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  • Lot# : 2399 Sardinia

    1851 (Jan): 20 c. blue, first report, a fine and fresh adhesive with fair to large margins, just shaved at upper left, cancelled by 'Nodo di Savoia' mute obliterator with "ALESSANDRIA 11 MAR 51" despatch cds in black (Sassone = 12 punti) alongside, on cover to Torino, reverse with arrival datestamp in red of the following day. A most attractive cover with this sought after mute cancellation, ex Provera, signed A. & E. Diena, Oliva, Gaggero, Bettini, Chiavarello & Raybaudi Sassone = € 5'000 + 5'500.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 600 CHF

    Lot# : 2400 Sardinia

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    1851 (Jan): 20 c. blue in a very rare horizontal pair, the right stamp with plate flaw in 'B' of 'Bollo', a fresh and fine multiple in a deep shade with good to huge margins all round, tied by Rombi mute obliterator with "TORINO 13 MAG 53 3 S" despatch cds in black alongside, on double rate entire letter to Vercelli. Reverse with arrival cds of the following day. Light horizontal file fold just mentioned for accuracy, nevertheless an exceptional franking to pay the 40 centesimi double rate, ex Provera, signed A. Diena; cert. E. Diena (1985) Sassone = € 11'000.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,100 CHF

    Lot# : 2401 Sardinia

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    1853 (Oct): 5 c. green in a horizontal pair in combination with 40 c. 'rosa chiaro', fresh and fine adhesives with large margins, well embossed, tied by superb "ANNECY 21 AOUT 54 10 M" cds in black to cover directed to St. Etienne du Bois nearby Bourg-en-Bresse, Ain. Obverse with "P.D." handstamp and French "SARD. 23 AOUT 54 SEYSSEL" entry cds, both in red. Reverse with Sardinian FRANGY (Aug 22) and French BOURG-EN-BRESSE (Aug 24) transit cds's. The cover is damaged at the left side well away from the adhesives, the sideflap is missing there, nevertheless an appealing cover with the 50 centesimi franking to France. Ex Provera, cert. E. Diena (1983). Sassone = € 21'500.
    Starting bid : 600 CHF
    Hammer price : 850 CHF

    Lot# : 2402 Sardinia

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    1853 (Oct): 40 c. in the rare rosa shade, a fresh and fine adhesive with large margins, well embossed, tied by light "PEROSA 1 MAR. 54" cds in black (Sassone TO = 9 punti) to entire letter directed to Geneva, "P.D." in red alongside, reverse with PINEROLO and TORINO transit as well as "GENEVE 5 AVRI 54 8 M" arrival cds in blue. An attractive entire with the right marginal adhesive in this sought after shade, correctly franked to Switzerland, ex Provera, signed A. Diena & Zanaria; cert Colla (2022) Sassone = € 13'000 + 1'400.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 650 CHF

    Lot# : 2403 Sardinia

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    1854: Embossed 5 c. yellow-green in a vertical pair and 20 c. blue in a horizontal pair used on 1854 entire letter from the French Consul in Nice (with blue cachet) to Annonay, tied by "NIZZA MARITIMA" circular datestamps (Sept 7) in black. Both pairs with large margins all round but 20 c, pair crossed by light file fold bnot detracting from the appearance. Readdressed from Annonay (Sept 10) to Etretat (Sept 12). Minor imperfections to left 20 c. value but a most attractive and very rare cover. Signed E. Diena, A. Diena and others. Cert. A. Diena (1964) Sassone = € 45'000.rnrnProvenance: Collection Maurice Burrus, Robson Lowe, London, 1-2 Dec 1964, lot 416.
    Starting bid : 2,500 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,500 CHF

    Lot# : 2404 Sardinia

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    1854: 20 c. in the rare shade 'celeste', a fresh and fine adhesive with good to large margins and sheet corner margins at top and left, well embossed, tied by light "CORTEMIGLIA 31 LUG 55" cds in black (Sassone CN = 7 punti) to entire letter to Genova. Reverse with Alba transit (July 31), Torino-Genova ambulant (Aug 1) and arrival (Aug 1) cds's. An attractive entire with this extremely rare shade, ex Provera, signed A. Diena; cert. E. Diena (1991) Sassone = € 15'000 + 600.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 500 CHF

    Lot# : 2405 Sardinia

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    1854: 20 c. indigo in a horizontal pair, a fresh and fine multiple with good to large margins and sheet margin at left, well embossed, tied by light "GENOVA 11 GIU 55 4 S" cds in black on double rate entire letter to Torino. Reverse with arrival cds of the same day. Pre-use cut in the margin between the two adhesives, some aging and horizontal file folds at base of the entire, still an attractive entire ex Provera. Signed A. Diena, Raybaudi & Grioni; cert. E. Diena (1990) Sassone = € 6'750.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 320 CHF

