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Lot# : 933 Great Britain
1929/38: Great Britain - Collection 50 covers/cards showing interesting frankings and rates from diff. periods, including various legs from the Imperial service to New Zealand, an interesting assembly of correctly franked commercial mail to Germany, Greece, Hungary, Switzerland, Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Iraq, India, Hong Kong and further down to Australia and New Zealand.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 934 New Guinea
The Empire Flying Boats and the EAMS (Empire Air Mail Scheme) Oct. 1936 - Sept. 1939: New Guinea - Fine group of seven covers with destination to England, Germany (4), Italy as well as to USA (Oct. 38) via UK, showing diff. frankings and routing instructions.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 935 Thailand
1936/37: Thailand - Cover from Bangkok (14.10.36) correctly franked with 35 baht per 5 gr. air mail/surface letter rate via UK to USA, another cover from Bangkok transferred to Imperial Feeder service from Penang to Hong Kong (13. Apr. 37) as well as registered envelope at correct air mail letter rate of 75 baht sent via UK to USA (1 June 1938).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 936 Collections/lots Africa
1936/39 Empire Air Mail Scheme Cairo - Capetown: Selection of 21 covers showing diff. rates and routings, incl. envelope from Moçambique sent by Wilson Feeder service to Da es Salaam, cover from Goldcoast (1938) correctly franked at the EAMS letter rate to Australia, cover from Belgium congo to New Zealand showing boxed 'Aereal Service completed-Sydney", registered cover from Nigeria (1937) sent via UK to USA, postcard from Amsterdam (1.V. 39) to Capetown as well as official G.P.O London Leaflet announcing stage one of the "All Up EAMS" and cover from Capetown showing boxed "Note the Postage Rate - 1 1/2 d. for each half ounce" advertising the unified letter rate. A fine assembly.Starting bid : 650 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 937 Malaya
1936/39: Malaya - Selection of 10 covers showing diff. rates and destinations, including cover from DEBAK/Sarawak (12 June 37), ' 25 c. Kuala Lumpur 18.IX.37" meter mark on cover to England, Postcard from Singapore franked at 25 c. to Germany (1937), envelope from North Borneo to Scotland ((1937), first "All up" EAMS postage rate of 10 c. on cover from Kuala Lumpur (28 Feb.38) as well as correct EAMS 8 c. franking on cover from BELAIT/Brunei (1938), both sent to England.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 938 Imperial China
1937/39: EAMS China - Group of six covers, including 'By I.A. Eng' handstamp applied in Hong Kong to envelope from Shanghai (18.11.37), 'By I.A.L.' handstamp on envelope also from Shanghai (27.8.38) to Sweden (!) as well as four Hong Kong covers including one to USA , ansdother to Vienna and a third to Batavia. All mail from Shanghai after the Japanese invasion (Nov. 9 1937) travelled to Hong Kong by steamer as no air service was available.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 939 Fiji
1937: FIJI - NEW HEBRIDES; Cover franked at correct surface/air mail letter rate of 1/11 from SUVA (10 AP) addressed to USA and sent to Sydney via Burns Philp mail steamer, rail to Brisbane then Imperial service to Southampton, cover from London (4 DEC 37) adressed to SUVA/Fiji franked with 1/3 empire air mail surcharge letter rate, further envelope from New Hebrides to Paris. Despite some defectives, a scarce group of commercially used envelopes from and to Oceania.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 940 Collections/lots worldwide
1936/39: EAMS Far East - Interesting Group of 21 covers showing interesting destinations and routings, including Mail from Ceylon to Austria (1936), cover from Argentine to New Zealand (1939) sent by Air France via Marseilles to Bangkok and transferred to Imperial service to Sydney, Envelope from Newark N.J. sent by KLM via Amsterdam - Batavia then by Imperial service to Tasmania (1938), cover from Burma at 9 1/2 a. rate to Napier NZ, unlisted 'INDIA-GREECE-GERMANY AIR SERVICE' handstruck on cover from India to Germany as well as Mail from China, France, Italy, Latvia and Malta to Australia, Palestine via Italy to Czechoslovakia and Philippines to Switzerland, all using Imperial Airways service.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 941 Collections/Lots Middle East
