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Losnr. : 1140 Chile
Losnr. : 1141 Chile
1840 (Oct. 19): Registered letter from "COPIAPO" to "SANTIAGO" with "COPIAPO" struck in red with "FRANCA" and "CERTFCASION" adressed to the secretary of the Supreme Court, who acknowlegded the receipt on the front of the letter, in line with custom for inland mail. Unusual early registered.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : 400,00 CHFLosnr. : 1142 Chile
Losnr. : 1143 Chile
1877 (May 16): Unfranked cover from "PUNTA ARENAS" to "FRIBOURG", bearing a framed "FRANCA" in black and a triangular French "T" mark besides the despatch on the front. The letter was taxed 1 F 30 r on arrival and bears four transit cachets and an arrival mark "FRIBOURG" dated 19 VI 77 on the reverse. The cover was roughly opened and part of the back flap is missing. Still a very rare letter.Ausruf : 200,00 CHFZuschlag : 260,00 CHFLosnr. : 1144 Chile
1828/33: Printed postal documents (2), with manuscript detailing of revenue accrued from letters, packets and registered mail sent in 1828 from Santiago de Chile to Lima, and different form with same wording detailing mail from Valparaiso to Lima in 1830. Scarce.Ausruf : 150,00 CHFZuschlag : 150,00 CHFLosnr. : 1145 Chile
1873 (Mar. 15): 80 c rose, Napoleon III and 25 c blue, Ceres (2), tied by mute dot canceller to cover from "VALPARAISO" to "PARIS". The despatch mark "VALPARAISO" and a framed "PD" in black are struck beside the franking on the front. A "VALPARAISO" seamail cachet and an arrival mark are on the reverse. A fine and rare cover.Ausruf : 200,00 CHFZuschlag : 1.100,00 CHFLosnr. : 1146 Chile
1852 (Oct. 15): Entire letter from "VALPARAISO" to "WORCESTER" Mass, bearing the VALPARAISO PAID on the front, as well as the despatch mark dated OC 15 1852 code A, taxed 20c in the United States, endorsed on reverse received Nov. 29. Fine and rare.Ausruf : 200,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1147 Chile
Losnr. : 1148 Chile
1879 (Jun. 19): Great Britain 1873 1 s. green pl. 13, 1874 6 d. grey pl.14 and 1/2 d. rose-red pl. 6, all used on 1879 cover at 1/7 d. rate from "VALPARAISO" to "PORT LOUIS", "MAURITIUS", tied by "C30" obliterator, with VALPARAISO despatch cds (JU 19) also on the front. 'London/Paid' cds of transit in red (JY 30) also on obverse. "MAURITIUS" (SP 23) in blue on reverse. Very unusual destination for Chilean mail of the classic period.Ausruf : 500,00 CHFZuschlag : 950,00 CHFLosnr. : 1149 Chile
1850/1878: British POs in Chile, delightful collection with nine entires of both incoming and outgoing mail, beginning with two inward letters from the Lambert correspondence to "COQUIMBO", and four unpaid letters from "VALPARAISO", one to "NEW YORK" with 1/- tax mark in red and a US 10c "STEAMSHIP", the others to France and Switzerland. The Valparaiso office is also represented with three franked letters, including an 1871 letter franked by a pair 1867 1s pl. 4, and an 1878 letter to New York franked 1874 6d grey pl.15. Stamps include a 1872 6d buff pl. 12, and two copies pl. 11 on piece with 1867 1s pl. 4, an 1867 10d red-brown and among other values an 1865 4d vermillion with a "blue" strike of the C30 obliterator. The "CALDERA" office is represented by a large piece bearing a pair of the 1874 6d grey pl 16 and 1873 1s green pl. 13 and a 1867 9d straw pl. 4. The condition is good to fine, some faults are to be expected.Ausruf : 750,00 CHFZuschlag : 950,00 CHFLosnr. : 1150 Chile
Perkins Bacon 1853: 10c deep bright blue on yellowish paper, "First London Printing" horizontal pair and vertical bisect on cover from "PIURA" to "VALPARAISO", originally unfranked and taxed 25c in red, later cancelled with stamps on top of despatch mark with taxing cancelled and endorsed "pagada". The stamps are tied by target handstamps, are just touched or lightly cut into, with otherwise large margins, the bisect has clear margins on three sides. The letter is supported by hinge in the area of he endorsement. A very unusual letter of the first issue of Chile. Philatelic Foundation Certificate.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : 2.600,00 CHFLosnr. : 1151 Chile
Losnr. : 1152 Chile
Losnr. : 1153 Chile
1854 (April): 5 c. burnt-siena, 'Recess by Henri Gillet from Perkins Bacon Plates, horizontal strip of three with good to wide margins, cancelled by three strikes target handstamp. The left stamp is with marginal watermark, indicating the positioning being from the first three vertical rows. Very rare multiple in fine condition.Ausruf : 300,00 CHFZuschlag : 550,00 CHFLosnr. : 1154 Chile
