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Lot# : 810 India
1927 (March 26): India - UK, cover franked by 5 a. from Karachi via Basra - Cairo to London with endorsed "Air Mail Urgent Basra - Cairo" in manuscript and large boxed cachet "AIR MAIL SERVICE BASRA-CAIRO (KARACHI G.P.O.)" in magenta showing "BASRAH 31 MAR 27" transit mark on reverse.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 812 India
1927 (Nov. 3): India - UK, Printed matter franking of 3½ a. on cover from Bombay via Basra - Cairo to London showing straight line "BASRA-CAIRO" in violet and "URGENT" applied at Bombay as well as double circle handstamp "By Air" in black from Karchi G.P.O. with "BASRAH 11. NOV 27" transit mark on reverse. Envelope slightly browned, otherwise fine McQueen type 2 and 53, Mair type IRA-A1a.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 813 Egypt Kingdom
1927: Egypt - Iraq, Group of four covers including registered envelope from Alexandria (March 24) to Basrah, underpaid envelope from Cairo (Jan 10) to Karachi, cover from Edinburgh (23 Sept.) via Egypt and Iraq addressed to Persia as well as another from Port Said (13 Sept.) to Baghdad.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 815 India
1929 (April 19): INDIA - Egypt, Cover to Cairo franked by 3 a. air mail fee and 4 a. surface letter rate, each tied by "KARACHI 19 APR 29" cds., showing double circle handstamp "By Air" and "KARACHI TO CAIRO BY IMPERIAL AIRWAYS" imprint together with "INDIAN AIRWAYS" rubber h.s. on front, Alexandria arrival (Ap.24) on reverse, signed Stephen Smith Mair type IND-A-1aStarting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 130 CHFLot# : 816 India
1929 (Apr.4): Karachi - London Imperial Airwys Inaugural Flight April 7, envelope to London franked by 8 a. tied by "SIMLA S.W. 4 APR.29", with endorsed 'By first air mail India-England" in manuscript and double circle handstamp "BY AIR" applied at Karachi G.P.O. Mair type IND-A-1a. The service now took only 8 days, flying all the way.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 818 Australia
1929 (June 22): Australia - UK, Business envelope (vertical fold) franked at 1/7½ double air fee cancelled "SHIP MAIL ROOM MELBOURNE 22 JE" sent by air to Perth, by steamer to Calcutta, rail to Karachi thence Imperial service IW-16 arriving London 27 July 1929 Mair AUS-B-29.Starting bid : 140 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 819 Straits Settlements
Lot# : 823 Straits Settlements
1929 (Dec. 3): Singapore -UK, Envelope (roughly opened) franked with 26 c. cancelled "NEWTON SINGAPORE 3 DE 1929" cds., endorsed "By Air Mail Karachi-London" in manuscript and sent by mail steamer to Bombay, rail to Karachi and Imperial service (Dec.30.) to London Mair type STS-A-1.Starting bid : 360 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 824 Australia
Lot# : 825 New Zealand
1930 (July 1): New Zealand's First Connection with the Karachi-London Air Mail Service, Envelope franked with 8 d. tied by "TIMARU 1 JL 30" cds. sent via Karachi to Delhi (Aug.9), unclaimed and returned to sender with several transit marks on reverse. Rare New Zealand acceptance and route extension between Karachi and the Indian capital Delhi Mueller 58.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 826 New Zealand
Lot# : 827 New Zealand
Lot# : 828 Malaya
1930 (Aug. 28): Malaya - UK, Registered envelope to England franked by 41 c. (some blunt perfs.) tied by "NILAI 5-PM 28 AU 1930 F.M.S" cds., sent via Singapore and mail steamer to Karachi, dipatched to Imperial Service to London. Rare Malayan acceptance Mair type FMS-A-1Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 829 India
1930 (Sept. 20): India - Germany via UK, Business cover from Calcutta to Germany franked 15 a. showing on front and reare straight line "GREAT BRITAIN INDIA VIA KARACHI." handstamp in violet (unlisted in McQueen), transferred at Croydon to air service via Cologne to Nuremberg/Fürth with arrival mark on reverse (Oct. 9).Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 831 India
