Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919


Catalogue 288: The Ing. Pietro Provera Collection (part IV)
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  • Losnr. : 6588 Italien

    1922 (June 7): Picture postcard from Trieste to Mantova, bearing 1922 (June 4) 9th Italian Philatelic Congress Trieste 10 c. rosa, tied to the picture side by matching special datestamp of the exhibition with information strike on the address side. An unusual single use, the stamp paying the postcard rate up to five words. Signed A. Diena Sassone = € 1'650.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 160 CHF

    Losnr. : 6589 Italien

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    1924 (March 6): Registered Envelope from San Remo to Odense, Denmark, bearing 1924 ovpt. Victory issue 1 l. on 10 c. carmine, two single examples perf. 14 x 13¼, tied by "SAN REMO RACCOMANDATE" cds in black, matching registration label alongside, reverse with Genova transit and ODENSE arrival (March 8) cds's. A very rare usage on cover. Cert. Sorani (1997) Sassone = € 6'000+.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 500 CHF

    Losnr. : 6590 Italien

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    Falso dell'epoca, called of Rome, 1927 (Oct 17): Double rate envelope from Rome to Naples, bearing a forgery to defraud the Postal system of 1926 60 c. orange without watermark in mixed franking with an original stamp of this issue, tied by "MILANO VIA S.GIACOMO" cds. Light file folds just mentioned for accuracy, a fine and fresh franking. Certs. E. Diena (1981), Zanaria (2006) Sassone mentioned, but unpriced.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 6591 Italien

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    1927 (June 17): Insured envelope from Marino to Palermo, bearing 1927 2,65 l. violet perf. 11, tied by "MARINO ROMA" cds in black, information strike and matching insurance label alongside. Reverse with Ferrara transit and "PALERMO CENTRO" arrival cds's of the following day. A fine cover, very rare with an isolated usage of this violet definitive, correctly franked with 60 c. postage, 125 c. registration fee and 80 c. insurance fee up to a declared value of 1000 lire. Cert. Raybaudi (1991) Sassone = € 3'500.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 360 CHF

    Losnr. : 6592 Italien

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    1927 (Aug 17): Registered envelope from Maja Bassa to Philadelphia, bearing 1927 2,65 l. violet perf. 11, a lower marginal example with Printer's cross on the margin in combination with 1927 1,85 l. ardesia and 50 c. brown & grey, used on the second day after issuance, tied by clear "MAJA BASSA BOLZANO" cds in black, information strike and matching registration label alongside. Reverse with two Italian ambulant cds's and "PHILADELPHIA REGISTERED" arrival (Aug 27) cds in pink, it bears in addition three vignettes. Some edge wear, nevertheless a most appealing franking. Signed Colla; certs. E. Diena (1985), Serra (1992) Sassone = € 1'800+.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 150 CHF

    Losnr. : 6593 Italien

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    1928 (May 8): Quadruple rate registered envelope from Borgo Mozzano to Lucca, bearing 1927 2,65 l. violet perf. 11 in combination with 1928 Milizia 30 c. violet and black in a horizontal pair, tied by "BORGO MOZZANO (LUCCA)" cds in black, information strike and matching registration label alongside, reverse with indistinct LUCCA cds. Some edge wear, nevertheless an appealing cover. Cert. Colla (1985) Sassone = € 2'230.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 150 CHF

    Losnr. : 6594 Italien

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    1929 (Nov 11): Registered cover front from Bologna to Livorno, bearing 1929 Vittorio Emanuele III 1,75 l. brown, perf. 13¾, tied by "BOLOGNA C RACCOMANDATE" cds in black, matching registration label alongside. An appealing commercial advertisement cover with this very rare brown definitive, correctly franked with 50 c. for the postage and 125 c. for the registration fee, cert. A. Diena (1962) Sassone = € 18'000 for a complete cover.rnNote: The 1929 definitive perf 13¾ is known to be sold in the post offices of Bologna, to a lesser extent also in Roma and on Sicily (Caltanissetta and Enna).
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 6595 Italien

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    1935 (Nov 23): Registered cover from Catania to Olomouc, Czechoslovakia, bearing 1935 Bellini 2.75+2 l. green-olive and 1929 Imperiale 20 c.carmine in a horizontal pair and 10 c. brown, tied by "CATANIA No 1 VIA 6 APRILE" cds in black, matching registration label alongside. Reverse with "CATANIA FERROVIA" transit and two Italian ambulant cds's. One tear at top, nevertheless an interesting cover to a rare destination. Signed E. Diena; cert. Sorani (1998) Sassone = € 1'600+.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 160 CHF

