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-> SOUTHAMERICA - Maritime Postal History 1606-1886 - The Everaldo Santos Collection
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SOUTHAMERICA - Maritime Postal History 1606-1886 - The Everaldo Santos Collection
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Lot# : 5118 France
RMSP 1859 (May 6): Entire letter from Paris to Pernambuco, Brazil endorsed "pr. Tyne Brésil via Southampton" franked by 1853 80 c. carmine, two single examples and a horizontal strip of four, ample to good margins, all tied by dotted 'DS2' lozenge in black with 'Paris' despatch cds adjacent (May 7). Framed 'P.P.' in red and 'London / Paid' transit (May 9) below, thence by the "Tyne" to destination where charged "1440" reis due, acid ink, in manuscript. Docketed internally on arrival (May 30). Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 92. Some soiling and creasing but a rare franking.Starting bid : 500.00 CHFHammer price : 600.00 CHFLot# : 5119 France
Ligne du Brésil / Messageries Impériales 1860 (Sept 21): Cover from Paris to Pernambuco, Brazil endorsed "par Vapeur de Bordeaux" franked by 1853 80 c. carmine, creased, tied by dotted lozenge and Paris despatch cds (Sept 23). Framed 'P.P.' in red alongside. The cover with acid ink faults and defective, but the Inaugural Sailing of the Paquebot "Béarn" to South America under the newly signed 1860 France / Brazil Convention and thus an important item of Transatlantic Postal History. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 92.rnrnrnrnStarting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 5120 France
SGTM 1874: Entire letter from Marseille to Rio de Janeiro endorsed "via Bordeaux", franked at triple rate by 1871/75 Cérès 5 c. green (3) and 26 c. blue (9 examples) all tied by "6326" gros chiffres of Marseille / Place Centrale (July 30). Framed 'PD' in red and reverse with Cette-Bordeaux cds (July 31) and Rio de Janeiro arrival (Aug 22) in black. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 93. Four stamps affected by file fold but nevertheless a scarce and unusual franking.Starting bid : 150.00 CHFHammer price : 160.00 CHFLot# : 5121 France
Lamport & Holt (Booth) Line 1876 (March 1): Entire letter from Le Havre to Pernambuco endorsed "Str. Ville de Rio de Janeiro" at top, franked by 1871/75 5 c. green, 15 c. bistre and 80 c. carmine tied by '6311' gros chiffres of Le Havre Port with despatch cds below (March 2). Framed 'P.P.' in red and reverfse with "Pernambuco" arrival cds (March 21) and charged due "200" reis in green crayon on arrival. Signed Roumet.Starting bid : 140.00 CHFHammer price : 160.00 CHFLot# : 5122 France
Messageries Impériales 1874: Cover mailed on board the "Mendoza" Steamer to Pernambuco, Brazil, franked by 1871/75 Cérès 5 c. green and 25 c. blue (3 examples) presumably uncancelled on despatch, all tied by dotted Anchor lozenge and paying the single 80 centime rate. Struck with framed "F/17" Convention handstamp in black (Van der Linden fig. 1133) and annotated for double rate and struck with framed AFFRANCHISEMENT / INSUFFISANT in red. "LIGNE J / PAQ. FR. No. 4" datestamp in black below (Aug 20) and reverse with Pernambuco arrfival cds (Sept 7). Taxed "640" reis in blue crayon which has folded the lower left corner of the 5 c. adhesive, the cover without side flaps but nevertheless a most unusual usage. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 93. Cert. B. Moorhouse (2011).Starting bid : 300.00 CHFHammer price : 340.00 CHFLot# : 5174 France
SGTM 1875: Cover from Marseille to Montevideo franked by Siège 40 c. orange and 1871/75 30 c. grey-brown (2) tied by '2240' gros chiffres with Marseille despatch cds (April 14) below, carried on the "Poitou" and struck with framed "10 Centimos" charge marking in blue on arrival; also an 1868 front of cover to Montevideo endorsed per the SGTM Steamer "Bourgogne".Starting bid : 120.00 CHFHammer price : 120.00 CHFLot# : 5257 France
Messageries Impériales 1864 (Jan 22): Entire letter from Le Havre to La Guayra, Venezuela and forwarded on to Caracas, endorsed per "Eugenie", franked by 1862/63 40 c. orange and 80 c. carmine tied by '1769B' gros chiffres in black with 'Le Havre / Le Port' despatch cds at left (Jan 24) and carried on the "Eugenie" to Fort de France, thence on the Packet "Cacique" to Trinidad. On arrival in La Guayra franked by Venezuela 1863/64 2 r. green (Scott 14) tied by "Correos / La Guaira" cds in black (May 23) for internal rate to Caracas. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 159. An exceptional combination usage, one of just three known with this issue. Signed Calves. Cert. B. Moorhouse (2011).rnProvenance: Collection Knut Heister (2012). Edition D'Or XVI, page 121.Starting bid : 5,000.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 5258 France
Hambourg American Linie / Tencuag 1866 (April 15): Entire letter from Le Havre to Carupano, Venezuela, originally endorsed "Par Steamer anglais via Southampton" for an RMSP ship, franked by faulty 1862/63 80 c. carmine tied by '1769' gros chiffres with 'Le Havre' cds adjacent (April 16) and framed 'P.P.' in red. Sorting altered due to the next RMSP sailing on May 2, and sent on the "Tencuag" with three line handstamp "Hambourg American / Linie TENCUAG / CPd. Poor 18 April 66" in black (CPd. = Carriage Paid?). Reverse with British P.O. "St. Thomas" double arc cds (May 2) in black. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 159. The cachet and cover believed unique by this German Line, carried five years before HAPAG operated.rnProvenance: Collection Von Strokirch.Starting bid : 400.00 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 5334 France
