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Lot# : 3400 Brasil
90 reis black, Early Impression on greyish paper, the superb block of nine from the Second Composite plate, State C, positions 1-3/7-9/13-15, being the left half on the pane of eighteen; of excellent colour and with large even margins all round. Vertical fold of trivial importance in a truly delightful multiple, cancelled by CORREIO GERAL DA CORTE datestamps (December 20, 1844). Illustrated in Brookman on page 17 described as "A perfection used block of nine..." An important multiple in sublime condition. A rarity.
Provenance: Collection Newbury; Hubbard (May 1986), lot 2104. W.E.Lea.Starting bid : 7,500 CHFHammer price : 12,000 CHFLot# : 3401 Brasil
90 reis black, Early Impression on yellowish paper, the outstanding used block of 17, the Complete Pane less position 13, from Second Composite plate, State C, in a deep shade, with margins all round on three sides and just touched on positions 1, 7 and 15; an outstandingly beautiful multiple and relatively fault free for such a large block (vertical bend through third row, tiny hole in position 14 and minor thin at lower right corner stamp), cancelled by rimless CORREIO GERAL DA CORTE datestamps (December 30, 1844) in black. A magnificent and visually stunning Exhibition piece. Described in Brookman on page 18 "Here is one of the philatelic showpieces of the world..." . Copy of Cert. Robson Lowe (1982) and Moorhouse (2013).
Provenance: Collection Newbury; Hubbard (March 1975), lot 1537.Starting bid : 30,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3402 Brasil
90 reis black, Early Impression yellowish paper, a superb used example showing the horizontal marginal line at base, cancelled by large part oval framed S. RITA handstamp in red-brown (Ayres unlisted). A fine and rare stamp. Signed Calves, A. Diena.
Provenance: Collection Koester, Corinphila sale 70 (March 1984), lot 4540.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 4,000 CHFLot# : 3403 Brasil
30 reis grey, Worn Impression, a fine used horizontal pair with generous margins all round, trivial imperfections, sharing fine strike of rare framed VALENCA handstamp struck in red (Ayres 1531). Extremely rare. Signed Brun, Calves, A. Diena.
Provenance: Collection Koester, Corinphila sale 70 (March 1984), lot 4565.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 3404 Brasil
90 reis grey, Worn Impression on greyish paper, a fine used example with ample to large margins all round, neatly cancelled by circular S. JOAO DO NORTE handstamp in black (Ayres unlised). Rare. Signed H. Bloch and Calves.
Provenance: Collection Koester, Corinphila sale 70 (March 1984), lot 4536.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 3405 Brasil
30 reis grey, Worn Impression on yellowish paper, Large plate, State B, a fine used vertical pair, position 31/37, showing full vertical marginal line at left, cancelled by centrally struck PORTO ALEGRE SUL handstamp (Ayres 1586) in black. A fine and scarce pair. Signed Calves; copy of cert. Philatelic Foundation (1998) and Moorhouse (2013).
Provenance: Corinphila sale 107 (Sept 1998), lot 3766.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 3406 Brasil
Lot# : 3407 Brasil
60 reis black, Early Impression on greyish paper, a fine used example in a vivid shade, Second Composite plate, State A, position 1, showing vertical connecting line to the 30 reis pane above at left, lightly cancelled by part strike of PORTO ALEGRE handstamp (Ayres 1585) in black. A fine and rare stamp.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 3408 Brasil
30 reis grey-black, Intermediate Impression on greyish paper, a superb used block of six from the First Composite plate (positions 5-6/11-12/17-18), State D; being the right hand third of the pane, showing the complete outer frame lines and the horizontal dividing line at base, neatly cancelled by three fine strikes of rare circular undated PORTO ALEGRE SUL (Ayres 1586) in black. Slight ironed horizontal bend on central stamps but an exceptional rarity, one of only three known used multiples larger than a block of four of this stamp. Exceptional and extremely rare. Illustrated in Brookman "Bulls Eyes Stamps of Brazil" on page 6, and on the front cover of José Kloke "Die Ochsenaugen".
Provenance: Newbury, Hubbard (May 1986), lot 2019.Starting bid : 10,000 CHFHammer price : 14,500 CHFLot# : 3409 Brasil
60 reis black, Late Early Impression on greyish paper, a fine used example in a vivid shade, Second Composite plate, State A, position 13, showing vertical connecting line to the 90 reis pane below at left, superby cancelled by full strike of SO. ANTONIO handstamp (Ayres unlisted) in brown (the finest of the three recorded examples of this cancellation). Backed onto part piece for protection of the cancellation, a delightful and rare stamp. Cert. Moorhouse (2012).
