sektion Sowj. Besatzungszone nach dem 2. WK, in guter Erhatung und sauber arrangiert in einem Schaubek Album.rn 
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1348 Stato Pontificio

    1852: 2 b. black on green, 4 b. black on yellow (2), and 6 b. black on green (2), tied by grill handstamps to 1859 entire letter to Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands with straight line LORETO, framed "P.P.", French entry “E.-PONT. PONT-DE-B.” (March 22) cds, both in red. Spanish postage due "4 Rs." handstamp alongside, Marseille, Lyon, Cette-Toulouse, Perpignan and La Junquera transit cds's on reverse. A scarce and fine cover. In the Franco-Papal Postal Convention of 1 October 1853 a rate of 22 b. was fixed up to the Franco-Spanish border, the addressee had to pay 4 reales for internal postage. 
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1190 Frankreich

    1929/38: Group of six crash covers with the official wreck mail cachets, including two envelopes of which one registered, from the 1929 flight Paris to Indochina crashed at Bondy (Feb. 19), registered cover to Hanoi crashed at Syrte Tripolitania showing single line h.s. COURRIER ACCIDENTE in black, official envelope from the French Postal Administration to Prague, bearing official h.s. 'COURRIER ACCIDENTE AU BRESIL LE 3 NOVEMBRE 1935' used for wreck mail crashed at Aracaju Brazil as well as 1938 envelope of the crashed flight Marseille - Tunis (Feb. 9) showing 'ACCIDENT D'AVION Correspondances recueillies en Mer NE PAS TAXES' in black. A fine and scarce group Nierinck: 290219+291214+351103+380209.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 1299 Griechenland

    1829/1979c.: Selection of covers/cards (80+) with 1822 disinfected entire letter from Naphlion, 1841 entire from Athens to Trieste prepaid and disinfected with four further pre-stamp covers two showing 'Greece / Via / Lamia' cachet, Large Hermes head covers (3) incl. 30 l. brown from Thessaloniki, 1902 10 l. stationery card cancelled "Galicia / Of. Lloyd" cds, 1906 Olympic 25 l. blue on single rate cover to Haifa for the Hejaz Railway Officer and registered rate to same addressee carried at 50 l., range of fine Crete frankings incl. two French Occupation usages etc. Consition varies, an expansive and interesting lot.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.100 CHF

    Losnr. : 971 Bulgarien

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 2/IIIyb
    1 / 1
    1863/64: Third Printing 1 pi. black on pale-grey blue thick surface coloured paper, showing Plate Variety "Broken Toughra" clearly (see Basaran 'Tughra Stamps, page 118) used on registered cover from Constantinople addressed to the 3rd. Army in Shumnu, Bulgaria (gold dusted ink) tied by fine strike of the 'Battal' dotted lattice in black. Further adhesive removed at right but an important cover, Basaran states that the variety is unique to this one letter. Illustrated in Basaran 'Cover Story' on page 131. Opinion Todd (2013).rnProvenance: DF, Geneva, Sept 2013, lot 30287.
    Ausruf : 3.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1303 Griechenland

    Ionian Islands 1859/1945c.: Collection in a red album and loose with 1859 1 d. and 2 d. used, occupation of Corfu by Italian Forces with stamps of Greece and Italy overprinted including large multiples, Occupation of Cefalonia and Ithaca with similar large multiples or used on piece, nearly all are signed by experts in the field - none of whom appear to ever agree - and many items are signed by those once deemed competent, further 'back of the book' material from Epirus, Italian Cols. incl, Calimno, Caso, Cos, Lipso, Stampalia, group of primarily used postcards from Salonica and a registered 1920 Castellorizo cover etc.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 6.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 1331 Modena

    1 / 1
    Usage as newspaper revenue stamps 1852: 5 c. black on green in a vert. pair, a superb multiple in vivid colour and with regular large margins all round, tied by barred obliterator to first page of 'GAZZETTA DI PARMA' newspaper of November 19, 1857. An extremely rare usage of Modena defintives instead of the 'Bollo Gazzette' revenues, Sassone lists only three usages, this item being the fourth and the only with a pair of the 5 c. green. A splendid item for a very advanced collection of Modena or classic Italy. Cert. Sorani (2014), Colla (2015) Sassone = € 75'000 for a 10 c. stamp on journal.
    Ausruf : 10.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1399 Italien

    1851/1910: Interesting old time Collection hundreds primarily used stamps in mixed condition, incl. Papal States 1852 50 baj. & 1 scudo, Modena Provisional Government 5 c. unused, Naples 50 gr. unused, Parma, Romagna, Sardinia 1851 40 c. rose, 1853 5 c. green, Sicily 50 gr. used, Tuscany 1851 1 q. black on both papers and Provisional Govt. 80 c. red-brown, Regno 1861 20 gr. yellow, 1879/89 Umberto 30 c. brown and 5 l. green & red, Italian Post Offices abroad, general issues 1874 60 c. violet, 1881 50 c. violet, Albania, Levant, Eritrea und Somalia, also San Marino 1877 30c. brown unused.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.700 CHF

    Losnr. : 1249 Franz. Somaliküste

    Obock 1892/94: Collection total 135 fine used stamps incl. some bisects from 1 c. up to 50 Fr., partly on small piece, in addition 20 covers, cards and picture postcards showing various frankings incl. biscets, those sent to local destinations as well as despatched to France, Switzerland and Brazil, the lot also includes a wrapper with complete newspaper DJIBOUTI (Journal Franco-Ethiopian) of Saturday November 16th 1901, mainly in good condition, nicely arranged on album pages and presented in a Ferrari album, a rare offer.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1291 Griechenland

