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Lot# : 196 Colombia
1902: Stationery envelope 10 c. with add. franking Arms definitives 1 c. claret, 2 c. green (pair) and 5 c. green imperf., cancelled by Correos Nacionales datestamp (Sept 1) with registration stamp 20 c. red-brown on blue paper alongside, presumably dispatched in Bogota with commercial cachet on reverse, Barranquilla transit cds in violet (Oct 4) on front, sent to Kaluga, Russia with arrival cds (Oct. 14 Julian calendar) on reverse. Unusual destination.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 197 Colombia
1928: Postal stationery, fresh mint examples of 10 c. green postcard, both types of 20 c. airletter cards as well as 30 c. green and 50 c. blue stationery envelopes, scarce group (see Gebauer page 60).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 198 Colombia
1859/1899: Pages from an old Maury album with 1859 issue complete used and a fine 20 c. mint, 1860 issue used, New Granada 1861 set of five used with fine 2½ c. black and 1 p. pink, 1862 issue with fine 1 p. lilac (signed Schol), 1863 and 1864 issues complete mixed mint or used, 1866 complete used, later issues to 1899 largely complete with Telegraphs, registration receipts etc and an 1888 10 peso black on rose block of 20 fine used. A good lot with cancellation interest throughout.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 199 Colombia
1927/38: Lot three covers and some loose stamps, incl. machine 'S' overprint on 30 c. blue (2) on cover to Bogotà (envelope slightly trimmed at left), 1938 registered envelope from Colombia to Switzerland as well as machine overprinted 1 peso plus registration stamp, further scarce Golddollar issue with 5c. to 20 c. + 30 c. + 60 c. + 2 peso red orange, all with clear Swiss cancellations SLH = CHF 2'400.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 200 Colombia
Large sheet file with Cundinamarca 1884 5 c. blue sheet of 100 (Scott 11), Tolima 1884 set of 12 values in complete sheets of 100 including some values duplicated; Colombia / Barranquilla Issues with 1901 1 c. black and 2 c. on rose optd. in violet in sheets of 100, 1901 rose opt. 1 c. blue sheet of 100, 2 c. brown separated sheet of 100, 1902 magenta opt. 5 c. and 10 c. in seprated blocks of 50, 1902/03 2 c. blue imperforate (3 sheets of 50), 10 c. rose red imperforate in a mint sheet of 50 and a rare used sheet, 20 c. purple or 20 c. lilac in perforated sheets of 50 with differing perforations (16 sheets), 1903 50 c. yellow imperf. in block of 50 etc.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 201 Colombia
Colombian States. 1863/1904: Pages from an old Maury album with 1868 Antioquia 2½ c. manuscript used, 5 c. green manuscript used (exceptional example, cert. B. Behr, 1971), 1 p. red manuscript used (signed E. Diena), later issues largely complete to 1896. Bolivar with 1863 10 c. green unused (cert. E. Diena), 1 p. red in a block of four and two diagonal bisects on piece; 1873 issue complete; Cundinamarca largely complete to 1886 excl. 1883 2 r., Panama from 1879 with good range and cards with 1904 issues etc., Santander page and Tolima 1870 5 c. black on blued (3, one signed Ferchenbauer). A generally fine lot of seldom seen material.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : 2,600 CHFLot# : 202 Colombia
Lot# : 203 Colombia
1919 (June 18): 2 c. carmine-rose fine used example on First Flight cover (slightly trimmed at left and vertical fold) addressed to Vincente Puccin in Puerto Colombia, cancelled by Barranquilla datestamp and Puerto Colombia acceptance. Minor ageing but a rare and fine cover.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 204 Colombia
Compania Columbiana de Navegacion Aerea 1920 (Mar 12): Cover from Cartagena to Barranquilla bearing 10 c. green Flier in plane watching biplane and postage 3 c. lake-brown, both cancelled by incomplete strike of CCNA / CARTAGENA oval cachet in violet and CORREO AEREO / CARTAGENA -- COLOMBIA datestamp in violet. Reverse with Barranquilla arrival datestamp in black-brown. Two vert. folds on left of cover away from stamps. In addition, four different unused airmail stamps of the March 1920 issue, one marginal.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 205 Colombia
1921: Surcharge Error "Vaolr 10 Centavos" in black on 50 c. pale green vertical strip of three (top right corner defective) on reverse of 3 c. stationery envelope addressed to New York bearing additional 30 c. rose tied by "Sociedad Colombo-Alemana de Transportes Aereos" handstamp in blue Scott unlisted.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 206 Colombia
1921: "VALOR 30 CENTAVOS" surcharge on 50 c. pale green in black or violet, five copies used/unused, incl. inverted overprint, $030c used on piece (some stains) as well as Scott type d, both tied by Barranquilla time clock in violet. A fine and scarce group.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 207 Colombia
1928: First Flight 'Colombia-Ecuador-Peru', envelope from "Barranquilla 20.X. 1928" to Paita/Peru with arrival mark on reverse (22.10.) as well as two covers from the return flight, one franked by Scadta consular overprint 'PE' 3 peso violet, other registered 10. c. + 20 c. + 20 c. registration stamp, both tied by large "Servicio de Transportes Aereos -Scadta" circular stamp of Paita and additional franking of 12 c. cancelled "Correos Paita Oct. 22 28" and Barranquilla arrival on reverse. A fine group Muller 48.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 208 Colombia
1931 (June 15): First flight Barranquilla-Miami-NY, printed Hennig cover franked with Scadta Golddollar 5 c. block of four plus two single values together with 8c. in Colombian adhesives tied by "Servicio de Transportes Aereos CALI 15.VI.1931" and sent via "Barranquilla 16.VI.1931" to Hamburg, showing special flight cachet on reverse. Fine Golddollar franking, normally used for International Airmail to be flown from coastal to interior points of Colombia.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 209 Colombia
Lot# : 210 Colombia
Lot# : 211 Colombia
1925/27: Group of four First Flight covers, including "Primer Correo Aereo Colombia-Venezuela 27 Junio 1925", "Primer Correo Aereo Colombia-America Central" (1925 Aug. 12), "Primer Vuelo a la Mesa de los Santos Dept. de Santander" (1927 Nov. 13) as well as "Primer Correo Aereo Interocéanico de Barranquilla a Buenaventura" (1927 Nov. 22) Muller 30, 31, 42.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHF
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