tradition and experience in classic philately since 1919

Haiti Liberty Heads 1881-1887 - The Brian Moorhouse Exhibition Collection
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  • Lot# : 6101 Haiti

    1881 (July 1): 7 c. deep blue, plate I, imperforate, two single used examples in combination with 3 c. grey-bistre on yellow bistre, horizontal pair, all with good to large margins all round on 1881 double rate cover endorsed "Par Vapeur C.G.T" (Compagnie Générale Transatlantique), neatly tied by "Cap Haitien / Haiti" circular datestamps (Dec 21) in black. Octagonal French Packet "LE CAP HAITIEN / PAQ. FR. B No.2" struck (Dec 20) in red (Salles fig. 1441) with reverse showing circular  "LIGNE B / PAQ. FR. No. 1" datestamp (Dec 28) in black (Salles fig. 1433) and carried on the "Ville de St. Nazaire" with partial Nantes arrival on reverse. A superb, rare and most attractive cover.rnrnProvenance: Collection Norman S. Hubbard, SG, New York, 17 March 1981, lot 207.rn                     Collection Bruno Sabattini, Postilijonen, Malmo, 22 Oct 2001, lot 131.rn 
    Starting bid : 2,000 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6102 Haiti

    1881 (July 1): 7 c. deep blue, plate I, imperforate, two used examples in combination with two 3 c. olive-bistre on pale bistre, ample to large margins, on single rate 1881 registered cover to Rouen, France all tied by "Port au Prince" circular datestamps (Sept 17) in black. Framed "R" of registration and reverse with circular "LIGNE B / PAQ. FR. No. 2" datestamp (Sept 27) carried on the "Lafayette" via St. Nazaire with Rouen arrival on reverse. A rare cover - just three first issue registered covers are recorded, this being the earliest known.rnrnProvenance: Collection Dr. Gerald L. Boarino.
    Starting bid : 2,000 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6103 Haiti

    1881 (July 1): 7 c. deep blue, plate I, imperforate, a used example in combination with 1 c. vermilion on yellowish and 2 c. slate-violet, all with ample to large margins all round on 1882 singe rate cover to Paris cancelled on board the French Packet by octagonal "LE CAP HAITIEN / FR. B. No. 2" datestamps (Dec 20) in black (Salles fig. 1441) with circular "LIGNE B / PAQ. FR. No. 1" datestamp (Dec 26) in red (Salles fig. 1433) and carried on the "Ville de Brest" of the Compagnie Générale Transatlantique. A delightful cover of great rarity. Signed Calves, Roumet.
    Starting bid : 1,500 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,500 CHF

    Lot# : 6104 Haiti

    1881 (July 1): 7 c. deep blue, plate I, imperforate, a used example in combination with 1 c. vermilion on yellowish, ample to large margins all round and 1882 2 c. slate-violet, plate II, first priting, perf. 13½ on 1883 single rate cover endorsed "Per R.M. Str." to Genova, Italy tied by "Jacmel / Haiti" cds's (March 9) in black. Genova arrival on reverse. The sole recorded example of this Imperforate / Perforate combination to make the 10 cent rate and an early usage of the perforated 2 cent. Unique.rnrnProvenance: Collection Bruno Sabattini, Postilijonen, Malmo, 23-24 March 2001, lot 631.
    Starting bid : 1,500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6105 Haiti

    1881 (July 1): 7 c. deep blue, plate I, imperforate, a used example in combination with 1882 1 c. deep vermilion on yellowish, plate II, first printing and 2 c. slate-violet, plate II, second printing, perf. 13½ on 1885 single rate cover front endorsed "P. Royal Mail" to London, tied by "Jacmel / Haiti" cds's (Jan 25) in black. Genova arrival on reverse. The sole recorded Imperforate / Perforate combination to make the 10 cent rate. Unique.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6106 Haiti

    1881 (July 1): 7 c. deep blue, plate I, imperforate, a used horizontal pair, close to fine margins all round (positions 45-46), in combination with 1882 1 c. vermilion on yellowish, plate II, first printing and 5 c. yellow-green on greenish, plate II, second printing; used on printed "Le Président / de Haiti" envelope endorsed "Per Royal Mail via Jacmel" sent registered at single rate to Paris, France tied by "Port au Prince / Haiti" cds's (24 April 1885). The 5 c. with some repaired torn perforations and partial flap fault but showing Paris arrivals (May 12) but a spendid and rare cover from the President, the sole recorded combination of Imperforate / Perforate issues and one of just three recorded first issue registered covers.rnrnProvenance: Collection F. Burton Sellers, Harmers SA, Zurich, 8-9 Dec 1989, lot 493.rn                     Collection Bruno Sabattini, Postilijonen, Malmo, 30 Sept 2000, lot 81.
    Starting bid : 3,000 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6107 Haiti

    1881 (July 1): 7 c. deep blue, plate I, imperforate, four single used examples, all with large margins used in combination with 1882 2 c. reddish-purple, plate III, perf. 13½ on 1885 triple rate cover to Hamburg endorsed "Str. Thuringia" (Hamburg America Line), tied by "Les Cayes / Haiti" cds's (Oct 5). Hamburg arrival cds (Nov 2) on reverse. A particularly fine cover, the highest recorded usage of the imperforate 7 cent value on cover and a unique Imperforate / Perforate combination usage. rnrnProvenance: Collection Guido Craveri, DF, Zurich, 29-30 March 1984, lot 11966.rn                     Collection F. Burton Sellers, Harmers SA, Zurich, 8-9 Dec 1989, lot 488.
    Starting bid : 3,000 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6108 Haiti

    1881 (July 1): 7 c. deep blue, plate I, imperforate, a used example with large margins on three sides but close at base used in combination with 1882 3 c. olive-bistre on pale bistre, plate II, second printing, perf. 13½ and two single 1886 20 c. red-brown, plate II, perf. 13½, on 1886 five times rate cover to Hamburg endorsed "p. R. Mail Steamer via England", tied by "Jacmel / Haiti" cds's (Jan 6). Hamburg arrival on reverse. The cover somewhat trimmed but an extremely early usage of the perforated 20 c. and a unique Imperforate / Perforate combination usage.
    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6109 Haiti

    1881 (July 1): 20 c. red-brown on yellowish, Imperforate, an unused block of four, marginal from top of sheet (positions 6-7 / 16-17),rnlarge margins all round, fresh and fine, large part og.; and a horizontal pair from left of sheet (positions 11-12) showing the underlying 'tint-plate' clearly in margin (ex  Sellers, lot 489) and a vertical pair (positions 40 / 50) also showing the 'tint-plate' in right margin (this last ex J.R.W. Purves and Carroll Lloyd). A fine and scarce assembly.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 400 CHF

