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Great Britain - The Ray Simpson Collection
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  • Lot# : 6601 Great Britain

    1873, 1 d. red, plate 172, lettered AA-EH, top marginal unused block of forty, original gum, top showing the "experimental pinning cross" above and between AF-AG, which was ordered by Ormond Hill, the imperforate top margin indicates that continuous feed apparatus was not engaged until the sheet was properly positioned under the punches, the odd perf. separation reinforced by hinges, gum wrinkles, very minor folds down perf. columns, a stunning piece which illustrates the experimental 'Variable Continuous Feed Apparatus', and together with the other block from this plate, offered separately in this sale, is the only known large blocks showing this experiemental cross.rnNote: In 1874-1875 an experimental feed apparatus promising major productivity gains was developmed by Thomas Peacock, Superintendant of the Perforating Room, in response Ormond Hill instructed Perkins, Bacon in February 1875 to make the pinning cross more prominent on an existing plate (see extract). Plate 172 displays this cross.rnProvenance: (as far as one can say): Harmer, London, 14/15 February 1938, lot 131 as a block of 60, AA/EL, of which later the block of 20 AI/EL has been separated.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,400 CHF

    Lot# : 6602 Great Britain

    1 / 1
    1857, Provisional use of perf. 16 gauge, 1 d. rose-red, plate 37, lettered EA-FB, die II, alphabet III, large crown wmk. type I, mint block of four, original gum, fresh vibrant colour, nicely centered, perfs. generally very fine, slightly dulled at base of FA, very rare example, only six mint blocks of four are recorded; this previously being part of a block of twelve. Cert. RPSL (2015). SG C11 = £14'000 for a standard C11 plate unused block of four; plate 37 being rated at 50% scarcer/more valuable. rnProvenance: Ex. J. B. Seymour Collection, Robson Lowe, 29 October 1952, lot 262 (block of 12); Robson Lowe, 12 January 1955, lot 377; Robson Lowe, 28 September 1969, lot 306. rn                 rn                 rn                   
    Starting bid : 2,500 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,600 CHF

    Lot# : 6603 Great Britain

    1857, Provisional use of perf 16 gauge, 1 d. rose-red, three singles and one pair, used on a Registered cover with 1855 2 d. blue, plate 5, perf 16, trimmed part of base, from Liverpool to Manchester, dated 19 February 1858, tied by the "466" Liverpool Spoon duplex, with scarce Registered with Crown in red, arrival to reverse dated 20 February 1858, horizontal filing crease centrally clear of stamps, soiled, very scarce example, according to R. C. Simpson one of two examples of this stamp combination. 
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 500 CHF

    Lot# : 6604 Great Britain

    1857, Provisional use of perf 16 gauge, 1 d. rose-red, plate 43, three singles, used on cover in combination with 1856 6 d. lilac, plate 1, from Exeter to Bombay, dated 16 May 1858, tied by "285" duplex, the reverse with an undated Whitestone circular in blue, as well as host of transit marks, arrival dated 10 July 1858, there is also a wafer yellow seal "He that hath an ear to hear let him hear", the 6 d. is trimmed right side, a scarce cover, fewer than five examples with a comparable franking, multiple C11 issues on cover are scarce. 
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 380 CHF

    Lot# : 6605 Great Britain

    1857, Provisional use of perf 16 gauge, 1 d. rose-red, study mounted and written-up on an album page, including a scarce used block of four from plate 27 tied to small piece, additionally twenty used examples from all C11 plates, including the valuable plates 38, 45, 49, all fine no faults, 58 which has one short perf., these four accompanied by Mike Williams certificates confirming the plating and condition (2019), condition in the main is fine for this scarce group, difficult to assemble. SG C11 = £4'505+. rnProvenance: Robson Lowe, 17 November 1981, lot 278 (plate 27 block of four); Bill Barrell, List 147, ref: 63711 (plate 27 block of four).rn                   
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,000 CHF

    Lot# : 6606 Great Britain

    1857/1858, Provisional Use of Gauge 16 Punch Sets, a study set-out on eleven album pages, compirsing thirteen covers and eight used stamps, predominately 1 d. reds, although three examples with 2 d. blues, two in combination with 1 d. red, noted a pair 1 d. reds used in combination with 6 d. lilac on 1858 cover from North Shields to Prussia, one of four recorded, also a strip of three 2 d. blues used on 1858 cover from Bristol to Christchurch, New Zealand and two examples of a 2 d. blue, plate 6, perf. 16, used in combination with 1 d. red, perf 16, one with a BPA certificate, mixed condition, very scarce assembly. 
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,600 CHF

    Lot# : 6607 Great Britain

    1855, 1 d. red, plate 11, lettered TF, perf. 14, used in combination on redirected cover with 1 d. red, plate 4, lettered EL, perf. 16, sent from Halstead to Southampton redirected to London, dated 24 September 1855, is stained and soiled, with part of back missing, however a rare combination from Die II perf. 14 and perf 16., being the only example of this combination recorded, additionally comes with two 1855 covers franked with Die I perf 14. and perf. 16 1 d. reds in combination, used during the perforation gauge transitional period.rnReference: "Mixed-franking Covers", by R.C. Simpson & K.A. Louis, MJ Publications, 2020, illustrated page 82 and recorded on page 98. Classified "Gold Standard"; "Combination Covers", R. Simpson, The GB Journal. Volume 46, No. 6, November/December 2008 and Volume 47, No. 2, March/April 2009.rn 
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 300 CHF

    Lot# : 6608 Great Britain

    1854, 1 d. red, plate R3, die I, alphabet II, Perf. 16, vertical strip of four and vertical pair, used on Registered cover in combination with 1855 1 d. red, die II, Perf. 14, from Enstone to Guernsey, dated 19 June 1855, tied by "273" English numeral, the six perf. 16 paying the registration fee, the perf. 14 the 1d postage rate; combinations of perforation gauge 16 and 14 during the transitional period from January 1855 to August 1855 are scarce, this registered cover is the only example recorded in the Mixed-Franking Covers book of this type. rnReference: "Mixed-franking Covers", by R.C. Simpson & K.A. Louis, MJ Publications, 2020, illustrated page 83 and recorded on page 99. Classified as a "Gold Standard" cover. 
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,200 CHF

    Lot# : 6609 Great Britain

    1854, 2 d. blue, plate 4, lettered LC, perf. 16, used on cover in combination with 1855, 1 d. red, plate R4, lettered KH, perf. 14, from London to Hull, dated 24 February 1855, arrival on reverse 25th, soiled, however a scarce cover, there being eighteen mixed franking covers recorded featuring 2 d. perf 16 and 1 d. perf. 14, fourteen which originate from the Crimea War mail, only three internal mail covers are recorded.rnReference: "Mixed-franking Covers", by R.C. Simpson & K.A. Louis, MJ Publications, 2020, illustrated on page 84, recorded page 100.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 6610 Great Britain

