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Britisch Westindien - Die Sammlung Besançon (Teil I)
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Losnr. : 4400 Trinidad u. Tobago
Lithographed in the Colony: First Issue 1853 (Feb): Lithographed (1 d.) blue on bluish cartridge paper, a used example in a rich deep shade, good even margins all round, superbly cancelled by numeral "6" in black of AROUCA. Slightest ironed bend not detracting from appearance, nor mentioned on certificates. A rare stamp. Certs. RPSL (1945), BPA (1995) Gi = £ 1'900.rnProvenance: Collection Hodsell Hurlock; Corinphila sale 91, March 1996, lot 6069.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 4401 Trinidad u. Tobago
Lithographed in the Colony: Second Issue 1855 (March): Lithographed (1 d.) blue on thin white paper, a used example in a lovely sky-blue shade, marginal from the top left corner of the sheet of 54 subjects, huge margins on the other two sides, lightly cancelled by "2" numeral of San Fernando in black. A wonderful example of a rare stamp Gi = £ 1'000.rnProvenance: Collection Hodsell Hurlock, Harmers, London, 16-24 June 1958, lot 839.rnAusruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 4402 Trinidad u. Tobago
Lithographed in the Colony: Second Issue 1855 (March): Lithographed (1 d.) pale blue on thinner paper, a used example with good to large margins all round, tied to 1855 cover to Paris by faint numeral "1" obliterator in black. Reverse with double arc 'Trinidad' cs and single ring (1 / April 10) despatch in black; thence via London (May 3) where "COLONIES / &c. ART.13." applied in red. Charged at double rate (note '8' grams in mss.) on arrival with '30' décime due marking. Address cut out but a fine stamp. Cert. Postal History Soc. (1945) Gi = £ 1'000 off cover. rnProvenance: Hodsell Hurlock.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 4403 Trinidad u. Tobago
Lithographed in the Colony: Third Issue 1856 (Aug): Lithographed (1 d.) bright blue on white paper, a used example in a resonant shade, good margins all round showing a portion of adjoining stamp at left and sheet marginal at base (with small spot of colour in margin), lightly cancelled by "1" numeral of Port of Spain in black. A delightful example of a rare stamp Gi = £ 1'000.rnProvenance: Collection Lars Amundsen, SG, London, 6-8 Dec 1967, lot 516.rnAusruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 4404 Trinidad u. Tobago
Losnr. : 4405 Trinidad u. Tobago
Lithographed in the Colony: Fourth Issue 1858 (Oct): Lithographed (1 d.) very deep blue, a used example of fulsome colour with exceptionally large margins for this stamp, lightly cancelled in black. Small corner crease at right not affecting the superb appearance of a rare stamp Gi = £ 750.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 4406 Trinidad u. Tobago
Lithographed in the Colony: Fourth Issue 1858 (Oct): Lithographed (1 d.) deep blue on white paper, a used example in an indigo shade, with four large margins, on 23 October 1858 entire Prices Current from Port of Spain to Ragged Islands, Nova Scotia endorsed 'Via St. Thomas & Bermuda' lightly tied in black. Manuscript '4' at left in manuscript and handstruck "8d." charge mark in black alongside. Reverse with single ring despatch datestamp (1 / Oct 25), St. Thomas double arc cds (Oct 30), faint Halifax and Ragged Island arrival. File fold away from the adhesive, a splendid and rare entire to a most unusual destination.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 4407 Trinidad u. Tobago
Lithographed in the Colony: Fourth Issue 1858 (Oct): Lithographed (1 d.) slate blue, a used horizontal pair in a rich shade, with exceptionally good to large margins all round, positions 14-15 on the plate of 54 subjects, tiny nick just touches frame at top right, lightly cancelled in black. A scarce multiple of lovely appearance. Cert. BPA (1986) Gi = £ 1'300.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 4408 Trinidad u. Tobago
Lithographed in the Colony: Fourth Issue 1858 (Oct): Lithographed (1 d.) slate-blue on white paper, a used example of good colour, with four close to large margins, on 8 January 1859 cover from Port of Spain to New York tied by "1" numeral obliterator in black with circular "♚ / PAID / AT / TRINIDAD" in red at right and manuscript '4' in red crayon. Reverse with double arc 'Trinidad' cds and single ring despatch cds (Jan 9) and 'St. Thomas' transit (Jan 15), obverse with 'Steamship / 10' charge mark of arrival. File fold well away from the adhesive, a scarce usage.rnProvenance: Harmers, London, May 1994.rnAusruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 4409 Trinidad u. Tobago
Losnr. : 4410 Trinidad u. Tobago
