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Lot# : 1703 Russia
1863 (Nov 26): Ladies envelope with delightful embossed surround, sent stampless from Rostov on Don to Lausanne, Switzerland struck on despatch with Rostov cds in black on reverse. Front with framed 'Franco' in black and framed 'Aus Russland / Franco' in red. Reverse with Lausanne arrival cds (Dec 21, gregorian). A charming and unusual cover.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1704 Russia
1857 (Dec): 10 kop. brown & blue imperforate, a fine used example woth good rich colour and large margins all round, cancelled by unclear dotted numeral handstamp in black Mi = EUR 1'000.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 1705 Russia
1858: 30 kop. lilac-red & green perf. 14½ : 15, wmk'd colourless numeral '3', thick paper, fine used appearance (slightly washed out), cancelled by dotted numeral mark "39" of Ryazan. Signed Friedl and Ferchenbauer. Cert. Buchsbayew (2015) Mi = EUR 3'000.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1706 Russia
1865: 30 kop. rose carmine & yellow-green, a fine and fresh example in mint condition with minute hinge traces. Signiert A. Diena Zverev = $ 2'000.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1707 Russia
1884 (June 22): 1 kop. yellow & black, horizontally laid paper and 2 kop. olive-green, hor. laid paper in vert. strip of three, tied by Libava Kurland cds's to envelope, sent to Prague with TPO transit and Prag arrival cds's (July 7) on reverse. Signiert O. Winterstern.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1708 Russia
1883: 7 k. in red on 10 k. brown postal stationery envelope (Mi U28A / H&G B36), up-rated with Arms 2 k. black & rose-red and 5 k. black & lilac for registered single rate usage to Rio de Janeiro, tied by St. Petersburg cds's. Reverse with Rio de Janeiro arrival cds in red. A most unusual destination.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 1709 Russia
Ship Mail: Arms definitive 1 kop. orange (2) and 2 kop. green, tied by „ISMAIL BESSAR. 17 VIII 1903“ to Odessa picture postcard, sent to Tulcea Romania with arrival cds alongside (1 SEP. 03). The card shows in addition an extremely rare ship mail cachet “G.U.T.M.i.P. /Rus Dun Par / Par Bessarabets” in black which was added to mail transported by the Russian merchant fleet on the lower Danube.
Provenance: Collection Harry von Hofmann.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1710 Russia
1903: Arms definitive 1 kop. orange, tied by "ST. PETERSBURG 29.XII.1903» cds to attractive small Charity envelope of the Red Cross depicting an old Russian house, sent locally as a New Year»s greeting letter.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1711 Russia
1908: Arms definitive 2 kop. green, tied by St. Petersburg cds to small Charity envelope of the St. Petersburg Red Cross section depicting a colourful design with the mythological creature Alkonost, half woman, half bird. Envelope sent as printed matter to Luxembourg, a rare destination at that time with arrival cds on reverse.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 1712 Russia
Unfortunately this lot was withdrawn from this auction.Lot# : 1713 Russia
1904 (Nov 8): Red Band cover, despatched during the Russo-Japanese war at the main field post office in Mukden and sent to St. Petersburg with arrival cds on reverse (Nov 29).Starting bid : 280 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1714 Russia
1904: Charity issue 10+3 kop. blue & yellow tied by Moscow cds to reverse of an attractive Charity envelope of the Russian Red Cross depicting a group of medieval horsemen, sent to Chalais, France with arrival cds on reverse.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 1715 Russia
1918 (May 24): Arms definitives 2 kop. green imperf. (3) in combination with postally used Saving stamps 1 kop. red (4), 5 kop. green (3) and 10 kop., tied by Tverizy cds's to small cover, sent within the Yaroslavl gubernia. Fine presentation of the 35 kop. letter rate.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1716 Russia
1916 (Feb 12): 10 kop. blue in vert. pair, tied by "Hotel Bristol Ekaterinoslav" cds's to reverse of registered cover, censored and sent to the Red Cross in Copenhagen (March 4). Fine auxilliary PO cover.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 1717 Russia
1913 (Nov 2): Romanov tricentennray 3 kop. red and 7 kop. brown (spotty), tied by Andishan Transcaspia cds's to reverse of commercial cover (fold below the 7 kop. stamp), sent to Abbazia Istria, then under Austrian rule.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1718 Russia