Losnr. : 1155 Chile
Losnr. : 1156 Chile
1855: 5c. burnt siena wmk 5, very deep reddish shade, recess printed by Henri Gillet, two generously margined copies with portions of adjoining stamps on two sides each, tied by target mark to cover from "SANTIAGO" to "QUILLOTA". The despatch mark is dated 18. January 55. A very fine and rare cover.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : 1.500,00 CHFLosnr. : 1157 Chile
Lithographed by Gillet 1854 (July): 5 c. red-brown, used example with exceptionally large margins all round, showing portions of adjoining stamp at base and right, transfer flaw at base with doubled outer horizontal base line. An exceptional example of this rare stamp. Provenance: Ex - The Brian Moorhouse Estate (part II) Corinphila Sale 245, Dec. 2019, Lot 4168
Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : 550,00 CHFLosnr. : 1158 Chile
1854 (July): 5 c. red-brown, lithograph by Henri Gillet, used example with touched to good margins all round showing transfer variety squeezed AVOS in CENTAVOS (Blank 5 vt 3/3), cancelled by target handstamp leaving the variety free. A rare stamp. Signed W. Engel and Todd AIEP. Provenance: B. Moorhouse.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : 1.200,00 CHFLosnr. : 1159 Chile
Losnr. : 1160 Chile
1857 (Aug. 2), 5 c. brown-red second "LONDON" print, bottom marginal with approximately 2 cm sheet margin, just touched at right, tied by target handstamp in black to letter from SANTIAGO to VALPARAISO with despatch mark in red applied to front. Stunningly attractive letter and if proof were needed, evidence that the ink caused the blue bleed on the Perkins Bacon prints. Signed Maier BPP.Ausruf : 150,00 CHFZuschlag : 400,00 CHFLosnr. : 1161 Chile
1857: 5c red-brown on deeply blued paper, wmk 5, second London Print, just cut into on left, paying the domestic portion of the postage on a letter from "SANTIAGO" to "MANDE" France. The stamp is tied by the target handstamp to the letter, which bears a LONDON transit on the reverse, a French tax mark 12 decimen and an accounting mark, as well as French transits and an arrival. An extraordinary letter with just the domestic postage pre-paid.Ausruf : 150,00 CHFZuschlag : 240,00 CHFLosnr. : 1162 Chile
Losnr. : 1163 Chile
1857: 5c red-brown on lightly blued paper, wmk 5, second London Print, horizontal pair with good to wide margins all round, tied by six bar target cancel to letter from "VALPARAISO" to "AREQUIPA". The letter is endorsed fr. "LIMA" and bears a red straight line "YSLAY" transit mark, as well as a faint VALPARAISO 15. April 57 despatch.Ausruf : 200,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1164 Chile
Losnr. : 1165 Chile
1858: 10 c. blue "ESTANCOS" "SANTIAGO" print single and pair with bisect, as well as 5 c. brown-red second "LONDON" print, as most unusual 30 c. franking on letter from "VALPARAISO" to "CONCEPTION" dated 9 Jan. 1858. The 10 c. stamps have been just touched, the 5 c. with close to good margins. Most unusual with Certificate Rendon AIEP.Ausruf : 200,00 CHFZuschlag : 480,00 CHFLosnr. : 1166 Chile
Losnr. : 1167 Chile
1858: 5c rose-red wmk 5, just touched at bottom, otherwise oversize margins all round, paying the domestic portion of the postage on a letter from "SANTIAGO" to "Paris". The stamp is tied by the target handstamp to the letter, which bears a LONDON transit on the reverse, a French tax mark 12 decimen and an accounting mark, as well as French transits and an arrival. A fine letter of the Santaigo print with just the domestic postage pre-paid.Ausruf : 150,00 CHFZuschlag : 150,00 CHFLosnr. : 1168 Chile
1861/1865: 5 c. red, Post Office Recess, "ESTANCOS", two four margin copies on two overseas letters from SERENA from the same correspondence to France, the 1861 letter with British "PANAMA TRANSIT" dated MR 22 1861 via LONDON to MIRAMONT, both taxed 12 decimes, the 5 c. paying the inland portion of the postage. Some slight wear but very rare.Ausruf : 300,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1169 Chile
1863/1864: 5c rose-red, wmk 5, "ESTANCOS", two singles tied to two letters to CONCEPCION, one, a good margins all round example, with "LINARES" double circle dated 20. Jun 64, the other with "SAN CARLOS" double circle also in red tying a two margin copy. Rare cancellations with double circle marks on entires.Ausruf : 200,00 CHFZuschlag : 340,00 CHFLosnr. : 1170 Chile
Losnr. : 1171 Chile