Lithographed in the Colony: Fifth Issue 1860 (March): Lithographed (1 d.) bluish grey on thin white paper, a used example in a deep shade on 1860 entire letter to Port of Spain, good to fair irregular margins, tied by "17" numeral oblitertor of COUVA in black. Reverse with single ring despatch cds (17 / April 30) in black. The cover with closed spike hole and central stain, nevertheless very rare. Cert. Postal History Soc. (1945).rnProvenance: Collection Hodsell Hurlock; Collection Joseph Hackmey.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 4411 Trinidad u. Tobago
1859: Perkins Bacon Master Die Proof - the original Die cut to show the Britannia figure on India paper, with partial 'Trinidad' at top and sheet margins at either side, applied to thick card (45 x 41 mm.), minor age spots do not detract from this unique Proof.rnProvenance: Collection Hodsell Hurlock, Harmers, London, 16-24 June 1958, ex lot 919.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 4412 Trinidad u. Tobago
Losnr. : 4413 Trinidad u. Tobago
Losnr. : 4414 Trinidad u. Tobago
1859 (May 9): 1 s. indigo, imperforate, a used horizontal strip of three, with good to large margins all round, of fine true colour, lightly cancelled in black. An exceptional multiple, believed to be the largest known. Signed Saatchi. Cert. RPSL (1958) Gi = £ 1'000+.rnProvenance: Collection Hodsell Hurlock, Harmers, London, 16-24 June 1958, lot 947; Corinphila sale 77, Sept-Oct 1988, lot 4028Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 4415 Trinidad u. Tobago
1859 (May 9): 1 s. indigo, a used example with just clear to large margins all round, used on 25 Sept 1859 large part cover, side flaps missing, to Contamines, Geneva, Switzerland tied by numeral obliterator in black and by 'London / Paid' transit cds in red (Oct 18). Weak "♚ / PAID / AT / TRINIDAD" in red at left and Calais transit also on front and large part 'Trinidad' cds on reverse. An immensely rare destination for Trinidad mail of this period.rnProvenance: Collection R.A. Ramkissoon, Harmers, Zurich, 6 Dec 2006, lot 2114; Collection 'Scarborough', Spinks, London, 14 Nov 2008, lot 2031.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 4416 Trinidad u. Tobago
1859 (Sept): 1 d. rose-red, pin perf. 13½-14, an unused block of four in the 'London' shade, marginal from left of sheet, with perfect centering, good perforations for this stamp and of fresh colour, large part og. A rarity in superb quality. Signed Herbert Bloch Gi = £ 1'000+.rnProvenance: Provenance: Collection Major T. Charlton Henry, Harmer Rooke, New York, 4-7 April 1961, lot 1574; Collection Sir John Marriott, Spink, London, 19 Sept 2001, lot 205.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 4417 Trinidad u. Tobago
Losnr. : 4418 Trinidad u. Tobago
Losnr. : 4419 Trinidad u. Tobago
1859 (Sept): 6 d. bright yellow-green, pin perf. 13½-14, an unused vertical pair of rich colour, variety "Imperforate between Horizontally", fresh and extremely fine, almost certainly from the same sheet as the famous Charlton Henry block of forty subjects showing four such pairs at base, superb and very rare, large part og. Gi = £ 7'500.rnProvenance: Collection T.W. Hall.Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : 3.600 CHFLosnr. : 4420 Trinidad u. Tobago
1859 (Sept): 6 d. bright yellow-green, pin perf. 13½-14, an unused block of forty (4 x 10) of stunning vibrant appearance and astonishing depth of colour, the lower four vertical pairs at base all variety "Imperforate between Horizontally", superb and in the foremost possible 'Post Office fresh' condition, large part og. with the majority with full unmounted og. An extraordinary multiple for the connoisseur of classical philately Gi = £ 35'000+.rnProvenance: Provenance: Collection Major T. Charlton Henry, Harmer Rooke, New York, 4-7 April 1961, lot 1595; Collection 'Scarborough', Spink, London, 14 Nov 2008, lot 2034.rn Grosvenor, London, 23-25 May 2011, lot 2942.Ausruf : 15.000 CHFZuschlag : 22.000 CHFLosnr. : 4421 Trinidad u. Tobago
Losnr. : 4422 Trinidad u. Tobago
1860 (Aug): 4 d. brownish lilac, clean cut perf. 14-16½, an unused block of four showing the displacement of the sheet (perfs. 14½ all round), in a pale clear shade, slight bend on lower pair not affecting the delightful fresh appearance, large part og. An extremely rare stamp in a multiple. Cert. BPA (1979) Gi = £ 800+.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 4423 Trinidad u. Tobago
1860 (Aug): 6 d. deep green, clean cut perf. 14-16½, an unused block of four of lovely rich colour and centering, fresh and extremely fine, large part og. An extremely rare stamp in a multiple Gi = £ 1'100+.rnProvenance: Collection Hodsell Hurlock, Harmers, London, 16-24 June 1958, lot 1033; Collection Sir John Marriott, Spink, London, 19 Sept 2001, lot 240.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 4424 Trinidad u. Tobago
1860 (Aug): 6 d. (very) deep green, rough perf. 14-16½, an unused example in an intense shade, centred to right but with full perforations, unused without gum. Rare. Cert. BPA (2001) Gi = £ 400.rnProvenance: Collection Hodsell Hurlock, Harmers, London, 16-24 June 1958, lot 1066; Collection Sir John Marriott RDP, Spink, London, 19 Sept 2001, lot 253.Ausruf : 175 CHFZuschlag : 175 CHFLosnr. : 4425 Trinidad u. Tobago
