Imperial China
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Lot# : 2 Imperial China
1837 & 1847: Covers (2) from Canton, earlier October 1836 cover endorsed per 'Martha' to London with framed 'Liverpool / Ship Letter' on reverse in black arriving March 4 1837; and April 1847 Missionary entire letter to USA struck on front with 'New York / Ship / 12 Cts' cds in red (July 26). Some aging but scarce early mail.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 3 Imperial China
1858 (May 1): Entire letter written from Peking to France endorsed 'voie de Suez' at top, the letter with excellent content "nous avons deja une belle victoire car nous avons pris la ville de Canton d'aillieurs l'on doit enparlé en France cette ville est très bien fortifié`s de 2'000 pièces de canons et defendue parr très fort garrisons ainsi que par plusieurs forts..." (Dec 28, 1857. Just 950 French Troops were present at the battle) ..."Nous sommes aller à Pekin, principal ville de la Chine ou se trouve l'Empereur...". Struck on arrival with PAYS ETRANGER V. SUEZ / MARSEILLE cds's (July 13) in red, one over-struck with ESCADRE DE LA MEDITRE. / MARSEILLE in black (Salles fig. 245) and charged '8' décimes due. An extremely rare entire, in 1858 the Emperor Xianfeng ratified the Treaty of Tientsin.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 4 Imperial China
Lot# : 5 Imperial China
Lot# : 6 Imperial China
Lot# : 7 Imperial China
Lot# : 8 Imperial China
Lot# : 9 Imperial China
1878/82: Wide Setting 5 ca. yellow-ochre, an unused example in a bright shade, showing small break in inner frame line below and to the right of 'China' at top and additional tiny dot above wave at left, tiny thinning and diagonal creases but an exceptionally rare stamp unused Gi = £ 19'000.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 1,900 CHFLot# : 10 Imperial China
Lot# : 11 Imperial China
Lot# : 12 Imperial China
Lot# : 13 Imperial China
Lot# : 14 Imperial China
Lot# : 15 Imperial China
Lot# : 16 Imperial China
Lot# : 17 Imperial China
1897: 30 c. on Dowager Second printing 24 ca. deep rose-red, large figure surcharge with 2½ mm. gap, a fine unused example, with variety: '30' 2 mm. above 'Cents' (instead of normal 1 mm.), fresh colour and very fine for this rarity, without gum. An exceedingly scarce stamp. Cert. BPA (2015) Gi = £ 5'250.
Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,800 CHFLot# : 18 Imperial China
Lot# : 19 Imperial China
Lot# : 20 Imperial China
Lot# : 21 Imperial China
Lot# : 22 Imperial China
1900/06: CIP Coiling Dragon 1 c. brownish-orange, no wmk., Waterlow archive file sheet with four complete panes of 20 (4 x 5) with interpanneau margins, together with some damaged panes, from the final 1912 printing, all stamps unused without gum and each with two security ounch-holes. A rare archive piece.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 23 Imperial China
Lot# : 24 Imperial China
Lot# : 25 Imperial China
1909 (Dec 10): Registered cover to London franked by 1900 CIP 1 c. brownish orange (three on front and five on reverse) used with 1909 Hsuan T'ung set of three values all tied by SHANGHAI cds's in black with registration cachet below. London arrival (Dec 27) on reverse of an attractive cover.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 26 Imperial China
Lot# : 27 Imperial China
1912: 'Republic of China' 2 c. green, no wmk., overprinted by Shanghai Commercial Press, a used vertical pair with variety: 'Overprint Inverted' in red, cancelled by 'Tientsin' datestamp in black leaving the variety clear. Rare. Signed Holcombe. Cert. BPA (2015) Gi = £ 10'000.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 28 Imperial China
Lot# : 29 Imperial China
Postal Forgery 1914: $ 1 black & orange-yellow, perf. 12½ (instead of 14), Postal Forgery of First Peking printing, showing dent in the right vertical inner frame line, a fine used example of an extremely rare stamp, cancelled Jan 22, 1916 at Shanghai.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 30 Imperial China
1940 (July 6): Cover franked by 1932/34 Martyr issue 50 c. green tied by 'Shanghai' cds, addressed to the U.S.S. Monaghan at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii. Struck with 'Change of Address due / to Official Orders' in black and forwarded to addressee. Reverse with 'Vallejo, Calif. Mare Island Station' machine cancel (Aug 6). Some staining but an unusual cover, the U.S.S. Monaghan was at Pearl Harbour when the Japanese attacked in December 1941 and was sunk in 1944.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 31 Imperial China
Lot# : 34 Imperial China
1962 (Sept 15): Stage Art of Mei Lan-fang 3 yen Miniature Sheet, an unused example of this rare sheet, small corner bend at upper right, full original somewhat browned gum. Rare Gi = £ 22'000.
