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Losnr. : 1471 Scadta
1923 (Jan. 1): The pair of large postal stationery envelopes 30 c. green and 50 c. deep blue used for carrying the 'two cover system' letters to Barranquilla, both with inscription in German printed on the inside of the flap of each. A fine unused pair, see Gebauer Handbook on page 86.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1472 Scadta Konsularpost
1930 (10. Nov.): Aerogiro money transfer form SERVICIO BOLIVARIANO DE TRANSPORTES AEREOS for 'cinquenta pesos legal' (50) to be sent from Magangué to Cartagena franked on front with Scadta 1929 1 peso blue and on reverse with revenue 2 c. red, both tied by Scadta Magangué cds. and "Cartagena 13.XI.1930" cds. on arrival. Fine and scarce usage.
Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 1473 Scadta Konsularpost
1928 (26. Apr.): Aerogiro money transfer form SERVICIO DE TRANSPORTES AEREOS EN COLOMBIA for 'ciento diez pesos oro' to be sent from Medellin to Barranquilla franked on front with Scadta 1923 2 pesos red orange tied by Medellin cds. and on reverse with revenue 2 x 1 c. horiz. pair tied on arrival by "Barranquilla 28.IV.1928" cds., fine and scarce usage.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 1474 Scadta
1921/38: Lot 50 Scadta related airmail covers, cards or front of coverswith interesting usages and frankings, incl. 20 items from Germany with Scadta 1921 30c. green on envelope from Cologne / Köln, German Catapult mail (2), 1928/29 mail without Scadta adhesives(4), Scadta 10c. mint stationery card, usages from Manizales and Pereira as well as 1929 first flight Curaçao - Cristobal franked with marine insurance stamps.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 1475 Scadta
1921/1963: Remainder of exhibition collcetion in three volumes comprising the era from SCADTA to AVIANCA, including the different stamp issues and their usages on covers cards and stationery items, starting with the third SCADTA issue compl. mint set to 5 pesos plus nine covers of which three used in Neiva, Cartagena or Honda and one registered handstamped 'R' Type I on 20 c red brown, Scadta 1923 issue compl. set to 5 p. used, 10 c. postal stationery card uprated with National postage 1 c. and 5 c. from Medellin to Paris (26.VIII.25), 1 peso strip of four with variety missing motor plus 10 c. 15 c. and 5 pesos on part of parcel address from "Barranquilla 9.V.1928", Provisional 30 on 20 c. and 30 on 60 c. each on cover, first flight Bucaramanga - Puerto Wilches, two covers with the second issue of the Norte-Santander labels, two items of the 'Primer Correo Colombia - Ecuador' (1928) of which one sent as official mail 'OFL', 1929 airmail issue for Ecuador the compl. mint set of eleven values to 25 s. including registration stamp, further diff. SCADTA advertising cancellations. The second volume starts with 1928 Mendez Goodwill flight, 1929 compl. used set of 14 values incl. registration stamp together with first flights and foreign destinations, further some official mail, two crash mail covers (Dec. 22, 1930) and (March 10, 1934, Nierinck 340310), 1932 (Jan. 1) compl. mint set of 14 incl. registration stamp issued under the ADELCA administration, continuing with AVIANCA in the third volume with more than 70 covers. Viewing recommended.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 1476 Scadta Konsularpost
Alemania (Germany) 1923 (Feb. 13): Handstamped 'A' (Type 1) on Scadta 1921 20 c. red brown horizontal pair applied to large SCADTA 30 c. postal stationery envelope cancelled in transit "Barranquilla 19. III.1923" in combination with German Reich 'Post Horn' 1922 30 Mk brown in a vertical block of ten (foreign rate), all cancelled by Hamburg datestamps in black with' Barranquilla Recibo' handstamp on reverse. Envelope slightly trimmed at top, small part of flap missing, nevertheless a rare and early usage.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 1477 Scadta Konsularpost
1921/23: Album page with complete set of eleven values handstamped large 'A' (Type I) to 5 peso, all unused o.g. examples, the peso values with cert. Sismondo (2004), some glazing on 2 p. and 3 p. otherwise fine, further 1923 envelope from " REETZ 8.2.23" fanked with handstamped large 'A' on Scadta 1921 30 c. green in combination with twelve values of German Reich in total 300 Mk. to Barranquilla with arrival mark (March 11). Envelope little soiled, but a scarce franking Scott = $ 350 for single franking, $ 830 for the unused set.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 1478 Scadta Konsularpost
1921/23: Lot three envelopes from Germany to Colombia, all franked with handstamped large 'A' on Scadta 1921 issue in mixed franking with German Reich, including 30 c. green single franking from "Reetz 20.6.23" to "Barranquilla Jul. 22.1923", Scadta 20 c. red brown horizontal pair plus 30 c. green from 'Hamburg 3.8.23" to "Bogota 5.IX.1923" as well as registered envelope (trimmed on top and opened at right) from "Lörrach 19.9.23" franked with 2 peso and marginal corner copy of 20 c. red brown without additional 'R' handstamp for registration, underpaid with 500 TMk showing red marking 'Gebühr bezahlt' (paid in cash) sent via "Barranquilla 29.IX.1923" to Bogota. A fine and interesting trio.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 1479 Scadta Ausg. für Ecuador
Losnr. : 1480 Scadta Ausg. für Ecuador