1860 (Aug): 6 d. deep green, rough perf. 14-16½, a used example on 1862 cover to London, cancelled on arrival with 'London / Paid' datestamp in red to prevent re-use, with "♚ / PAID / AT / TRINIDAD" in red at left and further 'London / Paid' cds (Jan 14, 1863). Reverse with double arc 'Trinidad' cds in black (Dec 22) and Glasgow arrival cds. The cover with corner wrinkles and slightly soiled but most unusual.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 4426 Trinidad u. Tobago
1861 (June): 1 s. indigo, rough perf. 14-16½, a used example on 1862 cover to Bordeaux tied by Port of Spain "1" numeral obliterator in black with 'Trinidad' despatch cds on reverse (Sept 7), mailed via London with transit in red on reverse (Sept 29) and struck there with Anglo-French Accountancy marking "GB / 2F-" in black (Van der Linden fig. 1624). Bordeaux arrival cds (Oct 1) and charged '10' décimes due to pay. A very rare stamp on cover. Cert. RPSL (1959).rnProvenance: Collection C.G. Alterskye.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 4427 Trinidad u. Tobago
1861: Cancelled Stamps for Rowland Hill’s nephew Ormond HillrnOn 18 April 1861 Ormond Hill, the nephew of Rowland Hill, wrote to Joshua Butters Bacon the head of Perkins Bacon and Co.:rn“My dear Sir, Two or three of my friends who are collectors of Postage Stamps have asked me to procure for them specimens of new or uncommon stamps whenever I have it in my power. It occurs to me that perhaps you may be able to give me a few ...”rnHe added on 24 April:rn“... I should be glad to have six stamps of each kind ...”rnOn 15 August J. Upham (for J.B. Bacon) sent the stamps to Pearson Hill with the following letter:rn“Dear Sir, I beg now to send you as promised ... an envelope addressed to Ormond Hill Esq. containing 6 obliterated impressions of each of the stamps named in the list and request you will take two of each for Rowland Hill Esq. and yourself and then seal the package and forward it together with a letter which you will also find addressed to him, to Mr. Ormond Hill.”rnIt turned out that the supply of the Crown Agents‘ property was given without authority.rnOrmond Hill was not asked to return the „specimens“, and in fact, all were treated as private property. Nevertheless, the case destroyed Perkins Bacon as future printers for the Crown Agents.rnFrom Peter Jaffe in "Cancelled by Perkins Bacon“, published for Spink & Son Ltd by James Bendon Ltd. (1998).rnrnRecess by Perkins Bacon 1861: 1 s. deep bluish purple, clean-cut perf. 14-16½, of superb rich colour, with small part strike of the "CANCELLED" obliterator in black. Position 3 in the block of six in the Jaffé handbook of which only five examples from the original six have come to light and one example remains in the collection of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Superb and extremely rare Gi = £ 9'000.rnProvenance: Collection Hodsell Hurlock, Harmers, London, 16-24 June 1958, ex lot 1073; Collection Sir John Marriott RDP, Spink, London, 19 Sept 2001, lot 273.Ausruf : 3.500 CHFZuschlag : 3.500 CHFLosnr. : 4428 Trinidad u. Tobago
1862/63: 6 d. deep green on thicker paper, Compound perf. 12 x11½x11½x11, a used example of centred to left and of rich colour, lightly cancelled by "1" numeral obliterator in black. A superb example of an extremely rare stamp: just four examples are recorded. Certs. BPA (1961), BPA (1997) Gi = £ 6'500.Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : 4.200 CHFLosnr. : 4429 Trinidad u. Tobago
Losnr. : 4430 Trinidad u. Tobago
1863: (1 d.) lake on thicker paper, perf. 12½, an unused block of sixty (10 x 6), marginal from top of sheet with full margins on the three sides, of splendid rich colour, position 31 with surface scrape otherwise in immaculate condition with large part, primarily unmounted og. A splendid and extremely rare multiple Gi = £ 3'600+.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 4431 Trinidad u. Tobago
Losnr. : 4432 Trinidad u. Tobago
1863/80: 4 d. bright violet, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 12½, an unused block of four of lovely vibrant colour, one stamp with diagonal gum crack on large part og. Superb and scarce Gi = £ 520+.rnProvenance: Collection Hodsell Hurlock, Harmers, London, 16-24 June 1958, lot 1150; Collection Sir John Marriott RDP, Spink, London, 19 Sept 2001, lot 335.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 4433 Trinidad u. Tobago
1863/89: 4 d. bright violet, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 12½, a used horizontal pair on entire letter from Port of Spain to Paris, tied by "1" numeral obliterators in black' with fine "♚ / PAID / AT / TRINIDAD" alongside in red and manuscript '7' in red crayon with 'Trinidad' despatch cds (May 9) in black on reverse. 'London / Paid' transit cds (May 27) and circular 'PD' on obverse with Calais transit and arrival on reverse. An attractive and scarce franking.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 4434 Trinidad u. Tobago
