staff members
Corinphila Switzerland
Antoine Clavel

Member of the European Academy of Philately (A.E.P.), member of the catalogue commission of the Swiss Stamps Catalogues (SBK) in the Swiss Stamp Dealers Association (SBHV/ASNP), member of the Postal history society.
Walter Brühlmann

Special Areas of Expertise: Switzerland, Europe and Overseas, Zeppelin and Airmail. Member of the Royal Philatelic Society London.
Gregory C. G. Todd

A.I.E.P. Expert for Afghanistan, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Mexico 1856 – 67, North Korea. Member of A.E.P., Mepsi, Bulgarian and Egypt Study Circles Fellow of the RPSL and National Philatelic Judge
Dr. Thomas Berger

Swiss Society for Postal History (vice chairman), Member of the ArGe Russia (editor), Bulgaria and the British Society of Russian Philately.
Karl Louis

Member of the International Organisation of Philatelic Experts (A.I.E.P.).
Catherine Frey

Nora Blattner