    Lot# : 6110 Haiti

    1881 (July 1): 20 c. pale red-brown on yellowish, Imperforate, an unused horizontal strip of five (positions 32-36), of fine colour with large margins all round, fresh and fine, large part og. An extremely rare multiple - the second largest unused multiple of this stamp.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6111 Haiti

    1881 (July 1): 20 c. red-brown on yellowish, Imperforate, an unused irregular block of five, corner marginal from lower left of sheet (positions 21 / 31-32 / 41-42) with large margins all round and showing the 'nail-head' in margin alongside position 31. Fresh and fine, large part og. An extremely rare multiple - the second largest unused multiple of this stamp. Signed Beernichon.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : 750 CHF

    Lot# : 6112 Haiti

    1881 (July 1): 20 c. red-brown on yellowish, Imperforate, the famous unused block of fifteen (3 x 5) being the last three vertical rows of the sheet (positions 8-10 / 48-50), small repaired closed tear in position 20, of fine rich colour with large part or unmounted og. A wonderful multiple, the largest recorded block of the 20 cent and an iconic item of classic Haitian philately. Unique.rnrnProvenance: Collection Ferrars W. Tows, Pelander, NYC, 16-19 Feb 1949, ex lot 1277. Irregular block of 17 with pos. 46-47.rn                     Collection Josiah K. Lilly. As an irregular block of 17  with pos. 46-47.rn                     Collection Norman S. Hubbard, SG, New York, 17 March 1981, lot 212. The pair, pos. 46-47, now removed.rn                     Collection Tomas Bjäringer.rn                     Collection Guido Craveri, DF, Zurich, 29-30 March 1984, lot 11973.rn                     Collection Bruno Sabattini, Postilijonen, Malmo, 30 Sept 2000, lot 82.rn 
    Starting bid : 3,500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6113 Haiti

    1881 (July 1): 20 c. red-brown on yellowish, Imperforate, the unused reconstruction of the sheet of 50 subjects, all with single unused examples primarily in fine condition with large part og. Brian Moorhouse's remarkable collection covered most of the re-plating of this stamp with multiples - he managed to locate multiples covering 40 of the 50 positions on the sheet. This assembly being extremely difficult to replicate nowadays Scott = $ 4'250.
    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6114 Haiti

    1881 (July 1): 20 c. red-brown on yellowish, Imperforate, a used example with ample to large margins all round cancelled by "Port au Prince / Haiti" circular datestamp (10 July 1881) in black. An extremely early, possibly the earliest, date of use.
    Starting bid : 120 CHF
    Hammer price : 220 CHF

    Lot# : 6115 Haiti

    1881 (July 1): 20 c. red-brown on yellowish, Imperforate, a used example on small piece with ample to large margins all round (position 28), tied by "Port au Prince / Haiti" circular datestamp (21 April 1883) struck in blue with information strike adjacent and "Le Havre / Seine Inferieure" cds (May 17) in black. Scarce and very fine.rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Hispaniola', Phillips, New York, 27 April 1987, lot 166.rn                     Collection F. Burton Sellers, Harmers SA, Zuirich, 8-9 Dec 1989, lot 490.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 220 CHF

    Lot# : 6116 Haiti

    1881 (July 1): 20 c. red-brown on yellowish, Imperforate, a used selection with single 20 c. cancelled by scarce "Gonaives / Haiti" cds superbly struck; a fine horizontal pair used in Port au Prince (9 Dec 1881); single example cancelled in New York on arrival with "2" in bars; and a single 20 c. cancelled by "Verviers / Coeln" Ambulante in black. Scarce.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : 180 CHF

    Lot# : 6117 Haiti

    1881 (July 1): 20 c. red-brown on yellowish, Imperforate, a used block of ten (5 x 2) with good to large margins all round (positions 21-25 / 31-35) cancelled by "Port au Prince / Haiti" circular datestamps in black. The largest recorded used multiple of the 20 c. imperforate with just two blocks known.rnrnProvenance: Collection Clarence W. Hennan, Robson Lowe, Basel, 13 Oct 1966, lot 1083.rn                     Collection Carroll Lloyd.
    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6118 Haiti

    1881 (July 1): 20 c. red-brown on yellowish, Imperforate, a used block of ten (5 x 2) with good to large margins all round (positions 31-35 / 41-45) cancelled by "Port au Prince / Haiti" circular datestamps in black. The largest recorded used multiple of the 20 c. imperforate with just two such blocks known.rnrnProvenance: Collection Tomas Bjäringer.rn                     Collection Bruno Sabattini, Postilijonen, Malmo, 30 Sept 2000, lot 84.
    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6119 Haiti

    1881 (July 1): 20 c. red-brown on yellowish, Imperforate, a used example (position 42) of fine appearance on 1883 double rate cover front endorsed "par R. Mail" to London ("Andes" deleted in manuscript), tied by "Port au Prince / Haiti" circular datestamp (Feb 24) in black. The adhesive has a slight repair at right, but the cover is of great rarity with just 6 covers known bearing the imperforate 20 cent with just three (the other two, ex Hubbard and Craveri, are also faulty - one bears a defective stamp, the other has the addressee's name excised from the cover) being single frankings, thus this remains the finest of the three recorded.
    Starting bid : 1,200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6120 Haiti

    1881 (July 1): 20 c. red-brown on yellowish, Imperforate, a used horizontal strip of four with large margins on three sides and close at right (positions 3-6), used on 1885 registered cover endorsed "Per Steamer Royal Mail" carried at 7 x times rate (between 91 and 105 grams) to Hamburg, Germany tied by "Jacmel / Haiti" circular datestamps (Dec 10) in black. Oval "Registered / Plymouth" and London transits and arrival datestamp on reverse. An astonishing cover: the largest recorded franking of the imperforate 20 cent and the sole recorded multiple franking. One of the major items of Haitian philately.rnrnProvenance: Collection Consul Weinburger.
    Starting bid : 10,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 10,000 CHF

    Lot# : 6121 Haiti

    1882/87: Libery Head perforated issues, the two Brian Moorhouse introductory pages showing the different printings and shades utilised for all values from 1 c. vermilion to the 20 c. red-brown, including the three values issued in 1886-87 with 'crossed lines on face'; generally fresh and fine unused or large part og. An excellent reference to the plates Scott = $ 235+.
    Starting bid : 120 CHF
    Hammer price : 120 CHF