1863/80: 4 d. grey, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 12½, an unused example overprinted "CANCELLED" in black (Samuel Type D7), fresh and fine, without gum. Rare.rnProvenance: Collection Hodsell Hurlock, Harmers, London, 16-24 June 1958, ex lot 1128; Collection 'Scarborough', Spink, London, 14 Nov 2008, lot 2054.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 4435 Trinidad u. Tobago
1863/80: 6 d. deep green and 1872 4 d. grey (2). wmk. Crown CC, perf. 12½, used on 1876 entire letter to Bordeaux endorsed 'per RMS Pkt.', all tied by double arc 'Trinidad' datestamps (Oct 9) in black and by 'London / Paid' transit cds in red (Oct 30). Calais transit and reverse with arrival cds. The rate to France was 1/1½ d., at this date there were no ½ d. or 2 d. adhesives, thus this 1/2 d. franking represents the most economical method of payment. A fresh and fine entire.rnProvenance: Collection Sir John Marriott RDP, Spink, London, 19 Sept 2001, lot 408.rnAusruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 4436 Trinidad u. Tobago
1863/80: 1 s. aniline mauve, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 12½, an unused example overprinted "SPECIMEN" in black (Samuel Type D5), a few short perfs. otherwise fresh and fine, large part cracked og. Rare.rnProvenance: Collection Sir John Marriott RDP, Spink, London, 19 Sept 2001, lot 325; Grosvenor, London, 19-20 May 2010, lot 3044.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 4437 Trinidad u. Tobago
1863/80: 1 s. aniline mauve, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 12½, a used example on 1864 cover to London tid by "1" numeral obliterator of Port of Spain, with fine "♚ / PAID / AT / TRINIDAD" alongside in red. London arrival on obverse and reverse with double arc 'Trinidad' despatch cds (Aug 8) in black. Slight file fold bit a most attractive cover.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 4438 Trinidad u. Tobago
1863/80: 1 s. chrome-yellow, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 12½, an unused block of four, marginal from right of sheet, well centred and of rich bright colour, one trivial age spot on fine large part og. A rare and lovely block Gi = £ 680+.rnProvenance: Collection T. Charlton Henry, Harmers, New York, 4-7 April 1961, lot 1675; Collection Sir John Marriott RDP, Spink, London, 19 Sept 2001, lot 358.rn rnAusruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 4439 Trinidad u. Tobago
1863/80: (1 d.) lake, 4 d. grey and 6 d. bright yellow-green, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 14, unused examples, all of fine colour, each handstamped "SPECIMEN" in black (Samuel Type D9), without gum. A scarce and attractive trio.rnProvenance: Collection Sir John Marriott RDP, Spink, London, 19 Sept 2001, lot 455.rnAusruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 4440 Trinidad u. Tobago
1863/80: 1 d. lake, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 14, used on large part of Printed Matter 1877 cover to Leith, Scotland endorsed 'per Mail', unusually cancelled upon arrival by "EDIN. N.P.B." (Newspaper Branch) circular datestamp (Nov 29) in black with repeated strike on reverse. Small tear near adhesive but attractive and rare.rnProvenance: Collection Sir John Marriott RDP, Spink, London, 19 Sept 2001, lot 477.Ausruf : 175 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 4441 Trinidad u. Tobago
1880: 6 d. yellow-green, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 14 x 12½, a used example of of fine colour and particularly good centering for this stamp, the CC wmk. letters at top half of the stamp, lightly cancelled by large part 'Trinidad' double arc cds in black (Nov 27, 1880). A superb example of an extremely rare stamp. Certs. RPSL (1961), BPA (1991) Gi = £ 6'500.rnProvenance: Collection T. Charlton Henry, Harmers, New York, 4-7 April 1961, lot 1689.rnrnrnAusruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 4442 Trinidad u. Tobago
Typographed by De La Rue 1869: 5 s. rose-lake, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 12½, an unused block of four, of fine appearance, one or two minor age spots and typical wrinkles, a very rare stamp in a multiple. Cert. BPA (1973) Gi = £ 680+.rnProvenance: Collection R.A. Ramkissoon, Harmers, Zurich, 6 Dec 2006, lot 2155.rnAusruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 4443 Trinidad u. Tobago
1882: Provisional ½ d. lilac, wmk. Crown CA reversed, perf. 14, an unused block of nine f fresh vibrant colour for this stamp, one or two blunted perfs. not detracting from appearance, typical slight gum cracking on large part og, or unmounted og. Fine and rare Gi = £ 1'620+.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 4444 Trinidad u. Tobago