1928 (Aug. 28): The 'unissued' variety '75 Cts. 75' on Scadta 15 c. carmine, mint example of this contentious stamp, listed and unpriced in most catalogues, fresh an a very fine copy with large part original gum. A rarity of Airmail philately. Cert. Holcombe (1991) in which he states only 24 copies of this surcharge were reported to have been made. Ex Harmer-Rooke, London 1965, lot 328. Gebauer 2 ECa, Mi 2F = € 12'000Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 4.200 CHFLosnr. : 1481 Scadta Ausg. für Ecuador
1928 (Aug. 28): Provisional overprint on Scadta, 45 degree, the set of five values mint plus registration stamp together with nine used copies of which three usages on piece as well as another mint set of four including registration stamp showing overprint 41 degree. A rare set. Scott = $ 1'345 only for the unused stamps.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 1482 Ecuador
Losnr. : 1483 Scadta Ausg. für Ecuador
1928/29: Provisional Overprints, group of four envelopes, including 75 s. on 15 c. horizontal pair used on domestic flight cover from "Guayaquil 22. Oct. 1928" to Payta, envelope from "Esmeralda 20. Ene. 1929" to Gayaquil franked with Ecuador 10 c. plus 1 s. ond 20 c. grey, 1 1/2 s. on 30 c. blue plus Ecuador 10 c. black on envelope from Esmeralda to Cartagena (1929) as well as 75 s.on 15 c. carmine with Ecuador 10 c. black on flown cover to Berlin-Friedenau, tied by SCADTA "Guayaquil 26.III.1929" advertising machine postmark in German Langauge (sic!) with Barranquilla transit mark (29.3.) on reverse, a scarce stamp used on cover.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 1484 Scadta Konsularpost
Mexico 1928 (14.Aug.): Colombia 2 c. rose red stationery card endorsed 'POR HIDRAVION' from Monterey, Mexico dated Aug. 27. with added 1923 Scadta 15 c. carmine both with 'de Mexico' handstamps in violet, carried outside the mail to Barranquilla were it was entered to the airmail and sent by Scadta to "Bogota 18.VIII.1925". Card with vertical filing crease not affecting the adhesive, a rare and attractive usage.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 1485 Scadta Konsularpost
San Salvador (Jul. 1): Registered first flight envelope to Bogota, franked with San Salvador airpost 40 c. and National postage 1 colon in combination with Scadta 1929 Gold currency for international Airmail 5 c. and 20 c., tied by special cancel in violet, showing flight cachets in magenta alongside and San Salvador registration handstamp, sent via "Barranquilla 6. JUL.1931" to "Bogota 7.VII.31" and returned to sender. A scarce acceptance with all transit and arrival marks on reverse. Muller 39Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 1486 Scadta Konsularpost
Sweden 1927 (Nov. 2): Large registered envelope (23,2 x 15,6 cm) franked with Scadta 1924 machine overprinted 'Su' on 10 c. green plus 5 peso olive and 20 c. registration stamp (R '12 mm') in combination with Swedish National postage 2.85 Kr., all neatly tied by Stockholm datestamps sent via "Barranquilla 23.XI.1927" to Bogota with arrival mark on reverse (28.11.). A fine and scarce 5 peso frankingAusruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 2.400 CHFLosnr. : 1487 Scadta Konsularpost
Switzerland 1933 (Nov. 30): Light weight envelope with imprint: 'SOCIETE DES NATIONS / LEAGUE OF NATIONS' franked with Officials 2 Fr. and 2 x 30 cts. tied by "Geneve Société des Nations 30.XI.33" via New York and "Barranquilla 14.XII.33" to "Bogota 15.XII.1933" and forwarded by "Correo Aereo Militar 15. Dic. 1933" to Leticia / Amazones. Upper right corner of envelope defective and small part of flap missing, but a very rare Military usage.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 950 CHFLosnr. : 1488 Scadta Konsularpost
Venezuela 1925 (20. July): Handstamped large 'V' (12 mm) on Scadta 30 c. blue together with Colombia National postage 3 c.tied by Scadta Barranquilla cds. (20.VII.1925) on envelope to Bogota, backstamped July 22 in red and black on reverse. Scadta stamp presumably used in Puerto Cabello, cover numbered '367', with brown spots at bottom and some edge wear, nevertheless a fine and rare usage. Gebauer V37, Cert. A. Rendon (2006).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 1489 Scadta
1921: Registration Handstamp 'R' Types I - III on third Scadta issue - album page with small handstamp overprint study of the different types in blue or violett on seven single values, including two varieties as type III inverted on 20 c. red brown and type I inverted on 30 c. green, further a registered envelope franked with horiz. strip of three 30 c. plus National postage and handstamp type I on 20 c. red brown as registration fee on envelope to Bogota as well as type III (11 mm high) handstamped in red on Scadta 1923 15 c. carmine used on small piece.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 1490 Scadta Konsularpost