1936/39: EAMS Middle East - Printed note from G.P.O. London (1939): "The Empire Air Mail Scheme now extends to Iraq (and Kuwait) ... Letters 1 1/2 d. for each Half ounce, Postcards 1 d.", EAMS postage of 8 a. on envelope from Kuwait to England together wir UK cover at 1 1/2 d to Iraq, 7 1/2 a. letter rate on envelope from Bahrain to UK (1937) as well as cover from Baghdad to Denmark (1939) and envelope from Cairo to Johre (1936).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 942 New Zealand
1936/39: EAMS New Zealand - Group of 16 covers showing diff. routes and destinations, including envelope with machine franking 2/2 d. from Christchurch to Sweden (1937), small envelope from Auckland via Egypt to Khartoum Sudan (1937), registered cover to Hong Kong (1938), Cover dispatched on board of Mail Steamer sent via Hong Kong to Kobe Japan (1937), unlisted 'jusqu'à' handstamp "AUSTRALIA-SINGAPORE-LONDON SERVICE" in violet as well as Mail to Austria, China, Ceylon, Germany, Switzerland, UK, USA and Yugoslavia.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 943 Great Britain
1937/38: EAMS Great Britain - Selection of thirteen covers, including registered stationery card to Transjordan, cover to Gold Coast using West African Feeder Service from Karthoum to Accra as well as Mail to Singapore, Shanghai, South Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 944 Australia
1936/39: EAMS Australia - Selection 24 covers showing interesting rates and routings, including unlisted 'jusqu'à' handstamp 'AUSTRALIA-SINGAPORE-ENGLAND' or 'AIR MAIL URGENT' in red, unusual destination as cover to Sweden (1936) and another to Sierra Leone (1937) as well as scarce routing due the high costs of postage for the service via Hong Kong and Pan American Clipper to San Francisco (1937). A fine group.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 945 Collections/lots worldwide
1937/38: Trans-Atlantic Route - Joint Service with PAA, Group of seven covers including Experimental flight Foynes - Botwood - Montreal - New York and Montreal - Foynes (1939) as well as First Trans-Atlantic Flight 'The Caribou' New York - Southamton forwarded to Capetown. On 25 January 1936 an agreement was signed that divided the North Atlantic Route between PAA, which operated in Newfoundland, Canada, Bermuda, Ireland and Imperial Airways.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 946 Collections/lots worldwide
The Final Chapter September 1939 to March 1940 after beginnig of WW II: Interesting group of 30 censored covers, including Mail from France to Kenya, Hong Kong to Denmark, Palestine to Switzerland, Lithuania (2, one to Australia other to Southafrica), covers from Southafrica to Shanghai and Japan and one from Portuguese India Goa to England. Further two early commercial covers sent by BOAC, one from Kluang/Johore to Sydney other from Hong Kong to Capetwon. Due the imminence of WW II the air mail rates reverted back to the old surcharged postal rates prior to the 'All Up Empire Air Mail letter rates. in consequence IA reduced the frequency of the air services and timetables. On 1 April 1940 IA officially became British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC).Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 947 Great Britain
1929 (Oct. 25): 'City of Alexandria' and 'City of Athens' double Crash at Mersa Matruh, Egypt, recovered envelope addressed to India, franking and air mail label have been washed off, showing machine cancellation "HERNE BAY KENT 3.15 PM 25 OCT 29" and backstamped "CALCUTTA G.P.O.DELY. 7 NOV. 29" on reverse. Only few kown covers Nierinck 291026Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 948 Great Britain