    Lot# : 6122 Haiti

    1883 (Dec): 1 c. deep vermilion on yellowish, plate II, first printing, perf. 13½, the remarkable block of 46 from the sheet of 50 subjects, missing just the upper right corner block of four, of vivid fresh colour, showing a faint 'nail-head' on the background 'tint-plate' in the margin opposite position 40. Sold together with sheet marginal single example (position 11) showing the 'nail-head' in margin. A rare and splendid multiple, large part or unmounted og.rnProvenance: Collection James Abbott, Harmers, London, 18-19 June 1968, lot 639.rn                     Collectuion J.R.W. Purves.rn                     Collection Carroll Lloyd.rnrn 
    Starting bid : 1,200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6123 Haiti

    1883/84: 1 c. deep vermilion on pale yellowish, plate II, first printing, perf. 13½, the selection of superb used horizontal pairs with pair (positions 3-4) cancelled at "Les Cayes" (14 Aug 1884), pair (positions 27-28) cancelled at "Saint Marc" (2 July 1885) and pair (positions 21-22) with "Petit-Goave" cds (11 Feb 1885) all in black; and 1 c. pale vermilion, plate II, second printing single 1 c. cancelled "Les Cayes" (14 Aug 1884); pair (positions 21-22) cancelled by rare "Miragoave" cds (24 Sept) and vertical pair (positions 28 / 38) cancelled at "Gonaives" (13 July 1885): a fine and fresh selection (6 items) all with scarcer cancellations.
    Starting bid : 120 CHF
    Hammer price : 180 CHF

    Lot# : 6124 Haiti

    1884 (May): 1 c. pale vermilion on pale yellowish, plate II, second printing, perf. 13½, an unused complete sheet of 50 subjects (10 x 5) showing the 'nail-heads' in the background tint plate margin alongside positions 3, 7 and between positions 9 and 10 at top; some aging in margins and a few perfs. split, large part or unmounted og. Sold together with a single marginal example (position 30), a horizontal pair (positions 43-44) and a lower marginal block of four (positions 36-37 / 46-47). An exceptional and rare complete sheet.rnrnProvenance: Collection James Abbott, Harmers, London, 19 June 1968, lot 638 (the full sheet).rnrn 
    Starting bid : 1,200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6125 Haiti

    1884 (May): 1 c. pale vermilion on pale yellowish, plate II, second printing, perf. 13½, a used example cancelled "Port au Prince" cds dated "10 May 1884" - the earliest recorded date of use.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : 100 CHF

    Lot# : 6126 Haiti

    1884 (May): 1 c. pale vermilion on pale yellowish, plate II, second printing, perf. 13½, a top marginal block of four (positions 3-4 / 13-14), neatly cancelled by "Port au Prince" circular datestamps (13 Oct 1885) in black. The largest recorded used multiple of this stamp. Rare.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6127 Haiti

    1884 (May): 1 c. pale vermilion on pale yellowish, plate II, second printing, perf. 13½, a used horizontal pair (positions 1-2), manuscript cancelled in ink on probable Printed Matter rate wrapper addressed to Port au Prince. Slight tear away from the adhesives at top. The Printed Matter rate was 1 c. per 50 grams, this double rate would suggest a complete magazine or newspaper was carried. A rare piece.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 250 CHF

    Lot# : 6128 Haiti

    1884 (May): 1 c. pale vermilion on pale yellowish, plate II, second printing, perf. 13½, a single example used on 1890 postal stationery Formula card (Type FC8) to Munich, Germany with 1887 President Sam 2 c. violet tied by "Port au Prince" cds's (July 15). "Foreign N.Y. Transit" cds and Munich arrivals (Aug 6) all on obverse. The sole recorded usage of this combination of adhesives. A rare card.
    Starting bid : 350 CHF
    Hammer price : 650 CHF

    Lot# : 6129 Haiti

    1883 (Dec): 1 c. pale vermilion on pale yellowish, plate II, second printing, perf. 13½, a used vertical strip of three (positions 27 / 37/ 47), with 1881 7 c. blue imperforate, on 1884 single rate cover (with printed "Secrétairerie D'État Des Relations Extérieures") to Baltimore, USA and re-addressed to New York; all tied by "Port au Prince" cds's (July 24). Reverse with Baltimore "Forwarded" datestamp (Aug 6). The 7 cent value has been replaced but nevertheless a scarce cover.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 6130 Haiti

    1883 (Feb): 2 c. dull purple, plate II, first printing, perf. 13½, an unused block (3 x 5) of fifteen (positions 8-10 / 48-50), of fine fresh colour, minor age spots on reverse only, large part or unmounted og. A scarce multiple.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 300 CHF

    Lot# : 6131 Haiti

    1883 (Feb): 2 c. dull purple, plate II, first printing, perf. 13½, a used irregular block of five (positions 21-22-23 / 31-32), tied to small piece by New York "4" barred oval handstamps in black. Rare and most attractive, the largest recorded used multiple.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6132 Haiti

    1883 (Feb): 2 c. dull purple, plate II, first printing, perf. 13½, a used vertical pair, variety "Imperforate Horizontally between", perforated at top and imperforate at base, lightly cancelled in black. Much under-catalogued, a very rare variety Scott = $ 275+.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6133 Haiti

    1883 (Feb): 2 c. dull purple, plate II, first printing, perf. 13½, a used single example on 1883 entire Printed Circular to Paris, France tied by "Port au Prince / Haiti" circular datestamp (May 9) in black. Stamps crossed by file fold but one of two recorded single usages (the other, not as fine, was in the Sellers collection, lot 516). An extremely attractive and very rare usage.rnrnProvenance: Collection Helmut Wolff, Harmers, New York, 17 Jan 1980, lot 2302.rn                     Collection Guido Craveri, DF, Zurich, 29-30 March 1984, lot 11983.
    Starting bid : 1,500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6134 Haiti

    1883 (Feb): 2 c. dull purple, plate II, first printing, perf. 13½, a used horizontal strip of five (positions 26-30), used on 1883 slightly trimmed cover endorsed "via Cape Hayti" to West Newton, Mass., USA all tied by "Port au Prince / Haiti" circular datestamps (Dec 29) in black. Reverse with "Cap Haitien" transit and "New York / Paid All" and arrival cds in black. One of two covers to the same address franked in this manner (the other ex 'Hispaniola' and Sabattini). An outstanding cover bearing the largest known multiple of this stamp.rnrnProvenance: Collection Bruno Sabattini, Postilijonen, Malmo, 23-24 March 2001, lot 641.rnrn 
    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6135 Haiti