Provenance: Collection Pracchia (Nov 1987) lot 60088; Lima (Nov 1993), lot 30098.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 3,200 CHFLot# : 3410 Brasil
60 reis black, Early Impression, a fine large margined horizontal pair tied to reverse of large part November 1843 cover, endorsed at left "Per Brig Mo Endes", addressed to John Pedrick, the U.S. Consul in Rio Grande do Sul, probably emanating from abroad with "Brazil" in address. The adhesives, which have been lifted and replaced and repaired around the flap area and at top of left 60 reis, are paying the correct ship rate for a half ounce letter and are tied by a bold strike of the CORREIO GERAL DE S. CATHERINA datestamp (Jan 30, 1844) in black (Ayres1626). The front panel with paper repair but a rare and most interesting cover. Copy of Cert. RPS (1994) and Moorhouse (2013).
Provenance: Collection Newbury; Lima (Nov 1993), lot 30059.Starting bid : 4,000 CHFHammer price : 8,000 CHFLot# : 3411 Brasil
Lot# : 3412 Brasil
Lot# : 3413 Brasil
60 reis black, Early Impression, magnificent used example tied to small piece by complete strike of circular CORREIO DA VILLA DE AREIAS handstamp in red (Ayres 1597) with manuscript date inserted (July 15, 1845). Superb and extremely rare.
Provenance: Collection Pracchia (Nov 1987), illustrated as lot 60049.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 3414 Brasil
30 reis grey on greyish paper, Late Intermediate Impression, State C, position 5, a fine used marginal example from top of pane with horizontal marginal line at top, just touched at right but showing large part of extremely scarce framed CAZA. BRANCA handstamp in brown (Ayres 1271).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 3415 Brasil
Lot# : 3416 Brasil
30 reis black, Early Impression on yellowish paper from the Large plate, State B, the famous block of eight in a deep shade, positions 26-29/32-35, tiny scissor cut between third and fourth stamps, some thinning and fault to first stamp in the lower row, cancelled by fine strikes of the rare circular CORREIO DE CORYTIBA in dark brown (Ayres 1570) with margins close to large all round, an extremely attractive multiple and without doubt the finest of the larger multiples of this stamp, this being the second largest used multiple of the 30 reis recorded (the largest being the block of nine with Pernambuco Shield cancel, also from this Exhibit). Illustrated in "Bulls Eyes" by Brookman on page 4. An exhibition item of great significance.
Provenance: Newbury, Hubbard (May 1986), W. E. Lea, lot 2020.Starting bid : 8,000 CHFHammer price : 12,500 CHFLot# : 3417 Brasil
30 reis grey, Intermediate Impression on greyish paper, large margins all round, trace of thin from hinge, cancelled by bold strike of fancy framed V. DE GUARATINGUETÁ handstamp in black (Ayres 1528). A fine example of this rare cancel.
Provenance: Collection Lima (Nov 1993), lot 30102.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 3418 Brasil
30 reis black, Early Impression from the First Composite plate, State A, positions 3-4, a fine used top marginal pair on very thin greyish paper, cancelled by bold strike of scarce framed VA DE GUARATINGUETÁ handstamp (Ayres 1527) in brown. Exceptional and rare pair. Signed Calves.
Provenance: Basel sale (March 1975), lot 1507 and Collection Koester, Corinphila sale 70 (March 1984), lot 4585.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 3419 Brasil
Lot# : 3420 Brasil
90 reis grey-black, Intermediate Impression, a good used example from the First Composite plate, large margins all round with horizontal marginal line at top, cancelled by fine large part strike of framed V. DE GUARATINGUETÁ handstamp in black (Ayres 1528). Scarce.Starting bid : 320 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 3421 Brasil
60 reis grey-black, Intermediate Impression, a magnificent used example with vertical marginal line at right, superbly cancelled by complete framed INUTILIZ. (in Portuguese 'cancelled') in black and possibly struck on arrrival although no usages on letter are known or on internal Post Office documents (Ayres 1690). Rare and very fine.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 3422 Brasil
30 reis grey, Worn Impression, a fine used example with good to large margins all round from the First Plate, State B, position 37 showing vertical marginal line at left, cancelled by scarce straight line JACAREHY handstamp in brown. Signed Calves and A. Diena.
Provenance: Collection Koester, Corinphila sale 70 (March 1984), lot 4419.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 3423 Brasil
Lot# : 3424 Brasil
Lot# : 3425 Brasil
60 reis grey-black, Intermediate Impression on yellowish paper, a fine four margined example creased by file fold, from First Large plate, State B, position 15 on the sheet of 60, used on January 1845 entire letter from Villa de Lorena to Rio de Janeiro, Tixeira correspondence, tied by circular VILLA DE LORENA handstamp in brown (Ayres 1578). Despite small faults, a rare entire being one of just four covers known bearing this handstamp.