    Losnr. : 6596 Italien

    1938 (Jan 29): Envelope from Val Badia to Stuttgart, bearing 1937 Augosto anniversary 2,55+2 l. ardesia, tied by "BOLOGNA - BRENNERO" ambulant cds, on attractive 'Hotel Dolomiti' envelope. Sassone = € 1'300.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 120 CHF

    Losnr. : 6597 Italien

    1901/30c: Selection 39 covers with the first 1901 Vittorio Emanuele III definitives, a group with cancellation and rate interest, incl. three 'Two Kings' usages with Umberto & VEIII adhesives, one a 'gemelli' franking with two 10 c. adhesives of the same colour but different design, two covers in combination with 1896/97 Stemma di Savoia definitives; also 1 c. brown as swastika-shaped franking on 1918 (!) cover to London, 2 c. red-brown as mass franking or on Blindman's mail, registered mail, also with higher weight rates and matching frankings, 60 c. violet, 20 examples in multiples on cover, pair 1 lire on postman's identity card, seven covers / cover parts with 5 lire usages, one mass franking; also seven covers with multi-colour frankings. One certificate.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 500 CHF

    Losnr. : 6598 Italien

    1906/29c: Selection 43 covers / documents with frankings from the Vittorio Emanuele III period, with rate and franking interest, incl. 1908 5 c. green & 10 c. carmine on nine covers, also in multiples, 1909 definitive issue on rare 16 cemtesimi registered printed matter, 1911 Esposizione Roma 5 c. on local cover, 1923/25 ovpt. definitives on six covers, 1923 Marcia sur Roma 5 l. as part of a combination franking on insured cover (Sassone = € 750), 1924 cover with Anno Santo 5 l. in a horizontal pair (Sassone = € 1'100), 1924 ovpt. definitive 25 on 45 c., in total eleven examples on three covers (sassone = € 2'000), also 1,75 l. on 10. l., two examples on two cover (Sassone = € 1'300). Two certificates.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 600 CHF

    Losnr. : 6599 Italien

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    1929 (April 12): Registered Envelope Lucca to Viareggio, bearing 1910 (Nov) 10 l. olive & rose in combination with 1926 25 c. green & green-olive as well as 1929 Cinqantenario della morte di Vittorio Emanuele II, a single adhesive and a block of four, tied by light LUCCA cds with registration label alongside, reverse with arrival (April 14) cds. Large sized cover refolded, some wrinkles as to be expected, nevertheless an appealing cover with this franking, paying correctly thirteen times the letter rate of 50 c., plus the registration fee of 125 c., in total 12,75 lire. Cert. E. Diena (1986) Sassone = € 3'125+.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 6600 Italien

    1929/42: Selection 70 large-sized envelopes with high value combination frankings of definitive and commemorative stamps incl. 1926 S. Francesco with three 5+2.50 l. (Sassone = € 1'800), 1929 Montecassino up to 5+1 l. (Sassone = € 1'600), 1930 Virgilio up to 10+2.50 l. (Sassone = € 6'000), 1931 S. Antonio up to 5+2.50 l. (Sassone = € 2'200), 1932 Marcia su Roma up to 2.75 l., 1934 Medaglie al Valore, Campionate mondiale, 1935 Previdenza milizia, 1936 Orazio up to 2.55+1 l., 1937 Augusto up to 1.75+1 l., and 1938 Proclamatione dell'Imperio up to 5 l. (2). Three certificates.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 6601 Italien

    1932/43c: Selection twelve Blindman's mail items, primarily in Braille font, incl. five items with 2 c. orange in the particular Blindman's rate valid until 1940, also three items with 5 c. brown in the post 1940 rate, one double rate item with 10 c. brown in that rate, and two registered items in these two tariffs with 2&10 c. and three times 15 c, respectively. A fine presentation, one certificate.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 220 CHF

    Losnr. : 6602 Italien

    1929/45: Imperiale, selection 72 large-sized covers with frankings up to the 20 lire value, a large diversity of rates incl. registration, insured and express mail, Avis de reception, printed matter, manusprits, usage during the first days in April 1929, mass franking with 50 examples of 2 c. orange, pair 20 l. green on insured cover (Sassone = € 1'000), also combination frankings with earlier Vittorio Emanuele III definitives (16), usage in the Luogotenenza period, and destinations such as Persia.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 320 CHF

