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-> Catalogue 288: The Ing. Pietro Provera Collection (part IV)
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Catalogue 288: The Ing. Pietro Provera Collection (part IV)
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Losnr. : 6396 Sardinien
Sardinian Shipmail 1840 (Aug 19): Unpaid entire letter from Genova to Livorno, struck with clear "NAVIGAZIONE NAPOLITANA GENOVA" cachet showing a steamer in blue. Attractive, signed Sorani.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 6397 Sardinien
Sardinian Shipmail 1842 (Dec 9): Unpaid entire letter from Genova to Livorno, struck by clear "VAPORI SARDI SUL MEDITERRANEO / IMPRESA DELUCHI RUBATTINO & Co DI GENOVA" cachet showing a steamer in blue. Signed Sorani.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 6398 Sardinien
'Cavallini' di Sardegna 1819 (Jan): Entire letter from Torino to Casalgrosso, internally dated '20 febb 1819', struck at base by the first type of the 15 centesimi 'Cavallini' handstamp in blue, no postmarks at all. An early usage in the second month. Cert. Sorani (1998) Sassone = € 2'800.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 6399 Sardinien
'Cavallini' di Sardegna 1820 (Jan): Entire letter from Pinerolo to Torino, internally dated '6 8bre 1826', embossed with the first type of the 'Cavallo con corno' 15 centesimi, no postmarks at all. Used in the period of its validity between 1820 and 1836. Sassone = € 1'800.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 6400 Sardinien
Issued stamps 1851 (Jan): 5 c. black, second report, a fresh and fine horizontal pair with good to huge margins all round, cancelled by Rombi mute obliterator with clear strike of "NOVARA 5 MAR 53" despatch cds and in black (Sassone = 5 punti) and "DOPO LA / PARTENZA" handstamp alongside, on printed matter cover to Chieri. Reverse with arrival cds (March 7). Staining and file folds well away from the adhesives, nevertheless an appealing printed matter item. Cert. Colla (1999) Sassone = € 27'000 + 200.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 4.200 CHFLosnr. : 6401 Sardinien
1851 (Jan): 20 c. blue, a fresh and fine adhesive with large even margins all round, cancelled by Rombi mute obliterator with "AGLIÉ 1 LUG 52" despatch cds in black (Sassone TO = 8 punti) alongside, on entire letter directed to the sacristy of San Dalmazzo in Torino. Attractive, signed A. Diena & Sorani; cert. E. Diena (1985) Sassone = € 1'650 + 1'000.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 6402 Sardinien
1851 (Jan): 20 c. blue from the first print run 'prima tiratura', a fresh and fine adhesive with large even margins all round, cancelled by Rombi mute obliterator with "SAVONA 20 GIU 51" despatch cds in black and "DOPO LA / PARTENZA" handstamp alongside, on cover directed to the Alassio. An appealing small item, opinion A. Diena (1972) Sassone = € 5'000.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 6403 Sardinien
1851 (Jan): 20 c. 'azzuro scuro' 4th report, a fresh and fine adhesive with large margins all round, tied by Rombi mute obliterator with "NIZZA MARITIMA 14 GIU 53" despatch cds in black alongside, on cover directed to Torino. Reverse with Genova transit and Torino arrival (June 16) cds's. Attractive, signed Avanzo; cert. G. Bolaffi (1980), E. Diena (1989) Sassone = € 1'650.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 6404 Sardinien
1851 (Jan): 20 c. 'azzuro vivo', third report, a superb adhesive with large to enormous margins all round, cancelled by Rombi mute obliterator with "MONDOVI 8 GEN. 52" despatch cds in black (Sassone RN = 7 punti) alongside, on entire letter directed to Torino. Reverse with arrival datestamp of the next day. Light horizontal file fold not distracting from the attractiveness of this item, cert. Bottacchi (2000) Sassone = € 1'650 + 600.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 380 CHFLosnr. : 6405 Sardinien
1853 (Oct): 5 c. green, a superb right marginal example, extremely well embossed, tied full of contrast with a crisp "IVREA 1 LUG 54 5 S" cds in black to second sheet of a printed matter letter, directed to Tronzano. Reverse with transit cds's of CIGLIANO (July 2) and S. GERMANO (July 3). A splendid cover with a most attractive example of this sought after adhesive. Signed A. Diena, A. & G. Bolaffi, Mondolfo & Avanzo; cert. E. Diena (1983). Sassone = € 7'500.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 6406 Sardinien