1863: 5c rose-red, wmk 5, and 10c blue on blueish wmk. 10, two singles "ESTANCOS", three or four margins, lightly cancelled by three strikes of the the "CANCELLED" obliterator in blue ink on entire from "CONCEPTION" to "VALPARAISO". The letter is endorsed "Por Vapor S. Cal." A fine letter of this issue with coulour cancel.Ausruf : 200,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1172 Chile
1864 (Oct. 30), 20 c. green final "LONDON" print and 5 c. "ESTANCOS", both good to full margins, attractive and fresh two colour franking on letter from "SANTIAGO" to "VALPARAISO", both neatly cancelled by "CANCELLED" obliterator, the 20 c. also bears traces of a pen cancellation, perhaps a re-use postal fraud? In any case an attractive and rare letter.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : 440,00 CHFLosnr. : 1173 Chile
1856: 10c deep blue wmk 10 "ESTANCOS" wonderful unused block of fourteen from the right sheet margin, positions 119/192. The block shows consistently clear impressions with wide margins all round except for pos 131, which is slightly cut into. There are three creases affecting pos 131 and 132, pos 167 here also short scissor cut, and pos. 179 and 180, all not affecting the decorative appearance of this large unit. The plate shows signs of retouches in a number of positions. Exhibition piece, one of the largest recorded unused multiples of the 10 c "ESTANCOS".Ausruf : 1.500,00 CHFZuschlag : 4.600,00 CHFLosnr. : 1174 Chile
1856: 10c deep blue, wmk 10, "ESTANCOS" diagonally bisected example cancelled by target cancel in bright blue, with a despatch "CONCEPCION" 27 Apr 61 also in bright blue set beside, on entire to LOTA. A fine letter with an unusual couloured cancellation.Ausruf : 150,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1175 Chile
Losnr. : 1176 Chile
1857: 10 c. deep-blue "ESTANCOS" Santiago print, a fine bisected example on cover, from "P.CALDERA" to "COPIAPO" tied by target cancel with clean single circle "P. CALDERA" dated OC 2 1857 struck beside. A fine domestic cover. Signed Calves. Provenance: Corinphila 63. Auction 1980, Lot 5174.Ausruf : 150,00 CHFZuschlag : 320,00 CHFLosnr. : 1177 Chile
Losnr. : 1178 Chile
Losnr. : 1179 Chile
1861:10c blue, wmk. 10, two bisects "ESTANCOS", on entire from "VALPARAISO" to "SANTIAGO". Both halves cancelled by one single strike of the "CANCELLED" obliterator, with a red "VALPARAISO" despatch also on the front. A bisect of the same issue is tied by target canceller to a letter from "CURICO" to "SANTIAGO". Two attractive and unusual entires with appeal and 'face'.Ausruf : 200,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1180 Chile
1856: 10c deep blue, wmk 10, "ESTANCOS" two diagonally bisected examples cancelled by target cancels, with a straight line despatch "CASABLANCA" set beside, on entire to MANAGUA, NICARAGUA. An exceptional letter with an outstanding destination. Certificate Holcombe.Ausruf : 500,00 CHFZuschlag : 850,00 CHFLosnr. : 1181 Chile
1858: 10c light blue, wmk 10, "ESTANCOS" horizontal pair with good to very good margins and a bisect in a slightly darker shade, tied by target cancel to a letter from "VALPARAISO" to CONCEPCION. The letter is endorsed "VAPOR POLYNESIAN", a VALPARAISO despatch in red is struck on the front. The letter shows some folding clear of the stamps and minor ageing. Nonetheless an exceptional letter of the ESTANCOS issue.Ausruf : 200,00 CHFZuschlag : 200,00 CHFLosnr. : 1182 Chile
Third London Printing 1862: 1c lemon-yellow, single copy with good to just cut into margins on printed matter from "VALPARAISO" to "CONCEPCION". The cancellation is unclear but ties the stamp to the letter. A very rare and collectable item despite its shortcomings. There are only a handful entires with this adhesive recorded. Certficate Maier BPP.Ausruf : 300,00 CHFZuschlag : 300,00 CHFLosnr. : 1183 Chile
1862: 1c lemon-yellow, final London print, vertical strip of four and a single on letter from "TALCA" to SANTIAGO, the strip tied by three strikes of the CANCELLED obliterator, the single remaining uncancelled. The strip was was attached over the edge of the envelope and the top stamp is torn, the bottom stamp is just touched, otherwise good margins. A very rare letter of this difficult stamp. Despite the faults an Exhibition item.Ausruf : 500,00 CHFZuschlag : 500,00 CHFLosnr. : 1184 Chile
Losnr. : 1185 Chile
1864: 20 c. green horizontal pair and 10 c. bright blue final London print, the pair right stamp just touched on one side, the second cut into, the single with wide margins all round, tied by indistinct cancel to letter from "VALPARAISO" to "COQUIMBO". A rare letter of fresh appearance.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : 250,00 CHFLosnr. : 1186 Chile
Losnr. : 1187 Chile