    1854, 1 d. red, lettered ED, perf. 16, used on cover in combination with 1855 4 d. carmine, perf 14, two singles, from London to Bremen, dated 25 August 1855, tied by London Inland cancel in black and "P." oval in red, light filing crease lower part not affecting stamps, the 4d on right has rubs on surface from a paperclip, very rare mixed-franking cover with 1854 perf. 16 red and surface printed 4d stamps of this issue, which were very short lived; according to the Simpson/Louis book this is the only recorded example.rnReference: "Mixed-franking Covers", by R.C. Simpson & K.A. Louis, MJ Publications, 2020, illustrated page 91 and recorded on page 102. 
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 400 CHF

    Lot# : 6611 Great Britain

    1854, 2 d. blue, plate 4, lettered RC, perf 16, used on cover combined with 1855 2 d. blue plate 4, lettered GB, perf 14, from London to Paris, paying single rate postage, dated 24 July 1855, tied by London Inland "28" cancel in black, with "PD" oval in red and Calais transit dated 25 July 1855 alongside, arrival to back dated the same day, part of flap missing, otherwise a fine cover, a very rare mixed-franking cover used during the transitional period July/August 1855 to a foreign destination, probably unique. rnReference: "Mixed-franking Covers", by R.C. Simpson & K.A. Louis, MJ Publications, 2020, illustrated page 88 and recorded on page 102. Classified "Gold Standard". 
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 440 CHF

    Lot# : 6612 Great Britain

    1857, 2 d. blue plate 6, perf 14, lettered TJ, used on cover combined with 1858 2 d. blue plate 6, perf 16, lettered CL, from Llanelli to St Brieuc (France), dated 18 January 1859, tied by indistinct numeral, arrival to reverse dated 21 January 1859, vertical and horizontal filing creases, slight soiling, extremely scarce combination, only recorded example of this mixed-franking to date, rated as "Gold Standard" in Mixed-Franking Covers book. SG = £750+ as singles on cover.rnReference: "Mixed-franking Covers", by R.C. Simpson & K.A. Louis, MJ Publications, 2020, illustrated page 97 and recorded on page 104. 
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 650 CHF

    Lot# : 6613 Great Britain

    1 / 1
    1854/1855, 2 d. blue, plate 4, lettered JG, perf 16, used on cover combined with 2 d. blue plate 4, lettered AG-BG, vertical pair, perf 14, from Dursley to Chester, dated 27 July 1855, tied by indistinct English numeral, arrival to reverse dated 28 July 1855, envelope is a linen-reinforced type which suggests there might have been coins enclosed accounting for the additinal weight, vertical filing crease running through lower part of AG, not really noticable, some soiling, a very rare mixed-franking cover used during the transitional period July/August 1855, of which there are curently only two recorded examples. Cert. BPA (2011).rnReference: "Mixed-franking Covers", by R.C. Simpson & K.A. Louis, MJ Publications, 2020, illustrated page 90 and recorded on page 102. Classified "Gold Standard". rnProvenance: Ex. Doron Azoure Collection (owner mark to reverse). 
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 600 CHF

    Lot# : 6614 Great Britain

    1858, 2 d. blue, plate 6, lettered SL, perf. 16, worn state I, showing boardened lower left network, used on a Registered cover in combination with 1856, 6 d. lilac, plate 1, perf. 14, Wing margin, from Manchester to Dublin, Manchester Registered in red alongside dated 10 March 1858, 2 d. postage rate, 6d registration fee, Dublin registered arrival on reverse in red dated 11 March 1858, horizontal filing crease clear of stamps, scarce example, seven recorded examples of this franking.rnReference: "Mixed-franking Covers", by R.C. Simpson & K.A. Louis, MJ Publications, 2020, illustrated page 96 and recorded page 104.rn 
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 480 CHF

    Lot# : 6615 Great Britain

    1854, Group of six covers, all with mixed 1 d. red, perf 16 in combination with 2 d. blue, perf 16, comprising four examples sent to Crimea War/Black Sea Fleet; of which one, an 1854 envelope sent from Plymouth to British Army in Turkey, is from the original find of the "Captain Radcliffe Correspondence"; others include one cover to France and an attractive strip of three 2 d. blue used with a single 1 d. red sent from Edinburgh to Lancaster, very mixed, one cover has 2 d. blue missing, although attractive two-colour selection, scarce examples.rnProvenance: The Captain Radcliffe Correspondence, Spink, 28-30 June 2014, lot 2596.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 650 CHF

    Lot# : 6616 Great Britain

    1855, Transitional Period study set out on four album pages, comprising five covers, one piece and six used stamps, includes three mixed-franking perf. 14 and perf. 16 1 d. reds on cover, used during the transitional period January/August 1855, noted very attractive 1855 C3 plate 3, used in combination with C1*, an 1855 wrapper franked with a combination of C1 and C2 and Die I perf. 16 and Die II perf. 14 used on a printed Sun Life advertising sheet, also two covers franked with early use perf. 14 plates R1 and R4, the latter the earliest recorded date, additionally a page with six used 2 d. blues perf. 16 and 14, a scarce selection, neatly written-up.rn*Reference: "Mixed-franking Covers", by R.C. Simpson & K.A. Louis, MJ Publications, 2020, illustrated page 82 and recorded on page 98. Classified as a "Gold Standard" cover. 
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,600 CHF

    Lot# : 6617 Great Britain

    1854/1856, Group of four covers franked with 2 d. blue, plate 4, perf. 16, comprising three single frankings and one in combination with 6 d. lilac on a registered cover, this being the only recorded example of a perforation mixed-franking involving these stamps, also noted a second day of recorded use, dated 23 Febraury 1854, sent from Sheffield to Blackheath and another example used within the first month of issue, some faults and slightly mixed condition, although very scarce lot; there are only three covers recorded used in the first month of use.rn(1857 2 d. blue in combination with 6 d. lilac): Reference: "Mixed-franking Covers", by R.C. Simpson & K.A. Louis, MJ Publications, 2020, illustrated page 93 and recorded on page 102. 
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 260 CHF