1921/31: Collection of Consular mail with 50 covers and mint sets machine overprinted Scadta stamps, including three forerunner, one from Germany and two from USA franked with Scadta 1920/21 first issue 30 c. black on rose, further compl. set of eleven of machine ovpt. 'A' (Germany) with ten usages on cover of which two from Austria, compl. set of eleven values with machine ovpt. 'B' (Belgium) incl. registration stamp with three covers, machine ovpt. 'E' (Spain) compl. mint set incl. registration stamp plus compl. mint set of 13 values of the Gold Dollar issue for international airmail with one cover from Barcelona, USA with the two Meija signed Unicolores 30 c. and 50 c., handstamped 'E.U.' singles and usage on cover, machine ovpt. with part set used and three covers, machine ovpt. 'F' (France) the complete mint set of twelve and three covers, inverted ovpt.of handstamped 'G.B.' on 30 c. used on cover and 2 peso usage on large envelope, machine ovpt. 'H' (Netherlands) compl. set of twelve and four covers of which two franked with Gold Dollar issue, part set of machine ovpt. 'I' (Italy) to 50 c. and pair of 30 c. used on envelope to Medellin, machine ovpted. 'P' (Panama) complete set of twelve together with 6 c. and 1 p in two unused compl. sheets of 25, two covers from Peru and Venezuela, compl. mint sets of machine ovpted. 'Su' (Sweden) and 'S' (Switzerland), un-overprinted 30 c. used on cover from Costa Rica to Medellin (1924) as well as some later acceptances from 1932 onwards from France, Austria (2), Liechtenstein (1) and Morocco (1). Viewing recommended.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 4.800 CHFLosnr. : 1491 Scadta
Second Issue 1920 (March 6): Album page with 10 centavos green lithographed by C. Valiente in Barranquilla , incl. block of four showing the basic setting together with vertical strip of four, both unused, as well as small piece bearing C.C.N.A. addhesive and National postage 3 c. cancelled by oval Cartagena Agency handstamp and "Correo Aereo Cartagena-Colombia" datestamp, scarce.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1492 Scadta
Third Issue 1920 (October 20): Trial Printing in brick red of the 10 c. green value in an unused marginal block of four featuring pos. 17 + 18, 23 + 24, 'Plane over mountains' and' Plane over lighthouse' showing on pos. 23, the 're-cut mountain' variety. Only few sheets know beeing printed in red from the 'Green' plate and in this rare shade to date only 2 blocks of four known. Extremely rare and desirable, signed Cole, illustrated in Colombia Workbook part III, page 91. Cert. Moorhouse (2016).Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1493 Scadta
Losnr. : 1494 Scadta
Third Issue 1920 (October 20): Group of 20 vignettes, all unused without gum, including 10 c. green, two single copies in the diff. designs of first setting and in a se-tenant block of four, further second setting 10 c dark carmine block of four, vertical tête-bêche strip of four as well as block of six of lower left corner sheet showing 'juxta position' with imprint 'C.VALIENTEM LITOGRAFO B'QUILLA'.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1495 Scadta
Losnr. : 1496 Scadta
Losnr. : 1497 Scadta
1927/28: Correo Rapido,4 c. green on yellow used on 1927 (March 21) flown cover, other franked with 4 c. horizontal pair plus single copy showing variety 'rapidn' used 1928 (Aug. 10) on cover, both showing additonal 1923 SCADTA and National postage frankings from Cucuta to Bogota via Bucamaranga.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 1498 Scadta
1921/23: Lot several hundred Scadta stamps in mint sheets or part sheets, incl. 1921 10 c. slate green in total 32 compl. sheets of 25 values each, 20 c. red brown in four compl. sheets, all with full sheet margins (some with slightly splitted perfs., just be mentioned), 60 c. vermilion 55 examples, some in strips of ten, as well as 1923 machine overprinted 'EU' on 20 c. grey 175 examples in compl. sheets or part sheets Scott = $7855.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1499 Scadta
1922/1950ca.: Lot 150 airmail covers and front of covers showing interesting Scadta frankings up to 3 pesos, mainly commercial airmail used within Colombia, incl. 1926 COSADA First Flight Bucaramanga to Puerto Wiches (March 27), four covers with meter mark frankings as well as some incoming mail, condition varies, but a fine and interesting group.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 1500 Scadta Konsularpost
Argentine - Uruguay 1923: Handstamped 'A-U.' (7 mm instead of 8 mm) in black, unused part set of nine values including the high values from 1 p. to marginal 5 p., all with original gum, top value (small diagonal gum bend) certified by Moorhouse (2016), otherwise fresh and fine. Only 25 sets overprinted with small font, illustrated and described in The Workbook, Part III The Colombian Airmails by Dieter Bortfeldt on page 18.Ausruf : 700 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 1501 Scadta Konsularpost
Argentine - Uruguay 1923: Handstamped 'A-U.' (7 mm instead of 8 mm) in black on used set of eleven values to 5 pesos, 10 c. slightly tropicalised perfs, otherwise a fine and scarce used set of only 25 with small font in total. Illustrated in The Workbook, Part III The Colombian Airmails by Dieter Bortfeldt on page 188.Ausruf : 800 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1502 Scadta Konsularpost
Alemania (Germany) - Foreunner 1920: Envelope from 'Farbwerke Meister Lucius & Brüning Hoechst am Main' sent reg'd under two cover system to the Scadta Agency in Bogota, franked with 60 c. pale green and National postage 2x 3 c. green, all tied by Scadta Barranquilla handstamp in red (without date), also showing boxed 'Recomendado al senor Agente de la Scadta para entrega personal' alongside and taxed with 40 c. in manuscript. Fine early usage.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1503 Scadta Konsularpost