1931 (Apr. 1): 'City of Cairo' Crash at Koepang, Dutch East Indies Envelope to Perth/Western Australia, franked 1/4d. and tied by machine cancellation "HALIFAX YORK 1 APR 1931" plus similar envelope from London to Sydney, both dispatched to the first experimental extension flight by Imperial from Karachi to Australia crashed at Kupang (Apr. 19) with arival marks on reverse. Despite the aircraft was a total wreck, nobody was injured and the mails onboard were undamaged. Nierinck 310419.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 949 Australia
1936 (Aug. 22): 'Scipio' G-ABFB Crash at Mirabella Bay, Crete, two recovered envelopes, one with stamps washed off from "SYDNEY 11. AUG 1936" to "ZÜRICH 1 27.VIII. 36" showing "AVION ACCIDENTE" handstamp applied on arrival, other from "AMBARA R.M.S. 17 AUG 36" (India) to Strassbourg/France, incorrectly franked with 7½ a. instead of 9a., taxed 'T' and 29 cts. in manuscript showing large handstamp "Accident d'Avion" inviolet Nierinck 360822J+L.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 950 Great Britain
1936 (Sept. 25): 'Boadicea' G-ACOX Crash in English Channel, recovered envelope addressed to Australia franked at the correct postage of 1/6 by three printings of 6d. meter marks "London E.C.3 23 IX.36", originally attached printed slip from Mount Pleasant P.O. in London missing (as usual) rust marks left Nierinck 360925dStarting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 951 Great Britain
1936 (Sep. 29): Armstrong Withworth AW XV Aircraft 'Athena' G-ABTK Fire at Dehli, India, two recovered envelopes, one badly charred envelope bearing UK 6d. and to manuscript annotations "AIR INDIA" plus "28 September 1936 Air mail fire at Dehli" other franked with UK 1/3 postage to Australia from "LONDON 21 SP 36" with endorsed two line cachet "Salvaged from Air Iiner ATHENA" and backstamped on arrival "LINFIELD 9 OC 36" on reverse. Note "Liner" is spelled "Iiner" Nierinck 360929a+c.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 952 Sweden
1939 (Aug. 15): Lockheed 'Electra' 14-WF62 Aircraft G_AESY Crash near Vordingborg/Denmark, recovered postcard (stamp floated off) addressed to Sweden, cancelled "WELWYN 14 AUG 1939" with Swedish printed label which was pinned to the card, dated "Malmö i augusti 1939 ... Postdirektionen i Södra distriktet." Nierinck 390815 type b.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 953 Great Britain
1939 (Aug. 11): Lockheed 'Electra' 14-WF62 Crash at Saint Saveur near Luxeuil/France, recovered envelope (burnt at left) addressed to Switzerland franked with 5½ d. "London W.1 10. AUG 1939" and applied bilingual printed label with postmark of "BASEL KREIS-POST-DIREKTION 15.VIII.39", further contemporary newspaper coutout reporting the crash Nierinck 390811 type f.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 170 CHFLot# : 954 Great Britain
1935 (Dec. 31): 'City of Khartoum' G-AASJ Crash at Alexandria, Egypt, two recovered envelopes from England, incl. O.H.M.S. envelope from "EDINGURGH 23 DEC 1935" addressed to Australia showing six line handstruck Nierinck type b. applied at Brisbane as well as another cover to Persia showing on reverse manuscript annotation: "salvaged from Imperial Airways flying boat 'City od Khartoum', wrecked 1½ miles from Alexandria ...." plus typed label Nierinck type f. Both with stamps washed off due to water damage. A fine page Nierinck 351231b+d.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 955 Great Britain
Crash Mail 1937/39: Lot 10 wreck covers, including Imperial Flying Boat "Courtier" crash at Phaleron Bay Greece (Nierinck 371001.f), "Cygnus" crash at Brindisi/Italy (371205), "Calpurnia" crash at Lake Habbaniyah/Iraq (381127.a+i), Guinea Airways "Koranga" crash at Katherine River Australia (390118.b),"Challenger" crash at Lumbo Mozambique (390501.a) as well as "Centurion" crash at Hoogly River/Calcutta (390612). A fine and seldom offered group with many annotations, newspaper cutouts, all mounted up on exhibition pages.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 956 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1862/87: Page from an old Maury album with 1882 CA set of three values mint (cert.), and a few duplicates.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 957 South Australia