White Star Line1872 (Oct 6): Cover from Bordeaux to Valparaiso, Chile endorsed "Via Magellan pr. Republic" franked by Siège 40 c. orange (five examples, one with wide '4'), all tied by '532' gros chiffres on despatch at Bordeaux (Oct 7). Framed 'P.P.' in red below, internal docketing of receipt (Nov 10). A remarkable cover - the sole recorded voyage of the Steamer "Republic" of the White Star Line to South America. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 200. One stamp with corner bend otherwise fresh and very fine: at the time, this was the fastest journey recorded to Valparaiso, just 33 days, whilst the RMSP / PSNC Steamers generally took 40 days.Starting bid : 500.00 CHFHammer price : 500.00 CHFLot# : 5335 France
RMSP & PSNC 1856: Cover freom Nantes to Valparaiso, Chile endorsed "Par Packet Anglais voie de Panama" franked at double rate with no less than seventeen 20 c. deep blue and 80 c. carmine, faults, tied by '22211' petit chifres in black. Nantes despatch cds (June 12), thence via London (June 16) and carried on the RMSP Steamer "Parana" from Southampton to St. Thomas, and the "Dee" to Colon. Transhipped to PSNC Steamer to Valparaiso where taxed "25" (centavos) for local delivery in red. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 201. Despite imperfections a spectacular franking.Starting bid : 250.00 CHFHammer price : 650.00 CHFLot# : 5348 France
RMSP & PSNC 1866 (March 30): Entire letter from Paris to Cobija, Bolivia endorsed "Par Plata via Panama", franked at triple rate with 1863/63 20 c. blue, 40 c. orange and 80 c. carmine, a single and a horizontal pair, all tied by 'Paris Star / 1' with 'Paris / Rue D'Enghien' despatch cds below (March 31). Thence via London (April 2) and Southampton on the RMSP "La Plata" to St. Thomas, "Tamar" to Colon and struck with British P.O. "PANAMA" datestamp (April 22) in black. PSNC Steamer "Peru" from Panama to Cobija with rare British P.O. "COBIJA" arrival cds (May 9) in blue. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 207. The adhesives with imperfections but a rare and appealing entire.rnProvenance: 'The Cobija Find', RL, Basel, Nov 1981; Collection Percy Bargholtz (2013).rnrnStarting bid : 200.00 CHFHammer price : 220.00 CHFLot# : 5364 France
RMSP & PSNC 1860 (July 30): Entire letter from Paris to Guayaquil, Ecuador endorsed "Voie de Panama" with blue handstamp, franked by 1853 20 c. blue horizontal pair, touched to huge margins with portions of adjoining stamps at top and at base, and 80 c. carmine in a horizontal strip of four with margins all round. Paris despatch cds (July 31) and 'London / Paid' transit in red (Aug 1), carried on the RMSP "Shannon" to St. Thomas, thence via the "Solent" to Colon. Struck with "PANAMA" double arc cds in black (Aug 22) and thence via PSNC Steamer from Panama to Guayaquil. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 214. A fine and most attractive entire. Cert. Von der Weid (1997).rnProvenance: Collection 'Mont Blanc', Corinphila sale 104, Sept 1998, lot 7942.Starting bid : 250.00 CHFHammer price : 2,200.00 CHFLot# : 5388 France
RMSP & PSNC 1851 (June 14): Cover from Paris to Lima, Peru at triple rate endorsed "Par Packet Anglais voie de Panama", franked by 1849 15 c. green on greenish in a horizontal pair with just touched to huge margins on three sides and showing portions of three adjoining stamps, with 1 fr. carmine single and horizontal strip of five with generally fine margins, all tied by 'grille sans fin' in black with Paris despatch cds below. Carried by the RMSP "Medway" from Southampton to Chagres and PSNC "New Granada" from Panama to Callao (July 23). Red framed 'PD' and manuscript '2' for reales due upon delivery. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 226. A stunning and most attractive cover. Signed Roumet.Starting bid : 2,000.00 CHFHammer price : 4,600.00 CHFLot# : 5389 France
RMSP & PSNC 1856: Entire letter from Paris to Arequipa, Peru at triple rate franked by 1853 10 c. bistre, 20 c. deep blue, 40 c. orange, single 80 c. carmine and a horizontal strip of six, margins touched to very fine but the strip affected by file fold, all tied by 'pointilles' roller in black with Paris despatch cds above (Aug 15). Mailed via RMSP Steamer "Magdalena" from Southampton to St. Thomas, the "Dee" to Colon and PSNC Steamer from Panama to Arequipa. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 226. Imperfections but a most attractive and rare franking.Starting bid : 750.00 CHFHammer price : 1,500.00 CHFLot# : 5390 France
Compagnie Générale Maritime, later Compagnie Générale Transatlantique 1857: Entire letter from Paris to Lima at single rate endorsed "via Panama" and carried on the first experimental voyage of the CGT Line to the Antilles and Chagres, franked by 1853 10 c. bistre, 20 c. blue (2), 40 c. orange (2) and single 80 c. carmine, margins clear to large on all adhesives, cancelled by "1" lozenge of dots with Paris despatch (Jan 31) and framed 'P.P.' in red. Reverse, with circular cachet "COMPAGNIE GÉNÉRALE MARITIME / PARIS" in blue. Transhipped to a PSNC vessel from Panama to Callao. Illustrated in Edition D'Or 59 on page 227. A very rare entire that opens well for Exhibit display.Starting bid : 600.00 CHFHammer price : 850.00 CHF
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