Alle Lose
Losnr. : 6097 Rumänien
Austrian Post Offices in the Dobrudja 1867: 15 s. pale brown, a single example used on 1873 entire letter to Trieste, tied by bold strike of scarce "SULINA" Roman dated cds (31 / VIIII) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 856). Reverse with ITZKHANY border transit cds (Sept 5) and oval Triest arrival. Scarce and most attractive entire. Cert. Eichele (2009).rnAusruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 6098 Österreich. Levante
Austrian Lloyd P.O.'s in the Dobrudja, 1874 (15 May): Folded cover from Sulina via Itzkany to Trieste, bearing 1867 coarse whiskers 15 s. brown, tied by type 2 cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 840), reverse with thimble ITZKANY transit cds (19 May) and oval TRIEST arrival part datestamp. Signiert Ferchenbauer.rnProvenance: Collection Edwin Müller; collection Dr. Anton & Elisabeth Jerger, 140. Corinphila-Auktion (Mai 2004), Los 977.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 6099 Rumänien
Austrian PO's in Dobrudja 1874: Entire letter sent prepaid to Trieste endorsed per Lloyd, struck on despatch with rare three line dated "SULINA" cds (Oct 18) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 840) with straight line "FRANCO" below. Manuscript rated '35/40' kreuzer below. A fine and rare entire. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 480 CHFLosnr. : 6100 Rumänien
Austrian PO's in Dobrudja, Tulcea 1861: Prepaid entire letter from Tulcea to Constantinople, endorsed "via Costanza" at top, struck with "TULTSCHA" circular datestamp (Tchilinghirian fig. 837) and rare unlisted straight line "FRANCO", both in blue-green ink. Reverse, opening well for display, with Austrian PO "Constantinopel" cds of arrival (22 Jan 1862) in black. Rare. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 6101 Rumänien
Austrian PO's in the Dobrudja 1867: Austrian Levant 10 s. blue, a single example used on 1873 entire letter to Constantinople tied by two strikes of circular "TULTSCHA" atestamp (Sept 28) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 837). Reverse with Lloyd Agency Constantiunople arrival cds. Some imperfections but rare.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 3.600 CHFLosnr. : 6102 Rumänien
Russian PO's 1847: Cover from Kishinev struck with somewhat weak two line despatch datestamp in black, with intact red wax seal and showing superb strike of two line dated Cyrillic "RECEIVED AT JASSY / 9 JUL1846" (V YASSAKH POLUCHENO) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 347) with manuscript annotation altering year date to "7" - perhaps an indication of how rare this arrival cancellation truly is. The cover docketed on front as accompanying valuables: "There are, in a special leather bag in Gold: 773 semi-Imperials in Austrian currency and 1 Rub. 45 kopeks of silver coins, Total at the rate (shown in manuscript at the upper left of cover) 4'000 silver roubles"....Rare. Ex collection Sassower.rnProvenance: Collection Dr. A.H. Wortman.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 6103 Rumänien
Russian P.O. 1852: Bilingually addressed cover from Jassy to Constantinople, struck on reverse with circular cyrillic "YASSY" datestamp (Sept 4) with wreath at base, struck in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 41). A very rare cover, mentioned in Tchilinghirian on page 63, this being the cover from which the illustation was taken. Ex collection Sassower.rnProvenance: Collection Eduardo Cohen of Lisbon.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 6104 Rumänien
Russian PO's 1859: Entire letter from Galatz to Bucharest endorsed "Urgent" at top in cyrillic, struck with sender's cachet in blue, and on reverse with "IZ GALATSA OVPRAV / March 27 1863" (translation Despatched from Galatz) handstamp struck in black ink (Tchilinghirian fig. 48) and recorded in Dobbin (63-2-02 / 1.05), with manuscript '1' on reverse and rated "1-20" on obverse in ink and in red crayon. An exceptionally rare entire. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 6105 Rumänien
Russian Post Office 1861: Entire letter from Jassy to Kishineff (now Chisinau, Moldova) struck on despatch with superb Cyrillic "ЯCCБI" JASSY circular datestamp (March 20) well struck in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 43) with Kishinev arrival cds (Marcch 23) in black on obverse. Turkish rate at left "1 / 1-30" in manuscript (piastres-paras). An extremely rare entire that opens well for Exhibit display. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6106 Rumänien
Russian P.O. 1862: Entire letter from Galatz to Constantinople with blue sender's cachet on obverse alongside red manuscript "11", the reverse showing fine strike of circular cyrillic "GALATS" datestamp with fleuron at base (Feb 10) in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 49 = "Very Rare") with manuscript "15" above. A few minor imprefections but an extremely rare entire: the earliest recorded usage of this datestamp. Ex collection SassowerAusruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6107 Rumänien
Russian PO's 1863: Entire letter from Ismail to Bucharest struck on reverse with "ISMAIL / 12 November 1863" handstamp struck in red ink - being the sole recorded strike of the Russian P.O. in Ismail according to Tchilinghirian and without illustration, recorded in Dobbin (21-2-04 / 1.12), with manuscript '1' on reverse and rated "30" parale on obverse in ink and in red crayon. An exceptionally rare entire. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 3.200 CHFLosnr. : 6108 Rumänien