Alemania 1922/23: Handstamped large 'A' (20 mm) in black on compl. set of eleven values to 5 p. without registration stamp, all unused with original gum together with an used part-set of eight values to 1 peso grey black, fresh and fine Scott = $ 1'000, Michel = € 1'300.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1504 Scadta Konsularpost
Losnr. : 1505 Scadta Konsularpost
Alemania 1926 (May 6): Parcel address franked with German Reich 5 Pfg. and pair of 40 Pfg. from Hamburg, in combination with Machine overprinted 'A' on Scadta 1923 30 c., 50 c. (4) and vert. pair of 2 p., all tied in transit by SCATA "Barranquilla 30.V.26" cds. to Bogota. 2 pesos with minimal bends and slight scratch on top left corner, otherwise a fine and high franking.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1506 Scadta
Austria 1930 (April 14): Colombia 4 c. stationery envelope to Cali franked on reverse with Austria 2 Gr. + 18 Gr. + 20 Gr. tied by "Wien 14.IV.30" in combination with Canal Zone Airmail 20 c. on 2 c. carmine tied by "Cristobal C.Z. Apr. 27" duplex and Scadta Gold Currency 5 c. yellow orange (2) and 15 c. green plus Colombian National postage 1 c. green pair plus 2 c. carmine tied by boxed Buenoventura handstamp and backstamped "Cali 29 ABR.1930" on reverse. Envelope opened on three sides for display, fine and scarce usage of Gold Dollar issue from Austria Kohl Austria Airmail catalogue 12BAusruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1507 Scadta Konsularpost
Belgium 1929 (Nov. 15): Registered envelope from "Cointe 15.XI.1929" to Cali, franked with 1929 Express Delivery set of four values plus King Albert I. 10 Fr. lilac carmine in combination on reverse of cover with SCADTA 5 c. yellow block of four 10 c. red-brown, 20 c. registration stamp plus National postage 1 c. + 2 c. + 4 c., each in blocks of four tied in transit by "Barranquilla11.XII.1929" cds. and registration handstamp in violett. Envelope opened on three sides for display, scarce acceptance.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 1508 Scadta Konsularpost
Canada 1923: Handstamped 'CA.' (7 mm) in black on used part set of eleven values to 5 pesos including registration stamp (minor ageing), 50 c. missing and 15 c. with slightly browned perfs. at upper right, otherwise fine. A very scarce set, illustrated in The Workbook, Part III The Colombian Airmails by Dieter Bortfeldt on page 195 Scott = $ 2'560.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 1509 Scadta Konsularpost
Great Britain 1923: Machine overprinted 'GB' on Scadta Consular 1 p. blackish-grey showing variety: double impression, used. The double impression of the original Scadta stamp is particulary noticeable in the text of the banner above the central vignette. A fine and scarce variety with 'Kessler' guarantee on reverse. Cert. Moorhouse (2016) Scott = US$ 1'250.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1510 Scadta Konsularpost
Great Britain 1926 (Aug 21): Large commercial cover from London to Bogota, franked with GB adhesives (5) for 1 shilling 11 ½ d. rate in combination with machine ovptd 'GB' on Scadta 3 peso, 5 peso (gum and water stains) and excessively rare 1 peso with variety 'double print' of stamp, all tied by Barranquilla cds's and backstamped "Bogota 8. IX. 1926" on arrival. Envelope with vertical and horizontal folds away from Scadta stamps. A rarity, Gebauer GB 56 var. (as 69b), GB 57 and GB 58 Scott = US$ 1'250 for variety.
Provenance: Collection Eugenio Gebauer, Corinphila sale 136/2003 - lot 258Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 1511 Scadta Konsularpost
Panama 1923: Machine optd 'P' on Scadta Consular 60 c. yellow-brown showing variety double impression of the basic stamp, used with part Scadta cds. in red. The two impressions are very close together, but particularly noticeable in the imprint at the bottom of the central vignette. A very scarce stamp and to date the only known copy. Cert. Moorhouse (2016) Scott = not listed.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 1512 Scadta Konsularpost
Venezuela 1921: Handstamped 'V' (8 mm) in black or red on Scadta Consular mint part set to 3 p., the top value with cert. Moorhouse (2016) 10 c. + 50 c. + 1 p. ovpt. in red and 30 c. in two diff. shades, together with block of four of 60 c. vermilion, all mint with part original gum, a scarce group Scott = $ 1'150, Michel = € 2'390.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1513 Costa Rica
Villaneuva de San José 1804/21: Fronts (12) and a cover, with early handstamps, mostly very fine, of italic "San José" handstamp in red (Guinovart & Tizon 2 = RR) mostly mailed to the Tobacco concession in Guatemala City, one rated '52' and another '67' in manuscript ((5 items); also five further fronts all addressed to Leon struck with oval framed "Villaneuva" handstamps in black (Guinovart & Tizon 1 = RR) and a large part Printed Matter rate cover to San José franked by 1889 5 c. orange tied by scarce oval ADMON DE CORREOS / PUNTA ARENA oval handstamp in violet and by 'San Jose' arrival cds in black.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 525 CHFLosnr. : 1514 Costa Rica
Losnr. : 1515 Costa Rica
1883: 2 c. black stationery cards (H&G 1), two used examples each up-rated with 1883 1 c. green, one used to Bremen the other with initial 'T' mark in violet applied in Cartago and returned for postage prior to mailing to USA, also an internal usage from Cartago to San Jose.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1516 Costa Rica
