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Losnr. : 98 Ecuador
1865/72: Collection of the first issues, a splendid array with ½ r. blue in varying shades and different printings (120 stamps) incl. unused from early printing and two on blued paper and later printings incl. pairs and a strip of six, used examples one with emboosed "Coat of Arms", vertical bisect on piece, 10 examples cancelled in red, Plate Flaws incl. the MFDIO error (2) and a single franking on 1867 cover; 1 r. yellow (shades) with range of unused and used (108 stamps), incl. unused example in the olive-buff shade, unused pairs (2) strip of three and a block of four, used pairs (9) incl. one with '3154' in black and another with same cancel struck in red and two single frankings on fronts, ; 1 r. green unused (rare) and used (14) including two diagonal bisects on piece, 4 r. red used (3) and two bisects on piece and a cover front with pair used from Riobamba; also Mexico 1867 4 r. imperforate Plate Proofs in green and in brown. An exceptional lot for the specialist.Ausruf : 1.400 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 99 Ecuador
Losnr. : 100 Ecuador
1865. 4 r. red, a diagonally bisected example, lower right half, used on 1869 entire letter to Lima tied by "Guayaquil / Franca" circular datestamp in blue (26 Sept 1869). Reverse with Lima arrival cds (Oct 1). Usual horizontal file fold, well away from the adhesive. Extremely scarce, genuinely used bisected 4 reales to Southbound destinations were all used on the same day. Signed Todd AIEP Scott = $ 1'600.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 101 Ecuador
Losnr. : 102 Ecuador
Losnr. : 103 Ecuador
1881: 20 c. grey-violet, a diagonally bisected example used on 1883 cover to Lima, endorsed 'Porte Pagado' (Post Paid) at left, tied by circular GUAYAQUIL / FRANCA datestamp in black (April 18) with Lima arrival cds on reverse. Slight trim to envelope and creasing but a rare bisect usage during the Chile-Peru War. Signed H. Bloch.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 130 CHFLosnr. : 104 Ecuador
1885: Pacific Steam Navigation Co. Cargo receipt for shipping to New York, printed in red with fine illustration of Steamer, franked by 1884-1885 optd. Fiscal 2 c. brown, the receipt for 42 bags of Cocoa weighting 6'020 lbs. in total. Handstamped "Said to weigh, but not / responsible for weight" in violet. Folded but nevertheless a very rare document.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 105 Ecuador
1892: Sucre issue covers (2), with Sept 1895 entire letter from Cuenca to Guayaquil franked by vertically bisected 10 c. green tied in black, faults but a rare genuine usage, and toned pair of 20 c. brown on cover to Paris, resealed 'La Opera / Paris' label in red with picture of the Eiffel Tower.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 106 Ecuador
1894: 'Rocafuerte' 5 c. 'Error of Colour', printed in pale blue (the colour of the issued 1 c.) rather than the issued deep green, a creased postally used example, together with ordinary 1 c. and 5 c. examples for comparison and an 1894 5 c. green used on local cover to Quito. Unusual, the first this describer has seen and does not have the appearance of a colour changeling.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 107 Ecuador
1896 (Oct): Provisional 5 c. on 20 c. orange and 10 c. in red on 50 c. dark blue used on 1897 registered cover to Dresden with 1897-1898 optd. 5 c. green all tied by UPU / Guayaquil datestamps in black. Registration label at left and New York transit label above, reverse with Dresden arrival cds (June 11). A rare and attractive usage with three provisonal values.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 108 Ecuador
1897 (June 23): 20 c. yellow and diagonally bisected 10 c. brown paying the 25 c. registered / AR rate on 1899 cover to USA, mailed from Guayaquil with reg'd label and circular 'AR' alongside. Reverse with Philadelphia arrival cds (Feb 21). Small cover tear at top but a rare commercial bisected usage.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 109 Ecuador
1898: Card from Jena, Germany bearing 10 pf. carmine tied 'Jena' cds, thence via St. Nazaire to Guayaquil with fine oval CORREOS / GUAYAQUIL ECUADOR arrival (Dec 3), framed TRANSIT / GUAYAQUIL in black at left. Delivery attempted and failed, struck with 'Non Reclame' in violet and readdressed to San Francisco (Dec 28). Addressee again unfound struck with circcular 'Name Not in P.O. Directory' in violet and four line 'Advertised / Due 1 ct.', eventually returned to Jena (April 27, 1899) via Dead Letter Office. Unusual card.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 110 Ecuador
1901: 10 c. red postal stationery envelope, a used example to New York cancelled twice by circular 'PACIFIC STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY / S.S. QUITO / VOY No...' in blue. Reverse weith 'Transito / Panama' cds (Jan 21) and New York 'Paid All' arrival cds (Jan 31). Rare.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 111 Ecuador