French Post Office in Galatz 1859: Entire letter from Galatz to Malta with fine strike of pearled "GALATZ / MOLDAVIE" circular datestamp in blue (Aug 14), reverse with "Constantinople / Turquie" cds of transit (Aug 16) and "Malta" arrival cds (Aug 24) in black; rated "6d." to pay on arrival. Opens well for Exhibit display, a very scarce marking. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 6109 Rumänien
French Post Office in Galatz 1860: Entire letter from Galatz to Syros, Greece mailed via Constantinople; struck on despatch with superb strike of pearled departure "GALATZ / MOLDAVIE" cds in blue (Sept 1). Charged "40" lepta due in red crayon upon receipt in Syros (Aug 27j) with French P.O. Constantinople transit cds alongside (Sept 4) in black. Rare so fine.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 6110 Rumänien
French Post Office in Galatz 1867: France laureated 40 c. orange used on 1868 entire letter to Syros, Greece; tied by "5085" gros chiffres, pearled "GALATZ / MOLDAVIE" cds (Nov 14) and framed "PD" all in blue. French P.O. in Constantinople transit in reverse (Nov 17). Slight acid ink fault in address but a rare usage Maury = € 880+.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 6111 Rumänien
French Post Office in Galatz 1867: France laureated 4 c. grey, a magnificent used block of fourteen (7 x 2), of fine colour for this stamp (which is always rare 'used abroad'), cancelled by multiple strikes of "5085" gros chiffres of Galatz in blue. The upper row with ironed horizontal crease but a most extraordinary and spectacular multiple of great rarity. Cert. Menozzi (2017).Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6112 Rumänien
Incoming Mail 1861: Italy / Neapolitan Provinces 1 gr. black and 20 gr. yellow, touched to good margins, used on 1861 cover and back endorsed "Voie de Mer" to Bucharest cancelled in black (June 11) with framed "PD" in red adjacent. French P.O. "Constantinople / Turquie" transit (June 22g), fine strike of pearled "GALATZ / MOLDAVIE" cds in blue (June 26g), passed to Moldavian P.O. with "Galatz / Moldova" cds (June 17j) in red and "BUCAREST / WALACHEI" arrival (probably June 20 but month slug at top) in red. Manuscript Moldavia single rate "40" in blue deleted and Walachian charge of "60" due upon arrival in red manuscript. Tatty and with faults but very rare. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 6113 Rumänien
French Post Offices in Ibraila 1862/67: Cover fronts (2) to Constantinople with first bearing 1862 10 c. bistre (2) and 40 c. orange (2) all tied by bold strikes of "5087" gros chiffres with "PD" and "IBRAILA / VALACHIE" pearled cds in blue (23 April 1864), the second bearing France 1867 40 c. orange, two examples tied by "5087" gros chiffres in blue with framed "PD" and fair "IBRAILA / VALACHIE" pearled cds in blue (19 June 1869). Some imperfections but an extremely rare pair.rnProvenance: Collection Michael Sacher, RL, Basel, Oct 1973, lot 1503.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 6114 Rumänien
French Post Office in Ibraila 1867: France laureated 40 c. orange used on 1870 entire letter from Braila to Paris, tied by "5087" gros chiffres with superb strike of the pearled "IBRAILA / VALACHIE" cds (Sept 17) alongside, both in an unusual shade of violet-blue. Reverse with French P.O. in Constantinople cds (Sept 20) and Marseille cds (Sept 27) and thereafter with two further TPO cds's applied on the way to beseiged Paris. A remarkable and rare cover. with a most unusual 'violette' cds. Cert. Roumet (2018) Maury = € 2'000++.Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6115 Rumänien
Incoming Mail 1869: Cover from Patras to Braila, Romania franked by Large Hermes 1867/69 54 l. green on greenish and 40 l. rosy mauve, toucched to good margins, each tied by "9" numeral obliterators of Patras (July 28j) in black. Reverse, displaying well on flap, Athens cds, French PO in Constantinople transit cds (Aug 13g), and very scarce pearled "IBRAILA / VALACHIE" of the French Post Office struck in blue (Aug 19). Rare. Ex collection Sassower.rnProvenance: Collection Michael Sacher, RL, Basel, Oct 1973.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 6116 Rumänien
French Post Offices in the Dobrudja, Kustendje 1875: France Type Sage 30 c. brown (Yvert 64), a single example on 1877 entire letter to Constantinople, tied by fine strike of "KUSTENDJE / TURQUIE" circular datestamp (April 8) in blue with information strike at right. Reverse with Constantinople arrival cds (April 10) in black. File fold away from adheive and slightly soiled but very rare. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6117 Rumänien
French Post Offices in the Dobrudja, Tulscha 1867: Unpaid cover from Tulcea to Kranidion, Greece struck with pearled "TULSCHA / TURQ. D'EUROPE" despatch cds in blue (June 9). Reverse with French P.O. in Constantinople transit (June 11), Piraeus and Athens cds's (Jan 2j) and taxed on arrival with 1862/67 5 l. green on greenish pair and 40 l. rosy mauve, margins touched to fine as usual, tied by Kranidion (June 5j). Imperfections largely from file fold but a very scarce cover. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 6118 Rumänien
1858: Bull's Head 27 pa. black on rose horizontally laid paper, a used example with clear margins on all sides, fine impression, cancelled by "JASSY / MOLDOVA" circular datestamp (25/9) in red (Kiriac fig. 279). Two small thin spots not affecting the appearance. Illustrated in Heimbüchler on page 285. Cert. Heimbüchler (1980).rnProvenance: Corinphilla sale 89, Oct 1994, lot 4939.Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : 5.500 CHFLosnr. : 6119 Rumänien