1882: Provisional 1 d. rosy carmine, wmk. Crown CA, two single examples and a diagonally bisected example used on 1882 cover to St. George's, Tobago tied by neat single ring 'Trinidad' cds's (Nov 25) in black. 'Tobago' arrival cds (Dec 2) also on obverse of a fine and attractive cover.rnProvenance: Collection Sir John Marriott RDP, Spink, London, 19 Sept 2001, lot 504.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 480 CHFLosnr. : 4445 Trinidad u. Tobago
1882: 4 d. grey, wmk. Crown CA, perf. 14, an unused block of four of fulsome colour, fresh and dvery fine, large part og. Rare and elusive stamp, especially so in a multiple Gi = £ 800+.rnProvenance: Collection Maurice Burrus, RL, London, 11 March 1964, lot 680; Collection Sir John Marriott RDP, Spink, London, 19 Sept 2001, lot 506.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 4446 Trinidad u. Tobago
Losnr. : 4447 Trinidad u. Tobago
1883/84: 1 d. carmine, a used example on 2 d. grey registered postal stationery envelope, size F, used to Port of Spain, tied by superb strike of 'PRINCES-TOWN / TRINIDAD' cds (Feb 29, 1900) in black. Repeated equally fine information strike at left. Superb.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 110 CHFLosnr. : 4448 Trinidad u. Tobago
Duke of York's (later King George V) Visit to Trinidad 1891 (Feb 23): Issue made to commemorate the Royal Visit and given to the Duke who kept one set and donated the other four sets to be sold for charity, with 1883/84 ½ d. dull green, 1 d. carmine, 2½ d. bright blue, 4 d. grey, 6 d. olive-black, 1 s. orange-brown and 1894 5 s. maroon all with special "9d" surcharge in black, fresh and very fine with large part og. and signed Holcombe; together with seven postal stationeery cut-outs from postal cards ½ d. brown, 1 d. carmine, 1½ d. brown and 2 d. blue; Newspaper Wrappers ½ d. green and 1 d. red and registration 2 d. grey all similarly sucharged "9d" in black. Extremely rare with just four sets in private hands, one set remaining in the collection of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Certs. Holcombe (1984).rnProvenance: Harmers, London, 21 Dec 1994, lot 2358.Ausruf : 5.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 4449 Trinidad u. Tobago
1895: De La Rue Essay for the proposed Britannia 4 d. value on tracing paper (31 x 35 mm.) and hand-painted in mauve, with country name and "Postage & Revenue" picked out in Chinese white, Duty Plate in olive-green, applied to DLR card with manuscript "Design 1" at top and dated "July 29, 95". Illustrated in "The De La Collection" edited by Frank Walton RDP on page 6390. Beautiful and unique.rnProvenance: RL, Bermuda, 3 Dec 1976, ex lot 1013; Collection Sir John Marriott RDP, Spink, London, 19 Sept 2001, lot 540; Collection 'Scarborough', Spink, London, 14 Nov 2008, lot 2129; Grosvenor, London, 7 May 2009, lot 1224.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.900 CHFLosnr. : 4450 Trinidad u. Tobago
1895: Hand-painted Essays for the high value Duty Plates, with "5 SHILLINGS 5" and "FIVE / SHILLINGS" (the latter as utilised) both in Chinese white on khaki and black surround, "TEN / SHILLINGS" in black and "ONE POUND" in Chinese white on khaki and black surround, all on De La Rue tracing paper (65 x 99 mm.) affixed to card dated "Dec 9 '95" at upper right. Illustrated in "The De La Collection" edited by Frank Walton RDP on page 6390. Superb and unique.rnProvenance: RL, Bermuda, 2-3 Dec 1976, lot 1017; Collection Sir John Marriott RDP, Spink, London, 19 Sept 2001, lot 544; Collection 'Scarborough', Spink, London, 14 Nov 2008, lot 2130; Grosvenor, London, 19-20 May 2010, lot 3066.rnAusruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 4451 Trinidad u. Tobago
1896: De La Rue Master Die Proof for the Britannia vignette only for the 5 s., 10 s and £ 1 values, with uncleared surround printed in black on glazed white card, endorsed BEFORE / STRIKING in black and dated '4 JAN. 96' in blue at left. Superb and scarce.rnProvenance: Collection Sir John Marriott RDP, Spink, London, 19 Sept 2001, lot 548; Collection 'Scarborough', Spink, London, 14 Nov 2008, lot 2134.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 4452 Trinidad u. Tobago
1895: De La Rue Essay for the proposed (but unadopted) Britannia 10 s. value beautifully hand-painted on tracing paper in two shades of green with six pointed stars and "Postage & Revenue" picked out in Chinese white, the Duty Plate painted in red and affixed to DLR display card (90 x 115mm.), headed "Design II" and dated "July 29, 95" at upper right. Illustrated in "The De La Collection" edited by Frank Walton RDP on page 6390. Superb and an exceptional example of the artist's craft. Unique.rnProvenance: RL, Bermuda, 3 Dec 1976, ex lot 1013; Collection Sir John Marriott RDP, Spink, London, 19 Sept 2001, lot 542; Collection 'Scarborough', Spink, London, 14 Nov 2008, lot 2131; Grosvenor, London, 7 May 2009, lot 1233.rnrnAusruf : 1.750 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 4453 Trinidad u. Tobago