Lot# : 958 Victoria
Victoria 1901/10: 1 d. dull rose red and 1½ d. maroon on yellow (3) all used on registered 1902 cover to the USA tied by skeleton KYABRAM datestamps in black (March 10). Circular 'R' at left and reverse with Seattle registered transit (April 16) and Lynn, Mass. arrival (April 24). Fresh and attractive cover.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 959 Western Australia
Lot# : 960 Brit. Colonies lots/accumulations
Australian States. 1852/1900c.: Pages from an old Maury album with New South Wales 1850 Sydney View 1 d. red used (3), 2 d. blue used (4, two with certs.) and 3 d. green (3), some fine Diadem issues including 8 d. yellow on blued, 1871 Telegraph stamps with complete set unused (Gi T1/T8), 1885 10 s. mauve & claret optd. in blue mint (signed E. Diena), 1897 Jubilee set of two used, Postage Due 10 s. and 20 s. green mint (cert.); Queensland with page complete including 1860 2 d. blue imperf. lightly used (Gi. 2, cert.), South Australia with early imperforates incl. lovely 2 d. vermilion, Tasmania 1853 1 d. blue superb used (cert.), 1853 4 d. orange (2) used, later Chalons imperf. etc., Victoria with 1850 half lengths 1 d. (4), 2 d. (2) and 3 d. (2) used, 1854 registration 6 d. and 1 s. fine used, Western Australia with 1854 4 d. pale blue fine unused (cert.), later imperforate issues incl. 1857/59 2 d. brown-black on red used (Gi. 15, cert.) etc. Further duplicates on stockcards with the pages, condition variable but the early classics generally very fine, an excellent lot.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 11,000 CHFLot# : 961 Australia
Lot# : 962 Australia
Lot# : 963 Australia
Lot# : 964 Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea 1957/72: Collection in an album with complete sets unused, mint, mainly collected in fresh and fine strips of three owner's cat. = EUR 1'100.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 965 Bahamas
1859/85: Pages from an old Maury album with 1859 1 d. dull lake on thin paper imperforate (cert.) used, 1883 4 d. on 6 d. deep violet mint (cert.), thereafter various values including 1884/90 £ 1 venetian red used etc. A fine page.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 966 Barbados
1852/88: Pages from an old Maury album with 1852 4 d. brownish red on blued fine used, 1855 ½ d. green on white fine used (2), 1859 1 s. black imperforate used, 1873 Britannia 5 s. used, 1878 1 d. on half of 1873 5 s. used (cert.), 1897 set of nine values mint etc. A good lot.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 967 Betchuanaland
1888 (Aug): 'Protectorate' overprints on Bechuanaland issue of 1889, the complete mint set of 11 values, fresh and fine, with 6 d. on 6 d. with light crease and minor age spot on 2 s., otherwise an exceptional and rare set with certificates for the 2 s., 2 s. 6 d., 5 s. and 10 s. green & black, all with large part original gum. A seldom seen set Gi = £ 7'500+.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 4,400 CHFLot# : 968 Betchuanaland
1888/98: Pages from an old Maury album with 1885 set, 1887 set to £ 1 lilac and black used, rare £ 5 used with manuscript docketing, 1888 (Jan) 2 s. 6 d. and 5 s. green mint, 1888 (Sept) surcharges 4 d. on 4 d. lilac mint (2), 6 d. on 6 d. mint, and 1 s. green used, Protectorate with 1888 (Aug) 1 s. green mint, and a few loose on stockcards.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 969 Bermuda
1865/93: Page from an old Maury album with1865/1904 values with some postmark interest, including 1873 'Three Pence' on 1 s. green (Gi. 14) good used with cert. BPA.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 580 CHFLot# : 970 British Honduras