1931 (Feb. 18): New Zealand - UK 1d. stationery envelope uprated with 7d. air mail fee cancelled "DUNEDIN 18 FE 31.8-P.M.N.Z." to England sent by regular mail steamer via Australia and "Karachi-London Air Mail" to Bugle with arrival mark on reverse (March 27) Mair type NZL-A-1a.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 834 Malaya
1931 (Apr. 27): Kuala Lumpur - UK via Singapore, Airmail cover carried on the first experimental return flight service from Australia to England, franked with 48 c. tied by "KUALA LUMPUR 27 AP 1931 F.M.S." cds., endorsed 'BY DIRECT SERVICE", backstamped "SINGAPORE 28 AP 1931" on reverse and Norwich cds. (May 15) on front on ½ d. Rare acceptance from Malaya Mueller 8, Mair type FMS-A-1Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 835 Australia
1931 (May 9): 2nd Experimental Return Service from Australia to England, Business cover correctly franked with 8d. tied by "MELBOURNE VIC. 9 MAY 1931" meter mark (note '1931' inverted!) with endorsed 'Via Karachi' in manuscript to Birmingham Mueller 72
Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 837 Malta
1931 (Aug 20): Malta - USA via Italy, Airmail envelope to New York franked with 3½ d tied by "AIR MAIL MALTA" cds. in violet and adjacent "VALETTA" cds in black, showing boxed two line handstamp "BY AIR TO GENOA ONLY" in violet and forwarded from there by sea mail steamer. Unusual intermediate leg Valetta-Genoa.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 838 New Zealand
1931 (Aug. 26): New Zealand - Syria, Registered envelope (opened on three sides) franked 1/1d., from High Street/Christchurch N.Z.sent by Imperial service to Baghdad with Bhamdoun/Lebanon arrival mark (Oct. 6) on reverse. Correct postage to Syria required 1/4 per ½ oz. plus registration fee of 3d., which obviously has not been charged. Rare destination.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 839 New Zealand
Lot# : 843 Ceylon
Lot# : 844 Ceylon
1933 (July 20): UK - Hong Kong Envelope franked with 1/4 combined air/seamail letter rate, cancelled by "WATERLOOO STREET GLASGOW C2" cds. sent via "MARSEILLES GARE AVIATION 25 JUI" and thence by French steamer via Saigon (3.8.) to "Hong Kong 12 AUG 33" with arrival mark on reverse.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 846 Ceylon
1929/34: Ceylon - Group of three commercial envelopes from Colombo to Europe, showing the different rates as 29 c. franking on cover via Karachi to London (1929), 79 c. Empire letter rate on cover sent via Calcutta to Croydon (Dec 5 1934) as well as double rated envelope at 58 c. to Holland, sent via Karachi to Brindisi and transferred to Lufthansa for further carriage to Den Haag (Dec. 12 1934). A fine trio.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 190 CHFLot# : 848 Kenya
1931 (Sept. 21): Envelope franked by 1.50 c. cancelled "NAIROBI 21 SE 31 KENYA" showing "AIR FEE PREPAID TO EUROPE" applied at Nairobi carried by Wilsons Airways feeder service to Kisumu, then Imperial service to Athens (Sept. 28), transferred to German Lufthansa and sent via Munich and Dresden to Berlin (1.10) backstamped on reverse Mair type KUG-A-3.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 850 South Africa
1932 (Jan.): First Official Airmail South Africa - England, "City of Basra" Crash at Salisbury, illustrated first air mail cover from Cape Town (27. Jan.) to Athens (Feb. 13) as well as another cover of "City of Dehli" Crash near Broken Hill/Northern Rhodesia from "BULAWAYO S.RHODESIA 28 JAN 1932" to London. An attractive pair Nierinck 320129B +320129CStarting bid : 160 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 851 Kenya
1932 (March 7): Kenya - UK, Kenya - South Africa, Cover from London franked with 70 c. tied by "MBEYA 7-MR1932" cds. as well as another envelope from "EMBOSI 2 JA 34" sent by Wilsons feeder air service via Mbeya to Stellenbosh (Jan. 15), both bearing bilingual air mail label of Tanganyika Territory Mair type TNG-A-1a.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 852 Kenya
1933 (July): Kenya/Uganda - UK, Airmail cover from "KAMPALA 16 JY 33 UGANDA" carried on Wilson Airways feeder service to Nairobi as well as another fine business envelope franked with 20 c. block of four plus 5 c. tied by "MOMBASA 22 JY 33" cds. and showing straight line "LOCAL AIR FEE PAID" handstamp applied in Mombasa.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 853 New Zealand