1858: Bull's Heads 27 parale black on rose horizontally laid paper, a fine and fresh used example with good to very large margins, lightly tied by part strike of "FOKSCHANI / MOLDOVA" datestamp (8/.2) in blue (Kiriac fig. 275) leaving the Bull's Head nearly untouched. Light paper irregularity in the margin at lower left, the stamp completely backed not detracting from the appealing appearance of this adhesive. An extremely rare stamp, just 20 examples are known used from Fokschani. Cert. Heimbüchler (1983) Mi = € 25'000.rnReference: Illustrated in Handbook I on page 273, pos. 2.rnProvenance: Harmers (Oct. 1948), Harmers (Nov. 1949).Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : 6.000 CHFLosnr. : 6120 Rumänien
1858: Bull's Head 27 pa. black on rose horizontally laid paper, a used example with large margins on three sides and ample margin at base, cancelled by "FOKSCHANI / MOLDOVA" cds (5/9) in blue (Kiriac fig. 275); fine appearance but for small shallow thin and surface rub on outer circle at top right; nevertheless an extremely scarce stamp with just 22 examples recorded used from Fokschani. Illustrated in Heimbüchler on page 272. Cert. E. Diena 1991), Dr. Gmach (2019) Mi = € 15'000.Ausruf : 3.500 CHFZuschlag : 3.800 CHFLosnr. : 6121 Rumänien
1858: Bull's Heads 27 parale black on rose horizontally laid paper, a fine and fresh used example in a deep shade with fair to large margins, lightly tied by part strike of "FOKSCHANI / MOLDOVA" datestamp (5/9) in blue (Kiriac fig. 275). A perfect example of this extremely rare adhesive of which just 20 examples are known used from Fokschani. Signed Thier & Pfenninger; cert. Heimbüchler (2002) Mi = € 25'000.rnReference: Illustrated in Handbook III on page 17, pos. 10.rnProvenance: Corinphila sale 133 (June 2002), lot 1779.Ausruf : 4.000 CHFZuschlag : 4.600 CHFLosnr. : 6122 Rumänien
1858: Bull's Head 27 pa. black on pink wove paper, a huge margined example of magnificent colour, used on 1858 cover from Jassy to Roman tied by neat "JASSY / MOLDOVA" circular datestamp (Aug 22) in blue. Central file fold well away from the delightful adhesive and one side flap missing but, of the 6 covers recorded from Jassy bearing the 27 parale, just this and one other bear stamps of this quality, this being the earliest recorded cover from Jasssy with the adhesive used in the third week of issue. Illustrated in the Heimbüchler handbook on page 281 fig. 2. A splendid rare cover for the connoisseur of classic philately. Signed Friedl. Cert. Heimbüchler (1986), A. Diena (1987) Mi = € 38'000.rnProvenance: Collection De M.K., Gilbert & Köhler; Collection Stevens, Harmers, London (1937); Collection Alfred Caspary, Harmers, New York, 18-21 Nov 1957, lot 351; Corinphila sale 74, March 1987, lot 3682.rnExhibited: Monacophil and offered on the Exhibit page.Ausruf : 15.000 CHFZuschlag : 90.000 CHFLosnr. : 6123 Rumänien
1858: Bull's Head 54 parale blue on light green horizontally laid paper, a fresh and fine example with good to large margins all around, cancelled 'B...MOL...' M1 cds in light blue. Minor imperfections, with a light thin and a tiny crease mentioned for accuracy, a most attractive example with the cancellation leaving most of the design free. Unrecorded in Heimbüchler's census of 2007, the stamp is cancelled either BAKEU or BERLAD, either town with only 15 examples recorded. Since all the items known from Bakeu are cut round, it is likely that the stamp was cancelled at Berlad. Signed Thier, Th. Lemaire; cert. Gmach BPP (2019) Mi = € 7'000Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 6124 Rumänien
1858: Bull's Heads 54 parale blue on greenish blue horizontally laid paper, a fresh used example, neatly tied by part strike of "FOLTITSCHENI / MOLDOVA" datestamp (./9) in blue (Kiriac fig. 276). Margins fair at right, good to large on the other sides. On reverse at top some thinning and minor crease, nevertheless a most appealing example with this extremely rare cancellation of which only three examples are known used from Foltitscheni, all adhesives with imperfections. Signed Thier & Heimbüchler; certs. Birnbach (1926), Heimbüchler (1997).rnReference: Illustrated in Handbook I on page 317, pos. 9.rnProvenance: Köhler (April 1934); Corinphila sale 107 (Sept 1998), lot 1686.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.200 CHFLosnr. : 6125 Rumänien
1858: Bull's Heads 54 parale blue on greenish blue horizontally laid paper, a fresh and fine used example, margins shaved at right, good to large on the other sides, tied by crisp inverted part strike of "BERLAD / MOLDOVA" datestamp (9/.) in blue (Kiriac fig. 272). An appealing example of this desirable stamp of which only 15 examples are known used from Berlad. Signed Thier & Heimbüchler.rnReference: Illustrated in Handbook I on page 309, pos. 13.rnProvenance: Corinphila sale 47 (Dec. 1960), lot 2183A.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 6126 Rumänien
1858: Bull's Head 53 pa. blue on green horizontally laid paper, a used example with good margins on three sides and shaved at base. horizontal paper repair and corner repair at top right, cancelled by "JASSY / MOLDOVA" circular datestamp (14/10) in red (Kiriac fig. 279). Illustrated in Heimbüchler on page 347. A good spacefiller and not unattractive. Signed J.M. Bartels, Zoscsak, Heimbüchler Mi = € 5'000.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 6127 Rumänien