1894: Rocafuerte 2 c. brown postal stationery card, a fine used example to Algeria wth 1 c. slate Fiscal optd. '1884-85' tied by 'UPU / Guayaquil' cds in black. Mailed via London (Oct 18) with red transit and 'Arzew / Oran' arrival cds (Oct 22) in black; also 3 c. black on green postal stationery card used in 1896 to Narva, Estonia via St. Petersburg with arrival cds on reverse. Scarce and attractive pair.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 112 Ecuador
1895: Rocafuerte 1 c. blue (3), 2 c. yellow-brown (6, strip of five on reverse) and single 5 c. green all used on 5 c. green stationery envelope sent registered / AR to Lucerne, Switzerland tied by 'UPU / GUAYAQUIL, ECUADOR' datestamps in black. Registration label on reverse and Paris cds and Luzern arrival (Feb 20) alongside. A charming and scarce usage.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 113 Ecuador
1896: 10 c. yellow and provisional 1896 5 c. on 10 c. orange (2) used on provisonal 1895-1896 5 c. green postal stationery envelope (optd. 1895 1896 with very faint '1' in '1896', sent registered in 1897 from the German Consulate in Quito (blue wafer seal verso) to Borna, Leipzig cancelled in black. Ecuador large red registration label on reverse tied by arrival cds (16/4). Opened for Exhibit display, a scarce usage of the provisionals on letter.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 114 Ecuador
1928/29: Scadta Provisional set of six values incl. 1 s. on R 20 c. grey unused, Type II with 41⁰ overprint in the full rare set of four values (50 c. on 10 c., 75 c. on 15 c. and 1 s. on 20 s. grey and 1 s. on R 20 c. grey), together with the extremely rare "50 Cts 50" on 10 c. green; all fresh and very fine, large part og. A rare complete set Scott = $ 2'000+.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 115 Ecuador
Losnr. : 116 Ecuador
1880/1950: Official covers (15) and FDC's (10), with Official range incl. 1880 cover to Quito with framed DE OFICIO handstamp, 1892 Sucre Official 10 c. used to Texas, 1928 cover from Bolivian Legation to Argentina, 1944 cover to Bogotá with late use of CORREOS / DE OFICIO handstamp in violet, 1946 early use of overprinted Railway stamp on reverse of cover to Brazil, 1949 covers (2) to GB from the President of the Republic, cover to Turkey etc., and a useful and seldom seen range of early First Day Covers.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 117 Ecuador
1916/18: First Wolörd War Censored covers (5) with 1917 underpaid cover to Switzerland opened by French Censor, and unusual cover to Berlin censored by Allies with 'Opened by Censor' in red and with further German label applied 'Militärischerseits unter Kriegsrecht geöffnet'.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 118 Ecuador
1939/48: Censored covers (11) with cover to USA 'Only Orchid Seeds Enclosed', cover at 40 c. rate to USA with two line 'Servir a la Patria es el mas / honroso de los deberes' in violet; cover at 80 c. rate from Quito via Buenos Aires to Zurich; cover to Colombia with three line 'El litiglo territorial ecuado / riano peruana turba / solidaridad continental' cachet in green, cover with late usage of 1895 Rocafuerte 5 sucres value etc.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 119 Ecuador
1899/1907: Covers/cards (18) and a piece, all bearing Presidents issues frankings incl. two with 'school' marks, with 1909 card franked at 3 c. used to Singapore with arrival, 1911 registered cover to USA franked 1907 1 c. (2) and 3 c. (6), 1913 registered three colour franking to Switzerland etc., condition varies but a colourful group to a variety of destinations.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 120 Guatemala
1871 (March 1): First Issue, Coat of Arms, imperforate Proofs in issued colors, mostly unmounted og., a splendid selection (27 items: 125 Proofs) with 1 c. ochre in a pair, a marginal strip of three, two blocks of four (one with 'Contrôle / T.P.' in blue), a block of six and of nine; 5 c. bistre-brown with a single, pair, marginal strip of four and three blocks of four (all three are sheet marginal) and two marginal blocks of twelve, 10 c. blue with a manuscript crossed single and pair, marginal block of four (3), corner marginal blocks of four (2), one with 'Contrôle / T.P.' in blue in margin and 20 c. rose with two pairs, a marginal strip of three and a corner marginal strip of three, blocks of nine and of twelve; largely fresh and very fine. A fine and scarce lot, seldom encountered in quantity.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 121 Mexiko
Guadalajara Provisionals 1867: First Printing Medio (½) real black, imperforate on white medium wove paper, a fine used example with large margins all round, slightest of stains from glue used as gum, lightly cancelled by part wreathed Guadalajara handstamp in black. Scarce so fine. Cert. Mepsi (2002) Gi 1A = £ 250/Scott = $ 250.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 122 Mexiko