1933/36: New Zealand - South Africa, Envelope franked 1/2 tied "WELLINGTON 31. MR. 33. 1-PM N.Z." and sent via Karachi - Cairo to Capetwon (May 6) as well as another two covers franked at 1/8 air mail/surface letter rate from Johannesburg via Alexandria to New Zealand. A fine trio.Starting bid : 220 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 854 Sansibar
1933/36: Zanzibar - UK/USA, Envelope (opened on three sides, tear at lower left) franked with 62 c. cancelled "ZANZIBAR 8 SE 33" to Bristol as well as another cover to Michigan/U.S.A. franked by correct air mail letter rate of 1/20 tied by "ZANZIBAR 18 JU 36", both sent by Wilson Airways coastal feeder service from Dar es Salaam to Nairobi, then by Imperial service to London. Despite some defectives, an attractive pair Mair type ZNZ-A-1.Starting bid : 140 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 855 South Africa
1934 (Oct. 9): South Africa - UK, Printed business-envelope 'Sive Bros & Karnovsky, Ltd.' (roughly opened on top) to New York, attractively cancelled by Company meter mark of 1/- and tied by "JOHANNESBURG 9.X.34 95" cds., showing additional handstamp "Insufficiently paid for Air Mail, beyond LONDON" applied in Johannesburg and the large red double bars cancelling airmail in London, further another cover to Belgium dated "Johannesburg 7.VI.35", backstamped with Broken Hill cds. (June 8) Mair type RSA-A-4bStarting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 856 Kenya
1934 (July 1): Kenya - USA, Envelope (roughly opened at top) franked with 75 cents tied by "NAIROBI 3.15 PM 1 JU 34 KENYA" and showing two line handstamp "PAR AVON JUSQU'A LONDON" where the large red double bars had been applied (cancelling the air service) and forwarded by regular sea mail to New York McQueen type Kenya 6, Mair type KUG-A-3.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 857 Kenya
1934 (Dec. 6): Kenya - New Zealand, Envelope to Christchurch franked with 1 s. 90 c. cancelled "NAIROBI 5 PM 6 DE 34 KENYA" showing on front "Jusqu'à" handstamp "BY AIR IN AUSTRALIA/PAR AVION EN AUSTRALIE" applied at Darwin and limiting the air service within Australia, sent via Egypt and Singapore to "SIDNEY 21 DEC.34" (meter cancellation on reverse) and then to New Zealand by regular mail steamer. An attractive overseas cover.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 858 Kenya
1935 (March 7): Tanganyika Territory - Scotland, Envelope franked with 85 c. tied by "DARESSALAM 10 AM 7 MR 1935" cds. showing boxed "FEEDER SERVICE" cachet applied for Wilsons air mail feeder service to Nairobi, then Imperial service to London, rare Mair type KUG-A-3Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 859 South Africa
1935/36: Uganda - Europe, Group of three envelopes to different European Countries, including 1/-franking on cover from "MBEYA 9 AU 1935" to Czechoslovakia showing boxed "By Air to Brindisi" and similar handstamp "By Air to London" on cover from "TANGA 3 OC 1935", both handstamps applied in Nairobi, further 75 c. foreign air mail letter rate on envelope from "IRINGA 24 AU 1936" sent via London to Berlin McQueen type Kenya 5+11.Starting bid : 220 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 860 Sudan
1935/36: Sudan - UK, Group of three covers, incl. 2½ pi on 5 m. single franking tied by "SUDAN AIR MAIL KARTHOUM 29.V.35" on cover to Isle of Wight, registered envelope (Aug. 20) franked with 3 pi air mail + 15 m. registration fee, showing unusual "East Anglian. T.P.O. Down 25 AU 35" cancellation on reverse as well as another envelope franked with 2 pi 30 m. cancelled "GEBEIT 25.V.36" to Royal Air Force in Heliopolis with arrival mark (May 28) on reverse, fine.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 865 India
Lot# : 866 India
1934 (Jan. 8): India - Belgium Congo via Cairo and Rhodesia, 1a. 3p. stationery envelope uprated on front and back to the correct postage of total 16 a. tied by "LUCKNOW 8 JAN 34" cds., dispatched at Cawnpore to Cairo (Jan. 14), sent via Broken Hill/Rhodesia and transshipped to Sabena service to Aba (Jan. 18) and Stanleyville (Jan. 26), showing boxed handstamp "PAR AVION JUSQU'A Aba" on front.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 867 India