    Lot# : 6618 Great Britain

    1850, 1 d, red, plate 94, lettered MB, Archer Trail Perf. 16, good used example, well centered, dulled perfs lower left side, comes with a small selection of 1 d. reds, including a very fine four margin used 1848 imperforate 1 d. red, plate 82, pair, with a partial separation between, illustrating the pre-sale partial separation practice undertaken at the Post Office prior to the introduction of perforated stamps, also five stamps with various perf. varieties including a double perforation and two very dramatic misperforations, a mixed lot, although a fine small study. 
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 650 CHF

    Lot# : 6619 Great Britain

    1854/1868, Collection of 1 d. red perforation varieties and misperforations, comprising an album with thirty eight pages, with many hundreds of stamps, mostly singles, although multiples and covers included, large selection of broken pin varieties, as well as double perforations, misaligned perforations, some very dramatic and visually appealing examples, especially the perf. 7 to left examples, much appears plated, condition variable, a fascinating study, scarce and valuable lot.
    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 4,000 CHF

    Lot# : 6620 Great Britain

    1854/58, Six album pages, neatly written-up, dedicated to errors in the line engraved perforation process, comprises three covers, two unused 1 d. red blocks of six, one from plate 188, lettered FD-GF, twenty used stamps, mostly reds but several 2 d. blues, a strip of three and strip of six, study includes; plate layout, printing process, reperforation and rough/incomplete perforations, some dramatic misplacement of vertical and horizontal perforations, as well as noted ghost perforations and partial imperf. stamps, mixed condition, with fine examples, a scarce, high catalogue value, an excellent assembly.rnProvenance: (Block of Six, Plate 188, FD-GF, was part of a block of twenty one) Ex. Griffiths Collection, Christies, 27 June 1985, lot 4308; Habsburg, Feldman, 27 November 1989, lot 30364; Phillips, 4 April 1996, lot 417.rn     rn 
    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 3,600 CHF

    Lot# : 6621 Great Britain

    1864, Study on Perforation Machine development, neatly written-up on two album pages, comprising four 1 d. red items multiples, all unused and with marginal top or side, including one corner, plates include; 87, 162, 204  and 222, these also illustrate the marginal pin marks, a very eye catching selection, and mostly fine. 
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 600 CHF

    Lot# : 6622 Great Britain

    1856, 6 d. lilac, plate 1, 'SPECIMEN', Type 4, printed on Azure paper, top corner marginal, variety "abnormal official perforation", showing Wing margin instead of a normal perforation close to the stamp design, the perforations extend right through the right side of sheet rather than the usual single extension hole, small corner crease in top margin and slight soiling, however a scarce example and most attractive. Comes with an 1862 4 d. vermilion, plate 3, SPECIMEN, also with abnormal official perforations, the Wing margin absent and perforated along design. SG70 Spec. J70t = £875+ for a standard perf. Azure Specimen. rnProvenance: Ex. 'DERBY' collection, Christies 2 February 1995, lot 319.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 380 CHF

    Lot# : 6623 Great Britain

    1856, 6 d. lilac, plate 1, strip of four, position TI-TL, 'SPECIMEN', large part original gum, variety "abnormal official perforations", position TL appearing to be Imperforate, it is actually a trimmed wing margin stamp thus proving the abnormal perforation, note the small part of the plate number in the lower right corner of the Wing margin lower right, slight soiling, position TK has stain, a scarce and impressive strip. SG Spec. J70s = £2'400+ for four single Specimens. rnProvenance: Dr. Douglas Latto Collection, Phillips October 1992, lot 29.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 440 CHF

    Lot# : 6624 Great Britain

    1862, 4d pale red, plate 3, lettered CG, 'SPECIMEN', variety "abnormal official perforations", portion of wing margin still attached at left, mounted to a small piece with 1861, 3 d. rose, plate 2, state I, shaded spandrels, lettered HH, 'SPECIMEN'  and 1862, 9 d. bistre, plate 2, lettered HH, 'SPECIMEN', both Wing margins, some soiling, dulled perfs. top of 4d and very lower tip of 9d clipped, very attractive and scarce trio.  SG Spec. J52t, J25As and J92s = £1'925. rnProvenance: Ex. Marcus Samuel Collection, Spink, 3 December 2003, lot 1097.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 500 CHF

    Lot# : 6625 Great Britain

    1867, 3 d. rose, plate 8, lettered QE-RH, wmk. spray, perf 14, used block of eight, from the middle pane showing Wing margin on both sides, cancelled with Irish numeral "174" of Dingle, fine and very scarce example illustrating the printing perforation lay-out and used in Ireland. The largest recorded used block from plate 8 in the Karl Louis Card Index. SG J33 = £850+ as two blocks of four. 
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 360 CHF

    Lot# : 6626 Great Britain

    1867, 3 d. rose, plate 7, lettered EI-FJ, wmk. spray, perf. 14, used "Gutter block of four", confirming "two-pane" format of Post Office sheets, a spectacular exhibition item, being the only "Gutter" multiple of the 1855/80 Surface Printed issues recorded in the Karl Louis Card Index in used condition, an important piece. 
    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,200 CHF

    Lot# : 6627 Great Britain

    1867, Selection of marginal with inscription 1 s. green, used stamps, comprising five examples from plate 6 and one example from plate 4, five with cds cancels, all showing various parts of the top or bottom margin, an attractive lot. 
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 220 CHF

    Lot# : 6628 Great Britain

    1872, 6 d. chestnut, plate 11, lettered FE, top marginal with price inscription, Wing margin, used cancelled by Bailyborough datestamp 24 September 1872, wonderful piece and scarce in this condition. 
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 280 CHF

    Lot# : 6629 Great Britain

    1873, 3 d. rose, plate 15, lettered OD, wmk. spray, perf 14, unused, wing margin, with most part original gum, bottom marginal with intact horizontal margin, inscription below "1 Shilling / per Row of 4. 10 Shillings / per Sheet of 40.", soiled and slight toning, minor creasing, scarce example. SG J39 = £425+ for mint single. 
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 240 CHF

    Lot# : 6630 Great Britain

    1874, 6 d. grey, plate 13, lettered EB, wmk. spray, perf 14, unused bottom marginal, with original gum, showing marginal inscription below with two panes; "6 Pence / per label. 2 Shillings / per Row of 4", with intact horizontal margin, filing crease through bottom margin, otherwise very fine and scarce example. SG J83 = £500+. rnProvenance: Harmer, London, 21 February 2001, lot 674.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 180 CHF