1853 (Oct): 5 c. green in a horizontal pair in combination with 40 c. 'rosa chiaro', fresh and fine adhesives with large margins, well embossed, tied by superb "ANNECY 21 AOUT 54 10 M" cds in black to cover directed to St. Etienne du Bois nearby Bourg-en-Bresse, Ain. Obverse with "P.D." handstamp and French "SARD. 23 AOUT 54 SEYSSEL" entry cds, both in red. Reverse with Sardinian FRANGY (Aug 22) and French BOURG-EN-BRESSE (Aug 24) transit cds's. The cover is damaged at the left side well away from the adhesives, the sideflap is missing there, nevertheless an appealing cover with the 50 centesimi franking to France. Cert. E. Diena (1983). Sassone = € 21'500.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6407 Sardinien
1853 (Oct): 20 c. blue, a fresh and fine adhesive with large to enormous margins including parts of the right neighbouring stamp, well embossed, tied by superb "BISTAGNO 10 DIC. 54" cds in black (Sassone AL = 10 punti) to cover to Arona. Obverse with ACQUI transit (Dec 10), reverse with ALESSANDRIA transit (Dec 11) and ARONA arrival (Dec 12) cds's. Small tear at cover's top just mentioned for accuracy, a late usage of this adhesive of the second issue, while the third issue was already in use, signed A. Diena & Mondolfo. Sassone = € 1'200.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 6408 Sardinien
1853 (Oct): 20 c. blue, two fresh and fine single adhesive with large margins, well embossed, each tied by superb "MURAZZANO 6 NOV. 53" cds in black (Sassone CN = 7 punti) to entire letter to Torino. Reverse with DOGLIANI transit (Nov 6) and TORINO arrival (Nov 7) cds's. A rare franking to pay the double rate, a most appealing entire from the second month of this issue, signed A. Diena. Sassone = € 2'400 + 600.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 6409 Sardinien
1853 (Oct): 40 c. 'rosa chiaro', a fresh and fine single adhesive with large margins, well embossed, tied by clear "CAGLIARI 25 MAG. 55" cds in black to cover to Genova. Reverse with GENOVA arrival (May 28) cds. Cover lightly tatty, tear at cover's top skillfully repaired, a late double rate usage of this adhesive of the second issue, while the third issue was already in use, signed A. Diena; cert. E. Diena (1988). Sassone = € 6'500.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 6410 Sardinien
1854: 5 c. green-yellow, a fresh and fine right marginal adhesive, well embossed, cancelled by clear "CASALE 14 LUG 55 11 M" cds in black, an information strike alongside, on entire printed matter letter to Biella. Reverse with TORINO transit (July 14) and BIELLA arrival (July 16) cds's. Signed Emilio Diena; cert. A. Diena (1963) Sassone = € 4'750.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 6411 Sardinien
1854: 5 c. green-yellow in a left marginal horizontal pair in combination with 20 c. indigo, three superb adhesives with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by three light strikes of "TORINO 22 MAG 55" cds in black on small entire letter, "P.D." handstamp in red alongside. Reverse with arrival datestamps (May 24). A stunning beauty, paying correctly the letter rate to the Ducato di Parma, of utmost attractiveness. Signed Emilio & Albert Diena, Renato Mondolfo; cert. E. Diena (1982) Sassone = € 10'700.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 6412 Sardinien
1854: 20 c. blue, a fresh and fine adhesive with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by "TORINO 2 LUG 54 7 S" cds in black on cover to Piacenza. Reverse with indistinct arrival cds. The 20 centesimi adhesive paying the jorney until the border to the Ducato di Parma, the residual journey had to be paid by the receiver with '3' decimi. Signed Sorani; cert. Toselli (2003) Sassone = € 1'200.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6413 Sardinien