    1862/80: Large Hermes Head covers (15) with 1862 entire with fine print 20 l., 1864 four colour franking at 132 lepta rate to France bearing 2 l., 10 l., 40 l. and 80 l. from Athens via Marseille; 1866 entire from Vonitsa to Trieste with 5 l., 10 l. and 3x20 l. tied oily '53' numerals via Lefkas and Corfu; 1869 cover from Venice with 5 l., 20 l. and 40 l. tied by Corfu cds's on arrival, 1869 entire from Patras to Trieste with 5 l., 10 l. and 40 l.; 1870 20 l. blue (cleaned plate) with variety '02' for '20' used on cover from Corfu, 1872/76 5 l. and 20 l. used on 1872 cover tied Argostolian cds, 1874 cover with 5 l. green (4) ex Calamai to Syros etc. A most interesting selection.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.100 CHF

    Losnr. : 1292 Griechenland

    1900: Collection with overprints on Small and Large Hermes Heads, with imperforate complete unused pane of fifty 20 l. on 25 l. deep blue, thereafter with unused singles and blocks, used block of ten and strips of four and five cancelled at Tripolis, 20 l. on 25 l. pale blue in an unused block of four with 'Overprint Double' (signed Vlastos), 20 l. on 25 l. indigo in unused blocks of four (2), 2 dr. on 40 l. (unissued) with two unused examples; 20 on 25 l. blue perf. 11½ in unused blocks of four, six and ten, imperf. between varieties, double and inverted opt. varieties, 1 dr. on 40 l. perf. 11½ in imperf. between unused block, unissued 2 dr. on 40 l. violet, perf. 11½ in an unused block of four, 1 dr. on 40 l. perf. 13½ in unused blocks (2); 2 dr. on 40 l. perf. 13½ in a complete pane of 50 mint, Oct 1900 25 l. on 40 l. in a mint pane of 50, Dec 1900 1 l. on 40 l. Large Hermes unused (10), 2 dr. on 5 l. with multiples and varieties; a couple of covers, condition generally fine, a lovely lot.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1485 Mocambique

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 20A
    Mozambique 1886: 50 r. blue, perf. 12½, used on cover endorsed 'via Bloemfontein & the Cape' to Zurich, Switzerland in combination with Transvaal 1887 2 d. olive-bistre (Gi. 178) in a horizontal pair tied by oval 'Direccao Correio De / Lourenco Marques' (July 19) and by 'Pretoria /Z.A.R.' cds in black. Reverse with London transit cds (Aug 20) red and Zurich arrival (Aug 21) in black. It is interesting to note that the Transvaal adhesives were obviously available in Lourenço Marques. Tear in face panel sensibly restored but a spectacular and rare mixed franking.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1289 Griechenland

    1868/71: Athens and Cleaned Plates, the Plating Study collection,  with 1 l. brown unused (13) and used (17) incl. a block of eight, 2 l. bistre unused (7) and used (6); 5 l. green used (36) incl. two strips of four, 10 l. orange unused (2) and used (82), 20 l. blue unused (2) and used (97); 40 l. lilac-mauve unused (3) and used (53); 80 l. ros-carmine unused (7) and used (30); 1870 1 l. red-brown unused (3) and used (2), 20 l. used (113); 1871/72 1 l. deep brown unused (12), 2 l. bistre unused (19) both these values with blocks, 5 l. green unused (2) and used (22) incl. two strips of four; 20 l. blue unused (3) and used (131); 40 l. bistre / salmon used (13). Another excellent lot, condition varies from fair to very fine with some outstanding stamps present.
    Ausruf : 2.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 5.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 1238 Madagaskar

    1884/1950: Collection some hundred mainly fine used stamps, starting with four different British Consular labels, issues by the French Post Office with surcharged values up to 5 Fr., stamps on piece, pairs, strips, blocs of four, plenty of philatelic 'made up bisects' on piece and on cover, few postage dues etc., in addition 35 cards and covers incl. military mail and better airmail items, also a 'Telegram envelope' from Majunga addressed to Marseille, two items joined by certificates, nicely arranged on album pages and presented in two Ferrari albums, a rare offer.
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 1147 Finnland

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 2x+5Cx+8C
    1 / 1
    1856: Covers (3) with 1856 10 k. rose-carmine used on 1859 entire letter from Wibörg to Sordavala but margins touched Mi = € 3'000, 1866 5 p. brown lilac on laid paper, two horizontal pairs of exceptional rouletting and colour, used on 1870 cover front to Lovisa tied by 'Helsingfors' datestamps (29/1) in black with framed 'Ank' marking of the following day at left, a most attractive usage, Cert Ossa (1992) Mi = € 1'200 off cover; together with 1870 entire letter from Tavastehus to Helsinki with fine 20 p. blue on blued.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 650 CHF

    Losnr. : 1213 Franz. Somaliküste

    1893/1902: Collection 155 mainly fine used stamps from 5 c. up to 50 Fr., incl. some bisects, partly on a small piece, in addition 31 covers, cards and picture postcards showing various and partly better frankings incl. some bisects, those sent to local destinations as well as despatched to France, Germany and Switzerland, furthermore two wrappers with complete Newspaper DJIBOUTI and a few duplicats, mostly in good condition, nicely arranged on album pages and presented in a Ferrari album, a rare offer collected over years.
    Ausruf : 3.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 8.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 1362 Sardinien