    Lot# : 6631 Great Britain

    1880, 4 d. grey-brown, plate 17, lettered RF, right side Wing margin, Large Garter wmk., used on cover, from Colchester to Rio De Janeiro, endorsed "Per Mail via Southampton", dated 8 November 1880, faint arrival on reverse 1 December 1880, some tone spots, tiny slit in side of Wing margin and backflap missing, however rare stamp on cover, SG cat. £1'600. Additionally, comes with a selection of other surface printed issues, including one cover, a front also franked with SG154, lettered KF, with portion of central gutter attached to right side; according to Ray Simpson this is the only recorded example; also a selection of eighteen other items of mixed to fine condition written-up on album pages.rn(4 d. grey-brown, lettered RF, cover): Reference: Dr.John L. Hart Collection, illustrated in The GB Journal, May/June 1991.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,300 CHF

    Lot# : 6632 Great Britain

    1876, Selection of used 8 d. orange Surface Printed stamps, all Wing margin, showing perforation varieties, comprising fourteen examples including two pairs, noted abnormal official perforation and guillotine-cut in gutter, mixed lot. 
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 380 CHF

    Lot# : 6633 Great Britain

    1876, Specialised study on the 8 d. orange, plate 1, focused upon the sheet layout and separation, written-up on three album pages, comprising four covers, three to India, one to Ceylon, three showing extreme imperforate Wing margin variety, complemented with eleven used singles, each illustrating variations of the perforation of the margins and gutter, some faults, in the main fine, a scarce and fascinating group. Gi = £6'250+.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,600 CHF

    Lot# : 6634 Great Britain

    1880, Selection of four multple 1 d. venetian red pieces, all unused, comprising a quarter sheet of sixty, which includes the hoizontal gutter between the upper and lower panes, unmounted, an interpaneau block of four showing central horizontal gutter, a corner block of eighteen and a horizontal pair with gutter below, some creasing, folds and soiling, but in the main very fine, much unmounted, an impressive assemby. SG = £2268 as singles.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 550 CHF

    Lot# : 6635 Great Britain

    1854/1868, Selection of line engraved used stamps with perforation varieties, comprising eleven 1 d. reds, two 2 d. blues, including double perfs. mis-feed, paper fold part perforation, mixed lot, however some very spectatcular examples, scarce assembly. 
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 750 CHF

    Lot# : 6636 Great Britain

    1865, 4 d. vermilion, plate 12, lettered AD, unused, top sheet margin, variety extremely "misplaced perforations", original gum, mounted in margin, fresh deep shade, slight kink lower right but does not detract, this type of mis-perforation is very rare on surface printed, especially in unused condition; according to the Karl Louis Card Index there are only six “mis-perforated” 4d. vermilion recorded, all from the upper left pane of plate 12.rnReference: "Pick of the Pack", The GB Journal September/October 2023.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 360 CHF

    Lot# : 6637 Great Britain

    1865, 4 d. vermilion, plate 12, lettered AB, unused, top sheet margin with current No."321", variety extremely "misplaced perforations", original gum, fresh vibrant shade, rare, this type of mis-perforation is more frequently seen on the 1d/2d line engraved issues, very rare on surface printed, especially in unused condition; according to the Karl Louis Card Index there are only six “mis-perforated” 4d. vermilion recorded; these come from the top row, lettered AA – AF, originating from the upper left pane of plate 12.rnReference: "Pick of the Pack", The GB Journal, September/October 2023rnProvenance: Ex. Dendy Marshall Collection (1945); Ex. Bailey Collection (1955);  Ex. Dr Douglas Latto Collection (1992). rn                     rn                   
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 650 CHF

    Lot# : 6638 Great Britain

    1853/1867, Study of printing stamp sheet positioning, presented upon three album pages, comprising seventeen examples, includes marginal blocks, one a plate number, selection of line engraved and Surface Printed issues, illustrating the effects the position of the sheet has on the alignment of the stamps, varities such as short and long stamps and a very attractive page of penny plate reds showing variations of the margin from 20mm to 28mm, mixed although generally fine and several very fine, a fascinating and useful selection. 
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,000 CHF

    Lot# : 6639 Great Britain

    1864, 1 d. rose-red, plate 156, lettered AG-EL, unused block of thirty, original gum, reperforation variety, exhibiting doubling of perforations  between row "C" and "D" and to sides of "D" row; the sheet being repositioned after the first four strikes of the punches, leaving row "A" to "D" normally perforated, however row "D" has then been reperforated below and to the right of the original line of perforations, some gum wrinkling but very fresh, good colour, a very attractive and visually appealing piece, scarce. Aditionally comes with a selection of seven 1870, 1/2 d. rose issues, including side marginal block of four, unused, original gum, showing variety imperforate one side, very attractive although perfs trimmed to one stamp, three other examples of imperf. side and mixed selection of other examples.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,100 CHF

    Lot# : 6640 Great Britain

    1856/1880, Selection of Surface Printed used wing margin examples, comprising twenty four stamps, 3 d. to 1 s. values, with perforation varieties, including double perfs., Wing margin perforation varieties, mixed condition, although several fine, a fascinating and useful lot.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 220 CHF

    Lot# : 6641 Great Britain

    1854/1872, Study of "Double Perforation" varieties on line engraved and Surface Printed stamps, presented upon two neatly written-up album pages, comprises eleven examples, including a spectacular large piece with a block of six 1854, 1 d. red, plate 172, showing double perforation which have partially disintegrated, with splitting of top row and intact lower row, also 2 d. blue vertical pair with double perforation between, several surface printed examples with a range of values 3 d. to 1 s., including an 1868 cover from London to New York, very scarce selection. 
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,500 CHF

    Lot# : 6642 Great Britain

    1 / 1
    1854, 1 d. red, plate unknown, lettered AJ, die I, alphabet II, wmk. small crown, perf. 16, variety "Imperforate on three sides", cancelled by "75" Birmingham Spoon duplex in black, very large margins, perforations through the lettere squares, very attractive and scarce example. Cert. RPSL (2023). SG17 Spec. C1h = £6'500 for horizontal pair.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 550 CHF

    Lot# : 6643 Great Britain

    1854, 1 d red, plate 178, lettered JI-KJ, die I, alphabet II, small crown wmk.,perf. 16, block of four, showing dramatic variety "partial imperforate" between "J" and "K" rows and to the side of "KI" and between "KI-KJ", a unique block; a strip of three IF-IH from the same partially perforated sheet exists cancelled by the same Irish "115" of Castlederg (Ireland); his error was caused by the interuption of the perforation operation at the "J" row which restarted at the bottom of the "K" row, the remnant of "LI" indicates that before the perforation restarted the sheet was moved 1-2mm to the right; there is a diagonal tear through the lower part of KI and damage to side of KJ, the perfs are separated between JI-JK, these are all most likely attributed to the problems encountered with the perforation machine, a rare example, incredibly used in Ireland.rnProvenance: The Chartwell Collection, Sir Cyril Humphrey Cripps, Spink, 29 June 2011, lot 1307.
    Starting bid : 1,500 CHF
    Hammer price : 3,200 CHF