Guadalajara Provisionals 1867: First Printing un (1) real black, imperforate on greyish-blue medium wove paper, a cut-round used example cancelled by large part oval SAYULA handstamp in black (Schatzkes fig. 452). The provisional issue is extremely scarce used as a 'sub-consignment' outside of Guadalajara itself. Cert. Mepsi (2019) Gi 5 = £ 170/Scott = $ 450+.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 123 Mexiko
Guadalajara Provisionals 1867: First Printing Medio (½) real black, imperforate on dark blue medium wove paper, a fine used example with large margins on three sides, imperceptibly touched at top, cancelled by large part "Correos / Guadalajara" oval handstamp (Schatzkes fig. 295) in black. Slight thin but scarce so fine. Cert. Mepsi (2019) Gi 6 = £ 170/Scott = $ 450.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 124 Mexiko
Guadalajara Provisionals 1867: First Printing un (1) real black, imperforate on greyish-blue medium wove paper, touched on two sides, used on piece and overlapping fine 2nd Printing 2 r. black, imperforate on green quadrille paper, cancelled by light "Correos / Guadalajara" oval handstamp (Schatzkes fig. 295) in black. A scarce and attractive piece. Cert. Mepsi (2019) Gi 6+9 = £ 100+/Scott = $ 370.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 125 Mexiko
Guadalajara Provisionals 1867: First Printing un real black, imperforate on white medium wove paper, used on large piece tied by superb strike of Guadalajara wreath handstamp in black (Schatzkes fig. 298). The adhesive crossed by file fold but scarce. Cert. Mepsi (2019) Gi 2A = £ 150/Scott = $ 250.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 126 Mexiko
Guadalajara Provisionals 1867: First Printing 2 reales black, imperforate on dark green medium wove paper, a used example with large margins all round, overprinted "Cd. Guzman." in black inverted at base, cancelled by Cuidad Guman mute handstamp (Schatzkes fig. 343) in black. Slight bleach stain at top but a remarkably fine example of this rare Provisional of which but 30 are believed to exist. Cert. Mepsi (2019) Scott = $ 500.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 2.400 CHFLosnr. : 127 Mexiko
Guadalajara Provisionals 1867: First Printing 2 reales black, imperforate on white wove paper, a superb used example with ample margins all round, used on 1867 entire letter to Leon tied by Guadalajara wreath handstamp with oval "Correos / Guadalajara" datestamp (Jan 23) in black (Schatzkes figs. 298+295). An outstanding entire used in the first few weeks of issue. Cert. Mepsi (1999) Gi 3.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 128 Mexiko
Zacatecas 1861: 8 r. black on red-brown, a used example on October 1861 cover to Guadalajara (Kunhardt correspondence), quadrisected to pay the 2 reales rate, tied by straight line ZACATECAS handstamp (Schatzkes 1854B) in black. File fold well away from the adhesive, a scarce usage Scott = $ 250.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 129 Mexiko
Guadalajara Provisionals 1867: Second Printing 2 reales black, imperforate on green thin quadrille paper used on small piece with two Third Printing Un (1) real black, imperforate on blued thin oblong quadrille paper, all three stamps with good margins for this issue, tied by two strikes of oval "Franqueado / Guadalajara" handstamps (Schatzkes fig. 296) in black. Exceptional and attractive piece. Signed Thier. Cert. Mepsi (2019) Gi 9A+12A.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 130 Mexiko
Guadalajara Provisionals 1867: Second Printing 2 reales black, imperforate on green thin quadrille paper and Third Printing Un (1) real black, imperforate on blued thin oblong quadrille paper, each with huge margins all round for this issue, used on 16 October 1867 cover to Guadalajara cancelled by single strike of circular "Franco En C. Guzman" handstamp (Schatzkes fig. 342) in black. A rare and fine cover. Signed Thier. Cert. Mepsi (1999).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 131 Mexiko
Guadalajara Provisionals 1867: Second Printing 2 reales black on green thin paper with serrated roulette all round, a fine used example tied to piece by large part "Correos / Guadalajara" oval handstamp (Schatzkes fig. 295) in black. Exceptionally fine with good colour and full roulettes. Signed Gilbert. Cert. Mepsi (2006) Gi 8B = £ 170/Scott = $225.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 132 Mexiko
Guadalajara Provisionals 1867: Second Printing 2 reales black on green, imperforate on green thin batonné paper, used on 10 May 1867 large part cover to Guadalajara tied by both a corner stain and faint circular FRANCO EN ZACOALCO handstamp in black (Schatzkes fig. 366). Slight file fold faults internally but a scarce 'sub-consigned' usage. Cert. Mepsi (2019).rnrnProvenance: Pencil manuscript on reverse: 'Morgenhaus, Spring Sale, 5 May 1915, Geo. T.'Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 4.200 CHFLosnr. : 133 Mexiko
Guadalajara Provisionals 1867: Second Printing 2 reales black on green thin laid batonné paper with serrated roulette all round, a fine used example cancelled by part "Correos / Guadalajara" oval handstamp (Schatzkes fig. 295) in black. Exceptionally fine with good colour and full roulettes. Cert. Mepsi (2019) Gi 8B = £ 170/Scott = $225.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 134 Mexiko
