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Losnr. : 2317 Türkei
1867: DBSR 20 pa. black on green used to pay Local Post service from Czernowoda to Kustendje on 1868 large part cover to William Tully in Monkwearmouth, Durham, UK (a ship owning family) in combination with Astrian Levant 1864 5 s. rose red (fault at top) and horizontal strip of four 10 s. blue perf 9½, one with tiny tear at top, all tied by LLOYD AGENZIE / KUSTENDJE datestamps (September 30) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 844). Red framed "P. D." at lower left and reverse with Vienna transit cds (Oct 6) and part Sunderland cds. Side flaps removed and cover sensibly strengthened for protection, however a remarkable and extremely rare usage. Cert. E. Diena (1992) and Puschmann (1997).
Provenance: Collection Henry W. Houser, (June 1992), lot 1144.
Collection Gordon Torrey, Corinphila sale 99 (June 1997), lot 8386.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 2318 Türkei
Ottoman Steamship Companies 1858: 'Admiralty' stamp lithographed in deep carmine on white paper imperforate, a very fine example in a deep shade with manuscript '3' pi. in ink, used on small piece addressed to Smyrne with framed "P. P." Anchor cachet at left, thus dating it post-May 1860. An exceedingly scarce stamp. Cert. Behr (2009) IsfilaYP1 = TL 7'500 (used)/Mi = EUR 10'000 (cover).Ausruf : 800 CHFZuschlag : 950 CHFLosnr. : 2319 Türkei
Ottoman Steamship Companies 1858: 'Admiralty' stamp lithographed in deep carmine on white paper imperforate, a fine example used on May 9, 1860 cover to Giovani Michelli (Mixany) in Gemlek (Chios) with value in manuscript 1½ pi., framed "P. P." Anchor cachet (Porto Pagato) at right-this being the earliest usage of the combination between the Admiralty stamp and the Anchor cachet. An exceptional example of this rare stamp on letter. Illustrated in Ringstrom & Tester on page 126. Signed A. Diena, Giulio Bolaffi and A. Bolaffi. Certificates A. Diena (1971) and Giulio Bolaffi (1972) IsfilaYP1 = TL 7'500 (used)/Mi = EUR 10'000 (cover).Ausruf : 5.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2320 Türkei
Asia Minor Steam Ship Company 1868: Lithographed 1 pi. black on green glazed paper, a superb large margined example of this extremely rare stamp, cancelled by part 'Joly' handstamp in blue (Mr. Joly presided over the Company). A wonderful example of this rarity Isfila YP12 = TL 12'500/Mi = EUR 7'500+.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 2321 Türkei
Asia Minor Steam Ship Company 1868: Lithographed 2 pi. black on green glazed paper, a superb huge margined example of this extremely rare stamp, cancelled by part 'Joly' handstamp in blue (Mr. Joly presided over the Company). A wonderful example of this rarity. Signed Calves Isfila YP13 = TL 8'500/Mi = EUR 5'000.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 2.400 CHFLosnr. : 2321A Türkei
Shipping Companies 1871: Entire letter from Smyrna to Chios, with exceptional strike of rare four line cachet BELL'S / ASIA MINOR / STEAMSHIP Co. / SMYRNA AGENCY in blue green. A wonderful and extremely rare entire.
Note: This Company was formed in 1868 at Smyrna. Their Steamers, sailing under the British Flag, plied their trade between Smyrna, Chios, Chesme, Samos, Calymnos, Cos & Rhodes.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2322 Türkei
T. B. Morton & Co. Shipping Company 1870/72: Small group with perf. 12½ set of three values unused, two lower values imperforate vertically on one side (thus sheet marginal), 1870 10 pa. black & red, perf. 12½ mint and used (cancelled in red) and 1872 imperforate 10 pa. black and red on blue unused Mi = EUR 600+.Ausruf : 160 CHFZuschlag : 190 CHFLosnr. : 2323 Türkei
1846: Entire letter from Constantinople to Chios (Mixany correspondence) struck with fine oval C.O.* / CONSTANTINOPLE* / P. P. (Compania Ottomana Posta Pagata) in black (Ringstrom & Tester type 7). A very fine example of a scarce marking.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2324 Türkei
1846 (Feb 8): Entire letter from Brousse to Constantinople struck with oval negative seal handstamp "P. P." in black (Ringstrom & Tester fig. 3). Minor edge wear mentioned for accuracy only, a rare and attractive entire for the Exhibit collection, a very similar cover from the same correspondence being illustrated in Ringstrom & Tester on page 113.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2325 Türkei
1847 (Jan 5): Entire letter from Constantinople to Livorno struck on front with fine circular "P.P." struck in red (Ringstrom & Tester fig. 12), reverse with framed DISINFETTATA DEL LAZARETTO / S. ROCCO DI LIVORNO in black. A fine and rare cover.