    Losnr. : 6603 Italien

    1878/1946: Lot 20 covers / postcards incl. 1917 Airmail Napoli Sicilia, 1926 Airmail Genova - Roma, 1930s commemorative issues, 1939 Airmail cover Pola to Somalia, 1939 Propaganda di guerra from Goriza, 1925 francobolli pubblicitari Columbia, 1933 Zeppelin postcard, 1917 Marca da Bollo with Posta Militare, 1943 Posta Militare from the nave 'Euro', 1944 pacchi postali used as definitives, 1944 Recapito autorizato with GNR ovpt, and 1946 Luogotenza 10 l. violet on registered cover.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 140 CHF

    Losnr. : 6604 Italien

    1890/1944c: Lot 70 postal stationery postcards, primarily with Vittorio Emanuele III indica, but also Vittorio Emanuele II with first day usage (1874, Jan 1) and add. franking used to Switzerland, Umberto and Luogotenza usages, official postcards, usages in Switzerland, postmark interest, few letter cards. In addition six picture postcards.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.400 CHF

    Losnr. : 6605 Italien

    1931 (June 13): Registered Airmail cover from Firenze to Cairo, endorsed "Per Posta Aerea London to Karachi", bearing 1930 Virgilio 9+2 l. dark blue in combination with 1929 Imperiale 2.55 l. green-grey and 1931 S. Antonio 20 c. lilac and 75 c. dark carmine, tied by "FIRENZE C RACCOMAN." cds in black,registration label alongside. Reverse with Firenze-Milano ambulant, "NAPOLI PORTO" and "NAPOLI FERROVIA (POSTA AEREA)" as well as "ALEXANDRIE PAR AVION" transit (June 15) cds's and "POSTMEN CAIRO" despatch (June 16) cds. Philatelic franking, nevertheless a fine usage of the 9 lire value making its journey with the Imperial Airways flight to India, signed E. Diena Sassone = € 4'500.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 420 CHF

    Losnr. : 6606 Italien

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    Airmail 1931 (Aug 5): Registered Cover from Milano to Buenos Aires, bearing a seven colour franking of 1929 Imperiale 50 l. violet (2), 2 l. carmine (2), 75 c. carmine & 25 c. green as well as 1926 Posta Aerea 5 l. green and 1930 Posta Aereo 25 c. dark green and 2 l. blue, tied by light "MILANO C. CORRISP. e PACCHI / RACCOMANDATE" cds in black, matching registration label alongside. Reverse with Ventimigla and Marseille transit as well as BUENOS AIRES arrival (Aug 15) cds's. A most interesting commercial cover from the well-known Oertly correspondence, correctly franked for a cover of 65 gr. with 3.50 l. for a fourth letter rate cover abroad plus 1.50 l. registration fee plus 13 times 8.75 l. for each 5 gram for the Airmail transport to Argentina with a French Airmail carrier, in total 112,25 lire. Certs. A. Diena (1976), E. Diena (1992) Sassone = € 6'600+.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 500 CHF

    Losnr. : 6607 Italien

    Airmail 1934 (July 4): Express cover from Rome to Essen, bearing 1934 Posta Aerea Espressi Fiume 4.50+2l. carmine and Dinamo 1.25 l. blue, tied by "ROMA FERROVIA POSTA AEREA" cds in black, "ZÜRICH FLUGPLATZ" transit cds and framed German "Mit der Flugpost befördert / Postamt Essen-Mülheim - Flughafen" handstamp in violet alongside. Reverse with ESSEN arrival (July 5) cds. Two vertical file folds well away from the franking not distracting from this desirable cover. Signed Colla Sassone = € 1'150.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 260 CHF

    Losnr. : 6608 Italien

    1936 (Nov 7): Registered Airmail Envelope from Milano to Amsterdam, bearing 1936 Orazio anniversary Posta Aerea 5+2 l. ardesia in combination with 2,55+1 l. ardesia, 75 c. carminio and 20 c. carminio, tied by "MILANO CORR. PACCHI POSTA AEREA" cds, matching registration label alongside. Reverse with Milano transit cds. Backflap missing, vertical file fold not touching the adhesives, still an impressive franking of this sought after commemorative issue. Signed Sorani Sassone = € 3'300+.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 160 CHF