1862: 20 c. green, London Print, irregular block of nine, used on large fragment of a letter from SANTIAGO to GUILLOTA, tied by three strikes "CANCELLED", few marginal imperfections particularly on right margin, otherwise close to full. A very rare large multiple of this stamp, very decorative.Ausruf : 1.000,00 CHFZuschlag : 2.400,00 CHFLosnr. : 1188 Chile
Losnr. : 1189 Chile
Final Santiago Printing 1865: 5 c. rose-red, Post Office Recess, very worn impression, bottom marginal horizontal strip of four, with very large margins all round, of very fresh appearance, cancelled by four strikes of the target handstamp in black. Showpiece item.Ausruf : 200,00 CHFZuschlag : 260,00 CHFLosnr. : 1190 Chile
1865: 5 c. rose-red, Post Office Recess, "FINAL SANTIAGO PRINT", group of four stamps, all good to full margin examples with watermark upright, upright back to front, inverted and inverted back to front (FE5-1/FE5-4) very rare ensemble, odd tone spot, otherwise fine.Ausruf : 200,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1191 Chile
Later issues 1867: Perforados, "COLUMBUS HEAD", "DIE PROOFS" of all five values including the Master die, printed in black, stuck to carton. The proofs bear the internal reference numbers 323 and 323 A through 323 C. The 2 c. value also displays a reference 330 and the 323 reference below, as if the 2 c. had been on a separate order and was linked to the other stamps by a reference underneath. Given that this was issued earlier here is a proof that it was treated differently by the printers.Ausruf : 500,00 CHFZuschlag : 900,00 CHFLosnr. : 1192 Chile
1870 (Dec.): 1c orange, 2c black (2), and 5c red "PERFORADOS" three coulour franking on cover from "SANTIAGO", with stamps cancelled and tied by cork obliterator, to "AREQUIPA", endorsed "vapor Atacama", with identifyable "AREQUIPA" dated 6 Dec and framed "MOLLENDO" on the reverse. Fine and rare.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : 650,00 CHFLosnr. : 1193 Chile
1870 approximately: 1c orange (3), 2c black and 5c red "PERFORADOS" three coulour franking on cover from "CABRIZAL BAJO" to "COQUIMBO", bearing the red "ESTAFETTAS" despatch mark, issued to small offices where date stamps were considered too expensive. A very attractive cover. Fine and rare.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : 1.200,00 CHFLosnr. : 1194 Chile
1870 (Apr 11): 10c blue and 5c red (3) "PERFORADOS" on cover from "CONCEPCION" to "BEDFORD" Mass, bearing a red despatch mark, a three line "PANAMA" transit dated 4 MY 1870, a 24c tax mark applied in "NEW-YORK" and an arrival "NEW BEDFORD" 27 May on the reverse. A very attractive cover.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : 550,00 CHFLosnr. : 1195 Chile
Losnr. : 1196 Chile
1896: 15 c. dark green, "ROULETADOS" mixed franking with 5 c. blue (2), 2 c. red (2) and 1 c. green on 5 c. mauve postal stationery envelope as Avis Reception letter from "VALPARAISO" to "SAN MARINO". From San Marino the letter was forwarded to Germany. The envelope show slight signs of ageing but an incredibly rare destination for an early letter from Chile.Ausruf : 200,00 CHFZuschlag : 220,00 CHFLosnr. : 1197 Chile
1898: 5 c. blue, "ROULETADOS" multiple franking of five stamps including a horizontal strip of four, each stamp s.o.n. "OSORNO" on AVIS RECEPTION letter with unamended domestic only registration label to "KIEL", Germany. Fine combination of foreign mail "AR" with internal registration.Ausruf : 200,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1198 Chile
1904: 1 p. dark brown and black and 20 c. grey (2) "ROULETADOS", tied to "BULLETIN D'EXPEDITION" parcel-card for a parcel of 2200 gr from "MAGELLANES" dated 28. MAR 1904, parcel label 47 "PUNTA ARENAS" to Switzerland. The parce arrived little over a month later on 29. April 04. A delightful late usage of the high value.Ausruf : 300,00 CHFZuschlag : 1.600,00 CHFLosnr. : 1199 Chile
Losnr. : 1200 Chile
Losnr. : 1201 Chile
Losnr. : 1202 Chile
1911/1913: 1 c. dark green to 5 p. green and black, seven series, printed by the American Banknote Company NY, in blocks of four, pairs and singles, all overprinted "Specimen" and holed (as issued), plus seven contemporary fiscals also marked "Specimen", interesting lot.Ausruf : 150,00 CHFZuschlag : 300,00 CHFLosnr. : 1203 Chile
1915/1927: 4 c. brown, BALMACEDA, the unissued value, fresh and very fine unused, together with two imperf. Colour Proofs also 4 c. in olive-green and in pale-rose. Signed Huber. In addition a single strike of a similar design on large piece of unknown origin with full og. A rare quartet. Provenance: B. Moorhouse.Ausruf : 300,00 CHFZuschlag : 750,00 CHFLosnr. : 1204 Chile
