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Europe & Overseas
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  • Lot# : 828 Honduras

    1884: "Morazan" issue postal stationery cards (3), with 2 c. red used to Guatemala cancelled at Tegucigalpa in violet (H&G 1), 3 c. pale blue used from Gracia (Jan 2, 1889) via Tegucigalpa and New Orleans to Germany (H&G 2) and 3 c. pale reply half used from Amapala (June 27, 1885) to Germany. Scarce. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : 100 CHF

    Lot# : 829 Honduras

    1891: President Bográn issue, Die Proofs (4) by the Hamilton Bank Note Co. for values from 1 c. to 75 c., all on Indiaa paper, with 1 c. in red, 2 c. in red (with Duty Plate "2" added in pencil); composite strip of four showing 5, 19, 20 and 25 c. values in green; and composite strip of four showing 30, 40, 50 and 75 c. values printed in brown. A scarce and most attractive group. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 320 CHF

    Lot# : 830 Honduras

    1891: President Bográn issue, Die Proofs (5) by the Hamilton Bank Note Co. for values from 1 peso to 10 pesos, Frame Only Proofs all in file numbered composite pairs (526-527) on thin India paper, 1 peso + 2 peso printed in brown, green and in orange and 5 pesos + 10 pesos printed in brown and orange respectively, a scarce selection - the 1 peso value being unadopted and issued in the smaller format. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 320 CHF

    Lot# : 831 Honduras

    1893: President Ezeta 3 c. purple postal stationery envelope (H&G B35), a superb unused example complete with the New Year's Greeting card showing the the same 3 C. design at top right, prepared for use by the Postmaster General. Scarce. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 832 Honduras

    1893: General Cabanas Issue, the Hamilton Bank Note Co. imperforate Die Proofs (5) printed in red for the entire set of eleven (1 c. to 1 p.), with two composite Proofs, 5 c. die sunk on India paper, balance on thin India paper with three showing file numbers (607-609). A superb and rare set. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Starting bid : 350 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 833 Honduras

    1893: General Cabanas Issue, the Hamilton Bank Note Co. imperforate Die Proofs (5) printed in black for the entire set of eleven (1 c. to 1 p.), with three composite Proofs, all die sunk on India paper with three showing file numbers (607-609) and four affixed to card. A superb and rare set. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 834 Honduras

    1893: General Cabanas 5 c. blue (4 examples, three on reverse) used on 1895 legal size 'On Her Britannic Majesty's Service' envelope from Tegucigalpa to Berlin, Ont., Canada with one tied in red on despatch (Jan 8), the three on reverse cancelled by "New Orleans" datestamps in transit (Jan 21), with further transit of Detroit alongside (Jan 23). A scarce and attractive double rate cover. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Starting bid : 120 CHF
    Hammer price : 120 CHF

    Lot# : 835 Honduras

    1895: 'Justice' issue 10 c. brown-rose and horizontal strip of three 20 c. violet, all used on 1895 registered cover at 6 times rate to Berne, Switzerland cancelled by barred obliterator with "Oficina de Certificados / Tegucigalpa, Honduras" cds (Dec 3) in blue adjacent. Endorsed "via Puerto Cortes and New Orleans" with reverse showing transit of the latter (Dec 18), New York oval (Dec 12) and Berne arrival (Dec 31) alongside fine Official cachet in blue. A scarce high franking.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 836 Honduras

    1898: Locomotive 5 c. dull ultramarine and 10 c. dark blue used on 1899 cover to Terre Haute, USA tied by barred obliterator in blue with fine "Santa Cruz de Yojoa / Departmento de Cortes / Honduras C.A." cachet in blue at left. Puerto Cortez cds (June 21) in red and New Orleans transit (June 26) on reverse. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 837 Honduras

    1907: Medina 5 c., an imperforate Proof sheet of 100 subjects engraved by Kihn Brothers, New York; printed in black. Folded across the middle of the sheet horizontally in margin only, fresh and very fine. A scarce sheet. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 838 Honduras

    1890/1944: The cover selection (14) with 1890 cover with Arms issue 5 c. blue strip of four used to USA, 1890 Arms 10 c. orange used on cover to France, 1892 Colombus 1 c.grey  pair on scarce 1892 cover to USA at circular rate, 1892 German 10 pf. stationery card used back from Amapala to Potsdam, 1911 5 c. red on card cancelled "S.S. Rosina", 1911 5 c. and 10 c. on cover cancelled "S.S. Colombia", 1927 Package Tags used with 'Expreso Aereo' 50 c. blue on blued (3 tags, one with pair), 1929 "Colindres" issue on covers (2), 1944 Censored cover from OAK RIDGE (Bay Islands) mailed via Roatan to Belize etc. Minor imperfections but a scarce group. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 839 Honduras

    1891: "Bográn" issue, the cover selection (5) with April 1892 cover with 5 c. green used from Comayagua to Guatemala tied by Tegucigalpa "De Transito" cds in blue, 1891 cover to Germany with 5 c. green pair used from Puerto Cortez cancelled in blue, 1892 cover registered to Manchester with 5 c. green (4) used from Comayagua, 10 c. vermilion single used on 1892 cover to Manchester from Comayagua and 10 c. vermilion used from Tegucigalpa to Germany. Minor imperfections but a scarce group. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Starting bid : 120 CHF
    Hammer price : 140 CHF