1937: Coronation set of three values mint perforated 'Specimen', 1938 set of 12 mint perf. 'Specimen', 1946 Victory set of two mint perf. 'Specimen', 1948 Silver Wedding set of two mint, 1953 set of 12 mint, 1962 Birds set of 12 mint; all fresh and fine, unmounted og Gi = £ 640.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 971 British Honduras
1865/99: Page from an old Maury album with 1885 6 d. yellow mint (cert.), 1887 6 d. grey mint (cert.) - both are unmounted; 1888 surcharged set mint, 1888/91 set mint, 1898/99 $ 1, $ 2, and $ 5 (cert.) mint. A generally fine lot with some very scarce adhesives.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 972 Canada
Colony of Canada 1851: Prince Albert 6 d. slate-violet on thin vertically laid paper, a magnificent used example with ample to large margins all round and portion of margin from adjoining stamp at base. Exceptional and most attractive stamp Gi = £ 1'300.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 973 Canada
Lot# : 974 Canada
British Columbia. 1860/71: Small collection with 1860 2½ d. deep reddish rose unused and used, Vancouver Island 1865 perf. 5 c. rose unused and used, 1865/71 British Columbia 3 d. blue unused (3), 1868/71 overprinted incl. 25 c. yellow used etc. A generally fine selection.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 975 Brit. Columbia andVancouver Island
Lot# : 976 New Brunswick
Lot# : 977 Newfoundland
Lot# : 978 Newfoundland
1857/1900: Pages from an old Maury album with 1857 1 d. mint, 6 d. scarlet vermilion used (Gi. 6 , cert.), 6½ d. scarlet-vermilion mint (signed Thier), 8 d. scarlet vermilion unused, 1 s. scarlet vermilion used (Gi. 9, cert. and also signed A. Diena), 1860 2 d. orange-vermilion mint, 1861 5 d. brown in a mint pair, 1865/71 issue complete, 1897 set of 14 mint, some later issues on stockcards; also a Prince Edward Island page and New Brunswick with 1851 3 d. bright red unused and 6 d. yellow used. A marvellous lot including many extremely rare classic adhesives.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 7,500 CHFLot# : 979 Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia 1851: 3 d. dark blue on blued paper, a fine large margined example used on cover from Halifax (June 16) to Summerside, Prince Edward Island tied in black. Reverse with despatch cds, 'Prince Edward Island' cdsand Summerside arrival cds in red. Some overall soiling but scarce.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 980 Nova Scotia
Lot# : 981 Nova Scotia
Lot# : 982 Nova Scotia
1857/63: Page from an old Maury album with 1857 1 d. red brown on blued used, 3 d. blue on blued used and a further example on attractive cover to Halifax, 6 d. yellow green on blued used and 1860/63 set.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 983 Canada
1851/199: Pages from an old Maury album with 1851 3 d. Beavers (2) used, Cartier 10 d. blue imperf. used, 12 d. black with 'Specimen' overprint in green, 1859 ½ d. rose perf. unused, 1859/64 values to 17 c. used, Large and Small Queens used (further duplication on stockcards), 1893 50 c. blue unused, 1897 Jubilee set of 16 to $ 5 used. A fine lot.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 3,600 CHFLot# : 984 Canada
1852/1902: Collection with imperf. Beaver 3 c. (3) used, 6 d. slate used, 10 d. blue used, 1859 1 c. rose perf. (3), 10 c. purple used (4), 12½ c. green used (4), 1864 2 c. used, later with some attractive Large Queens incl. 2 c. witth pre-printing paper fold, 6 c. (5), 12½ c. blue (5), 15 c. with a range of shades (13), a range of Victorian postal stationery etc. Also some Newfoundland and Nova Scotia on cards. Condition fair to very fine, viewing recommended.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 985 Canada
1870/: Used Collection with study of ½ c. black (16) and a cover to Switzerland with ten examples, Small Queen shades selection with 1 c. yellow used (16 examples), 2 c. green (16), 3 c. red (32), 5 c. olive (18), 6 c. brown (13), 1893 8 c. (9), 10 c. (10), 1893 20 c. vermilion (4) and 50 c. blue (4), 1897 Jubilee issue to 50 c. with duplication, 1897 ½ c. black in a used block of six, 1897 set of eight values (three sets), 1898 set of 11 (2 sets), 1898 Maps (10), 1903 Edward set (2) and a mint 50 c.; 1908 Tercentenary set (Gi = £ 375) etc. Condition varies but most appear fine, a good lot.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 986 Ceylon