1901: Newspaper-wrapper, "Master-die" proof, produced by Waterlow and Sons for the 1901 newspaper-wrapper, with value tablet blank and manuscript number 2881 in margin. The wrappers were issued with DOS CENTAVOS and VEINTE CENTAVOS inscription, minor scuffing and closed punch hole. Exceptionally rare proof, together with two unused wrappers as issued.Ausruf : 200,00 CHFZuschlag : 850,00 CHFLosnr. : 1205 Chile
1908: Registered Package Card, 80 c., 1 p., 1 p., 50 c. grey proofs on original printer files with internal reference numbers, together with "Specimen" cards for 80 c. and 1 p. 50 c. which were folded and enclosed in the files. There are also two further cards without "Specimen" overprint but with punch holes as was the normal process for specimen stamps. Highly interesting lot from printer's archives.Ausruf : 200,00 CHFZuschlag : 850,00 CHFLosnr. : 1206 Chile
Losnr. : 1207 Chile
1927: The Louis Testart Airmail collection starting with two O'Higgins sets of five to 2 p. used, issued for the airpost service between Santiago and Valparaiso, together with eight covers, incl. compl. set franking on registered headed envelope 'Republica de Chile - Servicio e Correos Y Telegrafos' to "Valparaiso Dic. 9,1927" as well as another set-franking on large sized envelope from "Valparaiso 25. Oct. 27" to Santiago, further 2 p. horiz. strip of three used on large sized envelope from Valparaiso, backstamped with private oval handstamp "L.TESTART VALPARAISO" in violet, 40 c. used on envelope to 'Vina del Mar 9 May 27", 1 p. 20 on May 4th cover to Valparaiso and four 40 c. frankings to Valparaiso. A fine and rare assembly on album pages. Luis Testart commenced this service on 3 May 1927 between the two cities using a DH Moth aircraft. This was the first official air mail service in Chile. Unissued Chile commemorative stamps were surcharged for this first air mail service, rate 40 centavos per first 20 gr. with a sliding scale thereafter. The only aircraft crashed 18 March 1928. The service ended and the remaining air stamps were destroyed. Scott = US$ 2'200 for stamps only.rnAusruf : 750,00 CHFZuschlag : 7.500,00 CHFLosnr. : 1208 Chile
1853/1865: Columbus heads, specialised exhibition collection on forty-nine pages covering all prints from the first London Print to the final Santiago printings. The collection begins with an unused example of the 1853 5c brown red, first London print with its watermark varieties, a strip of three and a pair as well as a letter. The rare 1854 Santiago prints are also represented in singles, strips and on cover, with a delightful MULTADA cover including an upper marginal example. There are also several 5c burnt siena, and shades on the chocolate spectrum. The second London Printing is represented by a mixed issue two colour franking cover as well as singles, with strips and a block of six. the very rare final London print 1c lemon-yellow is represented by a mixed franking letter with 2c black "PERFORADOS", a strip of three and six used singles. In total there are thirty-six letters and two fronts, with many rare prints including Henri Gillet Lithographies. There are numerous units with significant interest in plate work and cancellations. A fabulous lot in well above average quality for the advanced collector.Ausruf : 7.500,00 CHFZuschlag : 22.000,00 CHFLosnr. : 1209 Chile
1853/1865: Study of over one thousand used and unused "Columbus heads" with all issues, including nine "Henri Gillet" lithography prints, and most shades represented, often sourced as individual purchases, often at auction. The study compises stamps on pieces, blocks of four and postally used strips of five, eight postally used examples of the 1c lemon and forty-four examples of the 20c green, including a fiscally used block of eight. There is also an impressive range postmarks including a stunning strike "LINARES" in red on a pair of 10c "ESTANCOS". Included in the total there are one-hundred-forty reprints of various origins. Finally there are five pages "PERFORADOS" including four copies 20c green unused. The quality is well above average, with many choice copies.Ausruf : 750,00 CHFZuschlag : 4.800,00 CHFLosnr. : 1210 Chile