    1884 (Feb): 2 c. dull purple, plate II, second printing, perf. 13½, the partial reconstruction of the sheet of 50 subjects, with two blocks for 48 stamps from the sheet, first block of fourteen with complete first two vertical rows and four stamp from the third, sheet marginal at left; and the unique block of 29 marginal at top and at base (positions shown 1-10 / 40-50, less pos. 43-44), large part or unmounted og. Fresh and very fine multiples - the larger block being the largest recorded multiple; coupled with an unused pair (positions 12-13) showing variety "Imperforate Vertically Between". A splendid and rare page.
    Starting bid : 1,200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6136 Haiti

    1883 (Feb): 2 c. dull slate-purple, plate II, second printing, perf. 13½, a top marginal vertical pair (positions 9 / 19), used on internal 1884 cover endorsed "Par Poste" carried at double rate to Jeremie, tied by "Port au Prince / Haiti" circular datestamps (July 12) in black. Rare and fine, the sole recorded example of this franking.
    Starting bid : 1,750 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,000 CHF

    Lot# : 6137 Haiti

    1883 (Aug): 3 c. grey-bistre on pale bistre, Plate II, first printing, perf. 13½, the famous unused block of forty-five from the sheet of 50 subjects (positions 2-10 / 42-50) missing just the first vertical row; fresh and fine appearance, affixed to card for protection as exhibited, presumably large part or unmounted og. The largest recorded multiple. Rare.rnrnProvenance: Collection James Abbott, Harmers, London, 18-19 June 1968. lot 644.rn                     Collection J.R.W. Purves.rn                     Collection Carroll Lloyd.
    Starting bid : 1,750 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6138 Haiti

    1883 (Aug/Sept): 3 c. grey-bistre on pale bistre, first printing, perf. 13½, a used horizontal pair (positions 29-30), cancelled by "Port au Prince" cds's (8 Sept 1883) in black. The earliest recorded date of use; sold together with a single 3 c. cancelled "Aus Westindien / Uber Coln" cds and a further single used in "Gonaives" (19 Nov 1885). A rare group.rn 
    Starting bid : 120 CHF
    Hammer price : 130 CHF

    Lot# : 6139 Haiti

    1883 (Aug): 3 c. grey-bistre on pale bistre, first printing, perf. 13½, a single example used on postal stationery Formula card (Type FC9) endorsed "via Havana" to Hamburg, Germany tied by "Port au Prince" circular datestamps (10 Dec 1885) in black. Information strike at left and Hamburg arrival 2 Jan 1886) below and reverse showing Havana transit cds (Dec 14). A rare and fine card.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 400 CHF

    Lot# : 6140 Haiti

    1885 (Sept): 3 c. olive-bistre on pale bistre, Plate II, second printing, perf. 13½, an unused block of four, marginal from base of sheet (positions 34-35 / 44-45), of fine fresh colour, large part og. A rarity - a block of four is the largest recorded unused multiple of this stamp.rnrnProvenance: Collection Carroll Lloyd.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 250 CHF

    Lot# : 6141 Haiti

    1885 (Sept): 3 c. olive-bistre on pale bistre, Plate II, second printing, perf. 13½, an unused block of four (positions 39-40 / 49-50), of fine fresh colour, thin spot on first stamp, large part og. A rarity - a block of four is the largest recorded unused multiple of this stamp.rnrnProvenance: Collection Carroll Lloyd.
    Starting bid : 175 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6142 Haiti

    1885 (Sept): 3 c. olive-bistre on pale bistre, second printing, perf. 13½, a used example neatly cancelled by "Port au Prince / Haiti" cds (29 Sept 1885), the earliest recorded date of use.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : 100 CHF

    Lot# : 6143 Haiti

    1885 (Sept): 3 c. grey-bistre on pale bistre, Plate II, second printing, perf. 13½, a used horizontal pair (positions 18-19), variety "Imperforate Vertically between", cancelled by "Cap Haitien / Haiti£ cds (12 Oct 1886). A scarce and under-catalogued variety Scott = $ 225.
    Starting bid : 175 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 6144 Haiti

    1885 (Sept): 3 c. grey-bistre on pale bistre, second printing, perf. 13½, a used horizontal pair (positions 25-26), variety "Imperforate Vertically between", cancelled by "Cap Haitien / Haiti£ cds (12 Oct 1886). A scarce and under-catalogued variety Scott = $ 225.
    Starting bid : 180 CHF
    Hammer price : 180 CHF

    Lot# : 6145 Haiti

    1885 (Sept): 3 c. grey-bistre on pale bistre, second printing, perf. 13½, a single example used on postal stationery Formula card (Type FC12) addressed to St. Thomas, Danish West Indies tied by "Port au Prince / Haityi" cds (Feb 2). "Jacmel / Haiti" transit cds at left (same day) and reverse with St. Thomas arival cds (April 29). Scarce and very fine.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 300 CHF

    Lot# : 6146 Haiti

    1885 (Sept): 3 c. grey-bistre on pale bistre, second printing, perf. 13½, a horizontal partly separated strip of three in combination with 1 c. vermilion, used on 1886 cover to Le Havre, France tied by "Jacmel / Haiti" datestamps (Aug 4) with "Calais a Paris" transit below (Aug 22). Addressee's name deleted but a rare cover - the sole such combination recorded.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6147 Haiti

    1885 (Sept): 3 c. olive-bistre on pale bistre, second printing, perf. 13½, a used single example alongside a horizontal strip of nine (positions 1-10) in combination with 5 c. green, Plate III, in two strips of three on 1886 cover front to the Foreign Office in London carried at 6 times rate; all tied by "Port au Prince / Haiti" ccircular datestamps (Oct 26) in black. A rare and extremely important cover due to both the 6 times rate and the use of the largest recorded multiple of the 3 cent adhesive.rnrnProvenance: Collection Ferrars H. Tows, Carl Pelander, New York, 16-19 Feb 1949, lot 1327.rn                     Collection Bruno Sabattini, Postilijonen, Malmo, 30 Sept 2000, lot 92.
    Starting bid : 2,500 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,500 CHF

    Lot# : 6148 Haiti

    1882 (Sept): 5 c. bluish green on greenish, plate II, first printing, perf. 13½, an unused block of four (positions 8-9 / 18-19) of fine colour, large part og. A major rarity of Haitian philately, this being the sole recorded and largest unused multiple known.rnrnProvenance: Collection Ferrars H. Tows, Carl Pelander, New York, 16-19 Feb 1949, ex lot 1329.rnrn 
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : 750 CHF