    Losnr. : 6609 Italien

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    Airmail 1938 (April 26): Non-philatelic cover from Rome to the Italian embassy in Montevideo, Uruguay, endorsed "Via Francoforte & Santiago", bearing 1929 Imperiale 25 l. 'grigio ardesia' as well as 10 l. violet, 2 l. carmine and 50 c. violet (2), tied by "ROMA (CENTRO) ACCETTne RACC. e ASS. 13" cds in black, matching registration label and "DEUTSCHE LUFTPOST EUROPA - SÜDAMERIKA" handstamp in violet alongside. Reverse with MONTEVIDEO arrival (May 2) cds. Roughly opened and some toning, nevertheless an interesting cover, correctly franked with 1.25 l. for a cover abroad plus 1.50 l. registration fee plus three times 11.75 l. for each 5 gram for the Airmail transport to Uruguay or Argentina with a German Airmail carrier, in total 38 lire. Cert. Colla (1996) Sassone = € 3'300+.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 6610 Italien

    Airmail 1926/40c: Selection 20 covers incl. 1926 cover to Berlin, 1926 flight Brindisi - Athens, 1926/27 two flights on the Zara - Trieste line, 1928 First flight Roma - Cagliari, 1932 Rome to Braunschweig with Garibaldi 2.25+1 l. (Sassone = € 650), 1933 express cover to Cannes, 1933 to Manila with Brindisi - Singapore service, 1934 to Shanghai via India flight, 1934 from Brindisi to Brisbane using the inaugural Imperial Airways service, 1934 Fiume to Buenos Aires with Primo Volo 2 l. & 3 l. adhesives, 1938 cover to Montevideo baering pair Imperiale 10 l. violet, 1938 flight to Rio with the franking incl. Imperiale 20 l. green, and 1940 cover to Bahia with LATI flight bearing block of 14 Imperiale 80 c. orange (Sassone = € 1'260).
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 700 CHF

    Losnr. : 6611 Italien

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    Pacchi Postali 1890 (Sept 24): Parcelcard model 253 with an indicium of 50 centesimi for a parcel of 1760 gram from Forte dei Marmi to Cremona, bearing Pacchi Postali 1884/86 Umberto I 10 c. olive, both cancelled / tied by "FORTE DEI MARMI (PIETRASANTA)" cds in black, reverse with CREMONA arrival (Sept 26) cds. Parcel card as usual with the coupon detached, a fine and fresh usage. Cert. Bottacchi (1999) Sassone = € 2'000.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 120 CHF

    Losnr. : 6612 Italien

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    Pacchi Postali 1889 (Jan 5): Parcelcard model 402 for parcels sent abroad with an indicium of 1,25 lire for a parcel of 2550 gram from Pontelagoscuro to Trieste, bearing Pacchi Postali 1884/86 Umberto I 20 c. blue, cancelled together by mute cds and straight-line "UDINE PACCHI" handstamp in black, matching Parcel label , PONTELAGOSCURO cds and green Austrian "Zollgut zu stellen" label alongside, reverse with TRIEST arrival (Jan 6) cds. Parcel card as usual with the coupon detached, a fine and appealing usage. Cert. Caffaz (2000) Sassone = € 5'500.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 260 CHF

    Losnr. : 6613 Italien

    Segnatasse, 1867 (Dec 9): Unpaid local double rate cover from Agordo to La Valle Agordina, taxed upon arrival with double deficiency sent, bearing horizontal pair 1863 Segnatasse 10 c. yellow, tied by '1111' numeral in black. Signed A. Diena & Raybaudi Sassone = € 1'800.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 260 CHF

    Losnr. : 6614 Italien

    1870 (Feb 11): Cover from Cette, France to Livorno, bearing Napoléon laureated 20 c. blue type II (Yv 29B), tied by Gros Chiffres '822' lozenge with matching despatch cds alongside. First struck with framed PD in red, this handstamp erased and replaced by "AFFANCHISSEMENT INSUFFISANT" handstamp in red. Upon arrival in Livorno taxed with 40 centesimi, Italian Segnatasse 1869 10 c. brown orange and 1870/74 30 c. ochre & carmine added to the obverse and cancelled with Livorno datestamp (Feb 16, 1870). Reverse with Lyon transit and Livorno distribution handstamps. An interesting combination of Italian due from two consecutive issues, signed Calves.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 6615 Italien

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    Segnatasse, 1897 (Jan 16): Unpaid official 'anagrafe' cover from Seravalle to Rome and back, struck by "SERRAVALLE IN CHIETI" cds, upon arrival in Rome taxed with "05" in blue crayon, bearing 1870 Segnatasse 5 c. orange and carmine, tied by "ROMA 17 1 97" cds. The cover was refused and returned to the sender. Shortened at right, nevertheless an extremely rare usage. Cert. E. Diena (1990).rnNote: The 5 c. due was used on unpaid printed matter sent by the administration. Zanaria & Serra state taht not one such example s known to them in their 1985 monography on page 314.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 6616 Italien