1853/1867: Specialised collection COLON, "Columbus Heads", beginnig with five proofs. The regular issues consist of some seventy franked letters and a document, with three letters from the first Perkins & Bacon print. The DESMADRYL prints are represented by two covers, four pairs and fourteen singles, GILLET prints include one cover and sixteen singles. The postmark section (all on entire) is strong. It comprises BALLEMAR, CASA BLANCA, CHILLAN, CORRAL, CURICO, LINARES, "MZ" (2) on reverse, PARRAL, QUILLOTA, RANCACUA, SAN ANTONIO, TALCA and TOMÉ. The balance of the collection includes multiples up with strips of three, many good stamps and pieces. The buyer will enjoy this lot.Ausruf : 5.000,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1211 Chile
1853/1900: Interesting accumulation of classic and semi classic issues, beginning with over 140 Columbus Heads, including many fine to very fine four margin copies. There are over ten 5c stamps on blued paper from the first Perkins Bacon prints, two 10c diagonal bisects on piece and a whole range of later local prints, many with signs of significant plate wear. The subsequent issues are also well represented, with used condition being the prodominant state of preservation. The condition is as is usual for such early material somewhat mixed, but nonetheless with many useful stamps contained. A pleasing lot for the specialist.Ausruf : 600,00 CHFZuschlag : 1.200,00 CHFLosnr. : 1212 Chile
Losnr. : 1213 Chile
1853/2000: Collection Chile in twelve volumes beginning with around one-hundred-fifty imperforated Columbus Heads, quantities of "PERFORADOS" and "ROULETADOS" with much postmark interest including Fancy Cancels, late usages of "CANCELLED", blocks of four, later issues with specialised plate flaw studies, 1910 Independence unused to 10 p. 1911 O'Higgins unused imperforate pair, 1927 Air Post to 2 P used, Natural History se-tennents, later booklets and issues including Chilean Antarctic. Impressive lot.Ausruf : 1.000,00 CHFZuschlag : 1.400,00 CHFLosnr. : 1214 Chile
1877/1894: "ROULETADOS", Collection in large stock-book with over one thousand mostly choice copies, with many interesting postmarks, including "PACIFIC WAR", "IQUIQUE", "ARICA", "LIMA"; other postmarks include fancy cancels, horseshoes and late usages. There are also a number of blocks of four and more. Great lot for the specialist.Ausruf : 200,00 CHFZuschlag : 2.400,00 CHFLosnr. : 1215 Chile
1877/1899: "ROULETADOS". the definitive exhibition collection of over sixty entires, blocks, stamps and varieties. The collection contains letters or covers of all values up to 50 c. violet including AR letters and a large piece franked with two copies of the 1p brown and black with additonal franking. The 1p brown and black is further represented, among others, with a fine used block of six and a vertical pair imperforated in between. There are ten "Specimen" stamps mostly overprinted in pairs as well as proofs and choice cancels. A collection the specialist will enjoy and cherish.Ausruf : 2.500,00 CHFZuschlag : 10.500,00 CHFLosnr. : 1216 Chile
1892/1940: Collection "Railways of Chile" in three volumes containing a comprehensive study of lines and cachets in use. The collector also valued picture postcards depicting railway scenes and stations, resulting in a very varied collection of charm and insight into the Chile of a bygone age. A handful of later issues round off this delightful collection.Ausruf : 500,00 CHFZuschlag : 500,00 CHFLosnr. : 1217 Chile
1900/1950: Collection in three volumes containing many hundreds of stamps, including in blocks and large units. There are a great many specialities such as the 1900 overprint, both double and inverted many times, as well as in a used block of twelve. 1904 Valdivia overprint varieties and large blocks are noted as well as seven 10 p Independence Centenary. Another Volume contains, tax and telegraph stamps, as well as AR stamps, Chilean Ocupation of Peru issues, officials and postage dues. There is also a range of twenty Consular Service and other Specimen stamps. Varied Lot.Ausruf : 300,00 CHFZuschlag : 4.800,00 CHFLosnr. : 1218 Chile
1800/1960: VALPARAISO. Collection in two folders beginning with a very early strike BALPARAISO on almost complete entire, and the various later versions beginning with "V". ULTRAMAR letters from the early 1850s with LIMA VAPOR and ARICA VAPOR, with various tax markings, 1850 incoming prepaid letter from Switzerland, marked PD, an 1858 letter from France marked PP is also a very early transatlantic letter to this destination. A Crown PAID AT VALPARAISO on a 1868 letter to France, three other letters to France in 1872/1873 bear the scarce VALPARAISO UNPAID as well as various transit marks. The British double circle on a three letters via Panama to Bordeaux. There are six letters with COLON heads and a range of heat disinfected letters, fiscals, good registered letters of the "Rouletadas", British stamps with C30 and a significant number of Ephemera items relating to VALPARAISO.Ausruf : 1.500,00 CHFZuschlag : 2.000,00 CHFLosnr. : 1219 Chile