    Lot# : 6149 Haiti

    1882 (Sept): 5 c. bluish green on greenish, plate II, first printing, perf. 13½, a small group (3 items) with used single 5 c. variety "Imperforate Vertically" at each side; a used horizontal pair on piece cancelled by neat "Jacmel / Haiti" cds (26 Jan 1883) in black and single 5 c. cancelled "Port au Prince / Haiti" cds (9 Sept 1882) in black - this last being the earliest recorded date of use.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6150 Haiti

    1882 (Sept): 5 c. bluish green on greenish, plate II, first printing, perf. 13½, a used horizontal pair (position 11-12) on 1883 cover endorsed "R.M. Str. Mail" to Lyon, France at single rate, tied by "Port au Prince / Haiti" circular datestamps (Feb 6) in blue. Reverse with Lyons arrival datestamp (March 2). A rare and most attractive cover. Signed Georges Lamy.rnrnProvenance: Collection Georges Lamy.rn                     Collection Carroll Lloyd.
    Starting bid : 1,200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6151 Haiti

    1882 (Sept): 5 c. bluish green on greenish, plate II, first printing, perf. 13½, a used horizontal pair (positions 46-47) on 1883 cover to Nantes, France endorsed "p. Str. Francais", tied by "Cap Haitien / Haiti" circular datestamps (March 21) in black. Carried by French Packet "Ville de Bordeaux" with circular "LIGNE F / PAQ. FR" circular datestamp (same day) in black (Salles fig. 1590). Reverse with Nantes arrival cds (April 10). Minor stain at top but a rare and attractive cover.rn 
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6152 Haiti

    1883 (Dec): 5 c. yellow-green on greenish, plate II, second printing, perf. 13½, an unused marginal block of twenty from top of sheet (positions 5-9 /35-39), in a vibrant bright shade, the top margin showing the 'nail-head' on the background tint-plate above position 7. Fresh and fine, large part or unmounted og. The largest recorded unused multiple of this stamp.
    Starting bid : 1,500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6153 Haiti

    1883 (Dec): 5 c. yellow-green on greenish, plate II, second printing, perf. 13½, a used horizontal strip of four (positions 6-9), neatly cancelled by light "Jacmel / Haiti" cds's (20 Jan 1886) in black. A unit of four stamps is the largest recorded used multiple.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6154 Haiti

    1883 (Dec): 5 c. yellow-green on greenish, plate II, second printing, perf. 13½, a used block of four (positions 11-12 / 21-22), neatly cancelled by three "Port au Prince / Haiti" cds's (27 Feb 1885) in black. Slight separation but rare - a block of four is the largest recorded used multiple.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6155 Haiti

    1883 (Dec): 5 c. yellow-green on greenish, plate II, second printing, perf. 13½, a used vertical pair (positions 17 / 27), variety "Imperforate Horizontally between", cancelled by "Jeremie / Haiti" cds (30 June 1885) in black. Unlisted by Scott with this variety and of considerable rarity.rnrnProvenance: Collection Ferrars H. Tows, Carl Pelander, New York, 16-19 Feb 1949, lot 1334.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 420 CHF

    Lot# : 6156 Haiti

    1883 (Dec): 5 c. yellow-green on greenish, plate II, second printing, perf. 13½, a used horizontal pair (positions 35-36) on single rate cover endorsed "via Jacmel" to Paris, France tied by "Port au Prince / Haiti" cds's (June 24) in black. "Calais a Paris" cds (July 13) also on obverse of a fresh and very fine cover.
    Starting bid : 600 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6157 Haiti

    1883 (Dec): 5 c. yellow-green on greenish, plate II, second printing, perf. 13½, a used horizontal strip of four (positions 3-6), on 1885 cover to Hamburg, Germany endorsed "English Royal Mail", tied by "Port au Prince / Haiti" circular datestamps (May 9) in black. Hamburg arrival cds (May 29) on reverse of a delightful and extremely rare cover - the largest recorded multiple on cover.rnrnProvenance: Collection Carroll Lloyd.
    Starting bid : 1,500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6158 Haiti

    1883 (Dec): 5 c. yellow-green on greenish, plate II, second printing, perf. 13½, two single examples (positions 43 and 44) in combination with three further 5 c. horizontal pairs (positions 44-45, 7-8, 41-42) all used on 1885 quadruple rate cover to New York endorsed "via Havana", envelope with slight trims at sides, unusually tied by "Correos / Habana" circular datestamps of transit (27 Jan) in black. Reverse with "New York / Paid All" in black. Sensible cover restoration above the third stamp. The largest recorded franking bearing this stamp and of great rarity.rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Hispaniola', Harmers SA, Zurich, 8-9 Dec 1989, lot 503.
    Starting bid : 2,500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6159 Haiti

    1883 (Dec): 5 c. yellow-green on greenish, plate II, second printing, perf. 13½, two used examples on 1885 cover endorsed "par Paquet Francais via Port au Prince" addressed to Amsterdam, Netherlands; tied by "Port au Prince / Haiti" cds's (Aug 9) in black. Struck with two line "JAMAICA / TRANSIT" in black and, on arrival in Amsterdam readdressed with 1872/88 25 c. ultramarine for redirection to Scheveningen. File fold well away from the adhesives. A famous and rare cover.rnrnProvenance: Collection Clarence W. Hennan, Robson Lowe, Basel, 13 Oct 1966, lot 1158.rn                     Collection Guido Craveri, DF, Zurich, 29-30 March 1984, lot 11992.rn                     Collection Bruno Sabattini, Postilijonen, Malmo, 320 Sept 2000, lot 102.
    Starting bid : 2,000 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6160 Haiti

    1886 (March): 7 c. deep bright blue, plate II, first printing, perf. 13½, two unused blocks of four, one with trimmed corner margins (position 1-2 / 11-12) and a second block with trivial aging at top (positions 31-32 / 41-42) both in the deep rich shade, largely fresh and fine, marginal block with large part og., the second scarce multiple unused.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6161 Haiti

    1886 (March): 7 c. deep bright blue, plate II, first printing, perf. 13½, an unused block of ten (2 x 5) of fine fresh colour (positions 1-2 / 41-42), centred to right, without gum. An important and rare block, the largest recorded multiple. Signed Senf.rnrnNote: The 7 cent first printing was issued in circa March 1886, after the second printing of December 1885.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6162 Haiti