    Lot# : 2406 Sardinia

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    1855: 5 c. 'verde smeraldo' in a horizontal pair (tiny nick at base) and 40 c. 'vermiglio tenue', fresh adhesives with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by one strike of "AIX LES BAINS 3 AOUT 56" cds, French "SARD. 4 AOUT 56 Pt DE BEAUVOISIN" entry cds in red alongside, on entire letter to Nimes, with handwritten note "aff. insuffisant". Reverse with CHAMBERY and LYON transit, LYON - MARSEILLE ambulant and NIMES arrival (Aug 4) cds's. Correctly franked for a cover up to 7.5 grams sent overland to France, the note "insufficient franking" was neglected in France and the cover was not taxed. An appealing item ex Provera, cert. Raybaudi (2004) Sassone = € 9'800.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 380 CHF

    Lot# : 2407 Sardinia

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    1855 (July): 20 c. 'cobalto latteo chiaro', a fine and fresh adhesive with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by light "CASALE 22 AGO. 55" cds to second page of entire letter to Chambery, reverse with ALESSANDRIA, TORINO - GENOVA ambulant and TORINO transit as well as CHAMBERY arrival cds's (Aug 24). Attractive item, a very early usage from the second month of this definitive issue, ex Provera, signed Raybaudi; cert. Bottacchi (2001) Sassone = € 16'000 for an August usage.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 500 CHF

    Lot# : 2408 Sardinia

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    1857/58: 5 c. in the rare shade 'verde giallo', showing an incomplete print 'stampa difettosa', a fine and fresh example with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by clear "TORINO 7 GIU 58" cds to cover of printed matter letter directed to Mirabello, reverse CASALE and OCCIMIANO transit cds's. Light file folds well away from the franking just mentioned for accuracy, an appealing item with this rare shade. Ex Provera, signed Raybaudi; cert. E. Diena (1984) Sassone = € 6'500.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 250 CHF

    Lot# : 2409 Sardinia

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    1857/58: 5 c. 'verde giallo' from the defective print run, a fresh and fine adhesive with large to huge margins, well embossed, tied by light "DOMODOSSOLA 12 LUG. 58" cds to local entire letter. Lightest file fold below the adhesive, an interesting and appealing usage of this very rare print run ex Provera. Signed Mondolfo and A. Diena with shade indication Sassone = € 6'500.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 250 CHF

    Lot# : 2410 Sardinia

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    Second War of Italian Independence 1859, outgoing: Entire letter written by two servicemen in Lonato, Lombardy to another serviceman in Casale, bearing Sardinia 1859 10 c. 'bruno chiaro rosaceo', a fine and fresh adhesive with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by indistinct Austrian-style "LONATO 25 DIC." datestamp (Sassone BS = 7 punti). Reverse with arrival cds of the next day. An appealing and interesting entire written at about the time of the preliminary peace contract of Villafranca, franked in the military concessionary rate. Ex Provera, signed A. Diena; cert. E. Diena (1985) Sassone = € 6'500 + 800.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 340 CHF

    Lot# : 2411 Sardinia

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    1859: 5 c. 'verde giallo', two fine and fresh vertical pairs with overall good to large margins, one shaved at lower left, well embossed, tied by "CAVOUR 13 GIU. 60" cds (Sassone TO = 7 punti) to cover directed to Torino, reverse with arrival cds of the same day and distribution cachet. One stamp creasede when attached to the underlying, an appealing cover with an interesting franking to pay the inland rate. Ex Provera, Signed E. Diena, Gaggero & Bettini; cert. Colla (2006) Sassone = € 6'700 + 600.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 260 CHF

    Lot# : 2412 Sardinia

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    1860: 10 c. in the rare shade 'bruno nerastro' in combination with 40 c. rosso, two fine and fresh examples with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by crisp  "MILANO 18 SET 60 3S" cds to cover directed to St. Etienne, "P.D." handstamp and French "SARDAIGNE 20 SEPT 60 CULOZ" entry cds, both in red, alongside. Reverse with LYON transit and "St. ETIENNE arrival (Sept 20) cds's. Light horizontal file fold well away from the franking, an appealing presentation of the 50 centesimi overland rate to France. Ex Provera, cert. E. Diena (1982) Sassone = € 7'200.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 260 CHF

