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Losnr. : 675 Dominikanische Rep.
1879: Unadopted Essay for proposed ½ r. in blue on lilac-rose, the sheet of twenty-one (7 x 3) with large margins all round; the design being similar to the issued 1866-1874, fresh and fine, insignificant bends, large part og. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 676 Dominikanische Rep.
1890/1935: Small group of covers/cards (12) with 1890 1 c. green postal stationery card and 1 c + 1 c. green reply cards (separated) all overprinted SPECIMEN in red ex ABN archives (H&G 13+14), 1891 UPU/80 c. on 15c. yellow postal stationery envelope fine unused (H&G B5a), 1901 cover at 20 c. reg'd rate to Baden readdressed to Gwelo, Rhodesia, 1904 registered cover to Germany at 20 c. rate with twelve adhesives, 1911 "Habilitado 1911" overprint on 2 c. inverted on cover to UK, 1920 cover to Krain, Yugoslavia franked 15 c., 1926 1 c. green card up-rated 1 c. used to Bulgaria (H&G 16), 1935 Airmail cover to Cuba with two Officially Resealed labels applied on arrival etc. Generally fine, a good lot. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 828 Honduras
1884: "Morazan" issue postal stationery cards (3), with 2 c. red used to Guatemala cancelled at Tegucigalpa in violet (H&G 1), 3 c. pale blue used from Gracia (Jan 2, 1889) via Tegucigalpa and New Orleans to Germany (H&G 2) and 3 c. pale reply half used from Amapala (June 27, 1885) to Germany. Scarce. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 829 Honduras
1891: President Bográn issue, Die Proofs (4) by the Hamilton Bank Note Co. for values from 1 c. to 75 c., all on Indiaa paper, with 1 c. in red, 2 c. in red (with Duty Plate "2" added in pencil); composite strip of four showing 5, 19, 20 and 25 c. values in green; and composite strip of four showing 30, 40, 50 and 75 c. values printed in brown. A scarce and most attractive group. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 830 Honduras
1891: President Bográn issue, Die Proofs (5) by the Hamilton Bank Note Co. for values from 1 peso to 10 pesos, Frame Only Proofs all in file numbered composite pairs (526-527) on thin India paper, 1 peso + 2 peso printed in brown, green and in orange and 5 pesos + 10 pesos printed in brown and orange respectively, a scarce selection - the 1 peso value being unadopted and issued in the smaller format. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 831 Honduras
1893: President Ezeta 3 c. purple postal stationery envelope (H&G B35), a superb unused example complete with the New Year's Greeting card showing the the same 3 C. design at top right, prepared for use by the Postmaster General. Scarce. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 832 Honduras
1893: General Cabanas Issue, the Hamilton Bank Note Co. imperforate Die Proofs (5) printed in red for the entire set of eleven (1 c. to 1 p.), with two composite Proofs, 5 c. die sunk on India paper, balance on thin India paper with three showing file numbers (607-609). A superb and rare set. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 833 Honduras
1893: General Cabanas Issue, the Hamilton Bank Note Co. imperforate Die Proofs (5) printed in black for the entire set of eleven (1 c. to 1 p.), with three composite Proofs, all die sunk on India paper with three showing file numbers (607-609) and four affixed to card. A superb and rare set. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 834 Honduras
1893: General Cabanas 5 c. blue (4 examples, three on reverse) used on 1895 legal size 'On Her Britannic Majesty's Service' envelope from Tegucigalpa to Berlin, Ont., Canada with one tied in red on despatch (Jan 8), the three on reverse cancelled by "New Orleans" datestamps in transit (Jan 21), with further transit of Detroit alongside (Jan 23). A scarce and attractive double rate cover. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 120 CHFLosnr. : 835 Honduras
1895: 'Justice' issue 10 c. brown-rose and horizontal strip of three 20 c. violet, all used on 1895 registered cover at 6 times rate to Berne, Switzerland cancelled by barred obliterator with "Oficina de Certificados / Tegucigalpa, Honduras" cds (Dec 3) in blue adjacent. Endorsed "via Puerto Cortes and New Orleans" with reverse showing transit of the latter (Dec 18), New York oval (Dec 12) and Berne arrival (Dec 31) alongside fine Official cachet in blue. A scarce high franking.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 836 Honduras