    Lot# : 6644 Great Britain

    1 / 1
    1854, 1 d. red, plate 164, lettered MA, die I, alphabet II, wmk. small crown, perf. 16, variety "Imperforate on three sides", used on large piece, dated 2 July 1854, tied by "497" Malvern English numeral in black, vertical filing creases one affecting right side of stamp, although not obvious, scarce example. Cert. RPSL (2023). SG Spec. C1h = £6'500 for horizontal pair.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 800 CHF

    Lot# : 6645 Great Britain

    1 / 1
    1854, 2 d. blue, plate 4, lettered AD, die I, alphabet I, wmk. small crown, variety "Imperforate three sides", showing perforation 16 across base, used on cover, from London to Pershore, dated 8 January 1855, tied by London Inland cancel in black, to reverse the London dispatch and a fine strike of the Pershore towndated in brown, 9 January 1855, stamp is in "state II" repair of plate showing slight signs of renewed wear, large margins top and good almost all the way round, just close to touching top lefts side, a remarkably fresh stamp, unique on cover, some minor kinks and wrinkles to envelope, extremely rare; only this example and an off-cover pair recorded from the same "A row"; the error almost certainly confined to a single perforation batch; i.e. between 36 and 60 stamps affected; currently unpriced in SG although is listed as a variety on the SG19 perforated issue. Cert. RPSL (2023).rnRemark: The other recorded pair on piece, from the top row of the sheet, lettered AK-AL, sold at Stanley Gibbons, 9-10 November 1978, lot 271, realising £450. It also had an RPSL (1978) certificate which stated "partly imperforate owing to faulty perforating of the sheet."rnReference: Illustrated in "Stamp Perforation: The Somerset House Years 1848 to 1880", by R. Simpson & P. Sargent, photo plate 7.
    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 3,000 CHF

    Lot# : 6646 Great Britain

    1864, 1 d. rose-red, plate 130, lettered DA, variety Imperforate on three sides, used on cover, from Liverpool to Cardiff, dated 23 August 1870, tied by "466" duplex, significant portion of CA above, perforations at base, clearly stamp was torn from the sheet causing the irregular top and sides, very rare example. SG44 Spec. G1h = £3'200 as Imperforate stamp. rnProvenance: H.& B. Philatelists (1997).
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 420 CHF

    Lot# : 6647 Great Britain

    1854, 1 d. red plate R1, lettered DA, used, with variety "Perf. 7" at left, cancelled by "635" English numeral of Reading, very fine nicely balanced example, visually spectacular, scarce variety and rare this attractive.  SG Spec. C1m = £850.rnReference: "Stamp Perforation: The Somerset House Years 1848 to 1880", by R. Simpson & P. Sargent.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 400 CHF

    Lot# : 6648 Great Britain

    1854, 1 d. red plate 194, lettered ML, used, exhibiting the variety "Perf. 7" at right, this variety only listed in SG on left, caused by an inverted sheet feed, also unusually this being through the "L" row, very rare inverted variety, recorded only upon plates 194 and 200, an important line engraved rarity.  SG Spec. C1m = £850+ for variety on left, unlisted on right.rnReference: "Stamp Perforation: The Somerset House Years 1848 to 1880", by R. Simpson & P. Sargent, illustrated on page 233.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 750 CHF

    Lot# : 6649 Great Britain

    1854, 1 d. red plate R1, lettered PA, variety "Perf. 7" at left, used on cover, from London to Ledbury, dispatched dated 12 January 1855, the earliest recorded use of stamp with this variety, vertical filing crease well clear of adhesive, slight toning, otherwise fine, a splendid and rare example. SG Spec. C1m = £850 for single stamp off cover.rnReference: "Stamp Perforation: The Somerset House Years 1848 to 1880", by R. Simpson & P. Sargent, illustrated on page 234.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 750 CHF

    Lot# : 6650 Great Britain

    1854, 1 d. red plate R3, lettered EA, exhibiting the dramatic so called "Perf. 7" variety at left, used on cover, from London to Midhurst, dispatched dated 16 February 1855 and arrrival also to reverse dated the following day, slight aging, however a visually appealing fine and rare example on cover. SG Spec. C1m = £850 for single stamp off cover. rnReference: "Stamp Perforation: The Somerset House Years 1848 to 1880", by R. Simpson & P. Sargent.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 460 CHF

    Lot# : 6651 Great Britain

    1854, 1 d. red plate 197, lettered FA-FB, horizontal pair, FA with variety "Perf. 7" at left, used on cover, from London to Plymouth, 17 January 1855, which is an early use of stamp with this variety on cover, horizontal filing crease and soiling affecting FA, both with pre-fix tears, probably as a result of the separation process being hampered by the variety; only known to occur on plates 193-198, 200-2002 and R1-R6; a rare example on cover nicely illustrated with normal perf. adjoined. SG Spec. C1m = £850 for single stamp off cover.rnReference: "Stamp Perforation: The Somerset House Years 1848 to 1880", by R. Simpson & P. Sargent.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 480 CHF

    Lot# : 6652 Great Britain

    1854, Study of the variety "Perf. 7" at left, presented upon album pages, comprising nine single examples, one on peiece, from eight different plates, illustrating this visually prominent perforation variety and its nuances, noted one example from plate 196 where the six pins have failed to penetrate the left side leaving an indentation giving the appearance of an imperforate left side, an interesting assembly, scarce and mostly fine.  SG Spec. C1m = £7'650+ for nine singles.rnReference: "Stamp Perforation: The Somerset House Years 1848 to 1880", by R. Simpson & P. Sargent.
    Starting bid : 800 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,300 CHF

    Lot# : 6653 Great Britain

    1857, 1 d. rose-red, plate 59, lettered AK-AL, used horizontal pair, variety missing perforation pin "L column", cancelled by the Irish "156" duplex of Dublin, nicely centered fine example, extremely rare, believed to be unique. SG Spec. C10o = £1250+.rnReference: Illustrated in colour within "Stamp Perforation: The Somerset House Years 1848 to 1880", by R. Simpson & P. Sargent, on plate 8. 
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 500 CHF

    Lot# : 6654 Great Britain

    1854/1869, Selection of 2 d. blue used stamps all with perforation varieties, comprising over twenty examples, noted multiple broken perf. pins, misperfoation including on SG19, SG23, SG45 (plates 7, 8, and scarcer plate 12) and SG46, scarce lot as perforation varieties on 2 d. are not common, also comes with a 1849, 2 d. blue, plate 4, lettered TF-TG, pair, with four margins, a useful small accumulation.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 340 CHF

