tradition and experience in classic philately since 1919

Italian Post abroad

Europe & Overseas
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  • Lot# : 2590 Italian Post abroad

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    Italian Post in Tunis, Usage of Italian stamps 1868 (Nov 25): Double rate entire letter from Tunisi to Genova, bearing 1863 DLR 10 c. ochre-orange, 30 c. brown and 40 c. rose-carmine, three fresh and fine single adhesives, tied by light '235' numeral obliterator in black with "TUNISI POSTE ITALIANE" cds alongside. Reverse with Cagliari transit and GENOVA arrival (Nov 29) cds's. Light toning, nevertheless a rare and appealing three-colour franking to pay twice 40 c. to Italy. Signed A. Diena, Chiavarello; cert. E. Diena (1984) Zanaria & coworkers 0,80 A = € 3'500.rnReference: Displayed and discussed in Zanaria & coworkers on page 87.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 260 CHF

    Lot# : 2591 Italian Post abroad

    1863/89: Selection eleven covers outgoing or ingoing to / from Tunis, six Usages of Italian stamps outgoing primarily to Italy incl. 1866 London print 10+30 c., 1872 10+30+40 c. on double rate cover, 1866 40 c. rose & pair 20 c. blue type II to France, 1872 Torino print 5 c. on printed matter to Livorno, 1873 pair 30 c., and 1869 pair 60 c. on triple rate cover; three Usages of Levante Emissioni generali incl. 1889 entire journal 'L'UNIONE' to Roma bearing 1 c. green-olive, 1879 cover bearing 5 c. green & 20 c. orange in the UPU rate to Bedigliora, Ticino, Switzerland, and 1875 cover to Lyon bearing 60 c. lilac. Two ingoing 1876 covers from Castellamare to Tunisi, printed matter bearing DLR 5 c. grey-green and UPU rate cover bearing Torino print pair 5 c. green & 20 c. blue. Lot includes in addition Italian Post in Alexandria 1869 combination franking Egypt Penasson 1 pi. rose-red (Gi 14) and Italy Torino print 40 c. rose on cover from Cairo via Alexandria to Genova, also two unpaid 1863 entire letters from MANSURA to Alexandria struck by "POSTA EUROPEA" handstamps. Interesting group ex collection Provera, one certificate.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,000 CHF

    Lot# : 2592 Italian Post abroad

    Italian Post in Tripoli de Barberia, Usage of Italian stamps 1871 (March 11): Lettersheet from Tripoli di Barberia to Livorno, bearing 1866 Torino printing 40 c. rose-carmine, tied by "TRIPOLI DI BARBERIA POSTE ITALne" despatch cds in blue with "P.D." handstamp and clear information strike alongside. Reverse with MESSINA transit and LIVORNO arrival cds (March 18). Cover cleaned, nevertheless an extremely rare usage of the datestamp in blue to cancel the adhesive, a gem from this rare office. Zanaria & coworkers = € 4'000.rnReference: Displayed and discussed in Zanaria & coworkers on page 163.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 360 CHF
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