1898: Locomotive 5 c. dull ultramarine and 10 c. dark blue used on 1899 cover to Terre Haute, USA tied by barred obliterator in blue with fine "Santa Cruz de Yojoa / Departmento de Cortes / Honduras C.A." cachet in blue at left. Puerto Cortez cds (June 21) in red and New Orleans transit (June 26) on reverse. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 837 Honduras
1907: Medina 5 c., an imperforate Proof sheet of 100 subjects engraved by Kihn Brothers, New York; printed in black. Folded across the middle of the sheet horizontally in margin only, fresh and very fine. A scarce sheet. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 838 Honduras
1890/1944: The cover selection (14) with 1890 cover with Arms issue 5 c. blue strip of four used to USA, 1890 Arms 10 c. orange used on cover to France, 1892 Colombus 1 c.grey pair on scarce 1892 cover to USA at circular rate, 1892 German 10 pf. stationery card used back from Amapala to Potsdam, 1911 5 c. red on card cancelled "S.S. Rosina", 1911 5 c. and 10 c. on cover cancelled "S.S. Colombia", 1927 Package Tags used with 'Expreso Aereo' 50 c. blue on blued (3 tags, one with pair), 1929 "Colindres" issue on covers (2), 1944 Censored cover from OAK RIDGE (Bay Islands) mailed via Roatan to Belize etc. Minor imperfections but a scarce group. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 839 Honduras
1891: "Bográn" issue, the cover selection (5) with April 1892 cover with 5 c. green used from Comayagua to Guatemala tied by Tegucigalpa "De Transito" cds in blue, 1891 cover to Germany with 5 c. green pair used from Puerto Cortez cancelled in blue, 1892 cover registered to Manchester with 5 c. green (4) used from Comayagua, 10 c. vermilion single used on 1892 cover to Manchester from Comayagua and 10 c. vermilion used from Tegucigalpa to Germany. Minor imperfections but a scarce group. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 140 CHFLosnr. : 840 Honduras
1893: "Cabenas" issue, the cover selection (5) with 5 c. blue used on trimmed March 1894 cover tied by oval "Agencia Postal / De Sulaco" in black, 5 c. blue used on Nov 1894 cover from Tegucigalpa to Amapala, Oct 1894 cover to USA with 5 c. blue pair cancelled in red at Tegucigalpa, Sept 1893 cover to Guatemala with 5 c. blue pair used from Puerto Cortez and 1894 cover to USA with single 10 c. orange-brown used from "Nacaome" cancelled in violet, mailed via Amapala. Minor imperfections but a scarce group. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 841 Honduras
1895: "Justice" issue, the cover selection (4) with March 1895 10 c. brown stationery envelope (H&G B18) used with ten 1 c. vermilion to Hannover from San Pedro Sul; April 1895 cover to Paris with 5 c. grey pair ex Tegucigalpa, July 1895 illustrated cover with 5 c. grey used from "Ruatan" (Bay Islands) cancelled at IRIONA; Nov 1895 cover with uncancelled 5 c. grey used to Guatemala with two different "Chiquimula" datestamps in violet adjacent. Minor imperfections but a scarce group. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 120 CHFLosnr. : 842 Honduras
1896: "Arias" issue, small group (4) with 5 c. violet pair used on 1897 cover from Puerto Cortes to Belize (April 2), 2 c. black on pink stationery card (H&G 25) used in 1896 to Guatemala cancelled "Escuintla y San Jose" TPO cds with "Guatemala y Escuintla" TPO at left both struck in violet; 3 c. brown on green postal stationery cards (H&G 26): one used from San Pedro Sul to Buenos Aires, Argentina with arrival and NON RECLAMÉ handstamp, the second 3 c. card used from Amapala to Hong Kong via San Francisco. An attractive and unusual group. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.Ausruf : 140 CHFZuschlag : 140 CHFLosnr. : 843 Honduras
1896 (Jan 1): "Arias Issue", the Exhibit collection of this popular lithgraphed set with Imperforate Plate Proofs in large multiples with "NO SIRVE" handstamp in violet (literally NOT FOR USE), incl. blocks with 1 c. blue in blocks of 28 and 49 and a complete sheet of 108 (9 x 12); 2 c. yellow-brown in a block of 20 and the largest unit know (54); 5 c. violet in blocks of 30 and 49 and a complete sheet of 108; 10 c. vermilion in a block of 18 and a complete sheet of 108; the issued stamps with blocks of 1 c. blue (6 and 25); 5 c. violet (shades) in blocks of 8 and 12; 20 c. with plated blocks and the sole known 20 c. emerald sheet of 108 - also a "blank cliché" block of 33; varieties incl. 1 c. blue strip of five imperforate between; 20 c. and 50 c. Imperforate between blocks of four and 1 p. brown pair; the set of eight