Lot# : 987 Ceylon
1857: Postal Stationery envelopes-2 d. green, 4 d. rose, 5 d. brown, 6 d. purple, 8 d. brown, 9 d. purple, 1 s. yellow, 1 s. 9 d. yellow green and 2 s. blue; mint examples of this extraordinarily rare issue, a few with some minor ageing or scuffs but just 4'000 issued of six of the values. Rare.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 988 Ceylon
1857/1899: Pages from an old Maury album, predominantly used with imperforate 6 d. purple brown on blued, 1857/59 1 d., 2 d., 5 d., 6 d., 10 d. and 1 s. (signed Champion), superb 9 d. purple-brown (cert. Bühler and Behr), 1 s. 9 d. green mint (2, one with cert BPB), 2 s. dull blue; 1858 ½ d. dull mauve mint and used (cancelled in red); 1861/64 issues complete with rare 8 d. yellow brown used (cert. BPB), 1864/66 issue complete used, 1869 6 d. Official mint, 1881/82 Telegraphs from 12 c. to 10 r. mint etc., with a few later issues and duplication of classics on stockcards.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 989 Cook Islands
1892/1920: Page from an old Maury album with 1892 first issue set used, 1893/94 set complete and 1920 Die Proof of the Cook vignette for 1½ d. value in black.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 990 Cyprus
Lot# : 991 Cyprus
Lot# : 992 Cyprus
1880/1937: Page from an old Maury album and on card with 1880 ½ d. mint and used, 1 d. red incl. pl. 217 in a mint block of six, 6 d. grey pl. 16 used, 1 s. green pl. 13 used (signed Champion), ½ d. on 1 d. red mint (4), small ½ d. on 1 d. red mint, 30 pa. on 1 d. red mint (2), 1881/82 6 pi. grey used (signed Champion), 1893 12 pi. orange-brown mint etc. Condition varies but generally fine to very fine.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 993 Dominica
1874/99: Page from an old Moens album with all spaces complete, including large piece with 'Half Penny' in black on half of 1 d. lilac tied by "A07" obliterators and a fine mint block of 12 of 1886 4 d. grey and a strip of five etc.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 994 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 995 Egypt Kingdom
1871: Essays by Penasson of Alexandria, 'Sphinx & Pyramid' designs without arabic inscriptions or value, imperforate pairs in lilac, olive-green, deep green, red and brown on gummed un-watermarked paper. Fresh and most attractive group. Signed Holcombe Balian 104/Nile Post E51.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 996 Egypt Kingdom
1874: Essay by Carlo Borani of Florence, lithographed in small format (28 x 18 mm.), for proposed 1 piastre value in grey blue, imperforate. Some thinning as usual but not affecting the appearance of a rare unadopted Essay. Signed Todd AIEP Balian 132/Nile Post E58.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 997 Egypt Kingdom
1874: Essay by Carlo Borani of Florence, lithographed in large format (28 x 21 mm.), for proposed 20 para value in bright green, imperforate. Some thinning as usual but not affecting the appearance of a rare unadopted Essay. Signed Todd AIEP Balian 130/Nile Post E56.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 998 Egypt Kingdom
1874/75: Bulaq 1 pi. red used with 10 pa. grey (2) on 1877 entire letter from Cairo to France, and single 1 pi. red used on 1878 cover from Cairo to Colorado/USA via London (Oct 1) and struck with "Unclaimed" in black and triangular "Dead Letter Office" of Denver in blue on reverse. Small imperfections but an interesting pair.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 999 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 1000 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 1001 Egypt Kingdom
1888: De La Rue 1 m. brown and 2 m. green on picture postcard to Brescia, mis-directed to Bucharest where Romania 10 ba. red was attached and both the Egyptian and the Romanian stamps were cancelled by BUCURESTI EXPED. SORIS 1 MAI 06 datestamps, forwarded to Brescia with arrival (May 3). An unusual card.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 1002 Egypt Kingdom