Info: Small corner crease at upper right and not only a bend, as described, clearly visible on the image.
Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 6,500 CHFLot# : 38 Imperial China
Lot# : 41 Imperial China
Lot# : 43 Imperial China
Lot# : 44 Imperial China
Lot# : 45 Imperial China
Lot# : 46 Imperial China
Lot# : 49 Imperial China
Lot# : 50 Imperial China
1921: Return Flight Peitaho Beach to Peking, cover franked by 1921 Flood Relief 3 c. on 4 c. bright scarlet and corner marginal July 1921 Airmail 15 c. black & blue-green tied by bilingual PEITAHO BEACH datestamps (August 14) in black. Reverse with Peking arrival cds. A rare cover Muller 3.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 51 Imperial China
1924: Airmail cover to Tientsin franked by Junk 3 c. blue-green and first 1921 Airmail 90 c. black & olive-green, perfs. trimmed at right, each tied by PEIPING cds's (Aug 1), with bilingual 'To be dispatched by / Aerial Service' cachet in black at left. Reverse with Tientsin arrival cds's of the following day. Minor cover opening tear but very scarce.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 52 Imperial China
1901 (Dec 14): Combination cover from Tientsin to London franked by 1900 CIP 10 c. deep green tied by TIENTSIN cds, transferred to French P.O. in Shanghai with 'Chine' 25 c. black on lilac tied 'Shanghai / Chine' cds. Reverse with London arrival (Jan 28, 1902). A fine and attractive cover.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 210 CHFLot# : 53 Imperial China
German P.O.'s 1901: Japan 1½ s. ultramarine postal stationery card, used as formula card and additionally franked by 1900 CIP 10 c. green cancelled in red, mailed from Tongku to Germany with superb strike of K. D. FELD.POSTSTATION / No. 8 datestamp (14/2) in black. Munich arrival cds's (March 29) below in blue. Rare and attractive usage.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 54 Imperial China
German P.O.'s. 1901: Japan 1½ s. ultramarine on buff postal stationery card cancelled 'Tientsin / IJPO' cds in black, used as formula card and franked with German P.O. March 1901 ovptd. 5 pf. green and 10 pf. carmine tied by superb strikes of K. D. FELD.POSTSTATION / No. 10 datestamps (22/7) in black. Dresden arrival cds at left (10/9). A most attractive and scarce usage.Starting bid : 700 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 55 Imperial China
1932: Manchuko 4 f. olive-green (Gi. 6) used on underpaid cover to Peking, taxed on arrival with 1915 Postage Due 4 c. blue pair and 1932 1 c. orange pair tied by 'Peiping' datestamps in black. Minor tears and slightly grubby but a very scarce usage.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 56 Imperial China
Lot# : 57 Imperial China
Post Offices in Tibet 1911 (March): 12 a. on 50 c. green, an unused block of four with some peripheral aging at upper left but of attractive appearance, light aging on reverse but with large part og. Despite faults a very rare stamp in a multiple Gi = £ 3'600.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 58 Imperial China
Lot# : 59 Imperial China
U. S. Post Offices 1890/1960c.: Covers (11) and a front with 1890 cover and contents with Garfield 5 c. blue and fine oval U.S. POSTAL AGENCY / SHANGHAI datestamp in violet adjacent, 1907 cover and contents from Wuhu to USA franked by Washington 2 c. red tied by 'Shanghai / China' duplex, extraordinary 1914 cover franked by US 1 c. green (7), 2 c. red (3) and Parcel Post 1 c. ex Shanghai, further cover from same correspondence with Parcel Post 1 c. carmine (14 examples), 1941 cover with China SYS issue 30 c. and 50 c. tied 'U.S. TP SEA POST / S.S. PRES.COOLIDGE duplex, 1944 APO 627 cover from Kunming etc. Condition variable but a scarce group.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 60 Imperial China
Lot# : 61 Imperial China