1886: 5 c. blue postal stationery envelopes (H&G B1+B2), with 5 c. blue envelope unused and mis-cut showing the image halved on front and partial impression on reverse, 10 c. orange envelope with double impression variety unused, also used examples of the 5 c. (2) and 10 c. A good group.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 170 CHFLosnr. : 1517 Costa Rica
Losnr. : 1518 Costa Rica
1890: 2 c. green on buff postal stationery cards (3), one to Brussels with fine oval CORREOS DE ESPARTA handstamp in green, another used to Curacao in 1898 up-rated with 1 c. blue green mailed via Colon, and an 1896 usage to USA taxed on arrival with US Postage Due 2 c. lake-red. A scarce group.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1519 Costa Rica
1890: 5 c. orange postal stationery envelope (H&G B3) used with defective 5 c. orange to Dresden, 10 c. brown postal stationery envelope (H&G B4), a fine used example to Germany with oval SAN CARLOS handstamp in blue, 1903 10 c. brown postal stationery envelope (H&G B6) to Switzerland up-rated with 1901 5 c. and 20 c., also a front of 10 c. envelope used with 1901 10 c. tied by scarce AR / DEP. DE CERTIFICADOS / SAN JOSE cachet in violet and a 1926 Costa Rica / Canal Zone First Flight cover (5 items).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 1520 Costa Rica
1903/47: The specialised collection on leaves of Postal Stationery envelopes optd. for Official use, with 1903 10 c. envelope variously surcharged incl. SECRETARIA / DE / HACIENDA / SERVIZIO / OFICIAL with surcharge double (Mena unlisted), 'Wage Form' envelope optd. PAGADURIA NACIONAL in black (Mena unlisted) unused (2) and used, 1923/24 'Juan Mora' issue (H&G B12/B13) with Die Proofs in black of issued 2 c. and 5 c. and unissued 15 c. values, Colour Trial Proofs (16) on cream laid or white wove paper in blue, green, red and black; large format composite value Proofs of the design (8) in same colours; 1923/24 envelopes optd. SERVIZIO OFICIAL with one inverted unused, two examples of the 2 c. green optd LIBRE / DE PORTE unused, 13 c. envelope in green with same opt, Proofs of the 2 c. and 5 c. values with upper and lower case 'Secretaria / de / Hacienda / Official' (16 items), 1947 Officical Airmail envelope with Colombus Fleet design (6, unused and used for different departments); 1963 National Congress issue designs etc. A marvellous collection of seldom seen material.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 1521 Ecuador
1866: 4 r. red, a diagonally bisected example used on 1869 cover to Arequipa, Peru tied by bold strike of 'Guayaquil / Franca' datestamp (Sept 26) in blue. Reverse with Lima transit cds (Oct 1) in black. A scarce and charming cover. Signed G. Bolaffi, A. Bolaffi. Certs. Philatelic Foundation (1968), A. Diena (1973) Scott = $ 1'600.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 1522 Ecuador
1871/72: 1 r. yellow on greyish blue surfaced paper, fine mint example marginal from base of sheet (position 86) with large part og., and a vertical pair with just clear to good margins all round, used on large part cover to Riobamba cancelled by rare fancy CHIMBO circular handstamp in black Scott = $ 1'000+.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 1523 Guatemala
1804/18c.: Large complete envelope from Antigua, Guatemala to Guatemala City, endorsed at top 'No. 27, Julio 8, Paquete 45¼ rs.' and further endorsed "45 rs." on front panel below superb strike of framed 'A. Guatemala' handstamp in black. A superb strike of an extremely rare marking (Guinovart & Tizon 2 = RR).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 1524 Guatemala
1845c.: Cover from Güegüetenango to Guatemala City with superlative strike of italic "Güegüet.o" handstamp in black at upper left (Guinovart & Tizon 2), faint framed QUEZAL / TENANGO in red at right and handstruck rate marking '2' (reales) in red. A fine and attractive cover.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1525 Guatemala
Provincia e Intendencia de Guatemala 1802/45c.: Cover collection (16 items) with fine strikes of framed QUEZAL / TENANGO in black both in Colonial period and Republican usages struck in brown or red; cover with italic "Güegüet.o" handstamp in black and unframed 'Franca' alongside, TOTONI / CAPAM with Colonial usage in black (G & T 1 = RR) and another with Republican period usage in black on cover rated '2' with red handstamp, cover from Chimaltenango with italic "Chimalt.go" in black and another prepaid with 'Franco' below, scarce "Peten" on Colonial front, cover with framed "Mazatenango" in black; scarce front with framed CHIQUI. / MULA in black annotated 'Pagado' alongside etc. ;Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1526 Honduras
Provincia de Honduras 1789/1810c.: Three fronts to Gracias a Dios, Llanos or Truxillo; each struck with framed COMA / YAGUA handstamps in red, black and brown respctively (Guinovart & Tizon 1 = R); also a front to Guatemala City rated '32' reales with straight line METAPAN (Salvador) handstamp in black (G&T 1 = RR).Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 140 CHFLosnr. : 1527 Mexiko
1856/74: Covers/entire letters (6), with 1856 2 r. green used on 1858 cover from Guadalajara to Mazatlan, 1862 entire from Pachuca franked by 1861 1 r. black on green tied by two line 'Franco En / Pachuca' in black, 1868 6 c. brown (5/71) in a fine imperforate horizontal strip of four used on October 1871 entire from San Luis Potosi to Salinas, 1868 25 c. on cover, 1872 25 c. red on cover from Lagos, 1874 25 c. on cover ex Durango.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 1528 Mexiko