Losnr. : 4454 Trinidad u. Tobago
1898: Landing of Columbus 2 d. stamp size De La Rue Die Proofs (2) of the frame in black with Duty Plate and the vignette in black, each engraved on individual cards. Fresh and fine, a scarce pair.rnProvenance: Collection Sir John Marriott RDP, Spink, London, 19 Sept 2001, lot 573; Collection 'Scarborough', Spink, London,14 Nov 2008, lot 2148.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 4455 Trinidad u. Tobago
1899: Prepared for use but Unissued, "3d." in black on 5 d. dull purple & mauve, variety "Single Dot under 3d.", overprinted SPECIMEN in black (Samuel Type D12) together with the issued stamp overprinted SPECIMEN, fresh and fine, slight adherence on large part og. A major rarity of Trinidad philately. Cert. RPSL (2000).rnProvenance: Collection R.A. Ramkissooon, Harmers, Zurich, 6 Dec 2006, lot 2185.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 4456 Trinidad u. Tobago
1894: 5 s. maroon, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 14, a used example on registered 1909 cover to Paris tied by 'Registered / Trinidad' cds (Oct 14) with registration label above and Pris arrival cds (Nov 1). A fresh and fine cover.rnProvenance: Collection Sir John Marriott RDP, Spink, London, 19 Sept 2001, lot 535.rnAusruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 140 CHFLosnr. : 4457 Trinidad u. Tobago
1904/09: De La Rue Colour Trials, all for the 4 d. value, Imperforate on wmk. Multiple Crown CA paper, with 4 d. in issued colour of grey & red on yellow, 4 d. in dull purple & bright purple (colour of the issued 6 d., slight rub), 4 d. in black on green (colour of the issued 1 s.), large part og. A scarce trio: similr examples can be seen on the 31st March 1908 Appendix sheet illustrated in "The De La Rue Collection" edited by Frank Walton RDP on page 6405.rnProvenance: Collection Sir John Marriott RDP, Spink, London, 19 Sept 2001, lot 601; Collection 'Scarborough', Spink, London,14 Nov 2008, lot 2181.rnrnAusruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 4458 Trinidad u. Tobago
1904/09: 6 d. dull purple & black, wmk. Multiple Crown CA, a printing Trial in a miniature sheet format (6 x 2) with sheet margins all round, prepared in March 1905 to test the possibilty of removing a written cancellation by means of a neutral postassium oxalate. Slight rub mentioned for accuracy, we know of only one other example of this 12 set sheetlet, the similar example offered in the Marriott sale. Rare and fine ex the DLR archives with this sheetlet illustrated in "The De La Rue Collection" edited by Frank Walton RDP on page 6403.rnrnAusruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 4459 Trinidad u. Tobago
1905: 6 d. dull purple & black on chalk surfaced paper, wmk. Multiple Crown CA, an unused example in a very bright shade, overprinted SPECIMEN in black (Samuel Type D9), large part og. A rare stamp - see Samuel pages 41 and 42 where this issue on De La Rue chalky paper is mentioned, whilst never being sent to the UPU, the stamps are belived to have been used by DLR as Trial printings - "they are extremely rare".rnCert. BPA (2000).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 4460 Trinidad u. Tobago
1908: De La Rue Essay for the redrawn designs issued in 1909, photo-litho Essay for ½ d. in green, Imperforate and affixed to card (89 x 114 mm.) marked "B" at top left and dated "Sept 25th 08" in ink and "Dupl." at lower left, also showing alternative value tablet below for a 2½ d. value. Illustrated in "The De La Rue Collection" edited by Frank Walton RDP on page 6406. Superb and exceedingly rare.rnProvenance: RL, Bermuda, 2 Dec 1976, ex lot 1042; Collection Sir John Marriott RDP, Spink, London, 19 Sept 2001, lot 606; Collection 'Scarborough', Spink, London,14 Nov 2008, lot 2185.rnAusruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 4461 Trinidad u. Tobago
Losnr. : 4462 Trinidad u. Tobago
1923/45: Postage Due set of eight values unused, wmk. Multiple Script CA, overprinted SPECIMEN in red (1 d., 3 d. 4d.) in black (2 d.), and perforated hooded SPECIMEN (5 d., 6 d., 8 d. and 1 s., this last with Plate Number '1' in margin), fresh and fine, large part og. Scarcer than catalogue value suggests Gi = £ 200.rnProvenance: Collection 'Scarborough', Spink, London, 14 Nov 2008, lot 2246.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 120 CHFLosnr. : 4463 Trinidad u. Tobago
Losnr. : 4464 Trinidad u. Tobago
1909: Official 1 d. rose-red, wmk. Multiple Crown CA, an unused vertical strip of three, marginal from top of sheet, variety "Overprint Vertical", with four complete overprints reading down at left, slight crease in margin only, stamps unmounted og. Rare Gi = £ 390+.Ausruf : 175 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 4465 Tobago