Provenance: Collection Anthony Fraser , Corinphila (Oct 2008), lot 5287.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2326 Türkei
1847: Entire letter from Constantinople with somewhat blurred impression of oval COMPANIA / OTTOMANA / P. P. (Posta Pagata) in black (Ringstrom & Tester type 5). Scarce.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 2327 Türkei
1856 (Sept 12): Entire letter from Constantinople to London via Triest, carried by private ship and struck in Triest with italic "Leta. arr.te per mare" in black. Handstruck framed "7¼" (silvergroschen) charge mark in blue at upper left (Van Der Linden fig. 3107) and charged in London at 1 s. 1 d. in manuscript with '9' (pence) credit to Prussia alongside. London arrival (Sept 23) on reverse of a scarce entire.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2328 Türkei
1859 (May 6): Entire letter from Constantinople to Chios, prepaid with 'Porto Piastre' label annotated in manuscript "1½" (piastres) in combination with superb strike of circular P. P. / POSTA DEI PIROSCAFI OTTOMANI in black. A fine and very rare usage (Ringstrom & Tester fig. 8).
Note: Illustrated in Ringstrom & Tester on page 124.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2329 Türkei
1859: Entire letter from Constantinople to Brousse with superb strike of oval Agency marking in blue COSPOLI * POSTA DEI PIROSCAFI OTTOMANI DELLA ZECCA / P.P. (Ringstrom & Tester type 17). A very fine example of this scarce marking on an attractive entire.
Provenance: Collection Anthony Fraser, Corinphila sale 156 (Oct 2008), lot 5290.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2330 Türkei
1860 (Feb 6): Entire letter (an invoice) from Lyon, France to Brousse, Turkey carried as a consignee's letter and forwarded on arrival in Constantinople with "Porto Piastre" label with '2' in manuscript, tied to cover by framed "P. P." with Anchor cachet in black (Ringstrom & Tester type 10). Some creasing and ageing but an unusual and rare usage. Signed A. Diena and Calves.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2331 Türkei
Dieses Los wurde leider wieder zurückgezogen.Losnr. : 2332 Türkei
1644/1875: Entire letters / Covers (31 items), with 1644 entire from Aleppo to Alexandria, 1748 entire from Constantinople to Marseille via Vienna Forwarding Agent and Basel, 1805 entire disinfected at Semlin, prepaid cover of 1835 from Constantinople to France via Vienna, 1827 entire to Belgium rastel punched at Semlin, 1856 cover to Balaclava (Crimean War) franked by GB 1 d. and 2 d.; covers to and from British P.O. in Constantinople incl. 1861 entire with GB 1856 1 s. green, French Paquebot mail from Constantinople incl. covers carried on the "Indus", "Phase", "Neva", "Sinai" and "Dupleix" with Ship's datestamps; 1893 cover with 40 pa. on GB ½ d. vermilion used on first day to Middlesborough etc. A splendid lot for further study.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2333 Türkei
Tughra First Printing 1863/64: 2 pi. black on thin blue paper showing through, the scarce range with mint examples (2) and fine used examples with shades (7), majority fresh and fine. A rare group Gi 7 = £ 4'000+/Mi = EUR 7'500.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2334 Türkei
Tughra First Printing 1863/64: 5 pi. black on thin rose red paper showing through, mint examples (2) and used (5) with shades, majority fine to very fine, a scarce selection Gi 8 = £ 4'000+/Mi = EUR 8'500+.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2335 Türkei
Tughra Second Printing 1863/64: 20 pa. black on yellow thin paper coloured through, twelve single mint examples being the reconstruction of the Transfer Block of 12 types. Scarce and generally very fine to superb Gi = £ 960/Mi = EUR 1'800.Ausruf : 320 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2336 Türkei
Tughra Second Printing 1863/64: 5 pi. black on thin red paper showing through, the selection with mint (6) and a vertical tête-bêche pair, and used (6) in varying shades, quality fine to very fine, a scarce selection Gi 4 = £ 1'900+/Mi = EUR 3'000+.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 2337 Türkei
1863: 1 pi. black on slate (3), 2 pi. black on greenish blue (2), 5 pi. black on red or crimson (2) and 5 pi. black on crimson in a 'head-to-head' tête-bêche pair, all on thin paper coloured through, fine mint selection, all without Control bands. A few imperfections but a scarce assembly Gi = £ 1'700+/Mi = EUR 2'700.Ausruf : 360 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 2338 Türkei
Tughra Second Printing 1863/64: 20 pa. black on thin yellow paper showing through, the unused or mint selection (8), fair to superb.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 2339 Türkei