1858: Bull's Heads 54 parale blue on greenish blue horizontally laid paper, a fresh used example in a deep attractive shade, touched lightly at base, other margins good to large, neatly tied to piece by "JASSY / MOLDOVA" datestamp (7/11) in red (Kiriac fig. 279). An attractive and desirable example, cert. Heimbüchler (2010).rnReference: Not illustrated in Handbooks I or III.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 6128 Rumänien
1858 (July 21): Bull's Head 81 parale blue on grey blue wove paper, a superb unused example without gum, with huge to enormous margins all round, a fresh adhesive of very fine appearance and without faults, an excellent crisp impression with minute spots as are characteristic of the nature of the delicate wove paper utilised and are no faults. A most attractive example of this great classical rarity, just 37 examples recorded in unused condition, half of them cut round or with major faults. Cert. Heimbüchler BPP (2010). Mi = € 42'000 / Gi 3 = £ 40'000.rnReference: Illustrated and described in Heimbüchler Handbook I on pages 364/365, adhesive no. 2; Edition d'Or Volume XII on page 49.rnProvenance: Luder (Corinphila) 1924;rn 'Moldau' Grand Prix International Collection, part 2, Corinphila sale 171 (Sept 2011), lot 6011.Ausruf : 25.000 CHFZuschlag : 46.000 CHFLosnr. : 6129 Rumänien
1858: Bull's Heads 81 parale deep blue on blue wove paper, a used example with narrow margins, touched at top, tied by light part strikes of "FOKSCHANI / MOLDOVA" datestamp (Kiriac fig. 275) and RECEPISSE handstamp (Kiriac fig. 1471), both in blue. Reverse with thins and creases, still a respectable filler of this sought after adhesive with only seven examples known from Fokschani including this example. Cert. A. Diena (1971) Mi = € 48'000.rnReference: Illustrated in Handbook I on page 375, pos. 7, cancellation there described as undefined.rnProvenance: Hamers (May 1937).Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 14.500 CHFLosnr. : 6130 Rumänien
1858: Bull's Heads 108 parale blue on rose horizontally laid paper, a superb and fresh example in a deep shade with even large margins, tied by a clear strike of "JASSY / MOLDOVA" datestamp (18/8) datestamp in blue (Kiriac fig. 279), contrasting well with the blue design, an additional light strike alongside. A desirable example of this rare adhesive, cert. Hunziker (1966) Mi = € 16'000.rnReference: Illustrated in Handbook I on page 389, pos. 3.rnProvenance: Hamers (Aug. 1947); Collection E. J. Leon, Kaufmann sale Basel (Oct. 1966), lot 1282; Ebel sale 155 (Sept. 1987).Ausruf : 4.000 CHFZuschlag : 5.000 CHFLosnr. : 6131 Rumänien
1858: Bull's Head 108 pa. blue on rose horizontally laid paper, a used example with large margins on three sides, just shaved at top; crisply cancelled by "JASSY / MOLDOVA" circular datestamp (14/10) in red (Kiriac fig. 279). Minute thin spot of no significance, a most attractive example of this rarity. Illustrated in Heimbüchler on page 402. Signed Calves. Certs. Heimbüchler (1980), Dr. Gmach (2019) Mi. = € 15'000.rnProvenance: Felix Brunner, sale 1, Prague, 1928; collection Eduardo Cohen.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 4.800 CHFLosnr. : 6132 Rumänien
1858: Newspaper stamp 5 pa. black with intact frame on bluish thin paper cancelled by double circle 'JASSY MOLDOVA 8/3' cds in blue. Margins good to large all round, minute thins in the difficult paper, in the margin at base light paper modifications. A beautiful example of this extremely rare stamp, only 32 examples are recorded in the Heimbüchler handbook. Certs. Engel (1949), Heimbüchler (1990) Mi = € 20'000.rnReference: Illustrated in Heimbüchler handbook III on page 65, pos. 99.rnProvenance: Larisch sale 18 (Dec. 1938), Grobe sale 93 (1949), Köhler sale 268 (June 1990), lot 5581.Ausruf : 4.000 CHFZuschlag : 6.000 CHFLosnr. : 6133 Rumänien
1858: 5 parale black, type II, on white paper with broken frame below 'A' in 'PAR', good to large margins all round and huge sheet margin at top, the stamp with original gum hinged away from the design, small owner's marking in red at base. Opinion Gmach (2020) Mi = € 300.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 6134 Rumänien
Losnr. : 6135 Rumänien
Losnr. : 6136 Rumänien
1858: Newspaper stamp 5 pa. black with intact frame on white thin paper cancelled by indistinct blue-green double circle datestamp. At left 6 mm large margin, presumably from the sheet margin, good margins at right, at base and top minimally touching the stamp design. An extremely rare stamp, only 32 examples with white or yellowish paper are recorded in the Heimbüchler handbook. Cert. Heimbüchler (2012) Mi = € 20'000.rnReference: Illustrated in Heimbüchler handbook III page 81, pos. 143.rnProvenance: Mohrmann sale 154, lot 925.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 4.600 CHFLosnr. : 6137 Rumänien
Losnr. : 6138 Rumänien
1858: 40 pa. on thin bluish-grey wove paper, a used example with good to large margins all round, on 1858 entire letter to Galatz tied by bold strike of circular "JASSY / MOLDOVA" datestamp (3/11) in blue (Kiriac fig. 279). The entire crossed to denote pre-payment in blue. An astonishingly early usage: the second Bull's Head Issue was released on Saturday 1st November 1858, and this letter is clearly cancelled on the 3rd day of issue (technically the 2nd day as the Post Office was closed on the Sunday). Until recently this item was considered the earliest known usage, as the only example from the first day of use was considered lost. The stamp has a tiny surface fault on the '0' of '40' at top otherwise fine and attractive. The second earliest usage of the issue and a major Exhibition item. Cert. Pascanu (2008).rnProvenance: Georges Matheescu of Sinaia.Ausruf : 15.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6139 Rumänien