    1861/63: 10 c. deep brown in a vertical pair, 40 c. scarlet and 80 c. yellow, margins touched in places to large, used on 1863 double rate cover from Genova to Valparaiso, endorsed ‘Per Steamer via Southampton and Panama’, tied by ‘Genova’ datestamps (Jan 10) in black and the 10 c. by ‘London / Paid’ transit cds in red (Jan 13). Carried on the RMSP ‘Shannon’ to St. Thomas, trans-shipped to the RMSP ‘Tamar’ to Colon, obverse with double arc PANAMA transit cds of British P.O. in black (Feb 7) and thence via PSNC Steamer to Valparaiso. A scarce and most attractive three colour franking. Signed Vaccari.rn 
    Ausruf : 600 CHF
    Zuschlag : 900 CHF

    Losnr. : 1202 Frankreich

    1748/1978c.: Selection of covers (165+), with 1748 entire from Constantinople mailed via Vienna, struck with D'AUTRICHE and thence via Basel to Marseille, 1842 entire from Basse-Terre, 1848 entire from Cayenne, 1860 cover with 1852 20 c. and 80 c. tied by Anchor lozenge carried on the "Carmel" at double rate, 1863 cover with 1862 10 c. and 40 c. carried on the "Euphrate", 1909/10 cards (2) to Mopéa via Chinde, Nyasaland; WWII with interesting Censored correspondence to Dublin etc., together with a fine range of Military usages in Constantinople and the Levant. Generally fine, with much of interest to the diligent viewer.rn 
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 750 CHF

    Losnr. : 995 Tschechoslowakei

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 4B-6B,7
    Czechoslovak Legion in Russia 1920: Cover to Praha, franked by Irkutsk issue compl. set of 25 kop. carmine, 50 kop. green and 1 rub. brown as well as Lion issue 1 rub. blue & red, tied by "POLNI POSTA / CESKOSLOVENSKE VOJSKO NA RUSSI / POSTE MILITAIRE" handstamp, one line cyrillic "Dojstvuyuscaya Chesko-Slovakaya Armiya" in black and "POLNI POSTA / CESKOSLOVENSKE VOJSKO / PRESIDENT GRANT / XXXV" handstamp in violet alongside. The 'President Grant' was the vessel which run on August 28, 1920 the 35th and final travel to bring the last troups and the post office back to Europe. Signed Franek.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1266 Griechenland

    1896: Olympic Games issue, the set of twelve values complete to 10 drachma, all used on the famous cover to the Spanish Vice Consul in Crete, posted on board Steamer and all tied by framed PLEINE MER handstamps in black. Small part of the back flap missing but with red wax seal of the Spanish Embassy in Athens. An astonishing cover - just three covers are known bearing the entire issue, this, the ex 'Akropolis', 'Zappeion' and 'Parigi' cover and the ex Bolaffi cover. Rare and extraordinary.rnrnProvenance: David Feldman, Zurich, Nov 3-8 1980, lot 9628.
    Ausruf : 8.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 966 Bulgarien

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 2/III
    1 / 1
    1863/64: Third Printing 1 pi. black on thick lilac paper, a fine sheet marginal example used on 1864 entire letter from Deraliye, Constantinople to Filibe (Filipopel), Bulgaria tied by unusually superb strike of the dotted lattice obliterator (Brandt 2) in black. A further adhesive was applied at lower left and removed by the Postal Clerk, the space being heavily cancelled by a further lattice to denote this. A fine and most attractive entire. Opinion Todd (2013).rnProvenance: Collection Herry Schaefer, exhibited at the Istanbul Exhibition in 1996.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1153 Frankreich

    1795/1831: The varied selection of mostly Napoleonic Military mail (16) with 1792 entire from Chambéry with ARMÉE DU MIDI in black, 1793 entire with ARMÉE DES ARDENNES in red (signed Pothion), 1795 entire with ARM. D. PIR. ORIEN in black, entire with 1re. DIV / ARMÉE DE LA MOSELLE in black, 1795 cover to Lille with BAU. GAL / ARM. DU NORD in red; 1795 entires with ARMÉE DES CÔTES and ARMÉE DES CTES DE BREST in black; 1799 entire from Basel with BAU GAL / ARM. DU DANUBE in black; 1809 entire with No. 18 / ARM D'ALLEMAGNE in red, 1813 entire from Löbenburg with 'No. 39 / Grand Armée' in black; 1831 two entires from same correspondence with ARMÉE DU NORD from Bureau A and B. Condition varies but many fine.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1444 Portugal

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 2b
    1 / 1
    1853: D. Maria 25 r. pale blue, the magnificent unused horizontal strip of three, marginal from left of sheet with huge margins all round, minute thin not affecting the appearance in any way and mentioned only for full accuracy, a truly wonderful multiple in the foremost quality for the first issue, with just two small hinge remnants on superb browned original gum. A delightful and important multiple for the connoisseur. Certs. NFACP (1997), Dias (2004).rnrnProvenance: Collections Yardley, Urwick, Gonçalves and 'Cascais'.
    Ausruf : 5.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 5.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 945 Albanien

    Katalognummer : 2/6
    Italian P.O.'s 1902/07: 'Albania' overprinted issue, ten different values for Albania & Epirus, with 18 stamps applied on pages from the Madagascar Post Office ledger book, together with two further pages from the ledger book with 'Durazzo /20 pa. 20' on 10 c. carmine postal stationery cards (3) and 'Albania / 20 Para 20' on Italy 20 c. claret postal stationery cards (5) all overlapping and both stamps and cards tied by circular receiving handstamp 'Postes et Telegraphes / Collection de Berne / Madagascar' in red. One page signed at base by the Director of Posts. Unique trio.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 260 CHF