Tughra Third Printing 1863/64: 20 pa. black on thick yellow paper, mint example (4) and used examples (5), fair to very fine, a scarce group.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2340 Türkei
Tughra Third Printing 1864: 1 pi. black on slate-purple on surface coloured thick paper, six unused shades and six used shades, generally fine, a scarce group.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2341 Türkei
1863/64: First Issue collection with 20 pa. thin paper used (6), 1 pi. in yellow error unused (2), 1 pi. used (4), 2 pi. mint (10) and a tête-bêche pair, 5 pi. mint (2) and tête-bêche pair, condition fair to fine.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.800 CHFLosnr. : 2342 Türkei
1863/1930: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused from Sultan Abdul Aziz, Duloz issue with colour shades and varieties, full sets, surcharged values, newspaper stamps, officials, postage dues etc., partly in duplication and housed in one volume.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 350 CHFLosnr. : 2343 Türkei
1863/2009(ca.): Collection hundreds used/unused stamps, incl. Tughra, Duloz, Ampir & Crescent issues with better values such as 1891 printed matter stamps, in addition official stamps, postage due, obligatory stamps for airmail, for Red Crescent, and Children Charity.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2344 Türkei
1865/76: Duloz Issue, the collection on leaves with 1865 10 pa. green used (3), thereafter with mint or used multiples of the set and fine 25 pi. orange used, 1865 1 pi. imperf. pair mint, error of colour mint and postmark interest incl. late use of the battal etc., 1868/69 issue with perf 13¼ 10 pa. lilac (9 mint shades and a block of four), 20 pa. green (3 mint), 2 pi. red (3 mint), 25 pi. mint (3) and used (3), 10 pa. imperforate pairs mint and used,1868/59 perf 5-11 with 10 pa. mint (6), 1 pi. yellow mint (2), 25 pi., red mint (6) and used (2), 1873 perf 12½ 10 pa. mauve mint shades (9) with most ex Platinga, 10 pa. inverted overprint used, imperf. 2 pi. red pair, 1875 issue incl. imperfs, 1876 'pre' issue with 2 pres. mint block etc. A marvellous lot with cancellation interest and a few covers.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2345 Türkei
1865/1900: Collection in brown album with cancellation interest with some fine Duloz usages with some multicoloured frankings on piece and a few multiples, and a small group including Foreign Post Office usages (Austrian, German, Italian, Russian), 450+ stamps.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 2346 Türkei
1865/1981: Collection hundreds primarily unused/mint stamps, starting with Duloz, Ampir & Crescent issues, also incl. 1923 Lausanne issue unused, 1930 definitives & Sivas set unused, 1935 Suffragette set unused, in addition Red Crescent obligatory stamps 1911 & 1916 unused, Airmail 1927 & 1930 Airmail sets unused, Hatay, and Turkish Cyprus.Ausruf : 4.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2347 Türkei
1867: 'Unissued' set-the comprehensive selection on album pages with issued 2 pi. mint (4) and used (4), 5 pi. mint (6) and used (3); unissued with multiples and including the rare 25 pi. orange mint (with cert. Robineau), varieties including 10 pa. green imperforate pair, 1 pi. lilac imperforate with overprint of the 5 pi. (rare). A fine and scarce selection.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2348 Türkei
1876/77: The collection of the issue with multiples and shades etc., also the 10 pa. and 20 pa. values with overprint inverted mint, imperforate vertical paires with overprint inverted mint, imperforate examples of the set of three with upright overprint and some scarce used multiples.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 2349 Türkei
1876/1934: Small balance on leaves with two 1890 covers bearing bisected usages cancelled in Baghdad, 1891 Newspaper usages (2) and 'Imprime' 1 pi. blue used (cert.), 1900 cover from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Copenhagen, and two Airmail First Flight covers (1933 and 1934) to Greece etc.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 2350 Türkei
1876: Small collection with mint set of six values, tête-bêche pairs (perf. 13¼) of 50 pa. and 5 pi. mint, perf. 11½ tête-bêche pairs of 2 pi., 5 pi. and 25 pi., perforated Proof of the 25 pi. in magenta, and horizontal imperf. pairs of the 5 pi. and 25 pi. etc.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 2351 Türkei
1880/81: 2nd Empire Issue, album page with complete set of five mint, imperforate pairs of 10 pa. and 1 pi. tête-bêche, imperforates of the four values (1 pi. being singular, Mi 41), and vertical tête-bêche pairs of the 10 pa., 20 pa. and 1 pi. mint. A fine group.Ausruf : 160 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 2352 Türkei