overprinted SPECIMEN diagonally, Imperforate Colour Trials and Imperforate Plate Proofs in black; and the superb array of covers / cards (54) with rates noted of 1 c., 2 c. on illustrated cover, 3 c., 4 c., 5 c., 10 c. (incl. a genuine bisected 20 c. used to Germany and an imperforate between pair on cover from Amapala to San Francisco), 20 c., 25 c., rare 26 c. rate, 30 c., 35 c., 39 c., 40 c., 45 c., 80 c., 1 p. 10 c. rate to USA; 2 p. 90 c. rate to USA with pair of 1 p. brown; and 3 p. 90 c. rate, and the astonishing 4 p. 30 c. rate to USA - the only three covers known bearing the 1 peso brown; with the covers showing nearly every cancellation extant at the period. A truly outstanding collection. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.Ausruf : 7.500 CHFZuschlag : 7.500 CHFLosnr. : 844 Honduras
1898: "Locomotive" issue, the Exhibit collection on leaves and loose with study of the stamps and wonderful array of these difficult to find covers with no less than 88 represented; with set of eight overprinted SPECIMEN, set in blocks of four, large multiples of the 2 c., 5 c. purple in a block of 36, rare imperforate 2 c. rose pair and block of four, 5 c. red-violet in block of 24, 6 c. red-violet pair; Imperforate between 5 c. dull ultramarine block of four and the only recorded 10 c. dark blue imperf. between block of four all unused; 6 c. imperf. between pairs used (2); laid paper set of five in blocks with 5 c. in blocks of 20 and 36, the 6 c. in block of 24 and 10 c. in a block of 23; range of "Cracked Plate" varieties, 10 c. dark blue "Double Print" (5 recorded), all laid paper varieties in imperforate between multiples; Amapala 'Permitase' usages incl. blocks; extensive cancellation studies throughout. Covers with following rates noted: 1 c., 2 c., 3 c., 6 c., 12 c., 14 c., 15 c., 16 c. (incl. a cover in combination with Cuba), 18 c., 20 c., 25 c., 27 c., 30 c., 39 c. rate (with earliest recorded use of "Permitase" stamps), 40 c., 45 c., 60 c., 75 c., 1 p. 20 c.; these demostrating most of the possible cancellations and possible rate permutations of the issue; a total of 88 covers/ cards and finally the 'pièce de résistance' a cover bearing 1 c. brown pair, 2 c. rose, 5 c. dull ultramarine pair, 6, 10 c. dark blue, 20 c. dull orange block of four, 50 c. orange-red strip of three and 1 p. blue-green strip of three; all used on remarkable 44 x single rate 1902 cover to New York tied by barred obliterators and "Tegucigalpa" cds's in violet. An astonishing and important collection assembled over many years. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.Ausruf : 7.500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 988 Kanalzone
1906/1945: Selection of covers (5) with 1906 incoming postcard from USA franked 1 c. with "Corozal" arrival and sent on to Panama with handstruck "Forwarded." in black; 1915 inoming cover from USA franked 2 c. red taxed on arrival with 1914 Postage Due 2 c. carmine with diagonal overprint on arrival; 1919 incoming cover from USA franked 3 c. to Corozal with framed "MILITARY CENSORSHIP / PASSED BY / / P.C.D." cachet in black; 1920 2 c. postal stationery 2 c. cut out used as postage ex Balboa; and 1945 incoming censored cover from Colombia with bilingual delay notation as no P.O. specified. Unusual group. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 989 Kanalzone
1907/28: Cover selection (4) with 1907 cover to Kingston, Jamaica franked by 1906 5 c. black & ultramarine used from Cristobal, undelivered and struck with UNCLAIMED handstamp and two "Dead Letter Office" datestamps on arrival; 1918 2 c. postal stationery envelope (H&G B2) used to USA with large blue "Military Censorship" cachet at left; 1922 registered cover to USA franked 1920/21 2 c. and 1921 10 c. violet ex USS Selfridge; and 1928 cover from USS Arcadian registered to England with 1925/26 2 c., 3 c., 5 c. and 10 c. A generally fine group. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 990 Kanalzone
Incoming Mail 1929/52: Underpaid covers (5) with 1929 cover ex GB franked 1½ d. to Ancon and taxed with horizontal pair of 1925 Postage Due 2 c. deep carmine; 1937 cover from USA franked 2 c. and charged with 1932/41 1 c. claret Postage Due on arrival; 1946 cover from Pomona, USA franked 8 c. and charged with Postage Due 2 c. claret on arrival; 1948 cover ex GB taxed with 1 c., 2 c., and two 5 c.; and 1952 cover from Great Britain franked at 2½ d. and charged with Postage Due 5 c. claret on arrival and returned. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 991 Kanalzone