    Losnr. : 1354 Stato Pontificio

    1852: 5 b. black on rose and 6 b. black on grey (3), all fresh and fine, tied by grill handstamps to small 1867 cover to New York USA, with ROMA (Jan. 28) despatch cds, framed PD, French entry mark in red and "NEW YORK / PAID / FEB 15" cds as well as '3' (cents) in red alongside. A very attractive cover. From 1 September 1866 the rate for letters with French mediation was reduced to 23 b. for each 7.5 grams, three cents were credited to the US postal administration. 
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 550 CHF

    Losnr. : 1203 Franz. Kol. allgemeine Ausgaben

    1 / 1
    Colonies générales 1871/72: 40 c. orange (2), plus 1872 5 c. green and 15 c. brown, all tied by black lozenge SNG to outer letter sheet to London with cds "SENEGAL-ET-DEP St-LOUIS 23 MAI 76", framed black "P.D." and red London arrival mark (Jun 8) alongside. Small margin faults, but a very attractive three-colour presentation of the 1 fr. tariff one month before the French colonies joined the GPU. Cert. Behr (2010).
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 500 CHF

    Losnr. : 939 Albanien

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 15A
    1863: Italy 60 c. lilac used on cover from Venice to Scutari, Albania endorsed 'Via Trieste, Col Vapore Austriaco di Antivari' tied by numeral obliterator with 'Venezia' despatch cds (April 5) adjacent. Triest transit (April 6) on reverse and superb strike of thimble SCUTARI D'ALBANIE cds in blue (11/4) and Turkey 1869 1 pi. yellow tied by all arabic Scutari handstamp in blue (Coles & Waalker figs. 3 and 6) to meet the Postage Due. A charming and rare cover. Signed Sorani.
    Ausruf : 350 CHF
    Zuschlag : 550 CHF

    Losnr. : 1254 Div. Franz. Kolonien

    French Colonies, lots & collections, French North Africa 1821/1977: Selection of covers/cards (40+) with Algeria incl. 1839 entire from Oran with "Purifié / Toulon" oval, 1841 entire to Genova via Nice with "Alger / Algerie" cds, Nov 1844 cover sent unpaid with "Bone / Algerie" cds to France charged 25 décimes, 1845 entire to Wurttemberg charged '46' kreuzer; Morocco with small registered 1905 correspondence from Fez to Constantinople, 1943 cover to Ireland with "Exempt from Censorship" in violet, Tunisia with 1821 disinfected entire from Tunis to Marseille, 1864 entire with superb pearled "Tunis" cds.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 150 CHF

    Losnr. : 1029 NDP Elsasss Lothringen

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 6/I+Fr24+25+41
    1 / 1
    Okkupationsausgaben Elsass-Lothringen 1870: Faltbrief Metz nach Libourne mit NDP 20 C. blau, klar entw. "METZ 14/10 71 7-8 N" in Länder-Mischfrankatur mit Cérès 20 C. blau sowie Napoleon lauré 1 C. oliv und 2 C. braun (2), diese erst bei der Passage durch Paris mit stummem Sternstempel in Blau entwertet. Ein aussergewöhnlicher Brief, er zeigt neben der Mischfrankaktur NDP-Frankreich auch eine sog. September-Frankatur. Nach der Portoerhöhung in Frankreich für den Brief von 20 auf 25 C. am 1. September 1871 standen anfangs keine 25 C. - Marken zur Verfügung und das korrekte Porto konnte nur mit Buntfrankaturen wie der vorlegenden entrichtet werden. Neben seiner postgeschichtlichen Relevanz auch eine Augenweide, signiert Calves; Attest Guy du Vachat (2010).
    Ausruf : 1.400 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1394 Italien

    Trieste Zone B 1948/54: Collection on leaves with May 1948 100 l. red on yellow in unused strip of three, Red Cross with 2 l. on 50 d. brown with overprint double, Aug 1949 set of ten values unused, 1950 Locomotive set of four unused and the perf. and imperf. miniature sheets, 1950 Animals set of eight unused, scarce Oct 1951 Red Cross Flag set unused, 1952 Olympic set unused with 50 d. variety background lines omitted, 1953 Workers set of ten unused, 1953 Esperanto set of two unused, 1954 Animals set of 12 unused etc., one or two covers and varieties, a good lot.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 650 CHF

    Losnr. : 961 Bulgarien

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 1/II+3/II+P4
    1 / 1
    Incoming Mail from the Ottoman Empire 1863: Second Printing 2 pi. black on blue thin paper in a horizontal pair, right hand stamp showing "Broken upper Frame Line", 20 pa. black on yellow thin paper and Postage Due 5 pi. black on brown-red thin paper with Plate Flaw "Broken Tughra", used on 1863 cover to Filibe (Filipopel), Bulgaria cancelled by dotted 'Battal' in black. Illustrated in 'Cover Story' by M. Basaran on page 115. A superb and colourful cover for the connoisseur of the issue. Opinion Todd (2013).
    Ausruf : 3.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1198 Frankreich

    1985/95: The extraordinary collection of Imperforate French Commemorative issues, an enormous collection with many hundreds of sheets, safely protected and uncreased in albums from Sept 1985 'Dubuffet' issue through to 1996 'Descartes' issue, mostly in complete sheets of 25 subjects with a full listing by Maury numbers with exact quantities and current catalogue value; fresh and fine unmounted og. throughout. A fine opportunity for a thriving wholesaler as thematics abound and the stamps can still be used for Postage- the total catalogue value is € 1'514'595.
    Ausruf : 60.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1305 Ungarn