    Lot# : 2413 Sardinia

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    Regno, usage of Sardinian adhesives 1863 (March 1): Journal 'L'Opinione' from Torino, bearing Sardinia IV. emission 5 c. 'verde oliva giallastro' and 1 c. 'grigio nero', two fine adhesives with overall good to large margins, the 5 centesimi touched at top and only this adhesive tied by clear TORINO cds, with French "SARDAIGNE 3 MARS 61 CULOZ" entry cds in red alongside. A most interesting printed matter usage abroad from the first day of the Italian post, cert. Colla (2016).
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 300 CHF

    Lot# : 2414 Sardinia

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    1860: 20 c. blue, a fine and fresh adhesive with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by handwritten "Castel Ponzone 8/12 60" (Sassone CR = 13 punti) to cover directed to Casalmaggiore. Reverse with arrival cds of the same day. An extremely rare provisional cancellation in manuscript, in use in the small village Castelponzo between July 1860 and May 1861, only few are known. Ex Provera, cert. E. Diena (1985) Sassone = € 12'000.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 2415 Sardinia

    1570-1595: PIEMONTE, four 16th century prephilatelic covers - Doglani to Ganiglio 1578; the tree following, La Morra 1570, Torino 1589, Fossano 1595, are all addressed to Savigliano.rnProvenance: Ing. Pietro Provera.rn.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 220 CHF

    Lot# : 2416 Sardinia

    1818-51: Three decrees, one of which about introducing of Cavallini imprints on letter-sheets and showing the examples of the two sets of three different imprints each, one printed in dark green, the other set embossed print only. The pages are a bit creased at the bottom. Another decree about reorganization of the postal system (some tolerable foxing), a third one 'LETTRES-PATENTES'. These three documents are printed in French language, the two first have been printed in 'Turin' (Torino), the latter in Chambéry. To this added a list of the post offices of Sardinia from 1851, this one is in Italian language.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 2417 Sardinia

    1851/58: Selection nine entire letters / covers incl. 1851 20 c. blue from Casale, 1853 20 c. blue used in its first month, 1854 two covers with 10 c. blue with shade interest, 1855/58, two local covers with 5 c. green, two covers with 20 c. cobalt or 'azzuro grigiastro', the latter sent to Foreign Minister Camillo di Cavour, also 40 c. cermillion on double rate inland cover. A far over average group with shade and cancellation interest in a most appealing quality, nine certificates.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,000 CHF

    Lot# : 2418 Sardinia

    1853 (Oct): Group two covers / entire letters bearing single frankings of 20 c. blue, fine and fresh adhesives with good to large margins, both with sheet margins at right, tied by circular datestamps of Carignano and San Remo from October 1853. A delightful ensemble ex Provera, both with competent signatures Sassone = € 2'400 + 350.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 180 CHF

    Lot# : 2419 Sardinia

    1855/61: Selection 24 entires / covers with shade and cancellation interest and frankings between 5 & 40 centesimi, clear to crisp strikes, an appealing group incl. three printed matter 1857/59 letters from Torino & Biella with single 5 c. frankings, 10 c. two double frankings from Lanslebourg & Lenno (9 punti), 15 covers with single 20 c. frankings incl. among others eleven items with frankings of the first 1855 printrun, also from November 1855, a fine group of rare cancellations such as VOLPEDO, YENNE, STRAMBINO, NUS, AND CASTELGOFFREDO, ALSO WITH STRAIGHT-LINE sardegna IN RED ALONGSIDE, interesting shades such as 'cobalto latteo chiaro' on two covers, also four double rate covers with 40 c. franking from GENOVA, SOMMA, GALLARATE & VESTONE. Five certificates, many knowledgeable signatures.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,600 CHF

    Lot# : 2420 Sardinia

    1858/60: Selection 32 entire letters / covers incl. 5 c. green on three local cover and one printed matter wrapper; 10 c. brown, a single usage to pay the special Emilia rate, four covers with pairs or two single examples paying the Italy rate; and 23 covers with single examples of the 20 c. blue, primarily single rate inland frankings, but also underpaid covers. A far over average group with shade and cancellation interest in a most appealing quality ex collection Provera, many competent signatures, six certificates.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,700 CHF

    Lot# : 2421 Sardinia

    1860: Selection seven entire letters / covers bearing single frankings of the 1860 20 c. blue adhesive, different shades, all tied by different rare circular or straight-line datestamps of Austrian origin incl. GAVARDO, CASALMAGGIORE, VESTONE, ADRO, CODOGNO, MARCARIA, and ASSO. A fine group with in a most appealing quality ex collection Provera, many competent signatures. Sassone = € 4'500rnrn 
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 340 CHF
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