Losnr. : 992 Kanalzone
1904: 2 c. rose and 1905/06 8 c. in red on 50 c. bistre-brown used on 1906 registered cover cancelled by target handstamps in black, with fine "GORGONA, CANAL ZONE / REGISTERED" cds at left (May 16) in black and Cristobal registration cachet below. Reverse with Cristobal cds (May 17), New York transit (May 24) and Akron arrival. Scarce. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 993 Kanalzone
Canal Zone 1909/10: 1 c. dark green & black, single and pair on obverse and pair and strip of five on reverse; used as Postage Dues on 1913 unpaid cover from 'Hampden / Jamaica' (May 26) with 'T' marking alongside neat datestamp, all tied by PARAISO / CZ datestamps (June 20) in black. Scarce and very fine, would benefit by being opened for display.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 994 Kanalzone
1917: 1 c. black & green postal stationery envelope (H&G B1), a used example up-rated with 1913 1 c. black & green (Type II overprint) tied by "Balboa Heights" machine cancel (July 5). Readdressed on arrival in Cristobal (July 6) to Bottle Alley but unclaimed and scarce framed "REBUT / Non Reclamé / No Reclamada" cachet applied in violet. Slight wrinkle at right but scarce. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 995 Kanalzone
Losnr. : 1232 Kanalzone
Panagra Sikorski S. 43 'Santa Maria" - Mosquito Bay 1937 (Aug. 3): Group of five covers showing four line special cachet "Recovered from / Plane N.C. 15065 /Aug. 3,1937 /Cristobal C.Z." h.s. in black on two covers from Argentine, two covers with complet frankings from Chileof which one addressed to Costa Rica as well as one with washed off franking from Uruguay. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate Nierinck 370803a = CHF 900.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1269 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
Various Disaster Mail 1908/62: Group of seven covers starting with 1908 cover from Philadelphia to Santiago de Chile recovered from wreck of steamer Finance (Nov. 28), Mexico crash cover of 1931 inaugaral flight to Cuba (N:310119), Uruguay 1935 arimail cover from Monteviedo to Paris crashed at Aracajou, Brasil (N:351103), 1943 cover from Chile to Sweden of Yankee Clipper crash in Lisbon to Sweden (N:430222d), further 1951 cover from New York to Bogota, Colombia crashed on emergency landing at Kingston, Jamaica (Sept. 2) together with 1954 Avianca crash cover (Feb. 9) as well as 1962 (Aug.20) cover from Rosario, Argentine to the Netherlands, recovered from Pan Air flight crashed during take off at Rio de Janeiro (N:620820) with added Dutch label. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 1486 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
Rocket Mail 1957/64: Album 100+ covers and miniature sheets perf./imperf, incl. '1957 Topaz Jul. 1' cover, 1959 Poland 'Novy Targ', 1960 'S.O.A.R' flights Lincolnville USA as well as 1960 de Bruijn 'Ottange Moselle' Luxembourg (March 5, 1962) and 'Neuf Brisach Haute Rhin' (June 25, 1962) two covers together with unused sheetlets of four perf. and imperf., all signed by de Bruijn.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1490 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1950/2000 ca.: Large 'Space' collection of worldwide stamps and souvenir sheets perf./imperf., the vast majority in unused mint condition, covering a wide range of space and associated thematics from austronauts to satellites and more, as issues honoring space pioneers and many more related topics. A wonderful offer of in total 24 albums with many compl. sets and special issues in fresh condition.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 1491 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
Worldwide Space Philately - 1930/2010ca.: Lifetime stock of covers and cards, collected for half a century, including many space related issues in manageable quantities, the majority well sorted as there are two boxes of Mercury, Gemini and Apollo missions 1-17 together with Skylab 1/IV and forerunners, Banana-Box with Soviet related missions Soyuz, Salyut, MIR and ISS, two Banana Boxes with Satellite related covers as well as large box with unsorted material including many Europe related material. A good lot for specialists in six large boxes, in total ca. 75 kg, shipping charges apply.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 1495 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