    Lot# : 6655 Great Britain

    1854/1858, Study of Broken Perforation Pins, set out on ten album pages, neatly written-up, predominately used singles, although six covers, several multiples, outlines the various varieties and their states, many visually spectacular items, noted 1 d. red plate 174 block of four showing variety no. 4 state 1, also a strip of three from plate 176 exhibiting variety no. 5, a registered 1854 cover with vertical strip of three plate 185, variety 5, used in combination with embossed 6 d. lilac, which the write-up states to be the earliest recorded date for the use of this variety, another registered cover franked with a combination of 2 d. blue, plate 4 strip of three, with 1 d. red showing variety no. 4 state 3, many other interesting and scarce items, additionally three examples of partially imperforate stamps on a separate page, condition mostly fine, some very fine, a valuable lot.rnrn 
    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,800 CHF

    Lot# : 6656 Great Britain

    1857, 1 d. rose-red, plate 41, lettered ED, die II, alphabet III, large crown wmk., variety Imperforate, used on small piece, strong colour, vivid printing, three and a bit margins, tied by attractive "74" numeral of Birkenhead, comes with another Imperorate used single, plate 58, lettered FD, three margins, cut into base, cancelled by a London "77",. Both, the plate 41 and plate 58 imperforate varieties are the sole examples from these plates recorded in the Karl Louis Card Index. SG39 Spec. C10(1)k = £5'600 as two singles. 
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,000 CHF

    Lot# : 6657 Great Britain

    1 / 1
    1857, 1 d. dull red, plate 48, lettered ED, die II, alphabet III, large crown wmk., unused, variety Imperforate, printed on toned paper, no gum, four good margins, slightly soiled, a scarce example from this transitional printing with only 15 imperforate examples from plate 48 recorded in the Karl Louis Card Index, all originating from the top seven A to G rows. Cert. RPSL (1995). SG38 C9(5)g = £5'500.rnRemark: The adjoining imperf. single plate 48, EE, is in the Royal Collection.rnProvenance: Cavendish 18 July 1992, lot 358. 
    Starting bid : 600 CHF
    Hammer price : 950 CHF

    Lot# : 6658 Great Britain

    1857, 1 d. dull red, plate 48, lettered GK, die II, alphabet III, large crown wmk., unused, variety Imperforate, printed on toned paper, no gum, close to good margins all round, a scarce example from this transitional printing.  SG38 Spec. C9(5)g = £5'500.rnRemark: Only about 15 examples from this imperforate 1d. plate 48 variety recorded, all originating from the horizontal A- to G rows.      
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 500 CHF

    Lot# : 6659 Great Britain

    1 / 1
    1864, 1 d. rose-red, plate 92, lettered AB, variety Imperforate, used on miniture envelope, from Preston sent locally, dated 25 November 1868, tied by duplex cancel in black, four margins, some soiling, comes matched with the Imprimatur from the same plate/position which has three margins, with top marginal with part inscription, folded top margin as is the norm and ink mark to reverse showing through, however very attractive and rare matched with an imperf. from the same plate used on cover. Cert. BPA (1961) for Imperf. and RPSL (1971) for Imp. SG44 Spec. G1h = £3'625 as Imperforate stamp and Imprimatur. rnReference: "Stamp Perforation: The Somerset House Years 1848 to 1880", by R. Simpson & P. Sargent, illustrated on Plate 7.rnProvenance: Robson Lowe, 27 September 1967, lot 1135; Ex. Silkin Collection, Harmer, London, 14-16 June 1971, lot 162; Ex. Dr Douglas Latto (1992).rn                   rn                     
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,800 CHF

    Lot# : 6660 Great Britain

    1 / 1
    1864, 1 d. red, plate 107, lettered SI, wmk. large crown type II, perf 14, unused, variety "Imperforate", good to large margins all round, slight surface rub and certificate states "regummed", otherwise a fine example, scarce. Cert. RPSL (2023). SG Spec. G1(1)h = £4'800.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 340 CHF

    Lot# : 6661 Great Britain

    1864, 1 d. rose-red, plate 116, lettered AE, unused, variety Imperforate "Cardiff Penny", original gum, left side marginal with full selvedge and part inscription, manuscript endorsement in margin "Cardiff Jan. 1870", showing portion of four adjoining stamps, torn irregularly, just cut into right side, otherwise good to very large margins all round, extremely fresh colour, a delightful and 'iconic' exhibition piece, very rare in mint condition. SG G1g = £7'500+.  rnReference: "The Postage Stamps of Great Britain - Part Two" by W.R.D. Wiggins (1962); "Stamp Perforation: The Somerset House Years 1848 to 1880", by R. Simpson & P. Sargent, illustrated on Plate 7. rnProvenance: Ex. Baron de Worms Collection, Harmer, 9 May 1938, lot 66; Ex. Dendy Marshall Collection, Robson Lowe, 19-20 December 1945, lot 452 ; Ex. Smith Collection, Robson Lowe, 10 November 1948, lot 582; Harmer, 29-30 April 1957, lot 66; Ex. Gubbins Collection, Spink, 16 February 1998, lot 109. rn                   rn                   rn                 rn                   
    Starting bid : 2,500 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,800 CHF

    Lot# : 6662 Great Britain

    1 / 1
    1864, 1 d. rose-red, plate 116, lettered AE-AF, unused pair, and the formerly adjoining single AD, forming a 're-joined' strip of three, variety Imperforate "Cardiff Penny", part original gum, margins nearly all round except for lower left of AD and top right of AF, slight oxidisation as is usual, does not detract, rare top row "strip" of three reunited, very few multiples survived. Cert. RPSL (1944 pair) (1984 single). SG G1g = £22'500+ as three singles.  rnReference: "The Postage Stamps of Great Britain - Part Two" by W.R.D. Wiggins (1962).rnProvenance (for the pair): Christies, Manson & Woods Auction, 17-18 May 1944, lot 442; Spink, 24 April 2003, lot 701; (for the single): Harmer London, 16-17 July 1936, lot 107; Christies 10 July 1984, lot 2607.rnrn                     rn                 
    Starting bid : 4,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 4,000 CHF

    Lot# : 6663 Great Britain

    1 / 1
    1864, 1 d. rose-red, plate 116, lettered MH, used, variety Imperforate "Cardiff Penny", cut into small part of top right side otherwise margins all round, part of MI to right, cancel indistinct, probably Cardiff "162", a scarce and good used example of this rare variety. Cert. RPSL (1978).  SG44 Spec. G1g = £4'000.  rnReference: "The Postage Stamps of Great Britain - Part Two" by W.R.D. Wiggins (1962).rn              
    Starting bid : 600 CHF
    Hammer price : 950 CHF

