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Lot# : 536 Albania
Lot# : 537 Albania
Lot# : 538 Albania
Lot# : 539 Albania
Lot# : 540 Albania
Lot# : 541 Albania
1913 (Aug 13): '10' on Turkey 20 pa. rose overprinted Eagle in black, a good used example tied neatly to small piece by 'Vlone' datestamp in violet (12.10.1913). One toned perforation but an exceptionally scarce stamp so fine. Cert. E. Diena (1988) Gi 11 = £ 1'300/Mi = EUR 1'200.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 542 Albania
Lot# : 543 Albania
Lot# : 544 Albania
Lot# : 545 Albania
Lot# : 546 Albania
1940c.: Unissued imperforate Proof set for proposed Children's Charity issue showing burning house and parent with young child in the foreground, the superb mint set of seven values to 25 q., in olive-green, violet, orange, green, brown-red and blue; on gummed paper, unmounted og.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 547 Albania
1913/90: Important dealer's stock with ten thousands of stamps used/unused, incl. better sets and values, aimails, souvenir sheets and other related material, mostly heavy duplication, in good condition and housed in thousands of glassines, the whole arranged in three large boxes owner's cat. Mi = 180'000.Starting bid : BidHammer price : 5,000 CHFLot# : 548 Belgium
1758/1809: Entire letters (7) to or from the Low Countries and Switzerland, with 1764 entire struck with fine BRUGES straight line, 1779 entire with italic 'd'Haage' in black, 1758 entire to Bergen Op Zoom, 1792 entire with MONS str. line in red, 1809 entire with fine 91 / BRUGES in black, also one 1772 entire from Neuweid to Vlissingen; all from Swiss Soldier's serving in French or Dutch Armies.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 549 Belgium
1851/94: Two covers and one piece, incl. 1854 entire letter from Antwerp to Amsterdam with 40 c. carmine (2), tied by '4' numeral obliterators with despatch cds, Belgian Congo 10 c. black postal stationery card with additional 5 c. green, tied by "Boma" cds to Uccle, additional piece with attractive franking cancelled by blue "Boma" cds.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 550 Belgium
1950: 7 fr. + 3 fr. Helicopter, engraved Proof on thin buff paper of the accepted design in black (issued in blue), signed by the designer Léon Janssens and dated '1950' in manuscript. Trivial stain but very scarce and unusual.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 551 Belgium
Lot# : 552 Belgium
Lot# : 553 Belgium
1966: Swimming & Diving, the set of three imperforate Proofs engraved on thin paper with 60 c. + 40 c. in brown, 10 fre. + 4 fr. Proofs (2), with one in bright purple and another in deep indigo blue; all fresh and very fine, each signed by the designer Léon Janssens at lower right and dated '1966'. Scarce and most attractive trio.Starting bid : 900 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 554 Belgium
1915 (June 22): "Chemins De Fer / Spoorwegen" overprints on the mint set of 10 values (one of each 10 c., 20 c. and 40 c.), all fresh and very fine, the 35 c. with a nibbed perf. at base of tab, 50 c. with one toned perf. mentioned for accuracy, the high values fine to superb with fresh and fine original gum. All stamps plentifully signed by Calves and others. Cert. Behr for values to 1 fr. (1995); cert. Friedl for 2 fr. (1958) and P.F. (1979) for 5 fr. Mi = EUR 7'500+.Starting bid : 1,750 CHFHammer price : 2,500 CHFLot# : 555 Belgium
1879/1987: The specialized collection of Railway Parcels Stamps, several hundred stamps used/unused, incl. better values and full sets as 1912 5 Ct. - 5 Fr. with handstruck in violet (Cert. Kaiser 2014), in addition also officials, parcel stamps, stamps for newspaper parcels as well a a few items from other countries, neatly mounted on album pages, some duplicates added in an envelope.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,650 CHFLot# : 556 Belgium Colonies
Rwanda. 1918/19: Cards sent registered (2), with 1919 5 c. green illustrated stationery card (#64, Waterfall at Stanleyville) sent registered and endorsed 'S.M.' (Service Militaire) to Turnhout with Nov 1916 optd. 25 c. black & blue with registered label alongside, all tied by 'Kigoma' datestamps; and 1918 similar franking on 10 c. red overprinted card (#9, Un pont de fortune) from Kigoma.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 557 Belgium Colonies