1801/1868: Collection consisting of thirteen pre-philatelic letters, commencing with two foreign letters to "ARGENTINA" handstamped "CHILE" in red with both the CHILE with small "C" and large "C", straigt line cancels "BALLENAR", "BALPARAISO", "CONCEPCION" "COPIAPO"; "CABOTAJE" and "ULTRAMAR", as well as an inward letter from France with a Forwarding Agent "LETRIS & LAMOTTE". Interesting and varied lot.Ausruf : 300,00 CHFZuschlag : 340,00 CHFLosnr. : 1220 Chile
1809/1890: Collection of pre-philatelic and stampless entires (27), with varied material including British PO from "ARICA", "VALPARAISO" and "PANAMA" transit, domestic mail "CAUQUENNES", "QUILLOTA", "Sn FELIPE", SANTIAGO", "VALPARAISO", "FRANCA TACNA VAPOR" and "CHILE" on five early letters to Argentina as well as two French "PAYS D'OUTREMER" cachets.rnAusruf : 300,00 CHFZuschlag : 700,00 CHFLosnr. : 1221 Chile
1825/1915: Small accumulation of entires and postal stationery with a range of rare and unusual items, including a Champagne order via British Mail from "VALPARAISO", a multiple franking of six "Perforados" 10 c. blue on letter to Argentina, a rare 1895 letter exclusively franked by postage due "MULTADA" stamps, a registered postcard to Bangkok and many other attractive of unusual items.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : 420,00 CHFLosnr. : 1222 Chile
1853/1960: Phenomenal thirty volume stamp and postal-history collection, beginning with over two hundred "Columbus Heads" including "London", "Desmadryl" and "Gillet" prints, as well as the Santiago prints. There are also some watermark varieties, later issues such as "Rouletados", "Presidentes", "Centenario" and later, include many highly attractive letters, often registered to abroad destinations. Later there are many Airmail letters including LATI and other Airlines. Naturally there are also Official mails and "Multa" stamps including two complete sheets of the first print and one of the second. The condition is mainly very good, albeit earlier issues are occasionaly mixed condition. This collection needs to be viewed, as the volume makes it impossible for a description to do this fine collection justice.Ausruf : 2.500,00 CHFZuschlag : 4.600,00 CHFLosnr. : 1223 Chile
1855/1865: Collection of over one hundred mainly entires and fronts bearing "Columbus Head" frankings, beginning with a very fine May 1855 usage of the DESMADRYL 5c red with four good margins, and a strip of four 5c brown red, second London print on front. There are sixteen bisects accross the period, many fine cancellations ranging from "TAMAYA EST", "LIMACHE", "SANTA ROSA", "SAN FERNANDO", postage due letters and some mixed frankings. Delightful specialist's lot.Ausruf : 1.500,00 CHFZuschlag : 2.800,00 CHFLosnr. : 1224 Chile
1867: 1 c. grey to 20 c. green "Columbus" or "Primera dentado" issue, superb collection with cover (29), giving a comprehensive overview over the uses of this issue. The lot includes many different "fancy cancels", both on and off cover, uses of early cancels, a fine MULTADA cover from COPIAPO to SANTIAGO, a fine letter from TOME to LIMA and many other exceptional items.Ausruf : 500,00 CHFZuschlag : 1.700,00 CHFLosnr. : 1225 Chile
1867/1891: Columbus Head "Perforados", specialised collection on eleven Exhibition pages, containing fourteen letters with many attractive frankings including an 1870 letter with a block of six 5c red, two letters with 20c green to LIMA, one with additional franking, a further letter with "SAN FRANCISCO EST" despatch mark and other attractive items. Must be viewed to appreciate.Ausruf : 500,00 CHFZuschlag : 600,00 CHFLosnr. : 1226 Chile
1872/1915: Exhibition collection "Chilean Postal Stationery Envelopes", constisting of seventy-seven mostly choice individual items displaying the development of Chilean Postal Stationery, from Prints by De la Rue, Gauche Freres, American Bank Note Company and others, including eleven Specimens of the Thomas de La Rue printing works including all three formats of of the 2 c. envelopes lost with the sinking of the Tacoma. A letter from Santiago to Hankow, via San Francisco with US registration label, a letter to Manila via New York and San Francisco, an internal registered letter with a beautiful registration label to PISAGUA. Other destinations include the Danish West Indies, Algeria and Denmark.Ausruf : 500,00 CHFZuschlag : 2.600,00 CHFLosnr. : 1227 Chile