    Lot# : 6664 Great Britain

    1 / 1
    1870, 1/2 d. rose, plate 1, lettered SV, unused, variety Imperforate, most part of original gum, good margins all round, small thin to reverse, very attractive and scarce. Cert. RPSL (1980). SG48 G4h = £3'000. rnReference: "Stamp Perforation: The Somerset House Years 1848 to 1880", by R. Simpson & P. Sargent, illustrated on Plate 7. 
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6665 Great Britain

    1 / 1
    1863, 4 d. bright-red, plate 4, with hair lines, lettered FG, variety "Imperforate", margins all round, large to left, vivid shade, with gum, slight soiling, otherwise fine and scarce example, additionally come with a three margin example, cut into top, with large right margin, lettered EF, scarce duo. Cert. Brandon (2005). SG Spec. J53d = £7'400 two examples. 
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6666 Great Britain

    1864, 6 d. lilac, plate 4, lettered CA, with hair lines, variety "Imperforate", wmk. inverted, margins all round, side marginal, fresh colour, with gum, minor soiling in margin, very attractive and scarce example. SG Spec. J72f = £4'250.rnRemark: All recorded 6d. plate 4, imperforate originate from three panes forming the A- to E- rows of the printing sheet.     
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 400 CHF

    Lot# : 6667 Great Britain

    1 / 1
    1867, 2 s. pale blue, plate 1, lettered AA, unused, variety "Imperforate", four margins, with original gum, some soiling, very attractive and extremely rare, matched with Imprimatur from the second corrected registration sheet in a paler shade, margins all round with attractive wing margin left, slight soiling, a very rare due especially matched lettering. Cert. Brandon (2006 for J118d). SG J118d = £24'750 including imprimatur. rnRemark: AA from the First registeration sheet is still incorporated in the Imprimature sheet. The adjoining lettering AB showing the imperforate variety was in the Dr.Douglas Latto collection. rnReference: "Surface Printed Stamps 1855-1883" by Robert Galland and Karl Louis (2009), page 12.  
    Starting bid : 4,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 4,200 CHF

    Lot# : 6668 Great Britain

    1 / 1
    1880, 1 d. venetian red, lettered KE, wmk. crown, unused, no gum, variety "Imperforate", large to touching in south east corner which is damaged, toned, however a rare example. Cert. RPSL (2023). SG Spec. K3a = £ 5'000.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 220 CHF

    Lot# : 6669 Great Britain

    1853/1883, Collection of Revenue and Fiscal stamps, set-out on twelve exhibition pages, comprising predominately unused examples, mainly singles, although noted bottom marginal block of four F1, block of four F2 and strip of four, a spectacular bottom marginal block of twenty five 1860 Custom stamps, with current number in margin, also examples from inland revenue, judicature fees, law courts, probate court, matrimonial and others, additionally there is a good selection of 1863 Cavendish or Negrohead tobacco labels and the 1882 mixture for coffee labels, condition generally fine with the odd fault, many very fine, an attractive assembly. 
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 650 CHF

    Lot# : 6670 Great Britain

    1860/1882, Embossed Inland Revenue stamps, a group of ten examples, good range of values, noted tête-bêche pair F29a, single F48, and F52 with date slug 78, 81 and 82, mixed condition, although some better, a valuable selection. SG = £5900.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 500 CHF

    Lot# : 6671 Great Britain

    1876/1877, Selection of five SPECIMEN Telegraph stamps, including £5. orange, Plate 1, 5 s. and 10 s. plate 1's, block of four side marginal 6 d. grey, plate 1 and 4 d sage-green, also comes with seven used Telegraph stamps, the odd fault, in the main fine, a scarce assortment.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 800 CHF

    Lot# : 6672 Great Britain

    1 / 1
    1878, 10 s. greenish grey, plate 1, lettered CI, "SPECIMEN" overprint, wmk. Maltese Cross, perf. 15.5 x 15, very fresh, fine to very fine, with most part original gum, scarce example. Cert. RPSL (1980). SG Spec. J124t = £4'200. 
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 950 CHF

    Lot# : 6673 Great Britain

    1878, £1. brown-lilac, plate 1, lettered EI, "SPECIMEN" overprint, wmk. Maltese Cross, perf. 15.5 x 15, strong colour, fresh example, no gum, couple of short perfs otherwise fine to very fine, scarce example.  SG Spec. J126t = £6'000. 
    Starting bid : 700 CHF
    Hammer price : 800 CHF

    Lot# : 6674 Grenada

    1875, Overprint 'POSTAGE / ONE SHILLING' on deep mauve, unused, original gum, perf. 14, wmk. large star, fresh colour, very attractive and fine. SG = £700.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6675 Grenada

    1875, 1 d. green, perf. 14, wmk. large star, corner marginal irregular block of fourteen, unused, original gum, broken pin 7 variety down the right perforation column, vibrant shade, faint diagonal crease through stamp 8 and 11, minor soiling and crease in top corner margin with tear and some tone spots, otherwise very fine and appealing, comes on an album page with an unused bottom marginal block of six and a strip of four, also exhibiting the perf. variety, some imperfections but in the main a fine study.  SG14 = £2040.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 180 CHF

    Lot# : 6676 India

    1856/1864, 4 a, black and 1/2 a. blue block of eight, used on cover in combination with GB 1 d. rose-red, lettered EB, from Hydrabad to Edinburgh, on arrival redirected to Ottley, the India postage rate being 8 annas, tied by "96" numeral cancel in black, boxed "INDIA PAID" in red, with Hydrabad datestamp alongside 3 May 1860, the 1 d. rose-red paying the redirection fee, tied by "131" Edinburgh duplex dated 6 June 1860, Ottley arrival to reverse in blue 7 June 1860, cover has been opened out to display the block of eight 1/2 a. blue which are affixed to the back of envelope, soiling, some toning and apparent imprefections to edges and joins as would be expected with such a cover, however in remarkably good condition, an interesting example, rare usage and franking, additionally comes with an album page with an 1860 redirected India to Scotland cover franked again with a tri-colour combination of India/GB.rnProvenance: Baron Jacob von Uexkull Collection, David Feld,man, Zurich, 19 November 1997.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 800 CHF