Guadalajara Provisionals 1867: Second Printing 2 reales black on green thin batonné paper with serrated roulette all round, a used example on cover to Autlan cancelled by Guadalajara mute handstamp in black (Schatzkes fig. 300). One or two roulettes pulled at left and some overall soiling to letter-sheet but a very rare usage on letter. Cert. Mepsi (2017).rnrnNote: It is beileved that there are just 4 known examples of this stamp on letter.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 3.600 CHFLosnr. : 135 Mexiko
Guadalajara Provisionals 1867: Third Printing 2. reales black, imperforate on rose thin wove paper, a fine used example tied to 1868 letter-sheet to Zapotlan by oval "Franqueado / Guadalajara" handstamp in black (Schatzkes fig. 296). The cover very weak along the folds but a scarce, late usage. Cert. Mepsi (2019).Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 136 Mexiko
Guadalajara Provisionals 1867: Third Printing 4. reales black, imperforate on lightly blued thin wove paper, an unused example with large margins all round, fresh and very fine. Trivial wrinkle from hinge but an exceptional stamp with just four examples believed to exist. A rarity. Cert. Mepsi (2003) Gi 4 = £ 375/Scott = $ 500.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 8.500 CHFLosnr. : 137 Mexiko
Guadalajara Provisionals 1867: Third Printing Un (1) real black, imperforate on green batonné paper and 2. reales black, imperforate on rose quadrille paper, each with huge margins for this issue, tied to 29 April 1868 cover to Guadalajara by single strike of circular "Franco En C. Guzman" handstamp (Schatzkes fig. 342) in black. A rare and very fine cover. Cert. Mepsi (2011).Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 138 Mexiko
Guadalajara Provisionals 1867: Third Printing 4. reales black, imperforate on white thin laid batonné paper, an unused example with huge margins all round, fresh and very fine. Trivial wrinkles and thin from old hinge but an exceptional stamp with just ten examples recorded unused. A rarity. Cert. Mepsi (2019) Gi 19A = £ 60/Scott = $ 100.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 3.400 CHFLosnr. : 139 Mexiko
Guadalajara Provisionals 1867: Third Printing Un (1) real black, imperforate on blued thin oblong quadrille paper, a horizontal pair used on 24 October 1867 cover to Mexico City cancelled by oval "Franqueado / Guadalajara" handstamp in black (Schatzkes fig. 296). Internal docketing stating received on Nov 4th. A delightful and very rare cover. Cert. Mepsi (2017).Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 140 Mexiko
Guadalajara Provisionals 1868: Fourth Printing un (1) real black, imperforate on green laid batonné paper, torn prior to application on 18 Sept 1868 cover to Colima tied by rare FRANCO EN / TONYLA two line handstamp in black (Schatzkes fig. 461). A rare 'sub-consigned' late usage after the issue of the 1868 Hidalgo general issue. Cert. Mepsi (2019).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 141 Mexiko
Guadalajara Provisionals 1868: Fourth Printing 2 reales black, imperforate on lilac laid batonné paper, huge margins all round, used on large part front of cover to Guadalajara tied by fine strike of oval FRANCO / TECOLOTLAN handstamp in black (Schatzkes fig. 401). The adhesive crossed by file fold but scarce. Cert. Mepsi (2003). Ex collection Omar Rodriguez.rnAusruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 3.400 CHFLosnr. : 142 Mexiko
Guadalajara Provisionals 1867/68: The Collection of 20 choice unused examples, all with four margins: with First Printing 2 reales on green medium wove, un peso on lilac medium wove, Second Printing 2 r. on green quadrille, Third Printing 4 r. on blue quadrille, 1 peso on rose quadrille, 1 peso on lilac quadrille, 1 r. on green batonné, 2 r. on rose batonné, 4 r. on blue batonn´, 1 peso on lilac batonné, 1 peso on rose batonné, Fourth Printing 1868 2 r. on lilac wove, 2 r. on rose wove, 1 r. on green batonné, 2 r. lilac on batonné, 2 r. lilac on quadrille, 1 r. on green laid paper and another with the rare "1863" variety (Scott 47C - unpriced unused), 2 r. on lilac laid paper, a superb selection of seldom offered material. Certicates Mepsi for Scott numbers 5+9+13+23+24+26+30+39+42+47C+48 (dated 1998-2019) with additional Scott no. 21+27+28+31+38 +43+45+47 Scott = $ 1'300+.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 8.000 CHFLosnr. : 143 Peru
Losnr. : 144 Peru
Losnr. : 145 Peru
Losnr. : 146 Peru
1797: Cover sent registered from Huancavelica (Guancav) to Yca rated '15' reales in manuscript, struck with truncated two line CERTIFN / AGUAVCAVA handstamp in red (Colareta fig. 2 = 90 pts./Tizon 4 = EXT). Docketing at right possibly to do with rates and dated in manuscript 'Correo en Mayo a 97 - 41 r.'. Scarce and very early registered usage from this town.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 147 Peru
Losnr. : 148 Peru