1934 (Feb./March): India - USA via UK, Envelope from Calcutta G.P.O. to England showing boxed "CALCUTTA-LONDON" and single line "AIR MAIL", both unlisted in McQueen as well as another envelope from Alleppey (March 4) to San Francisco with manuscript route instruction "India-Paris-New York", backstamped in Paris (14.III.) applied to front.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 869 Australia
1934 (June 8): Australia - France, Envelope franked 1/1 cancelled "LATE FEE 1P-8 JU 34 SPENCER ST. VIC", Melbourne (1d. late fee), endorsed routing instructions on front and sent by see mail Perth to Singapore, then Imperial service to Paris, backstamped July 2 on reverse.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 870 India
1934 (June 16): India - Czechoslovakia, Illustrated envelope franked on reverse with 9½ a., tied by "BOMBAY FOREIGN 18 JU 34" backstamped Athens (June 23), underpaid by 1½ a. and collected upon delivery with 3 x 1 Kr. postage dues in a vert. strip of three on front cancelled by "Jablonec nad Nisou/Gablonz a.d. Meisse" cds.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 871 India
1934 (July 12) India - UK, Envelope from "QUETTA 12 JUL 34" (cds on reverse) showing straight line cachet "EARTH QUAKE POSTAGE FREE" handstamp, endorsed "AIR MAIL KARACHI - CROYDON" in manuscript and triangular postal examiners handstamp "i.S" on front to England. After the major earthquacke in Quetta the Indian Postal Authorities made an allowance for the general public affected by the disaster to post letters free of charges for a short period of time.Starting bid : 220 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 873 New Zealand
1934 (Nov,) Route Extension from Singapore to Brisbane - Illustrated envelope 'Waitom caves" franked with 1/6 tied by "WAITOMO CAVES N.Z. 28.NO 34" cds., endorsed "Great Britain by New Zealand, Australia-Singapore London Air Mail", sent by Imperial service IW 298 to Brisbane (December 10) arriving Croydon 25., to St. Asaph/N.Wales. First flight from Brisbane Eustis 470.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 874 New Zealand
1934/35: Lot three commercial covers to England, all mailed by regular steamer and rail to Brisbane, including one from Lower Hutt (Nov 29 1934), another from Christchurch (May 1 1935) as well as one from Auckland (Feb.21 1935) from the second west bound flight via Malta due the rebellion in Greece.Starting bid : 260 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 876 India
1934/35: India - Austria via Greece, Two covers franked with 9½ a. foreign air mail lette rate from Bombay, backstamped in Athens and transferred to Lufthansa to Vienna, franked with Silver Jubilee ½ a.+ 1a. + 8a. showing unlisted "Jusqu'à" cachet "BY AIR MAIL" private handstamp.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 880 Australia
1935 (Mai 30): Australia - Hong Kong, Envelope franked 9d. tie by "CAIRNS 30 MAY 35 12-PM QUEENSLAND - AIR MAILSAVES TIME" machine cancel with "Jusqu'à" handstamp applied in Singapore and carried onwards by regular mail steamer, backstamped "HONG - KONG 16 JU 35" on reverse. Imperial feeder service to Hong Kong did not start operating until March 1936.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 882 Australia
1935 (Feb./Aug.): Australia - UK/Egypt, envelope correctly franked at 1/6 Empire air mail letter rate from Melbourne (Feb.26) to London, backstamped "ICI London Office March 15 1935", as well as another cover franked 1/6 + 1d. late fee, cancelled by "SHIP MAIL ROOM 20 AU 35 MELBOURNE" cds.sent via Alexandria (Aug. 30) to Port Said/Egypt backstamped on reverse (Aug. 31).Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 883 Australia
1935 (Sep. 7): New Caledona - France, Registered envelope franked with French Nouvelle Caledonie 85 fr. cancelled "NOUMEA 5 SEP 7 35" cds., sent via Sydney to Brisbane, then Imperial service to Paris, backstamped at Perpignan (Sept. 24). A very rare acceptance Mair type NCL-A-1bStarting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 350 CHFLot# : 884 Australia
Lot# : 887 New Zealand