    Lot# : 6677 India

    1 / 1
    1856/1864,  8 a. carmine, on blue glazed paper, right side marginal, unused, variety imperforate, no gum, no wmk., part inscription and four good to large margins, diagonal crease, attractive stamp and rare. Cert. BPA (2006). SG36a = £9'500 for an imperf pair.
    Starting bid : 450 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,500 CHF

    Lot# : 6678 India

    1856/1864,  1/2 a. blue, horizontal pair, unused, variety imperforate, no gum, no wmk., four close to good margins all round, horizontal crease, very attractive pair and scarce. SG37a = £950 for an imperf pair.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 260 CHF

    Lot# : 6679 India

    1856/1864,  1/2 a. blue, horizontal pair, unused, variety imperforate, no gum, no wmk., four good to large margins all round, tiny thin spot to right stamp, very attractive pair and scarce. SG37a = £950 for an imperf pair.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 600 CHF

    Lot# : 6680 India

    1 / 1
    1856/1864,  2 a. dull pink, left side marginal, unused, most part original gum, variety imperforate, no wmk., part inscription and four good to large margins, crease in lower margin, lovely stamp and rare. Cert. BPA (2006). SG41a = £8'000 for an imperf pair.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,600 CHF

    Lot# : 6681 India

    1 / 1
    1856/1864,  2 a. yellow-green, unused, variety imperforate, no wmk., without gum, four good to large margins, stamp prepared for use but never officially issued, a rare stamp. Cert. BPA (2006).  SG50a = £9'000 for an imperf pair.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,600 CHF

    Lot# : 6682 India

    1868, 8 a. rose, die II, overprinted "Service", corner marginal block of fifty, one quarter of a sheet, unused, with original gum, eye catching piece, some creasing and soiling affecting mainly the margin and pen mark to one stamp, however in the main very fine and attractive. SGO30a = £680+ as unused singles.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 400 CHF

    Lot# : 6683 Malta

    1864, 1/2 d. bright orange, block of four, perf. 14, Somerset House, Napier Machine printing, unused, original gum, vertical gutter with central perforations, fresh colour, clean crisp example, very fine and scarce, comes with a block of twelve in the 1882 orange-yellow shade, slight gum toning, although impressive. SG5 = £3'600 four singles.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,600 CHF

    Lot# : 6684 Australia

    1862/1865, New South Wales, 1 d. dull red, plate II, perf. 14, printed at Somerset House London, interpanneau block of eighteen, unused, original gum, fresh printing, beautiful colour, exhibiting the characteristic Somerset House Wing margin to right, with inscription "POSTAGE ONE PENNY" below and above top strip and bottom block, has been folded between these, gum rubbed in the left margin, otherwise very fine, a remarkable example, believed to be unqiue with the horizontal gutter intact, which should have been guillotined to separate the panes. Additionally come with two album pages, one with the 1 d. and 2 d. Specimen mounted on piece from 1866 De La Rue sample book and a page with other Australian States early stamps. SG187 = £4500++ as singles.
    Starting bid : 1,500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6685 Australia

    1862/1865, New South Wales, 2 d. pale blue, perf. 14, printed at Somerset House London, bottom marginal block of four, unused, original gum, fresh colour, strong printing, good positioning, odd short perf., slight gum discolouration, a scarce block from the De La Rue printing in Great Britain. SG = £1000 as four singles.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6686 South Africa

    1878, Orange Free State, 5 s. green, vertical irregular block of thrity five, with side marginals and Wing margin between left and right side blocks, apparent soiling in margin, some separation, in the main very fine, scarce multiple. 
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 160 CHF

    Lot# : 6687 St. Helena

    1861, 6 d. blue, horizontal pair, rough perforation 14-16, unused, original gum, bright vibrant colour, extremely fresh, scarce stamp, multiples are rare, most attractive example. SG2a = £850.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6688 St. Helena

    1 / 1
    1863, 4 d. carmine, imperforate, unused, good well balanced margins all round, vivid shade, scarce example, very fine. Cert. Philatelic Foundation (1991). SG5 = £500.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6689 St. Helena

    1873, 6 d. ultramarine, line perf. 12.5, unused, no gum, good positioning, strong colour, scarce, fine example. SG16a = £550.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6690 St. Helena

    1868, 1 s. deep green, type b, line perf. 12.5, unused, original gum, nicely positioned, gorgeous shade, rare stamp, slight toning to top perfs, some gum wrinkles, fine example. SG18 = £750.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6691 St. Helena

    1868, 5 s. orange, type b, line perf. 12.5, unused, no gum, variety watermark reversed, very strong colour, fresh bright shade, good positioning, very fine example, ex. Sir Gawaine Baille Collection, comes with a selection of fifteen other 1856-1880 stamps, unused except for one, many very fine, a scarce group.  SG = £3'160. rnProvenance: (SG20x) Ex. Sir Gawaine Baillie Collection, 2005.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6692 St. Helena

    1876, 1 s. deep green, type c, line perf. 14 x 12.5, unused, no gum, lovely positioning, fresh colour, strong shade, good perfs., rare stamp, a very fine example. SG26 = £950.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6693 St. Helena

    1880, 6 d. milky blue, line perf. 14, unused, original gum, vivid shade, fresh printing, good perfs., scarce, fine example. SG29 = £550.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6694 Brit. Colonies lots/accumulations

    1859/1884, Assortment of British Commonwealth, Colonial and Foreign mint and used stamps, contained upon twelve exhibition pages, written up with a focus upon the De La Rue Somerset House printings, good range of Natal on three pages, others including British Clombia, Barbados, Grenada, Jamaica, Constantinople, and a selection of Italy, conditon is mainly fine with many very fine, a useful accumulation.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,300 CHF

    Lot# : 6695 Great Britain

    1850/1882, Large accumulation of stamp spares, duplicates and study material, contained within a stockbook, many hundreds of examples, predominately GB Queen Victoria, much line engraved and Surface Printed, a selection of commonwealth, revenues, a significant array of perforation variety material including upon surface printed issues, noted 1 d. reds with Perf. 7 at left, misperforation varieties, broken perf pin material, a treasure trove of material built up over many years of collecting, additionally two album pages with tweleve UK Electric Telegraph Co. stamps, a superb lot.
    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,400 CHF

    Lot# : 6696 Great Britain

    1867/1884, Selection of nine Surface Printed used singles cancelled by cds, including attractive SG110, SG112, SG118, also SG178, SG180 and SG183 and others, high catalogue, additionally comes with a range of surface printed stamps, two covers, sixteen used stamps and an 1867 2 s. plate 2, overprinted SPECIMEN, a useful, valuable and interesting group, which also has a number of perforation varieties which are scarce on this issue.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 750 CHF
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