    1886 (March): 7 c. deep bright blue, plate II, first printing, perf. 13½, two used examples in combination with two 3 c. olive-bistre on pale bistre, second printing, on 1886 registered single rate cover endorsed "via Havane" to New York tied by "Port au Prince / Haiti" cds's (Feb 27). Framed "R" at left and blue framed HABANA registration handstamp all on obverse, the reverse with seal removed but with arrival cds (March 16). Some perforation imperfections but a fine and scarce cover : the earliest recorded usage of the 7 c. first printing on letter.rnrnNote: The cover is addressed to R. R. Bogert, one of New York's leading stamp dealers, he was also one of the founders of the (American) National Philatelical Society in 1874.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6163 Haiti

    1886 (March): 7 c. deep bright blue, plate II, first printing, perf. 13½, a used example in combination with 1887 President Sam 3 c. blue on 1888 single rate cover to Gothenburg, Sweden lightly tied by "Port au Prince / Haiti" cds's (July 19). Reverse with New York transit (July 25) and Swedish "PKXP No. 2" Railway cds (Aug 10). A fine and most attractive cover to a most unusual destination.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 300 CHF

    Lot# : 6164 Haiti

    1886 (March): 7 c. deep bright blue, plate II, first printing, perf. 13½, used single examples (7) in combination with 1887 President Sam 1 c. lake, on 1888 five times rate cover endorsed "per R. Mail Str." to Hamburg tied by "Jacmel / Haiti" cds's (Nov 22) in black. Reverse with Hamburg arrival cds (Dec 10). A remarkable high rate cover, the sole recorded with this combination.
    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6165 Haiti

    1886 (March): 7 c. deep bright blue, plate II, first printing, perf. 13½, a used horizontal strip of six in combination with 1887 President Sam 3 c. blue strip of six, on 1888 registered five times rate cover front endorsed "per R. M. S." to Hamburg tied by "Port au Prince / Haiti" cds's (May 29) in black with Paris transit (July 9) below in red. Imperfections but a remarkable high rate cover, the sole recorded with this combination - the strip of seven 7 cent is the largest known used multiple on or off cover.
    Starting bid : 1,200 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,200 CHF

    Lot# : 6166 Haiti

    1885 (Dec): 7 c. ultramarine, plate II, second printing, perf. 13½, unused multiples (2) with an irregular block of nine from left of sheet with full margins (positions 1-2 / 31-32 / 41) and a block of ten (positions 7-8 / 47-48), showing sheet margins at top and at base, all fresh and very fine, large part or unmounted og. Rare multiples.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : 750 CHF

    Lot# : 6167 Haiti

    1885 (Dec): 7 c. ultramarine, plate II, second printing, perf. 13½, an unused block of twenty (4 x5) with sheet margins at top and at base (positions 3-6 / 43-46) of fine fresh colour, two trivial age spots, large part or unmounted og. The largest unused multiple of this stamp recorded.rnrnProvenance: Collection James Abbott, Harmers, London, 18-19 June 1968, lot 650.
    Starting bid : 850 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6168 Haiti

    1885 (Dec): 7 c. ultramarine, plate II, second printing, perf. 13½, a used vertical pair, marginal at top (positions 2 / 12), variety "Imperforate Horizontally between", lightly cancelled in blue. A charming and scarce pair Scott = $ 250.rnrnProvenance: Collection Ferrars H. Tows, Carl Pelander, New York, 16-19 Feb 1949, lot 1339.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 6169 Haiti

    1885 (Dec): 7 c. ultramarine, plate II, second printing, perf. 13½, a used vertical pair (positions 10 / 20), variety "Imperforate Horizontally between", neatly cancelled by "Port au Prince / Haiti" cds (11 Dec 1886) in black. A charming and scarce pair: these varieties are, in the opinion of this describer, much under-catalogued Scott = $ 250.rnrnProvenance: Collection Ferrars H. Tows, Carl Pelander, New York, 16-19 Feb 1949, lot 1340.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6170 Haiti

    1885 (Dec): 7 c. ultramarine, plate II, second printing, perf. 13½, a used example in combination with 3 c. olive-bistre on pale bistre, second printing, on 1885 single rate cover to Glauchau, Germany tied by "Port au Prince / Haiti" circular datestamps (Dec 8) in black. Galauchau arrival (Dec 29) on reverse of a very fine and rare cover - the earliest recorded usage of the perforated 7 cent adhesive.
    Starting bid : 600 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6171 Haiti

    Navassa Island 1886: 7 c. deep bright blue, plate II, first printing, perf. 13½, a used example in combination with 3 c. olive-bistre on pale bistre, Plate II, second printing, perf. 13½, used on 1886 cover to New York endorsed "via Navassa", tied by "Port au Prince / Haiti" cds's (June 14). Reverse with "New York / Paid All" arrival (June 21). A remarkable routing one of just two covers known to have transitted via the Island of Navassa.rnrnNote: Navassa Island is situated some 60 kms. West of Haiti, and has no fresh water supply. Claimed by the USA, guano extraction began under US auspices in 1865 and continued until a worker's rebellion against conditions put a stop to the mining in 1889.
    Starting bid : 2,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,000 CHF

    Lot# : 6172 Haiti

    Navassa Island 1886: 7 c. deep bright blue, plate II, first printing, perf. 13½, a used example in combination with 3 c. olive-bistre on pale bistre, second printing, perf. 13½, used on 1886 single rate cover with imprint 'H.M.S. Forward' on reverse, addressed to 'H.M.S. Neptune' on the Mediterranean Station; tied by "Port au Prince / Haiti" cds's (July 6). "Calais a Paris" transit cds (July 24) and reverse with Rome cds. Readdressed back to England with London transit (July 31) and "Portsmouth / 625" duplex of eventual receipt. A remarkable and unusual cover.rnrnNote: H.M.S. Forward was a 4 gun screw gunboat launched in 1877. The gunboat later played a part in the "Navassa Massacre" when, in 1889, the Atlas Steam Co. vessel "Athos" sailed on 21 September 1889 in order to intercept the ASC vessel "Alene" at Navassa Island and to transfer the Mails from Haiti destined for New York. When the "Athos" arrived at Navassa Island it was boarded by an Officer of H.M.S. Fortune who informed the captain that a mutiny had taken place on the Island with only 6 of the eleven officers escaping with their lives. The H.M.S. Fortune delivered the survivors to Jamaica and guano exctraction stopped thereafter.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6173 Haiti