1882/90: Empire / Bicoloured Issues, the specialised collection on leaves with 1884 5 pa. violet mint (both perfs.) and rare 25 pi. black on olive grey mint (both perfs.) and used, also a Sperati forgery used, imperforate pairs mint, 1886 set mint and imperf pair of 5 pa., 1888 set mint perf. and imperf., 1890 set mint with some imperforates and 5 pi. colour error, also an 1886 Newspaper with 20 pa. red franking. A fine comprehensive lot.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 2353 Türkei
1886 & 1909: 20 pa. postal stationery cards, earlier card cancelled with all arabic "XANTHI" handstamp (Isketche) in green addressed to Port Lagos, 1899 20 pa. card of 1892 used to Hamburg with same handstamp well struck in violet (Coles & Walker fig. 16+21). A fresh and fine pair.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 2354 Türkei
1901/08: Sultan Abdul Hamid II, collection on leaves with 1901 sets mint, 1901 Printed Matter perf 13¼ set mint with fine 5 pi. red lilac, March 1901 set to 50 pi. yellow, 1901 Printed Matter set to 5 pi. with mint pair (Mi = EUR 1'100); 1905 sets mint and imperforate varieties in pairs, 1905 Printed Matter set, perf. 12 to 5 pi. mint, 1908 definitive sets (three diff. perfs.) mint (Mi = EUR 1'000+) and a few better multiples and varieties mint, 1908 Printed Matter sets mint (Mi = EUR 1'750), and some fine covers/cards (15). A fresh and fine lot.Ausruf : 800 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 2355 Türkei
1909/1911: Collection on leaves with 1909 definitive set perf. 12, mint incl. fine 25 pi. and 50 pi.(Mi = EUR 750), 5 pa. imperforate pair used (cert.), rare compound perfs. and varieties incl. 20 pa. double perf. and imperf. between pairs of 20 pa. and 1 pi. values, 1909 Printed Matter 5 pi. lilac mint (EUR 750), 1909 Printed Matter perf. 12 set mint (EUR 1'200), 1909/11 Foreign Post opt. 1pi. blue imperf between pair mint, 2 pi. in a fine mint block of eight (rare), and a few fine covers.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 2356 Türkei
1911: Imperial Tour Issue-the apparently complete mint selection from all four towns: Monastir, Pristina, Salonique and Uskub. A scarce assembly.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 2357 Türkei
1913/17: Collection on leaves with 1913 set mint and with imperf. varieties, 1914 set mint to 200 pi. green & black (Mi = EUR 1'100), Wartime Oct 1914 set mint, followed by extraordinarily comprehensive selection of the Crescent Overprint issues with nearly every stamp and perforation variety noted, inverted overprints mint, red for black overprints with many varieties certified or signed incl. Mi. 302 used, 1916 Sinai overprint on wrong issue with 10 pa. and 20 pa. mint (certificates), 10 pi. of 1908 (Mi 36bC = EUR 750) mint. Careful viewing is recommended.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.900 CHFLosnr. : 2358 Türkei
1915/23: Lot 18 unused picture postcards showing diff. scenes from the operning of a British memorial at Gallipoli Campaign battlefield (Dardanelles) in May 1923, in addition three covers from Tooting UK to a British Captain in the Salonika Force, returned to England.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 2359 Türkei
1917/21: Predominantly mint collection on leaves with Provisional Issue overprinted "PTT" with comprehensive assembly of this scarce surcharges on issues from 1865 onwards including some spectacular multiples, inverted surcharge varieties and errors etc., also 1917 2 pi. brown & slate with rare perf 11½ mint, and the two unissued designs for the 5 pi. in crimson and 10 pi. in deep green (Isfila 872/873), 1918 with five stamps from the unissued conquest of Egypt set mint, 1919 overprinted issues with varieties (certificates) mint, a delightful lot worthy of careful viewing.Ausruf : 850 CHFZuschlag : 2.800 CHFLosnr. : 2360 Türkei
1939/53; Small dealer's stock with several hundred stamps in mainly mint condition, incl. full sets, blocks of four and more, imperf. items and souvenir sheets, housed in one stockbook owner's cat = appr. CHF 6'400.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 2962 Türkei
Literature 1886/1995: Lot six books and booklets, related to Ottoman philately, incl. La Turquie Economique 1906, Passer, The stamps of Turkey, 1938 and Brandt & Ceylan, Premiers marques postales de la Turquie, 1963. In addition, a group of early philatelic journals such as 'Le Timbre Levantin' from no. 1, 1886, 'Der Orientalische Philatelist' from 1886, and 'L'Orient' from 1908. An interesting group.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHF
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