    Segnatasse, 1918 (Sept 17): Unpaid Envelope sent within Naples, taxed with double deficiency of 20 centesimi, bearing vertical pair 1890/94 Segnatasse 10 c. orange and carmine showing rare variety: figure inverted 'Cifre capovolte'. Postage due tied by light NAPOLI cds in black. A fresh cover. Signed Sorani Sassone = € 1'200.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 6617 Italien

    Segnatasse, 1932 (April 28): Triple rate registered cover, sent unpaid from the administration in Sortino to a lawyer in Ferla, struck by "SORTINO (SIRACUSA) cds, "R.R. POSTE T.S" and "DOPO LA PARTENZA" handstamps, taxed with 1.50 l. for the triple postage and 1.25 l. for registration, bearing 1890/94 Segnatasse 2 l. blue & carmine and 5 c., 20 c. & 50 c. orange and carmine, tied by clear "FERLA (SIRACUSA)" cds. Cover shortened at left, an appealing item. Signed Raybaudi.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 100 CHF

    Losnr. : 6618 Italien

    Segnatasse: 1870/1948: Selection 20 covers with postage due incl. 1870 postal formular with 1870 5 c. ochre & carmine in a block of four, a usage in the first month (Sassone = € 1'000), 1883 cover with 10 c. in a vertical pair, 1870 cover with 30 c. in a horizontal pair on unpaid cover from Trieste to Venezia, 1871 cover from Grezzana to Verona and back with two examples of 40 c., one annulated (Sassone = € 950), also usages of the 1890/94 issue incl pair 10 c. 'cifre capovolte' (Sassone = € 1'200), 10 c. in a block of 15, four colour due frankings to pay unpaid registered letters (2), and usages with the 1934 issue.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 250 CHF

    Losnr. : 6619 Italien

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    Francalettre 1889 (Dec 12): Advertisement letter from Palaja to Pomarance, bearing 1879 Umberto 5 c. carmine with perfin 'C 4' in combination with 1879 Umberto 5 c. green and 10 c. carmine, tied by barred '1641' numeral obliterator, PALAJA despatch cds alongside. Reverse with POMARANCE arrival cds of the same day. An interesting advertisement letter sold at reduced postage, very rare and sought after. Cert. A. Diena (1975) Sassone = € 6'500.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 700 CHF

    Losnr. : 6620 Italien

    Buste Lettere Postali (B.L.P.) 1921 (May 7): Letter envelope from Roma to Ancona, bearing BLP 1921 40 c. brown with blue ovpt., tied by "ROMA FERROVIA" machine cancellation in black. Correct payment of the internal 40 c. letter rate, a most appealing item depicting a Crying baby advertisement for caramelle. Signed Raybaudi.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 100 CHF

    Losnr. : 6621 Italien

    Buste Lettere Postali (B.L.P.) 1922 (Nov 6): Letter envelope from Anzio to Roma, bearing BLP 1921 40 c. brown with violet ovpt., tied by "ANZIO (ROMA)" cds in black. Correct payment of the internal 40 c. letter rate, a most appealing item depicting a LAMPO BENZINA SUPERIORE advertisement full of dynamics. 
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 100 CHF

    Losnr. : 6622 Italien

    Buste Lettere Postali (B.L.P.) 1924 (March 2): Registered Letter envelope from Lucca to Roma, bearing BLP 1922/23 40 c. brown with black ovpt. with additional 1917/20 60 c. carmine, tied by "LUCCA (DISTRIBUTIONE)" ambulant cds in black, information strike and matching registration label alongside. An appealing item Sassone = € 1'300+.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 150 CHF

    Losnr. : 6623 Italien

    Francobolli Pubblicitari 1924 (Nov 24): Registered envelope within Roma, bearing Francobolli Pubblicitari 1924/25 25 c. blue with brown TAGLIACOZZO with additional 50 c. violet, tied by "ROMA ARRIVI e PARTENZE" cds in black. Returned to sender with "AL MITTENTE" handstamp alongside. A fine and fresh cover with this desirable advertisement stamp, signed A. Diena Sassone = € 5'500.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 6624 Italien