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : A1 + Austria 37/I
    1 / 1
    1871: Postal stationery money order with an indicium of 5 kr. red following the design of the 1871 Hungarian definitives in mixed franking with the 1867 Austro-Hungarian 'Ausgleich' definitives, 5 kr. red coarse whiskers used from "PESTH 7/4 71" to Gyöngyös with arrival cds on reverse (9/4). The usual central vert. fold and some nicks, but the coupon still attached, an interesting complete and fine example of these completely bilingual formular in mixed franking with the previous issue. Cert. Ferchenbauer (2016) Ferchenbauer = € 3'000.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1404 Italien

    Trieste 1919/53: Cover lot 18 envelopes and cards, incl. 1919 mixed franking Trento-Trieste on Express delivery envelope to Milan bearing compl. set of eleven to 1 corona in combination with issues of Venezia Giulia and Trentino, further 1946 censored envelope to USA, Triest Zone A First Day usage 'Campidoglio' 300 L. + 500 L. (25.11.50) and 1000 Lire single franking on registered envelope (8.11.52) as well as 1951 (March 27) First Day cover 'Stamps of Tuscany' centenary issue. An interesting group. 
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 1431 Niederländisch-Indien

    1891/1970c.: The selection with covers/cards (90) with the majority from Netherland Indies incl. 1894 cover franked with two 10 c. and two 12½ c., one with fault, mailed via Medan and taxed 10 c. on arrival in Switzerland, 1913 Value Declared Parcel Card at 1 g. 75 c. rate to Switzerland, fine postcards, a range of 'On Active Service / Field Post Office' post WWII air-letters with various different cachets, post-War airmail usages etc. Condition varies but an unusual group.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 240 CHF

    Losnr. : 1027 NDP Elsasss Lothringen

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 6/I+Fr30
    1 / 1
    Okkupationsausgaben Elsass-Lothringen 1870: Eingehender Faltbrief Elbeuf nach Metz mit Napoleon lauré 40 C. orange, sauber entw. mit Punktnummernstp. '1386' mit nebenges. "ELBEUF 18 OCT 71" und rotem franz. "P.P." im Kasten in Länder-Mischfrankatur mit NDP 20 C. blau im waagr. Paar, durch Bläuel entwertet. Portogerechter, ehemals doppelgewichtiger Brief. Da Frankreich die Tätigkeit der Reichspost in Elsass und Lothringen als ungültig ansah, entstanden Doppelfrankaturen mit deutschen und franz. Marken. Dies endete erst mit Inkrafttreten des neuen Postvertrags im Mai 1872. Attest Guy de Vachat (2010).
    Ausruf : 700 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1259 Div. Franz. Kolonien

    1890/1960: Interesting selection some hundred mainly fine used stamps covering different French Colonies and post offices abroad incl. French Levant, Port Said, Ile Rouad, Vathy, Liban, Moheli, Madagascar, Maroc, Réunion, Syria, Tunisia and others, inbetween some better values as well as some covers incl. Military mail as 'Corps de Débarquement de Casablanca' or 'Points d'Appui de la Flotte Diego.Suarez' and others can be found, mainly in good condition, housed in a Ferrari album,
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.800 CHF

    Losnr. : 1461 Portugal

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 6/II
    1855/56: Pedro V, 25 r. blue, straight hair, small figures, a used horizontal pair and a horizontal strip of four, all tied to 1856 cover to Porto by Coimbra "77" numeral obliterators in black with framed COIMBRA handstamp below. Reverse with Porto arrival datestamp (April 8) in black. Margins just touched to large, inevitable when the setting is so misaligned, file folds affect three stamps but an extraordinary franking for this issue.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 750 CHF

    Losnr. : 1487 Portug. Kolonien allgemein

    1897/19: Interesting selection with 380 Fiscals and Revenues issued for the mainland Portugal, for it's Colonies in general, for the Acores, Cabo Verde, Macau and Mozambique, perf. and imperf with and without gum as issued, partly with SPECIMEN overprint, the lot incl. single stamps. pairs, blocs of four, six and eight as well as a full sheet with 30 subjects, in addition two documents from Angola and Goa, a rare offer in good quality, mounted on album pages.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 750 CHF

    Losnr. : 1443 Portugal

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 1
    1853: D. Maria 5 r. reddish-brown, Die I, a used horizontal strip of four, two stamps barely touched at base and the fourth stamp at right, almost inevitable with the variable setting of this issue, neatly cancelled by light strikes of "1" numeral obliterator of Lisbon in black. A rare and most appealing strip with few multiples this large recorded Mi = € 5'600+/€ 11'000 for a block of four.rnrnProvenance: Collection Gaudet; Collection 'Cascais', Investphila, March 2009, lot 36.
    Ausruf : 1.200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.400 CHF

    Losnr. : 1227 Frankreich

    1870: Siège 40 c. orange overlapping 1870 Bordeaux 10 c. bistre, Report II, imperforate, in two vertical pairs, margins large to touched, used on 1872 entire letter from Smyrna to Marseille tied by dotted '5098' gros chiffres in black with "Smyrne / Turquie" despatch cds at right (Jan 5). Small cartridge 'Paquebots / De La / Mediterranee' in red above and framed PD in red. Reverse with Marseille arrival cds (Jan 12). A fine and very unusual franking.
    Ausruf : 1.200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1199 Frankreich

    1913: Two letters, written from Rochefort, each signed at base by Pierre LOTI (1850-1923), French Naval Officer and writer of 'Madame Chrysanthème', a novel of Japanese manners that is a precursor to Madame Butterfly and Miss Saigon, Le Roman d'un enfant (The Story of a Child), a somewhat fictionalized recollection of Loti's childhood that would greatly influence Marcel Proust; Ramuntcho (1897), The Last Days of Peking (1902); in later years he was a fervent pro-Ottoman supporter during the Balkan Wars.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 996 Tschechoslowakei