French P.O. in Suez 1868 (Sept): Small cover to Marseille franked by 1862 perf. Empire 40 c. orange tied by "5105" lozenge of dots with corresponding "SUEZ / BAU. FRANCAIS" datestamp alongside. Carried by British ship, with Marseille entry marking in red (Sept 24) also on front of a scarce cover. Signed Brun.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 1003 Egypt Kingdom
1870: Combination cover with creased Egypt 1867 1 pi. red tied by Port Said cds (April 29), transferred to French P.O. in Alexandria where 1867 Laureated 40 c. orange applied and tied by '5080' lozenge of dots and by "Alexandrie / Egypte" cds (May 1). Marseille entry marking in red (May 6) also on front of a scarce cover.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 1004 Egypt Kingdom
1870 (June 30): Cover mailed from Port Said to Marseille bearing 1867 1 pi. red neatly tied by "V. R. Egiziane / Porto Said" cds, in combination with France Laureated 1863/67 40 c. orange tied by "5080" gros chiffres in black. Repeated Egyptian datestamp below and French P.O: in Alexandria cds (July 2) alongside. Carried on the "Menzaleh" steamer with red entry marking "Paq. Ang.-Marseille-1" in red (July 8) also on front. Side flaps removed but a generally fine and attractive cover.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1005 Egypt Kingdom
French P.O. in Port Said 1875: Cover to Liverpool franked by 1871/75 Cérès 30 c. brown (2) each tied by "5129" lozenge of dots with "Port Said / Egypte" cds alongside, prepaid via Alexandria, Marseilles, Paris (Aug 31) to Liverpool (Sept 1). One or two envelope faults but scarce.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1006 Egypt Kingdom
Egyptian Post Office in Constantinople 1867/79: Album page with 1867 20 pa., 1872 5 pa. and 1 pi., 1874 2 pi. and 1879 10 pa. all struck with fine strikes of 'Constantinopoli' cds's on black; also a fine October 1879 cover to Cairo with single 1879 1 pi. rose tied by 'Constantinopoli' cds (signed Todd).
Provenance: Constantinople collection Corinphila sale (December 2007), lot 7304.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1007 Egypt Arab. Republic
Gaza 1928/67: Collection with better sets and values of Gaza including airmail sets unused/mint, all sets doubled or tripled, fresh and fine owner's cat. = £1'700.Starting bid : 700 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1008 Egypt Kingdom
1866/99: Pages from an old Maury album with1866 complete set of seven used with 5 pi. rose (cert.) cancelled by retta and 10 pi. slate with cds usage (cert.), 1868 Suez Canal set of four values mint (genuine), later issues with all spaces filled and some useful duplication on cards.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 1009 Egypt Kingdom
1922/38: Collection with better sets and values unused mint, including airpost and Zeppelin issues, 1932 King Fuad 100 m on £1 dull violet blue, Railway Congress, 1934 UPU Congress as well as 1938 King Farouk and Queen Farida £1 (tripled), all very fresh and fine owner's cat. = £ 2'200.Starting bid : 850 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 1010 Egypt Arab. Republic
1958/63: Collection with mainly smaller sets and values unused mint, including miniature sheets, all tripled, fresh and fine Owner's cat = EUR 500.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1011 Falkland
1878/99: Page from an old Maury album with definitive issues incl. 1898 2 s. 6 d. blue and 5 s. red used, also a fine piece with circular Souvenir strike of 'Falkland Islands / Paid' in red (cert. RPS).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 1012 Fiji
1870: Fiji Times Express 1 d. black on thin rose quadrille paper, position 13, a lightly used example with good margins all round, minute pinhole and small marginal tear at left, otherwise an exceptional example of an exceedingly rare stamp. Cert BPB (2003) Gi = £ 4'000.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 3,200 CHFLot# : 1013 Fiji