Rwanda. 1919 (May 15): 10 c. red overprinted and illustrated postal stationery card (#38, Kigoma Railway) sent registered to France with additional Nov 1916 15 c. black & deep green tied by Field Post Office No. 17 datestamps with manuscript filled registration label at upper left. "Base Office B / IEF" transit cds (March 1) below and Ain arrival alongside.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 558 Belgium Colonies
1909/60: Small and fine selection of 135 cards, picture postcards, covers and postal stationery items (used and unused), incl. better frankings, various usages, censor mail and cancellations, ordinary and daily mail to various inland and foreign destinations only (no philatelic products), mainly in good condition and housed in plastic sleeves.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 559 Belgium
1849/1922: Small collection on leaves with 1849 10 c. brown used, 1849 20 c. blue (shades) used (4 examples), thereafter with fairly complete run of definitive and commemorative issues etc.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 560 Belgium
1850/1967: Collection hundreds used/unused stamps starting with Medaillons, with better issues such as 1924 & 1935 Brussels Stamp shows miniature sheets unused, in addition six covers from the Belgian PO in Le Havre during WW I and some stamps from the Netherlands and Luxemburg.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 210 CHFLot# : 561 Belgium
1940/87: Collection hundreds primarily unmounted mint stamps, collected since 1966 in blocks of four, incl. miniature sheets and booklets in three albums.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 562 Belgium
1910/87: Collection hundreds used/unused stamps with better values such as 1936 miniature sheets Philatelic Expositions Borgerhout and Charleroi, incl. miniature sheets and booklets in two albums owner's cat. = EUR 6'400.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 563 Belgium
1870/1977: Collection Back of the Book issues, hundreds used/unused stamps incl. official stamps, postage due, express stamps, preobliterated stamps, railway parcel stamps incl. better sets, parcel & telegraph stamps owner's cat.= EUR 8'200.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 520 CHFLot# : 564 Belgium
1849/1987: Collection with several hundred stamps used/unused or in mint conditon starting with No,1, incl. better values, full sets, souvenir sheets, Railway stamps, booklets etc., in good condition and housed in five albums.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 565 Belgium
1849/65: Classic collection 210 stamps used, incl. colour shades, various cancellations, pairs, strips, blocs of four, also eleven covers partly showing better frankings and two re-engraved proofs of 1895, in good condition and mounted on album pages.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 2,400 CHFLot# : 566 Belgium
1849/1975: Collection Belgium and Belgian Congo, several hundred stamps used/unused, incl. better values, full sets, airmails, souvenir sheets, semi postal stamps, officials, railway parcel stamps and at the end issues from Ruanda-Urundi, in good condition and housed in one large SCOTT-album.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 567 Belgium
1880/1980: Dealer's stock with ten thousands of stamps used/unused, incl. souvenir-sheets, cancelled stamps and other material,, mostly heavy duplication, in good condition and housed in thousands of glassines, the whole arranged in two large boxes owner's cat = appr. EUR 12'000.Starting bid : BidHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 568 Belgium
1849/1990: Collection several hundred used stamps starting with No. 1, incl. better sets and values as Red Cross, Mercier, Orval, souvenir sheets, miniature sheets, railway parcel stamps, telegraphs etc., inbetween cards and covers with partly better frankings, entirely in good condition and housed in six albums.Starting bid : 3,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 569 Bulgaria
Lot# : 570 Bulgaria
Lot# : 571 Bulgaria
Lot# : 572 Bulgaria
1877: Cover from Filibe (Plovdiv) to Stamboul with mixed issue franking of Duloz 1875 20 pa. pale green, small corner missing, and 1876 1 pi. yellow each tied by fine strikes of all Arabic FILIBE handstamps (Coles & Walker fig. 19) in black. Reverse with Stamboul arrival cds.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 573 Bulgaria