1854: 20 c. 'azzuro verdastro', a fresh and fine adhesive with good to large margins and sheet corner margins at top and left, well embossed, showing a clear shift between typography and embossing, tied by clear "CASALE 28 DIC 54 11 M" cds in black with information strike alongside, on entire letter within Casale. Reverse with arrival cds of the same day. The entire was obviously originally intended to be send to Torino, but then the addressee was found to be in Casale resulting in an overpayment of 15 centesimi. The exceptional adhesive shows an extremely rare shift variety between both prints. A most interesting cover. Cert. Bottacchi (2000) Sassone = € 1'200.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 6414 Sardinien
1854: 40 c. 'rosso mattone chiaro', two fresh and fine single adhesives with good to large margins, well embossed, tied together by light "SESTRI LEVANTE 12 GEN 56" cds in black on entire letter to Modena with "P.D." in red alongside. Reverse with SARZANA transit cds of the next day. A most attractive franking paying correctly the double rate to the Ducato di Modena, a stunning beauty with these elusive and much sought after adhesives. Signed Vaccari; cert. E. Diena (1977) Sassone = € 36'000.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 4.200 CHFLosnr. : 6415 Sardinien
1855: 5 c. 'verde pisello', a fresh and fine adhesive with good to large margins in a deep vibrant shade, well embossed, tied by superb "CASALE 16 GIU 56 5 S" cds to printed matter cover, directed to Craveggia nearby Domodossola. Reverse with ARONA (June 17), DOMODOSSOLA (June 17) and "SANTA MARIA MAGGIORE" (June 18) transit cds's. One sideflap missing, a most attractive usage of this very rare shade. Signed Mondolfo; cert. E. Diena (1985) Sassone = € 16'000.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 6416 Sardinien
1855: 5 c. 'verde smeraldo scuro', four fresh and fine single adhesives with good to large margins in a deep vibrant shade, well embossed, cancelled by two clear strikes of "S. MORIZIO 23 APR 57" cds in blue (Sassone TO = 11 punti) to entire letter, directed to Torino. Reverse with arival cds of the next day. Lightest horizontal file fold just mentioned for accuracy, a splendid entire with this rare shade. Signed Raybaudi; cert. A. Diena (1967) Sassone = € 19'000 + 3'250.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 6417 Sardinien
1857: 5 c. 'verde mirto scuro', a fine single adhesive with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by "TORINO 29 GIU 57" cds to printed matter cover, directed to Stradella. Reverse with Torino - Genova ambulant and Alessandria transit cds's. Light file folds well away from the adhesive, some cover toning, nevertheless a desirable example of rare shade. Signed E. Diena with shade indication & Gazzi Sassone = € 5'500.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 250 CHFLosnr. : 6418 Sardinien
1855: 5 c. 'verde smeraldo' in a horizontal pair in combination with 40 c. 'vermiglio', three fine and fresh examples with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by indistinct "TORINO 8 MAG 56" cds to envelope directed to Lyon. "P.D." and oily French entry cds, both in red alongside the franking. On reverse, Lyon arrival cds (May 10). A most attractive item, correctly franked with 50 centesimi overland. Signed G. Bolaffi; cert. Giorgio Colla (1979), Bottacchi (2002) Sassone = € 9'300.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 6419 Sardinien
1857: 5 c. 'verde giallo chiaro' in a horizontal pair in combination with 40 c. 'rosso scarlatto', three fresh and fine adhesives with good to large margins, well embossed, cancelled by two strikes of "CHAMBERY 14 AOUT 57" cds in black to envelope, directed to Lyon. Obverse with oval company "CHEMIN de FER / VICTOR EMMANUEL" handstamp in black, "P.D." in red and French "SARDAIGNE 15 AOUT 57 CULOZ" entry cds in red. Reverse with LYON arival cds (Aug 15). Horizontal file fold, some water staining at right not impairing the beauty of this rare franking paying correctly the 50 c. rate to France. Signed Vaccari; cert. Raybaudi (2004) Sassone = € 3'400.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 6420 Sardinien
1858: 10 c. 'terra d'ombra' showing light double print, a fresh and fine single adhesive with good to large margins, well embossed, cancelled by light "TORINO 22 MAG 59" cds to double rate printed matter circular to Genova. Reverse with arival cds of the next day. A rare single use of the 10 centesimi adhesive. Cert. E. Diena (1989) Sassone = € 6'300.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 6421 Sardinien