Various Rocket Mail 1930/90ca.: Large box with hundreds of covers/cards with many signed items from Sigmund Jähn, Claude Nicollier and Rocket Mail pioneers as Zucker, de Bruijn and Nebel, etc., further many launch covers of various rockets and satellites from Australia, India, Eastern Germany, Netherlands together with European Rocket 'Ariane' launched at Guiana Space Center in Kourou and many US-American missions as well as Scout Rocket 'Baden Powell' Canal Zone 1960. Ex the Beatrice Bachmann Estate.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 950 CHFLosnr. : 3522 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1900-2000ca.: Lare lot mostly FDCs Switzerland and Liechtenstein; washed duplication in glassines and some kiloware from various countries, compiled in a huge box.Ausruf : 80 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 3523 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1898/1997ca.: mostly used and partly unused collection in 6 albums, covering China, Brunei, Labuan, India, Sarawak, Persia, Ceylon etc., incl. some Chinese Coiling Dragons and Junk issues, PCR with some reprints, duplicates, also multiples and souvenir sheets, condition varies from poor to very fine.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 3524 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1951-94: United Nations New York, Geneva and Vienna in 3 albums. all collections appear to be complete, an additional souvenir sheet 1955 has been on FDC. An album Austria 1997-2001 and and another album with some remainder used and unused from various countries e.g with a good imperforate set 'animals' from Romania.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 3525 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
Losnr. : 3526 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
Losnr. : 3528 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1860/2000ca.: Remainders in a large box, stockbooks with Spain and Israel, a file folder for souvenir sheets with mostly Bulgaria, there are smaller stock books, Finland definitives and Great Britain unmounted and one stock book with older from Russia; a few letters and card Germany and German occupations.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 3529 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
Losnr. : 3530 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1833/1917, Selection of worldwide stamps and postal history, comprising eleven items, including New Brunswick SG1 bisected on 1859 fragment used in combintion with SG3, a 1833 feather mail cover, two illustrated cards franked with 1917 Italian Emmanuel Express airmail stamps, several stamp varieties and early Philatelic Exhibition labels, a useful assembly in mixed condition although some fine.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 3531 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1890-1970ca.: Convolute of remainders - 2 stockbooks with novelties African, all former french colonies, often still in glassines, partially stuck, as moisture had penetrated the stock book from the bottom - treasure trove for topical stamps. New issues Monaco and duplication Austria on stock pages, one stockbook with only 5 Kr 1883 with many thimble cancels etc. Quite advanced collection Trieste Zone A unused mounted and unmounted in stockbook etc.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 3532 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1890-1960ca.: ADVERTIZING LABELS, Very varied accumulation of several hundred items, mostly around 1900 with advertising labels, 'Art Nouveau', from many countries including Switzerland. Embossed labels, labels made of gold foil e.g with quite a lot of labels for the 'Buffalo Exposition 1901' and 'Louisiana Purchase Exposition 1904' etc.., there is also a French passport and some Swiss print-proofs are included.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 3533 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1880/1973: Accumulation of various remainders, Canada collection with better postage due and special delivery stamps on album pages. many unmounted (about Mi € 700), USA stockbook wit postage due stamps and a few other specialities and a collection of precancels, old album pages from Port-Said, Aegean Islands (with covers), Armenia, various British Colonies as Cape of Good Hope, Epirus, Azerbaijan, Crete, Western Ukraine, Ethiopia including Italian Colonies issues.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 480 CHFLosnr. : 3534 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1878: Age old album issued by 'Alwin Zschische', there are many genuine stamps, most often in extremely mixed (bad) condition, but good examples occur too eg from Switzerland a stamp Rayon I lightblue on piece appears perfect. Some stamps mostly from France and from Switzerland have been removed, saved under Hawid-mounts and laid back. There are also forgeries. An additional sheet with stamps of German City Post Hamburg (probably all reprints). Perhaps interesting for studies.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 3535 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