1858 (Nov 7): Cover sent registered in the first week of issue, franked by 40 pa. blue on bluish wove paper, large even margins all round, tied by bold strike of "Jassy / Moldova" datestamp (Kiriac fig. 279) in blue (7/11) with "RECEPISSE" handstamp above and manuscript registration number 1365 below. Minor imperfection to face panel of cover away from adhesive, but a fine and very rare early usage. Illustrated in Edition d'Or volume XII on page 68. A fine and scarce entire. Signed Heimbüchler.rnProvenance: Collection "Moldau", Corinphila sale 167, 3 Dec 2010, lot 7041.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6140 Rumänien
40 pa. on bluish-grey thin wove paper, a deep shade with enormous margins from the base of the sheet on 1861 entire letter to Jassy, tied by framed "FRANCO / GALATZ" handstamp in black (Kiriac fig. 308) with 'GALATZ / MOLDOVA' cds (Aug 11) in black at top (Kiriac fig. 277) and crossed to denote prepayment. Reverse with ‘Jassy / Moldova' arrival cds in blue (Aug 13). Some soiling but a spoectacular usage. Signed Heimbüchler, with an additional signed opinion Mi = € 550+.rnProvenance: Corinphila sale 222, May 2018, ex lot 4148.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 6141 Rumänien
1858: 40 parale blue on bluish paper from the early printing, good margins all round, on circa 1859 single rate cover, from Berlad to Galati, tied by 'BERLAD / MOLDOVA' (Jan 28) in blue (Kiriac fig.). Cover undated but used before the introduction of the M3 'FRANCO' handstamps at the end of 1859, and thus rarer than the latter as they obliterated the stamps for a shorter time. The cover with some age related patina spots, a few lightly affecting the adhesive, otherwise fine condition. Gmach BPP cert. (2011) Mi = € 550.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 6142 Rumänien
1858: 40 parale blue on white-greyish paper, a lovely used example with huge margins all around, cancelled "BERLAD MOLDOVA 30/3" cds in light blue (Kiriac fig. 272). Minor imperfections with pin hole at top and tiny thin at upper right, both far away from the design, a very fine item. Signed Thier. Opinion Gmach (2020) Mi = € 220.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 6143 Rumänien
1858: 40 parale light blue on white paper (2 examples), bearing the M3 'FRANCO' postmarks of "FOLTICHENII" and part of "TEKO(UTCI)", nice examples with good to large margins all around. One cancelled at Tecuci has a couple of minor tears outside the design, otherwise both fine. One with opinion of Gmach (2020) Mi = € 440.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 6144 Rumänien
1858 (Nov 1): 40 pa. blue on white thin paper, an unused block of four in a rich shade, showing two vertical tête-bêche pairs, slight corner bend and scissor cut both well away from the adhesives but fine and fresh impressions, very fine, large part og. A delighful multiple. Cert. Heimbüchler (2017) Mi = € 1'600+.rnProvenance: Corinphila sale 222, May 2018, lot 4143.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 6145 Rumänien
Losnr. : 6146 Rumänien
1858: Lot containing two examples of 40 parale from different printings: greenish blue and deep blue (later print), both on white paper, with good to large margins, large part og. The late print example has a blue colour spot variety in front of '40' at top, which is constant at some printings. One stamp signed Schlesinger; opinions Gmach (2020) Mi = € 420.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 6147 Rumänien
1858: 40 parale blue on white paper on standard folded letter sheet in the 1st weight step, sent on 13/6 (1860) from Focsani to Galati, arrival 14/6. M1 The fully margined stamp is oblitered with an overinked M3 'FRANCO FOKSCHANY' in brownish-red, and the item also bears the dated M1 'MOLDOVA' handstamps of departure and arrival. The stamp has some minor marginal creases, and the item shows some aging, but is in good overall condition. Signed and cert. Pascanu (2018). Mi € 500.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 6148 Rumänien
40 pa. blue on thin white wove paper, a used example with large margins all round, used on 1860 entire letter to Jassy, tied by a watery strike of the framed "FRANCO / FOKSCHANY" handstamp struck in blue (Kiriac fig. 306) with "FOKSCHANI / MOLDOVA" cds (Jan 8) alongside (Kiriac fig. 275). Reverse with ‘Jassy / Moldova' arrival cds (Jan 10) in red. The stamp has a small contemporary tear at right, and has been lifted for checking and replaced. A scarce entire. Signed Salomon.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 6149 Rumänien
1858: 40 parale greenish-blue on white-yellowish paper, two overlapping examples with large margins, tied to small piece by two scarce "FRANCO / HUCHII" handstamps in black, very fine. According to researcher Kiriac Dragomir, only 1,545 examples of the 40 parale stamp were used at Husi. Opinion Gmach (2020) Mi = € 440.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 4.600 CHFLosnr. : 6150 Rumänien
1858: 40 pa. greenish-blue on white paper, used example with large margins all round, tied to 1860 entire letter to Jassy by framed "FRANCO / KAHUL" handstamp (Kiriac fig. 314) in black with "KAHUL / MOLDOVA" circular datestamp (Dec 19 - with day date inverted) at right (fig. 295). Reverse with Jassy arrival cds (Dec 22). The entire a tad worn but a rare entire from Kahul. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 6151 Rumänien