1860: 10 c. 'bruno nerastro' and 10 c. 'bruno grigio olivastro', two fresh and fine single adhesives with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by light "BOLOGNA 21 SET 60" cds to cover directed to Ferrara. Reverse with arival cds of the next day. Small parts of backflaps missing, nevertheless an appealing 'gemelli' franking with two clearly different shades paying the special rate within the Emilia province from 1860 to 1862. Cert. E. Diena (1991) Sassone = € 6'500.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 6422 Sardinien
1860: 10 c. 'nero grigiastro' in combination with 40 c. 'rosso mattone', two fresh and fine single adhesives with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by "NIZZA MARa 28 FEB 60" cds and French "SARDAIGNE ANTIBES" entry cds in red to envelope directed to Paris. Reverse with Marseille - Paris ambulant cds of the next day. Some minor cover tears, nevertheless an appealing franking with to pay the 50 c. rate to France. Cert.Colla (1999) Sassone = € 8'850.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 6423 Sardinien
1855 (July): 20 c. 'celeste chiaro', a fine adhesive with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by light "GENOVA 2 OTT 55 12 M" cds to entire letter to Torino, reverse with Torino - Genova ambulant and TORINO arrival cds (Oct 2). Attractive item, an early usage of this definitive issue, cert. E. Diena Sassone = € 2'750 for an October usage.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 6424 Sardinien
1855 (July): 20 c. 'cobalto verdastro', a fine and fresh adhesive with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by clear "NUORO 30 GEN 57" cds to cover to Cagliari. Reverse with arrival cds of the next day. The letter had a weight of '8' grams and was therefore underfranked, handwritten note "Francobollo insuffe" and '2' decimi due on obverse. Due to unknown reasons the cover was at one time point or another detaxed. Cover lightly tatty, shortened at left and right, still an attractive and interesting usage with this rare shade, signed Vaccari; cert. Sorani (2004) Sassone = € 3'000.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 6425 Sardinien
1855 (July): 20 c. 'celeste chiaro', a fine and fresh example with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by crisp "VENERIA Re 11 AGO 56" cds (Sassone TO = 6 punti) to cover to Camagnola. Reverse with TORINO transit cds of the same day. Light horizontal file fold well away from the adhesive, an attractive item, signed E. Diena, Raybaudi & Bettini Sassone = € 1'000 + 350.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 6426 Sardinien
1855 (July): 20 c. 'cobalto latteo vivace', a fine and fresh horizontal pair with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by clear "TORINO 8 LUG 56 2 S" cds to entire letter to Como, Lombardia, "P.D." in red alongside. Reverse with arrival cds of the next day. Light horizontal file fold well away from the adhesives, an attractive item, the 40 c. paying the rate from the second Sardinian to the first Austrian rayon, signed A. Diena Sassone = € 4'800.rnProvenance: Collection Bianchi.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 6427 Sardinien
1857: 20 c. 'azzuro grigiastro', a fine and fresh example with even large margins, well embossed, tied by crisp "UFF. AMB. LINEA VITT. EM. 18 APR 59" cds (Sassone = 7 punti) to cover to St. Jean de Maurice. Information strike and italics straight line 'Chambéry' handstamp alongside. Reverse with arrival cds of the same day. Interesting item posted directly at the train.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 6428 Sardinien
1857: 20 c. indigo, a fine and fresh example with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by clear "THONON 30 OZZ 57" cds to cover to Geneva. "P.D." and framed "R.L." handstamps alongside. Reverse with arrival cds of the next day. An appealing and interesting cover in the Rayon limitrophe with Switzerland. Signed Zanaria.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 6429 Sardinien