    Francobolli Pubblicitari 1924 (Nov 15): Envelope from Roma to Novara, bearing Francobolli Pubblicitari 1924/25 50 c. violet with green PIPERNO, tied by "ROMA FERROVIA" machine cancellation in black. Reverse with NOVARA arrival cds of the next day. Cover with vertical file folds well away from the franking, nevertheless a fine and fresh usage, signed A. Diena Sassone = € 1'800.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 150 CHF

    Losnr. : 6625 Italien

    Francobolli Pubblicitari 1924/25: Group 14 covers / postcards, bearing a fine selection of Francobolli Pubblicitari incl. FP1, two pairs, FP2 on postcard to France, FP2 in pair on cover, FP7 (2) on cover, FP9 on two postcards, FP11 in two single frankings and a two pairs on registered cover and to Germany, respectively FP12, two single usages, one with add. Espresso adhesive, FP16 as single and pair franking, and FP18. In addition strip of four Francobolli Pubblicitari 50 c. violet with the advertisement part cut off. Some competent signatures Sassone = € 5'400+.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 650 CHF

    Losnr. : 6626 Italien

    Emissioni di Franchigia, Enti parastatali 1924: Selection 21 postage-free covers / postcards from different governmental institutions such as ASSIC INF LAVORO (9); ASSICURAZ SOCIALI (10), and COLLOC DISOCCUP (2) bearing the matching Franchigia issue, one certificate.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 700 CHF

    Losnr. : 6627 Italien

    Fiscal stamps used to pay postal services 1873/1947: Group 22 covers with 'Marca da Bollo' fiscal stamps used as definitives, partially in combination with definitives, incl. 1873 cover Milano to Genova with 1869 fical (Sassone 6; € 3'500), presumably used to defraud the postal services, 1879 registered cover with Umberto definitive 25 c. in combination with two examples of Umberto fiscals 5 c. lilac, correctly paying the registered rate within the city (Sassone 9; € 1'500), another 1891 single franking of the same fiscal; 1905 Aquila sabauda 5 c. (Sassone 10, € 300), three usages alone or in combination with definitives; 1905/11 Effigie VEIII, 10 c. blue (4), 20 c. carmine (3), 50 c. lilac-rosa and an unlisted 1 lire brown red; 1903/37 20 c. carminio (3), 1939/42, four usages in 1944/45, in combination with definitives and 'Imposta sull'Entrata' fiscals. In addition four covers with other fiscals used instead of definitives. Three certificates Sassone = € 8'300+.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 480 CHF

    Losnr. : 6628 Italien

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    Repubblica Sociale Italiana, 1944: Emissione di Firenze 50 l. violet with overprint in lilac, a superb top marginal example with imprint on the margin, in full unmounted og. condition. A rare stamp with a print run of only 800 adhesives, signed Bolaffi; cert. E. Diena (1991) Sassone = € 5'000.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 550 CHF

    Losnr. : 6629 Italien

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    Repubblica Sociale Italiana, 1944: Emissione di Firenze 50 l. violet with overprint in red, a superb example with full unmounted og. An extremely rare stamp, the rarest of the Firenze RSI overprints, cert Sorani (1993) Sassone = € 33'000.
    Ausruf : 3.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 6630 Italien

    Repubblica Sociale Italiana,1943/45: Selection 22 large-sized covers with definitive and commemorative frankings, also including combination frankings with Regno and Repubblica adhesives, with interesting rates such as registered postcards, manuscript's mailing, Avis de Reception, and usage of definitives as due and due as definitives.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 6631 Italien

    Luogotenenza & Regno di Umberto II,1943/46: Selection 28 covers with definitive and commemorative frankings, mixed franking Regno - Luogotenenza, interesting rates such as registration, manuscript's mailing, Avis de Reception, 1945 (Feb) cover to the USA, and usage of definitives as due.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 240 CHF

    Losnr. : 6632 Italien

    Repubblica 1946 (April 27): Registered Airmail envelope from Venice to New York USA, bearing a mixed franking of Regno, Luogotenza and Repubblica with a horizontal pair of Regno 1929/42 Imperiale 50 l. violet in combination with Luogotenza 1945 5 l. red & 10 l. violet in a vertical pair as well as 1945/48 Democratica 1 l. green-grey & 2 l. brown-lilac, tied by "VENEZIA SUCC. SANTO STEFANO" despatch cds. Matching registration handstamp alongside, reverse with New York registation datestamps (May 6). Some edge wear, nevertheless a correctly franked cover with 15 l. postage abroad, 20 l. registration fee and three times the Airmail surcharge of 31 l. to the United States, in total 128 lire. A most interesting cover. Sassone = € 9'000+.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 600 CHF