1899: Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. printer's salesman's sample for the 1899/1903 issue with 1 c. in blue-green (issued in green), 3 c. in violet (issued in orange-brown), 10 c. in orange & blue (as issued in 1903), 15 c. in blue & rose (issued in lavender & claret), 20 c. in black & blue-green (issued in dark blue & rose), 50 c. in black & blue (issued in black & red-lilac), 1 p. in black & orange (issued in black & blue) and 5 p. in black & brown (issued in black & carmine); all eight Imperforate and affixed to card, perforated SPECIMEN horizointally. A delightful and rare group.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 1529 Mexiko
1910: Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. printer's salesman's sample for the Independence issue with 1 c. in green (issued in violet), 2 c. in steel blue (issued in green), 3 c. in red-brown (issued in orange-brown), 5 c. in dull blue (issued in orange), 10 c. in black & red (issued in orange & blue), 50 c. in black & carmine (issued in black & red-brown), 1 p. in brown & orange (issued in black & blue) and 5 p. in black & blue (issued in black & carmine), all affixed to salesman's card and perforated SPECIMEN horizontally at base. A delightul and extremely rare group.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 1530 Mexiko
Losnr. : 1531 Mexiko
Spanish Expeditionary Force 1861 (Dec 22): Entire letter written from San Juan Bautista to Bordeaux franked by Antilles 1857 1 r. green on unwatermarked white paper, shaved at base, tied by circular CORREOS VERA CRUZ negative handstamp in black. Transferred eventually to British Post Office in Vera Cruz with double arc cds (March 4, 1862), thence via London (March 31) and struck there with framed 'GB / 1F 60c.' Accountancy handstamp in black, charged '8' décimes handstruck on arrival. A wonderful and extremely rare entire.
Note: The Spanish Occupation of the area around Vera Cruz, under Field Marshall Juan Prim, lasted from December 17, 1861 until the end of April, 1862.Ausruf : 5.000 CHFZuschlag : 10.500 CHFLosnr. : 1532 Nicaragua
Provincia e Intendencia de Nicaragua 1800/19c.: Fronts (3), with framed LEON in blue on front rated '4' reales to Nicaragua (Guinovart & Tizon 2 = R), and another with oval framed MASAYA handstamp in black rated 6 reales in manuscript (G&T 1 = RRR), third item rated 15 reales with framed GRA. / NADA in brown addressed to Leon (G&T 1 = R).Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1533 Peru
1809: Registered cover to Santiago to Chile with eight '#' surrounding cover to denote registration, struck with fine straight line FRANCA (Guinovart & Tizon 17 = RRR) and two line CERTIFICACION / A LIMA in red (Guinovart & Tizon 19 = RRR). Internally docketed as received inside. Some peripheral aging but scarce and attractive dated usage.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1534 Peru
Losnr. : 1535 Peru
1883: American Bank Note Co. archive Proofs for the first Peru postal and reply stationery card, with the original rough ink drawings for proposed 4 cent card on lined paper endorsed on reverse 'Modelo no. 1', and the reply card (endorsed 'Modelo no. 2') with annotations of 'respuesta pagada' etc., together with a fabulous sunken Die Proof for 4 c. value in black with further printing above for 3 c. or 5 c. possibilities and below in figures above Arms dated in manuscript "Mch 16/80" in red crayon and at left with numberrs required for the Peruvian Post Office: 200'000 'fives', 300'000 'fours' and 200'000 'threes'. Unique and splendid Proofs.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 1536 Peru
Losnr. : 1537 Peru
Losnr. : 1538 Peru
1884: 4 c. + 4 c. black optd. in blue postal stationery cards, H&G 11, a very scarce used example mailed from Lima (Jan 11, 1884) to Valparaiso (Jan 22) and then returned back (to Paul Ascher). The card was issued on January 9, written on January 11. Exceptional usage and without doubt the earliest recorded use of this card. Rare.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 1539 Peru
1884: 5 c. + 5 c. black postal stationery reply cards, a fresh mint example, each with 'Peru / Sun / Correos' imprint at top struck in brown (issued with pink imprint). Exceptional condition for this exceedingly rare error, unrecorded in Higgins & Gage, reported by Munk (page 10). As H&G 12a var.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 1540 Peru
1884: 4 c. black optd. in red/pink postal stationery card, H&G 8, a very scarce used example to Stafford, Smith in Brighton, England cancelled by 'Lima / Principal' cds (March 27). Tiny closed nick in card at right but rare - believed to be the second earliest recorded usage of this card.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 1541 Peru
1883/84: Collection of the elusive first two issues of postal stationery cards, H&G 1/12 inclusive, with fine unused examples of each card and a few used items incl. 1884 3 c. black on white and green (H&G 7) used (illustrated in Moll on page 11), 1884 4 c. card (H&G 11) used from Chiclayo to Germany etc. A fine and scarce group (17 items).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 1542 Peru