1872/1935: Collection of the Postal Stationery of Chile in seven volumes, consisting of over five hundred pieces with many good and unusual items, such as a 112 x 73mm Specimen of the 1872 2 c. local envelope, which remained unissued due to the ship "TACORA" sinking with the entire print-run of 263'000 envelopes. The issued items also contain some exquisite items, one being the 1893 and 1895 postcards with private prints from the Swiss Society and the latter with some highly decorative German-Austrian-Swiss Society print on the reverse. There are also many attractive additional frankings, as well as a postmark collection on the 1885 Columbus 5 c. violet envelopes. Very attractive lot.Ausruf : 500,00 CHFZuschlag : 3.200,00 CHFLosnr. : 1228 Chile
1872/1930: Postal Stationery and few letters, over six-hundred-fifty entires in nine volumes with many rare and unusual items including Postage Due, Registered and Avis de Reception, local registered, overseas destinations like Australia, the Netherlands, Dutch Indies, Great Britain, Hungary, commercial advertising prints, censored items. Fine accumulation with many choice items in mostly fine condition.Ausruf : 750,00 CHFZuschlag : 3.000,00 CHFLosnr. : 1229 Chile
1879/1884: Collection "Pacific War" on sixteen pages containing eighteen, both civilian and fieldpost entires, and forty-two stamps and pieces with postmarks from the newly acquired area and occupations beyond. An outstanding item is the 1877 10c blue bisected on entire from "ARICA" to "IQUIQUE" one of only a handful recorded bisects. Another interesting item is a printed matter from "MOLLENDO" to "CALLAO" without stamps due to none being available. A four colour franking from "LIMA" to "PARIS" with four different "Rouletados" stamps also deserves favour, despite being opened hastily. A great lot.Ausruf : 1.000,00 CHFZuschlag : 15.000,00 CHFLosnr. : 1230 Chile
1883/1901: Exhibition collection on thirty-one pages, dealing with MULTADA (Postage dues), Telegraph stamps and Fiscals used as postage stamps, allowing a glimpse into the practices at the post office at the time. Notable items include cachets with Multada, the first VALPARAISO MULTADA stamps on three covers and as singles to 30c, a postal stationery cut out, not accepted for franking stamped "INUTIL" (invalid), mixed frankings with fiscal stamps and Telegraphs. Powerful lot of this difficult area to collect.Ausruf : 1.000,00 CHFZuschlag : 3.200,00 CHFLosnr. : 1231 Chile
1889/1902: "ROULETADOS", specialised collection of seventeen franked and registered letters up to 1 p dark brown and black, including postal stationery with additional franking, mostly "AVIS RECEPTION", with overseas destinations including "ADRIANOPEL", "MODENA", "NEW YORK", "KIRKEE" (Brit.India) and others. Many letters bear different registration labels. The lot is complemented by three official letters without frankings.Ausruf : 500,00 CHFZuschlag : 1.700,00 CHFLosnr. : 1232 Chile
1890/1960: Collection consisting of approximately 1500 letters in seventeen albums and a large box, containing airmail, postal stationery, registered and censored mail, overseas destinations and more. The airmail should be looked at closely, as there are many high value frankings and unusual flights.Ausruf : 1.000,00 CHFZuschlag : 2.600,00 CHFLosnr. : 1233 Chile
1900/1930: "Picture Postcards", collection of over three hundred often very rare postcards, with many street scenes, nitrate ships in IQUIQUE bay, idigenous scenes, catastrophies and earthquake damage captured on film. A documentation of the Chile of yesteryear.Ausruf : 300,00 CHFZuschlag : 1.100,00 CHFLosnr. : 1234 Chile
1900/1950: Machine cancellations, structured collection consisting of over one-hundred-thirty entires with a large proportion of pre 1914 material covering postal mechanisation. The various cancelling machine types used in Santiago are also covered as are those of IQUIQUE or VALPARAISO. Later introduced "Slogan" cancellers like advertising airmail or the red cross are covered in depth as the advertisements for using Chilean Nitrates. Highly educational study.Ausruf : 300,00 CHFZuschlag : 380,00 CHFLosnr. : 1235 Chile
1905/2000: ISLA de JUAN FERNANDEZ, or Robinson Crusoe Island, collection of seventeen entires pre 1935, with picture postcards including SMS DRESDEN, an AR letter to Germany with German registration label "Vom Ausland über Hamburg 1", souvenirs from Expeditions and a range of modern material. Unusual to find in this quantity.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : 420,00 CHF
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