    Losnr. : 6633 Italien

    Repubblica 1947 (June 23): Cover from Roma to Spoleto, bearing a mixed emergency franking of Repubblica and Luogotenza with 1945/48 Democratica 1 l. green-grey in combination with Luogotenza parcel stamps 'pacchi postali' 2 l. green and 3 l. orange, tied by "SPOLETO (CONTROLLORE)" cds. A very interesting cover. Cert. Sorani (1995).
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 6634 Italien

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    1946 (Oct 26): Registered envelope from Milano to Buenos Aires, bearing 1945/46 Democratica 100 l. dark carmine, two vertical strips of five and two single adhesives as well as 1 l. green, tied by "MILANO SUCCURSALE No. 4" despatch cds. Reverse with "BUENOS AIRES ARGENTINA" arrival (Nov 5) cds. Some tear and wear, cover opened on three sides, part of sender's address cut out, nevertheless a interesting combination. Cert. Colla (2004) Sassone = € 2'160+.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 6635 Italien

    1947 (Dec 12): Large-sized Airmail envelope from Reggio Emilia to Buenos Ayres, bearing 1945/46 Democratica 100 l. red-carmine, 22 adhesives in multiples and single adhesives and 10 l. ardesia, cancelled by "REGGIO EMILIA FERROVIA (ESPRESSO)" despatch cds, reverse with indistinct arrival cds. Minor flaws as to be expected from a multiple of that sheer size, an impressive item. Sassone = € 3'960+.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 500 CHF

    Losnr. : 6636 Italien

    1949 (April 18): Airmail envelope from Rome to Buenos Ayres, bearing 1948 Risorgimento 100 l. grey-blue, a vertical strip of three and a single adhesive, tied by light "ROMA FERROVIA  POSTA AEREA" despatch cds. Roughly opened, nevertheless an interesting airmail usage. Sassone = € 4'400+.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 6637 Italien

    1949 (July 1): Registered envelope from Mira to Stockholm, bearing Centenario della Repubblica Romana 100 l. brown, tied by light "MIRA VENEZIA" despatch cds. A correctly franked usage to Sweden with 40 l. for the postage and 60 l. for the registration. Sassone = € 1'600.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 220 CHF

    Losnr. : 6638 Italien

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    1949 (June 11): Airmail envelope from Rome to New York, bearing Centenario della Repubblica Romana 100 l. brown, a horizontal pair in combination with 1945 Democratica 5 l. blue, tied by "ROMA FERROVIA" despatch cds. Reverse with "NEW YORK MURRAY HILL STATION" meter mark arrival datestamp (June 14) cds's. Correctly franked with 40 l. abroad and triple rate 165 l. airmail surcharge, cert. E. Diena (1981) Sassone = € 3'200+.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 160 CHF

    Losnr. : 6639 Italien

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    1951 (July 11): Express envelope from Casalpusterlengo to Bormio, bearing 1950 (May 18) Concorsi Gimnastici, 5 l. brown (2), 10 l. green and 25 l. blue (2) in combination with 1950 definitive 10 l. green, tied by "CASALPUSTERLENGO MILANO" despatch cds, reverse with Milano & Sondrio express transit as well as Bormio arrival cds's. A correctly franked usage with 20 l. postage and 40 l. express surcharge, the adhesives obviously accepted after the end of their validity (June 16, 1951). Signed Zanaria; cert. Colla (1996).
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 650 CHF

    Losnr. : 6640 Italien

    1952 (Jan 25): Large-sized Airmail envelope from Rome to the archbishop in La Paz, Bolivia, bearing 1948 Posta Aerea Campidoglio 1000 l. brown-lilac perf 14, a block of four & a single adhesive & 500 l. ultramarine in combination with 'Italia al lavoro' definitives 10 l. green, 65 l. blackish green and 100 l. brown-red (2), tied by "ROMA CORSO VITTORIO EMANUELE" despatch cds. Some imperfections as to be expected for an item of that sheer size, nevertheless an amazing franking for a cover between 195-200 gram paying 60 l. for the first weight rate plus nine times 35 l. for the consecutive rates and 40 times the airmail surtaxe of 135 l., in total 5'775 lire. Sassone = € 3'450+.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 280 CHF