1862: Entire letter, side flap missing, mailed prepaid from Tobago to London with manuscript '6' in red and fine strike of "♚ / PAID / AT TOBAGO" double ring handstamp in red. Reverse with double arc 'Tobago' datestamp (Aug 7) in black and front with 'London / Paid' arrival cds (Aug 28) in red. File fold but a scarce and attractive entire Gi = £ 1'300.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 4466 Tobago
Losnr. : 4467 Tobago
Losnr. : 4468 Tobago
1879: De La Rue Essays, with comparative use of the 1879 (Revenue) first issue 1 d. carmine, 3 d. blue, 6 d. orange and 1 s. green all overprinted SPECIMEN in black; with 1885/89 perforated 14 Colour Trials with 1 d. in lilac optd. SPECIMEN in black, 3 d. in black & lilac optd. SPECIMEN in red with mss. annotation '1887' above, Imperforate 4 d. in red & lilac with SPECIMEN in blue, 6 d. in blue & lilac with SPECIMEN in black annotated 'Dec 93' and 1 s. in dull green with SPECIMEN in black (in all three types of Specimen - Samuel D8, D11 and D12). Pencil manuscript at top "60 set key forme from electrodie made from Dominica. Ovpt. from other Colonies except 5/- and £ 1 which were electrotypes from type May 6th 1879". Illustrated in "The De La Rue Collection" edited by Frank Walton RDP on page 6301. Fabulous and unique.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 4469 Tobago
Losnr. : 4470 Tobago
Losnr. : 4471 Tobago
Losnr. : 4472 Tobago
Dieses Los wurde leider wieder zurückgezogen.Losnr. : 4473 Tobago
Losnr. : 4474 Tobago
Losnr. : 4475 Tobago
Losnr. : 4476 Tobago
Losnr. : 4477 Tobago
1883/84: Provisional 2½ d. on 6 d. stone and 1882/84 set of five wmk. Crown CA from ½ d. purple-brown to scarce 6 d. stone, generally fresh and fine unused but the 6 d. stone with crease, the scarce 4 d. yellow-green and 6 d. stone values signed A. Diena Gi = £ 900+.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 4478 Tobago
1882/84: 2½ d. ultramarine, a used example on 1894 cover to King's Norton, tied by 'Tobago' datestamp (Jan 10) in black. Reverse with Birmingham cds of arrival (Jan 25). Scarce.rnProvenance: Collection F.W. Doolittle, Sotheby's, London, 2 Oct 1980, lot 25.rnrnrnrnrnAusruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 120 CHFLosnr. : 4479 Tobago
1882/84: 2½ d. dull blue, 1885/96 ½ d. dull green, 1 d. carmine, 6 d. orange-brown and 1 s. olive-yellow, all used on front of 2 d. grey-blue registration envelope, size F, all neatly tied by 'Tobago' datestamps (March 18, 1896) in black. 'Registered / London' transit (April 1) and reverse with Horgen arrival cds (April 3). A fine and attractive cover.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 4480 Tobago
Losnr. : 4481 Tobago
Colour Changes 1885/96: ½ d. dull green, 1 d. carmine, 4 d. grey in unused blocks of eight from upper left of sheet and showing variety (position 4) with "Slash Flaw", 6 d. orange-brown in an unused block of six with first stamp showing "Slash Flaw" (all four with Plate Number '1' in margins); 1 s. olive-yellow and 1 s. orange-brown in unused blocks of four, each with second stamp showing the "Slash Flaw", all with fresh colours and fine large part og. or unmounted og. A splendidly attractive and rare set Gi = £ 1'500+.rnrnAusruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 4482 Tobago
Colour Changes 1885/96: ½ d. dull green in a horizontal pair, used with 6 d. orange-brown on 1897 cover sent registered to Leicester, tied by 'Tobago' datestamps (April 14) in black. Oval 'R' at left and London transit on front (April 28) with Leicester arrival on reverse of a fine and scarce cover.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 4483 Tobago
Colour Changes 1885/96: 1 d. carmine, 4 d. grey and 1 s. olive-yellow, wmk. Crown CA, unused examples, all showing variety "Slash Flaw Repaired", fresh colours and fine large part og, the 1 s. very rare Gi = £ 795.rnProvenance: Collection R.A. Ramkissoon, Harmers, Zurich, 6 Dec 2006, ex lot 2375.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 4484 Tobago
Losnr. : 4485 Tobago
Colour Changes 1885/96: 1 s. orange-brown, wmk. Crown CA, an unused block of six (3 x 2), first stamp (Row 1, stamp 4) showing the "Slash Flaw", with guide line and Plate Number '1' in top margin, fresh and very fine, unmounted og. Scarce and most attractive Gi = £ 575+.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 4486 Tobago
Losnr. : 4487 Tobago
Provisional Surcharges 1886 (April): "½ PENNY" on 2½ d. dull blue, an unused vertical pair, upper stamp with "Figure Further from Word" variety, lower stamp with variety "Surcharge Omitted", of fine depth of colour, fresh and of marvellous appearance, slightly browned large part og. with small paper adherence on lower stamp, normal stamp supplied for comparison with the lot. Exceptionally rare and in the foremost quality: of the six Surcharge Omitted pairs recorded, one is housed in the collection of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, this being sole recorded pair with this variety. Unique. Cert. BPA (1984) Gi = £ 25'000.rnProvenance: Collection Major T. Charlton Henry, Harmer Rooke, New York, 4-7 April 1961, lot 1403; Collection Arthur Beach (1972); Collection F.W. Doolittle, Sotheby's, London, 2 Oct 1980, lot 74.Ausruf : 10.000 CHFZuschlag : 17.000 CHFLosnr. : 4488 Tobago