1803 (Aug 26): Registered cover to Buenos Aires with edges marked with '#' all round, struck on front with exceptional strike of two line CERTIFICACION / A LIMA in red (Colareta fig. 4 = 90 pts/Tizon fig. 19 = RRR) with FRANCA below in red and manuscript 'Salio Agto. 26/803'. Docketing of receipt at top and possible charge of 9 reales on reverse. A splendid and rare cover to an unusual destination at this date. Cert. BPA (1962).Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 149 Peru
1803 (Aug 26): Registered cover front to Oruro, Bolivia with edges marked with '#' all round, struck on front with exceptional strike of two line CERTIFICACION / A LIMA in red (Colareta fig. 4 = 90 pts/Tizon fig. 19 = RRR) with FRANCA below in red and manuscript 'Salio Julio 26/803'. Docketing of receipt on reverse. A rare cover.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 150 Peru
1805: Colonial cover front prepaid to Quito mailed on the Popayan-Pasto-Tuquerres-Ibarra-Otavalo-Quito route, struck with very fine straight line PASTO handstamp in black and FRANCA adjacent in same ink, docketed on reverse as receipted 'Ano de 805' from a Dr. Thomas at Leon. Rare and most attractive.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 151 Peru
Losnr. : 152 Peru
1811: Registered prepaid cover, annotated '4 gr.' and endorsed 'pr. Juan Baupt.ta' (frigate) by sea from Lima to Santiago de Chile, docketed at corners to denote registration and struck with fine FRANCA and CERTCACION / A LIMA both in red. Early and very rare usage.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 153 Peru
Losnr. : 154 Peru
1820 (Feb 19): Entire letter prepaid from Quito to Popayan with fine strikes of FRANCA and QUITO in red, prepaid '2' reales in manuscript, with docketing '83' on reverse (distance in leagues), carried on the Quito-Otavalo-Ibarra-Tuquerres-Pasto-Popayan route. A fresh and fine entire.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 155 Peru
1822c/1850.: Covers from Chachapoyas (3) all with truncated Type 1 handstamps, with 'CHACHAPS' struck in red used to Huamchuco rated '4' reales, struck in black used to Caxamarca rated '3½' reales and superb strike in blue on 1850 cover to Trujillo rated '3' reales. A fine and scarce trio (Colareta 1 = 150 pts.).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 156 Peru
1827/29: Entire letters (2) with earlier entire from Canta to Cuenca struck with FRANCA / LIMA in red (Colareta 16 = 50 pts.), the 'Franca' deleted in manuscript and charged '1½' reales due, and 1829 entire to Valparaiso with similarly fine FRANCA / LIMA endorsed 'per Courrier de Brazil' in manuscript and rated a further '7½' reales due on receipt.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 140 CHFLosnr. : 157 Peru
Losnr. : 158 Peru
1863 (Nov 21): Entire letter from Tacna to New York, with oval Forwarding Agent cachet 'Jefferson Y Ca. / Arica' in blue and British P.O. double arc ARICA cds in black (Nov 23). Manuscript '6' (pence) prepaid by Agent and corresponding two line PAID-TO / PANAMA in black and British P.O. PANAMA double arc cds (Dec 7) all on front with 'Steamship / 10' of arrival. Reverse with New York cds (Dec 30). A fine and scarce entire.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 159 Peru
1787/1856c: The collection of pre-stamp covers/ fronts of covers (151 items) with handstamps in black, red or blue from Acary, Arequipa (16, prepaid and unpaid), Arica (3), Ayacucho, Barranca, Bolivar, Callao (2), Caraz, Casma, Camana, Caraveli, Caxamarca (3), Chacas, Chachapoyas, Chuquibamba, Cuzco (3), Hamchuco, Huam (2), Huancayo (4), Huanuco (3), Huaraz (2), Huaura, Yca (4), Yslay, Jauja (6), unique pre-stamp usage of framed LAMAYEQUE and framed FRANCA on 1855 part parcel, Lima (49) with fine range of framed or unframed rate markings in black and in blue, Moquegua (2), Nepena, Paita (2), Pativilca (2), Paz (3), Pasco (2), Pisco (2), Piura (4), Puno, San Pedro, Santa, Tacna (7), Tarma, Truxillo (6). Condition varies but a fine opportunity.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 1.900 CHFLosnr. : 160 Peru
1855 (Oct 11): Entire letter from Lima to Genoa, Italy sent prepaid with British P.O. Crown Circle PAID AT CALLAO handstamp in red, via Panama and London (Dec 3). Reverse with CALLAO British P.O. cds (Oct 26) and Genova arrival cds (Dec 7). Scarce Scott A33 = $ 725/Gi CC2 = £ 700.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 161 Peru
1857/73: Entire letters (3) with 1857 and 1863 entires to France each from Lima via British P.O. in CALLAO with cds on reverse in black, thence via London with "GB / 2F 87½c." Accountancy markings in black (one taxed at 30, the other at 36 décimes); 1873 entire from Lima to New York with fine oval FORWARDED BY / W.P.MAAL / ASPINWALL cachet in blue with 'New York / 20 / U.S. Notes' arrival in black.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 162 Peru