Losnr. : 3536 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1850-1990: Amazing assortment of various remainders, the best part - a quite ample collection Italy (up to 1950) and Italian Colonies in two stockbooks, stamps are unused mounted or unmounted and very fresh, unfortunately, about the lower half is stuck to pages, as moisture affected the albums from the bottom to about the half height. A very nice used Rayon II from Switzerland, a few modern Switzerland useful for franking, several better sets Germany Empire and Saare all mounted, an old collection British Commonwealth only cheap stamps, mostly good condition including Indian states plus same kind but USA. Italy 'Risorgimento 1948', full set unmounted but partially toned gum. It goes on - several letters and documents like stampless valentine 1855 from "CHAGRIN FALLS" (USA), a letter with 5 Centavos stamp perforated from Argentina, a registered envelope 1911 from "SPALATO" to Pope Pius X etc.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 2.400 CHFLosnr. : 3537 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1840-1900ca. THE IMPERIAL STAMP ALBUM, age old album issued by the Scott Stamp and Coin Co. L'd, (fourth edition) including stamps from most countries, in very mixed condition, but often very nice stamps. Well represented France, Germany, Switzerland. Many countries with number one as for Great Britain and Norway. Also some reprints and forgeries seen, but mostly authentic stamps in place. Some spaces have been updated with modern Hawid stamp mounts - reasonable (?). However an very interesting lot for a generalist.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 3538 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1852-1955ca: SHIP-MAIL, Accumulation with letters, covers and postcards transported by ship or, which concerns the most recent documents, simply ship topic on cover or cards. Mounted on album pages including stampless cover from Le Havre to Lima, another from VALPARAISO to SAN FRANCISCO, two letters French India with colonial issue, registered cover Russian Levant 1893, there is a single stamp 1 Centime from Diego Suarez and a registered envelope with 5 Shilling ST. VINCENT 1898 to Germany, the later isn't an obvious ship topic item, but it has been transported undoubtedly via ship too; additionally two albums with postcards, that are weather transported with ship-mail (much of Austrian WW1 material) or represent ship topics, as well as a few stamps with the same topic.rnProvenance: Ing. Pietro Provera.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 3539 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1850/1960ca.: Lot consisting of five stockbooks. The best part is Portugal, with the St. Antonius set and some other better sets, souvenir sheets and the Portugese Colonies as well. There is also Spain with colonies and South America from the classic period on,rnmost often a bit mixed condition. A few USA some older United Nations (with first souvenir sheet).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 3540 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1860/1970ca.: Accumulation of stamps from different countries in glassines and envelopes plus a small album with France, kind of a treasure trove. Discovered In a folder good stamps und souvenir sheets from Portugal 1940/47 mostly per two (minor wear and two souvenir sheets folded in the margin besides the stamps) and one souvenir sheet Poland 'culture' from 1948, all these unmounted og.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 3541 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1850-2000ca.: Convolute of various, mostly older collections - huge Schwaneberger-Album full of stamps, noted Luxembourg 'Help to Intellectuals' unused and from Austria 'Catholic Day", three stacks with album pages European countries and French, British and Portugese Colonies, an age old album Yvert & Tellier. A quite modern collection Ireland well completed (2 volumes), collection Austria and a similar one from Italy with mounted material. Several small stocks books with duplication stamps from Monaco, Germany, Spain, Luxembourg, Austria etc. Glassines and stock cards.