1880: 1 pi. black & greenish blue, a fine horizontal pair used on reverse of envelope tied by fine strike of negative POSTAHANEYI SOFIA handstamp in violet (Coles & Walker fig. 74). A late usage of a rare marking. Ex collection Hornung.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 574 Bulgaria
1856/71: Collection in a blue album with 1856 entire showing negative FILIBE handstamp, further stampless covers from Svishtov and Sliven to Constantinople with rate markings and cancelled on arrival, 1858 entire from Kalofer, 1860 Official cover from Yambol to Varna with 'Important correspondence' intaglio handstamp, Duloz issue stamped covers (5) with usages to or from Filibe etc. Condition varies but a scarce selection (13 items).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 575 Bulgaria
1881: 5 st. black & yellow, used example with yellow 'Background Inverted' variety, a superb example of excellent centering and colour, neatly cancelled by star in circle obliterator in black, showing the variety clearly. An extremely rare stamp in consummate condition for this rarity. Signed Karaivanoff. Cert. Karaivanoff (1957) Scott 7a = $ 2'400/Gi. 11a = £ 1'800/Mi = EUR 3'000.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 3,600 CHFLot# : 576 Bulgaria
1882: 3 st. orange, yellow and bright yellow, variety 'Background Inverted', a superb used example showing the variety clearly, neatly cancelled by large part 'Varna' datestamp struck in black. An extremely rare stamp in wonderful fresh condition. Signed A.Diena, Kosack, Karaivanoff. Cert. Wallner (1965) Scott 12a = $ 4'000/Gi. 21a = £ 3'750/Mi = EUR 3'500.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 2,100 CHFLot# : 577 Bulgaria
1884 (May 1): Typographed '5' surcharge in black on 1881 30 st. blue & yellow brown, a fine lightly used example centred to lower right, cancelled by blue datestamp. An extremely rare stamp. Cert. Mikulski (1976) Scott 20A = $ 2'250/Gi. 39 = £ 3'000/Mi = EUR 2'800.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHFLot# : 578 Bulgaria
1905 & 1918: 5 st. green on on greenish postal stationery card sent registered to Paris with 1901 5 st. brown & emerald, 25 st. black & blue tied by superb 'Philippople No. 2' datestamp with registration cachet alongside, also a 1918 10 st. carmine on blue card sent registered to Dresden with 1911 25 st. black & ultramarine tied by violet SOFIA PALAIS datestamps.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 579 Bulgaria
1909: 5 st. on 30 st. deep brown, overprinted in red, a fresh mint horizontal pair centred to right, right hand stamp variety '1990' for '1909' at top, fresh and very fine with large part original gum, the variety being unmounted og. A very rare variety: this item is probably of Proof status. Signed Karaivanoff. Cert. Karaivanoff (1948) Gi. 151c var = £ 1'000.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 580 Bulgaria
1911: 50 st. orange brown & black, a magnificent used example with "Centre Inverted" variety, of excellent centering and fresh colour, lightly cancelled by 'Philippopel' datestamp (June 7, 1913 as most known examples are) in black. Superb and an extremely rare stamp. Signed Karaivanoff. Cert. Karaivanoff. (1949) Scott 97a = $ 2'700/Gi. 167a = £ 7'000/Mi = EUR 7'500.
Note: The error occurred as the bi-coloured stamp was printed first in one colour and then passed through the printer again for the second. The error passed un-noticed for between five to seven years, the first example being discovered only in 1918 by Nicola Kochanov in Sofia. All the known examples are in used condition with just one sheet sold in Plovdiv (Phlippopel). Probably no more than 20 examples exist.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 5,000 CHFLot# : 581 Bulgaria
1937 (Oct 3): The "Ministerium" Miniature Sheet, showing Boris III 2 leva red brown with black imprint at base '3 October 1937'. A fresh and very fine mint example of this rare sheet, slight horizontal bend at base where the sheet was not gummed below the black overprint, this does not affect the frontal appearance of a very rare sheet with full unmounted original gum - a mere 20 examples were printed thus.