Lot# : 1014 Fiji
1871: Fiji Times Express 1 d. black on thin rose vertically ribbed paper, position 14, a fine mint example with large margins for this issue, minute thin in upper left corner only, of fresh and fine appearance, part original gum. Cert. BPA (1976) and BPB (2003) Gi = £ 1'100.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 1015 Fiji
Lot# : 1016 Fiji
1870/1904c.: Pages from an old Maury album with 1871 Fiji Times Express 6 d. black on rose thin quadrille paper used (Gi. 3 with cert.), 1871 set of three values mint, 1872 overprinted set of three mint, later issues with some duplication on stockcards. A fine and unusual lot.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 1017 Gambia
1869/98: Page from an old Maury album with 1869 imperforate 4 d. brown mint (signed Brun), imperforate 6 d. blue mint, 4 d. brown used with red datestamp, 1880/93 with range of Cameos mint or used and 1898 set of eight used.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 1018 Gibraltar
1937: Coronation set of three values mint perforated 'Specimen', 1938 set of 14 (no 1½ d. slate as issued in 1943) all perf. 'Specimen', 1946 Victory set of two mint perf. 'Specimen', 1948 Silver Wedding set of two mint, 1953 set of 14 mint, 1960 set of 14 mint, all fresh and fine, unmounted og Gi = £ 1'440.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1019 Gibraltar
Lot# : 1020 Gibraltar
Lot# : 1021 Gibraltar
1886/99: Pages from an old Maury album with 1886 overprinted issue incl. 6 d. deep lilac unused, 1886/87 set of seven used, 1889 Spanish Currency overprints complete, 1889/96 set complete with 20 c. olive green used (2), also some further duplication on cards etc.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 1022 Gilbert and Ellice Islands
Lot# : 1023 Gilbert and Ellice Islands
Lot# : 1024 Goldcoast
1876/98: Page from an old Maury album with first types used, 1889 provisional 1 d. on 6 d. orange mint (signed) and used, 1884/91 2 s. brown (2) used, 1889 20 s. green & red used (cert.), 20 s. mauve & black on red used (2), and 1898 set used; together with duplicates on cards with postmark interest.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 1025 Grenada
1861/98: Pages from an old Maury album with Chalon issues unused or used with a range of shades, later issues to 1896 complete.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 1026 Guyana
Lot# : 1027 Guyana
Lot# : 1028 Guyana
1852: 1 c. black on magenta surface coloured paper, used example on piece to which it may not belong, huge margins all round for this stamp, some usual surface rubbing and repaired crease, cancelled in black. A rare stamp but due to the perceptible faults and lack of a current certificate sold "tel quel/as is". Signed Georg Bühler Gi = £ 4'250.
Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 1029 Guyana
Lot# : 1030 Guyana
1856: 4 c. black on magenta imperforate, a used example of wonderful aspect and appearance, large even margins for this rarity, initialled "E.D.W.(ight)" and cancelled by bold "Demerara JY.1.1856" datestamp in black. Minor touching up of the usual surface scrape has occurred otherwise a magnificent example of this rarity. Cert. Friedl/Herbert Bloch (1971) Gi = £ 11'000.Starting bid : 3,500 CHFHammer price : 5,500 CHFLot# : 1031 Guyana
1860/63: 12 c. grey-lilac used on small piece cancelled by "AO3" obliterator in black and by large "5d." accountancy marking in red, matched with 1863/76 6 c. milky blue on small piece cancelled by "AO3" obliterator with "1½" accountancy marking, both struck in red. Scarce and most attractive.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1032 Guyana
1866/71: 24 c. bluish green, perf. 10, a fine used example on 1866 cover to London tied by "Georgetown / 103" duplex (May 8) in black, with London/Paid arrival cds adjacent (May 30) in red. Slight corner fault to envelope repaired by hinge, otherwise a fine and attractive cover.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHF
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