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 3542 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1840-2005: Accumulation of stamps from many different European and oversea countries, mostly from earlier issues on to 21th century often heavily duplicated, but including most often better stamps or sets to modern issues. Total 32 albums of which 31 are stockbooks and just one collection, Isle of Man, which is housed in a preprinted Album. Noteworthy are Albania, France, Great Britain (2x Penny black), Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Sweden, USA, Vatican City, Yugoslavia (including areas), Asia, South and Central America.Ausruf : 800 CHFZuschlag : 2.300 CHFLosnr. : 3543 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1845/1955ca. Konvolut aus zwei dicken Schaubeck-Wälzern, der frühere Band, Ausgabe 1904 der zweite als Permanent-Album von 1926 mit Nachtrag. Beide ab Klassik, teilweise reichhaltig vor allem umliegende Länder wie Deutschland und Frankreich und vor allem bei beiden ganz ordentlich Schweiz mit Rayon und Strubel, jeweils wenn auch bei sehr unterschiedlicher Erhaltung mit einigen guten Stücken. Dazu kleine Blechschachtel mit einigen Belegen Deutschland, Schweiz, Italien 19 Jahrh.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 3544 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
Losnr. : 3545 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
Losnr. : 3546 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1910/58: Accumulation of twenty-two entires mostly Airmail and related including Zeppelin flight POMMERNFAHRT 1931, DANZIG Airmail 1935 to Sweden, US LZ 129. Flight, a ten year PRZEMYSL baloon 1915 souvenir flight, a DDR German Chinese Friendship set on entire and other items.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 3547 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
Losnr. : 3548 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1820/1990ca.: Very diversified accumulation of about 1050+ covers, letters and postcards from many different countries, including quite a lot of Germany beginning with Old German States to DDR sets on cover. There is France, there is Italy, there are oversea countries as Argentina and Japan. Censor mail, registered letters and airmail, mostly commercial use; some material is philatelic with e.g. sets on cover. There is e.g. a tin can mail cover with text and photo documentation.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 2.400 CHFLosnr. : 3549 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1860-1960ca.: Accumulation of approximatively 1000 covers and cards from many countries, except Liechtenstein and Switzerland, mostly commercial mail addressed to Switzerland, beginning with pre-UPU items, e.g. Tuscany 40 Centesimi on folded letter 1861 from LIVORNO to ENNENDA in the Canton of Glarus, old USA, a relatively large number of Germany included; there is censorship from WW1 and WW2, postal stationery, registered mail and airpost etc..Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 3550 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1872/1973: Lot about 400 Covers/cards and postal stationery. Europe and Overseas. The largest share an archive from Germany to Switzerland (to same address) from the 30 to the 50s, particularly Tthird Reich and Federal Repbulic, with censored items and also some better frankings. there is also Scandinavia, Eastern Europe and South America. Inspection is recommended!Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 3551 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1855/1935: Heterogeneous convolute - Greece 1855 stampless entire with ornamental ITACA handstamp, domestic use; Denmark 1871 cover with pair bicoloured 3 öre from Copenhagen to Sweden, cert. Paaskesen; Austria 1870/72 five covers / documents including a 'retour-recepisse' bearing a 10 kr. adhesive and a 15 kr. due; Japan 1890/1935, group of 270 stationery cards and six letters with adhesives; from Russia "Philately for the Children" the complete set, set of 5 values 1 Kopeck to 10 Kopeks perforated and 1 Kopek also imperforated. all fresh and very fine unmounted og., the two rare 1 kopek values signed Mikulski, the 1 Kopek stamp perforated is said to be from second printing.
Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 3552 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1818-99: Collection of 26 letters mounted on pages in an album, most often first or an early issues, most often appealing and in good condition - 2 from Sardinia, 2 from Switzerland, 2 Romania, 2 from Greece (one tricolour franking), 1 Russia, 1 Finland (printed matter), 1 Luxembourg, 1 Sweden, 1 Norway (number 1), 1 Denmark mixed franking 8 Sk imperf. + 4 Sk perforated, 2 Barbados, 1 Lombardo-Venecia, 1 Sardinia used in Silicia, 1 Hungary, 1 Bosnia, 1 Peru, 1 Mexico, 1 France used in Algeria, 1 issue for French Colonies used in Martinique Imperial Eagle 7x 10 Centimes, 1 France, 1 Austria.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 3553 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
Losnr. : 3554 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1840/1940ca.: Family accumulation of 5 old albums. Three of which are magnificent outside (french album Richard, an album Richard Senf, and an album Senf Frères, the two remaining are 'homemade'), one embossed and gold print another has a colourful cover, inside stamps are either present or looted, what concerns four albums. The fifth album has not been reached by looters. Filled from classics issues on, any conditions, there are also still some 19th and early 20th century covers present., e.g. from Saxony and Thun and Taxis.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 3556 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
Scout Philately 1911/2000: Collector's estate with many hundred cards and covers, including 1911 card from Thailand with interesting text: "In Bangkok are set up now scout soldiers using black uniforms.....", early photocards from Shanghai, Sweden, Latvia, Czechfoslovakia (1922), Hungary with 1933 Jamboree incl. rare unused set of printed envelopes (I-III), each with five cards of the famous Hungarian Scout artist, Márton, further card and cover ot 1954 Manila National Boy Scout Jamboree as well as card of 1956 Baden-Powell Memory Ski-Race (Feb.15./16.) in Murau, Steiermark Austria. Viewing recommended.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 3560 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1954: THE WORK OF JEAN DE SPERATI Part IV, 60 different stamps on 6 album pages, all in excellent condition, Austria (2), Belgium (1), France (3), Old German States including Bavaria and Saxony number 1 (12), Italy (5), Luxembourg (1), Sweden (1), Turkey (1), Spain (18), Switzerland including Zurich 4 and Waadt 4 (6), Argentina (1), Brazil (1), Colombia (1), Mexico (1) and Uruguay (6). All stamps have the cancel 'SPERATI REPRODUCTION' on the back. It is a delightful treat to contemplate this artistry!Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 3.400 CHFLosnr. : 3561 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
Sperati: Album "Les 'Jean de Sperati' - Philatélie d'art" of Jean de Sperati, a complete album no. 1 of about 200 reproductions / fac-similés on 20 pages, representing stamps from Argentina to Württemberg, in total from 55 countries / areas. Lot includes an article by George Fulpius in the 'Schweizer Briefmarken-Zeitung' 1947 listing all the included fac-similés and giving a rating regarding their dangerousness, the lot includes also the booklet "La Philatélie sans experts?" by Jean de Sperati (1946).Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 10.500 CHFLosnr. : 3562 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1928: ALBUM DE FAC-SIMILÉS, issued by the UNION PHILATÉLIQUE DE GENÈVE, with nearly all forgeries of Fournier. Prefaces by Fernand Serrane, Emilio Diena, Heinrich Köhler, Manuel Galvez etc. The album shows photos of tools to forge stamps, to surcharge, to perforate and all but 3 stamps that have ever been in the album (notified and marked by the owning society).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 3.200 CHF
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