Note: The sheet actually measures 78 x 110 mm., the measurement in Michel being erroneous, for reference see also Corinphila sale 133, June 2002, lot 1402.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 582 Bulgaria
1861/85: Group of three covers/cards with 1861 entire letter prepaid to Vienna struck with superb FRANCO and RUSTSCHUK Austrian P.O. datestamp struck in blue, Austria 5 soldi red stationery card cancelled in 1879 by three line dated RUSTSCHUK cds in black and 1882 15 st. lilac & purple tied to small cover by 'Roumelie Orientale / Du Trav.' datestamp in blue.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 583 Bulgaria
Lot# : 584 Bulgaria
1882 (Dec 26): Formula card franked by 1881/83 20 pa. black & rose, perf. 13½, tied by barred obliterator in blue with corresponding 'Carloba' datestamp at left, Constantinople transit (Jan 12) and arrival cds of Vienna in black (Jan 15).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 585 Bulgaria
Lot# : 586 Bulgaria
1883 (April 28): Formula card franked by 1881/83 10 pa. black & green, perf. 13½, tied by barred obliterator in blue with corresponding 'Slivno/Sliven' datestamp below in same ink. Constantinople transit cds (May 18) in black below and faint French arrival cds. A fine and scarce usage.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 587 Bulgaria
Lot# : 588 Bulgaria
1883/84: Formula cards (4) all used with 1881/84 10 pa. black & green or 20 pa. black & rose (2, one to Dedéagh from Pazardjik) and fourth card with 1884 10 pa. green used with 'Poste Buurgas' datestamp in blue. Condition varies but a scarce group.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 589 Bulgaria
1900/1980: Dealer's stock with ten thousands of stamps used/unused, incl. souvenir-sheets, pre cancelled stamps and other material, mostly heavy duplication, in good condition and housed in thousands of glassines, the whole arranged in four large boxes owner's cat = appr. EUR 160'000.Starting bid : BidHammer price : 4,000 CHFLot# : 590 Bulgaria
1879/1980: Collection resp. lot with several hundred stamps used/unused, incl. better sets and values, souvenir sheets, miniature sheets, imperf. stamps and duplicates, mainly in good condition and housed in three albums and on album pages.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 591 Bulgaria
1920/80: Small dealer's stock with several thousand stamps used/unused, incl. full sets, souvenir sheets, miniature shets etc., partly heavy duplication, in good condition and housed in six albums and stockbooks.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 592 Bulgaria
1879/1980: Collection with several hundred stamps used/unused, incl. better single values and full sets, souvenir sheets, miniature sheets, fiscals as well as several postal stationery items used/unused, mainly in good condition and housed in four albums.Starting bid : 900 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 593 Croatia
1489 (May 19): Entire letter written in Italian (with complete transcript by Dott. Lorettia Piccinini) from ZARA to a doctor in Padua, Italy, with small chisel slit for disinfection against Cholera in front panel, letterstating that monies have been safely recieved from his nephew, and confirming that textiles have been sent. Fine quality for such an early entire.Starting bid : 450 CHFHammer price : 450 CHFLot# : 594 Croatia
Lot# : 595 Croatia
Lot# : 596 Croatia
Napoleonic Occupation 1810 (July 11): Entire letter headed internally 'Province Illyische' mailed to Traci and handstamped by framed SPALATO / IN / DALMATIA handstamp in brown. Ink somewhat acid attacked and watery but a rare usage, docketing of receipt inside (July 13).Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 597 Croatia
Lot# : 598 Croatia
Napoleonic Occupation 1812 (March 19): Entire letter from Ragusa to Paris struck on front with two line RAGUSE / ILLYRIE handstamp in black, struck again with two further strikes (one on reverse) of ILLYRIE in black and charged '16' décimes due on front panel. Reverse with manuscript '10' in red and Paris arrival datestamp (April 9) in red. Vertical crease but a rare entire.Starting bid : 450 CHFHammer price : 450 CHFLot# : 599 Croatia
1856: Austrian P.O. Cover from Zara to Pardenone franked by Austria 1850/54 9 kr. blue with large margins all round tied by bold strike of ZARA / V.L.A. datestamp in black. Reverse with 'Trieste/Früh' transit cds (27/9) and Pardenone two line dated arrival of the following day. An attractive cover.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 600 Croatia
1850/54: Incoming Mail Austria 9 kr. blue, large margined example used on circa 1856 entire letter from Trieste to Dobrota, tied by good strike of TRIESTE / V.L.A. datestamp in black. Reverse with two line dated CATTARO / 26 LUG arrival datestamp in black.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 601 Croatia