    1884 (April): 20 c. red-brown on yellowish, plate II, perf. 13½, an unused irregular block of 36, marginal at top and partial at left (positions 2-8 / 11-18 / 21 - 28 / 31-38 / 43-47), of fine fresh colour with the top margin showing the circular 'nail-head' in the tint plate background above positions 2, 5 and 6. A rare and impressive multiple, the largest recorded for the perforated 20 cent value.rnrnProvenance: Collection James Abbott, Harmers, 18-19 June 1968, lot 653 (as a block of 47).rn                     Collection J.R.W. Purves.rn                     Collection Carroll Lloyd.
    Starting bid : 2,000 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6174 Haiti

    1884 (April): 20 c. red-brown on yellowish, plate II, perf. 13½, an unused horizontal pair, corner marginal from top right of sheet (positions 9-10), variety "Imperforate Vertically between", fine, large part og. Scott = $ 150+.
    Starting bid : 120 CHF
    Hammer price : 120 CHF

    Lot# : 6175 Haiti

    1884 (April): 20 c. red-brown on yellowish, plate II, perf. 13½, an unused vertical pair, marginal from right of sheet (positions 40 / 50), showing major perforation error, large part og. and a used vertical pair (positions 6 / 16), variety "Imperforate Vertically between", used Scott = $ 300+.
    Starting bid : 120 CHF
    Hammer price : 240 CHF

    Lot# : 6176 Haiti

    1884 (April): 20 c. red-brown on yellowish, plate II, perf. 13½, an unused marginal block of four from right of sheet (positions 19-20 / 29-30), variety "Imperforate Vertically between", fresh and very fine, large part og. but adhered to backing paper. A fine and rare multiple Scott = $ 300+.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6177 Haiti

    1884 (April): 20 c. red-brown on yellowish, plate II, perf. 13½, two used horizontal pairs, each marginal from right of sheet (positions 39-40 and 29-30), both tied to small piece, each showing variety "Imperforate Vertically between", neatly tied by "Port au Prince / Haiti" cds's (20 Feb 1893) in black. Most attractive and rare Scott = $ 600+.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 460 CHF

    Lot# : 6178 Haiti

    1884 (April): 20 c. red-brown on yellowish, plate II, perf. 13½, a used example on 1887 double rate cover to Manchester endorsed "per Para" (RMSPC), neatly tied by "Jacmel / Haiti" cds (June 8). Manchester arrival on reverse (June 26) of a fine and attractive cover. In-period usages of the 20 c. are rarities on letter.rnrn 
    Starting bid : 850 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6179 Haiti

    1884 (April): 20 c. red-brown on yellowish, plate II, perf. 13½, a vertical pair, somewhat misperforated used in combination with 5 c. green, plate III, first printing tied to large part 1885 Munchmeyer registered cover endorsed "Per Steamer Moselle" (RMSPC) to Hamburg at quadruple rate, tied by "Jacmel / Haiti" cds's (Oct 1). Fine and most attractive.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6180 Haiti

    1885 (March): 2 c. red-purple, aniline, plate III, perf. 13½, an unused block of six (3 x 2) of good colour (positions 15-17 / 25-27), slight perf. separation, large part og. A scarce block - the largest known being a block of nine.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6181 Haiti

    1885 (March): 2 c. red-purple, aniline, plate III, perf. 13½, an unused block of nine, marginal from left of sheet (positions 1-3 / 21-23), fresh and very fine, large part or unmounted og. The largest recorded unused multiple of this stamp.
    Starting bid : 350 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6182 Haiti

    1885 (March): 2 c. red-purple, aniline, plate III, perf. 13½, the album page (Edition D'Or 50, page 169) showing the earliest recorded usage on a single example cancelled at "Gonaives" (26 March 1885); a marginal single; piece with 2 c. red-purple in pair (positions 21-22) and a rare horizontal strip of three (positions 23-25); a superb used block of four (positions 19-20 / 29-30) and a horizontal strip of four used on piece (positions 1-4) all are cancelled in Port au Prince in 1885-1886. A splendid and rare grouop - the largest recorded used multiples are units of four stamps.
    Starting bid : 350 CHF
    Hammer price : 350 CHF

    Lot# : 6183 Haiti

    1885 (March): 2 c. red-purple, aniline, plate III, perf. 13½, a used vertical pair, variety "Imperforate Horizontally between", cancelled by "Port au Prince / Haiti" cds (8 Dec 1885) in black. A much under-catalogued variety, scarce and fine Scott = $ 275.rnrnProvenance: Collection Ferrars H. Tows, Carl Pelander, New York, 16-19 Feb 1949, lot 1361.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 6184 Haiti

    1885 (March): 2 c. red-purple, aniline, plate III, perf. 13½, a used example in combination with 3 c. grey-bistre on pale buff, plate II, first printing; 5 c.yellow-green, plate II, second printing and 20 c. red-brown, plate II, all used on registered double rate cover, slight trims at sides and part flap missing on reverse, to Paris tied by "Port au Prince / Haiti" cds's (May 10) in black. Framed "R" of registration at left and "Calais a Paris" transit cds (May 29) below. Reverse with Paris arrival cds's. A magnificent and unique cover - the 2 c. from plate III is a rarity on letter; this being the sole recorded example of this four colour franking.rnrnProvenance: Collection Bruno Sabattini, Postilijonen, Malmo, 30 Sept 2000, lot 91.
    Starting bid : 2,500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6185 Haiti

    1885 (Aug): 5 c. green, plate III, perf. 13½, an unused block of four (positions 5-6 / 15-16), spot at base bot of fresh rich colour, large part og. adhered to exhibit card. Scarce multiple.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6186 Haiti

    1885 (Aug): 5 c. green, plate III, perf. 13½, an unused irregular block of eight (positions 27-30 / 37-38 / 47-48), fresh rich colour, large part og. but adhered to exhibit card. The second largest recorded unused multiple. Rare.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6187 Haiti

    1885 (Aug): 5 c. green, plate III, perf. 13½, an unused block of ten (5 x 2) of fine fresh colour (positions 36-40 / 46-50), protective hinges on large part og. lower strip unmounted og. A magnificent and very rare multiple - the largest recorded.
    Starting bid : 600 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6188 Haiti

    1885 (Aug): 5 c. green, plate III, perf. 13½, the used group (6 items) with two singles and horizontal pair (positions 11-12) cancelled on arrival in New York by barred obliterators 2, 3 and 6; three further plated pairs (one is vertical) cancelled by neat circular datestamps of "Port au Prince" or "Gonaives". A fine selection.
    Starting bid : 75 CHF
    Hammer price : 75 CHF