1886: Postal Stationery envelopes collection (H&G B6/B10) all with blue oval 'Correos del Peru / Emision Habilitado', with 2 c. blue on buff unused, 5 c. green unused (2, one on laid paper), 10 c. red unused (4, one in reduced size format) and used (12, some up-rated), 20 c. violet unused (3) and two up-rated used examples to Germany and USA and rare 50 c. carmine envelope up-rated with three adhesives and sent registered to Germany.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 1543 Peru
1884: The collection of postal stationery cards (H&G 13/15), with 1 c. in yellow on 5 c. card unused (2) and rare example used in 1886 from Chiclayo, 2 c. in blue on 5 c. black cards unused (8, showing different types) and used (5), incl. up-rated example from Lima, scarce example used from 'Yauli', 2 c. + 2 c. in blue on 5 c. black reply cards unused (3) and up-rated used example.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1544 Peru
1884: The collection of cards further imprinted with figures at right, H&G 16/21, with 23 unused examples and 19 used, however with little duplication due to different stock cards, colour varieties of the newly added figures of value, mis-cut examples and an up-rated usage with 1 c. adhesive. A remarkable group in fine quality.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1545 Peru
1885/86: Collection of stationery cards, H&G 22/23, with issue of 1884 further overprinted, 30 examples with unused (10) and used (20, six are up-rated with adhesives), with varieties noted incl. one unused example with '3' printed double on H&G 22, further examples on different stock, cancellation interest etc. A fresh and generally fine group.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1546 Peru
Losnr. : 1547 Peru
Losnr. : 1548 Peru
1896: 3 c. vermilion postal stationery letter-cards (H&G A1) with unused (2) and used examples (6) incl. one with porinted Hotel advertisement on reverse and an up-rated example, also 1930 Leguia 10 c. red letterd-card unused and used.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 1549 Peru
1896/97: 1 c. in red on 5 c. black postal stationery cards with unused example and used examples (6) from Iquitos, up-rated example from Lima to USA with printed back and two further examples with cartoon illustrated backs (rare), 2 c. in blue on 5 c. in black on white card unused (4, small differences) and three unused examples. H&G 26/27.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 250 CHFLosnr. : 1550 Peru
1896/1901: Postal Stationery group (25 items) with Pizarro 1896 envelopes (H&G B11/B14) with 5 c. blue unused (3) and in violet used (2) also scarce 1901 used examples with smaller lettering, including up-rated registered example to Valparaiso with 'Unclaimed' label, 10 c. yellow unused (3) and used (3, one ex Sullana is illustrated in Moll), 20 c. orange unused (2) and rare example used; also 'Capoc' postal stationery wrappers.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 250 CHFLosnr. : 1551 Peru
1898: Post Office cards (H&G 28/30), with 1 c. in red on 5 c. black unused (4) and used (2, one up-rated), 2 c. blue on 5 c. black unused (6) and used (4) incl. one to Paris and returned to sender, 2 c. + 2 c. on 5 c. reply cards unused (5, slight opt. differences) and used up-rated example to Austria.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1552 Peru
1898: Postal Stationery cards, H&G 31/32, with colours changed, 1 c. green on 5 c. black unused (3) and used (7) of which one is up-rated and two appear to be used on first day of issue (Jan 1, 1898); 2 c. orange on 5 c. black cards unused (3) and used (4).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1553 Peru
1898: Postal Stationery cards (H&G 33/36), the collection of 24 cards unused and used, showing different colour stock, up-rated usages, with 3 c. red unused (3), and used (4 - one with stamp rewmoved but showing rare view in brown oin reverse mailed from Callao), 4 c. black unused and used (6), 3 c. + 3 c. red reply cards unused (4) and up-rated used example to Amsterdam, 4 c. + 4 c. cards unused (3) and used (2).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1554 Peru
1899/1901: Postal Stationery cards with '1900' and New Year message on reverse, H&G 45/48, with 1 c. blue unused and 2 c. red-lilac used (rare), 1901 Romana issue 1 c. unused (2) and 2 c. unused (3) and two scarce used examples.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1555 Peru
1899/1902: Postal Stationery wrappers with 1902 Local issue for Lima in green on buff stock unused and used (H&G E7), rare 1902 Romana 5 c. blue stationery envelope (H&G B15) unused, 1901 3 c. red letter-cards unused (2, different shades to Romana's vignette (H&G A3, 3a) and scarce 1899 3 c. letter-card with albino embossing used (H&G A2). Some with pen. A scarce group.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1556 Peru
1902: Postal Stationery cards, the selection (H&G 53, 55, 55a, 56), with 1 c. in blue on 3 c. black unused (2) and used (3, two are up-rated), 2 c. red on 3 c. black unused (2) and used (4) together with two further examples with 'Post Office' in both black and in red with internal usage and another up-rated to Berlin.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1557 Peru
Losnr. : 1558 Peru
1913: Postal Stationery selection, H&G 61/63, the scarce embossed UPU cards with 1 c. black used, 2 c. black unused (2, on different stock one is without embossing at left) and two used examples, one to Lima and another up-rated example to Senf in Germany, 4 c. black unused and a rare used example to Munich.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1559 Peru