    Losnr. : 6641 Italien

    1961: Airmail 205 lire lilac-rose, 'Gronchi Rosa', a superb unused example, fresh and fine, unmounted og. Sassone = € 1'900.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 320 CHF

    Losnr. : 6642 Italien

    1945/57: Collection of hundreds unused stamps, primarily in unmounted og. condition incl. 1945 Democratica up to 100 lire, the 10 lire adhesive as forgery to defraud the postal service, perforated (2) and imperforated (pair & block of four), 1948 Risorgimento, 1949 Repubblica Romana, 1950 Radiodiffusione, also Recapito autorizzato, Segnatasse, Pacchi postali 1946/54 up to 1000 l.. In addition 1935 Bellini set. Four certificates Sassone = € 8'000+.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.300 CHF

    Losnr. : 6643 Italien

    1945/48: Group 220 covers / postcards with frankings primarily of the lire values of the Democratica definitive issue showing a large diversity of usages, short living rates, such as postcards with less than five words, visting cards, open printed matter mailing, reduced rates for mayors, express, registered mail, Avis de Reception, also two covers with single and double franking of the 100 l. carmine, in two albums.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 6644 Italien

    1945/90c: Lot 100 back of the book items, incl. Pacchi postali, Segnatasse, Recapito autorizzato, Pneumatica, and a large selection of postal stationery postcards, primarily with the Democratica design, the majority with additional frankings, also stationery cutouts.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 6645 Italien

    Italian Shipmail 1874 (Nov 24): Cover from Rossano to Genova, bearing Regno 1867 (April) Torino printing 20 c. blue, tied by numeral '135' grill obliterator, matching ROSSANO despatch cds alongside. Obverse struck in addition by oval "PIROSCAFI POSTALI ITALIANI / PEIRANO DANOVARO & Co ROSSANO" cachet showing a steamer in blue. Reverse with GENOVA arrival cds of the same day. Attractive, signed A. Diena.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 160 CHF

    Losnr. : 6646 Italien

    Italian Shipmail 1878 (April 6): Cover from Messina to Catania, bearing Regno 1877 (April) 10 c. blue, two single adhesives, tied by '16' numeral obliterator, matching MESSINA despatch cds alongside. Obverse struck in addition by oval "AGENZIA DI VAPORI INGLESI. OLANDESI. FRANCESI. BELGI / FRANCESCO TAGLIAVIA & Co. MESSINA" cachet showing a steamer in black. Reverse with CATANIA arrival cds of the next day. Attractive.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 100 CHF

    Losnr. : 6647 Italien

    1840/53: Selection 30 prephilatelic or stampless entires / covers sent primarily within Italy or to France, each struck by company cachets of Italian shipping companies situated in Italy or abroad. Also 1870 entire of a Corfu - based shipping company despatched at the PO in Brindisi.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 900 CHF

    Losnr. : 6648 Italien

    Shipmail on the Lago Maggiore and Lago di Como 1850/59: Group of four prephilatelic / stampless covers incl. 1859 cover to Luvino at the Lago Maggiore and three covers from the Lago di Como / Lario, all four with shipping company handstamps.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 260 CHF

    Losnr. : 6656 Italien

    Ingoing to Tunis 1865 (Jan 8): Triple rate entire letter written in Livorno and despatched directly on the vessel, directed to Tunis, bearing 1863 DLR printing 60 c. 'lilla chiaro' in a horizontal pair, a fresh and fine multiple, tied by clear framed "PIROSCAFI POSTALI ITALIANI" handstamp with "CAGLIARI 8 GEN 65" cds (Sassone Tunisi = 10 punti), applied in transit alongside. Reverse with "TUNISI POSTE ITALne 9 GEN 65" arrival cds. An interesting and attractive entire from the Raffo correspondence to Tunis. Signed Zanaria.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 240 CHF

    Losnr. : 6657 Italien

    Ingoing to Tunis 1876 (Jan 10): Outer lettersheet of a printed matter item, sent from Castellammare di Stabia to Tunis, bearing 1863 DLR printing 5 c. 'grigio verde chiaro', a fresh and fine example, tied by clear "CASTELLAMMARE DI STABIA" handstamp with "TUNISI POSTE ITALne 17 OTT 76" arrival cds alongside. Reverse with Napoli, Livorno & Cagliari transit cds's. An interesting printed matter item to an Italian post office abroad. rnNote: Another printed matter item from the same correspondence is displayed in Mentaschi & Nembrini - Mail addressed from Italy to foreign countries 1863-1879 on page 123.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft
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