Provenance: Collection Hubbard (May 1986), lot 2074.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 6,500 CHFLot# : 3426 Brasil
60 reis black, Early Impression on yellowish paper, a fine large margined corner example, First Large plate, State B, position 60 showing the vertical marginal line at right and horizontal line at base, used as seal on reverse of January 1845 entire letter to Rio de Janeiro, Tixeira correspondence, and cancelled at Villa De Lorena in manuscript. Small crease to adhesive and some sensible restoration internally to the entire to prevent acid ink, a remarkable and extremely rare usage-one of just two covers known (both from this correspondence) showing this distinctive cruciform manuscript usage on letter. Copy of Cert. Rendon (1992) and Moorhouse (2013).
Provenance: Collection Koester, Corinphila sale 70 (March 1984), lot 4427.Starting bid : 3,500 CHFHammer price : 8,000 CHFLot# : 3427 Brasil
Lot# : 3428 Brasil
Lot# : 3429 Brasil
Lot# : 3430 Brasil
30 reis black, Early Impression in a very deep shade on yellowish paper, Large plate, State B, a fine used vertical pair, positions 10/16, with large margins all round, tied to part piece by CORREIO DE SANTOS datestamp well struck in black (Ayres 1633).
Provenance: Collection Pracchia (Nov 1987), lot 60008.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 3431 Brasil
Lot# : 3432 Brasil
30 reis black, Early Impression used on famous 1844 cover with 90 reis grey, Worn Impression, the 30 reis from First Composite plate, State D and the 90 reis from the First Composite plate, State B, position 3; each with large to huge margins all round, both showing the interpane horizontal dividing lines between the panes (4 mm), used on ship rate cover from Santos to Sao Paulo tied by bold CORREIO DE SANTOS datestamp (February 3) in black (Ayres 1633). Docketing inside noting receipt on Feb 5. Lettersheet creased but a rare and most unusual combination. Signed A. Diena. Copy of Cert. Philatelic Foundation (1994) and Moorhouse (2013).
Provenance: Basel (March 1975), lot 1514 and Pracchia (Nov 1987), lot 60048.Starting bid : 8,000 CHFHammer price : 8,000 CHFLot# : 3433 Brasil
Lot# : 3434 Brasil
Lot# : 3435 Brasil
60 reis grey-black, Intermediate Impression, two examples with margins all round, few imperfections, applied to reverse of 1844 cover from Santos via Rio de Janeiro to Buenos Aires / Argentina, tied by bold strike of circular "CORREIO DE SANTOS" datestamp (Ayres 1633) in black (Aug 22), with "Correio Geral Da Corte" transit datestamp on obverse (Aug 24). The 120 reis franking correctly prepaid the internal Ship rate to Rio, the cover being charged '10' centavos in manuscript on arrival in Buenos Aires. A part of the cover has been removed to 're-back' the adhesives for protection and display, nevertheless a rare Bulls Eye franking to an overseas destination.
Provenance: Collection Koester, Corinphila sale 70 (March 1984), lot 4518.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 8,500 CHFLot# : 3436 Brasil
60 reis grey-black, Intermediate Impression, a superb large margined horizontal pair used on reverse of 1844 cover from Santos via Rio de Janeiro to Buenos Aires / Argentina, correctly pre-paying the Ship rate to Rio, tied by bold strike of circular CORREIO DE SANTOS datestamp (Ayres 1633) in black (June 15). Obverse bears transit datestamp of "Correio Geral Da Corte" (June 18, the datestamp with the '1' of '18' inverted) in black. Manuscript '20' centavos on front as amount due on receipt (cover is noted inside as replied to on July 5). A delightful and rare franking to an overseas destination in fresh and fine condition.
Provenance: Collection Pracchia (Nov 1987), lot 60057.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 14,000 CHFLot# : 3437 Brasil
30 reis black and 90 reis black, Early Impressions, each from the Second Composite plate (positions State B, 8 and State C pos. 1 respectively) used on November 1843 entire letter from Santo Amaro to Porto / Portugal (Pinto Leite correspondence), the adhesives with minor defects, the 30 r. with closed tear and the 90 r. with minor crease and both have been lifted and replaced; applied to reverse with large margins all round paying the 120 reis ship rate, cancelled by bold strikes of STO. AMARO handstamps in brown (Ayres unlisted). Unique usage of this cancellation on a Bulls Eye cover. A delightful and extremely rare entire to an overseas destination. Copy of Cert. RPS (1996) and Moorhouse (2013).
Provenance: Collection Ferreira (Nov 1994), lot 2125.
Note: The ship rate paid was 120 reis for delivery to Rio Grande, the letter was then forwarded privately in one of the Pinto Leite ships for onward transmission to Lisbon and Porto.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 11,500 CHFLot# : 3438 Brasil
30 reis black to grey used (6 examples) in varying shades including a very toned horizontal pair and 60 reis black to grey (6 examples) all with minor faults but of sound appearance and a poor 90 r. grey, some interesting cancels noted incl. Sao Paulo datestamp in bluish tint and framed 'Aldeia S. Pedro', framed 'S. Joze' etc.(13 items).Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 4,200 CHF
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