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 7
    Czechoslovak Legion in Russia 1920: Stationery postcard 5 on 6 c. of Ceylon with add. franking of Lion issue type II, written in Colombo on April 4, 1920 and sent to Brno, tied by "POLNI POSTA / CESKOSLOVENSKE VOJSKO NA RUSSI / POSTE MILITAIRE" handstamp. An item posted on the way back home from Vladivostok via Hong Kong, Singapore, Colombo, Aden and Port Said to Trieste, maybe a unique combination franking. Signed Kwasnicka.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1229 Franz. Post in der Levante

    1860/1914: Collection 50 used stamps and pieces presenting the diff. postmarks of Jaffa, Haifa and Jerusalem, incl. Jaffa Petit chiffre '3678' on Napoleon imperf. 10 c. bistre, Gros chiffrs '5089' in black or blue on the consecutive classic issues, "JAFFA SYRIE" dotted cds used after 1876, also usages on later Sage stamps such as 5 fr. violet, Jerusalem cds usages on French stamps and Levant definitives, in addition ten stamps used/unused from the Italian PO in Jerusalem.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 400 CHF

    Losnr. : 1195 Frankreich

    1849/1960: Lot some Hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, mainly better values and full sets as classic values from No. 1, War Orphans, Caisse d'amortissement, Sourire de Reims, Samothrace, souvenir sheets as Strasbourg, Paris 1925 and PEXIP, military stamps, booklets incl. Red Cross, Airmails incl. No. 1+2, 50 fr. Burelage (three examples), four examples 1936 100th Ocean Crossing, Alsace-Lorraine and much more, nicely arranged in one stockbook, careful inspection is recommended.
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.800 CHF

    Losnr. : 1397 Italien

    1862/1979: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, incl. full sets as Manzoni, postage dues, Exprès, Posta pneumatica, Airmals with Zeppelin set and two tryptiques of 1933, set Roma-Buenos Aires of 1934, few parcel stamps, plenty of modern commémorative sets etc., mostly in good condition and housed in four Bolaffi albums with cover, in addition few album pages bearing used and unused stamps prepared for Italian Post Offices abroad, all arranged in a box..
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 700 CHF

    Losnr. : 968 Bulgarien

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : P2b+P3b
    1 / 1
    1863/64: Postage Due 1 pi. black and 2 pi. black, each on thin orange-brown paper with blue Control bands, centrally applied to 1864 cover addressed to Rustschuk but without cancellation, the 1 pi. overlapping the 2 pi. which is affected by file fold. An unusual cover - most probably genuine (double the 1½ piastre deficiency) and from a known correspondence but this cannot of course be realistically confirmed. Opinion Todd (2013). Sold "As Is / Tel Quel". 
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 948 Belgien

    Armée Sambre et Meuse 1794/96: Entire letters (8) with 1794 entire from Warem to Nancy with ARMÉE DE SAMBRE / & MEUSE in black; 1795 entire locally used in Brussels on headed paper with italic 'Agce. Gle. des postes / des arm. et de la Belg.' in red, 1795 entire from Brussels with BAU. GL. ARMS DU NORD / SAMBRE ET MEUSE in red; 1795 printed entire from Bonn with ARM. SAMB- / ET MEUSE in black; 1795 entire from Courtrai from 'F Division, 1796 paymaster's entire from Hersbruck to Frankfort and autographed letter-sheet signed by Lazare Hoche, 1810 entire from Antwerp with BAU PRINCIPAL / ARM. DU NORD in black. Scarce and generally fine group.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 1327 Modena

    1 / 1
    1852: 5 c. on green with large margins all round, tied by blue bars to entire registered letter with fancy SASSUOLO, UFFIZIO POSTALE IN SASSUOLO, framed PD and RACCOM alongside, all in blue, sent 1856 to Modena with blue arrival cds on front. The letter shows a registration handstamp and the registration number in manuscript, it is however only franked as a non-registered letter, suggesting a combined prepayment with the registration fee paid in cash. A fine and attractive cover. Signed A. Diena. Cert. Colla (2017).
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1225 Franz. Post in der Levante

    1865 (July 9): Entire letter from Aleppo to Marseille, struck on despatch with POSTE FRANCAISE / D'ALEP in blue, franked by France 1862 10 c. bistre and 40 c. orange tied by "5079" gros chiffres of Alexandrette in transit. Small cartridge 'Paquebots / De La / Mediterranée' in red and reverse with 'Beyrout / Syrie' transit and Marseille arrival cds (July 26). File fold well away from theadhesives, a fine entire.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1171 Frankreich

    Ballon Monté 1870 (Nov 14): Gazette Des Absents No. 7, a complete example franked by 1863/67 laureated 40 c. orange tied by bold Paris Star 8 with 'Paris /R. D'Antin' cds adjacent (Nov 14, 4th levée), probably carried by the Ballon "Jean Bart No. 2". Reverse with Carcasonne cds (Nov 26) and mailed on to Constantinople, already franked and prepaid for this destination, with French P.O. 'Constantinople / Turquie' cds on reverse (Dec 10). A rare and fine entire. Signed Fayolle Maury = € 8'000.rn 
    Ausruf : 1.200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.900 CHF

    Losnr. : 1311 Italien

    1369 (May 21): Doge Andrea Contarini, Vellum manuscript of the 60. Doge of Venice (1367-1369), addressed to a Nobel in 'Terre Istrie', official firm writing of the Palace, "Data i nro ducali palaco, die XXI may ...", without signature. Like all the documents of the Doge, this also shows the typical longitudinal cuts at the upper and lower edges of the parchment. Fine and very early document, illustrated in Vollmeier's Repubblica di Venezia Vol. I on p. 25.rnProvenance: Collection P. Vollmeier.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 1132 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten

    1945/78: Sammlung Deutschland nach dem 2. WK, einige Tausend vorab postfr. Marken, dabei Zonenausgaben mit Gemeinschaftsausgaben, BI-Zone mit Gedenkblock Exportmesse Hannover 1949, Währungsreform, Bautenserie, Franz. Zone mit Baden, Rheinland-Pfalz und Württemberg inkl. Gedenkblocks, Saargebiet mit den Hochwasserblocks, Bundesrepublik mit ein paar besseren Ausgaben der Anfangsjahre, Berlin mit beiden Aufdruckserien, sowj. Zone mit kompl. Serien, und wenigen Blocks, DDR mit Block DEBRIA 1950, guten Serien wie Deutsch-Chinesische Freundschaft, MARX-Blocks etc., dazu eine kl. Zusammenstellung mit gestempelten Marken dieser Gebiete jedoch ohne Höchstwerte, sauber arrangiert in vier Schaubek Alben.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.300 CHF

    Losnr. : 1395 Triest Zone A

    1945/51: Collection with complete sets and better values used/unused. starting with 1947 issues for Venezia Giulia, incl. airmails and express delivery stamps, further recapito autorizzato 20 Lire violet (Sass. 5A) unused mint copy with cert. Raybaudi (2006), Pacchi Postali with 1947/48 100 L. showing shifted overprint (Sass. 9/I, cert. Colla 2004), 1949/53 10 L.  violet (Sass. 18A cert. Sorani 2008), Segnatasse 1947  5 L. violet used as well as 1949/54 500 L. used and unused. Fine Sass. = € 15'000.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.300 CHF

    Losnr. : 970 Bulgarien

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 2/IIxa
    1 / 1
    1863: Second Printing 1 pi. black on thin lilac paper, a fine horizontal strip of three used on cover addressed to Sofia, good margins all round, tied by 'Battal' lattice of dots handstamps in black. Slight closed tear to envelope but a rare multiple franking: Basaran illustrates no further strips of three of this stamp on letter. Illustrated in 'Cover Story' by Basaran on page 61. A rare and appealing franking. Opinion Todd (2013).rnProvenance: Collection Bergfeld.
    Ausruf : 2.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 965 Bulgarien

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 1/IIIya+3/IIxa
    1 / 1
    1863/64: Third Printing 1 pi. black lilac-grey thick surface coloured paper used with Second printing 2 pi. black on thin greenish blue paper, on cover from Constantinople to Filibe (Filipopel) tied by two strikes of the 'Battal' lattice of dots in black of Deraliye. The 1 pi. with hole possibly caused by the cancellation and the 2 pi. probably sheet marginal, a scarce cover. Signed Tefvik Kuyas. Opinion Todd (2013).rnProvenance: DF, Geneva, Sept 2013, lot 30280.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 1174 Frankreich

    Ballon Monté 1870 (Nov 14): Gazette Des Absents No. 28, a complete example franked by 1871/75 Cérès 40 c. orange tied by bold Paris Star 1 with 'Paris / Pl. de la Bourse' cds adjacent (Jan 17, 6th levée), to Constantinople, probably carried by the Ballon "La Poste de Paris", with framed red 'PD' at base. Reverse with Marseille cds (Jan 29) of transit. A rare and fine entire. Signed Raybaudi Maury = € 8'000.rnProvenance: Robineau, Feb 1974.rn 
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 1405 Italien

    1900/60c.: Collection of covers/cards (40+) with fine range of Italian Occupation of Libya from 1911 incl. registered cover at 50 c. rate from Tripolitania to USA, 1911 'Posta Da Camp' card and cover, stampless card with large "Nave Ospedale Militare" cachet in violet from Homs, 1912 illustrated envelope from Bengasi taxed on arrival, 1914 cover with contents sent stampless from Cirene and a card from Zuara; Eritrea and fine range of 1950/60's Somalia covers. Condition varies but some fine strikes noted.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1475 Portugal

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 10/II
    1856/58: 25 r. blue, curly hair, Die II, a complete used sheet of twenty-four (4 x 6), generally ample to large margins all round, touched at top right and lower left, diagonal crease and some rust spotting, cancelled by 24 strikes of the "78" numeral obliterator of Águeda. Despite the faults, an extraordinary sheet and one of just three complete used sheets recorded.rnrnProvenance: Collection Trincão, SG, London, 11 Nov 1966.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1422 Monaco

    1885/1960: Collection some hundred stamps use/unused incl. better single values and full sets, without 5 Fr. of 1885 and Princess Charlotte's mariage 5+5 Fr. of 1922, stamps with upgraded face values, popstage dues, 20 Fr. black of 1933, red cross surcharges of 1940, souvenir sheets 1938 and 1947, airmails incl. 1955 bird set up to Fr. 1000 and many more, unused stamps mostly with full original gum and first hinge, good condition and housed in one album.
    Ausruf : 350 CHF
    Zuschlag : 350 CHF