1914/1919: Commemorative cards (H&G 64, 65), with 4 c. red card showing Callao Harbour in colour on back unused (1) and rare used examples (2), together with delightful 1919 2 c. patriotic card with printed 'Woodrow Wilson' address over Peru Flag, fine unused but for small nick at base (see Moll page 67). A very rare group of seldom seen cards.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1560 Salvador
1903: Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. printer's salesman's sample for the Morazán Monument 12 c. value in green (issued in slate), Fiscal 'Giros Tassa' 2 c. in claret and 'Timbre' 1 r. in deep blue, all three Imperforate and affixed to card, perforated SPECIMEN horizontally at base. A scarce group.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1561 Salvador
1899/1913: Covers/cards (5) with 1899 cover to USA via Zacapa & Puerto Barrios franked 1898 optd. 5 c. and 12 c., 1905 cover to Madrid franked by 1905 surcharged 1 c. and 2 c. used with 1903 10 c. from Izalco via Sonsonate; 2 c. brown on green stationery cards (2), one up-rated to Cöln with 1900 1 c., the other used with 1897 1 c. Coat of Arms (unaccepted and taxed) with circular '5 centimes' charge and '1½d.' due on arrival in London and 1913 registered Official cover to London.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 1562 Uruguay
Losnr. : 1563 Venezuela
1840 (Jan 22): Entire letter from Caracas to London with fine strike of large framed Forwarding Agent cachet of VALENTIN SALBOCH Y CA applied in La Guayra, oval "Guayra / Franca" handstamp in red below. Charged 2/3 d. due in manuscript on arrival in London (March 22) and rate checked by Inspector's Crown handstamp in red. Rate was found to be correct and '2/3d.' to pay again written at top. Entire opens well for display, a scarce usage. Opinion Holcombe (1990).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1564 Venezuela
1849 (Jan 5): Cover from La Guaira to Herrnhut, Saxony endorsed 'per Esther Sophie via Hamburg' and carried direct by German Ship, with various manuscript rates on obverse and reverse with SCHIFFSBRIEF - POST. / HAMBURG cds in black (March 7) and Hamburg cds alongside of the same day.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 1565 Venezuela
1850 (Dec 8): Entire letter from La Guayra to Bordeaux endorsed 'per W.I.Steamer' in manuscript, struck with fine CORREOS DE VENEZUELA / GUAYRA / FRANCA handstamp in black with '3' alongside, thence via British P. O. in ST. THOMAS with double arc cds (Dec 18) in black on reverse. London transit in red and framed 'Colonies / &c. Art 13' in red on front. Charged at double rate '30' décimes due on arrrival. Fresh and fine, signed Holcombe.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1566 Venezuela
1852: Entire letter to Herrnhut, Saxony endorsed 'pr. Steamer', struck on despatch with fine corcular CORREOS DE VENEZUELA / GUAYRA / FRANCA in black with '3' handstamp at left. Mailed via London with transit (Feb 27) on reverse in red (charge of 1/10d.' raised), thence via Aachen with red transit. 'Magdeburg - Leipzig' and 'Berlin - Minden' TPO's (Feb 29, leap year) also on reverse, charged '21½' due in blue ink on front of a scarce entire.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1567 Venezuela
1853 (Jan 22): Entire letter from Porto Cabello to Jacobstad, Finland endorsed 'via Ostend', mailed with circular CORREOS DE VENEZUELA / GUAYRA / FRANCA handstamp in black, via Forwarding Agent in London (March 9, manuscript notation and datestamp on reverse) where a charge of 1 shilling was raised, thence via Aachen with 'Aus England per Aachen' in red (March 11) and handstruck '3½ / Groschen' in black. A fine entire to a most unusual destination.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 1568 Venezuela
1824/52: Small group of pre-philatelic covers (7) with three 'Nueva Granada' usages: 1824 prepaid large part cover struck with BARINAS and FRANCA handstamps, 1837 cover prepaid to San Carlos cancelled TOCOYO / FRANCA and 1841 cover to Caracas cancelled CARORA straight; also 1827 and 1828 covers with oval framed 'Caracas / Franca' and 'Caracas / Debe' markings in black and 1850 unpaid and 1852 prepaid entires with circular 'Guaayra / debe' or 'Guayra / Franca' handstamps in black. Condition varies but a scarce group.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 1569 Venezuela
Postal Fraud 1865 (July 12): Eagle definitive ½ r. orange Postal Forgery, with fresh colour and good to large margins, tied by "ADMON LA GUAIRA JUL 12" cds to entire letter dated 'Julio 12 865' and mailed to Caracas. Entire toned and with archive crease but an extremely rare usage of this Postal Forgery on entire letter. See 'Estampillas de Venezuela' by Santiago Hernandez Ronpage 109 for further information.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1570 Venezuela
1881: Cover to Hamburg endorsed 'per French Steamer' franked by 1880 25 c. orange-yellow tied by neat 'Correos de Venezuela / Pto. Cabello' datestamp (May 30), carried on French Steamer 'Colombie' and struck on same day with fine octagonal PORTO-CABELLO / PAQ. FR. D. No.3 datestamp (Salles fig. 1510) in black. Reverse with Hamburg arrival cds (June 23). An attractive cover.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHF
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