1920: Local Kharkov ovpts., fine collection 40 used/unused stamps with 'RUB' ovpts. showing upward and downward ovpts. on Imperial Arms and Ukrainian Trident ovpt. definitives of Kharkiv and Kyiv districts, incl. also double imprints, in addition set of three 1922 Kyiv upward ovpts. on postal saving stamps. Several competent signatures. Ex Bulat V42-V80, V81-V83 = $ 440.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1719 Russia
1920 (Sept 20): Local Kharkov 'RUB' upward ovpt. on Imperial Arms 20 kop. blue & red definitives (two pairs), in very good shape, neatly cancelled by Lyubotin Kharkov gubenia cds's in lilac to money transfer form with "Oplatshen" handstamp alongside and directed to an army address in Kazatin with arrival cds (Oct 5, 1920) on reverse. A fine item Bulat V49.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1720 Russia
Civil War - Wrangel Camp 1920: Two covers franked by overprinted Russian Imperial and Ukrainian Trident definitives, respectively, cancelled by "Russian Army Belgrad" datestamps and sent to Constantinople.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1731 Russia
1859/1939 (ca.): Lot hundreds used/unused stamps with better sets and singles incl. 1922 Volga & Rostov Charity sets, 1933 Peoples of the USSR, Stratosphere balloon, Airplanes, 1934 Zeppelins, 1935 Icebreaker set, Spartakiade, in addition postage due, civil war issues from Ukraine and Siberia, Transcaucasia as well as Tannu-Touva.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 1732 Russia
1910/23 (ca.): Lot hundreds used/unused stamps, primarily back of the book and civil war issues, incl. Wenden, Wrangel, Far East, Kuban, Northern Army, North-Western Army, Denikin, Ukraine, local ovpts such as Kharkov, Russia in China and the Levant with 1865 ROPiT definitives and Romanov set, Rethymon, Armenia, and Georgia, also some bogus, in addition 6 pieces/part parcel cards/covers with Kharkov overprinted and Denikin definitivesStarting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 1733 Russia
1858/1953: Interesting Collection hundreds used/unused stamps incl. 1858 10 kop. imperf. plate II with pen cross, better commemorative issues unused such as 1931 Zeppelin and Malygin, 1932 Anniversary October Revolution and Allunion Stamp Show, 1933 Marx, Peoples of the USSR and Stratosphere balloon, 1934 Airplanes and Zeppelin, 1937 Airplane miniature sheet, 1947 October Revolution miniature sheet used, and 1949 Stalin birthday miniature sheetunused & used.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 1734 Russia
1860/1905: Lot 26 covers and one postcard, franked by stamps of the the 1866/75 Arms issues and showing bi-colour and multi-colour combinations with a variety of rates, note-worthy also various destinations as Italy, Switzerland and others as well as transit cancellations and handstruck marks, in good condition and housed on album pages.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1735 Russia
1857/2015 (ca.): Collection in 28 volumes and loose with 1857 10 k. used, 1914/15 War Charity issue with perf. and paper varieties and Specimen overprints, 1920's semi-postals and Charity issues, 1923 Worker 4 k. brown in imperf. pane of 25 unused, 1924 Lenin's Mausoleum set in imperf. pairs unused, Soviet period with complete sets unused or used including some perf. / paper varieties, 1930 Zeppelin set unused perf. 10½ ans perf. 12½, 1931 Airship Construction with imperf. set of five unused and on cover, 1931 Polar set imperf. unused, 1932 Gorki 15 k. imperf. pair unused, 1933 optd. Fine Art set of two unused and 30 k. in used block, 1933 Peoples set unused, 1933 Stratosphere set unused, 1934 Airmails no wmk. unused, 1934 Stratosphere Crash set unused, 1935 Moscow Underground set of four unused, Spartacist set used, Engels set mint, Transpolar 1 p. on 10 k. used, Frunse 2 k. violet in imperforate marginal pair mint (Mi. 539By = € 2'000), 1937 Airmail miniature sheet and set of seven unused, 1938 Airmail 80 k. carmine imperforate pair mint (Mi. 587U = € 2'000), 1938 Scenic Views mint, Airmail mint, Sports set mint, 1939 Stations set unused, 1940 Agriculture Fair set unused, thereaafter with the more modern material and some classic, in complete mint sheets (many with palte flaws noted), panes and miniature sheets, FDC's and some early covers/cards. A fresh and generally fine collection. Stated to Catalogue over £ 100'000.Starting bid : 12,000 CHFHammer price : 14,000 CHFLot# : 1736 Russia
1900/05 (ca.): Lot eleven Charity envelopes issued with diff. motives by diff. Red Cross and St. Evgenia sections such as St. Petersburg and Kasan, all unused.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 1737 Russia
1878/1900: Lot 33 Charity envelopes incl. 28 used/unused covers from the Odessa section of the Red Cross, eight of them used with add. stamps, but also covers from the Riga, Kiev, and St. Petersburg sections, three sent from St. Petersburg and Taganrog with artwork decorations.
Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 1738 Russia
1914/80 (ca.): Lot 68 cover/postcards with Red Cross cachets, postmarks and motifs, incl. WWI illustrated cover, Russian Field Post postcards, USSR propaganda stationery postcards and covers with propaganda imprints on the reverse, and WWII Field Post covers with Red Cross imprints.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1739 Russia
1872/1918 (ca.): Lot 800 postcards/stationeries/covers in primarily used and mixed condition incl. a selection of oval post-1903 railroad line datestamps, railroad stations, stanziyas, steamer cancellation on Volga and its tributaries and Black Sea, postcards with 1914 Charity issue frankings, a selection of postal stationery cards with many neat cancellations, formular cards, address request cards (22), registered postcards, wrappers and letter cards, stationeries from China and Levant incl. '32 PARA' ovpt., Russian and German Field Post in Russia during WWI as well as Prisoner of War cards, in addition some Soviet material.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 3,400 CHFLot# : 1740 Russia
Red Cross Charity: Set of seven picture postcards designed by Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin (1876-1942) depicting the costumes he had designed for the opera «Boris Godunov» of Modest Mussorgsky, with the exception of one card in unused condition Standard = $ 490.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 1741 Russia
1905/18 (ca.): Collection 180 picture postcards in used/unused condition, primarily Imperial postcards incl. two 'Seven days of the week' postcard sets by Konstantin Somov, British Tuck postcards with Russian motifs, Russian postcards with additional advertisement imprints, Chocolate collecting cards, Singer sewing machine cards, humor postcards, 'language of stamps' postcards, and stamps on postcards, postcards made from wood, as well as a group of modern postcards and 35 postcards sent between postcard collectors with their cachets.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 1742 Russia
1905/30 (ca.): Collection 280 picture postcards in used/unused condition, primarily Imperial postcards with art motifs, reproducing among others landscape and portrait paintings of Vladimir Makovskij, Ilya Repin, and Ivan Shishkin as well as handpainted, humor and stereo cards.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1743 Russia
1900/18 (ca.): Collection 300 picture postcards in used/unused condition, primarily designed by Elizaveta Bem, on cards issued by Edition Richard or St. Evgenia, primarily the children paintings typical for Bem, but also some Tolstoi figure and war motifs, in addition few modern reprints.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 4,200 CHFLot# : 1744 Russia
1899/1955 (ca.): Collection 250 picture postcards in used/unused condition, depicting personalities of Russian history and culture incl. Tsar Peter the Great and his successors, diff. Grand Dukes of Russia and their families, Tsar Nikolay during WWI, Napoleon, Pushkin, Tolstoi, Gorki, Bulgakov as well as Soviet leaders such as Stalin, Lenin, Trostky and Sverdlov.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 1746 Russia
Boris Vasilevich Sworykin: Lot ten picture postcards designed by this artist, seven of them with Easter motifs, six send by him personally in March 1910 to his mother in Paris, with full manuscript text.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1747 Russia
1905/30 (ca.): Collection 260 picture postcards in used/unused condition, primarily Imperial postcards with Russian characters as well as ethnic minorities in Ukraine, Caucasus, and Siberia.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHFLot# : 1748 Russia
1900/18 (ca.): Collection 350 picture postcards in used/unused condition, incl. artist cards designed by Sergey Solomko with his typical fairy tale motifs and Ivan Aivasovsky, as well as Moscow motif cards with 'Old Moscow' paintings, 'Tsar of ther Canons' and St. Petersburg Zarskoje Selo motifs incl. some modern cards.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 1749 Russia
1900/50 (ca.): Lot 750 picture postcards in used/unused condition, primarily from the Imperial period incl. topography cards from all over Russia, personalities from history and cultural life, artist postcards, theatre artists on postcards, in addition Russian diaspora Easter cards produced in the USA.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1750 Russia