80 pa. vermilion on thin bluish wove paper, a used example with ample to large margins all round, cancelled by framed "FRANCO /GALATZ" handstamp in black (Kiriac fig. 308). Tiny pin hole mentioned for full accuracy, possibly from the original state of the thin paper, and manuscript showing through from address, but a fine example of a rare stamp Mi = € 1’300.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 6152 Rumänien
Losnr. : 6153 Rumänien
1858: 80 parale brick-red on yellowish-white paper, choice used example cancelled by "FRANCO / GALATZ" type 1 hanstamp in brownish-red, good to large margins all around, a very fine stamp. At base a few letters of the manuscript address on reverse. Opinion Gmach (2020) Mi = € 380.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6154 Rumänien
Losnr. : 6155 Rumänien
Losnr. : 6156 Rumänien
1858: 80 parale brick-red on white-yellowish paper, a fresh example with full margins all around, tied by the rare "FRANCO / DOROEHOI" handstamp in deep blue to a small piece. Minute part of the stamp missing presumably due to the cancellation process, nevertheless an attractive and very rare example as, according to researcher Kiriac Dragomir, only 913 examples of 80 parale were used at Dorohoi. Reverse with Saraga brothers company cachet of Iasi; opinion Gmach (2020) Mi = € 380.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 2.400 CHFLosnr. : 6157 Rumänien
80 pa. vermilion on thin white wove paper, a used example with clear margins all round, used on 1860 cover at double rate to Jassy,rnsuperbly tied by "FRANCO GALATZ / No.2" handstamp struck in blue (Kiriac fig. 309) with "GALATZ / MOLDOVA" cds (Jan 31) in blue above (Kiriac fig. 277) and ‘Jassy arrival (Feb 2) on reverse in red. Signed Peinelt.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 6158 Rumänien
80 pa. vermilion on white thin wove paper, a used example with large margins all round, on small cover sent registered to Bacau; tied by . oval framed "FRANCO / JASSY" handstamp in blue (Kiriac fig. 311) with "JASSY / MOLDOVA" cds below (24/4) and italic "RECEPISSE" at left. Reverse with "Bakeu / Moldova" arrival in deep red (25/4) and flap missing, overall toning but scarce.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 6159 Rumänien
1858 (Nov): 80 pa. brown-red, a fine and fresh example with large margins at left and right, good margins at base and top, tied to piece by oval "FRANCO / No 2 / GALATZ" handstamp in blue (Kiriac fig. 309). Stamp detached from piece, light diagonal crease at the lower left, nevertheless an attractive item. Opinion Heimbüchler (2007).Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 6160 Rumänien
Lots & Collections 1858: Complete set of the 2nd Bull's Heads Issue, 5 pa. black (type II), 40 pa. blue and 80 pa. brick-red on white paper, all choice fresh colour examples with wide margins, large part og. The 80 pa. with a small thin away from the design. 40 pa. signed Thier, 80 pa. signed Ph. Kosack; all three with Gmach's opinions (2020) Mi = € 1,100.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 6161 Rumänien
1858: Small appealing lot of 2nd Issue Bull's Heads (6) with some small faults. 5 pa. with small gum thins mostly outside the design; 40 pa. unused pair large part og. with a horizontal crease; the used pair of 40 pa. cancelled FRANCO JASSY in red on small fragment with some repaired tears; and a repaired 40 pa. used single. All signed, both pairs with Gmach's opinions (2020).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 760 CHFLosnr. : 6162 Rumänien
1858: 40 parale blue on bluish paper, a 40 parale blue on white paper and a 80 parale brick-red on white paper, all cancelled at Galatz, each with one of the 3 different handstamps (M1 cds and M3 'FRANCO' type 1 & 2). All very fine, with good to large margins all around. The example on bluish paper is signed Schlesinger; all three have the opinions of Gmach (2020) Mi = € 850.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 6163 Rumänien
1858 (Nov.): Selection ten used and six unused adhesives of the Bull's Heads incl. 5 parale black with broken frame, two unused; 40 parale on bluish paper (1) and white/yellowish paper, five used from DOROEHOI, BOTOSCHENI, BERLAD, TEKOUTCI, and ISMAILU, two unused; also 80 parale (4) used in Jassy, Fokschani, date- and handstamps, two unused. An appealing group two opinions.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 6164 Rumänien
1862: Handstruck 3 pa. yellow, a used single example on local Printed Matter cover within Bucharest, tied by "BUCURESCII" circular datestamp (Feb 24) in black with information cds alongside (Kiriac fig. 367). Sadly somewhat toned but of immense rarity with circa five recorded examples extant. Cert. Dr. Gmach (2024) Mi = € 5'000.Ausruf : 850 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 6165 Rumänien
1862: 3 pa. yellow to bright orange yellow, handstruck from single Dies, the extraordinarily rare franking on large part cover to Jassy bearing nine single examples, somewhat over-lapped and nearly all with good margins cancelled by six strikes of framed "FRANCO / ROMAN" handstamps in black (Kiriac fig. 319). Jassy arrival cds below (19/6) in black. A few minor faults with some staining but a marvellously colourful piece with the nine 3 pa. part paying a probable 30 parale single letter rate. An extraordinary franking of great rarity. Illustrated in Heimbüchler II on page 122 and Edition d'Or volume XII on page 97. Signed Friedl; Provenance: Sekula Auction Luzern, Dec 1928, lot 3112. Collection Sladowski, collection Paul C. Laptev (this item sold privately); collection "Moldau", Corinphila sale 167, 3 Dec 2010, lot 7070.