Provisional Surcharges 1886 (Jan): "½ PENNY" on 6 d. stone, an unused vertical pair of fresh rich colour, lower stamp with variety "Surcharge Inverted", large part og. Superb and extremely rare. Cert. RPSL (1961) Gi = £ 3'250+.rnProvenance: Collection Arthur Hind, Harmers, London, 7-9 May 1934, lot 370; Collection Major T. Charlton Henry, Harmer Rooke, New York, 4-7 April 1961, lot 1410; Collection F.W. Doolittle, Sotheby's, London, 2 Oct 1980, lot 80.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 2.400 CHFLosnr. : 4489 Tobago
Losnr. : 4490 Tobago
Provisional Surcharges 1891 (Aug): "2½ PENCE" on 4 d. grey, an unused example, of good colour, variety "Malformed "CE" of PENCE", fresh and very fine, large part og. Scarce Gi = £ 200.rnProvenance: Collection W.A. Frazer, Spink, London, 30 Oct 2003, ex lot 758.rnrnAusruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 4491 Tobago
Provisional Surcharges 1891 (Aug): "2½ PENCE" on 4 d. grey, a horizontal strip of three used on 1891 registered cover to Hannover, Germany tied by 'Tobago' datestamps (Nov 18) in black. Two strikes of oval 'R' and London tarnsit on front in red, reverse with smudged Hannover arrival cds. Rare and most attractive.rnProvenance: Grosvenor, London, 6-7 Oct 2010, lot 1793.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 4492 Tobago
1896: Fiscal "½d / POSTAGE" on 4 d. lilac & carmine, an unused block of six (3 x 2) with serial number '1' in margin, second, third and fifth stamps showing variety "Wide Space between ½ and d", sixth stamp (position 60) showing variety "Malformed "CE" of PENCE, fresh and very fine with typical browned large part og. Rare Gi = £ 1'920+.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 4493 Trinidad u. Tobago
Losnr. : 4494 Trinidad u. Tobago
1912: De La Rue Master Die Proof for the 2½ d. value, Frame Only and Duty Plate, printed in black on glazed white card, endorsed "14 SEP 12" in blue at upper left. Fresh and very fine.rnProvenance: Collection R.A. Ramkissoon, Harmers, Zurich, 6 Dec 2006, lot 2303; Collection 'Scarborough', Spink, London, 14 Nov 2008, lot 2227.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 4495 Trinidad u. Tobago
1913/23: 6 d. dull & reddish purple, wmk. Multiple Crown CA, Colour Trial Plate Proof in an Imperforate block of six (3 x 2) in issued colour, fresh and fine but for slight red mark in margin between second and third Proof, numbered '6' in pencil on reverse, unmounted og. Just six examples are believed to have been printed thus and retained by De La Rue for their records and later sold through Robson Lowe. A unique block.rnProvenance: H.F. 'Johnny' Johnson; Collection R.A. Ramkissoon, Harmers, Zurich, 6 Dec 2006, lot 2307.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 4496 Trinidad u. Tobago
1912: De La Rue Master Die Proof for the 5 s. or £ 1 value, completed design without Duty Plate, printed in black on glazed white card, endorsed BEFORE / HARDENING in black and dated "June 3, '14" in manuscript at upper left. Fresh and very fine.rnProvenance: Collection R.A. Ramkissoon, Harmers, Zurich, 6 Dec 2006, lot 2306; Collection 'Scarborough', Spink, London, 14 Nov 2008, lot 2230.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 4497 Trinidad u. Tobago
1913/23: 1 s. black on green, wmk. Multiple Crown CA, Colour Trial Plate Proof in an Imperforate block of four in issued colour, fresh and fine but cut close at base, numbered '5' in pencil on reverse, unmounted og. Just six examples are believed to have been printed thus and retained by De La Rue for their records and later sold through Robson Lowe. A unique block.rnProvenance: H.F. 'Johnny' Johnson.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 4498 Trinidad u. Tobago
1913/23: £ 1 grey-green & carmine, wmk. Multiple Crown CA, Colour Trial Plate Proof, an Imperforate example in issued colour, fresh and fine, numbered '4' in pencil on reverse, unmounted og. Just six examples are believed to have been printed thus and retained by De La Rue for their records and later sold through Robson Lowe.rnProvenance: H.F. 'Johnny' Johnson.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 4499 Trinidad u. Tobago
1917 (May): War Tax ½ d. bluish green, an unused block of four of fine colour, variety "Watermark Inverted and Reversed", fresh and fine, unmounted og. This block being the multiple mentioned by John G.M. Davis in "War Tax Stamps" on page 326. Cert. RPSL (2008) Gi = £ 600+.rnProvenance: Collection John G.M. Davis, Grosvenor, 6-7 Oct 2010, lot 854.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHF
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