    Losnr. : 1136 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten

    1849/1945: Sammlung mit einigen Hundert ungest. Marken, meist mit Falz befestigt, dabei vorab kl. Werte der Altdeutschen Staaten, Dt. Reich ab den Brustschildausgaben, INFLA-Periode, IPOSTA-Block, Nothilfeblock, OSTROPA-Block, Holztauben, Flugpost mit Zeppelin-Marken (teils festgeklebt), Wagner-Satz, viele kompl. Serien des III. Reiches inkl. Blocks und Dienstmarken, Feldpostmarken, Dt. Abstimmungsgebiete mit Allenstein, Marienwerder und Oberschlesien, Besetzungsausgsben  1. und 2. WK mit Böhmen und Mähren, Generalgouvernement und anderen, Dt. Auslandspostämter und Kolonien, Danzig, Memel und Saargebiet, vorab in guter bis sehr guter Erhaltung, in einem Schaubek-Album.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 1219 Franz. Indochina Allg. Ausgaben

    Indochine 1909 (Oct. 19): Registered cover franked with a plethora of French Indochina definitive issues, cancelled by "BENTHUY 19 OCT 09 ANNAM" datestamps, with octagonal "R" registration handstamp and octagonal "YOKOHAMA à MARSEILLE L. No. 1" shipmail datestamp alongside, reverse with Haiphong Tonkin transit and Bern arrival (Sept. 24, 1909) cds's. In addition piece with French Indochina stamps tied by "SAIGON COMMERCE 26 II 28" datestamps.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 150 CHF

    Losnr. : 1296 Griechenland

    1861/1964: Old time collection with several hundred stamps used/unused, showing a wide range of large and small Hermes heads with colour shades, surcharges and cancellations, full set Olympic Games 1896 and 1900 overprints, Hermes set 1901, set Olympic Games 1906, semi official airmails 1926, Zeppelin set of 1933 and later airmail sets, postage-dues, Greek administration in Albania, Crete, Icarice, Epirus as well a a few dulicats, mainly in good condition and housed in one album.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1426 Niederlande

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 6
    1 / 1
    1864: Willem III, 15 c. dark orange, two fresh and fine examples tied by framed FRANCO to entire letter to Dunkerque, French entry cds "PAYS BAS VALnes" (15 MARS 66) alongside, reverse with arrival cds on the next day. As the the cover was of the second weight rate, a 'ontoereikend' handstamp in red was added and the cover was handled in France as fully unpaid and taxed with '12' décimes. Cert. Vleeming (2016).
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1482 Portugal

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 28+93
    1 / 1
    1867: Portugal 25 r. rose perf. 12½, a used example with some trimmed perforations and Spain 1868 50 m. brown-lilac (Edifil 98) both applied to 1869 cover to Malpartida, Portugal tied by Spanish circular 'Rueda de Carreta' 14 in black. Reverse with Madrid cds and Portuguese transit datesta,mp. Slight flap tear and overall aging but a remarkable and rare 'mixed country' cover. Cert. NCDP (1999), Comex (2007).
    Ausruf : 2.200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1028 NDP Elsasss Lothringen

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 1/I+3/I+7/IIb
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    Okkupationsausgaben Elsass-Lothringen 1870: Wertbrief Illkirch-Grafenstaden nach Gneversdorf bei Travemünde mit NDP 1 C. oliv, 4 C. grau und 25 C. dunkelbraun mit verkehrtem Unterdruck (ein Wert mit Eckfehler), je ideal klar entw. "ILLKIRCH-GRAFENSTADEN 24 10 71" mit rücks. Ankunftsstp. "TRAVEMÜNDE 28 10". Ein portogerechter Brief in der ersten Gewichtsstufe bis 15 Gr. mit 10 C. für das Briefport, 25 C. für das Einschreiben und 20 C.  für eine versicherte Summe von bis zu 200 Fr. (50 einliegende Thaler = 187,50 Francs). Ein aussergewöhnlich attraktiver und postgeschichtlich interessanter Brief, Befund Roumet (1990).
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1261 Div. Franz. Kolonien

    1890/1960: Important collection with several hundred mainly fine used stamps covering French Colonies and possessions in Africa, noteworthy among others are Benin, French Congo, Gabun, Ivory Coast, Maroc, Niger, Réunion, Senegal and Togo. The collection  includes better single stamps, full sets, some varieties, several covers incl. Airmails as well as a few postage dues and Military items, nicely arranged in four Ferrari albums.
    Ausruf : 2.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.400 CHF

    Losnr. : 1165 Frankreich

    1852: Présidence 25 c. blue in a horizontal pair, fresh and fine with good to huge margins, tied by 'Grille sans fin' to envelope to Moutier, Savoy with framed PD and "Bau CENTRAL PARIS 21 DEC 52", both in red alongside. An attractive example of the 50 c. letter rate to Sardinia from a well known correspondence. Signed Roumet. Cert. von der Weid (2011) Maury = € 4'000 for this destination.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1226 Frankreich

    1869: Entire letter from Smyrna to Syros, Greece franked by France 1863/67 laureated 40 c. orange tied by dotted '5098' gros chiffres in black with "Smyrne / Turquie" despatch cds alongside (July 28). Handstruck "45 LEP" charge marking in black at right and the amount due collected with Greece 1862/67 consecutive printing 5 l. green and 40 l. rosy mauve on blued tied by "Syros / 67" cds in black. The entire with some creasing but scarce.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 280 CHF

    Losnr. : 976 Kroatien

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    Katalognummer : 54+82+110
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    1941: 4 k. ultramarine, 1942 0.25 k. on 2 k. dull carmine and 1943 Soldier 9 k. + 4.50 k. deep brown used in combination with Italy 5 c. brown, 30 c. brown and Airmail 25 c. dull green pair optd. "N.D./H." in black on 1943 registered local cover, all tied by "Sebenico" datestamps (Sept 23) in black. Slight fault to envelope flap verso but a scarce and colourful franking. Cert. Berisslav Pervan (2016).
    Ausruf : 350 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft
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