Info: The Lot will be offered on extension cert. Dr. Gertlieb Gmach/Julian Cherata AIEPAusruf : 3.500 CHFZuschlag : 3.500 CHFLosnr. : 6165A Rumänien
Losnr. : 6166 Rumänien
Losnr. : 6167 Rumänien
Losnr. : 6168 Rumänien
1862: 6 pa. carmine, a horizontal strip of five, margins close to touched, used on 1864 cover to Bucharest all tied by three strikes of large oval framed "FRANCO / JASSY" handstamps in black (Kiriac fig. 312) with baton capitals "JASSY / MOLDOVA" despatch cds (Aug 4) below (fig. 288) and Bucharest arrival cds (Aug 8) on reverse. The cover with two possibly removable stains at left and weak folds but a very rare usage to make up the 30 parale rate. Illustrated and discussed by G. Sassower in the London Philatelist, Volume 89, March-April 1980 on page 52 and in "Stampilografie Postala" on page 88.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 6169 Rumänien
1862: 30 parale blue, handstruck from single Dies, used example on attractive cover to Bucharest tied by very rare "STIRBEIU 29 / 11" datestamp, lightly struck in blue-black with repeated strike at right (Kiriac fig. 353). Bucharest arrival cds (1/12) on reverse. Stirbeiu received just 1'600 of the 30 parale value. A fine and scarce cover, signed Pascanu; cert. Heimbüchler (2010).rnProvenance: Collection L. N. Cristea; collection Moldau, Corinphila sale 171 (September 2011), lot 6061.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 6170 Rumänien
1864: Handstruck 30 pa. deep blue on wove paper, a used example with large margins all round on cover to Bucharest, tied by “PREDEALUL” datestamp (Kiriac fig. 349) in black (28/3). According to the Post Office archives, Predeal was only issued with a total of 295 of the 30 parale stamps and no more than four covers are believed to exist with this extremely rare cancellation. Some minor aging but probably the rarest cancellation of the issue. Illustrated in Heimbüchler II, page 114. Signed Heimbüchler.rnProvenance: Collection 'Moldau', Corinphila sale 167, 3 Dec 2010, ex lot 7076.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 6171 Rumänien
1862: 30 parale blue, handstruck from single Dies, used example witht just touched margins on 1864 large part "Retour Recepisa" tied by framed "FRANCO / JASSY" handstamp in black (Kiriac fig. 311). Rare "Draperie" JASSY handstamp (Kiriac fig. 329) in black at left (3 / 9 64) and GIURGIU arrival cds (9 / 9) alongside the adhesive. A fine and appealing piece. Signed Richter; cert. Heimbüchler (2010).rnProvenance: Collection Moldau, Corinphila sale 171 (September 2011), lot 6059.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 6172 Rumänien
1862: 30 pa. blue, handstruck, a used example with good to very large margins, used on 1862 entire letter written in hebrew to Braila, tied by "BUCURESCII" circular datestamp (Aug 7) unusually struck in red with information strike alongside (Kiriac fig. 366). Reverse with sender's cachet and Braila arrival cds (Aug 9) in blue. A fine and scarce entire.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 6173 Rumänien
1862: Handstruck 30 pa. blue, used example with ample to large margins all round, small bends in thin paper on application, on 1864 cover to Bucharest, tied by bold strike of "BRAILA" datestamp (8/9) struck in red (Kiriac fig. 368) with information strike adjacent in the normal blue ink. Bucharest arrival cds at left (10/9) in black. A most unusual cover. Signed Heimbüchler.rnProvenance: Corinphila sale 244, Dec 2019, lot 1413.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 6174 Rumänien
1862: 30 par. blue used on cover from Bucarest to Giurgiu, dated 11 July, tied by Bucarest datstamp with an additional strike alongside, endorsed 'Urgenta', to the reverse a very fine Giurgiu arrival in black dated the same day, pen note and owner mark in the bottom right corner at front and two arrows affixed to the front, otherwise fine, the stamp having good to large margins all round and very fresh colour.rnNote: Burarest is over 60km away from Giurgiu, same day delivereies were very uncommon.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 6175 Rumänien
1863: Covers (2) from Braila to Bucharest, with 1863 cover franked by 1862 handstruck 30 pa. blue, fair only, tied by red "BRAILA" cds (March 7) in red showing single rate fully prepaid, matched by 1863 entire letter struck with "BRAILA" cds (Oct 4) in blue (Kiriac fig. 368) sent unpaid with manuscript charge "55" parales Postage Due in blue crayon - the amount due being 30 pa. for the single rate letter and 25 pa. due as tax. Scarce. Ex collection Sassower.rnNote: For further reading on Inter-Principalities Postage Due, see Gabby Sassower article in the London Philatelist, Volume 87, Sept-Oct 1987, page 133 where the untaxed cover above is illustrated.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 6176 Rumänien
1864: Plate printed 30 pa. blue, a used example with close margins all round, tied to underpaid 1864 cover to Fokschan, tied by "BRAILA" cds (Oct 31) in black (Kiriac fig. 368) and by sender's oval cachet in blue. Reverse with "FOKSCHANI" cds of arrival (Nov 3) in black (as Kiriac fig. 270). Presumably found to be double weight on arival and taxed "55" parale in blue crayon manuscript - the amount due being 30 pa. for the single rate letter and 25 pa. due as tax. A scarce cover that opens well for Exhibit display. Ex collection Sassower.rnNote: For further reading on Inter-Principalities Postage Due, see Gabby Sassower article in the London Philatelist, Volume 87, Sept-Oct 1987.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 6177 Rumänien
1862: 30 parale blue, used example witht just touched margin on lettersheet to Galati, tied by framed fancy "FRANCO / BACEU" handstamp (Kiriac fig. 301) in black, matching "BAKEU MOLDOVA 10 / 9" cds in black (Kiriac fig. 271) at right, reverse with "GALATZ MOLDOVA" arrival cds of the following day. Indiscernible nick at cover's base, nevertheless a fine item. rnProvenance: Köhler sale 300 (September 1998), lot 1313.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 6178 Rumänien
1862: 30 parale blue, used example witht just touched margins on 1864 lettersheet tied by "GIURGIU 29 / 11" cds in black (Kiriac fig. 345), a neat information strike at right, reverse with BUCURESCI arrival cds of the following day. A fine item. rnProvenance: Köhler sale 300 (September 1998), lot 1341.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6179 Rumänien
1864: Plate printed 30 pa. blue, a used example with large margins all round, corner crease, on small envelope to Bacau, tied by "BUCURESCI" cds (Nov 26) in black (Kiriac fig. 337) with Bakeu arrival on reverse. A scarce stamp on cover: in circulation for less than four months Mi = € 500.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 6180 Rumänien