1935/36: New Zealand - UK/Denmark, cover franked with 1/6 tied by "INVERCARGILL 5 OC 35 N.Z" cds. to London with endorsed "Australie-London" handstamp in red (first recorded, sic!) as well as fine cover franked with 2/4 from "CAMBRIDGE 7 JA N.Z." sent "Via Australia-Greece" to Denmark, backstamped "KOPENHAGEN 29.1.36" on reverse. A rare destination.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 890 New Zealand
Lot# : 891 New Zealand
Lot# : 892 New Zealand
1936 (May 12): Netherland East Indies - New Zealand, Small envelope franked with 42½ cents tied by "BANARDEKAN 12.5.36" cds. underfranked and taxed on arrival with 6d. (postage dues on reverse) to Auckland, backstamped Sydney (May 19) and Wellesley Street (May 26).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 893 New Zealand
Lot# : 894 New Zealand
1936 (July 31): Bulgaria - Australia, Envelope franked with 56 dr. tied by "SOFIA 31 JY 36" cds. and sent by Lufthansa to "Athens 3 Aug.", transferred to Imperial service and backstamped on arrival (Aug. 15). A rare acceptance Mair type BUL-A-2.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 895 Australia
1936 (Aug. 22): 'Scipio' G-ABFB Crash at Mirabella Bay, Crete, two recovered envelopes, one with stamps washed off from "SYDNEY 11. AUG 1936" to "ZÜRICH 1 27.VIII. 36" showing "AVION ACCIDENTE" handstamp applied on arrival, other from "AMBARA R.M.S. 17 AUG 36" (India) to Strassbourg/France, incorrectly franked with 7½ a. instead of 9a., taxed 'T' and 29 cts. in manuscript showing large handstamp "Accident d'Avion" inviolet Nierinck 360822J+L.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 896 Malaya
1936 (Aug. 22): Singapore - Denmark, Airmail envelope to Denmark, franked with 42 cents for "all the way" air mail to foreign countries, tied by "SINGAPORE 22 AU 1936" cds. showing unlisted 'Jusqu'à' - handstamp "IMPERIAL SINGAPORE CROYDON" and transit cancellation "PARIS R.P. AVION 2.IX. 1936" on reverse, sent onwards by Air France and Lufthansa to Copenhagen. A rare destination McQueen unlisted.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 899 Hongkong
1936 Hong Kong, Fine group of four coversused before and after opening the feeder service, incl. Air Mail envelope (Feb. 8) sent by steamer via Singapore to England, cover from the First Feeder Service Hong Kong (26th March 1936) - Penang - Paris (April 7) to Denmark, unclaimed and returned cover to Colombo/Ceylon (Oct. 23) as well as light weight air mail envelope franked with 50 c. by "Imperial direct airways service" to London (July 9). Mueller 10.Starting bid : 240 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 900 New Zealand
Lot# : 903 Australia
1932/36: Australia - Interesting group of nine covers showing different rates and frankings, including 1932 envelope sent via Karachi-London to Württemberg/Germany, 1935 envelope from Wangarata Victoria to Tossby/Sweden, 1936 Late Fee franking of 1/10 to Copenhagen/Denmark, double rated envelope of 4/1 to Switzerland (June 36) as well as large sized airmail envelope franked 1/7 and cancelled "SHIP MAIL ROOM MELBOURNE 12 NO.35" to Java. A fine selection.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 904 New Zealand
1933/36: New Zealand - Europe, Group of six covers showing diff. frankings, legs and destinations, incl. cover from "MIRAMAR 20 JA 33" via Karach to London, cover from "WELLINGTON 23 AP 36" via Brisbane to Luton, cover from "CHRISTCHURCH 28 MY 36" via Athens to Vienna plus another cover also from "CHRISTCHURCH AU 10 36" sent via Paris to Brussels as well as envelope from "PUTURARU 28 SP 36" to Rome backstamped on arrival (25.X.).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 905 New Zealand
1933 (Sept.) - 1936(Oct.): Group of nine covers, including commercial envelope from Jaffa to Bratislava (1933), India to Austria (1934), Germany via Greece, Singapore to Shanghai, further four envelopes from England with one to Malaysia and another to South Persia as well as cover from the last flight of that period (Nov. 21.1934) before route extension to Brisbane, from Singapore to Berlin/Germany. An interesting lot.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not sold
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