1878/1960: Lot some hundred mainly used stamps starting with several copies of the large and the small dragon, later issues as chunks partly with heavy duplication, also various cancellations, a few souvenir sheets, postage dues, provincial issues, few from Taiwan etc., good to average condition and housed in three stockbooks.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 4,800 CHFLot# : 61A Imperial China
Lot# : 62 Imperial China
1897/1979: Small collection Imperial China with some hundred stamps used/unused, incl. full sets, postage dues, Japanese occupation, Formosa and Provincial issues, in addition better souvenir sheets people's republic as well as nine modern presentation booklets and folders, the whole arranged in a box.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 4,600 CHFLot# : 64 Imperial China
1878/1945: Collection, somewhat messily arranged, with 1878/83 Large Dragons 1 ca. (4), 3 ca. (9) and 5 ca. (10) used, extensive Small Dragons, 1897 Dowager Issue overprinted with fine array and duplication, 1897 1 c. on 3 c. revenue unused and used, 2 c. on 3 c. red revenue unused (3) and used, 1909 Temple set of three in mint blocks, some early PRC, revenues, Foreign P.O.'s and Japanese Occupation, Chinese Locals and some useful Hong Kong etc. Viewing is recommended and essential.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 16,000 CHFLot# : 68 Imperial China
1949/2012c.: PRC Collection with 1951 Heavenly Peace pink network set used and mint to $ 50'000, 1958 Kuan Han-ching sheet mint, 1959 Republic 20 f. carmine mint, 1960 Fish set mint, Chrysanthemums set mint, 1961 Table Tennis sheet used with red special cachet, Pottery set mint, 1962 Mei Lan-fang perf. set of eight mint and used on two FDC's, 1962 and 1963 Cuba sets mint, 1963 Butterflies set mint, Children's set imperforate mint, Panda's set imperforate mint, Monkey's set imperforate mint,1964 Peonies set mint, Anniversary of PRC triptych mint, 1965 Tsunyi Conf. set mint, 1965 National Games set mint, 1967 Oilwell and Liu Ying-chun sets mint, 1967 Thoughts of Mao with 8 f. red strip of five, 8 f. red & gold strip of five mint, Literature & Art set mint, Anniversary of Party set mint, Poems set used, 1968 Mao's Youth 8 f. first print mint, Thoughts of Mao 8 f. mint, 1970 Tiger Mt. set mint and set of 12 cards unused, 1971 Anniv. of Party Triptych mint, thereafter largely complete mint inc. 1978 Science mini sheet, Horses mini sheet, Arts & Crafts Fairies mini sheet, Highway Bridge mini sheet, 1979 Girl & Space mini sheet, Camelias mini sheets (2), Camelias optd. for Stamp Exhibition mini sheet, 1980 Qi Bashi sheet, 1980 Year of the Monkey 8 f. red & black with minor hinge remnant, Lotus 2 y. mini sheet, 1981 Twelve Beauties mini sheet on FDC (2), some Booklets and further FDC's, later issues largely complete with sheets to 1995 and later new issues in stockbooks etc. Fresh and fine, an excellent collection Gi = £ 40'000+.Starting bid : 10,000 CHFHammer price : 16,000 CHFLot# : 69 Imperial China
1902/65c.: Postcards (80) unused and used, with many used examples mostly bearing CIP Coiling Dragon 4 c., later cards with Junk issue etc. Careful viewing recommended.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 70 Imperial China
1884/1990c.: The cover collection (200 items) with Wartime Airmails on 'Horseshoe' route via Nigeria, some fine PRC usages with 1950 Foundation of Republic $ 800 on commercial cover, $ 3'000 pair used on reg'd 1950 cover to USA, 1950 Flag $ 800 on mixed issue cover to UK, PRC usages in Tibet, Foreign P.O. covers and cards, British P.O. 1927 cover at 2 d. rate tied FPO/1 cds, 1973 cover with 8 f. addressed to Chou-en-Lai, some Hong Kong with Military Mail and 'Opened By Censor / Hong Kong' cover, etc. A generally fine and most interesting group.
Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 3,200 CHF
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