1900/18 (ca.): Collection 250 art picture postcards in used/unused condition and mixed quality, issued by diff. charity organizations such as St. Evegenia or Petrograd War charity committee, as well as other editors such as Granberg, Imperial Art Museum St. Petersburg, and Subotnik, depicting artwork from famous artists such as Bilibin, Benois, Samokish, Solomko, Sytchkov, Bakst, and Dobushinskij. To be viewed.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 1751 Russia
1905/27 (ca.): Collection 360 picture postcards primarily from Imperial period in used/unused condition depicting churches and monasteries from all over Russia, in addition Winter Palace and Petergof nearby St. Petersburg and WWI postcards from Petrograd.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 1752 Russia
1905/30 (ca.): Collection 250 picture postcards in used/unused condition, primarily Imperial postcards depicting trains, railway stations, small and big, railway bridges, railway line maps, ships, submarines, military vessels, Volga and Baikal cruisers as well as Troikas and horse-driven carts.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 1753 Russia
1903/20 (ca.): Collection 400 picture postcards in used/unused condition, primarily Imperial postcards depicting military related topics such as generals and admirals of the Russo-Japanese war and WWI, War bonds before and after the February revolution, military roads in the Caucasus, Siberian military roads, Russo-Japanese war incl. Russian Outrage at Hull and Peace treaty conference Portsmouth, WWI incl. Japanese occupation of Vladisvostok and Czech Army during Civil war, heraldic motifs, propaganda postcards during WWI, Skobelev committee, Russian troops in France, in addition Russo-Japanese war cigarette cards.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHFLot# : 1754 Russia
1905/60 (ca.): Collection 450 picture postcards in used/unused condition, primarily from Imperial times with 'Mery Christmas', 'Happy Easter', 'Christ is arisen' and 'Happy New Year' motifs, issued in Russia and Germany for Russian customers but also after the October Revolution in the USA for the Russian diaspora, in a blue and a brown album.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 1755 Russia
1905/26 (ca.): Collection 1'100 picture postcards in used/unused condition, primarily Imperial postcards from St. Petersburg, Odessa and Moscow, incl. museums, churches, monuments, few topography cards from other Russian cities, art postcards, as well as embossed cards and 35 panorama postcards primarily from Moscow.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 4,400 CHFLot# : 1756 Russia
1895/1918: Collection 400 picture postcards in used/unused condition, showing in a large diversity the members of the Royal Russian family i.e. the Tsar, the Tsarina, Tsarevitch Aleksey and his four sisters, family photographs, few critical French postcards with the Tsar depicted as an autocrate, cards issued after 1918 in memoriam, visits in France and Germany, alliance with France incl. French stationery envelopes commemorating the Tsar's visits in France, cards issued in Russia but also in Western Europe, lot includes in addition St. Petersburg sceneries, etched by Gr. Rudatsov and a selection of about 50 Western European cigarette pictures with royalty motifs. A great lot to be studied to be fully appreciated.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 1757 Russia
1894/1905: Collection 700 picture postcards in used/unused condition showing a large diversity, early private imprints on formular postcards, first censored Russion picture postcards from 1895, 'Hold-to-light' postcards, leporellos, lithographed postcards, postcard booklets, early 'Russian types', topography primarily from Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also from all over Russia such as Caucasus, Baku, Riga, Kiev, Tiflis, Odessa, Orel, Tashkent, Lodz, and Kharkov, some embossed cards. To be studied to be fully appreciated.Starting bid : 3,500 CHFHammer price : 4,200 CHFLot# : 1758 Russia
1905/30 (ca.): Collection 4'200 picture postcards in used/unused condition, primarily Imperial postcards depicting landscapes, smaller cities and villages with the exception of St. Peterburg, Moscow and Odessa, an enormous hoard of items much sought after from areas such as the Crimea, Baltic Area, Siberia with Baikal and Amur, Ural, Altai, Far East, Kuban, Aserbaidschan, Central Asia, White Sea, Georgia, Adsharia with Batum, Manchuria with Kharbin, Dagestan, Armenia, Caucasus, Estonia, Black Sea region with Sea of Azov, Belarus, Russian Poland and Finland in addition few postcards with Erotica, hunting, animal & children motifs.Starting bid : 4,000 CHFHammer price : 6,000 CHF
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