Cancellations 1858: The selection on 1 d. blue, with straight line cancels of S. PEDRO in red (Emsing E58 = 75 pts) complete on pair, OTUSCO on pair in red (E58 = 75 pts), TRUJILLO in black on vertical pair (E58 = 20 pts), single with PAITA in black (E56 = 15 pts), dotted numeral handstamps '3' (E144 = 125 pts), '5' (E146 = 100 pts) and '6' (E147 = 125 pts), HUALGAYOC straight line in red on piece (E58 = 50 pts), piece with single cancelled on arrival in Liverpool by circular datestamp, vertical pair with complete CHICLAYO in blue (Types 3/18) 'bridge' inter-pane pair etc. A generally fine group (16 items).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 163 Peru
1858: 1 d. blue (shades), 10 items (two pairs and 8 single examples) all with dotted town cancellations with superb AYACUCHO in red (Emsing = 150 pts.) and struck on a pair on piece in black, PAMPAS in blue (100 pts.), CALLAO in blue, CASMA in blue (35 pts.), CUZCO in blue (25 pts.), ARICCA in blue and another in red (unrecorded), generally fine, a scarce group Scott = $ 500+.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 164 Peru
1858: 1 d. deep blue in a bright clear shade, large margins all round, used on 23 November 1860 entire letter written from La Paz, Bolivia to Valparaiso. Sender's blue cachet at left and hand-carried and mailed in Tacna, with the adhesive lightly cancelled by 'Admon. Pral De Correos / Tacna' cds in black (Dec 11). Fresh and very fine, a charming and very rare entire.rnProvenance: Collection Julio Lugón Badaracco, Corinphila sale 193, Nov 2014, lot 3029.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 250 CHFLosnr. : 165 Peru
1858 (March 1): 1 dinero deep blue, a fine large margined example in a deep shade, used on March 1859 cover to Caxamarca tied by HUALG / C handstamp of Hualgayoc in red (Lamy & Rinck = 25 pts / Emsing E58 = 50 pts). An extremely elusive cancellation on letter.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 166 Peru
1858: 1 d. deep blue, used example with enormous margins on three sides and just shaved at base, tied to 1859 cover from Lima to Madrid, Spain by dotted '1-LIMA-2' handstamp in black. 'Lima' despatch cds at left (Oct 11), thence via British P.O. in Callao with double ring cds in black on reverse (Oct 12). London transit cds in red (Nov 24) and handstruck FRANCO in blue applied on arrival in Madrid (Nov 28). Notation of payment presumably made on despatch or at Panama with '2/6d.' in red at top. A surprisingly unusual destination for early stamped Peruvian mail.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 167 Peru
1858: 1 dinero deep blue, a fine large margined example used on 1858 entire letter to France tied by 'Admon. Pral. de Correos / Tacna' cds in black (May 21). Superb British P.O. in ARICA double arc cds in black below of the same day. Carried via Panama and London with 'GB / 2F 87½' Anglo-French accountancy marking applied there (July 2) in black, thence via Calais and charged '12' décimes due in manuscript on receipt. A fine and attractive entire.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 168 Peru
1858: 1 d. blue, a fine large margined example, Transfer Type 9, used on 1859 cover from Lima to Paris cancelled by dotted LIMA handstamp in black (Emsing E7 = 10 pts) for the internal rate to Callao. British P.O. cds on reverse of CALLAO (Oct 12) and thence to Panama via PSNC Steamer. Carried by the RMSP 'Medway' from Colon to St. Thomas and transferred there to the 'Magdalena' for the journey to Falmouth. Struck in London (Nov 24) with Accountancy marking 'GB / 2F 87½c' in black. Taxed at 36 décimes due upon receipt for triple rate (note '16' grams at upper left). An attractive cover.Ausruf : 175 CHFZuschlag : 175 CHFLosnr. : 169 Peru
1858: 1 dinero pale blue, a large margined example used on 1860 entire letter from Callao to Lima, the adhesive with marginal fault as crossed by file fold but tied by CALLAO circular datestamp (Dec 21) in blue - believed to be the latest recorded usage of the first issue on letter.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 170 Peru
1858: 1 d. blue, a narrow margined example, just touched, Transfer Type 11, used on September 1858 cover to Valparaiso tied by dotted PIURA handstamp in black (Emsing E1 = 10 pts). Taxed on arrival with '15' (centavos) due marking in red for double the local rate (10 c.) and 5 c. (ship rate for PSNC).Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 171 Peru
1858: 1 d. deep blue, Transfer Type 24, large margins all round, used on large part 1858 entire letter from Callao to Lima endorsed 'muy urgente' and 'urgentissima' with notation to catch the 9 o'clock Train; neatly cancelled by dotted 'Callao' handstamp in black with datestamp (May 12) at right. A most attractive cover.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 130 CHFLosnr. : 172 Peru
1858: 1 d. blue, a four margined example used on 1859 cover to Genova, Italy tied by '1-LIMA-2' handstamp in black (Emsing E9 = 10 pts) paying the internal rate. Carried in closed bag via Panama, St. Thomas, Southampton and Paris with Torino cds of transit (Jan 22) on reverse and Genova arrival in red. Taxed at double rate (note '2' next to adhesive) and charged '30' decimi due.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 173 Peru