1860: 20 c. indigo in combination with 40 c. 'vermiglio arancio chiaro', two fine and fresh single adhesives with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by indistinct NIZZA MARITTIMA cds (Feb 20, 1858) to envelope to Beverley, Yorkshire. "P.D." and "LONDON PAID FE 23 58" transit cds, both in red alongside the franking. On reverse, BEVERLEY arrival cds (Feb 24) in blue. Some corner staining of the cover, nevertheless an appealing item to this unexpectedly rare destination, correctly franked in the tariff of January 1857. Signed A. Diena with colour indication.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 140 CHFLosnr. : 6430 Sardinien
1859: 20 c. 'azzuro scuro' with partial double print of the blue frame, a fine and fresh example with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by crisp "BREGLIO 20 DIC. 59" cds (Sassone NI = 10 punti) to cover to Nizza. Reverse with arrival cds of the same day. Breil-sur Roya, a very rare post office situated in Savoy directly at the border to Piemont, a most appealing usage. Sassone = € 210 + 2'100.rnProvenance: Dubus collection, Robineau auction (Nov. 1987), lot 672.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 6431 Sardinien
1860: 20 c. 'azzuro scurissimo', a fine and fresh example with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by Austrian-style two-line "INTROBBIO 3 MAR." (1860) cds (Sassone CO = 11 punti) to cover to Verona. Obverse with Austrian '5' (soldi) due and DISTRIBUZIONE handstamp. Reverse with two Sardian ambulant cds's and arrival cds (March 5). An appealing cover from a small village, partially prepaid to the border following the postal regulations, the receiver had to pay upon receipt the Austrina part of the journey. Signed A. Diena, G. Bolaffi Sassone = € 180 + 3'250.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 6432 Sardinien
1860: 20 c. blue, two fine and fresh single examples with good to large margins, well embossed, each cancelled by French framed PD handstamp in red (Sassone = 10 punti), on cover from Genova to Cette. Obverse struck by an additional PD and French "SARD. 10 JANV. 61 MARSEILLE" entry cds, both in red. Reverse with French ambulant and arrival cds (Jan 11). A very early cover in the newly established Franco-Sardinian postal treaty of January 1st, 1861. This treaty reduced the rate for a letter up to 10 grams to 40 from 50 centesimi, independent if the item made its journey with a steamer or overland. Horizontal file fold just mentioned for accuracy, an impressive cover given directly to the steamer in Genova, while the Sardinian adhesives were not obliterated earlier than in Marseille. Cert. Raybaudi (1994) Sassone = € 360 + 2'100.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 6433 Sardinien
1860 (Sept 10): Registered cover from Ovada to Genova, bearing 20 c. blue and 40 c. red, two superb single adhesives in an intense fresh colour with good to large margins, cancelled by ASSICURATO handstamp with OVADA despatch cds alongside (Sassone AL = 10 + 4 punti). Reverse with ambulant and Novi transit as well as GENOVA arrival cds of the same day. An appealing cover with 20 c. for the postage and 40 c. registration fee, signed Vaccari Sassone = € 1'380 + 2'210.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 6434 Sardinien
1860: 40 c. in the extremely rare shade 'rosa lilla', a fine and fresh adhesive with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by Austrian-style two-line "TRESCORRE 9. NOV" (1860) handstamp (Sassone BG = 7 punti), on cover to Bregenz, Austria, endorsed "über Lecco / Chiavenna /Splügen / Coira / St. Gallen". On reverse, an indistinct Sardinian ambulant and a Swiss "MELANO 9 NOV 60" transit cds were struck. Correct franking for Sardinia and Switzerland, the receiver had to pay '15' (kreuzer) due upon receipt for the third Austrian rayon. An amazing cover with this extremely rare shade, full of postal history content to this rare destination. Signed A. Diena & G. Bolaffi; cert. E. Diena (1986) Sassone = € 55'000 + 600.rnNote: The mail route intended for this letter was via the Splügen and Graubünden to the upper Rhine valley and the to Bregenz in Vorarlberg. However, as the transit cds of Melano at the Lake of Lugano shows, this item took a totally different way, presumably via Milano to Lugano and Bellinzona and then via the San Bernadino to Graubünden and further to its destination. In addition this letter was sent after September 1859, thus a direct mailing to Austria from Sardinia would have been possible resulting in a rate of only 20 centesimi for the sender.Ausruf : 4.000 CHFZuschlag : 9.000 CHFLosnr. : 6435 Sardinien