1862: Overcomplete handstruck unused set of the 'United Principalities' Issue on horizontally laid paper, 3 pa. (1), 6 pa. (1), 30 pa. (3, including a pair), together with two nicely used 30 pa. The 3 pa. and the 30 pa. pair with Gmach's opinions (2020). Fine lot.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 480 CHFLosnr. : 6181 Rumänien
1862/64: Yellow-orange 3 pa., small selection of handstruck, unused (3) and scarce used (2) with nice FRANCO ROMAN and MOLDOVA postmarks, both with Gmach's opinion; and plate printed 3 pa., with unused (4) and used (1, unfortunately torn at base). A nice lot.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 6182 Rumänien
1862/64: 6 pa., small selection of handstruck, unused (6) and scarce used (4), including a pair (faults) cancelled FRANCO GALATZ and a single with BUDEU postmark, both with Gmach's opinion (2020); and unused plate printed 6 pa. (36), including a block of 9 with the only tête-bêche pair found in the sheet of 40, two sideways pairs and a strip of 3, a block of 4 and an irregular block of 8. A nice lot.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 6183 Rumänien
1862/64: Collection of 30 pa. handstruck, with unused (1), used (27), one cover (faults) and 1864 Issue plate printed 30 pa., with unused (21), including a block of 9, a pair and a strip of 3 with sideways pairs; and also 6 used examples. A good lot with postmark interest, including a stamp with the partial strike of the extremely rare FRANCO NIAMTZU. Seven of the stamps have the opinions of Gmach (2020).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 6184 Rumänien
1862: Lot of three entires franked with 30 pa. with different rates. A rather scarce 1862 double weight cover franked with two overlapping 30 pa. cancelled FRANCO JASSY (Gmach cert. 2021); 1864 confirmation of receipt form sent from Bucharest to Slatina; and a 1862 single franking letter with the 30 pa. cancelled FRANCO BERLAD. Condition fair to fine.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6185 Rumänien
1865: Unadopted Essays for a proposed United Principalities issue, imperforate on white wove paper in green, brown and red. Imprint at base ‘M.R.F.’ with central vignette showing Crowned Eagle with the Bull on the chest and a Posthorn. Fresh and very fine (these Proofs frequently are also offered as Essays for the Maximilian Issue of Mexico of the same date). Scarce and very fine trio. See Cohen fig. 1.Ausruf : 175 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 6186 Rumänien
Losnr. : 6187 Rumänien
1865: Cuza 20 pa. red, a fine and fresh example with large top right corner margin, tied in a decorative way by two crossed strikes of grill obliterator, neat "CAHUL 18 / 9" datestamp (Kiriac fig 382) in blue at right on part cover to Galati, part GALATZ strike on lower flap on reverse. An unusual and attractive item, signed Miro; cert. Pascanu (2019).rnProvenance: Köhler sale 214 (March 1975), lot 5394; Collection Horst Dieter Scherrer, Köhler sale 288 (January 1996), lot 5333.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6188 Rumänien
1865: Cuza 20 pa. rose, Type I, margins huge to clear, tied to 1865 "Retour Recepisa" blue printed form (Posta No. 3) addressed to Botosani, tied by "T. FRUMOS / MOLDOVA 24 / 3" in black (Kiriac fig. 296). Reverse with another strike (31 / 3). Slight imperfections but a scarce and attractive usage. Cert. Pascanu (2019).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6189 Rumänien
1865: Cuza 20 pa. red, a fine used example with large margins all round, tied to 'Recepise de Înapoeri' form by grill handstamp in black with very rare Branch Post Office "BUCURESTI / POST SUCC. No. 4" datestamp (16/9) struck in blue at left (Kiriac fig. 783). Reverse with 'Craiova' arrival (19/9) datestamp in blue. Less than 10 items bearing postmarks of the Bucharest branch post offices are recorded. Typical wrinkles to receipt but rare and most attractive.rnProvenance: Corinphila sale 277, Nov 2021, lot 3898.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 6190 Rumänien
1865: Cuza 20 pa. red, a used example with good margins all round but with slight age spots from gum, used on 1865 entire letter to Braila tied by bold "FOKSCHANI" circular datestamp (March 6) in black (Kiriac fig. 299) with repeated strike at lower right. Galatz transit datestamps (March 8 and 9) and Braila arrival cds in blue on reverse. File folds away from adhesive, an unusual entire. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 250 CHFLosnr. : 6191 Rumänien
1865: Cuza 20 pa. red, a fine used example with large margins all round, used on 1865 entire letter to Ploesti tied by grill obliterator in black with "BRAILA" circular datestamp (Oct 27) above (Kiriac fig. 368) and private framed "FRANCO." handstamp in blue applied by the firm of J.J. Manoch in Braila and letter signed by Marco Cohen. Reverse with Ploesti arrival cds (Oct 30) in black. Illustrated and discussed by G. Sassower in the London Philatelist, Volume 89, March-April 1980 on page 56. A choice and fine entire.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 6192 Rumänien
Losnr. : 6193 Rumänien
1865: Cuza 20 pa. red, two examples with good margins all round, one just touched at base, used on 1866 entire letter to Braila, each tied by grill obliterators in black, with "CALAFATUL" despatch cds (Jan 3) in blue alongside (Kiriac fig. 341). Reverse with Ploesci transit cds and Braila arrival (Jan 10) displaying well on flap in black. Carried on the land route rather than the Danube. Illustrated and discussed in the London Philatelist article by Gabby Sassower, Volume 87, July-Aug 1978, page 99. Signed Calves. Ex collection Sassower.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 380 CHFLosnr. : 6194 Rumänien
1864/65: Prince Cuza Unissued (17 stamps) and the 1865 definitives with 2 pa. on wove paper unused (5, three orange and two yellow) and on laid paper (6, including a pair) and used (1, wove paper, faults); 5 pa. on wove paper unused (13, including a block of 4), and used (2); 5 pa. on laid paper unused (1) and used (1, faults); and 20 parale red unused range (16, including a mint block of 4 and a pair) and used examples (22). Also included is an unused 20 pa. on bluish paper with a 1940 Zoscsak certificate and two single usages on cover and on confirmation of receipt form. Interesting lot for the postmark collector, but also for the specialist, with some plate flaws noted. Generally fair to fine.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 6195 Rumänien