1858: 1 dinero pale blue, a delightful vertical strip of four with good to large margins all round, Transfer Types 5/10/15/20 and thus the entire right hand side of the Transfer bloc report, used on 1859 cover to Arequipa tied by four strikes of 'Admon. Pral De Correos / Tacna' datestamps (Feb 6) in black. A scarce and most attractive cover.rnProvenance: Collection John F. Rider, Dec. 1978, lot 43.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 174 Peru
1858: 1 dinero deep blue, three horizontal pairs with close to good margins, with upper pair at right being Transfer Types 11-17 with Type 11 being the replaced Transfer in position 16, lower left pair being Transfer Types 19-20 and the upper left pair being Transfer Types 5-1 and thus from the 'bridge' or connecting pair from the panes, all used on triple rate October 1858 entire letter to Lima tied by dotted HUANCAVELICA handstamps in black (Emsing E1 = 10 pts). An extraordinary and very rare franking for the specialist. Cert. Moorhouse (2013).Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 175 Peru
1858: 1 peseta rose-red (shades), the famous reconstruction of the lithographic Transfer block of ten subjects by E. M. de Bustamente, with ten generally fair to very fine used examples showing the arrangement of the bloc report. Each block of ten was repeated eight times to create the sheet of 160 stamps. Scarce Gi = £ 1'600/Scott = $ 1'600.rnProvenance: Collection E. M. de Bustamente; Collection Norman S. Hubbard, June 2008, lot 240.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 176 Peru
Cancellations 1858: 1 p. rose-red (shades), the selection of 7 items with piece showing 1 p. tied by ARICA cds in blue (Emsing E47 = 25 pts), two examples with dotted oval LIMA in black, '1-LIMA-2' in black on superb example, piece with 'Admon. Pral De Correos / Tacna' cds (June 21, 1858) in black, dotted TRUX in black of Trujillo and fine upright strike of fancy framed AYACUCHO in black (E77 = 100 pts), condition varies but a good group Scott = $ 1'120.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 177 Peru
Dotted Cancellations 1858: 1 p. rose-red (shades), the used assembly, with dotted cancellations from AREQUIPA in blue (E1 = 10 pts), CARAZ in blue (25 pts), CASMA in blue (35 pts), extremely rare CHACAS in black (175 pts), CHICLAYO in blue (10 pts), HUANUCO in black (20 pts), TACNA in black (10 pts) and TARMA in black (10 pts), YCA in black (10 pts) and YSLAY in black (10 pts), and a cover with single example cancelled at PASCO (10 pts), ex the Bustamente and Eitner collections. Condition variable but generally of fine to superb appearance, a scarce group (11 items) Scott = $ 1'760+.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 178 Peru
1858: 1 p. rose-red, a large margined used example, Transfer Type 2 on the bloc report of ten subjects, used on 22 March 1858 cover to Lima tied by dotted PASCO handsatmp in black (Emsing E1 = 10 pts). Cover with small stain away from the fine adhesive, but extremely scarce - the earliest recorded usage of this stamp outside Lima: the delivery of this issue to Pasco taking place just a week earlier on March 22, 1858 (reference A. Salvattecci, Filatelia Peruana, Jan 1999). Illustrated in Moll on page 106. Cert. Moorhouse (2009).rnProvenance: Collection Klaus Eitner, Corinphila sale 158, June 2009, lot 4055.rnAusruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 179 Peru
Error of Colour 1858: ½ (medio) peso rose-red, a four margined example with some minor thinning, Type B, cancelled by manuscript "Casma 1/11" in ink, some minimal staining but a very scarce stamp: strangely, the sole example we have recorded with a manuscript cancellation. Cert. Moorhouse (2004) Gi 4b = £ 4'750/Scott = $ 4'750.rnAusruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 180 Peru
Error of Colour 1858: ½ (medio) peso rose-red, a four margined example with small nick at top in margin but not into the frameline, Type A, from position 1 of the fourth row of the Transfer, cancelled by dotted CONCEPCION handstamp in black. Bargholtz Census Db12. A highly collectable example of this rarity. Cert. Fulpius (1950) Gi 4b = £ 4'750/Scott = $ 4'750.rnProvenance: Collection Stork, March 1975, lot 335; Collection Bustamente, Feb 1999, lot 30421; Collection Klaus Eitner, Corinphila sale 158, June 2009, lot 4063.Ausruf : 700 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 181 Peru
1858: 1 d. slate blue, single example used on July 1859 cover to Lima cancelled by dotted PASCO handstamp in black, underpaid for single rate (above 25 leagues), cancelled by two further strikes of framed PASCO handstamp in black (Emsing E61 = 50 pts) and taxed "1 r." due to pay in manuscript. A most unusual usage and a fine and rare cover.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 182 Peru
1858: 1 d. slate blue, a fine large margined example in a deep shade, used on 1859 cover to Genova tied by 'LIMA 1-2-3' dotted handstamp in black. From Colon carried on RMSP 'Thames' to St. Thomas where trans-shipped to the 'Shannon' arriving in Southampton on October 1, 1859.rnCharged at double rate on arrival with '2' in manuscript and '30' decimi due to pay (Oct 6). An attractive and scarce entire.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 183 Peru