1860: 80 c. in the rare shade 'giallo arancio chiaro', a fine and fresh adhesive with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by "TORINO 2 MAR 61 8 S" cds, on cover to Tournon. "P.D." and French SARDAIGNE M. CENIS 3 MARS 61" entry cds in red alongside the franking. On reverse, "TOURNON-S-RHONE" arival cds (March 4). File folds well away from adhesive and strikes, an appealing double rate letter to France in the new tariff of January 1861. Cert. E. Diena (1990) Sassone = € 4'500.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 6436 Sardinien
1860 (Nov 30): Double rate cover from Torino to Menton, bearing 80 c. 'giallo olivastro chiaro' (light corner fold) and 20 c. 'azzuro scurissimo', two single adhesives with good to large margins, cancelled by light TORINO despatch cds , "P.D." handstamp alongside. Reverse with Genova and Ventimiglia transit as well as MENTON arrival cds (Dec 2). Minor edge staining, nevertheless an appealing double rate cover to France, signed A. Diena; certs. Fiecchi (1974), Sorani (2005) Sassone = € 9'180.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 6437 Sardinien
1801/65: Selection 22 prephilatelic and stampless entire letters with a wide range of clear to crisp strikes including among others 1801 straight line ALBA, 1801 CASALE prepaid to Alessandria during the brief period of the 'Nazione Piemontese', départments conquis 1808 "P 108 P PORT-Maurice" in red, 1810 "P 108 P ALASSIO", 1810 "P 105 P MONDOVI, 1810 "104 QUIERS", 1820 (Nov) local Milano entire with rare "P.P." handstamp which was in uso only in this month, 1838 two entires with "NIZZA-MONE & "P.P. NIZZA-MONE, 1839 "P.P. CASALE" in red, 1840 "P.P. ALBERT-VILLE", and 1849 straight-line CHAMONIX to Switzerland.rnrnAusruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 6438 Sardinien
Sardinian Fieldpost 1848/1849 (July 17): Selection 11 entire letters, despatched during the first Italian War of Independence, nine with Fieldpost handstamps incl. entire from a voluntary serviceman from Lucca, also six entires struck by "Ra POSTA MILITe SARDA" handstamp with control numbers '1' and '3', one in red without control number, also porto entire from Novara to Torino, Fieldpost entire with "CIRIÉ - Posta Militare A S. Maurizio" handstamp & Austrian Fieldpost from July 17, 1849 with rare "F.POST I" handstamp, sent from Novara to Vienna. Two certs.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 6439 Sardinien
1859/61: Selection 16 entires / covers with frankings between 5 & 40 centesimi, an appealing group incl. 1860 (June) local Nizza cover with 5. c. franking during the last days of Nizza under Savoyan rule, 1860 (Feb) Desenzano to Cologno with Austrian-style cds, 1860 Castellamonte to Pavia with two examples of 10 c. brown, 20 centesimi single frankings with 1860 (Aug) from Gavardo with Austrian style datestamp, 1860 Porlezza with Austrian-style datestamp, 1859 (Oct) 20 c. cobalto with Austrian style postmark of Dongo, 1861 Cento to Ferrara in the former Papal States with Sardinian adhesive, 1860 Marcaria with Austrian-style datestamp, 1860 Chiari, 1860 (May) Somma, first known date of the Sardinian cds, 1861 (Feb) Canale, 1860 Polpenazze, 1861 (Jan) Pontifical-style Codigoro, 1861 (Feb) Desenzano Austrian-style to Mantova with Austrian '5' so. due, 40 centesimi single frankings on double rate cover 1860 Milano to Torino, 1860 40 c. in red shade Milano to Mantova with Austrian '5' so. due. Three certificates, many knowledgeable signatures.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 6440 Sardinien
Sardinian Fieldpost 1859/60: Selection 15 entire letters, despatched during the second Italian War of Independence, struck with circular datestamps of the Quartier General, also from the disions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 11. The text of one entire includes some dramatic descritions of the battle of S. Martino. An impressive lot to be studied. In addition six stampless covers from the years 1850/60, some from Savoy and Nizza which were ceded to France after the war.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHF
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