    Lot# : 840 Honduras

    1893: "Cabenas" issue, the cover selection (5) with 5 c. blue used on trimmed March 1894 cover tied by oval "Agencia Postal / De Sulaco" in black, 5 c. blue used on Nov 1894 cover from Tegucigalpa to Amapala, Oct 1894 cover to USA with 5 c. blue pair cancelled in red at Tegucigalpa, Sept 1893 cover to Guatemala with 5 c. blue pair used from Puerto Cortez and 1894 cover to USA with single 10 c. orange-brown used from "Nacaome" cancelled in violet, mailed via Amapala. Minor imperfections but a scarce group. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : 100 CHF

    Lot# : 841 Honduras

    1895: "Justice" issue, the cover selection (4) with March 1895 10 c. brown stationery envelope (H&G B18) used with ten 1 c. vermilion to Hannover from San Pedro Sul; April 1895 cover to Paris with 5 c. grey pair ex Tegucigalpa, July 1895 illustrated cover with 5 c. grey used from "Ruatan" (Bay Islands) cancelled at IRIONA; Nov 1895 cover with uncancelled 5 c. grey used to Guatemala with two different "Chiquimula" datestamps in violet adjacent. Minor imperfections but a scarce group. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Starting bid : 120 CHF
    Hammer price : 120 CHF

    Lot# : 842 Honduras

    1896: "Arias" issue, small group (4) with 5 c. violet pair used on 1897 cover from Puerto Cortes to Belize (April 2), 2 c. black on pink stationery card (H&G 25) used in 1896 to Guatemala cancelled "Escuintla y San Jose" TPO cds with "Guatemala y Escuintla" TPO at left both struck in violet; 3 c. brown on green postal stationery cards (H&G 26): one used from San Pedro Sul to Buenos Aires, Argentina with arrival and NON RECLAMÉ handstamp, the second 3 c. card used from Amapala to Hong Kong via San Francisco. An attractive and unusual group. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Starting bid : 140 CHF
    Hammer price : 140 CHF

    Lot# : 843 Honduras

    1896 (Jan 1): "Arias Issue", the Exhibit collection of this popular lithgraphed set with Imperforate Plate Proofs in large multiples with "NO SIRVE" handstamp in violet (literally NOT FOR USE), incl. blocks with 1 c. blue in blocks of 28 and 49 and a complete sheet of 108 (9 x 12); 2 c. yellow-brown in a block of 20 and the largest unit know (54); 5 c. violet in blocks of 30 and 49 and a complete sheet of 108; 10 c. vermilion in a block of 18 and a complete sheet of 108; the issued stamps with blocks of 1 c. blue (6 and 25); 5 c. violet (shades) in blocks of 8 and 12; 20 c. with plated blocks and the sole known 20 c. emerald sheet of 108 - also a "blank cliché" block of 33; varieties incl. 1 c. blue strip of five imperforate between; 20 c. and 50 c. Imperforate between blocks of four and 1 p. brown pair; the set of eight overprinted SPECIMEN diagonally, Imperforate Colour Trials and Imperforate Plate Proofs in black; and the superb array of covers / cards (54) with rates noted of 1 c., 2 c. on illustrated cover, 3 c., 4 c., 5 c., 10 c. (incl. a genuine bisected 20 c. used to Germany and an imperforate between pair on cover from Amapala to San Francisco), 20 c., 25 c., rare 26 c. rate, 30 c., 35 c., 39 c., 40 c., 45 c., 80 c., 1 p. 10 c. rate to USA; 2 p. 90 c. rate to USA with pair of 1 p. brown; and 3 p. 90 c. rate, and the astonishing 4 p. 30 c. rate to USA - the only three covers known bearing the 1 peso brown; with the covers showing nearly every cancellation extant at the period. A truly outstanding collection. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Starting bid : 7,500 CHF
    Hammer price : 7,500 CHF

    Lot# : 844 Honduras

    1898: "Locomotive" issue, the Exhibit collection on leaves and loose with study of the stamps and wonderful array of these difficult to find covers with no less than 88 represented; with set of eight overprinted SPECIMEN, set in blocks of four, large multiples of the 2 c., 5 c. purple in a block of 36, rare imperforate 2 c. rose pair and block of four, 5 c. red-violet in block of 24, 6 c. red-violet pair; Imperforate between 5 c. dull ultramarine block of four and the only recorded 10 c. dark blue imperf. between block of four all unused; 6  c. imperf. between pairs used (2); laid paper set of five in blocks with 5 c. in blocks of 20 and 36, the 6 c. in block of 24 and 10 c. in a block of 23; range of "Cracked Plate" varieties, 10 c. dark blue "Double Print" (5 recorded), all laid paper varieties in imperforate between multiples; Amapala 'Permitase' usages incl. blocks; extensive cancellation studies throughout. Covers with following rates noted: 1 c., 2 c., 3 c., 6 c., 12 c., 14 c., 15 c., 16 c. (incl. a cover in combination with Cuba), 18 c., 20 c., 25 c., 27 c., 30 c., 39 c. rate (with earliest recorded use of "Permitase" stamps), 40 c., 45 c., 60 c., 75 c., 1 p. 20 c.;  these demostrating most of the possible cancellations and possible rate permutations of the issue; a total of 88 covers/ cards and finally the 'pièce de résistance' a cover bearing 1 c. brown pair, 2 c. rose, 5 c. dull ultramarine pair, 6, 10 c. dark blue, 20 c. dull orange block of four, 50 c. orange-red strip of three and 1 p. blue-green strip of three; all used on remarkable 44 x single rate 1902 cover to New York tied by barred obliterators and "Tegucigalpa" cds's  in violet. An astonishing and important collection assembled over many years. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
    Starting bid : 7,500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold
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