1858: 1 d. slate blue, a fine large margined example used on 1859 cover to Tacna, cancelled by superb strike of ARICA / VAPOR datestamp (Sept 9) in black. The 'Vapor' cancellation (by sea) was used indiscriminately - Tacna being inland from the coastal port of Arica. An attractive cover. Signed Holcombe.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 184 Peru
1858: 1 d. slate blue, a fine large margined example in a deep shade, used on 1859 cover to Bordeaux via Panama, tied by 'Admon. Pral De Correos / Tacna' cds in black (Nov 21). Transit of British P.O. ARICA cds in black and thence via PSNC Steamer to Panama, from there on the RMSP 'Medway' to St. Thomas where trans-shipped to the 'Plata' arriving in Southampton on January 1, 1860. Anglo-French accountancy marking 'GB / 2F 87½ c.' applied in London and charged double rate of '24' décimes upon arrival. A fine cover.rnProvenance: Collection G. Lamy.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 185 Peru
1858: 1 d. slate blue, a used example with clear to large margins all round, used on 1859 entire letter from Callao to Lima endorsed 'Urgente' with "on the train leaving at half past nine" tied by dotted 'Callao' handstamp in blue with circular datestamp adjacent in blue (June 27). A fine entire with large frame break below 'N' of 'UN' at base.rnProvenance: Collection E. M. de Bustamente; Collection Klaus Eitner, Corinphila sale 158, June 2009, lot 4079.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 140 CHFLosnr. : 186 Peru
1858: 1 d. slate-blue, used example on 1859 entire letter to Genova, Italy tied by dotted LIMA handstamp in black. Endorsed 'via Panama y Inglaterra' at top, no transits but reverse with seven different Italian cancellations including 'Retrodato' in red and Genova eventual arrival (July 31). Charged at double rate with '3' decimi due in manuscript.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 120 CHFLosnr. : 187 Peru
1858: 1 d. slate blue, used example with clear to large margins all round, tied to 1859 large part entire letter to Brioude, France endorsed 'voie de Panama' by 'Tacna' despatch cds (Dec 31). ARICA British P.O. cds at right and thence via London where "GB / 2F 87½c." Accountancy marking applied (Feb 1) and charged '12' décimes due on arrival. One flap missing but an attractive cover.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 188 Peru
Losnr. : 189 Peru
Postal Fraud 1858: 1 d. slate blue, two narrow margined examples used on August 1859 entire letter from Pisco to Lima, each stamp previously cancelled by dotted 'Lima' handstamps in black and applied in an attempt to defraud the Post Office. The clerk in Pisco noticed the deception and wrote "Usadas" alongside the adhesives and struck his straight line PISCO handstamp (Emsing E56 = 150 pts) in black and annotated "4 rs." due (double the original deficiency). A most unusual and very rare entire. Cert. Moorhouse (2014).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 190 Peru
1858: 1 d. pale blue, a very fine horizontal pair, used on May 17, 1860 entire letter cancelled by superb fancy framed oval CUZCO handstamp (Emsing E25 = 50 pts) in black. A fine and scarce entire - the 2 dinero franking paying the rate for above 25 leagues. Signed Bühler.Ausruf : 175 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 191 Peru
Losnr. : 192 Peru
1858: 1 d. slate blue, two vertical pairs with margins all round (and each sheet marginal), used on March 20, 1859 double rate cover (above 25 leagues) from Arequipa to Lima endorsed 'Por Vapor' at base, cancelled by dotted AREQUIPA handstamps in blue with, below, straight line VAPOR ship marking in black. Slight bleach stains at left but a very scarce usage.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 193 Peru
Losnr. : 194 Peru
1858: 1 p. red, a fine large margined example with small portion of adjoining stamp at top (note frame-break at base below 'A' of UNA) used on December 1860 cover to Lima cancelled by dotted TRUX handstamp in black. File fold well away from adhesive, a fine cover. Opinion Holcombe (1993).Ausruf : 175 CHFZuschlag : 175 CHFLosnr. : 195 Peru
Losnr. : 196 Peru
1858: 1 p. red, a fine horizontal pair with large margins all round, used on May 18, 1860 cover from Arequipa to Lima carried at double rate and endorsed 'pr. Correo y Vapor' at upper left, each stamp cancelled by dotted AREQUIPA handstamps in black. A scarce franking. Cert. Moorhouse (2010).Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 197 Peru
1858: 1 p. red, two examples with good to large margins all round, one with portion of adjoining stamp at base, used on June 22, 1859 cover from Trujillo to Lima carried at double rate, each cancelled by bold strikes of TRUX dotted handstamps in black. Minor cover imperfections but a scarce franking. Cert. Moorhouse (2010).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauft
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