    Lot# : 6189 Haiti

    1885 (Aug): 5 c. green, plate III, perf. 13½, a used single example on "Service Des Postes" Avis de Reception entire printed form addressed locally tied by neat "Port au Prince / Haiti" cds (Jan 7) in black with further strike used as receipt datestamp (March 1) at lower left. Receipt inside signed in Paris (Jan 30) and then returned to Haiti. One of just three known usages of this 5 c. value on an "AR" form (another example is ex Sellers, lot 517). A magnificent and very attractive usage.rnrnProvenance: Collection Bruno Sabattini, Positilijonen, Malmo, 22 Oct 2001, lot 137.
    Starting bid : 1,500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6190 Haiti

    1885 (Aug): 5 c. green, plate III, perf. 13½, a horizontal strip of four (positions 26-29) used on 1886 double rate cover to Munchmeyer in Hamburg, tied by "Port au Prince / Haiti" cds's (Aug 3). Reverse with Hamburg arrival cds (Aug 24). A fine and very scarce multiple on an attractive cover.
    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6191 Haiti

    1885 (Aug): 5 c. green, plate III, perf. 13½, the famous used block of six (positions 22-24 / 42-44) on triple rate cover to Munchmeyer in Hamburg endorsed "per R.M. Str. via Jacmel" tied by "Port au Prince / Haiti" circular datestamps (Oct 4) in black with Hamburg arrival cds on reverse (Aug 25). A spectacular and rare cover - the earliest known usage of the 5 c. from plate III and the largest used multiple on or off cover.rnrnProvenance: Collection Bruno Sabattini, Postilijonen, Malmo, 30 Sept 2000, lot 98.
    Starting bid : 2,500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6192 Haiti

    1885 (Aug): 5 c. green, plate III, perf. 13½, used example in combination with 2 c. slate-violet, plate II, first printing and 3 c. olive-bistre on pale bistre, second printing, making up the 10 c. single rate on 1886 visiting card envelope to Paris; tied by "Port au Prince / Haiti" cds's (Nov 23) in black. Clöosed opening tear at top not detracting from a fine and most attractive three colour franking.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6193 Haiti

    1885 (Aug): 5 c. green, plate III, perf. 13½, a used example in combination with New Dies 1886/87 1 c. vermilion on pale yellowish (2 examples), on 1887 cover at single rate to Paris, cancelled "Holsatia" in violet manuscript (Hapag Line) and again upon arrival in Le Havre with five strikes of the "Le Havre / Seine Inferieure" cds (April 17). The number and placement of the cancellations indicates that a further (3 c.) adhesive had been lost in transit but the cover was accepted as fully paid. Part back flap missing and trivial soiling but a rare and most unusual cover.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6194 Haiti

    1885 (Aug): 5 c. green, plate III, perf. 13½, used single examples (6) in combination with 3 c. olive-bistre on pale buff, plate II, second printing; single 7 c. deep blue, plate II, first printing and 20 c. red-brown, plate II all tied to Munchmeyer cover registered to Hamburg endorsed "pr. Medway" (RMSPC) carried at five times rate, tied by "Jacmel / Haiti" cds's (April 28). Reverse with Hamburg arrival cds (May 15). A marvellous four colour commercial franking of great scarcity - the sole such combination recorded.rnrnrnrn 
    Starting bid : 2,500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6195 Haiti

    1886 (Feb): 20 c. pale brown on yellowish, plate III, perf. 13½, an unused complete sheet of 50 subjects (10 x 5), full margins on three sides and missing at left, variety "Imperforate Vertically between" in the first two vertical rows (positions 1-2 / 41-42), position 20 with sealed tear, of fine fresh colour, large part or unmounted og. but adhered to exhibit card. A major item of Haitian philately, the sole recorded complete sheet of the 20 cent either imperforate or perforate.
    Starting bid : 3,000 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6196 Haiti

    1886 (Feb): 20 c. pale brown on yellowish, plate III, perf. 13½, a used block of four (positions 4-5 and 49-50) sharing small piece with 7 c. ultramarine, plate II, second printing, and 1887 President Sam 3 c. blue, all tied by "Jacmel / Haiti" cds's (7 June 1888) in black. A scarce and most attractive piece.
    Starting bid : 120 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6197 Haiti

    1886 (Feb): 20 c. pale brown on yellowish, plate III, perf. 13½, a used block of twenty-four (6 x 4) and an additional pair (positions 50-10 / 35-40 and 45-46) used on large part 1887 package piece with Preesident Salomon 1887 5 c. green in a block of four; all cancelled by "Port au Prince / Haiti" cds's (March 23) in black.  An astonishing franking - 540 cents paid on a foreign letter would equal a parcel of between 796 and 810 grams: this piece representing the largest used multip[le of the 20 c. pale brown plate III and the highest recorded franking of any of the Liberty Head issues. A rare and stunning piece.
    Starting bid : 1,200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6198 Haiti

    1886 (Feb): 20 c. pale brown on yellowish, plate III, perf. 13½, a used example on 1891 double rate cover to Toledo, Ohio, USA endorsed at top with printed "United States Consulate" and manuscript "Agency at Aux Cayes, Hayti", neatly tied by oval Dutch packet marking "AMSTERD - W. INDIE / NEDERL. PAKETBOOT" (Dec 13) in black. Reverse with "New York / Paid All" transit and Toledo arrival cds (Dec 14). A fine and extremely scarce cover.rnrnProvenance: Collection "Cihangir", Corinphila sale 123, Zurich, 23-25 Oct 2000, lot 2483.rn                     Collection Scott Gallagher.
    Starting bid : 600 CHF
    Hammer price : 600 CHF

    Lot# : 6199 Haiti

    1886 (Feb): 20 c. pale brown on yellowish, plate III, perf. 13½, a used example on 1893 registered cover at single rate to Paris, France tied by "Cap Haitien / Haiti" cds (July 7) with framed "R" for registration at left. Le Havre transit (July 29) in blue below, with arrivals on reverse. An attractive and scarce cover.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 6200 Haiti

    1886 (Feb): 20 c. pale brown on yellowish, plate III, perf. 13½, a used example on 1894 registered single rate cover to Buenos Aires, Argentina tied by "Port au Prince / Haiti" cds (Sept 13) with two further strikes below and framed "R" for registration in black. Octagonal French Packet "LIGNE F / PAQ. FR. No. 1" datestamp (Sept 13) in blue (Salles fig. 1601) and, on reverse circular "HAITI A FORT DE FRANCE / L.E. No.1" datestamp (Salles fig. 1576) and St. Pierre and Fort de France (Martinique) transits (Sept 21). Thence via Bordeaux (Oct 10) to Buenos Aires (Nov 10). A rare and most attractive, a probably unique usage to this destination.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : 900 CHF
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