Lot# : 602 Croatia
1942 (March 25): Model Aircraft Show, the imperforate Miniature sheet in an un-cut block of four sheets, fresh and fine, a few small wrinkles on the unmounted original gum, with two sheets blue inscription (at top) and two with brown inscription. Very rare.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 603 Croatia
1942 (March 25): Model Aircraft Show, the imperforate Miniature sheet in an un-cut block of four sheets, fresh and fine, a few small wrinkles on the unmounted original gum, with two sheets brown inscription (at top) and two with blue inscription. Very rare.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 604 Croatia
Lot# : 605 Croatia
1942/43: Ustascha Youth 5 k. + 20 k. blue Miniature Sheet, an un-cut horizontal pair of sheets numbered 5 and 6 at base, and April 1943 12 k. + 8 k. ultramarine Miniature Sheet in an un-cut horizontal pair of sheets numbered 11 and 12 at base. Ex the printer's archives, full unmounted og. and rare.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 606 Croatia
1943 (Jan): Workers, the Proof set of three values in imperforate watermarked sheetlets of nine, in issued colours of olive, lilac and blue showing 'Frame Only' (3 sheets) and the set in similar sheets in issued colours of olive-brown or ochre-brown with 'Vignette' only (3 sheets). Rare and most appealing set.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 607 Croatia
1943 (April 10): 2nd Year of Croatian State 5 k. + 3 k. deep carmine red and 7 k. + 5 k. deep dark green, fine mint imperforate corner blocks of 25 (5x5) from the sheets of 100 stamps, fresh and fine, unmounted og. Rare Mi = EUR 4'000.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 608 Croatia
Lot# : 609 Croatia
1943: Croatian Legionaries, imperforate Proof horizontal pair of 1 k. + 0.50 k. and 2 k. + 1 k. and vertical Proof pair of 2 k. + 1 k. and 9 k. + 4.50 k., each printed on ungummed buff paper in un-issued colour of pale blue, each stamp with 'Double Print' of entire central vignette. Rare and most unusual variety in fine quality. Certificates P. Zrinjscak (2013).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 610 Croatia
Lot# : 611 Croatia
1944 (Aug 20): 32 k. + 16 k. deep green, a complete un-cut vertical pair of the imperforate sheet of eight plus D.R.S. 1944 label, numbered 'II' and 'IV' at base, one signed at base and dated '26.5.44', ex the Austrian State printer's archive, fresh and fine, unmounted og. Rare.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 612 Croatia
Lot# : 613 Croatia
1944: Croatian Occupation Spalato/Split Italy definitives and Express issues overprinted, the complete set of 17 values (10 definitives, 2 airmails, 2 Express and 3 Postage Dues), fresh and very fine, unmounted og. A rare and fine set. Signed Marjanovic Sassone = EUR 3'200.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 614 Croatia
Lot# : 615 Croatia
1945: Local issue for Spalato/Split, registered cover locally used with 'Demokratska Federativna / * / Jugoslavija' overprinted March 1945 10 k. on 1 k. deep greenish blue, 20 k. on 4 k. deep ultramarine and 30 k. on 10 k. deep lilac (2) all tied by 'Sibenik' datestamps (April 29) in black. Framed 'Censurvano' cachet in violet on reverse of a fine cover. Rare - the issue in use for just three months. Signed Ecegovic.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 616 Croatia
1941/43: Group unused souvernir sheets/proofs with definitive Croatian landscape 2 k. brown-carmine, proof of the original design with small house behind the word ZAGREB and Zagreb Stamp Show souvenir sheet 18 + 9 k. black brown (17) with variety "S on a plate aside the entrance door".Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 617 Croatia
1941: Collection in a red album with the 1941 issue well represented with imperforate Proofs in multiples, partial printing varieties, imperforate between varieties, mis-perforated multiples, 1943 9+4 k. green with Red Cross misplaced in an imperforate strip of four, 1943 Zagreb 3.50 k. blue sheet of eight with double perforation variety mint, 1942 Officials in imperforate blocks, 1942 Postage Dues in imperforate blocks, further later varieties (some with certs.) etc. An interesting lot.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 618 Czechoslovakia
1919: Czech Army in Siberia (1 r.) blue and red rouletted, Type II, used on envelope to Prague tied by bold strike of POSTA-CESKOSLOVENSKE ARVADY SIBIRISKE handstamp in violet with repeated strike below. Sender's return address at right. Slight corner fault and trim to envelope but a fresh and scarce cover.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 619 Czechoslovakia
1934: Music Sheets, 1 kc. brown-lilac and 2 k. cobalt, complete sheets of 15 printed on carton paper, each with minor barely noticeable stain below the stamps at base, some typical edge wear at top of sheets as normal, otherwise fresh and fine, together with slightly defective original folder. Scarce Mi = EUR 950.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 620 Denmark
1851/54: 4 rbs. chocolate brown, Ferslew printing, a delightful horizontal used strip of four, Plate II positions 31-34, with large margins on three sides and close at left, all centrally cancelled by target handstamps in black. Exceptional multiple and most attractive. Cert. Kaiser (1981).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 621 Denmark
1858: 4 sk. brown, six fine margined single examples used on 1863 cover to Drammen, Norway all tied by six strikes of circular 208 numeral obliterators in black with fine NORRE-SUNDBY datestamp below (March 30) in black. A charming and rare cover of great aesthetic appeal.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 622 Denmark
1887 (Feb 1): 10 öre carmine on buff postal stationery card sent registered to Santiago de Cuba, up-rated with bicoloured 1875-1901 8 ö. carmine & slate (2) and single 1884-85 small 5 ö. green tied by 'Aalborg' cds's. New York registered label of transit at left and framed 'Isla de Cuba' registration cachet of receipt in blue. A scarce destination.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 623 Danish West Indies
1909 (July 7): 2 c. blue postal stationery card, H&G 12, sent registered to Helsinki, Finland and up-rateed with 1907/08 25 b. deep blue tied by 'St. Thomas' cds. Registration cachet in violet at lower left and Helsinki arrival (July 27) all on fine and attractive card.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 624 Denmark
Catalogue# : 143/1451925: Airmail issue 10 ö. green 15 ö. violet, and 25 ö. red, in combination with each other and with other definitives on three covers from Copenhagen to Switzerland, dispatched between 1925 and 1933, one transported on ground via Sassnitz and Berlin, another one by Airmail showing a block of four of the 25 ö. value.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 625 Denmark
1851/1992: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, incl. better values, full sets, proofs of 1938 for Thorvaldsen- issue, souvenir sheets, Framas, postage dues, some cards and covers etc., mainly in good condition and housed in two volumes.Starting bid : 1,400 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 626 Denmark
1851/2001: Important collection, several hundred stamps used/unused, incl. better values and full sets, colour shades, blocs of four, souvenir sheets, duplicates, booklets, Greenland with Icebears, Faroe-Islands and Danish Westindies, in good condition and housed in two large stockbooks.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 627 Estonia
1918: Local issue Rakwere 'Eesti (Rakwere) 35' (kop.) on 1 kop. brown cut-out from wrapper in deep fresh shade, cancelled with provisional handstamp mark from Rakwere in violet. An extremely rare stamp with with a printing of just 26 examples. Signed Eichenthal; cert. Mikulski (1998) Mi = EUR 9'000.
Provenance: Corinphila sale 107 (September 1998), lot 1238.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 5,500 CHFLot# : 628 Estonia
1924: Registered airmail cover to Basel, Switzerland franked by imperforate (first printing) set of five values with additional 1920 perf. 25 m. brown & blue and 1922 perf. 5 m. carmine on reverse, all tied by 'Tallinn' datestamps (July 29) in black. Basel arrival (Aug 1) alongside.Starting bid : 80 CHFHammer price : 80 CHFLot# : 629 Estonia
1918/99: Collection hundreds primarily used stamps incl. better singles and sets such as 1923 Red Cross charity issue and Airmail imperf. and 1936/38 Ühisabi issues.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 630 Estonia
Catalogue# : 1-7201918/2011: Important collection resp. lot with several hundred stamps used/unused, incl. single values, pairs, blocs of four souvenir sheets, imperf. stamps etc., partly heavy duplication, nicely mounted in 17 large stockbooks with description, in addition some full sheets, a bunch of covers as well as a book EESTI by Hurt/Ojaste (1986)Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 2,900 CHFLot# : 631 Finland
1856: First Issue 10 k. carmine, a fine large margined used example, without manuscript cancel, tied to small piece by low boxed BJORNEBORG datestamp (21 April 1857). Superb and most attractive, a gem. Signed Köhler; cert. BPA (1962) Mi = EUR 1'000.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 632 Finland
1866: Rouletted 20 p. blue on blued paper, a dramatically off centre example with full roulettes, used on 1866 cover to Karis tied by 'Helsingfors' cds in black. Framed 'Ank' marking alongside (Nov 10). A fresh and fine cover. Signed Ferchenbauer.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 633 Finland
Lot# : 634 Finland
Lot# : 635 Finland
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